
1 Introduction

Formal semantics for programs are usually constructed using one of two approaches, as described in [7]. The first approach is a top-down approach that starts with a denotational model and links the algebraic properties with it by establishing the soundness and completeness between them. This approach is used in works such as [2, 4, 14]. The second approach is a bottom-up approach that begins with an operational representation and defines a rich variety of bisimulations to identify the equivalences among programs. This approach is used in works such as [1, 15]. Algebraic laws are then generated from the study of the equivalence relations like [16].

In Jifeng He’s paper [7], he explores a new roadmap for linking theories of programming other than the top-down and bottom-up approaches. It begins from an algebra of programs and generates both denotational and operational representations from the algebraic refinement relation. For the initial step of this approach, a program algebra \((\mathcal {P},\sqsubseteq _A)\) consisting of a set of laws is presented to express the algebraic properties of programs. This program algebra is the basis of this approach, and the main criterion of the algebra is whether it is sufficient to convert every program in the domain \(\mathcal {P}\) to a normal form. This criterion is stated in Theorem 2.1 in [7]. The refinement order \(\sqsubseteq _A\) is defined on normal forms to support comparing the behaviors of two programs.

This paper aims to implement the program algebra in [7] with the interactive theorem prover Coq and prove the corresponding theorems relating the algebra with the aid of it. We chose Coq because of its strong type system, which can support the binding and value model required by He’s model. Although efforts have been made to develop more suitable value models, such as the one proposed in [5], we opted for a deep embedding approach to gain greater control over the proof process during refinement steps. Specifically, we restrict ourselves to a monomorphic value type with a fixed representation, similar to what was done in [11]. Different from shallow embedding like [3], deep embedding allows for more accurate operations on values and enable more effective use of corresponding libraries of certain types. However, it can be less convenient for proving. By encoding in an algebraic way, we can separate the value and abstract algebra parts. For the latter, we can still leverage proof facilities to simplify the proving process. For the former, we can make assertions on values rather than providing concrete values. Additionally, deep embedding allows us to manipulate the data at a more granular level using Coq’s library.

  • We translated the finite operators over algebra into CIC (Calculus of Inductive Constructions) that can be accepted in Coq.

  • We encoded the algebraic laws as rules that can be used for deduction between finite algebras. In doing so, we proved Theorem 2.1 in [7], which states that all finite algebras can be transformed into some normal form by giving the concrete transformation program. We proved that such transformation converts all programs to some normal form, and such transformation is only a composition of the laws outlined in He’s paper.

  • We provided a method to check the refinement relationship between two finite programs in mechanical proof.

  • Furthermore, our work extends He’s paper by providing a solution for comparing certain infinite programs and finite programs within finite steps.

The paper is organized as follows:

Section 2 briefly introduces the algebra of programs and refinement relation intended to be implemented.

Section 3 encodes the operators of the algebra into CIC and implements the algebraic laws for finite programs. The theorem that every finite program can be reduced to normal form is proved based on the implementation. Additionally, we implemented the refinement relation between finite programs and present an example of checking refinement between two finite programs.

Section 4 present our in-progress work on the infinite cases of the algebra together with an example of checking the refinement between an infinite program and a finite program.

Section 5 discusses the limitations and alternative solutions.

Section 6 concludes this article and talks about future works.

2 Preliminary

In Jifeng He’s paper [7], he presents a program algebra \((\mathcal {P},\sqsubseteq _{A})\) for the following syntax of sequential programs. This algebra is built upon the foundation established by [8].

$$\begin{aligned} P,Q :\,\!:=\bot ~ | ~ var:=exp ~ | ~ P \triangleleft bexp \triangleright Q ~ | ~ P ; Q ~ | ~ P \sqcap Q ~ | ~ X ~ | ~ \mu ~ X \bullet P(X) \end{aligned}$$


  • \(\bot \) stands for a chaotic program that does not terminate and can yield any behaviour unpredictably.

  • \(var := exp\) stands for the assignment statement assigning the values of a list of expressions to a list of variables.

  • \( P \triangleleft bexp \triangleright Q \) stands for the conditional choice where bexp is the boolean condition. It executes P when bexp holds and executes Q otherwise.

  • PQ stands for sequential composition.

