1 Introduction

Modern information systems and operation environments are commonly monitored through collection and streaming of multivariate time series. The monitoring tasks comprise both forecasting, for planning of resource allocation and decision making, and novelty detection and characterization, for ensuring faultless functioning and early mitigation of failures and threats. Advances in time series forecasting due to adoption of multilayer recurrent neural network architectures made it possible to forecast in high-dimensional time series, and identify and classify novelties (anomalies) early, based on subtle changes in the trends. However, mainstream approaches to multi-variate time series modelling do not handle well cases when uncertainty is involved, either in the input, when some of the observations are missing, or in the output when the distribution of future observations, rather than their point values, is predicted. For forecast uncertainty modelling, stochastic latent variable variants of high-dimensional time series models where introduced, but so far have had to rely on sampling to account for uncertainty, limiting the performance of data handling. Imputation schemes were proposed for dealing with missing data, however, they do not generally give a satisfactory solution in presence of transient unavailability of some of the data sources (e.g. when a sensor stops working, or a transport channel malfunctions), which is a common case with monitoring of complex systems.

A systematic and theoretically founded approach to handling both input and output uncertainty would thus constitute a significant and welcome contribution to the theory and practice of monitoring of multivariate time series. It would also be highly desirable for such approach to facilitate efficient offline (learning) and online (inference) computations. In this ongoing research, we propose a deep learning architecture which uses a simple but powerful extension of traditional recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture which allows both

  • to handle missing inputs in some or all of the components in a multivariate time series,

  • and to accomplish multi-step probabilistic forecasting

in high-dimensional time series, paving a path to better decision making and finer and more robust anomaly detection and characterization. We evaluate the architecture on a real-world data set of multivariate time series collected from a network for cloud computing, and empirically demonstrate advantage of the proposed architecture over commonly used approaches.

2 Problem: Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

The core problem we address is forecasting in a multivariate time series. Formally, a time series is a matrix X of shape \(T\times N\), where T is the number of time steps and N is the number of dimensions. The time steps are assumed to be equispaced. A k-step probabilistic forecast \(\mathcal {F}_{tk}\) at time t is the belief distribution of time series \(X_{t+1:t+k}\) for time steps \(t+1 ... t+k\) given the observed time series \(X_{1:t}\) for time steps 1...t.

The forecasting is accomplished by applying model \(\mathcal {M}_\theta \) parameterized by parameters \(\theta \) to the observed time series:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {F}_{tk} = \mathcal {M}_\theta (X_{1:t}) \end{aligned}$$

The machine learning task is to devise \(\theta ^*\) that gives the best forecast, in terms of a certain loss function. A natural loss in the probabilistic setting is the average negative log likelihood of \(\theta \) given a training data set \(\mathcal {X}\) of multiple time series:

$$\begin{aligned} \theta ^* = \arg \min _\theta \mathbb {E}_{X \in \mathcal {X},t \in 1 ... T-k}\left[ -\log \Pr (X_{t+1:t+k}|M_\theta (X_{1:t}))\right] \end{aligned}$$

When the model is differentiable by \(\theta \), the task is usually accomplished by performing a stochastic gradient loss minimization.

In the basic case, X is real-valued, \(X \in \mathbb {R}^{T \times N}\). Here, we are interested in an extension of the basic case, in which some of the elements can be missing from X, that is \(X \in (\mathbb {R} \cup \bot )^{T \times N}\).

