
1 Introduction

Symmetric PAKE and Its Limitations. In the cryptographic literature password authentication is modeled as a Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) [4, 5, 9], a protocol which allows two parties who share only a password to establish a shared cryptographic session key. The main challenge in designing a secure PAKE is the fact that passwords have low entropy and are therefore subject to so-called dictionary attacks, a.k.a. password guessing attacks, where the adversary searches a moderate-sized dictionary from which the user’s password is typically chosen. Every password-authentication protocol is subject to on-line guessing attacks, where the adversary runs the prescribed PAKE protocol on a password guess with either the client or the server, and succeeds if its guess was correct. While such attack is unavoidable, its effect can be reduced by limiting the number of unsuccessful authentication session each party is willing to run. However, a PAKE protocol must be secure against an off-line dictionary attack, i.e. no efficient adversary can verify any password guess without the on-line interaction described above. Informally, a PAKE protocol is secure if a successful on-line guessing attack is the only way to learn information about the established session keys.

The PAKE security model was introduced by Bellovin and Merritt [5] and was formalized by Bellare et al. [4] and Boyko et al. [9] via a game-based definition, and then by Canetti et al. [12], who formalized PAKE in the Universally Composable (UC) framework [11]. The UC definition of PAKE has become a de facto standard in the cryptographic literature on PAKEs because it is widely recognized as capturing several security issues pertinent to PAKEs which the game-based PAKE notions of [4, 9] do not cover. Specifically, apart of standard UC guarantee of security under arbitrary protocol composition, UC PAKE implies forward-security, i.e. security of past protocol sessions in case of password compromise, and security for arbitrary password distribution, which implies security for password mistyping and for related passwords.

Most of cryptographic PAKE literature focuses on the symmetric PAKE setting, where both parties hold the password. However, if the client-to-server password authentication was implemented with a symmetric PAKE, a compromise of the server would leak the passwords of all the users who authenticate to that server. By contrast, the standard Internet password authentication, password-over-TLS, works in an asymmetric setting, where the server holds only a (randomized) one-way hash of the password, and if an adversary compromises the server, the only way it can recover any user’s password is by mounting an exhaustive off-line dictionary attack using an exhaustive search over some implicit password dictionary, and the attack succeeds only on the passwords which this dictionary included. While this level of protection is far from perfect, as many users choose passwords with too low entropy, it still raises the bar for the attacker, and protects at least those users whose passwords are hard to guess. This security advantage of an asymmetric password authentication essentially makes symmetric PAKEs not applicable to the client-server setting. On the other hand, the password-over-TLS authentication has weaknesses as well. First, TLS relies on integrity of PKI, and breaks down under various PKI attacks, e.g. human-engineering phishing attacks where the user is tricked to authenticate to a malicious site. Secondly, while the server does not permanently store the user’s password in the clear, it does hold it in the clear during an authentication session, which makes the password vulnerable to server-side insider attacks, virus attacks, and insecure memory and storage management.

State of Knowledge on Asymmetric PAKE. Cryptographic PAKE literature recognized the need to bridge between the password-authentication theory, i.e. the symmetric but PKI-independent PAKE model, and the password-authentication practice, i.e., the security requirements of client-to-server authentication. The first formalization of asymmetric PAKE (aPAKE), a.k.a. augmented or verifier-based PAKE, was introduced by Bellovin and Merritt [6] and formalized in the game-based approach by Boyko et al. [9]. Subsequently, Gentry et al. [15] extended the UC PAKE model of [12] to the case of an adaptive server compromise, and forcing the adversary to stage an off-line dictionary attack to recover the password after such compromise. While several aPAKE protocols were proven in game-based models, some argued only informally, e.g. [2, 7, 9, 10, 22,23,24], the UC aPAKE notion is stronger than game-based aPAKE for the same reasons that UC PAKE notion is stronger than game-based PAKE, thus ideally we would like to know protocols which realize the UC asymmetric PAKE notion of [9] and are comparable in efficiency and cryptographic assumptions to standard authenticated key agreement protocols used in TLS.

However, there is not much known about provably secure UC aPAKEs. One construction is the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method due to Gentry et al. [15], shown in Fig. 1, which transforms any UC PAKE protocol into a UC aPAKE secure in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). The \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method compiler adds (up to) two communication rounds to the underlying PAKE, and its computation overhead is dominated by a signature generation for the client and signature verification for the server. Instantiated with ECDSA signatures, both these costs are only 1 (multi-)exponentiation per party.

