
1 Introduction

The interaction between large-scale enterprises and their customers and brand-building strategies have undergone a significant transformation with the advent of social media. The impact of social media on large-scale enterprises can be seen through the success of companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook. In 2020, Amazon reported a 37% increase in revenue, totalling $386 billion, with a significant portion of this revenue attributed to its social media marketing strategy. By leveraging social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Amazon has successfully engaged with its customers, marketed its products, and generated sales. Amazon has established brand awareness and fostered customer loyalty through its well-executed social media marketing campaigns, contributing to its sustained success. Microsoft is another example of a large-scale enterprise that has successfully leveraged social media to reach its target audience. In 2020, Microsoft reported a revenue of $110.4 billion, a significant portion of this revenue attributed to its social media marketing strategy. Microsoft employs social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, to interact with its clientele, promote its products, and drive sales. Microsoft has created brand awareness and has built customer loyalty through its social media marketing campaigns, leading to its continued success. Sehl, k., Social Media for Big Companies [1] Facebook is yet another example of a large-scale enterprise impacted by social media. In 2020, Facebook reported revenue of $85.9 billion, a significant portion of this revenue attributed to its social media marketing strategy. Facebook uses its platform, Instagram and WhatsApp, to engage with its customers, promote its products, and drive sales. Through its social media marketing campaigns, Facebook has created brand awareness and built customer loyalty, leading to its continued success. De Vries, L., Impact of Social Media on Consumers and Firms [2] The capacity of social media to generate brand awareness is among the major effects it has on big corporations. With billions of active social media users worldwide, businesses can promote their products and services across various social media channels, making it easier to target specific demographics. Social media also provides large-scale enterprises with a platform to engage with their customers in real time, addressing their concerns, responding to feedback, and resolving issues quickly. This enhances the overall customer experience, increasing customer loyalty and repeat business.

Moreover, social media provides large-scale enterprises with valuable insights into their customers’ behaviour and preferences. Businesses can extract valuable insights into customers’ preferences, pain points, and motivations by keeping track of social media conversations and engagement. These insights can be leveraged to inform the development of marketing and product strategies, allowing businesses to create products and services that better meet the needs and wants of their customers. As social media continues to evolve, its impact on large-scale enterprises will continue to grow, leading to increased success and profitability for businesses that embrace it. Edosomwan, The History of Social Media and its Impact on Business [3]. The study by Edosomwan provides insights into the history of social media and its impact on business. It highlights how social media has transformed the way businesses operate, engage with customers, and market their products and services. The study emphasizes the significance of social media for large-scale enterprises and how it has become an integral part of their marketing and advertising strategies. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of the evolution of social media and its impact on businesses, particularly large-scale enterprises. It emphasizes the need for businesses to recognize the importance of social media in today's digital landscape and adapt their strategies accordingly. The success of companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook in utilizing social media for their business operations serves as examples of how social media can be leveraged for increased success and profitability.

To sum up, the impact of social media on large-scale enterprises has been significant, resulting in significant changes in how businesses operate and engage with their customers. By leveraging social media, businesses can create brand awareness, engage with their customers in real-time, and gain valuable insights into their behaviour and preferences. Large-scale enterprises such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook have recognised social media's importance and successfully integrated it into their marketing and advertising strategies. As social media continues to evolve, its impact on large-scale enterprises will continue to grow, leading to increased success and profitability for businesses that embrace it (Tables 1, 2 and 3).

Table 1 Evolution of digital marketing
Table 2 Impact of branding/marketing trend on large scale business based organisations
Table 3 Impact of branding/marketing trend on large scale digital based organisations

2 An Overview of Social Media: A Brief Discussion

Social media is a platform where users create and share content, as defined by Tim Berners-Lee. It is not merely a browsing medium but a collaboration of people sharing ideas and opinions. On social networking platforms like Twitter and Facebook, users can share short messages, images, videos, and other content that their friends and followers can respond to by commenting, sharing, or liking. Social media allows businesses to create a potential market, build credibility, and establish their brand, image, and reputation.

The massive user base of social networking sites makes them attractive to marketers and organisations. Facebook, for instance, has approximately 2.91 billion users worldwide. The broad reach of social media and its relatively low cost offers businesses a distinct chance to connect with a sizable pool of potential customers, making it a crucial element in making business decisions.

