12575 publications

  1. Rotating Machinery, Structural Health Monitoring, Shock and Vibration, Volume 5
  2. Rotating Machinery, Vibro-Acoustics & Laser Vibrometry, Volume 7
  3. Rotating Objects and Relativistic Physics
  4. Rotation Sets and Complex Dynamics
  5. Rotation Transforms for Computer Graphics
  6. Rotation and Mixing in Stellar Interiors
  7. Rotation, Divergenz und Gradient
  8. Rotation, Divergenz und Gradient
  9. Rotation, Divergenz und das Drumherum
  10. Rotation, Divergenz und das Drumherum
  11. Rotational Constants of Diamagnetic Asymmetric Top Molecules
  12. Rotational Constants of Diamagnetic Diatomic, Linear, Symmetric Top Molecules
  13. Rotational Dynamics of Orbiting Gyrostats
  14. Rotational Dynamics of Small and Macromolecules
  15. Rotational Isomeric State Models in Macromolecular Systems
  16. Rotational and Related Constants of Diamagnetic Asymmetric Top Molecules
  17. Rotational and Related Constants of Diamagnetic Diatomic, Linear, and Symmetric Top Molecules
  18. Rotationskolben — Verbrennungsmotoren
  19. Rotator Cuff Across the Life Span
  20. Rotator Cuff Injuries
  21. Rotator Cuff Tear
  22. Rotatoria
  23. Rotatory Knee Instability
  24. Rotaviruses
  25. Rote Augen, Grauer Star, Kranke Makula
  26. Roter Imperialismus
  27. Roter Sandstein
  28. Rotföhrenwälder als Waldentwicklungstypen
  29. Rothmaler - Exkursionsflora von Deutschland
  30. Rothmaler - Exkursionsflora von Deutschland
  31. Rothmaler - Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Gefäßpflanzen: Atlasband
  32. Rothmaler - Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Grundband
  33. Rothmaler - Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Grundband
  34. Rotifer Symposium IV
  35. Rotifer Symposium V
  36. Rotifer Symposium VI
  37. Rotifera IX
  38. Rotifera VII
  39. Rotifera VIII: A Comparative Approach
  40. Rotifera X
  41. Rotifers
  42. Rotor Balancing
  43. Rotor and Structural Dynamics of Turbomachinery
  44. Rotordynamics 2
  45. Rotordynamics of Automotive Turbochargers
  46. Rotordynamics of Automotive Turbochargers
  47. Rotordynamics of Gas-Lubricated Journal Bearing Systems
  48. Rotordynamics ’92
  49. Rotordynamik
  50. Rotordynamik
  51. Rotors: Stress Analysis and Design
  52. Rough Set Methods and Applications
  53. Rough Set Theory and Granular Computing
  54. Rough Set Theory: A True Landmark in Data Analysis
  55. Rough Set and Knowledge Technology
  56. Rough Sets
  57. Rough Sets
  58. Rough Sets
  59. Rough Sets
  60. Rough Sets
  61. Rough Sets
  62. Rough Sets
  63. Rough Sets
  64. Rough Sets
  65. Rough Sets
  66. Rough Sets
  67. Rough Sets
  68. Rough Sets
  69. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing
  70. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing
  71. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing
  72. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing
  73. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing
  74. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing
  75. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing
  76. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing
  77. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing
  78. Rough Sets and Data Mining
  79. Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems - Professor Zdzisław Pawlak in Memoriam
  80. Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems - Professor Zdzisław Pawlak in Memoriam
  81. Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms
  82. Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms
  83. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology
  84. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology
  85. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology
  86. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology
  87. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology
  88. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology
  89. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology
  90. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology
  91. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology
  92. Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery 2
  93. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery
  94. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing
  95. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing
  96. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing
  97. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing
  98. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing
