
1 Introduction

Since everyone is linked to the Internet these days, being safe from breaches and incursions is crucial. For businesses, this external danger causes them to investigate various security alternatives, such as firewalls and intrusion detection mechanisms, to protect themselves against hackers. Operating system fingerprinting is a much-needed approach for spotting and identifying a target machine’s identity by looking at the TCP/IP packets it generates consistently. The most generally used technique in the market is to employ rule-based matching methods to identify the OS. Unlike machine learning, this approach does not require a significant quantity of data and the speed for identification to take place is also very quick. In cases of insufficient information from the packets received for identification due to network settings, newer versions, or other factors, the method will not recognize the operating system, and the resulting accuracy will be low.

Operating System fingerprinting techniques are categorized into two categories, active and passive. In Active fingerprinting, packets are sent to a target and received packets are analyzed. Nmap is a vital tool in this regard and is generally used by network admins for security and testing purposes. Using Nmap [13], one can ensure that all of the firewalls in their network are appropriately configured, and the TCP/IP stacks are not malfunctioning. Passive fingerprinting works by sniffing the TCP/IP ports rather than using extra bandwidth for requests. Passive OS detection has gained recent interest in identifying the host with no trace left behind. For this detection technique, the primary focus is upon the different parameters of packet headers, some of which are window size, do not fragment bit, time to live (lifetime), and TCP flags.

In this paper, we use the Passive Fingerprinting method by analyzing TCP network packet header info as well as info from HTTP header using several machine learning methods, such as K-nearest neighbours (KNN), Artificial Neural Network, Decision Trees, Naive Bayes, and Random Forest.

The motivation for this study was to decide the most suitable OS fingerprinting approaches as the present tools in use for OS fingerprinting were not accurate enough and were unable to detect dissimilarity in many cases. Moreover, many modern operating systems have default policies and firewalls that messes with the network services which in many cases might result in a lack of data for proper identification.

The rest of the paper is broken into six sections. Section 2 deals with the literature survey, Sect. 3 explains the framework proposed, Sect. 4 discusses the dataset used for the study, and Sect. 5 describes the methodology used. In Sect. 6, the outcomes of the experimental work are analyzed. At last, the conclusion is discussed in Sect. 7.

2 Literature Survey

There has been some research for active and passive fingerprinting techniques [3, 17] in the last 12–15 years. Spitzner [6] was the first to identify what passive OS fingerprinting was, how it worked, and the use cases. They also extensively compared both fingerprinting techniques using a wide array of tools. Al-Shehari et al. [1] had proposed machine learning techniques combined with traditional tools to build a system that can set up TCP/IP communication between different machines and then capture and inspect the TCP/IP packets for significantly better OS detection. Similarly, Matsunaka et al. [16] used DNS Traffic Analysis by analyzing the data sent by each OS and extracting the characteristics for OS fingerprinting such as interval time pattern of DNS queries and OS-specific query. Then, examine the estimation method by using DNS traffic in their own intra-network.

Lippmann et al. [5] had an interesting approach for near-match fingerprints, where they used machine learning classifiers to determine the most detectable OS categories that used fingerprinting. Tyagi et al. [4] also had a similar approach of using TCP/IP communication for identifying prohibited operating systems on private internal networks. For optimization and quick results, Gu et al.[6] focussed on using only memory for fingerprinting and caching the code hash of the kernel from the guest Operating System for faster results.

Song et al. [2] analyzed the identification capabilities of several ML methods with each having a unique approach for classifying. The models were based upon Decision Trees, K-nearest neighbours, and Artificial Neural Networks and showed a 94% probability of getting the prediction correct. They found ANN to perform best of three when the dataset was large and adequately trained. KNN was second in line with no bounds to data size and performed consistently. In the meanwhile, Beverly [11] also used the Naive Bayes Classifier for the same approach.

This paper draws inspiration from such authors’ Machine Learning approach to OS fingerprinting and has employed many such methods from different authors’ research (Table 1).

Table 1 Summary of literature survey

3 The Proposed Method

This paper deals with the following problem statement: To Determine the best ML classifier and the most influencing parameter.

The problem statement can be broken further into two parts:

  • How to analyze all the different classifiers to find the most suitable classifier taking size, time taken, and other costs into consideration.

  • How to determine which parameter(s) play a major role in the identification of operating systems and are necessary for fingerprinting.