Social media has become essential to our daily routines, with multitudes of individuals employing various platforms to interact and establish connections with others. The most widely-used social media networks globally include Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. Nonetheless, it is crucial to remember that only some social media platforms are created for brand engagement, as certain platforms cater solely to instant messaging, while others have more limited use in specific regions of the world, such as China.

The study by Abuhashesh titled Integration of Social Media in Businesses [4] highlights the widespread use of social media in daily routines and the popularity of various platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. The study emphasizes that not all social media platforms are designed for brand engagement, as some platforms are primarily used for instant messaging, and others may have limited use in specific regions of the world.

This information is valuable for businesses seeking to integrate social media into their marketing strategies, as it highlights the need to carefully select the appropriate platforms for their target audience and marketing objectives. Understanding the different functionalities and limitations of various social media platforms can help businesses make informed decisions and effectively engage with their audience. It also underscores the dynamic nature of social media, with platforms evolving and changing over time, requiring businesses to stay updated with the latest trends and developments (Figs. 1 and 2).

Fig. 1
A bar graph plots the number of monthly active users in billions versus 12 social networks. The top 5 data are Facebook 2.91, youtube 2.56, Whatsapp 2.00, Instagram 1.48, and TikTok 1.00.

Most popular social networks worldwide

Fig. 2
A bar graph plots the percentage of the popularity of 7 social media platforms. The platforms and their bar values are Facebook 91%, Instagram 78%, LinkedIn 61%, Youtube 55%, Twitter 48%, TikTok 9%, and Snapchat 4%.

Most popular social media platforms for business in 2022

3 Exploring the Literature on Social Media Marketing: Categorizing Studies and Investigating the Impact on Large Scale Enterprises

The extensive body of literature on social media marketing (SMM) was synthesized by gaining access to relevant publications through the Scopus search engine. Two keywords, “social media marketing” and “social media advertising,” were used to extract publications. The keyword search yielded a total of seventy-one studies, which were categorized into eleven different areas of exploration in SMM. These categories included healthcare and wellbeing, analytics and sentiment analysis, return on investments, advertising, education, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), brand fans and followers, banking, general marketing, music industry, mobile marketing, and RFID. Additionally, the impact of SMM on large scale enterprises will also be discussed individually in the context of these twelve subsections. One notable study in the field of social media marketing is the work by Bajpai, V. titled Social Media Marketing: Strategies and Its Impact [5]. This study provides insights into the strategies and impact of social media marketing. It adds to the existing literature on SMM and offers valuable insights for practitioners and researchers interested in this field. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of the various strategies used in social media marketing and their impact on different aspects of businesses and organizations.

3.1 The Utilization of Social Media by Large Corporations

Adamopoulos, P. titled The Effectiveness of Promotional Events in Social Media [6] highlights the growing importance of social media usage at the enterprise level. Multinational corporations, such as Disney, operate on a large scale and manage multiple social media channels in different languages and regions. These companies often have separate accounts for different purposes, such as support, marketing, recruitment, and various divisions or verticals. Managing such extensive operations requires a large workforce, multiple agencies, legal oversight, and enterprise-grade management tools, such as Hootsuite Enterprise. Social media policies, guidelines, and style guides are employed to ensure consistent brand messaging and voice across all platforms. Here are some of the primary objectives that large companies aim to achieve through their social media presence:

3.2 Enhance Visibility of the Brand

Social media offers significant benefits for large B2C (business to consumer) companies, as it allows them to amplify their reach and increase awareness for specific messages, campaigns, product launches, and other initiatives beyond their existing brand name recognition. Bhanot, S., A Study on Impact of Social Media on Company Performance [7].

Zomato is a food delivery and restaurant discovery platform that utilizes social media to engage with its customers and promote its brand. Here are a few examples of how Zomato uses social media:

  1. 1.

    Promoting Content: Zomato uses social media to promote its content, such as restaurant reviews and food-related articles. This helps to keep customers engaged and informed about the latest food trends and new restaurant openings.

  2. 2.

    User-Generated Content: Zomato encourages its users to share their food experiences and reviews on social media platforms, which helps to create a sense of community and engagement around the brand.

  3. 3.

    Influencer Marketing: Zomato collaborates with food bloggers, social media influencers, and celebrities to promote its brand and generate buzz around new restaurant launches and events. The highly competitive food delivery and restaurant discovery industry Overall, Zomato leverages social media in various ways to connect with its customers and promote its brand (Fig. 3).