3 Architecture: Recurrent Neural Network with Uncertainty Propagation

We introduce here a recurrent neural network architecture which facilitates uncertainty propagation. The architecture is capable both of handling missing values and of multi-step forecasting. We begin with description of conventional forecasting with RNNs. Then, we describe our proposed architecture as an extension to the conventional model.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Time series models

3.1 Conventional Forecasting

A popular realization of the forecasting model \(\mathcal {M}_\theta \) is a recurrent neural network (RNN), with \(\theta \) corresponding to the network parameters. There is a range of neural recurrent models of varying complexity to deal with time series forecasting. Most models include a recurrent unit which threads the state through the time steps, accepts data as inputs and produces next step predictions as outputs. The simplest model is an RNN with a fully-connected readout layer to produce forecasts (Fig. 1a). RNN can be based on LSTM [12], GRU [8], or another architectural variant, and is often multi-layer. Architectures may also include intermediate modules, and sampling-based variational layers [10, 20]. The overall architecture stays almost the same, with more connections, intermediate modules and sampling-based variational layers.

Input and Output. This architecture normally accepts observation vectors and outputs vectors of distribution parameters for the belief distribution of the observations at the next time step. In the simplest case, the network produces a single output for each input, that is the dimensions of the input and the output vector coincide. This corresponds to the assumption of homoskedasticity of epistemic noise, and either the mean squared error (corresponding to the Gaussian error distribution) or the mean absolute error (corresponding to the Laplace error distribution) is minimized.

More generally though, the epistemic noise is better modelled heteroskedastically, using a two-parameter loss distribution, with the location and the scale as the parameters. In the case of the frequently used normal (Gaussian) distribution, the output vector consists of means \(\mu \) (location) and standard deviations \(\sigma \) (scale) of all dimensions and is twice as wide as the input.

Training. The model is trained to maximize probability of prediction. In the most basic case, called out-of-sample one-step forecasting, a single step is predicted for each time step in the series. In an n-step time series, steps \(1 ... n-1\) are used as the input, and steps 1...n as the ground truth. Following (2), the network is trained to minimize negative log probability of true observations given the predicted belief distributions. More generally, a model can also be trained to predict more than a single step at once into the future, however this is rarely used in practice because the necessary size of the training data set grows exponentially with the prediction depth. Instead, future predictions are produced recurrently during forecasting.

Forecasting. Forecasting is accomplished by passing past observations through the model to obtain forecasts for the future time steps. In the out-of-sample one-step mode, a single step into the future is forecast. If a longer forecast is required, the current forecast is entered as the input at the next time step, time after time, up to the required length. Either the location (the point forecast) or a random sample from the belief distribution is used as the future input. Using random samples also allows to assess uncertainty multiple steps into the future: one can repeatedly sample from the belief distribution at each future step, and feed the sample as the input to the following step. Then, based on produced samples at future steps, one can estimate uncertainty intervals. Such Monte-Carlo handling of uncertainty is quite expensive computationally though, because the standard deviation of prediction error decreases as slowly as \(\sqrt{N}\) with the number of samples N, on one hand, and uncertainty may, in general, grow exponentially with prediction depth, on the other hand.

Novelty Detection. Forecasts produced by the model can be used for a number of purposes, including decision making and, in particular, novelty (anomaly) detection. There are two related but different phenomena indicating a novelty in time series behavior:

  1. 1.

    Predicted volatility of the time series is high, that is, future observations can only be forecast uncertainly (with high variance).

  2. 2.

    Probability of actual observations, when observed, given a prediction from a past state, is low.

Either phenomenon, or both of them, can be used to alert about novelties in the time series. In recurrent neural network architectures, the hidden state (\(h_t\) in Fig. 1) can be used to identify and classify anomalies.

3.2 Forecasting with Uncertainty Propagation

The basic scheme outlined above poses difficulty in applications with high-dimensional time series and partially missing observations. Sampling based uncertainty assertion impacts performance, and missing observations are often imputed heuristically [15, 17]. An architecture which incorporates confidence about data and in which observed and predicted data are interchangeable is highly desirable. For example, if out of 5 components 3 were measured and 2 predicted from an earlier step we want to input all of them into the next time step for further forecasting. In addition, the model architecture should be capable of robust uncertainty prediction and benefit from training with multiple steps of out-of-sample data.

