1 Introduction

The group \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\) of automorphisms of a compact semisimple Lie algebra \(\mathfrak {g}\) is a compact semisimple Lie group which is not necessarily connected. The identity component of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\) is the group \(\mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {g})\) of inner automorphisms. A subgroup of a compact Lie group is an antipodal subgroup if it consists of mutually commutative involutive elements. In this article we give a classification of maximal antipodal subgroups of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\) when \(\mathfrak {g}\) is a compact classical semisimple Lie algebra \(\mathfrak {su}(n)\) \((n \ge 2)\), \(\mathfrak {o}(n)\) \((n \ge 5)\) or \(\mathfrak {sp}(n)\) \((n \ge 1)\) (Theorem 4). A maximal antipodal subgroup \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\) gives us as many mutually commutative involutions of \(\mathfrak {g}\) as possible.

Let G be a connected Lie group whose Lie algebra is \(\mathfrak {g}\). Then G is a compact connected semisimple Lie group whose center Z is discrete. The quotient G / Z is isomorphic to \(\mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {g})\) via the adjoint representation. Therefore our results [5] of the classification of maximal antipodal subgroups of G / Z gives the classification of maximal antipodal subgroups of \(\mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {g})\). In order to consider the case where \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\) is not connected, we give a canonical form of an element of a disconnected Lie group (Proposition 3).

After we submitted the manuscript, we found Yu studied elementary abelian 2-subgroups of the automorphism group of compact classical simple Lie algebras in [6]. Elementary abelian 2-subgroups are nothing but antipodal subgroups.

2 Maximal Antipodal Subgroups of Quotient Lie Groups

In this section we refer to our former results in [5].

Although the notion of an antipodal set is originally defined as a subset of a Riemannian symmetric space M in [1], we give an alternative definition when M is a compact Lie group with a bi-invariant Riemannian metric.

Definition 1

Let G be a compact Lie group and we denote by e the identity element of G. A subset A of G satisfying \(e \in A\) is called an antipodal set if A satisfies the following two conditions.

  1. (i)

    Every element \(x \in A\) satisfies \(x^2=e\).

  2. (ii)

    Any elements \(x, y \in A\) satisfy \(xy=yx\).

Proposition 1

([5]) If a subset A of G satisfying \(e \in A\) is a maximal antipodal set, then A is an abelian subgroup of G which is isomorphic to a product \(\mathbb {Z}_2 \times \cdots \times \mathbb {Z}_2\) of some copies of \(\mathbb {Z}_2\). Here \(\mathbb {Z}_2\) denotes the cyclic group of order 2.


$$ \varDelta _n := \left\{ \begin{bmatrix} \pm 1&\\&\ddots&\\&\pm 1 \end{bmatrix} \right\} \subset O(n). $$

For a subset \(X \subset O(n)\) we define \(X^{\pm }:=\{x \in X \mid \mathrm {det}(x)=\pm 1\}\).

Proposition 2

(cf. [1]) A maximal antipodal subgroup of U(n), O(n), Sp(n) is conjugate to \(\varDelta _n\). A maximal antipodal subgroup of SU(n), SO(n) is conjugate to \(\varDelta _n^+\).


$$ D[4] := \left\{ \begin{bmatrix} \pm 1&0 \\ 0&\pm 1 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} 0&\pm 1 \\ \pm 1&0 \end{bmatrix} \right\} \subset O(2), $$

which is a dihedral group. Let

$$ Q[8] := \{\pm 1, \pm \mathbf i, \pm \mathbf j, \pm \mathbf k\}, $$

which is the quaternion group, where \(1, \mathbf i, \mathbf j, \mathbf k\) are elements of the standard basis of the quaternions \(\mathbb {H}\). We decompose a natural number n as \(n=2^k \cdot l\) into the product of the k-th power \(2^k\) of 2 and an odd number l. For s with \(0 \le s \le k\) we define

$$\begin{aligned} D(s, n)&:= D[4]\otimes \cdots \otimes D[4]\otimes \varDelta _{n/2^s} \\&=\{d_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes d_s \otimes d_0 \mid d_1, \ldots , d_s \in D[4], d_0 \in \varDelta _{n/2^s}\} \subset O(n). \end{aligned}$$

We always use k and l in the above meaning when we write \(n=2^k \cdot l\).