    Fig. 3
    A photograph of 2 billboards in front of a construction building. The advertisements are from Blinkit and Zomato. The text is in a foreign language. A screenshot of comments from Zomato, Blinkit, and other individuals is on the right.

    Ad campaign by Zomato [8]

3.3 Establishing a Connection with Targeted Demographics

Global businesses can target specific market segments on social media by utilizing various platforms and accounts that cater to their intended audiences. Depending on the demographics, different platforms may be more effective. For instance, luxury brands have tapped into WeChat business accounts to attract affluent Chinese consumers, while brands such as Chipotle and Betty Crocker's Fruit Gushers have leveraged TikTok to reach younger demographics.

3.4 What Lessons Can Large Corporations Learn from the Practices of Small Enterprises?

In today's business landscape, “small business” is often synonymous with “good business.” This sentiment is evident in the emphasis placed on small enterprises by Facebook executives during a recent earnings call, where they mentioned their work with small businesses at least 23 times. Conversely, large corporations receive a different level of attention.

The ongoing pandemic has also increased people's preference for supporting small businesses. These enterprises typically adhere to customer service principles that have stood the test of time, which many large corporations tend to overlook. As such, megacorps should take note of these best practices and prioritize them accordingly.

3.5 Foster Strong Customer Connections

Customers hold in high esteem the local barista who remembers their coffee order, and this level of personalized service is also achievable for large brands on social media. Reviewing message histories and notes before responding to customer inquiries is important, as this can provide valuable insights into their previous experiences or customer status. For instance, it can be beneficial to know if a customer has faced repeated issues with a particular service or if they are a member of a loyalty program.

3.6 Infuse Personality into Your Brand

In today's business landscape, customers favour personal connections over faceless corporations. Whether in marketing, recruiting, or customer service, individuals want to see the human side of brands. This was affirmed by a Harvard Business Review study, which found that simple actions like signing a message with a customer service agent's initials can significantly improve customer perception. As such, companies must prioritize showcasing the human side of their brand to increase customer engagement.

3.7 The Importance of Transparency and Ethical Branding for Large Corporations

Matthews, L. titled “Social Media and the Evolution of Corporate Communications” [9] Large businesses are often lauded for their ethics, which can be easily observed in actions like using donation jars or serving ethically sourced products. However, large corporations may need help communicating their corporate values effectively. Research from the University of Toronto suggests that people tend to judge a business based on its size while also placing increasing importance on purchasing decisions that align with their values. Therefore, large companies must be transparent and genuine in conveying their values to customers. As advised by Pankaj Aggarwal, a marketing professor at the University of Toronto, big businesses need to tell a story that accurately reflects their brand and meets customers’ expectations.

3.8 Corporate Social Responsibility: Supporting the Community

Consumers favour local businesses to help their community. On the contrary, multinational corporations are often seen as exploiting the communities they operate in. Shockingly, almost 50% of the global companies analyzed in the 2020 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark do not comply with the human rights standards outlined by the United Nations. Big Data: A Road Map for Successful Digital Marketing [10]. To distinguish themselves from these companies, global brands should showcase how they give back to the communities they operate in or benefit from on social media. These companies must highlight their community investments to show their dedication to social responsibility. Illustrations of Effective Social Media Practices by Large Corporations Several well-known brands have consistently received high scores on social media platforms. These include RedBull, Oreo, Nike and KFC. It's recommended that you keep an eye on these prominent brands. Additionally, the following big names should also be on your radar.

4 Illustrations of Effective Social Media Practices by Large Corporations

Several well-known brands have been consistently receiving high scores on social media platforms. These include RedBull, Oreo, Nike and KFC. It's recommended that you keep an eye on these prominent brands. Additionally, the following big names should also be on your radar. Farzana, P., Impact of Social Media Usage on Organizations [11].

4.1 Patagonia

The outdoor apparel brand is privately owned and doesn't manufacture coats solely to sell them. Their marketing strategy isn't focused on promoting their products, which was made clear by their decision to boycott Facebook advertisements last year. According to Alex Weller, the brand's marketing director, their actions form the foundation of their work, including their marketing efforts. Rather than using call-to-actions, Patagonia inspires its audience by highlighting its actions to preserve the planet, using extensive content and panoramic visuals.