  • \(P \sqcap Q\) stands for non-deterministic choice. In the following, we extend this operator to compose more than two operands. For example, \(\sqcap \{P_1,P_2,...,P_n\}\) means \(P_1 \sqcap P_2 \sqcap ...\sqcap P_n\).

  • X stands for a syntactic program that can be only used in the scope of a recursive program that binds it.

  • \(\mu X \bullet P(X)\) stands for the recursive program with X as the bounded recursive identifier.

Jifeng He developed an approach to construct algebraic equivalence classes between algebras based on some predefined algebraic laws, as detailed in Appendix A of [7]. These laws employ the \(=_A\) notation to represent algebraic equivalence, which is distinct from the syntactical equality (\(=\)) used in Coq. Algebraic equivalence (\(=_A\)) satisfies transitivity, reflexivity, and commutativity. Additionally, it adheres to a composition law that allows any subterm within an algebra to be replaced with its corresponding subterm within the same algebraic equivalence class. We ensure that the resulting term remains within the same algebraic equivalence class as the original term.

With the algebraic equivalence defined above, we can define the normal form of programs. The normal form is defined in two ways: the finite normal form (FNF) and the infinite normal form (INF).

Definition 1 (Finite Normal Form)

Let bexp be a boolean condition, \(v := e_i\) be a total assignment. The finite normal form is defined as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} \bot \triangleleft bexp \triangleright \sqcap _i (v := e_i ) \end{aligned}$$

The algebraic refinement relation on the finite normal forms is defined with the following two rules.

Definition 2 (Algebraic Refinement for Finite Program)

Let P and Q be programs. The refinement order \(\sqsubseteq _A\) for finite programs is defined as follows.

  1. 1.

    If \(P =_A \sqcap \left\{ v:=e_i ~|~ i \in I\right\} \), \(Q=_A\sqcap \left\{ v:=f_j ~|~ j \in J\right\} \), then

        \( P \sqsubseteq _A Q \) iff for any \(f \in \{f_j ~|~ j\in J\}\), we have \(\forall x \bullet f(x) \in \{e_i(x)~|~i \in I\}\).

  2. 2.

    If \(P =_A \bot \triangleleft b \triangleright R\), \(Q =_A \bot \triangleleft c \triangleright S\), then

        \(P\sqsubseteq _A Q\) iff \(\left[ c\Rightarrow b\right] \) and \([b] \vee (R\sqsubseteq _A S)\) The notation [bexp] means \(\forall v \bullet bexp(v)\) where v is the list of all free variables in bexp.

The infinite normal form is defined as the infinite sequence of finite normal forms.

Definition 3 (Infinite Normal Form)

Let \(S_i\) be programs of finite normal form \(\bot \triangleleft b_i \triangleright Q_i\), \(S_i\), \(S_{i+1}\) form an ascending chain \(S_i\sqsubseteq _A S_{i+1}\), and for any ij with \(b_i=b_j\), \(\bot \triangleleft b_i \triangleright Q_i =_A \bot \triangleleft b_j \triangleright Q_j\). The infinite normal form is defined as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} \sqcup \left\{ S_i ~|~ i \in N \right\} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sqcup S\) stands for the least upper bound of the set S.

The algebraic refinement relation on the infinite normal forms is defined as following two rules.

Definition 4 (Algebraic Refinement for Infinite Program)

Let P and Q be programs. The refinement order \(\sqsubseteq _A\) is defined as follows.

  1. 1.

    If \(S=_A \bot \triangleleft b \triangleright R\), \(T=_A\{\bot \triangleleft c_i \triangleright U_i ~|~ i\in N\}\), then

        \(S\sqsubseteq _A(\sqcup T)\) iff \(\left[ \left( \bigwedge c_i\right) \Rightarrow b\right] \) and \(\forall i \in \mathbb {N} \bullet R \sqsubseteq _A U_i\).

  2. 2.

    If \(P =_A \sqcup \{S_i ~|~ i \in N\}\), \(Q =_A \sqcup \{T_i ~|~ i \in N\}\), then

        \(P\sqsubseteq _A Q\) iff \(\forall i \in \mathbb {N} \bullet S_i \sqsubseteq _A Q \).

As mentioned above, the infinite program relies on finite programs and their refinement relation. Therefore, it is advisable to prioritize encoding the finite programs first.