The center of U(n) is \(\{z 1_n \mid z \in U(1)\}\) and we identify it with U(1). Let \(\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) be the cyclic group of degree \(\mu \) which lies in the center of U(n). Let \(\pi _n: U(n) \rightarrow U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) be the natural projection.

Theorem 1

([5]) Let \(n=2^k \cdot l\). Let \(\theta \) be a primitive \(2\mu \)-th root of 1. Then a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) is conjugate to one of the following.

  1. (1)

    In the case where n or \(\mu \) is odd, \(\pi _n(\{1, \theta \}D(0,n))=\pi _n(\{1,\theta \}\varDelta _n)\).

  2. (2)

    In the case where both n and \(\mu \) are even, \(\pi _n(\{1, \theta \}D(s,n)) \, (0 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s,n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded.

Remark 1

Since we have an inclusion \(\varDelta _2 \subsetneq D[4]\) which implies \(D(k-1,2^k) \subsetneq D(k,2^k)\), the case \((s,n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded.

Theorem 2

([5]) Let n and \(\mu \) be natural numbers where \(\mu \) divides n. Let \(n=2^k \cdot l\). Let \(\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) be the cyclic group of degree \(\mu \) which lies in the center of SU(n). Let \(\theta \) be a primitive \(2\mu \)-th root of 1. Then a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(SU(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) is conjugate to one of the following.

  1. (1)

    In the case where n or \(\mu \) is odd, \(\pi _n(\varDelta _n^+)\).

  2. (2)

    In the case where both n and \(\mu \) are even,

    1. (a)

      when \(k=1\), \(\pi _n(\varDelta _n^+ \cup \theta \varDelta _n^-)\) or \(\pi _n((D^+[4] \cup \theta D^-[4]) \otimes \varDelta _l)\), where \(\pi _2(\varDelta _2^+ \cup \theta \varDelta _2^-)\) is excluded when \(n=\mu =2\).

    2. (b)

      When \(k \ge 2\), under the expression \(\mu =2^{k'}\cdot l'\) where \(1 \le k' \le k\) and \(l'\) divides l,

      1. (b1)

        if \(k'=k\), \(\pi _n(\varDelta _n^+ \cup \theta \varDelta _n^-)\) or \(\pi _n(D(s,n)) \, (1 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s,n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded.

      2. (b2)

        If \(1 \le k' <k\), \(\pi _n(\{1,\theta \}\varDelta _n^+)\) or \(\pi _n(\{1, \theta \}D(s,n)) \, (1 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s,n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded and, moreover, \(\pi _4(\{1, \theta \}\varDelta _4^+)\) is excluded when \(n=4\).

Remark 2

Since \(\varDelta _4^+=\varDelta _2 \otimes \varDelta _2 \subsetneq D[4]\otimes D[4]=D(2,4)\), \(\pi _4(\{1, \theta \}\varDelta _4^+)\) is excluded.

Theorem 3

([5]) Let \(\pi _n\) be one of the natural projections \(O(n) \rightarrow O(n)/\{\pm 1_n\}\), \(SO(n) \rightarrow SO(n)/\{\pm 1_n\}\), \(Sp(n) \rightarrow Sp(n)/\{\pm 1_n\}\). Let \(n=2^k \cdot l\).

  1. (I)

    A maximal antipodal subgroup of \(O(n)/\{\pm 1_n\}\) is conjugate to one of \(\pi _n(D(s, n))\) \((0 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s, n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded.

  2. (II)

    When n is even, a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(SO(n)/\{\pm 1_n\}\) is conjugate to one of the following.