  99. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing
  100. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing
  101. Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing
  102. Rough Sets: Selected Methods and Applications in Management and Engineering
  103. Rough Set–Based Classification Systems
  104. Rough – Granular Computing in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  105. Rough-Neural Computing
  106. Roulette
  107. Round Table Discussion on BIOSCIENCE ⇋ SOCIETY
  108. Round-Robin Test on Creep Behaviour in Cracked Sections of FRC: Experimental Program, Results and Database Analysis
  109. Roundabouts as Safe and Modern Solutions in Transport Networks and Systems
  110. Rousseau
  111. Rousseau Today
  112. Rousseau in Drag
  113. Rousseaus Émile als Experiment der Natur und Wunder der Erziehung
  114. Rousseau’s Economic Philosophy
  115. Rousseau’s Rejuvenation of Political Philosophy
  116. Rousseau’s Theory of Human Association
  117. Route Choice: Wayfinding in Transport Networks
  118. Routen zum Begriff der linearen Funktion
  119. Routenplaner Kreativität
  120. Routenzugplanung
  121. Routes and Rites to the City
  122. Routes to Absolute Instability in Porous Media
  123. Routes to Cellulosic Ethanol
  124. Routes to a Resilient European Union
  125. Routine Cytological Staining Techniques
  126. Routine Data Processing in Earthquake Seismology
  127. Routine Emergency
  128. Routine Outcome Monitoring in Couple and Family Therapy
  129. Routine-Management
  130. Routinedaten in der Psychiatrie
  131. Routines of Substitution
  132. Routing Algorithms in Networks-on-Chip
  133. Routing Congestion in VLSI Circuits: Estimation and Optimization
  134. Routing and Quality-of-Service in Broadband LEO Satellite Networks
  135. Routing and Wavelength Assignment for WDM-based Optical Networks
  136. Routing for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks
  137. Routing in Opportunistic Networks
  138. Row Houses
  139. Roy Bhaskar
  140. Roy Harrod
  141. Roy Jenkins and the European Commission Presidency, 1976 –1980
  142. Royal Court: International
  143. Royal Heirs and the Uses of Soft Power in Nineteenth-Century Europe
  144. Royal Heirs in Imperial Germany
  145. Royal Mourning and Regency Culture
  146. Royal Naval Officers from War to War, 1918–1939
  147. Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope 1820–1831
  148. Royal Rage and the Construction of Anglo-Norman Authority, c. 1000-1250
  149. Royal Romances
  150. Royal Wills in Britain from 1509 to 2008
  151. Royal Women and Dynastic Loyalty
  152. Royalism and Poetry in the English Civil Wars
  153. Royalism and the Three Stuart Kingdoms
  154. Royalism, War and Popular Politics in the Age of Revolutions, 1780s-1870s
  155. Royalist Identities
  156. RuPaul’s Drag Race and the Shifting Visibility of Drag Culture
  157. Rubber Based Bionanocomposites
  158. Rubber Based Bionanocomposites
  159. Rubber Chemicals
  160. Rubber Nano Blends
  161. Rubber Processing and Production Organization
  162. Rubber Science
  163. Rubber Science
  164. Rubber Technology
  165. Rubber Technology
  166. Rubber Toughened Engineering Plastics
  167. Rubber and Rubber Balloons
  168. Rubidomycin
  169. Rubies and Implants
  170. Rubrics – a tool for feedback and assessment viewed from different perspectives
  171. Ruby Data Processing
  172. Ruby Quick Syntax Reference
  173. Ruby Recipes
  174. Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers
  175. Rudern
  176. Rudiments of Signal Processing and Systems
  177. Rudolf Carnap and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism
  178. Rudolf Carnap, Logical Empiricist
  179. Rudolf Hilferding
  180. Rudolf Hilferding
  181. Rudolf Steiner
  182. Rudolf Virchow
  183. Rudolf Virchow Das Pathologische Museum
  184. Rudolf Virchow und Gustav Adolph Spiess
  185. Rudolf Wienands Grundlagen der Gestaltung zu Bau und Stadtbau
  186. Rudyard Kipling
  187. Rudyard Kipling
  188. Rudyard Kipling and the Fiction of Adolescence
  189. Rugby Union and Globalization
  190. Rugged Free Energy Landscapes
  191. Ruggiero Boscovich’s Theory of Natural Philosophy
  192. Rugpijn en andere onbegrepen klachten
  193. Ruhe und Frömmigkeit
  194. Ruhen des Verfahrens und Rechtsschutzbedürfnis
  195. Ruhestand als Chance
  196. Ruhestandsentscheidungen im Haushaltskontext
  197. Ruhestandsplanung - Beratungsansatz für die Zielgruppe 50plus
  198. Ruhestandsplanung - neuer Beratungsansatz für die Zielgruppe 50plus
  199. Ruhm und Unsterblichkeit
  200. Ruhr-Merkblatt