
13.1 Introduction with Some Value-Added Products

HLSO, HLSO-Easy Peel, PND, PUD, PDTO, PTO, skewer, shusi, nobasi, butterfly, fan-tail round, grilled cut, leaf cut, torpedo (breaded), tempura (buttered), filo, etc. are the different forms of value-added products. Variation of the above product comes from employing a cutting, freezing, processing, and packaging technique. It also comes from the process of breading, buttering, and marinating. A variety of recipes (i.e., spring roll shrimp, cocktail shrimp, shrimp kabab, shrimp burger, shrimp soup, crusted shrimp, coconut breaded shrimp, buffalo shrimp, oriental breaded shrimp, popcorn shrimp, potato shrimp, etc.) are prepared from shrimp. Description of some value-added products is given below.

13.1.1 Tempura and Torpedo Shrimp

Tempura and torpedo are two forms of breaded and battered shrimp. Frozen peeled-deveined tail-on IQF shrimp enclosed in a crumbly, crispy film. It’s a very popular snack for parties and celebration. There are two types of torpedo shrimp, i.e., torpedo shrimp (yellow panko) and torpedo shrimp (white panko), that are commonly observed.

Product description:

Raw frozen peel-deveined tail-on battered/breaded, IQF shrimp

General appearance:

Straight, coated thoroughly except tail fan and half of last segment


20 × 500 g or 10 × 800 g or others as per specification


Shrimp (STTP treated) and pre-dust


Pre-dust includes: Modified starch, salt, shell calcium, vegetable oil, vegetable fat, emulsifier, rice powder, baking powder, soybean protein, wheat flour, modified starch, starch (corn), food color, batter mix, seasoning, spice extract, yellow/white panko (breaded crumb), sugar, east, emulsifier, or others as per specification


Foreign materials, broken tail, broken body, excess spice, etc.

Shelf life:

2 years at −18 °C or below temperature

[Note: The difference between torpedo and tempura shrimp is nothing but battered and breaded.]

13.1.2 Filo Shrimp

Product name:

Filo shrimp

Product description:

Raw, IQF tail-on shrimp wrapped with filo pastry


Shrimp and filo pastry


Filo pastry includes: wheat, salt, sugar, flour, starch, pepper, stabilizer, palm oil, enhancer, gluten, etc. as per specification


500 g or 800 g inner box or others as per buyer requirements


Foreign materials, broken tail, broken body, excess spice, etc.

Shelf life:

2 years at −18 °C or below temperature

13.1.3 Marinated Butterfly Shrimp (Figs. 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3)

Product name:

Marinated butterfly shrimp

Product description:

Raw, IQF, HLSO butterfly marinated shrimp


Marinated shrimp


Shrimp marinated with vegetables/herbs/garlic/onion or others as per buyer specification


Foreign materials, broken tail, broken body, excess spice, etc.

Shelf life:

2 years at −18 °C or below temperature

Fig. 13.1
figure 1

HLSO butterfly cut

Fig. 13.2
figure 2

Marinated with herbs

Fig. 13.3
figure 3

Final product (IQF)

13.1.4 Shusi (Table 13.1, Figs. 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, and 13.7)

Product name:


Product description:

Cooked peeled deveined tail on split frozen shrimp


Shrimp and STTP/NP/salt

Shelf life:

2 years at −18 °C temperature


Foreign materials, broken tail, broken body, excess spice, etc.

Except these a lot of variety of marinated and value-added and high-value products are available in market.

Table 13.1 Packing of shusi
Fig. 13.4
figure 4

Sushi in Styrofoam tray packing

Fig. 13.5
figure 5

Color measurement with SalmoFan

Fig. 13.6
figure 6

Cutting process of shusi

Fig. 13.7
figure 7

Length and weight measurement

13.1.5 Value-Added Crab

Crab is another emerging potential resource of our seafood business. See the following details of value-added crab:

Forms of processing:

Crab, whole gutted, IQF

Crab, whole, cooked, IQF

Crab claws, cooked, IQF

Breaded crab claws (Muslitos), etc.