Our proposed architecture is based on the observation that if (at least) the location and the scale are used to represent forecasts, an observation (that is, certain knowledge at a given step) can also be expressed using two parameters, by setting the location to the observation, and the scale to 0. For the normal distribution \(\mathcal {N}(\mu , \sigma )\), the location and scale parameterization is straightforward, corresponding to \(\mu \) and \(\sigma \), however other belief distributions can be parameterized by location and scale as easily, e.g. the log-normal, Gamma, or Laplace distribution. For conciseness, we will confine further discussion to the case of independent normal belief distributions for each component; however, other distribution shapes can also be used. Based on this observation, we propose the following extension to the conventional RNN-based forecasting model (Fig. 1b):

  1. 1.

    The input, as well as the output, is a vector of distribution parameters. For the independent normal distributions, the distribution parameter vector consists of the means followed by the standard deviations. If the data has 5 components, the input will be 10-dimensional. For observed data—measurements present at the current time step—the standard deviation is zero. For missing data the input is the mean and the standard deviation as predicted from the preceding time steps.

  2. 2.

    Training can, in principle, be accomplished on data with missing values, but training on data with missing values incurs performance drawbacks and should be avoided. First, handling missing values and replacing them with early predictions introduces contingency in the forward run of the RNN and slows down significantly the execution during training. Second, missing values should, in general, themselves be viewed as anomalies. One must be able to handle them during inference, but should not rely on their presence in the training data. Therefore, we devise a scheme for training our model on data that does not contain missing values. Even in applications where missing values are common in inference, training data without missing values is usually readily available. However, since we introduce confidence into the input, we cannot train the network myopically, in out-of-sample one-step manner—the standard deviations in the input data will always be zero, and the network will never learn how to use them. To overcome this, we train on multiple predicted steps. We feed each prediction, without sampling, as input to the next step and compute the loss as negative log probability of this number of future points versus our prediction.

To illustrate, given the data set of 5 dimensions, the input has 10 dimensions. If we train with 3 time steps lookahead, the ground truth will be a matrix of size \(3\times 5\). The prediction against which the likelihood of this ground truth is computed will be a matrix of size \(3 \times 10\). Intuitively, we would expect the predicted standard deviation to increase along the time axis for each component.

The ability of probabilistic forecasting with uncertainty, in the form of multivariate normal distributions, far into the future, opens opportunity for application to more robust novelty detection approaches. Instead of detecting novelty based on log probability of observations given predictions from the past [6], which is prone to false positives due to observation noise, novelties can be detected and analysed by comparing predictions of the same time point from different points in the past. In this case, KL-divergence between predictions provides a theoretically sound and robust mechanism for detection of anomalies, and is in particular relevant for monitoring of large operation environments with high dimensionality of time series and occasional missing values and heteroskedastic noise [2, 18].

4 Case Study: Monitoring a Computer Cloud

We evaluate the proposed architecture on a data set of monitoring a cluster of 100 computing nodes in the cloud. For each node, the incoming and the outgoing network traffic (in bytes) and the CPU usage (relative) are logged with 1 min resolution. 240 h were logged, resulting in 12000 120-minute 3-dimensional samples. We split the dataset into the training, validation, and test as 80%, 10%, and 10% correspondingly. Since the original data set does not have many missing data points, we emulated data sets with missing data by randomly removing 5%, 10%, 20%, and 50% of the data.

We used a 3-layer GRU-based recurrent neural network with hidden size 64 and 20% dropout between layers. We trained the network with lookahead depths (number of steps to forecast in the future) 2, 4, 8, and 16 using the Adam optimizer with learning rate 0.001, training for 20 epochs (sufficient for convergence). We performed the training on a cloud computing node with 1 NVIDIA T4 GPU, 4 Intel Xeon Platinum CPUs, and 64 Gb memory. The training of a single model took 20 min.

Table 1. Uncertainty propagation vs. ‘replace by the mean’.
Table 2. Uncertainty propagation vs. ‘replace by a random sample’.

