
1 Introduction

An ever-increasing number of applications are demanded from machine learning and, in particular, deep learning (DL). These applications, among other compute-intensive services, have been supported by cloud platforms equipped with hardware acceleration [9]; however, cloud platforms are not the only hosts of DL algorithms and modules. IoT edge devices have embodied modules to perform many tasks, for instance, image classification or speech recognition as required by wearable devices for augmented reality and virtual reality [27]. In addition to those, so-called mobile and wearable devices, low-cost DL chips (e.g., sensors or actuators) have been employed to support DL-inference in cameras, medical devices, appliances, autonomous surveillance, ground maintenance systems, and even toys. Under DL-inference scenarios, trained neural networks (NNs) are made available to users. To obtain such a trained NN, a large training dataset is used in a time-consuming process to tune NN hyperparameters, which cannot be repeated in a straightforward manner. Therefore, it can be tempting for an adversary to target the DL-inference accelerator and extract those parameters. Besides hyperparameters, the architecture of NNs is another asset to protect as it may (even partially) reveal private information [16, 17] or at least help the adversary to reconstruct the NN [1, 4]. Since physical access can make it further easier for attackers to reverse-engineer and disclose the assets (i.e., architecture and hyperparameters) corresponding to NNs, usual protections, e.g., blocking binary readback, blocking JTAG access, code obfuscation, etc. could be applied to prevent binary analysis [4]. These, of course, would not stop an attacker from leveraging the information that leaks through side-channels [4, 14, 52, 55].

These attacks have resulted in considerable efforts to devise countermeasures. Intuitively, masking schemes developed to protect cryptographic modules against SCA have been one of the first solutions discussed in the literature [12, 13]. These methods come with their own set of challenges, e.g., being limited to a pre-defined level of security associated with the masking order or even to a particular modality. Moreover, evidently, masking cannot stop the attacker from disclosing the architecture of the NN under attack. The natural question to be asked is why fundamental cryptographic concepts that can provide NNs with robustness against SCA have not yet been examined. Concretely, secure function evaluation (SFE), specifically garbled circuits evaluation, has been considered to prevent side-channel leakage cf. [21, 33]. Nevertheless, in practice, SFE has not been considered to stop side-channel attacks, perhaps, due to the high overhead initially observed in [21]. Their implementation on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is a combination of tamper-resistant hardware with Yao’s garbling scheme [53], which comes with an overhead of about factor \(10^6\times \) compared to an unprotected AES embedded in an FPGA.

Apart from the leakage properties of SFE and its realization garbled circuits, they have been developed to ensure the security of users’ data, when two parties jointly evaluate a known function. Therefore, in a natural way, garbled circuits have been investigated to put forward the notion of privacy-preserving inference-as-a-service [39, 40]. In spite of these results, the gap between these studies is evident: design of countermeasures against SCA, software implementation of garbled NNs [20, 39, 41], and hardware implementations of garbled circuits [44]. To narrow this gap, this paper introduces HWGN\(^{2}\) (hardware garbled NN) and contributes to the following aims.

  • A secure and private DL-inference hardware accelerator, resilient to SCA. To protect the NN model (including its architecture and parameters) against SCA, HWGN\(^{2}\) relies on the principles of private function evaluation (PFE) and SFE, realized through a general purpose processor cf. [44, 46]. Interestingly enough, as opposed to the argument in [21, 33] suggesting the side-channel resiliency of garbled circuits, Levi et al. have recently demonstrated a side-channel attack against garbling schemes leveraging the free-XOR optimization [28]. HWGN\(^{2}\) is not susceptible to this attack since PFE is taken into account to make the function private. It is noteworthy that the privacy of the NN model is understudied even in existing software garbled DL-inference [2, 39, 41]. Our instruction set-based HWGN\(^{2}\) is model-agnostic. Moreover, in the most cost-efficient setting with a DL-inference realized by using XNOR operators, our implementation does not require any modification to the NN, in contrast to what has been proposed as software garbled DL-inference [39].

  • Effectiveness and cost-efficiency of SCA protection relying on SFE/PFE. To evaluate the feasibility of our approach, we identify two implementation scenarios, namely (1) resource- and (2) communication-efficient. In the first category, compared to the unprotected NN, the overhead is up to \(0.0011\times \) and \(0.018\times \) more logical and memory hardware resources, respectively; however, this relatively low overhead is achieved at the cost of communication between the user and the inference service provider. If communication constitutes a burden on the system, it can be dealt with, even though compared to the unprotected design, the overhead increases to \(52.4\times \) and \(40.8\times \) more logical and memory hardware resources, respectively. However, even under the communication-efficient scenario, HWGN\(^{2}\) utilizes up to \(62.5\times \) fewer logical and \(66\times \) less memory, respectively, compared to the most relevant study [41]. Additionally, the side-channel resiliency of HWGN\(^{2}\) implementation on the FPGA is assessed by applying T-test leakage detection.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

HWGN\(^{2}\) framework: The process begins with training the NN as done for a typical DL task. The second step corresponds to the implementation of the garbled NN hardware accelerator along with running the OT protocol. The end-user poses the accelerator and attempts to collect the side-channel traces to extract information on the NN (architecture, hyperparameters, etc.).