    1. (1)

      In the case where \(k=1\), \(\pi _n(\varDelta _n^+)\) or \(\pi _n(D^+[4]\otimes \varDelta _l)\), where \(\pi _2(\varDelta _2^+)\) is excluded when \(n=2\).

    2. (2)

      In the case where \(k \ge 2\), \(\pi _n(\varDelta _n^+)\) or \(\pi _n(D(s, n)) \, (1 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s,n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded and moreover \(\pi _4(\varDelta _4^+)\) is excluded when \(n=4\).

  3. (III)

    A maximal antipodal subgroup of \(Sp(n)/\{\pm 1_n\}\) is conjugate to one of \(\pi _n(Q[8] \cdot D(s,n)) \, (0 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s, n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded.

3 Canonical Forms of Elements of a Disconnected Lie Group

Let G be a compact connected Lie group and let T be a maximal torus of G. Then we have

$$ G=\bigcup _{g \in G} gTg^{-1}, $$

which means that a canonical form of an element of G with respect to conjugation is an element of T. We give a formulation of canonical forms of elements of G in the case where G is not connected. Let \(G_0\) be the identity component of a compact Lie group G. Then \(G/G_0\) is a finite group and we have

$$ G=\bigcup _{[\tau ] \in G/G_0} G_0 \tau , $$

where \([\tau ]\) denotes the coset represented by \(\tau \in G\).

Ikawa showed a canonical form of a certain action on a compact connected Lie group in [3, 4]. Using this canonical form we can obtain the following proposition.

Proposition 3

For \(\tau \in G\) we define an automorphism \(I_\tau \) of \(G_0\) by \(I_\tau (g)=\tau g \tau ^{-1} (g \in G_0)\). Let \(T_\tau \) be a maximal torus of \(F(I_\tau , G_0):=\{g \in G_0 \mid I_\tau (g)=g\}\). Then we have

$$ G_0 \tau =\bigcup _{g \in G_0} g (T_\tau \tau ) g^{-1}. $$

Therefore a canonical form of an element of a connected component \(G_0 \tau \) of G with respect to conjugation under \(G_0\) is an element of \(T_\tau \tau \).

4 Maximal Antipodal Subgroups of the Automorphism Groups of Compact Lie Algebras

Let \(\mathfrak {g}\) be a compact semisimple Lie algebra. Then the group \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\) of automorphisms of \(\mathfrak {g}\) is a compact semisimple Lie group which is not necessarily connected. By the definition of antipodal sets, the set of maximal antipodal subgroups of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\) is equal to the set of maximal subsets of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\) satisfying (i) each element has order 2 except for the identity element and (ii) all elements are commutative to each other.

Let G be a connected Lie group whose Lie algebra is \(\mathfrak {g}\). Then G is a compact connected semisimple Lie group whose center Z is discrete. The quotient group G / Z is isomorphic to \(\mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {g})\) via the adjoint representation \(\mathrm {Ad} : G \rightarrow \mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\). Hence the classification of maximal antipodal subgroups of G / Z gives the classification of maximal antipodal subgroups of \(\mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {g})\).

Theorem 4

Let \(n=2^k\cdot l\) be a natural number.

  1. (I)

    Let \(\tau \) denote a map \(\tau : \mathfrak {su}(n) \rightarrow \mathfrak {su}(n)\; ;\; X \mapsto \bar{X}\). A maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {su}(n))\) is conjugate to \(\{e,\tau \}\) \(\mathrm {Ad}(D(s,n))\) \((0 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s,n) = (k-1,2^k)\) is excluded. Here e denotes the identity element of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\).

  2. (II)

    A maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak o(n))\) is conjugate to \(\mathrm {Ad}(D(s,n))\) \((0 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s,n) = (k-1,2^k)\) is excluded.

  3. (III)

    A maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {sp}(n))\) is conjugate to \(\mathrm {Ad}(Q[8] \cdot D(s,n))\) \((0 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s,n) = (k-1,2^k)\) is excluded.