Patagonia's approach places a higher value on their vests than just their practical features, such as wind flaps and moisture-wicking fleece. Rather than focusing solely on the quality of its apparel, the company's marketing strategy promotes membership in a community that is dedicated to taking action towards protecting the environment. In this way, Patagonia's marketing doesn't just sell clothing; it promotes a sense of belonging to a community that shares a common goal (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
A poster and a chat screenshot. The poster on the left has a text quoted as Democracy works when you do. A chat screenshot on the right from the account of Patagonia represents the voting campaign.

Social-media campaign by Patagonia [12]

4.1.1 Main Points to Remember

  1. (1)

    One important lesson to learn is to avoid marketing just for the sake of it. Having a clear purpose behind your message is essential as not using marketing as a mere promotional tool.

  2. (2)

    Creating communities based on shared values is a valuable strategy. Connecting with your audience through shared values can foster a sense of belonging and create a loyal following.

4.2 Sephora

Sephora has consistently made significant investments in social media. Last year, the beauty company collaborated with Instagram to launch a social storefront that integrates with their loyalty program.

Following allegations of racial bias and criticisms for lack of diversity, Sephora investigated and created an action plan to address the issue. In November, the report was published, specifically acknowledging that a lack of diversity in marketing, merchandise, and retail employees leads to exclusionary treatment.

To address this inequality, Sephora committed to developing marketing guidelines prioritising representation and diversity in marketing and product offerings. Additionally, the company aims to further its 15% Pledge commitment by supporting and promoting Black-owned businesses. This includes their Accelerate Bootcamp program, which is exclusively made up of BIPOC participants this year (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
A poster and a chat screenshot. The poster on the left has a text quoted as, Today we are taking the 15% pledge to dedicate 15% of our shelf space to black-owned companies. A chat screenshot on the right from the account of Sephora talks about a campaign.

Social-media campaign by Sephora [13]

The promotion of diversity and inclusion will also play a role in this year's instalment of #SephoraSquad, an internal creator program that leverages the influence of social media influencers. Initially introduced in 2019, the program serves as an “influencer incubator” for authentic, unfiltered storytellers who work closely with the company. Sephora has already seen positive results from its inclusive marketing efforts, with its “Color Under the Lights” campaign leading to an 8% increase in purchase intent and improved brand favorability.

4.2.1 Main Points to Remember

  1. (1)

    Taking responsibility for errors and directly addressing criticism is important to building a trustworthy and transparent brand.

  2. (2)

    Incorporating inclusive marketing practices can have a significant and wide-ranging impact on a brand's success.

4.3 Spotify

For some, Spotify is considered more than just a music streaming platform and can be viewed as a social media platform in its own right. This effect is because of Spotify app's introduction of a Stories feature last year and the company's recent acquisition of Locker Room, a move intended to challenge Clubhouse in the live audio realm.

Spotify integrates social media elements directly into its platform rather than just treating social media as a marketing channel. In contrast to Apple Music, Spotify allows for easy connectivity between users, artists, and their friends on the platform. Artist profiles on the app include links to various social media channels, and the platform is seamlessly integrated with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Twitter, and other similar sites to facilitate effortless sharing and promotion of music (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
An illustration of 2 mobile screens. Screen 1 displays a page of options for messages, WhatsApp, Instagram stories, copy links, and more. The option Instagram story is selected. Screen 2 displays an Instagram story. It has a screenshot of a music video playing the dance monkey song on Spotify.

Social-media strategy of instagram story by spotify[13]

Will Page, former chief economist at Spotify, stated in a recent Facebook study that for younger generations who grew up with social media, their music exploration starts on social platforms, and Spotify aligns itself with this trend by meeting people where they prefer to discover music (Figs. 7 and 8).

Fig. 7
A screenshot of a social media post of B T S charts. It has a link for the wrapped 2020 and 2 posters. The posters have texts as follows. The top song of the year is Dynamite. Your top artist was B T S.

Post by K-Pop band BTS for spotify[13]

Fig. 8
A dual bar graph plots the percentage of responses from individuals from 10 countries aged between 18 and 34 years and over 35 years. Brazil and Mexico plot the highest percentage of 77% of those aged between 18 and 34 years. Brazil plots the highest percentage of 70% of those aged over 35 years.