However, since the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method is a compiler, the exact costs of UC aPAKE it produces depend on the costs of the UC PAKE with which it is instantiated. While there is very active research on standard-model UC PAKEs, including round-minimal PAKEs [14, 17, 20, 21], these constructions are typically more expensive and require stronger assumptions than protocols satisfying game-based PAKE notions [4, 9] in ROM. Since any UC aPAKE construction requires non-black-box assumptions, it makes sense to instantiate the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method with a UC PAKE secure in ROM. However, while there are many 2-round game-based PAKEs whose cost is close to (intuitively minimal) 2 exponentiations/party of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (see e.g. [3] and references therein), we know of only one UC PAKE with comparable efficiency, by Abdala et al. [1], which relies on the DDH assumption in ROM and Ideal Cipher (IC) models, and uses 3 protocol rounds and 2 exponentiations per party. Combined with the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method of Gentry et al. the UC symmetric PAKE of [1] implies a UC asymmetric PAKE with 5 rounds, 3 exponentiations per party, secure under the DDH assumption in ROM+IC model.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The \(\Omega \)-method by Gentry-MacKenzie-Ramzan [15]: H is a hash function, and (ED) and \((E',D')\) are symmetric encryption schemes (see [15] for their specification). The server-held password file created for password \(\pi \) is (rpkc) where \(r=H(\pi )\), \(c=E'_\pi (sk)\), and (skpk) is a private, public key pair in a signature scheme.

We know of only two further UC aPAKE constructions in addition to the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method of [15]. First, Jutla and Roy [19] proposed a round-minimal UC aPAKE in ROM, i.e. client and server send a single message and they can do so simultaneously, but their scheme requires groups with bilinear maps, uses significantly more exponentiations (and bilinear maps) per party. Secondly, Jarecki et al. [16] proposed a strong UC aPAKE protocol called OPAQUE, where hashed passwords are privately salted (see Sect. 2 for further discussion), which requires only 2 rounds of communication, and only 3 or 4 exponentiations per each party, but it relies on the somewhat non-standard and interactive assumption of One-More Diffie-Hellman. This leaves open the possibility of similarly low-round UC aPAKE relying on static assumptions.

Note on Verifier-Based PAKEs. We note that Benhamouda and Pointcheval [7] upgraded the game-based definition of aPAKE, called verifier-based PAKE therein, by strengthening the game-based aPAKE model of [9] to arbitrary password distributions and related passwords. One point of strengthening game-based aPAKE notion given that a UC aPAKE notion exists is a potential for better efficiency, but the other is that the UC aPAKE model of Gentry et al. [15] seems not to be realizable without some non-black-box assumption on the adversary’s local computation, like ROM, IC, or a generic group model. Indeed, the UC aPAKE model [15] requires the simulator to extract off-line password tests from adversary’s local computation of the hash function applied to password guesses. However, [7] relies on the tight one-wayness requirement on the hash function applied to passwords when creating the hashed password on the server, namely that given hash of a password chosen with \(\delta \) min-entropy, the adversary has to compute \(2^{\delta }\) hash function instances to find it. Unfortunately, this notion also seems impossible to realize without similar non-black-box assumptions on the adversary, and [7] also rely on ROM to argue that this property is satisfied. Regarding computational costs, by avoiding random oracles on the protocol level (but not on the level of the underlying hash function), the aPAKE’s of [9] are significantly more expensive than either the UC aPAKE resulting from [1, 15] or the UC aPAKE of [16]. Their 2-round scheme uses significantly more exponentiations per party, and the 1-round scheme requires groups with bilinear maps and has a still higher local computation cost.

Our Results. We show two new compilers which convert any UC-secure symmetric PAKE protocol into a UC-secure asymmetric PAKE. Our constructions rely on ROM, as do all UC asymmetric PAKE schemes proposed so far [15, 16, 19], and either the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) or the Discrete Logarithm (DL) assumption. The main point of both compilers is that they add only a single additional message to the underlying PAKE, in contrast to the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method of Gentry et al. [15] which adds two messages. Moreover, this single extra message is sent from client to server, and therefore in an application where the aPAKE instance, which establishes a secure session key for both parties, is followed by an explicit client-to-server entity authentication, e.g. the client uses the session key output by PAKE to send a MAC on the aPAKE transcript to the server, this additional message can be piggybacked with the client’s explicit entity authentication flow. Likewise, if the last message of the symmetric UC PAKE is client-to-server, our compilers also add no additional communication flow to the protocol. By contrast, the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method would add 2 message flows in the latter case.

We note that if the last round in the symmetric UC PAKE was server-to-client, then our compilers would offer no advantage over the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method: Our compilers would add one client-to-server round, and so would the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method because its first message \(c'\) (see Fig. 1) would be piggybacked on the last server-to-client flow of the underlying UC PAKE. Moreover, note that the symmetric UC PAKE, by its very nature has no fixed roles, therefore every UC PAKE protocol can be executed so that the last message flow is server-to-client. Indeed, if the underlying n-round UC PAKE is executed in this way then the UC aPAKE resulting from both our compilers and the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method would have \(n+1\) rounds, with the last flow being client-to-server. However, the optimal way to arrange the n-round UC PAKE for the purpose of our compiler is so that its last flow is client-to-server, in which case our compilers output n-round UC aPAKE, while the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method outputs an \((n+2)\)-round UC aPAKE. Finally, note that sometimes one will not have the flexibility of arranging the underlying PAKE in a way that optimizes the resulting aPAKE, because sometimes the choice of party who starts the interaction, i.e. whether it is the client or the server, will be fixed by an application.