Before we prove Theorem 4, we need some preparations. Let \(\tau ':\mathbb {C}^n \rightarrow \mathbb {C}^n\) be the complex conjugation \(\tau '(v)=\bar{v}\) for \(v \in \mathbb {C}^n\). Since \(\tau ' \in GL(2n, \mathbb {R})\), \(\{1_n, \tau '\}U(n)\) is a subset of \(GL(2n, \mathbb {R})\). We have \(g\tau '=\tau ' \bar{g}\) for \(g \in U(n)\). This implies \(\mathrm {Ad}(\tau ')=\tau \), so we identify \(\tau '\) with \(\tau \). We can see that \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)\) is a subgroup of \(GL(2n, \mathbb {R})\) and the center is \(\{\pm 1_n\}\). Let \(\mathbb {Z}_\mu :=\{z1_n \mid z \in U(1), \, z^\mu =1\} \subset U(n)\). We can see that \(\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) is a normal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)\). Therefore \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) is a Lie group. We have \(\{1_n,\tau \}U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu =U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \cup \tau U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \), which is a disjoint union of the connected components.

Theorem 5

Let \(\pi _n: \{1_n, \tau \}U(n) \rightarrow \{1_n, \tau \}U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) be the natural projection. Let \(\theta \) be a primitive \(2\mu \)-th root of 1. Let \(n=2^k \cdot l\). Then a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n,\tau \}U(n)/\mathbb Z_\mu \) is conjugate to one of the following by an element of \(\pi _n(U(n))\).

  1. (1)

    In the case where \(\mu \) is odd, \(\pi _n(\{1_n,\tau \}\{1,\theta \}\varDelta _n)\) \(=\) \(\pi _n(\{1_n,\tau \}\varDelta _n)\).

  2. (2)

    In the case where \(\mu \) is even, \(\pi _n(\{1_n,\tau \}\{1,\theta \}D(s,n))\) \((0 \le s \le k)\), where the case \((s,n) = (k-1,2^k)\) is excluded.

Remark 3

Since \(\{1_n, \tau \}\{1, \theta \}\varDelta _n \subset \{1_n, \tau \}U(n) \subset GL(2n, \mathbb {R})\), we can consider \(\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}\{1, \theta \}\varDelta _n)\).

Lemma 1

Let A be a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \). Then we have \(A \cap \tau U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \ne \emptyset \).


We assume \(A \subset U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \). By taking conjugation by \(U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) we can assume \(A=\pi _n(\{1, \theta \}D(s,n))\) by Theorem 1. Since \(\pi _n(\tau )\pi _n(\theta 1_n) =\pi _n(\theta 1_n)\pi _n(\tau )\), \(A \cup \pi _n(\tau )A\) is an antipodal, which contradicts the maximality of A.

Lemma 2

Let A be a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \). Let \(\theta \) be a primitive \(2\mu \)-th root of 1. Then \(\pi _n(\theta 1_n) \in A\).


Since we showed that \(\pi _n(\theta 1_n)\) and \(\pi _n(\tau )\) are commutative in the proof of Lemma 1, \(\pi _n(\theta 1_n)\) is commutative with every element of \(\{1_n, \tau \} U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \). Hence \(\pi _n(\theta 1_n) \in A\).

Lemma 3

A maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)\) is conjugate to \(\{1_n, \tau \}\varDelta _n\) by an element of U(n).


Let A be a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)\). Then \(A\cap \tau U(n) \ne \emptyset \) by Lemma 1 for \(\mu =1\). We set \( R(\phi ) = \begin{bmatrix} \cos \phi&-\sin \phi \\ \sin \phi&\cos \phi \end{bmatrix} \) and \(r = \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor \). Then

$$T = \left\{ \left. \begin{bmatrix} R(\phi _1)&&\\&\ddots&\\&R(\phi _r)&\\&&(1) \end{bmatrix} \right| \phi _j \in \mathbb R \ (1 \le j \le r) \right\} $$

is a maximal torus of \(O(n)=F(\tau , U(n))\). Here (1) in the above definition of T means 1 when \(n=2r+1\) and nothing when \(n=2r\). By Proposition 3 we have