Percentage of music listeners who agree: “I am more likely to continue using a music streaming service if I feel like part of a community related to it or the artists on it” [13]

Spotify's success in social media is also attributed to its ability to leverage user-generated content and transform artists and listeners into social media marketers. The platform offers promotional tools such as Promo Cards, while its yearly campaign, Spotify Wrapped, encourages listeners to share their personalised music statistics on social media, thereby increasing brand awareness through word-of-mouth marketing.

4.3.1 Main Points to Remember

  1. (1)

    Engage with your audience on the platforms where they are most receptive.

  2. (2)

    Empower your audience to become brand advocates by equipping them with the necessary resources and support.

5 The Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Branding, Communication, and Advertising in Digital Marketing

Tan, C., A Study on Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising on Young Adults’ Buying Behaviour [14] highlights that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a pivotal role in revolutionizing digital marketing, encompassing various aspects such as branding, communication, and advertising. With advanced machine learning algorithms and data-driven insights, AI is transforming how businesses strategize and execute their digital marketing efforts. AI-powered technologies are enabling businesses to optimize their marketing strategies, personalize brand experiences, enhance communication with customers, and improve ad targeting and optimization. The integration of AI in digital marketing is reshaping the landscape and providing new opportunities for businesses to drive effective marketing campaigns and achieve better results.

In branding, AI enables companies to create personalized and targeted content based on customer preferences, behavior, and demographics. Through AI-powered tools, businesses can analyze vast amounts of data to understand their audience better, allowing them to develop compelling brand messages and experiences that resonate with their customers. AI also enables dynamic branding, where companies can adapt their brand communication in real-time based on changing market trends and consumer preferences, ensuring consistent and relevant brand messaging across different digital channels.

In communication, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly prevalent, providing automated and personalized interactions with customers. Chatbots can handle customer inquiries, provide product recommendations, and offer personalized offers or promotions, improving customer experience and reducing response times. AI-powered communication tools also allow businesses to analyze social media sentiment and customer feedback, helping them understand customer perceptions, sentiment, and preferences, and adjust their communication strategies accordingly.

In advertising, AI is revolutionizing how companies target and optimize their digital ad campaigns. AI-powered algorithms analyze large datasets to identify patterns and insights, enabling businesses to optimize their ad targeting, placement, and bidding strategies for maximum impact. AI also enables programmatic advertising, where ads are automatically placed and optimized in real-time based on data-driven insights. This allows companies to deliver more relevant and personalized ads to their target audience, resulting in higher engagement, conversions, and ROI.

5.1 The Primary Components of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Realm of Digital Marketing

AI comprises several components that underpin other technologies that are used in digital marketing. Machine learning, for instance, is a critical element of AI that facilitates digital marketing on online platforms. Responsive Artificial Intelligence (RAI) [15] It is a computer technology that utilises algorithms to analyse data and improve automated responses. Machine learning contextualises and compares new data with historical data to make decisions based on past actions. In addition, big data and analytics are instrumental in implementing AI in digital marketing because a thorough analysis of extensive user databases is required to improve automated responses and decision-making. By employing big data and analytics, AI can understand consumer data and apply relevant analytics to enhance consumer reach and promote products. These analytics help modify consumer behaviour by catering to particular product and service preferences. Moreover, targeted ads rely on an in-depth analysis of consumer choices and interactions with brands on digital platforms such as social media and websites. AI-powered solutions are employed in digital marketing campaigns to target specific consumer groups and impart marketing intelligence to target audiences. The use of AI, in turn, enables marketers to make more accurate data-driven decisions appropriate for different markets. Bayesian Learning is a technique that marketers use to understand customer response to specific product and service offerings in digital marketing, serving as an example of the strategies employed to leverage AI in digital marketing.

5.2 Transforming Customer Behaviour Through AI-Enabled Digital Marketing

AI-enabled digital marketing is reshaping customer behaviour, redefining how businesses approach branding, communication, and advertising strategies. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, companies can analyze vast amounts of data to gain deep insights into customer preferences, behaviours, and trends, and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

In branding, AI empowers businesses to create personalized and relevant brand experiences by leveraging customer data. With AI-powered tools, companies can analyze customer behaviour, demographics, and preferences to develop customized brand messages, visuals, and experiences that resonate with each individual customer, creating meaningful and memorable interactions that drive brand loyalty.