We show two compilers, one utilizing a parallel round of a Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, shown in Sect. 3, and one utilizing a NIZK of discrete logarithm knowledge, shown in Sect. 4. We refer to these constructions as respectively CDH-based and DL-based because these are the assumptions they require for security. The computational costs of the first compiler is 1 exponentiation per client and 2 per server, while for the second compiler it is 1 (multi-)exponentiation per both parties, which matches the computational costs of the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method instantiated with ECDSA signature. Looking a little closer, the costs of each option can be affected by the fact that in our DL-based compiler, exactly as in the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method instantiated with ECDSA signature, the client’s exponentiation is fixed-base, and therefore can be sped-up by pre-computation, while the server’s exponentiation is variable-base, while in the CDH-based compiler the client’s exponentiation is variable-base and the two server’s exponentiations are fixed-base, with one base fixed globally and the second base fixed per each user account. We summarize this discussion in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Comparison of PAKE-to-aPAKE compiler costs

Since just like [15] our UC aPAKE constructions are compilers from any UC PAKE, the efficiency and security assumptions of the resulting aPAKE depend also on the underlying UC PAKE. Since our compilers require ROM it makes sense to instantiate them with a low-cost UC PAKE secure in ROM. However, as mentioned above, we know only one UC PAKE constructed along these lines, namely the protocol of Abdalla et al. [1]. Because the last message of this PAKE is a client-to-server flow, the UC aPAKE’s which result from our compilers applied to UC PAKE of [1] will take 3 rounds and use 3 exponentiations per client and either 3 or 4 exponentiations per server. We include a specification of the UC aPAKE resulting from applying our CDH-based compiler to UC PAKE of [1] in Sect. 5.

We note that theoretically our compiler can also be instantiated with any minimum-round UC PAKE, e.g. [18], but it would result in a 2-round UC aPAKE, and the computation cost of the resulting protocol would be close to (and thus probably not competitive with) the 1-round UC aPAKE of [19].

2 Security Model

Our protocols convert any UC-secure symmetric PAKE into a UC-secure asymmetric PAKE, exactly like the protocol of [15], and we assume the same models of universally composable symmetric PAKE and asymmetric PAKE as in [15], denoted respectively \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {rpwKE}}\) and \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\). For completeness we include the full description of both functionalities in Appendix A, in Figs. 5 and 6. Below we sketch the most important points in which these functionalities differ from the standard UC PAKE functionality of [11], and we refer to [15] for their full exposition.

The Revised Symmetric PAKE Functionality[15]. The symmetric PAKE functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {rpwKE}}\) defined by [15] is a revision of the original PAKE functionality defined by Canetti et al. [12]. Namely, it allows the functionality to produce a bitstring representing a transcript of the real-world execution of the PAKE protocol. Clearly, every real-world protocol has a transcript, but a typical UC functionality is concerned only with its “functional” input/output behavior and often omits the fact that various “objects” involved in protocol operation, e.g. private keys, public keys, transcripts, have physical encodings as bitstrings. This is unfortunate (and it is often not easy to do) because in protocol composition it can be very useful to process such objects through other cryptographic mechanisms, e.g. to sign them, encrypt them, secret-share them, etc. The idea of the PAKE-to-aPAKE compiler of Gentry et al. [15] was for the client to sign the PAKE transcript using a key encrypted by the server using the session key output by the symmetric PAKE. This signature acts in the Gentry et al. construction as a proof of possession of the password. However, for this modular construction to work, the UC symmetric PAKE functionality must expose some bitstring as the transcript to the environment. This is the sole point of the revised UC PAKE functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {rpwKE}}\) compared to the one defined in [12], and we adopt this revision because our compilers will likewise use the transcript of the symmetric PAKE to bind the proof-of-password-possession to the underlying symmetric PAKE instance, although we will implement this proof-of-password-possession using different cryptographic mechanisms than the encrypted-key/signature-on-transcript protocol of Gentry et al.

The Asymmetric PAKE Functionality. The asymmetric functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) is a more fundamental modification of the symmetric PAKE functionality [12], which models password authentication in the setting where only one party, the client, authenticates using a password, while the other, the server, uses a bitstring called a password file, which without loss of generality is an output of some (randomized) one-way function applied to the password during the initialization procedure. For example, in the standard password-over-TLS implementation the password file is a pair consisting of a random nonce known as salt and a hash of the password concatenated with this salt value. In the \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) functionality, Fig. 6, creation of the password file on the server is modeled by command StorePWfile, and note that the server-side invocation of the authentication protocol instance, via command SvrSession, does not take the password as an input because its implicit input is the stored password file corresponding to session ID sid of this aPAKE instance. (It is assumed that a unique sid would be assigned to each user account held by a given server.)