$$ \tau U(n) = \bigcup _{g\in U(n)} g(\tau T)g^{-1}. $$

Therefore, by retaking A under the conjugation by U(n) if necessary, we may assume that \(A\cap \tau U(n)\) has an element \(\tau g_0 \in \tau T\). Since \(1_n = (\tau g_0)^2 = g_0^2\), we have \(g_0 \in \varDelta _n\). Applying \(\sqrt{-1}\tau \sqrt{-1}^{-1} = -\tau \) to a diagonal element \(-1\) of \(g_0\), we have \(\tau g_0 = g_1\tau 1_ng_1^{-1}\) for a suitable \(g_1 \in U(n)\) which is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are \(1, \sqrt{-1}\).Footnote 1 Therefore if we retake A under the conjugation by U(n) if necessary, we may assume \(\tau \in A\). Hence \(A\cap \tau U(n)=\tau (A \cap U(n))\). Since \(\tau \in A\) and A is commutative, we have \(A\cap U(n) \subset O(n)\). We show that \(A \cap U(n)\) is a maximal antipodal subgroup of O(n). If there is an antipodal subgroup \(\tilde{A}\) which satisfies \(A\cap U(n) \subset \tilde{A} \subset O(n)\), then \(\{1_n,\tau \}\tilde{A}\) is an antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)\) and we have \( A = (A\cap U(n)) \cup (A\cap \tau U(n)) = \{1_n,\tau \}(A\cap U(n)) \subset \{1_n,\tau \}\tilde{A}. \) By the maximality of A we have \(A = \{1_n,\tau \}\tilde{A}\), hence \(A\cap U(n) = \tilde{A}\). Therefore \(A\cap U(n)\) is a maximal antipodal subgroup of O(n). By Proposition 2, \(A\cap U(n)\) is conjugate to \(\varDelta _n\) by O(n). Hence \(A=\{1_n, \tau \}(A \cap U(n))\) is conjugate to \(\{1_n, \tau \}\varDelta _n\) by O(n). Therefore any maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)\) is conjugate to \(\{1_n, \tau \}\varDelta _n\) by an element of U(n).

We prove Theorem 5.


Since we proved the case of \(\mu =1\) in Lemma 3, we assume \(\mu > 1\). We note that \(\bar{\theta } \ne \theta \) in this case. Let A be a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) and we set \(B=\pi _n^{-1}(A)\). Then \(\theta \in B\) by Lemma 2. Since \(A\cap \tau U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \ne \emptyset \) by Lemma 1, we have \(B \cap \tau U(n) \ne \emptyset \). Therefore, by retaking A under the conjugation by \(U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_\mu \) if necessary, we may assume that \(B\cap \tau U(n)\) has an element \(\tau g_0 \in \tau T\), where T is a maximal torus of O(n) defined in the proof of Lemma 3. By a similar argument as in the proof of Lemma 3 we may assume \(g_0=1_n\). Thus \(\tau \in B\). We note that B is not commutative because \(\tau \theta =\bar{\theta } \tau \ne \theta \tau \). Since \(\pi _n(\tau ) \in A\), we have

$$ A =(A \cap \pi _n(U(n))) \cup (A \cap \pi _n(\tau U(n))) =\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \})(A \cap \pi _n(U(n))). $$