2 Adversary Model

Valuable assets of NNs, as intellectual property (IP), include their NN architectures, hyperparameters, and the parameters critical to achieving reasonable accuracy [4]. On the other hand, these NNs might be used in applications in which their inputs contain sensitive information (e.g., medical or defense records [34]). Hence, the security of inputs given to NNs along with the privacy of the networks themselves must be guaranteed. Note that here the definitions of security and privacy are borrowed from SFE- and private function evaluation- (PFE) related literature [6]. Classically, two threat models have been considered in prior works in the contexts of SFE and PFE: (i) semi-honest (so-called Honest-but-curious (HbC)) and (ii) malicious (active) adversary. An HbC adversary is expected to follow the protocol execution and does not deviate from the protocol specifications. To be more specific, the HbC adversary may only be able to learn information without interfering with the protocol execution. On the contrary, a malicious adversary may attempt to cheat or deviate from the protocol execution specifications.

In our work, we consider the HbC adversary, whose role is played by Bob (i.e., the evaluator), whereas Alice is the garbler [6, 29] (see Fig. 1). Following the definition of the attack model presented in the state-of-the-art (SOTA), e.g., [12, 13], the DL model provider (garbler) trains the DL model in an offline fashion, and the evaluator performs the inference. It is important to stress that the hardware implementation encompasses solely the evaluator engine, i.e., neither garbling nor encryption module is implemented on the hardware platform. To evaluate the garbled DL accelerator, the evaluator feeds her garbled inputs prepared in an offline manner. The evaluator can collect power/EM traces from the device either via direct access or remotely, see e.g., [43, 56]. For this, the evaluator follows a chosen-plaintext-type attack model, where she sends her inputs to the device for classification and readily captures multiple traces. These traces will be then used to launch power/EM-based side-channel attacks [8, 10, 25]. The goal of the garbler is to protect the NN architectures, hyperparameters, and parameters from the HbC evaluator. HWGN\(^{2}\) fulfills this requirement through SFE/PFE techniques (see Sect. 5).

3 Related Work

3.1 SCA Against NNs

The main goals of SCA targeting DL hardware accelerators can be: (i) extraction of model architectures, and (ii) revealing NN parameters (i.e., weights and biases). For this purpose, Xiang et al. [52] presented a power side-channel attack to extract the model architectures. Using these power consumption models built for different model components, an SVM-based classifier was trained to reveal the model architectures running on the hardware accelerator. This line of research has also been pursued by Batina et al. [4] who introduced an attack scenario based on the EM and timing side-channel to extract the number of layers, the number of neurons in each layer, weights, and activation functions (AF). First, they modeled the timing side-channel of all possible AF (e.g., Relu or Tanh) and extracted the AF used in the NN by comparing the response time of the DL hardware accelerator when it executed the AF and the timing model of each possible AF. This is followed by analyzing EM traces captured when the DL hardware accelerator runs, where the EM patterns determine the number of layers and number of neurons in each layer. By feeding different random inputs to the accelerator and capturing the EM traces, it was possible to launch a Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) to reveal the weights. In another approach, Breier et al. [7] have presented a reverse engineering attack to extract the DL model weights and biases (parameters) with the help of fault injection on the last hidden layer of the network (see Table 5 in Appendix A).

3.2 Security-Preserving DL Accelerators

To protect NNs against SCA, Liu et al. [32] introduced a shuffling and fake memory-based approach to mitigate reverse engineering attacks that increase the run time of a DL hardware accelerator when the depth of the NN increases. Regarding the similarity between SCA launched against cryptographic implementations and DL accelerators, in a series of work, Dubey et al. have proposed hiding and masking techniques to protect NNs [12,13,14]. Yet, the differences between these implementations make the adaptation of known side-channel defenses challenging; for instance, integer arithmetic used in neural network computations that is different from modular arithmetic in cryptography, which has been addressed in [12, 14]. Despite the impressive achievements presented in these studies, the approaches suffer from the known limitations of masking, i.e., their restriction to a specific side-channel security order. Furthermore, the implementation of masked DL models (i.e., a new circuit should be designed/implemented for different NNs) would be a challenging task. Moreover, masking cannot protect the architecture of DL models.

Table 1. SOTA approaches vs. HWGN\(^{2}\) (Parameters Secrecy of DL Model. Upgradeable to/supporting malicious security model. Architecture protection of DL model. Constant-round complexity. Independence of a secondary server). Inspired by [39].

3.3 Garbled Accelerators

Among proposals put forward to make SFE practical, GarbledCPU [46] and RedCrypt [41] are of great importance to our work since they consider a hardware implementation of garbled circuits, whereas other relevant studies such as [3, 20, 39, 40, 42, 44] devoted to software-based garbling engine/evaluator (other implementations have been compared in Table 6 in Appendix A). [46] has demonstrated a hardware garbling evaluator implemented on general-purpose sequential processors, where the privacy of NN architectures is also ensured. While benefiting from the simplicity of programming a processor, their design is specific to Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages (MIPS) architecture. This has been addressed by introducing ARM2GC framework, where the circuit to be garbled/evaluated is the synthesized ARM processor circuit that can support pervasiveness and conditional execution [45]. The efficiency in terms of hardware resources and communication cost has been reported as well.