Many authors and researchers use TCP/IP and HTTP features [14] for passive OS fingerprinting and TLS features [8, 11, 12] for fingerprinting specific browsers [9]. We propose a system that combines both of these features to identify all kinds of desktop and mobile (handheld) operating systems.

We have used conventional machine learning algorithms such as Decision Trees, K-nearest neighbours, and Artificial Neural Networks from [2] and tried some of the newer algorithms such as Random Forest and Bayes algorithm too in the proposed implementation. We have also analyzed the probability of correct identification across different operating systems and the role of various parameters involved in the process.

Figure 1 shows the architecture of OS fingerprinting by combining Machine Learning Classifier and Conventional rule-based matching methods. Considering the cost of computation and time taken, the proposed model first uses a cheap and quick method of identification using Rule-based matching method, and in case of an inconclusive or partial match, the data from TCP/IP packet headers and HTTP headers go through ML classifier and then the results of both methods are compared. In case of no discrepancy, the output is given as a result.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proposed model

4 Dataset and Model Setup

The dataset was acquired from [4] paper where authors had posted the dataset on It contains data from TCP/IP network, HTTP connection, and other metadata from the connection. The following are the different fields available in the dataset.

  • Metadata about network

    • Beginning of connection

    • End of connection

    • Port used

    • Src IPv4 (address)

    • Dst IPv4 (address)

    • Receiver port

  • Features of HTTP

    • HTTP UA OS, MAJ, MIN, BLD (information about major/minor versions of OS)

    • HTTP Hostname

  • TCP/IP features

    • SYN size (packetsize)

    • TCP SYN TTL (Time to live)

    • TCP win (size of window)

After careful consideration and testing, some of the parameters were used for training and testing the model. Unique identifying data fields were removed and the rest were considered for the study.

  • SYN size

  • TCP win






  • Ground Truth OS

4.1 Pre-Processing

As shown in the Dataset Description, the data consisted of HTTP Features, network packet information, and other metadata. Each attribute had some blanks for specific instances, so the dataset was trimmed and prepared for the experiment. We took 232391 instances of data where approximately 80% of the data is for training the model, and the rest 20% is used to test it.

4.2 Model Setup

In the mentioned study, the model incorporates one layer each for input, hidden, and output. Seven attributes values were used for the input layer: SYN size, TCP win, TCP SYN, TTL, HTTP UA OS, HTTP UA OS MAJ, HTTP UA

OS MIN, HTTP UA OS BLD. The output layer was configured to conceive four outputs which covered basic and widely used Operating systems namely Windows, Linux, Android, and MAC.

The calculated loss rate was close to 0.01% with near-perfect accuracy using test data. The Mmodels were tested repeatedly with test data to record fluctuations in output and corrected accordingly till the changes were insignificant

5 Methodology

This study compared the widely used Machine Learning algorithms suitable for our use case. They consist of Decision Trees, KNN, Random forest, Bayes, and Artificial Neural Network algorithms. Each of the algorithms is explained below, along with their advantages and disadvantages and the approach taken in their implementation.

5.1 Decision Trees

Decision trees initially learn, then form decisions for splitting, and finally output in a tree-like structure. It has the advantages of not converting data into the decimal, less data cleaning required, and it works fast when the tree’s depth/height is specified. However, since depth has a significant role, results change sometimes. For our implementation, Depth = (5, 15) was used.

5.2 Artificial Neural Networks

ANNs are machine learning algorithms that are meant to learn from data patterns. It is separated into three layers input, hidden, and output layers. The input layer takes the data from the user/source. There is no limit to the number of layers. It offers the advantages of being fault-tolerant, great accuracy when there is a massive volume of data contrary to other machine learning algorithms. Overfitting is a problem when the dataset is not too large.

5.3 K-Nearest Neighbours

KNN is a machine learning method that uses the closest neighbours’ info by measuring separation to previous data when novel data is entered. The distance is calculated using the Euclidean calculation method. The KNN algorithm shines when it requires fast processing speed, and comparison data is not significant because, unlike others, learning is not necessary. Still, when the dataset is on the smaller side, performance takes a hit. For the KNN model, three separate learning models, with K = 5, 40, 100, were implemented.