6/10, 11/15, 16/20, 21/25, 26/30, 31/40 Pcs/kg


1 kg/box, 10 kg/carton, 12 boxes/carton etc. as per requirements

  1. Muslitos: Muslitos is a breaded crab claw with real pincers, a value-added product of crab

13.2 Value-Added Fish and Fish Products

Value-added frozen shrimp has great demand in export commodity. It’s a nutritious and delicious item. Different forms of delicious items are made from these fishes. Fish frozen, fish pickles, fish curry, fish fillets, fish loins/fish steaks, fish fingers, breaded fillets, fish cooked, fish powder, fish soup, etc. are the forms of fish products. Fish is also good for surimi preparation and imitation products. Freezing, drying, smoking, and salting are the forms of fish processing. Some of our factories are doing business by exporting fish but not at a satisfactory level. Initiatives should be taken as soon as possible to develop this business for both freshwater and marine fishes. The following are the scope of fish exportation:

Available species:

Bola, Ayr, Rui, Catla, Kalibaus, Rani, Puti, Mola, Taki, Shol, Gozar, Koi, Singh, Tilapia, Pangus, Tengra, Bele, Batashi, Gulsha, Gutum, Baim, Mullet, Hilsa, Seabream, Milkfish, Silver Pomfret, Mackerel, Grouper (Reef Cod), Snapper (White/Red), Sea Bass (Barramundi/Coral/Vetki), etc.

Product type:

Frozen whole gut-less, head-on/headless clean, boneless or bone-in, skin on/off, sliced/steaks, fillet, etc.

Size of fillet:

Fillet size depends on size, type and species of fish and buyer’s requirements. The following are the examples of fillet size:

25–30 g, 40–60 g, 60–80 g, 80–100 g, 100–120 g, 120–150 g, 100–200 g, 200–300 g, 300–400 g, 400–500 g, 500–700 g, 700–1000 g, 1000–1200 g, 1200–1500 g, 1500 g, or above

13.3 Other Value-Added Seafood

The following are the examples of other seafood:

• Baby squid:

Whole, cleaned, raw, IQF

• Baby octopus:

Whole, cleaned, raw, IQF

• Baby cuttlefish:

Whole, cleaned, raw, IQF

• Crayfish:

Whole/peeled, cooked, IQF

• Clams:

Whole, raw/cooked, IQF

• Lobster:

Popsicle, whole, raw/cooked, IQF

• Mussels:

Shell on/half shell/mussel meat cooked, IQF

• Queen scallops:

Half shell, roe on, raw, IQF

• Surimi scallops:


• Squid tubes:

Cooked/blanched/raw, IQF

• Squid rings:


13.4 Shrimp Byproducts

Shrimp is usually processed to obtain export-grade flesh. Besides, processing industries discharged a large volume of shrimp (head, shell, mussel, intestine, etc.) as waste products. Around 35–50% products are considered as waste materials in shrimp processing industries. The waste percentage depends on the type of product. It will be very good if we can use this waste as raw materials for other products. Normally, the byproducts are considered as waste and usually transported to landfill. Some are used in fishmeal production with low economic value. Nowadays, the trend is changed; the value of these byproducts has been realized. Byproducts of shrimp are valuable. It can be used as raw materials for valuable products like shrimp waste contains several bioactive compounds such as chitin, pigments, amino acids, and fatty acids astaxanthin flavor compound, calcium carbonate, lipid, protein, etc. These bioactive compounds have a wide range of applications including medical; therapies; cosmetics; paper, pulp, and textile industries; biotechnology; and food applications (Mao et al. 2017).

The major components of shrimp waste are:

  • Protein

  • Chitin

  • Chitosan

  • Glucosamine

  • Carotenoprotein

  • Minerals

Chitosan is a valuable product, which has many economically attractive applications in food, agriculture, biotechnology, cosmetics, medicine, and waste treatment (Trung 2008). If we can incorporate it in our regular business, I think it will be a great achievement that creates more opportunity and employment. The government should take initiatives to establish such types of industries in Bangladesh to utilize the byproducts.