RedCrypt attempts to enable cloud servers to provide high-throughput and power-efficient services to their clients in a real-time manner [41]. For this, FPGA platforms (Virtex UltraSCALE VCU108) have been used as a garbling core to present an efficient GC architecture with precise gate-level control per clock cycle, which ensures minimal idle cycles. This results in a multiple-fold improvement in the throughput of garbling operation compared to the previous hardware garbled circuit accelerator [44, 46]. In their scenario, a host CPU is involved in an OT to communicate the evaluator labels/input with the client, which may need high bandwidth. Although RedCrypt [41] has achieved significant improvement in computational efficiency, the DL model implemented on the FPGA cannot be easily diversified. Their proposed hardware DL accelerator suits a specific type of DL model and is built on the assumption that the network architecture is publicly available, which allows an adversary to launch an SCA attack easier [4]. These shortcomings are tackled by HWGN\(^{2}\) that is NN-agnostic and guarantees the privacy of the DL model, i.e., the secrecy of its architecture. A qualitative comparison between SOTA approaches and HWGN\(^{2}\) is provided in Table 1. HWGN\(^{2}\) shares similarities with TinyGarble2 [20], although they are software and hardware accelerators, respectively.

4 Background

4.1 SFE/PFE Protocols

SFE protocols enable a group of participants to compute the correct output of some agreed-upon function f applied to their secure inputs without revealing anything else. One of the commonly-applied SFE protocols is Yao’s garbled circuit [53], a two-party computation protocol. To formalize this protocol, we employ the notions and definitions provided in [6] to support modular and simple but effective analyses. In this regard, a garbling algorithm Gb is a randomized algorithm, i.e., involves a degree of randomness. Gb(f) is a triple of functions \((F, e, d) \leftarrow Gb(f)\) that accepts the function \(f: \{0, 1\}^n \rightarrow \{0, 1\}^m\) and the security parameter k. Gb(f) exhibits the following properties. The encoding function e converts an initial input \(x \in \{0, 1\}^n\) into a garbled input \(X = e(x)\), which is given to the function F to generate the garbled output \(Y = F(X)\). In this regard, e encodes a list of tokens (so-called labels), i.e., one pair for each bit in \(x \in \{0, 1\}^n\): \(En(e, \cdot )\) uses the bits of \(x = x_1 \cdots x_n\) to select from \(e = (X^1_0 ,X^1_1, \cdots ,X^0_n,X^1_n)\) and obtain the sub-vector \(X = X^{x_1}_1,\cdots ,X^{x_n}_n\). By reversing this process, the decoding function d generates the final output \(y = d(Y)\), which must be equal to f(x). In other words, f is a combination of probabilistic functions \(d\circ F\circ e\). More precisely, the garbling scheme \(G=(Gb, En, De, Ev, ev)\) is composed of five algorithms as shown in Fig. 2, where the strings d, e, f, and F are used by the functions De, En, ev, and Ev (see Sect. 5 for a concrete protocol flow in the case of NNs).

Security of Garbling Schemes: For a given scheme, the security can be roughly defined as the impossibility of acquiring any information beyond the final output y if the party has access to (FXd). Formally, this notion is explained by defining the side-information function \(\varPhi (\cdot )\). Based on the definition of this function, an adversary cannot extract any information besides y and \(\varPhi (f)\) when the tuple (FXd) is accessible. As an example of how the function \(\varPhi (\cdot )\) is determined, note that for an SFE protocol, where the privacy of the function f is not ensured, \(\varPhi (f)=f\). Thus, the only thing that leaks is the function itself. On the other hand, when a PFE protocol is run, \(\varPhi (f)\) is the circuit/function’s size, e.g., number of gates.

Oblivious Transfer (OT): This is a two party protocol where party 2 transfers some information to party 1 (so-called evaluator); however, party 2 remains oblivious to what information party 1 actually obtains. A form of OT widely used in various applications is known as “chosen one-out-of-two”, denoted by 1-out-of-2 OT. In this case, party 2 has bits \(X^0\) and \(X^1\), and party 1 uses one private input bit s. After running the protocol, party 1 only gets the bit \(X^s\), whereas party 2 does not obtain any information on the value of s, i.e., party 2 does not know which bit has been selected by party 1. This protocol can be extended to support the n-bit case, where party 1 bits \(x_1, \cdots , x_n\) are applied to the input of party 2 \(X^0_1,X^1_1, \cdots , X^0_n,X^1_n\) to obtain \(X^{x_1}_1,\cdots ,X^{x_n}_n\). This is possible by sequential repetition of the basic protocol [6]. It has been proven that 1-out-of-2 OT is universal for 2-party SFE, i.e., OT schemes can be the main building block of SFE protocols [24].

4.2 Neural Networks (NNs)

An NN is one of the main categories of machine learning, referring to learning a non-linear function through multiple layers of neurons with the goal of predicting the output corresponding to a given input. To perform such prediction, the input is fed to the first layer of the network (so-called input layer), whereas in the next layers (so-called hidden layers) the abstraction of the data takes place. For a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) that is a fully connected NN, each layer’s input (including the input layer) is multiplied by neuron weights, added to the bias, and finally given to a commonly-applied activation functions at the output of each layer (excluding the input layer), e.g., Sigmoid, Tanh, and Rectified Linear Unit (ReLu). The activation functions that might be used in DL models include linear, Sigmoid, and softmax.