3 Encoding Algebra for Finite Programs

Jifeng He uses algebraic laws to represent the deduction of program algebra and refinement relations. In this section, we will discuss how to encode the laws related to finite algebra into Coq code. Coq employs the formalism called Calculus of Inductive Constructions [12]. This formalism replaces property verification with the check of type signatures of expression captured by Coq’s special sort, Prop. Moreover, inductive definitions will automatically generate induction hypotheses, which assist us in our proofs.

3.1 Translating Syntax of Finite Algebra

In this section, an inductive type Alg is constructed to represent all finite programs that do not include recursion. The Alg type is composed of two types, Atomic and Comp, which correspond to different kinds of valid program syntax.

figure a

The finite operators in program algebra correspond to the Comp type. These operators include sequential composition (Seq), non-deterministic choice (NDC), and conditional choice (CDC). On the other hand, the chaotic program (Chaos) and assignment statement (Assn) correspond to Atomic type.

The symbol \(\sqcap l_{n\in N}\) represents the non-deterministic choice of a set l, where N is the set of natural numbers. In our implementation, we represent sets using lists and encode the non-deterministic choice of the list as NDCList This encoding is straightforward, except for the empty set, which we represent using a special algebraic structure called Empty.

For the sake of readability, we will use the following notations to denote the syntax, the notations are similar to the original symbol in Jifeng He’s paper.

The algebra of a single assignment statement can be represented using the following notation:

figure b

The assignment statement e can be divided into two parts: the variable part and the expression part. The variable part is a user-defined type, which is injected through a type class. The expression part is simply a function, where the domain and range are both a list of variables.

figure c

It can be represented using the following notation:

figure d

The chaotic program is represented using a notation similar to \(\bot \).

figure e

The conditional choice of program p and q is represented using the notation below.

figure f

The boolean condition b in the branching expression is defined as a function that takes a list of variables as its input and outputs a boolean value.

figure g

The notation below is used to represent the sequential composition of program p and q.

figure h

To represent the non-deterministic choice of program p and q, we use the notation below.

figure i

The non-deterministic choice of a set can use the following notation.

figure j

Specifically, the representation of non-deterministic choice for the empty set is denoted using the following notation.

figure k

3.2 Representing Algebraic Equivalence Relationship

The algebraic equivalence relation (\(=_A\)) is a property defined on two algebras. It is denoted as rwtrel in the following Coq code.

figure l

The relation satisfies the properties of reflexivity, transitivity, commutativity, and the composition law. These properties correspond to the following axioms: rwt_refl, rwt_trans, rwt_comm, and rwt_comb.

The notation (\(\leftarrow \rightarrow \)) is used to represent algebraic equivalence (\(=_A\)). In the code that follows, all algebraic laws for the program algebras described in [7] are expressed using rwtrel.

3.3 Encoding the Algebraic Laws

All algebraic laws can be categorized into three layers. The first layer concerns operations on assignments, while the second layer involves the combination of non-deterministic choices over different assignments. The third layer deals with operations on the finite normal form (without recursion). With the help of these predefined algebraic laws, we intend to establish a theorem saying that all finite programs can be reduced to their normal forms.

Due to space limitations, we refer the readers to the Appendix A of Jifeng He’s paper [7] to see all the corresponding algebraic laws.

Assignment. Regarding the first layer, most laws simply require a straightforward translation into code. For example, Law A.2.(2) can be translated into code as follows:

figure m

Law A.2.(1) states that any assignment can be extended into its corresponding total assignment.

figure n

we interpret extending an assignment to its corresponding total assignment as an extension of the variable part to include all possible variables in the GLOBVARS. We then proceed to extend the expression function accordingly.

figure o

The function extends_mapping maps the variable in the domain of the original assignment to its original range while leaving all other variables unchanged. This can be achieved with the help of extends_mapping_help function.

figure p

The function extends_mapping_help allows for the extension of a target expression mapping’s domain. Specifically, it maps elements in the range of us to their corresponding values in m(us). Any element that is not in the range of us but is within the range of k remains unchanged. The function utilizes the lookup_help function to determine whether a target variable exists within an assignment’s domain.

figure q

If the variable a is within the domain vs, lookup_help will return its corresponding value within the range us. Otherwise, the variable a remains unchanged.

figure r

Non-deterministic Choice. Law A.3 in [7] states the absorption properties of non-deterministic choice of total assignments. It relies on syntax checking whether a program is in the form of non-deterministic choices over total assignments, which we denote as CH. We define the following function CH to achieve that.

figure s

where the function Total\(\_\)Assign checks whether a target assigning is total.

figure t

Therefore, the law of the conditional operation over CHs (Law A.3.(2)) is defined as follows.

figure u

Finite Normal Form. The laws on the absorption properties of finite normal forms (Law A.4) can be similarly defined. For instance, the law of the non-deterministic operation over finite normal forms (Law A.4.(1)) is defined as follows.

figure v

The proof of the following theorem relies on the laws defined above.