The other fundamental difference between the asymmetric PAKE functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) and a symmetric PAKE is that an adversary may adaptively compromise the server and learn the stored password file, which is modeled by query StealPWfile. Such adaptive server compromise allows the adversary to then impersonate the server to the client, modeled via the Impersonate command, because a real-world adversary could use the stolen password file to emulate the server in the authentication protocol. Finally, since the password file is w.l.o.g. an output of some one-way function applied to the password, an adaptive server compromise allows the adversary to stage an off-line dictionary attack: The adversary can compute the same one-way function, a.k.a. password hash, on any password guess, which is modeled by the OfflineTestPwd query: If the password file is stolen, this computation allows the adversary to test if its password guess is correct, because then the password hash would match the one in the password file. If the password file is not stolen yet, the adversary can store these pre-computed hashes, which \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) models by storing the password guesses made by the adversary via the OfflineTestPwd command, and learn if any of these guesses were correct at the moment of server corruption. This is modeled by functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) checking after the StealPWFile command whether any of the password guesses made via OfflineTestPwd queries is equal to the password used in to create the password file.

Deterministic vs. Salted Hash in Asymmetric PAKE. We note that the above processing of off-line computation of password hashes models asymmetric PAKE protocols where the one-way function used in computation of the password file, a.k.a. password hash, is either deterministic or its randomness, a.k.a. password salt, is revealed in the protocol. Recently Jarecki et al. [16] proposed a strengthening of the UC aPAKE notion of [15] to a privately salted UC aPAKE, where the password hash is a randomized function of the password and the randomness stays private until server compromise. This strengthening is modeled by a modified UC aPAKE functionality which allows the adversary to compute relevant password hashes only after server compromise. We note that [16] shows a generic compiler from unsalted or “publicly salted” UC aPAKE, satisfying functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) which is the target of aPAKE constructions of this paper, to a privately salted UC aPAKE, using an Oblivious Pseudorandom Function (OPRF) scheme. Since the latter can be realized e.g. under the One-More Diffie Hellman assumption using 2 exponentiations for the client and 1 for the server, in ROM, every aPAKE construction satisfying the weaker aPAKE notion of [15], e.g. the aPAKE protocols presented in this paper, implies privately-salted aPAKE satisfying the stronger aPAKE notion of [16], at this modest increase in computational cost.Footnote 1

3 Asymmetric PAKE Construction Based on CDH

Our first construction converts a symmetric UC PAKE protocol \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) to an asymmetric UC PAKE, just as the compiler of Gentry et al. [15], but using a different method.

Our construction, shown in Fig. 2, runs the symmetric PAKE protocol \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) on hashed password \(r=H_1(\pi )\), but in parallel it also runs a Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (DH-KE) where the client’s contribution is fixed as \(V=g^z\) for \(z=H_0(\pi )\), i.e. an independent password hash. The server’s contribution is \(Y=g^y\) for random y is the only message transferred in this DH-KE instance, because the client’s contribution \(V=g^{H_0(\pi )}\) is part of the password file stored on the server. The key \(K_0=V^y=Y^z=g^{H_0(\pi )\cdot y}\) resulting from this DH-KE could be computed in an off-line dictionary attack given the DH-KE transcript Y, so we hash it together with key \(K_1\) output by symmetric PAKE \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) to derive an authenticator \(t=H_2(K_0||K_1||[\ldots ])\) which is sent from the client to the server before another hash of key \(K_1\) is used as the session key. Note that security of PAKE \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) implies that key \(K_1\) is pseudorandom except if the adversary learns \(r=H_1(\pi )\) and succeeds in an on-line dictionary attack on \(\mathrm {\Pi }\), hence t is safe from off-line dictionary attacks.

The role key \(K_0\) plays in the derivation of authenticator t is to force the adversary to perform an off-line attack against password \(\pi \) after compromise of the server. Note that protocol \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) plays no security role after server compromise because the adversary can then execute the symmetric PAKE \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) on the correct input \(r=H_1(\pi )\). However, the DH-KE key \(K_0=Y^{H_0(\pi )}\) is pseudorandom unless the adversary queries \(H_0\) on \(\pi \), an event which the UC simulator (assuming ROM) can catch and identify as an off-line password test. Note that the adversary who learns the server-stored values \(r=H_1(\pi )\) and \(V=g^{H_0(\pi )}\) can also perform an off-line test by hashing its password guesses via \(H_0\) and \(H_1\), but the point is that our DH-KE instance key \(K_1\) does not offer any easier way for the adversary to find a password than an off-line dictionary attack, which is unavoidable in the asymmetric PAKE setting after server compromise.

Detailed Description of CDH-Based aPAKE Construction. The resulting protocol is shown in Fig. 2, and here we go over this construction in more details. Let \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) be an arbitrary secure symmetric PAKE protocol, \(\mathbb {G}\) be a finite cyclic group of order q, and \(g\in \mathbb {G}\) be its generator, and triple \((\mathbb {G},g,q)\) is a public parameter of the scheme. Let \(H_0\) be a hash function with range \(\mathbb {Z}_q\), and let \(H_1,H_2,H_3\) be three independent hash functions with range \(\{0,1\}^\ell \) where \(\ell \) is the security parameter.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Construction I: CDH-based compiler from symmetric PAKE to asymmetric PAKE

Password Enrollment. The user’s password file stored on the server is a pair (rV) which is formed given the user’s password \(\pi \) as \(r=H_1(\pi )\) and \(V=g^{H_0(\pi )}\).

Protocol Description.