5 Foundations of HWGN\(^{2}\)

Protocol Flow: Here we provide insight into how SFE/PFE schemes can be tailored to the needs of a secure and private DL accelerator. According to the general flow illustrated in Fig. 2, the goal of a garbling protocol G is to evaluate a function f against some inputs x to obtain the output y. The evaluator (i.e., the attacker) is never in possession of the raw NN binaries. Let \(f=f_{NN}\) denote the function corresponding to the NN. The attacker aims to obtain the information on \(f_{NN}\) by collecting the side-channel traces. To achieve this, here we give an example of SFE protocol G that has OT at its core and follows Yao’s garbling principle, i.e., the garbling protocol \(G=(Gb, En, De, Ev, ev)\) as shown in Fig. 2. To execute the protocol, the designer of the NN accelerator (garbler) conducts \((F, e, d) \leftarrow Gb(1^k,f)\) on inputs \(1^k\) and f and parses \((X^1_0 ,X^1_1, \cdots ,X^0_n,X^1_n) \leftarrow e\). Afterward, the garbler sends F to the evaluator, i.e., the attacker. In order to perform the function Ev, the attacker and the garbler run the OT, where the former has the selection string x and the latter party has already parsed \((X^1_0 ,X^1_1, \cdots ,X^0_n,X^1_n)\). Hence, the evaluator can obtain \(X=X^{x_1}_1,\cdots ,X^{x_n}_n\) and consequently, \(y \leftarrow De(d, Ev(F,X))\). Note that even with the tuple (FXd) in hand, the attacker cannot extract any information besides y and \(\varPhi (f)\). Moreover, although the NN provider has access to (Fed), no information on x leaks. In an inference scenario, x represents the evaluator’s input data. Nevertheless, if G is an SFE scheme, \(\varPhi (f)=f\).

To construct a PFE scheme protecting the architecture, parameters, and hyperparameters of the NN that relies on the scheme G, we first define a polynomial algorithm \(\Pi \) that accepts the security parameter k and the (private) input of the party [6]. The PFE scheme is a pair \(\mathcal {F} = (\Pi , ev)\), where ev is as defined for the garbling scheme (see Sect. 6 for more information about \(\Pi \)). The scheme \(\mathcal {F}\) enable us to securely compute the class of functions \(\{ev(f, \cdot ) : f \in \{0, 1\}^*\}\), i.e., any function that G can garble. The security of the PFE scheme \(\mathcal {F}\) relies on the security of the SFE protocol underlying \(\mathcal {F}\) (see Sect. 4.1); however, \(\varPhi (f)\) is the circuit size, i.e., the function f remains private when executing the SFE protocol. In other words, the NN, its architecture, parameters and hyperparameters are now kept private from the attacker.

Oblivious Inference: Oblivious inference tackles the problem of running the DL model on the user’s input without revealing the input or the result to the other party (i.e., garbler in our case). For the latter, another interesting characteristic of SFE/PFE schemes is their ability to adapt to specific scenarios, where the output y should also be protected. This would not be interesting in our case, where the security of the NN against SCA mounted by the evaluator is the objective. Nonetheless, for the sake of completeness, if the decryption of Y should be performed securely, the privacy of inference results can easily be preserved by applying a one-time message authentication code (MAC) to the output and XORing the result with a random input to hide the outcome. These operations can be included in the design of the NN and naturally increase its size and the input fed by the garbler; however, the increase is linear in the number of output bits and considered inexpensive [30].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A generic garbling scheme \(G = (Gb, En, De, Ev, ev)\) cf. [6]. Our proposed secure and private DL accelerator is built upon G. For HWGN\(^{2}\), the blocks in orange show the operations performed by the NN vendor, whereas the gray ones indicate the evaluator operations. ev denotes the typical, unprotected evaluation of the function f against the input x.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Flow of HWGN\(^{2}\) (L: garbled wire labels, GT: garbled tables, e and d: encryption and decryption labels, X: evaluator’s garbled input, Y: garbled output, \(Y_i\), \(X_i\), \(GT_i\), \(L_i\): garbled input, output, tables, wire labels corresponding to \(i^{th}\) sub-netlist, respectively, y: evaluator’s raw output).

5.1 Implementation of HWGN\(^{2}\)

When defining the PFE scheme \(\mathcal {F}\), it is mentioned that \(\mathcal {F}\) can securely and privately compute any function, which can be garbled by running the garbling scheme G. Our garbled universal circuit \(\mathcal {F}\) depends on the fact that a universal circuit is similar to a universal Turing machine [18], which can be realized by a general purpose processor cf. [44, 46]. Note the difference between our goal, i.e., realizing \(\mathcal {F}\), and one achieved in [50]: optimizing the emulation of an entire public MIPS program. Although we implemented a MIPS-based scheme, the prototypes can be extended to ARM processors. HWGN\(^{2}\) garbles the MIPS instruction set with a minimized memory and logical hardware resource utilization (see Sect. 5.1).

Similarities Between HWGN\(^{{\textbf {2}}}\) and TinyGarble2: One of the state-of-the-art GC frameworks is TinyGarble2 [20] offering solely software DL inference, without ensuring the privacy of the NN. HWGN\(^{2}\) remedies these shortcomings; however, it shares similarities with TinyGarble2, namely regarding the flow of the protocol. The technique presented in TinyGarble2 is based on the division of a large netlist, such as DL models, into i smaller sub-netlists and evaluating them one after another. The size of the sub-netlists could be either one gate or equal to the total number of gates in the f netlist. The fewer gates included in each sub-netlist, the less memory utilization the gates require to be evaluated.