We consider \(A \cap \pi _n(U(n))\). Since every element of \(A \cap \pi _n(U(n))\) is commutative with \(\pi _n(\tau )\), \(A \cap \pi _n(U(n)) \subset \{\pi _n(u) \mid u \in U(n), \, \pi _n(\tau u)=\pi _n(u \tau )\}\). Since \(u \tau =\tau \bar{u}\), the condition \(\pi _n(\tau u)=\pi _n(u\tau )\) is equivalent to \(\pi _n(u)=\pi _n(\bar{u})\), which is equivalent to the condition that there exists an integer m such that \(\theta ^{2m} u=\bar{u}\). Hence we have \(\theta ^m u=\theta ^{-m} \bar{u}=\overline{\theta ^m u}\), which means \(\theta ^m u \in O(n)\). When m is even, we have \(\pi _n(\theta ^m u)=\pi _n(u)\). Thus \(\pi _n(u) \in \pi _n(O(n))\). When m is odd, we have \(\pi _n(\theta ^m u)=\pi _n(\theta u)\). Hence \( \pi _n(u) =\pi _n(\theta 1_n)^{-1} \pi _n(\theta ^m u) =\pi _n(\theta 1_n)\pi _n(\theta ^m u). \) Thus \(\pi _n(u) \in \pi _n(\theta 1_n)\pi _n(O(n))\). Therefore

$$ A \cap \pi _n(U(n)) \subset \pi _n(\{1, \theta \} O(n)). $$

We consider the case where \(\mu \) is odd. We have \(\pi _n(\theta 1_n)=\pi _n(\theta ^\mu 1_n)=\pi _n(-1_n)\). Hence \(\pi _n(\{1, \theta \} O(n))=\pi _n(O(n))\). Since \(-1_n \notin \mathrm {Ker}\,\pi _n\), we have \(O(n) \cap \mathrm {Ker}\, \pi _n=\{1_n\}\) and the restriction \(\pi _n|_{O(n)}\) gives an isomorphism from O(n) onto \(\pi _n(O(n))\). Hence we have \(\pi _n(\{1, \theta \} O(n))=\pi _n(O(n)) \cong O(n)\). Therefore \(A \cap \pi _n(U(n))\) is conjugate to \(\pi _n(\varDelta _n)\) by an element of \(\pi _n(O(n))\) by Proposition 2. Hence A is conjugate to \(\pi _n(\varDelta _n) \cup \pi _n(\tau )\pi _n(\varDelta _n) =\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}\varDelta _n)\) by an element of \(\pi _n(U(n))\).

We consider the case where \(\mu \) is even. In this case \(\pi _n(\{1, \theta \} O(n))=\pi _n(O(n)) \cup \pi _n(\theta O(n))\) is a disjoint union. We show that \(A \cap \pi _n(O(n))\) is a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\pi _n(O(n))\). Let \(\tilde{A}\) be an antipodal subgroup which satisfies \(A \cap \pi _n(O(n)) \subset \tilde{A} \subset \pi _n(O(n))\). Since every element of \(\tilde{A}\) is commutative with \(\pi _n(\tau )\), it turns out that \(\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}\{1, \theta \})\tilde{A}\) is an antipodal subgroup of \(\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)))\). We have \( A \cap \pi _n(U(n)) =\pi _n(\{1_n, \theta 1_n\})(A \cap \pi _n(O(n))). \) Therefore

$$ A =\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}\{1_n, \theta 1_n\})(A \cap \pi _n(O(n))) \subset \pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}\{1_n, \theta 1_n\})\tilde{A}. $$

By the maximality of A we have \(A=\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}\{1_n, \theta 1_n\})\tilde{A}\). Moreover, we have \(A \cap \pi _n(O(n))=\tilde{A}\). Thus \(A \cap \pi _n(O(n))\) is a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\pi _n(O(n))\). Since \(\mu \) is even, we have \(-1_n \in \mathrm {Ker}\, \pi _n\). Hence \(\pi _n(O(n)) \cong O(n)/\{\pm 1_n\}\). We decompose n as \(n=2^k \cdot l\). By Theorem 3, \(A \cap \pi _n(O(n))\) is conjugate to \(\pi _n(D(s, n)) (0 \le s \le k)\) by an element of \(\pi _n(O(n))\). Here the case \((s,n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded. Therefore A is conjugate to \(\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}\{1_n, \theta 1_n\}D(s, n))\) by \(\pi _n(O(n))\).

We prove Theorem 4.