3.4 Proof of Finite Normal Form Reduction

In this part, we would use the implications given above to prove the key Theorem 2.1 in [7], which states that every finite program can be reduced to FNF. The corresponding theorem is presented in Coq as follows.

figure w

where the function FNF (Definition 1) is defined to check whether a program is in the finite normal form.

figure x

We proved this theorem through the implementation of a program that converts any input program to its normal form, referred to as Normal. In order to prove the above, we imposed two crucial rules.

The first law states that the resulting program must conform to the normal form condition, which can be expressed as follows:

figure y

The second law, which states that all finite programs subjected to the transformation should still yield algebraic equivalent outcomes, can be formalized as the following theorem:

figure z

The transformation function Normal that satisfies the above conditions is implemented as follows:

figure aa

When a program belongs to Atomic, it can be translated into its corresponding normal form directly. However, if it contains any operators belonging to the Comp, it must then be divided into two sub-programs for translation. The subprograms are subsequently translated individually and then combined to form a new program that is also in its normal form.

In the above definition, the function Normal_comb_Seq transforms two subprograms combined in normal form with ’Seq’ into a new program in its normal form. Firstly, it combines the subprograms as Law A.4.(5) dictates. However, the right part of the resulting program is not assignment sequences, so we need to transform it accordingly.

figure ab

The function Alg_to_CH converts the algebra that consists of assignments linked by non-deterministic choices into a list format.

figure ac

The function Alg_to_CH must meet the following condition to ensure its correctness.

figure ad

The function CH_comb_Seq combines two lists of assignments together in the manner described by Law A.3.(3).

figure ae

The function Assign_comb_Seq applies Law A.2.(2) to transform a program consisting of two assignments combined with Seq into a single assignment statement.

figure af

The function Normal_comb_CDC and the function Normal_comb_UDC is defined similarly. Upon completion of the definition of the function Normal, we need to ensure that it satisfies the conditions outlined in Listing 1.1 and Listing 1.2.

Listing 1.1 states that the program after transformation should be in normal form. The process of proving can be divided into two types of sub-goals. The first type involves only operators in the Atomic group, which we can prove directly.

The proof of Listing 1.2 requires the use of induction hypotheses. The process of proving is similar to that of the previous theorem. For subgoals involving only operators in the Atomic group, we prove them directly by applying laws. For subgoals involving induction hypotheses, we first ensure that the condition part is correctly constructed before moving on to the assignment part. Since list operations are involved, we cannot apply the reducing law directly. Instead, we must define a new lemma that connects the reducing equivalence relation between individual elements with the reducing equivalence relation across the entire list.

figure ag

The complete proof can be found at the following link on GitHubFootnote 1. In addition, the techniques for proving the above theorem can help us to convert any program to its normal form.

3.5 Definition of Refinement on Finite Programs

The refinement relation defined in Definition 2 can be implemented in Coq for finite programs by comparing two assignment expressions for equality, and checking if one non-deterministic choice of total assignments is a subset of another.

figure ah

The function Refine corresponds to the second case of Definition 2 where two programs are in FNF. With the introduction of Constraints, we can specify certain limitations on the variables in GLOBVARS, which determines the possible range of variables.

figure ai

The function RefineCH encodes the first case of Definition 2 where two programs are both non-deterministic choices of total assignments.

figure aj

The function subAssn is defined to find whether two assignments form a subset relation, i.e., \(x \subseteq y \).

figure ak

The subEval function is designed to determine whether a given set of variables x, represented as a list, is a subset of another set y.