Figure 3 illustrates the flow of HWGN\(^{2}\) in the presence of an HbC adversary. First, the garbler chooses input encryption labels (e) (Step 1.1). Afterward, instead of sending the complete set of GTs and L to the evaluator, in each cycle the garbler sends the evaluator a subset \(GT_i\), \(L_i\) (Step 1.2), and either e (if the sub-netlist includes the gate with the inputs connected to the f netlist) or \(X_i\) (the garbled input corresponding to the sub-netlist). These subsets can be prepared offline and independent from the input of the evaluator. The evaluator also garbles her inputs as shown in Step 2, which is done offline as well. In the next step, the evaluator evaluates the gate and sends the garbler the garbled output \(Y_i\), i.e., garbled output of the \(i^{th}\) sub-netlist (Step 3). This process repeats until all i sub-netlists, excluding the gates whose output is connected to the NN outputs, are evaluated. Then in Step 4, the garbler sends the garbled tables and labels related to the gates that are connected to the NN output (so-called NN output layer). After the evaluator evaluates all output layer-related gates, the garbler sends the decryption label (Step 5) along with the concatenated garbled outputs to the evaluator. Finally, the evaluator decrypts the concatenated garbled output Y and achieves his raw output y. Also, instead of sending the complete set of GTs, L, and e through one OT interaction, TinyGarble2 requires one OT interaction per sub-netlist. The trade-off of minimizing the memory utilization using TinyGarble2 is the communication cost.

What Makes HWGN\(^{{\textbf {2}}}\) superior: Parallel and simultaneous evaluation of all input gates might result in the side-channel leakages due to the secret collision; therefore, all input gates must be evaluated one after another without parallelization. However, the rest of the gates (without dependencies) have no information about the secrets, and thus, they can be evaluated simultaneously. Moreover, we have noticed that each gate evaluation (excluding reading/writing its inputs/output from/to the memory) requires one operation code (OP-code) which is an 8-bit part of a MIPS instruction. As we have assigned the reading and writing tasks to the memory handler module, it is possible to combine a set of four gates (non-input gates) and construct one modified MIPS instruction from them. In doing so, in the evaluation phase, all these four OP-codes can be executed using four parallel arithmetic logic units (ALU) on FPGA while this is an impractical task for central processing unit (CPU) due to its limited resources and operating system (OS) limitations. HWGN\(^{2}\), contrary to the previous software and hardware accelerators including TinyGarble family [20, 44], leverages these parallelization techniques. It also gives the flexibility of tuning the communication costs and hardware resource utilization to the garbler (e.g., NN provider). In the applications where communication cost poses a limitation (such as real-time applications), one can implement DL hardware accelerators by sending the complete set of GTs, L, and e through one OT interaction. This minimizes the communication cost while hardware resources are utilized at the maximum amount. In contrast, in the application with the limitation of hardware resources, one can use the HWGN\(^{2}\) that implements DL hardware accelerators with the sub-netlist size of one or a small number of gates. As opposed to TinyGarble2, HWGN\(^{2}\) implementation is based on the garbled MIPS architecture, making the circuit private (i.e., no information about the NN architecture leaks) as explained next.

MIPS Evaluator in HWGN\(^{{\textbf {2}}}\). As explained before, in order to ensure the privacy of the NNs, the Boolean function representing the NN (so-called netlist) is converted to a set of reduced instruction set computing (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) and evaluated on a core that executes the MIPS instructions [23]. It might be thought that a subset of instructions required to execute the NN is sufficient to be garbled in order to reduce the overhead; however, this could increase the probability of guessing which instructions are used and, consequently, violates the privacy of the NN.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Garbled MIPS evaluator, able to process any given number of instructions instead of a determined number. The black modules are extended and improved versions of memory and instruction handler in Lite_MIPS architecture [44]: the instruction handler prepares the controller sequence by comparing the garbled MIPS instructions and the OP mapping. The controller runs the process sequence by generating the ALU mode and executing the read and write operations.

To implement HWGN\(^{2}\) on an FPGA, we modify Plasma [38] MIPS execution core emulating a RISC instruction set on the FPGA, to act as the garbled MIPS evaluator. Figure 4 illustrates the architecture of our garbled MIPS evaluator. The garbled evaluator receives three inputs: (i) a set of garbled instructions, (ii) the mapping for the instruction handler to fetch/decode the garbled instructions, and (iii) the evaluator’s garbled input. The combination of the first and second ones (i, ii) is the set of garbled tables and labels described before. Our garbled MIPS evaluator can evaluate the garbled MIPS instructions in two modes: (a) by receiving only one instruction and the operation code (OP) mapping and its corresponding instruction each cycle, i.e., the garbled evaluator with the capacity of one instruction per OT interaction, or (b) by receiving the complete set of instructions and their corresponding OP mapping at once. To achieve the resource-efficient implementation (mode i), we have modified the Lite_MIPS instruction handler module in a way that the memory size related to the received garbled instructions (not the OP code mapping) decreases from 128 cells to only one cell. The controller is further enhanced by discarding the unnecessary scheduler, SCD storage memory and its parsing modules and tailoring the core to need of only one instruction conversion per OT. Moreover, we include the erase state in the instruction MEM controller, which sets all memory blocks to 0 after converting each garbled instruction to the OP code. To take advantage of the resource-efficient implementation, an extra step should be taken to divide the netlist into the sub-netlists with the number of gates selected by the user. The sub-netlists are fed to HWGN\(^{2}\) in the same order provided in the SCD file. This allows the user to make a trade-off between the resource efficiency and performance of the HWGN\(^{2}\).