  • Client Part 1: The client runs the client-side protocol in the symmetric PAKE \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) on input \(H_0(\pi )\).

  • Server Part 1: The server runs the server-side protocol in the symmetric PAKE \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) on input r. In parallel, the server picks a random exponent y in \(\mathbb {Z}_q\) and sends \(Y = g^y\) to the client along with the last message \(\texttt {MSG}_{L,Server}^{\text {PAKE}}\) of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). Let \(K_1\) be the server’s session key output by protocol \(\mathrm {\Pi }\).

  • Client Part 2: Upon receiving message \((Y\,,\,\,\texttt {MSG}_{L,Server}^{\text {PAKE}})\) from the server, the client aborts if \(Y=1_{\mathbb {G}}\) or \(Y\notin \mathbb {G}\). If the check passes, the client completes its \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) instance, and let \(K_1\) be the client’s session key output by \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). The client computes \(K_0=Y^{H_0(\pi )}\) and \(t=H_2(K_1||K_0||Y||\mathsf {tr})\) where \(\mathsf {tr}\) is the client’s transcript of the symmetric PAKE instance \(\mathrm {\Pi }\), sends t to the server, and outputs \(ssk=H_3(K_1)\) as its session key.

  • Server Part 2: Upon receiving message t from the client, the server computes \(K_0=V^y\) and aborts if \(t\ne H_2(K_1||K_0||Y||\mathsf {tr})\) where \(\mathsf {tr}\) is the server’s transcript of the symmetric PAKE instance \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). If the check verifies, the server outputs \(ssk=H_3(K_1)\) as its session key.

Cost Discussion. The key import of our compiler construction shown in Fig. 2 is that it adds only one message to the underlying symmetric PAKE \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). Moreover, if the last message of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) is from the client to the server, which happens whenever \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) provides explicit entity authentication, then this additional message t can be piggy-backed with the last flow of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). An example of the latter UC PAKE is the construction of Abdalla et al. [1], and as can be seen in Fig. 4 in Sect. 5, our PAKE-to-aPAKE compiler applied to this UC PAKE does not increase its message complexity. By contrast, the same cannot be done in the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method of Gentry et al. [15], because it adds two messages, server-to-client and client-to-server to the symmetric PAKE (see Fig. 1), and the server-to-client message can be sent only after the server finalizes the PAKE instance \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) because it requires server’s session key output by \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). Therefore, if the final flow of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) is client-to-server the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method would add two messages to the underlying symmetric PAKE protocol \(\mathrm {\Pi }\).

In terms of computational costs, as discussed in the introduction the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method instantiated with ECDSA [25] signatures requires one (multi)exponentiation per party for resp. signature creation and verification, where client’s exponentiation is fixed-base and server’s (multi)exponentiation is variable-base, while our compiler requires one variable-base exponentiation for the client and two fixed-base exponentiations for the server, for computing \(Y=g^y\) and \(K_0=V^y\), although base V is not fixed globally but only per user account.

3.1 Security Argument for Our CDH-Based aPAKE Construction

We state the security of our asymmetric PAKE protocol in Theorem 1 below. In the security argument we model hash functions \(H_0,H_1,H_2,H_3\) used by this protocol as random oracles. For lack of space, we only include an informal sketch of the simulator, and the full formal proof of this theorem is deferred to the full version.

Theorem 1

If \((\mathbb {G},g,q)\) is a cyclic group in which CDH assumption holds and if protocol \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) realizes the revised symmetric UC PAKE functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {rpwKE}}\) then the protocol in Fig. 2 securely realizes the UC aPAKE functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) in the random oracle model for hash functions \(H_0,H_1,H_2,H_3\).

Simulator Construction. Let \(\mathsf {A}\) be an adversary that interacts with the parties running the protocol. In the proof we will assume that the execution of the symmetric PAKE protocol \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) and calls to hash functions \(H_0,H_1,H_2,H_3\) are replaced by an interaction with, respectively, an ideal functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {rpwKE}}\) and ideal functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {RO}}\) modeling (four instances of) a random oracle. We construct a simulator S interacting with the ideal functionality \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) such that no probabilistic polynomial time environment \(\mathsf {Z}\) can distinguish an interaction with \(\mathsf {A}\) in the \((\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {rpwKE}},\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {RO}})\)-hybrid real world (henceforth real world) from an interaction with S in the simulated ideal world (henceforth ideal world). Without loss of generality, we assume that \(\mathsf {A}\) is a “dummy” adversary that merely passes all messages from and to \(\mathsf {Z}\), and all computations to \(\mathsf {Z}\).

In the following argument, we will use \(\pi \) to denote the original password input to \(P_j\) while the password file was stored, i.e. that \(\mathsf {Z}\) sends \((\textsf {StorePWfile},sid,P_i,\pi )\) to \(P_j\), we will use \(\pi '\) to denote the password which \(P_i\) uses on its authentication session, i.e. that \(\mathsf {Z}\) sends \((\textsf {CltSession},sid,ssid,P_j,\pi ')\) to \(P_i\), and we will use w to denote any other password candidate, e.g. in adversary’s off-line password test queries.