3.6 Example of Refinement on Finite Programs

In this part, we will use Coq to prove the refinement on two finite programs \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) presented as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} T_1 =_{def}&(\{a, b, c := a + 1, b + 1, c + 1 \} ; \\&(\{a, b, c := a, b, c\} \triangleleft ~ (a \ge 20) ~ \triangleright \{a, b, c := a - 1, b - 1, c - 1 \})) \\&\triangleleft ~ (a \le 10) ~ \triangleright \bot \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} T_2 =_{def} \bot&\triangleleft (a > 10) \triangleright \{a, b, c := a + 1, b + 1, c + 1\}; \\ ((&\{a, b, c := a + 1, b + 1, c + 1\} \sqcap \{ a, b, c := a - 1, b - 1, c - 1 \})) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Since the refinement relation is defined on normal forms. The proof is conducted by first reducing the two programs \(T_1, T_2\) to their corresponding normal forms \(N_1, N_2\) and then show that \(N_2 \sqsubseteq _A N_1\).

In order to encode the two programs with our Coq implementation, we need to first instantiate the parameters of our formalism.

figure al

The instantiation involves providing the concrete type of each variable, and a function that decides whether two variables are equal.

We set the type of variables to be a tuple consisting of a string and a natural number with MyVar.

figure am

The function eqbVar determines whether two variables have the same name and value of natural numbers.

GLOBVARS is a user-defined parameter that keeps track of all variables used in the relevant programs. It functions as a dictionary that enables us to convert arbitrary assignments into total assignments. Initializing GLOBVARS with concrete values is not strictly necessary. Instead, we use Constraints to specify the properties that GLOBVARS must satisfy. Typically, this means including all possible variables that could appear. In our case, we instantiate GLOBVARS as \(\{a, b, c\}\) where a, b, and c are different variables.

The programs \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) are encoded as Coq instances testAlg and testAlg2 respectively.

figure an

In the code above, hdge2 represents the condition \(a \ge 20\), while hdle1 represents \(a \le 10\). The program empty_assn is the assignment statement that keeps all variables’ values unchanged. On the other hand, ascassn is the assignment statement that increases all variables’ values by 1, while dscassn decreases all variables’ values by 1.

After completing the pre-work, the only work that remains to be done is to prove the following property.

figure ao

The proof consists of three steps. Firstly, we pattern match Normal testnf and Normal testnf2. Let us denote the boolean expression of Normal testnf as \(b_1\), and its assignment list as \(l_1\). Similarly, let the boolean expression and assignment list of Normal testnf2 be denoted by \(b_2\) and \(l_2\), respectively.

In the second step, we categorize the possible values of variables. We ensure that there is no condition where \(b_2\) is false and \(b_1\) is true; in other words, either \(b_2\) is true or \(b_1\) is false.

For the third step, we simplify \(l_1\) and \(l_2\) based on the condition that \(b_1\) is false. lia, a tactic for linear integer arithmetic, is used to simplify conditional functions in expressions. Then, by substituting the variables in expressions, we check if all possible values in \(l_1\) exist in \(l_2\). This process involves rewriting by substituting the variables in the hypothesis into the goals.

The full process of this proof can be found in GitHubFootnote 2.

4 Encoding Algebra for Infinite Programs

In this section, we will delve into the intricacies of handling infinite programs and draw comparisons with their finite counterparts. Specifically, our focus will be on analyzing the infinite program generated by recursive functions with a single variable. This particular structure allows for comparisons between finite and infinite programs, without the added complexity of navigating through the expanding order of the recursive function.

4.1 Representing Infinite Programs

Throughout our discussion, we will focus specifically on recursive functions that take only a single variable. To generate infinite series for analysis, we will use a function that maps from one finite algebra to another. Specifically, we will be working with a datatype called Stream, which is an infinitely long list composed of two parts: the current element which is its head, and the rest of the infinite list.

Using the CoFixpoint, we can define an infinite list called Recur in such a way that every element in the list is the result of applying the function f to the previous element and the first element of the list is a.

figure ap

We can define the normal form for a given algebra stream \(\{S_i\}\) by verifying that \(\forall i \in \mathbb {N}\bullet S_i \sqsubseteq S_{i+1}\) as defined in Definition 3, A stream satisfying this property is said to be in its normal form using the following Coq code, where h and m are the first two elements of the stream s. The use of Forall ensures that the property holds for all suffixes of the given stream.

figure aq

Coq’s automatic tactic for infinite structures has a limitation in generating proper induction laws automatically. Therefore, we need to define the induction law ourselves.

figure ar

4.2 Refinement Between Finite and Infinite Program

According to the first case of Definition 4, to find out whether an infinite program refines a finite program is to find if there exists some item in the infinite program normal form series that is strong enough to refine the given finite algebra. To find such an item, we can either use the Str_nth function defined in Stream library to trace the nth item, or we can define a SthExists function to find whether the given algebra exists (or in the same deducing-closed class with the item) in the series.

figure as

With the definition given above, we can prove \(F \sqsubseteq G\).