Specifically, in mode (a), in the first step, the instruction handler module receives one garbled instruction and OP mapping (all possible combinations of garbled MIPS instructions necessary to follow SFE protocol), which are stored in the instructions memory (MEM). In the next step, the instruction handler compares the given garbled instructions with garbled instructions MEM information and converts each garbled instruction to a set of OPs. Finally, the instruction handler sends the OP to the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU), erase instructions MEM, and repeats above-mentioned steps for the next garbled instructions. In mode (b), however, the instruction handler module works similarly to the Lite_MIPS architecture cf. [44]. As both instruction sets and decode mapping are garbled on the garbler side, the evaluator cannot decrypt the garbled instructions. Therefore, the garbler’s inputs and the DL model parameters are secure following the SFE and PFE protocols.

Table 2. Hardware resource utilization and OT cost of approaches applied against BM1.

6 Evaluation of HWGN\(^{2}\)

6.1 Resource Utilization

To understand the interplay between communication cost, hardware resources utilization, and performance, we have synthesized the garbled evaluator with the capacity of 1 and 2345 (complete set of instructions) garbled MIPS instructions per one OT interaction. We have used Xilinx Vivado 2021 to synthesize our design and generate a bittsream. To ensure the bitstream correctness, we have disabled place-and-route optimization and also utilize the DONT-TOUCH attribute. The garbling framework considered in our implementations is JustGarble [5], also embedded in TinyGarble2 framework [20], which enjoys garbling optimization techniques such as Free-XOR [26], Row Reduction [36], and Garbling with a Fixed-key Block Cipher [5]. Our implementation is applied against three typical MLPs: the first one, with 784 neurons in its input layer, three hidden layers each with 1024 neurons, and an output layer with 10 neurons that is trained on MNIST (hereafter called BM1). The results for applying SOTA approaches against BM1 have been presented in [12, 41, 46]. The second MLP, BM2, has 784, 5, 5, and 10 neuron in its input, 2 hidden, and output layers, respectively. The third MLP, BM3, consists of 784, 6, 5, 5, and 10 neurons in its input, 3 hidden, and output layers, respectively.

Table 2 shows a comparison between the hardware utilization and OT cost of an unprotected MIPS evaluator core (Plasma [38]), HWGN\(^{2}\) and the SOTA approaches applied to BM1. To give an insight into how much overhead cost the protection approaches impose, we have implemented Plasma core, an unprotected MIPS evaluator core on an Artix-7 FPGA. Note that we choose this architecture for the sake of a better comparison with the SOTA solutions, e.g., [12]. It is also worth mentioning that since the ultimate goal of our paper is to demonstrate the applicability of garbling techniques for side-channel resiliency, the network mentioned above is chosen to serve as a proof of concept. As the HWGN\(^{2}\) processes the garbled instructions and inputs with the width of 32-bits, to have a fair comparison, we include the 32-bit MAC unit [41] in the resource utilization reported in Table 2.

Table 3. Execution time and communication cost comparison between HWGN\(^{2}\) and the SOTA approaches (for BM1). Results for [46] and HWGN\(^{2}\) are reported based on FPGA with clock frequency equals to 12.5MHz. (N/R: not reported, inst.: instructions).

In Table 2, BoMaNET and ModulaNET do not use OT to exchange their inputs. RedCrypt uses two OT interactions, one for the evaluator’s input and another for the evaluator’s output. However, in HWGN\(^{2}\), in addition to the input and output labels exchange OT requirement, HWGN\(^{2}\) requires M more OT interactions, where M is the number of sub-netlists. There is an important observation made from Table 2: HWGN\(^{2}\) with the capacity of one instruction per OT interaction utilizes \(0.0011\times \) and \(0.018\times \) more logical and memory hardware resources, respectively, compared to an unprotected MIPS evaluator. The reason behind this efficiency is the size of instruction memory which stores only one instruction per OT interaction instead of the complete set of instructions. As mentioned in Sect. 5.1, to minimize resource utilization, one should sacrifice the communication cost, leading to an increased execution time. Hence, we set the size of the sub-netlist to just one gate, and every four gates are converted to a garbled instruction: \(M =N_{gate}/4\), where \(N_{gate}\) is the number of gates in the netlist. In this setting, HWGN\(^{2}\) requires \(2 +9380/4 = 2346\) OT interactions, where 9380 is the number of gates included in the BM1 netlist. In real-time applications where the execution time is the bottleneck, the OT interactions must be minimum [41]. Therefore, in Table 2, we also have reported the hardware resource utilization in two cases: (i) when the number of OT interactions is maximum (6\(^\text {th}\) row) and (ii) when the number of OT interactions is minimum (7\(^\text {th}\) row). The results in Table 2 are for the implementation of BM1. As shown in Table 3, HWGN\(^{2}\) with the maximum performance is \(2.5\times \) faster than GarbledCPU [46]. Performance of HWGN\(^{2}\) is close to the performance of Redcrypt [41], the fastest SOTA approach, while utilizing \(62.5\times \) fewer logical and \(66\times \) less memory than Redcrypt [41].

Table 4. Execution time and communication cost of HWGN\(^{2}\) applied to BM1 accelerator and its XNOR-based implementation.