S’s essential tasks are as follows:

  • Dealing with server compromise and offline attacks: When \(\mathsf {A}\) compromises \((sid,P_j)\), S must come up with r which is supposed to be \(H_1(\pi )\), and V which is supposed to be \(g^{H_0(\pi )}\), yet S may not know \(\pi \). In this case, S chooses r and v (supposed to be \(H_0(\pi )=\log _gV\)) at random, and whenever S learns \(\pi \) (this occurs when \(\mathsf {A}\) queries \(H_1(\pi )\) or \(H_0(\pi )\) and S sends an \(\mathsf {OfflineTestPwd}\) message on \(\pi \) to \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\)), S “programs” the random oracle results. (If S knows \(\pi \), it is trivial to compute r and V.)

  • \(P_i\)’s message and output: When \(P_i\)’s PAKE session is completed and \(\mathsf {A}\) sends \(Y'\), S must come up with t which is supposed to be \(H_2(K_1||K_0||Y'||\mathsf {tr})\) and let \(P_i\) output its session key which is supposed to be \(H_3(K_1)\). t is random to \(\mathsf {Z}\) unless it knows both \(K_1\) and \(K_0\); \(P_i\)’s output is random to \(\mathsf {Z}\) unless it knows \(K_1\). The only way for \(\mathsf {Z}\) to learn \(K_1\) is via compromising \(P_i\)’s PAKE session using the correct \(r'=H_1(\pi ')\), which in turn can be learned via (a) compromising \((sid,P_j)\) to get \(r=H_1(\pi )\) and then setting \(\pi '=\pi \), or (b) querying \(H_1(\pi ')\). In case (a), \(\mathsf {Z}\) also gets \(V=g^{H_0(\pi )}\), thus it can compute \(K_0\) as \(V^{y'}\) (where \(y'=\log Y'\) and can be chosen by \(\mathsf {Z}\)). In case (b), \(\mathsf {Z}\) must explicitly query \(H_0(\pi ')\) in order to learn \(K_0\). In sum, there are four subcases:

    • Case (a) above: S sets t as \(H_2(K_1||K_0||Y'||\mathsf {tr})\), and compromises \(P_i\)’s session in \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) via an \(\textsf {Impersonate}\) message. Then S is able to set \(P_i\)’s output, so it sets ssk as \(H_3(K_1)\).

    • Case (b) above, and \(\mathsf {Z}\) queries \(H_0(\pi )\): Same as above, except that S compromises \(P_i\)’s session in \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) via a \(\textsf {TestPwd}\) message on \(\pi '\), which can be extracted by observing all \(H_1(w)\) queries and checking which one was used by \(\mathsf {A}\) to compromise \(P_i\)’s PAKE session.

    • Case (b) above, and \(\mathsf {Z}\) does not query \(H_0(\pi )\): Then \(\mathsf {Z}\) learns \(K_1\), but \(K_0\) is random to it. So S chooses t at random, but still compromises \(P_i\)’s \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) session and sets ssk as \(H_3(K_1)\).

    • Neither case (a) nor case (b) above holds: Then both \(K_1\) and \(K_0\) are random to \(\mathsf {Z}\). So S chooses t at random and does not compromise \(P_i\)’s session in \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) (so \(P_i\)’s output is a random string chosen by \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\)).

  • \(P_j\)’s output: When \(P_j\)’s PAKE session is completed and \(\mathsf {A}\) sends \(t'\), S must let \(P_j\) abort, or output its session key which is supposed to be \(H_3(K_1)\). As discussed in Sect. 3, \(P_j\) aborts unless (a) \(\mathsf {A}\) merely passes all messages between the client and the server, or (b) \(\mathsf {A}\) knows both \(K_1\) and \(K_0\), which in turn renders S’s ability to extract \(P_j\)’s password \(\pi \) and use it to compromise \(P_j\)’s session in \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\). So there are three subcases:

    • Case (a) above: If \(P_j\)’s PAKE session is compromised, \(\mathsf {Z}\) knows \(K_1\), so S compromises \(P_j\)’s session in \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) and sets ssk as \(H_3(K_1)\); otherwise \(P_j\)’s output is random to \(\mathsf {Z}\), so S does not compromise \(P_j\)’s session in \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) (so \(P_j\)’s output is a random string chosen by \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\)).

    • Case (b) above: S extracts \(\pi \) as described in Sect. 3 and compromises \(P_j\)’s session in \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) via a \(\textsf {TestPwd}\) message on \(\pi \). Then S sets ssk as \(H_3(K_1)\).

    • Neither case (a) nor case (b) above holds: Then S lets \(P_j\) abort.