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} F =_{def} (\{a, b := a, b \} \sqcap \{a, b := b \text { mod } a , a\} \triangleleft ~ (a = 0) ~ \triangleright \bot \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} G =_{def} \lambda X \bullet (\{a, b := a, b \} \triangleleft ~ (a = 0) ~ \triangleright (\{a, b := b \text { mod } a , a \} ; X)) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

F is a finite program that can be encoded as follows:

figure at

G is a program that uses the Euclidean algorithm to solve for the greatest common divisor. The Coq encoding of G (GCDStr) is shown below:

figure au

In the above definition, hdeqz is used to determine whether a is equal to zero. The program skip denotes an assignment that does not change anything. Finally, GCDAssn updates the value of a and b according to the Euclidean algorithm: \(a, b := b \text { mod } a , a\).

figure av

In this case we will initialize GLOBVARS as \(\{a; \)b\(\}\). First of all, we would like to know if such a sequence is in its normal form.

figure aw

After that, we want to find some item in the series that can be deduced to GCDRes.

figure ax

GCDRes is picked up to represent GCDStr. Our goal now is to demonstrate that GCDRes refines finite program falg.

figure ay

Since both GCDStr and falg are finite programs, we can perform a finite comparison between them. We can use the proving techniques introduced in Sect. 3.6.

The full process of this proof can be found in GitHubFootnote 3.

5 Discussion

In this paper, we implemented Jifeng He’s approach to establishing program equivalence and refinement relations using axioms, and encoded it in Coq. Our approach is based on axiomatic semantics, which distinguishes it from the [6] project that utilizes the denotational model and builds alphabetized predicates. To facilitate program comparison, we transform each program into a normal form, separating the abstract program part from the concrete evaluation part. This approach accommodates diverse computational models. In this paper, we utilize a simple model that applies abstract variables to functions directly, making comparisons between functions challenging.

We have also made progress in automating the proving process by utilizing Coq’s mechanics. We have successfully automated the transformation of the abstract algebra part to its normal form. However, there remain challenges in the refinement process. The proof can be verbose, as issues may arise with unifying the type of variables in our library and the type of user-defined variables when importing our library.

This paper focuses on a special case of recursive programs with one variable, which serves as the foundation for more general recursive programs that can eventually be transformed to some recursive program with a composite variable. We are currently working on extending our work to this area.

When dealing with infinite cases, we encountered limitations due to the difficulty of representing any proposition that is a finite and terminating structure of an infinitely recursive program series because it is impossible to compute infinite loops. We found two approaches to address this issue. The first involves simplifying the problem into some finite cases, where we found that comparing infinite programs to finite ones can be simplified by unrolling the infinite series a finite number of times. This results in a computable process. The second approach involves translating the problem of infinite computing to a continuity problem that we can symbolically reason about. We are still working on finding a general method for this.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we present our implementation of the program algebra introduced by Jifeng He in Coq. We have translated the formalism of the algebra into Coq syntax and implemented the algebraic laws and refinement relation defined by He. Using our framework, we provide machine-aided proofs for key theorems that demonstrate every finite program can be reduced to its normal form, and we give a concrete transformation program. Additionally, we provide examples to illustrate how our implementation can be used to check refinement relationships between two finite programs or a finite program and an infinite program in a theorem-proving manner.

In the future, we intend to improve our work in the following aspects.

  • Determining the most appropriate way to express infinite programs still require further exploration. We will try to develop a suitable model to represent the algebra between infinite structures.

  • The value model in this paper needs further improvement to meet the need of actual use.

  • The refinement proof process can be verbose, but there may be techniques available to simplify it such as developing automatic tactics to extract variables hypotheses and substitute them into goals, rewrapping the expression type to simplify the comparisons between functions, changing the lazy evaluation of the expression to eager one and so on.

Furthermore, our framework can serve as a foundation for several works based on process algebra, such as probability programs [10], parallel programs [13], quantum programs [9], and more. These works can potentially be extended using our framework.