Execution Time and Communication Cost Evaluation. To evaluate the cost of HWGN\(^{2}\) in terms of execution time, we have used a machine with Intel Core i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60 GHz (GHz), 16 Gigabyte (GBs) RAM, and Linux Ubuntu 20 as the garbler and an ARTIX7 FPGA board as the evaluator, which has a clock frequency of 12.5 MHz (MHz). All the garbled instructions, their MEM values, and labels are generated offline and not included in the execution time. To communicate with the FPGA, for the sake of comparison, we have used HostCPU presented in [41]. Note that in a real-world application, where the communication is performed over high latency links, the protocol execution remains fast due to the constant number of rounds in Yao’s GC underlying our design cf. [22, 31]. Moreover, we have used the EMP-toolkit [51] to establish the OT interaction between the garbler and the HostCPU. Table 3 shows the execution time and communication cost comparison between HWGN\(^{2}\) and the SOTA approaches employed against BM1. The memory footprint of classical GC approaches is \(O(I+N_{gate})\), where I is the number of input wires and \(N_{gate}\) is the number of gates in the netlist. In contrast, the memory footprint of HWGN\(^{2}\) and TinyGarble2 is the same: \(O(I+N_{gate,m}+i_m)\) where \(N_{gate,m}\) is the number of gates in the largest among sub-netlists included in the design, and \(i_m\) is the number of inputs of the sub-netlist, which equals 1 and 2, respectively, in the case of HWGN\(^{2}\) with the instruction capacity 1 per OT interaction.

To compare the execution time and communication cost of TinyGarbled2 with our approach, we have chosen the semi-honest mode when using their framework. HWGN\(^{2}\) outperforms the TinyGarble2 implemented on CPU thanks to the parallel implementation made possible by the FPGA. On the other hand, when minimizing the OT interactions by investing more hardware resource utilization, HWGN\(^{2}\) has a performance close to the RedCrypt with \(62.5\times \) fewer logical and \(66\times \) less memory utilization.

As an optimization technique, we have implemented the XNOR-based BM1. As the XOR operation is free in the garbling protocol [26], it is possible to decrease the size of the garbled netlists, which results in fewer instructions to be executed. Table 4 shows a comparison between two architectures. Using an XNOR-based implementation of a DL hardware accelerator decreases the number of instructions, leading to a less OT cost and execution time. The only limitation of this optimization is that the weights of the DL model must be binarized, and such binarization may slightly decrease the DL hardware accelerator output accuracy. Nevertheless, there are methods devised to deal with this, which can be adopted to bring significant benefits to garbled DL accelerators in terms of both OT cost and execution time.

6.2 Side-Channel Evaluation

Side-Channel Measurement Setup. HWGN\(^{2}\) has been implemented on Artix-7 FPGA device XC7AT100T with package number FTG256. We have captured the power and EM traces (see Appendix C) using Riscure setup, including LeCroy wavePro 725Zi as the setup oscilloscope. We have set our design frequency to 12.5 MHz, the maximum possible clock frequency of Chipwhisperer CW305 target board, and the oscilloscope sampling frequency to 12.5 GHz. For each clock cycle, we have acquired 8100 sample points. Acquiring high-resolution side-channel traces made our design execution time 3.25 s for each classification performed by BM1. For this network, acquiring side-channel traces in the order of millions has high time complexity. Therefore, similar to [12], another MLP architecture, namely, BM2 is used for traces collection. The changes in MLP architecture hyperparameters allowed us to execute each classification in 31 ms. As HWGN\(^{2}\) executes each instruction separately in a sequential manner and the nature of the NNs is repetitive, we argue that the smaller MLP architecture can represent a larger one in terms of leakage.

Leakage Evaluation. We have used a common methodology, namely Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA) test, to evaluate HWGN\(^{2}\) leakage resiliency. Although the TVLA test is subject to two disadvantages – false positive/negative results and limited ability to reveal all points of interests [15, 35, 47] – it is still the most common methodology used in recent papers to evaluate the resiliency of the approach against side-channel leakage.

In the TVLA test methodology, Welch’s t-test is used to check the similarity between two trace groups captured from two populations of inputs. Welch’s t-test calculates the t-score as \(t=(\mu _1-\mu _2)/\sqrt{(s_1^2/n_1^2)+(s_2^2/n_2^2)}\), where \(\mu _1\) and \(\mu _2\) are the means, \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) are the standard deviations, and \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) are the total number of the captured traces for first and second population, respectively. Based on the null-hypothesis, if two populations are chosen from one distribution, their corresponding t-score must be less that \(\pm 4.5\). Exceeding t-score magnitude of 4.5 (so-called null-hypothesis) means the design is subject to side-channel leakage with probability greater than \(99.99\%\). In our setup, we choose the non-specific fixed vs. random t-test in a way that our setup, first, captures the power consumption/EM traces from a fixed input computation for all the traces; then, the experiment repeats for a set of randomly generated inputs. Based on the two captured traces, for fixed and random inputs, our setup calculates the t-score based on the aforementioned equation.

Power Side-Channel Leakage Assessment. To illustrate the side-channel protection offered by HWGN\(^{2}\), we have mounted the TVLA test on power traces of an unprotected MIPS core, Plasma core presented by Opencores projects [38], and HWGN\(^{2}\), with the capacity of one instruction per OT interaction. Figure 5 (a) and (b) shows the TVLA results of an unprotected MIPS core and HWGN\(^{2}\), with the capacity of one instruction per OT interaction, respectively. The t-scores are calculated based on 10000 captured traces, 5000 for each fixed and random input population. As one can observe, an unprotected MIPS core t-score has exceeded the \(\pm 4.5\) threshold with only 10000 traces, while the HWGN\(^{2}\)’s t-score remains below the threshold.