4 Asymmetric PAKE Construction Based on NIZK

Our second aPAKE construction is based on a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge (NIZK-PK) of Discrete Logarithm (DL). The construction is shown in Fig. 3, and it runs an instance of a symmetric PAKE, just like our construction in Sect. 3 and the construction of Gentry et al. [15], but here the symmetric PAKE instance is followed by the client sending to the server a NIZK-PK of the password hash \(v=H_0(\pi )\), where the verification value \(V=g^{H_0(\pi )}\) is held by the server. Transmitting such NIZK-PK in the clear would enable off-line dictionary attacks, so the NIZK-PK should be encrypted under the session key output by the underlying symmetric PAKE. However, a low-cost implementation of this NIZK-PK in ROM via the Fiat-Shamir heuristic [13] can be effectively encrypted if the session key K output by the symmetric PAKE is hashed to derive the verifier’s challenge in this NIZK.

Recall that a Fiat-Shamir NIZK-PK of the DL \(v=DL(g,V)\) in ROM is implemented by a pair (Xz) s.t. \(X=g^x\) for x randomly chosen in \(\mathbb {Z}_q\) and \(z=x+v\cdot c\bmod {q}\), where the verifier’s challenge c is computed as a hash of X and the DL instance V, i.e. \(c=H_2(X||V)\). However, here we modify this challenge-derivation in several ways: First, as mentioned above we include in the hash input key K output by the symmetric PAKE instance \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). This has an effect of encrypting this NIZK proof because if \(c=H_2(K||[\ldots ])\) then (Xz) is distributed uniformly in \(G\times \mathbb {Z}_q\) to an adversary for whom K is pseudorandom. Secondly, we omit the DL challenge V from the hash, to save one exponentiation from the client who would otherwise have to compute it as \(V=g^{H_0(\pi )}\). This removal endangers the proof-of-knowledge property of this NIZK, but we replace V with the transcript \(\mathsf {tr}\) of the symmetric PAKE instance \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). This inclusion has an effect of binding the NIZK to the PAKE instance, including its input \(r=H_1(\pi )\), and it suffices to show that the adversary cannot create such NIZK unless it queries \(H_0\) on \(\pi \) or computes the DL \(v=DL(g,V)\).

In effect, similarly as in construction of Sect. 3, to generate a valid last message an adversary must either merely pass all messages between the client and the server, or it must know both \(v=H_0(\pi )\) and K. To know K, the adversary must learn \(H_1(\pi )\) via compromising the server or querying it, and then interfering with the symmetric PAKE using \(H_1(\pi )\). If adversary compromises the server and learns \(r=H_1(\pi )\), then the NIZKs (Xz) is sees by interacting with the client leak no information because they can be simulated from \(V=g^{H_0(\pi )}\). Conversely, if the adversary actively engages the server on any session then it must produce such NIZK-PK itself, and by the similar argument as use in the standard implementation of this proof of knowledge, i.e. when \(c=H_2(K||V)\), this is impossible unless adversary either queries \(H_0\) on \(\pi \) or computes the discrete logarithm \(v=DL(g,V)\). In each of these cases the simulator can observe what the adversary queries and react respectively.

Detailed Description of NIZK-Based aPAKE Construction. The resulting protocol is shown in Fig. 3, and here we explain it in more details. The setting is exactly the same as in the protocol of Sect. 3 in Fig. 2, except that here \(H_2\) is a hash function onto range \(\mathbb {Z}_q\).

Password Enrollment. As in the DH-based construction of Fig. 2, the password file is a pair (rV) where \(r=H_1(\pi )\) and \(V=g^{H_0(\pi )}\), where \(\pi \) is the user’s password.

Protocol Description.

  • Client Part 1: As in the construction of Fig. 2, the client runs the client-side protocol in the symmetric PAKE \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) on input \(H_0(\pi )\). Let K be the client’s session key output by this instance of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\).

  • Server Part 1: The server runs the server-side protocol in the symmetric PAKE \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) on input r. Let K be the server’s session key output by this instance of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\).

  • Client Part 2: The client picks random x in \(\mathbb {Z}_q\), computes \(v=H_0(\pi )\), \(X = g^x\), and \(z=x+v\cdot c\bmod q\) for \(c=H_2(K||X||\mathsf {tr})\) where \(\mathsf {tr}\) is the client’s transcript of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). The client sends (Xz) to the server, and outputs \(ssk=H_3(K)\) as its session key.

  • Server Part 2: Upon receiving (Xz) from the client, the server verifies if \(X=g^z\cdot V^{-H_2(K||X||\mathsf {tr})}\) where \(\mathsf {tr}\) is the server’s transcript of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\). If the check fails, the server aborts, and otherwise it outputs \(ssk=H_3(K)\) as its session key.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Construction II: NIZK-based compiler from symmetric PAKE to asymmetric PAKE

Cost Discussion. The added cost of the construction in Fig. 3 is the cost of the NIZK prover and the NIZK verifier. Implemented as above, these require one exponentiation with fixed-base for the client, and one variable-base (multi-)exponentiation for the server. These computational costs are exactly the same as in the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method instantiated with the ECDSA signature, because ECDSA signature is indeed a version of the same NIZK-PK of discrete logarithm as we use here. However, the construction in Fig. 3 has the same communication pattern as the construction in Fig. 2, and hence saves two communication rounds compared to the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method if the last message in the underlying symmetric PAKE goes from the client to the server.

4.1 Security Argument for aPAKE Construction Based on NIZK

As in the first compiler, we state the security of our second compiler as well as a sketch of the simulator below, and defer the full proof to the full version.