5.4 Random Forest

Random Forest is based upon ensemble learning, which combines multiple classifiers to solve a complex problem and slightly improves performance. More specifically, Random Forest is a classifier that employs many decision trees and takes its average to improve the accuracy of the dataset. Although it combines the Decision trees, it takes a considerably big time and is not particularly good for OS that is rare to be seen. For the Random Forest model, three separate learning models, with the number of trees = 10, 50, and 120 variations, were implemented.

5.5 Naive Bayes

The Naive Bayes algorithm is loosely based on the famous Bayes Theorem of probability and statistics. It is simple and yet one of the powerful ML algorithms today and is categorized as a probabilistic classifier. One of the reasons for this is that it assumes one feature in a class does not affect the other. The drawback of Bayes is that it does not relate all the parameters together and treats everything independently, which can prove results to be unpredictable at times. Multiple runs were done using this model and the average was taken.

In Table 2, a summary comprising of the algorithms used and the different models implemented per algorithm is shown. Furthermore, a comprehensive list of limitations and overall accuracy of all the algorithms tested are discussed in Table 3.

Table 2 Accuracy for different parameter settings
Table 3 Comparison of algorithms

6 Experimentation and Results

This section explains the various different experiments performed, metrics used, and the results obtained through each experiment by breaking them into sub-sections.

6.1 Comparing ML Algorithms

Here, in Fig 2, we can see different models compared using metrics such as precision and accuracy. Here, Y-axis denotes the percentage, and X-axis the algorithm used. F1-score is scaled to 100 for percentage depiction purposes. KNN appeared as the best ML model for OS identification. Random Forest Classifier also performed well and overtook KNN when the dataset was huge.

6.2 Comparison Between Parameters

A study was also done on the parameters involved to recognize the parameter that had the most effect on identification. For this, we took an approach of removing parameters one at a time and retraining the proposed model without the removed part. The parameter whose absence showed the greatest significant decline was termed the most influencing parameter. As shown in Table 4, it is evident that TCP SYN TTL [shows a decline of 23.65%] is the most influencing parameter of the bunch.

Table 4 Influence of parameters used

6.3 Comparing Ease of Prediction Across OS

We also took time to compare the accuracy of prediction across different operating systems. We can see the chart comparing the accuracy of predicting different operating systems in Fig. 3 with the Operating System category on the y-axis and percentage accuracy obtained for each operating system in the x-axis.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Comparison between different Models

Comparing the results with OS identification solutions that use traditional Rule-based matching methods, an overall significant rise of 20% accuracy was observed over recognized operating systems and the 5% improvement for unknown data samples.

6.4 Comparison with Existing Tools

We compared the KNN, which has the best accuracy, to some of the most popular alternatives present in the market. In our case, p0f [15, 18] was used for Operating System identification. WireShark is a network packet analyzer that was used to capture essential data from the data obtained in p0f for comparison. The data from four different types of Operating systems (Mac, Linux, Windows, and Android) was available, disregarding the different versions and distributions available for the same OS.

A total of 1956 known and 490 unknown data samples from p0f were used for this study. Network Miner, another OS fingerprinting tool that uses only packet sniffing for identification, was used to obtain the anonymous data.

In our results, we found that our best performing model KNN gave an accuracy of 95% (Fig. 2), with a 72% probability for the unknown OS. Among the 1956 datasets used, p0f had a precision of 52%, and the Artificial neural network model correctly identified the OS with a chance of 79%.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Comparison between the different OS accuracy

7 Conclusion and Future Scope

This proposed model using machine learning and Operating system attributes (SYN size, TCP win, TCP SYN TTL, HTTP UA OS, HTTP UA OS MAJ,

HTTP UA OS MIN, HTTP UA OS BLD) achieved probability of accurate determination of OS more than 96%, much higher than traditional methods. On the other hand, individual OS versions could not be precisely categorized due to them having similar attribute values and generally little implementation changes between them. Moreover, recently launched Operating Systems could not be identified in many cases in the rule-based strategy as the information about them is scarce.

Comparing the parameter’s influence for identification of the Operating system, one can infer that the TTL(Time to Live) of a SYN Packet differs across different operating systems. Using TLS features with HTTP parameters enhanced the machine learning model’s efficiency, and as a result, we found that the proposed model, using the Machine Learning approach in tandem with the conventional rule-based matching method, can yield better results than the tools we use now.