We compared our approach with conventional imputation methods ‘replace by the mean’ and ‘replace by a random sample’. In the ‘replace by the mean’ method, a missing value is replaced by the mean of the forecast. In the ‘replace by a random sample’ method, a missing value is replaced by a random sample drawn from the forecast. As a performance metrics, we used per-point negative log-likelihood loss on the test set. Tables 1 and 2 show the difference in loss between uncertainty propagation and ‘replace by the mean’ and ‘replace by a random sample’, correspondingly. The greater is the number, the worse is the forecasting by each of the methods compared to uncertainty propagation. One can see that in all cases uncertainty propagation provides better forecasts than either of the conventional methods.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Uncertainty propagation vs ‘replace by the mean’. 95% confidence intervals are shaded.

As an illustration of the advantage of uncertainty propagation, consider Fig. 2, which shows forecasts using uncertainty propagation and ‘replace by the mean’ in presence of missing values. Forecasts through uncertainty propagation result in adequate confidence intervals. However, when missing values are replaced by the mean of the belief distribution, further forecasts are overconfident and too many observations fall outside of 95% confidence intervals.

The code and data for the case studies are available at https://bitbucket.org/dtolpin/dbts-studies/.

5 Related Work

There appear to be two interconnected areas related to this research. One area is uncertainty representation and propagation in recurrent neural models. The other area is handling of missing values in time series, again in the context of recurrent neural models in particular.

The importance of uncertainty quantification in deep learning is well understood [1]. Recurrent neural networks can express forecast uncertainty through predicting distribution parameters, such as the mean and the standard deviation, instead of point values [12]. When expressing uncertainty by closed-form distributions is insufficient, stochastic latent variables are introduced into RNNs [10, 11, 20]. Uncertainty representation in RNNs is related to uncertainty propagation and multi-step forecasting. For multi-step forecasting, uncertainty must be propagated multiple steps into the future. Uncertainty propagation is usually achieved through random sampling during training or inference [3, 14, 20]. Our approach differs in that conventional RNN architectures are leveraged to represent uncertainty in both the input and the output, and that uncertainty propagation is accomplished deterministically, without resorting to random sampling, which facilitates efficient training and inference.

Handling of missing values in time series has inspired research for decades due to the fact that many otherwise efficient and robust algorithms, in particular those based on recurrent neural architectures, require that all values in the time series are present and lie within a valid range [19]. A widespread approach is to impute the data, that is, to replace missing values with values inferred from other values in the same time series or in other time series in the data set [13, 17]. Alternatively, a missing value is treated as an observation itself, often by introducing an auxiliary indicator variable [4, 15]. In our work, we take a third approach—a missing value, either due to an absent observation or in the course of multi-step forecasting, is replaced by a parametrically specified belief distribution of the value based on the past observations.

6 Discussion and Future Research

We presented a deep probabilistic architecture for uncertainty propagation in multivariate time series. This architecture organically handles two important problems in deep time series modelling: missing data and multi-step forecasting. Empirical evaluation demonstrated that our approach outperforms conventional baselines in terms of forecasting accuracy, while still being easy to implement. Since, unlike some other approaches to uncertainty propagation, our architecture avoids sampling, uncertainty can be propagated efficiently and represented in closed parametric form, rather than approximated by samples and posterior intervals.

We confined most of the discussion to the normal uncertainty shape. Other distributions can be used instead of the normal distributions where appropriate, provided their parameterization allows to express a certain observation as well as an uncertain belief. Analysis of distributions for representing uncertainty and their feasible parameterization is a subject of ongoing research. Another research direction worth exploring is extension of the presented architecture to bidirectional recurrent neural networks [5]. Bidirectional RNNs allow to account for both past and future observations where appropriate, but apparently make uncertainty propagation more complicated. Still, preliminary results suggest that uncertainty in bidirectional RNNs can be handled in a similar manner, further facilitating efficient probabilistic uncertainty propagation in a broader class of deep learning models for time series .