Theorem 2

If \((\mathbb {G},g,q)\) is a cyclic group in which the DL assumption holds and if protocol \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) realizes the \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {rpwKE}}\) functionality, then the protocol in Fig. 3 securely realizes the \(\mathsf {F}_{\mathsf {apwKE}}\) functionality in the random oracle model for hash functions \(H_0\), \(H_1\), \(H_2\), \(H_3\).

Simulator Construction. The simulator S is very similar to that in the proof of Theorem 1. Indeed, since \(P_j\)’s password file is identical to that in the previous protocol, how S deals with server compromise and offline attacks is exactly the same with the previous simulator.

When \(P_i\)’s PAKE session is completed, S must come up with X and z, which are supposed to be \(g^x\) for x random in \(\mathbb {Z}_q\) and \(x+H_0(\pi ')\cdot H_2(K||X||\mathsf {tr})\), respectively. Value X is a random group element, so S can simply choose it at random; z is random to \(\mathsf {Z}\) (independent of X) unless \(\mathsf {Z}\) knows K. As analyzed in Theorem 1, \(\mathsf {Z}\) gets to know K via either of the following two approaches: (a) compromising \((sid,P_j)\) and then setting \(\pi '=\pi \), or (b) querying \(H_1(\pi ')\). In case (a), S chooses \(v=H_0(\pi )\) when \(\mathsf {A}\) compromises \((sid,P_j)\), so it computes \(z=x+v\cdot H_2(K||X||\mathsf {tr})\). In case (b), S computes \(z=x+H_0(\pi ')\cdot H_2(K||X||\mathsf {tr})\), where \(H_0(\pi ')\) is chosen at random if undefined yet. Finally, if neither (a) nor (b) holds, K is random to \(\mathsf {Z}\), so S chooses z at random.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A two-round UC asymmetric PAKE using compiler of Sect. 3 instantiated with UC-Secure protocol of [1]. \(({\textsf {E}},~{\textsf {D}})\) is a symmetric encryption modeled as ideal cipher over group G as the message space, \(g_1\) is another generator of the same group G, and \(H'\) and \(H''\) are hash functions with range \(\{0,1\}^{\ell }\).

When \(P_j\)’s PAKE session is completed and \(\mathsf {A}\) sends \(X'\) and \(z'\), S must let \(P_j\) abort, or output its session key which is supposed to be \(H_3(K)\). \(P_j\) aborts unless (a) \(\mathsf {A}\) merely passes all messages between the client and the server, or (b) \(\mathsf {Z}\) knows K and queries \(H_0(\pi )\) (and thus can choose a random \(x'\) in \(\mathbb {Z}_q\) and set \(X'=g^{x'}\) and \(z=x'+H_0(\pi )\cdot H_2(K||X'||\mathsf {tr}')\)). Case (a) is similar to the corresponding case in the previous simulator. S can tell case (b) by checking whether \(X=g^{z-H_0(\pi )\cdot H_2(K||X'||\mathsf {tr}')}\). If neither (a) nor (b) holds, S forces \(P_j\) to abort.

5 An Efficient Instantiation of Our Method

To exemplify the practical implications of our reduced-round PAKE-to-aPAKE compilers, we present a concrete instantiation of our aPAKE construction of Sect. 3 where the PAKE subprotocol is instantiated with the UC PAKE of Abdalla et al. [1] (henceforth referred to as the ACCP protocol), which is a variant of the encrypted key exchange (EKE) of Bellovin and Merritt [5]. The ACCP protocol is proven secure in the UC framework under the DDH assumption in the Ideal Cipher (IC) model and ROM, where the Ideal Cipher assumption is posited on a symmetric cipher with cyclic group G as a message space. The ACCP protocol uses three rounds and 2 exponentiations per party. By combining this protocol with our PAKE-to-aPAKE compiler in Fig. 2, we obtain a highly efficient UC asymmetric PAKE, depicted in Fig. 4, with the same 3 rounds as the underlying symmetric PAKE protocol, because in the ACCP protocol the last message goes from the client to the server, and therefore our client-to-server message t (see Fig. 2) can be piggybacked onto it. Note that the \(\mathrm {\Omega }\)-method of [15] would instead result in a 5-round protocol, because its two-message interaction, server-to-client and client-to-server, can start only when the server in the underlying symmetric PAKE outputs a session key, which is round 3 in the ACCP protocol.

Cost Discussion. The computational cost of the asymmetric PAKE of Fig. 4 is 3 exponentiations per client (one fixed-base, two variable-base) and 4 per server (three fixed-base, one variable-base), and the cost of the ideal-cipher encryption and decryption. (See e.g. [8, 26] on how an ideal cipher can be implemented over an elliptic curve group.) Note that if we instantiate the PAKE-to-aPAKE construction of Fig. 3 with the same ACCP symmetric PAKE protocol, the resulting asymmetric PAKE would have the same communication pattern and 3 exponentiations per client (two fixed-base, one variable-base) and 3 per server (one fixed-base, two variable-base).