In communication, AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants enable instant and personalized interactions with customers. Chatbots can handle customer inquiries, provide recommendations, and offer personalized promotions, enhancing communication channels and creating seamless and convenient experiences that influence customer behavior positively.

In advertising, AI plays a crucial role in optimizing ad targeting, placement, and content strategies. By analyzing customer data, AI algorithms identify patterns and trends, allowing businesses to deliver more relevant and engaging ads that influence customer behaviour and drive conversions. AI-powered programmatic advertising further enhances ad optimization, delivering ads in real-time based on customer behaviour and preferences.

5.3 Key Concerns and Obstacles in AI and Digital Marketing's Impact on Consumer Behavior

Dana, L. Social media and consumer buying behavior decision: what entrepreneurs should know? [16] sheds light on the substantial impact of AI and digital marketing on consumer behavior, while also highlighting the key concerns and obstacles that businesses must navigate. Privacy and data security are significant challenges in the realm of branding, as the collection and usage of customer data for personalized branding experiences may raise concerns about privacy and data protection due to the heavy reliance on data analysis in AI.

The impact of AI and digital marketing on consumer behavior has been substantial, but it also presents key concerns and obstacles that businesses must navigate. In the realm of branding, businesses may face challenges related to privacy and data security. As AI relies heavily on data analysis, the collection and usage of customer data for personalized branding experiences can raise concerns about privacy and data protection.

In communication, the use of AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants may face obstacles in terms of ensuring the accuracy and appropriateness of responses. Businesses need to carefully design and train these AI-powered communication tools to avoid potential misinterpretations, miscommunications, or biases in responses, which could negatively impact the customer experience and brand perception.

In advertising, the increasing reliance on AI for ad targeting and optimization may raise concerns about ethical implications and fairness. There may be challenges related to algorithmic biases, ad fraud, and the transparency of AI-powered ad campaigns, which could result in unintended consequences or damage to brand reputation.

Furthermore, the rapid evolution of AI and digital marketing technologies presents challenges in keeping up with the pace of change, as businesses need to continuously adapt their strategies and capabilities to stay relevant in the dynamic digital landscape. Additionally, there may be concerns around the potential displacement of human jobs in the marketing and advertising industry as AI and automation become more prevalent.

Overall, while AI and digital marketing have transformed consumer behaviour, there are key concerns and obstacles that businesses need to navigate in areas such as privacy, data security, communication accuracy, ethical implications, and workforce displacement. Addressing these concerns and overcoming obstacles is essential for businesses to effectively leverage the power of AI and digital marketing to shape consumer behaviour while upholding ethical standards and maintaining customer trust.

6 Conclusion

Finally we can conclude that the digital era has had a profound impact on large-scale enterprises, revolutionizing how they operate, communicate, and engage with customers..Traditional mediums like television and print media have been the go-to channels for businesses to reach customers, but with the rise of social media and other digital platforms, new opportunities have emerged. One of the benefits of using social media is its cost-effectiveness compared to traditional media. Social media also offers real-time analytics, which enables businesses to track the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions. The new ways of connecting industry with customers, such as social media, television, influencer marketing, and content marketing, offer businesses a range of benefits. These include cost-effectiveness, targeted advertising, real-time analytics, customer engagement, and the ability to connect with diverse customer pools. However, these methods also have limitations, including competition, changing trends, costs, and limited interactivity. Businesses must carefully evaluate their target audience, goals, and resources to determine the most effective approach for connecting with customers and achieving their business objectives. Finding the right balance between utilizing these new ways of connecting with customers while being mindful of their limitations is crucial for successful customer engagement in today's dynamic business landscape. Through a critical analysis of the results against the initial objectives and research question, it is evident that the digital era has brought both limitations and benefits to large-scale enterprises. The limitations include concerns related to privacy, data security, ethical implications, and potential job displacement. However, the benefits are significant, including improved customer engagement, personalized branding experiences, enhanced communication channels, and optimized advertising strategies.

Despite the limitations, the overall impact of the digital era on large-scale enterprises has been transformative, reshaping traditional business practices and opening new opportunities for growth and innovation in the fast-paced digital landscape. It is essential for businesses to carefully navigate the challenges and leverage the benefits of the digital era to stay competitive and thrive in today's business environment.