We have \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {g})\) \(=\mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {g})\) when \(\mathfrak {g}=\mathfrak {o}(n)\) where n is odd and \(\mathfrak {g}=\mathfrak {sp}(n)\). Hence we obtain (II) when n is odd and (III) by Theorem 3. In general we have \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {o}(n))\) \(\cong O(n)/\{\pm 1_n\}\) if \(n \ne 8\). Hence we obtain (II) when n is even and \(n \ne 8\) by Theorem 3. We consider \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {o}(8))\). It is known that \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {o}(8))/\mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {o}(8)) \cong S_3\), where \(S_3\) denotes the symmetric group of degree 3. \(S_3\) has three elements of order 2, denoted by \(\tau _1, \tau _2, \tau _3\), and two elements of order 3. Using these we can see that if A is an antipodal subgroup of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {o}(8))\), there is \(\tau \in \mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {o}(8))\) which satisfies that the coset \(\tau \mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {o}(8))\) corresponds to \(\tau _i \in S_3\) for some \(i \in \{1,2,3\}\) such that \(A \subset \mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {o}(8)) \cup \tau \mathrm {Int}(\mathfrak {o}(8))\). Therefore a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {o}(8))\) is conjugate to a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(O(8)/\{\pm 1_8\}\). Hence we obtain (II) when \(n=8\).

Finally we prove (I). The adjoint representation \(\mathrm {Ad} : \{1_n, \tau \}SU(n) \rightarrow \mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {su}(n))\) is surjective (cf. [2, Chap. IX, Corollary 5.5, Chap. X, Theorem 3.29]). We have \(\mathrm {Ker}\, \mathrm {Ad}=Z_{\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)}(SU(n))=\mathbb {Z}_n\), where \(Z_{\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)}(SU(n))\) denotes the centralizer of SU(n) in \(\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)\) and \(\mathbb {Z}_n=\{z 1_n \mid z \in \mathbb {C}, \, z^n=1\}\). Thus we obtain an isomorphism \(\mathrm {Aut}(\mathfrak {su}(n)) \cong \{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)/\mathbb {Z}_n\). Therefore we determine maximal antipodal subgroups of \(\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)/\mathbb {Z}_n\).

Let \(\pi _n:\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n) \rightarrow \{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)/\mathbb {Z}_n\) denote the natural projection. We decompose n as \(n=2^k \cdot l\). Let \(\theta \) be a primitive 2n-th root of 1. Let A be a maximal antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)/\mathbb {Z}_n\). Since \(\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)/\mathbb {Z}_n\) is a subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_n\), A is an antipodal subgroup of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_n\). Hence there is a maximal antipodal subgroup \(\tilde{A}\) of \(\{1_n, \tau \}U(n)/\mathbb {Z}_n\) such that \(A=\tilde{A} \cap \{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)/\mathbb {Z}_n\). By Theorem 5, \(\tilde{A}\) is conjugate by an element of \(\pi _n(U(n))\) to \(\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}\{1, \theta \}D(s,n))\), where \(s=0\) when n is odd and \(0 \le s \le k\) when n is even, moreover, the case \((s, n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded. Hence there is \(g \in U(n)\) such that

$$\tilde{A}=\pi _n(g)\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}\{1, \theta \}D(s,n))\pi _n(g)^{-1} =\pi _n(g \{1_n, \tau \}\{1, \theta \}D(s,n) g^{-1}). $$

We can write \(g=g_1 z\) where \(g_1 \in SU(n)\) and \(z \in U(1)\). Then

$$ g \{1_n, \tau \}\{1, \theta \}D(s,n) g^{-1} =g_1 \{1_n, \tau z^{-2}\} \{1, \theta \}D(s,n) g_1^{-1}. $$