To have a design with leakage resiliency, the t-score results must remain below the threshold with the traces populations in the order of millions [11, 12, 35, 47]. Hence, in the next experiment, we have captured a total of 2 million (2M) traces, 1M traces for each fixed and random input populations. A low t-score, less than \(\pm 4.5\), calculated from a trace population in the order of millions confirms the protection strength of HWGN\(^{2}\). It should be noted that these traces are captured in the low-noise setup (i.e., more optimistic for the attacker) while in the actual scenario, the number of traces to break the garbling scheme should be significantly higher due to more noisy environments.

As a proof of concept that HWGN\(^{2}\) side-channel resiliency is independent of the function or architecture we also mount the TVLA test on two more implementations: XNOR-based DL hardware accelerator and DL hardware accelerator. Figure 5, (c) and (e), illustrates the t-score of HWGN\(^{2}\) applied to XNOR-based BM2, with the capacity of complete set of instructions per OT interaction and one instruction per OT, respectively. As can be seen, the t-scores of HWGN\(^{2}\) stay below the threshold of \(\pm 4.5\) for different cases of instruction capacity per OT interaction and the function or architecture implemented on an FPGA using HWGN\(^{2}\). The t-scores in Fig. 5, (d) and (f), indicate that not only HWGN\(^{2}\) with the capacity of one instruction per OT interaction provides a strong protection against power side-channel attacks but also changes in the number of instruction capacity per OT interaction does not affect this protection (for results of EM leakage detection, see Appendix C).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

TVLA test results for implementation of BM2 on (a) an unprotected MIPS core and (b) HWGN\(^{2}\) with the capacity of one instruction per OT (calculated for 10K traces) (c) HWGN\(^{2}\) applied to XNOR-based BM2 (capacity whole set of instructions per OT) (d) BM2 with the capacity of complete set of instructions per OT interaction, (e) HWGN\(^{2}\) applied to XNOR-based BM2 (capacity 1 instruction per OT), and (f) BM2 with the capacity of 1 instruction per OT (calculated for 2M power traces).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

A randomly chosen EM trace pattern captured from the implementation of BM3 on (a) Atmel ATmega328P microcontroller [4] (b) FPGA with unprotected MIPS evaluator [38] (c) with HWGN\(^{2}\). Red lines correspond to time-samples, where the unprotected evaluators start the next layer evaluation.

Can we see the Architecture-Related Patterns? Based on the attack presented by Batina et al. [4], revealing the DL model architecture can enhance the attacker’s ability to obtain DL model parameters. They showed that the EM trace captured from an unprotected DL model implementation on Atmel ATmega328P microcontroller, which follows the MIPS architecture same as HWGN\(^{2}\), with three hidden layers containing 6, 5, and 5 neurons, respectively, has a pattern in which the number of layers and neurons can be revealed. They have used LeCroy WaveRunner 610Zi oscilloscope and RF-U 5-2 near-field EM probe to capture EM traces. To examine if we observe the same patterns as reported in [4], we have implemented the same DL model, BM3, and captured 100K EM traces. Figure 6(a) illustrates the captured EM traces from an Atmel ATmega328P microcontroller taken from [4], whereas Fig. 6(b) show the traces collected from our unprotected MIPS evaluator core [38], and Fig. 6(c) presents the captured EM traces of HWGN\(^{2}\) for a randomly chosen EM trace. From Fig. 6, it is observable that there exists a pattern, in which the number of the layers and neurons can be seen, similar to the observation made by Batina et al. [4]: the red lines indicate the borders when MIPS evaluator starts the next hidden layer evaluation and the red squares correspond to the EM peak of Sigmoid AF evaluation. In the case of the HWGN\(^{2}\), EM traces do not follow a pattern, which could result in revealing the DL model architecture. The reason behind these irregular patterns is that each garbled instruction is encrypted; therefore, in the evaluation phase, the HWGN\(^{2}\) treats them as two nonidentical instructions, although the generated OP corresponding to them is the same. Note that in addition to this observation, we further conduct t-tests, where no EM leakage is detected (see Appenddix C).

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we have examined the feasibility of garbling to prevent attackers from launching SCA attacks against DL hardware accelerators. We have implemented HWGN\(^{2}\) as a garbled DL hardware accelerator on an Artix-7 FPGA. By tailoring the concepts known only for software garbled DL accelerator [20] to the needs of a hardware DL accelerator, the implementation of such accelerator is enhanced: HWGN\(^{2}\) requires up to \(62.5\times \) fewer logical and \(66\times \) less memory utilization compared to the state-of-art approaches. This is indeed possible at the price of more communication overhead. HWGN\(^{2}\) provides users the flexibility to protect their NN IP both in real-time applications and in applications where the hardware resources are limited by hardware resource utilization or communication cost. As our leakage evaluation results indicated, for both EM and power side-channels, the t-scores are below the threshold (\(\pm 4.5\)), which shows the side-channel leakage resiliency of HWGN\(^{2}\) with trace population in the order of millions. Another strength of HWGN\(^{2}\) is the DL model architecture thanks to the SFE/PFE protocol realized through MIPS instructions.