Hence \(\tilde{A}\) is conjugate to \(\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau z^{-2}\} \{1, \theta \}D(s,n))\) by an element of \(\pi _n(SU(n))\). Since \(A=\tilde{A} \cap \pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n))\), A is conjugate to

$$\begin{aligned}&\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau z^{-2}\} \{1, \theta \}D(s,n)) \cap \pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)) \\&=\pi _n(\{1, \theta \}D(s,n)) \cap \pi _n(SU(n)) \cup \pi _n(\tau )\left( \pi _n(z^{-2}\{1, \theta \}D(s,n)) \cap \pi _n(SU(n))\right) \end{aligned}$$

by an element of \(\pi _n(SU(n))\). In the proof of Theorem 2 ([5]) we showed

$$ \pi _n(\{1, \theta \}D(s,n)) \cap \pi _n(SU(n)) =\pi _n(D^+(s,n) \cup \theta D^-(s,n)). $$

We consider \(\pi _n(z^{-2}\{1, \theta \}D(s,n)) \cap \pi _n(SU(n))\). We show

$$ \pi _n(z^{-2}\{1, \theta \}D(s,n)) \cap \pi _n(SU(n)) =\pi _n(z^{-2}\{1, \theta \}D(s,n) \cap SU(n)). $$

It is clear \(\pi _n(z^{-2}D(s,n)) \cap \pi _n(SU(n)) \supset \pi _n(z^{-2}D(s,n) \cap SU(n))\). Conversely, for \(d \in D(s,n)\), \(\pi _n(z^{-2}d) \in \pi _n(SU(n))\) holds if and only if \(\theta ^{2m}z^{-2}d \in SU(n)\) for some m. Since \(\mathrm {det}(\theta ^{2m}z^{-2}d)=\theta ^{2mn}z^{-2n}\mathrm {det}(d)=z^{-2n}\mathrm {det}(d)\), \(\theta ^{2m}z^{-2}d \in SU(n)\) is equivalent to \(z^{-2n}\mathrm {det}(d)=1\). Since \(d \in D(s,n)\), \(\mathrm {det}(d)=\pm 1\). When \(\mathrm {det}(d)=1\), \(z^{-2n}\mathrm {det}(d)=1\) is equivalent to \(z^{-2n}=1\). Hence \(z^{-2} \in \mathrm {Ker} \,\pi _n\). Therefore \(\pi _n(z^{-2}d) \in \pi _n(SU(n))\) is equivalent to \(\pi _n(d) \in \pi _n(SU(n))\) when \(d \in D^+(s,n)\). When \(\mathrm {det}(d)=-1\), \(z^{-2n}\mathrm {det}(d)=1\) is equivalent to \(z^{-2n}=-1\), that is, \(z^{2n}=-1\). Hence \(\pi _n(z^2 1_n)=\pi _n(\theta 1_n)\). Therefore \(\pi _n(z^{-2}d) \in \pi _n(SU(n))\) is equivalent to \(\pi _n(\theta d) \in \pi _n(SU(n))\) when \(d \in D^-(s,n)\). Thus we obtain \(\pi _n(z^{-2}D(s,n)) \cap \pi _n(SU(n)) \subset \pi _n(z^{-2}D(s,n) \cap SU(n))\). Moreover, we obtain \(\pi _n(z^{-2}D(s,n) \cap SU(n)) =\pi _n(D^+(s,n) \cup \theta D^-(s,n))\) by the argument above. As a consequence, A is conjugate to \(\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}(D^+(s,n) \cup \theta D^-(s,n)))\), where \(s=0\) when n is odd and \(0 \le s \le k\) when n is even, moreover, the case \((s, n)=(k-1, 2^k)\) is excluded. The isomorphism between \(\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n))\) and \(\mathrm {Ad}(\mathfrak {su}(n))\) is given by

$$ \pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)) \ni \pi _n(x) \mapsto \mathrm {Ad}(x) \in \mathrm {Ad}(\mathfrak {su}(n)) \quad (x \in \{1_n, \tau \}SU(n)). $$

Hence \(\pi _n(\{1_n, \tau \}(D^+(s,n) \cup \theta D^-(s,n)))\) corresponds to \(\mathrm {Ad}(\{1_n, \tau \}D(s,n)\) under the isomorphism, because \(\mathrm {Ad}(\theta 1_n)=e\). Hence we obtain (I).