12575 publications

  1. Ruhrbesetzung und Reichsbahn
  2. Ruhrgebietsliteratur seit 1960
  3. Ruhrkohlen-Handbuch
  4. Ruhrkohlenbergbau, Transportwesen und Eisenbahntarifpolitik
  5. Ruin Porn and the Obsession with Decay
  6. Ruins in the Literary and Cultural Imagination
  7. Rule Based Systems for Big Data
  8. Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines
  9. Rule Interchange and Applications
  10. Rule Representation, Interchange and Reasoning on the Web
  11. Rule Technologies. Research, Tools, and Applications
  12. Rule Technologies: Foundations, Tools, and Applications
  13. Rule and Order Dutch Planning Doctrine in the Twentieth Century
  14. Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights
  15. Rule of Law and the Challenges Posed by the Pandemic
  16. Rule of Law in China
  17. Rule of Law in China
  18. Rule of Law in Europe
  19. Rule of Law, Human Rights and Judicial Control of Power
  20. Rule of Sympathy
  21. Rule of Three, Percentages and Interest
  22. Rule-Based Evolutionary Online Learning Systems
  23. Rule-Based Modeling and Computing on the Semantic Web
  24. Rule-Based Programming
  25. Rule-Based Reasoning, Programming, and Applications
  26. Rule-Governed Behavior
  27. Ruled Varieties
  28. Rulemaking in Air Transport
  29. Rules and Dispositions in Language Use
  30. Rules and Exceptions in Biology: from Fundamental Concepts to Applications
  31. Rules and Reasoning
  32. Rules and Reasoning
  33. Rules and Reasoning
  34. Rules and Reasoning
  35. Rules and Reasoning
  36. Rules and Reasoning
  37. Rules and Reasoning
  38. Rules and Reasoning
  39. Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web
  40. Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web
  41. Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web
  42. Rules for Scientific Research in Economics
  43. Rules in Database Systems
  44. Rules in Database Systems
  45. Rules in Database Systems
  46. Rules of Competition and East-West Integration
  47. Rules of Hope
  48. Rules of the Father in The Last of Us
  49. Rules on the Web. From Theory to Applications
  50. Rules on the Web: Research and Applications
  51. Rules, Contracts and Law Enforcement in the Ottoman Empire
  52. Rules-Based Fiscal Policy in Emerging Markets
  53. Ruling Women
  54. Ruling Women, Volume 2
  55. Ruling or Serving Society?
  56. Ruling, Resources and Religion in China
  57. Rumanian Folk Music
  58. Rumanian Folk Music
  59. Rumanian Folk Music
  60. Rumanian Folk Music
  61. Rumanian Folk Music
  62. Rumen Microbiology: From Evolution to Revolution
  63. Rumenology
  64. Rumi and Shams’ Silent Rebellion
  65. Ruminant Pestivirus Infections
  66. Rumänien im Geschäftsalltag
  67. Rumänisch-Deutsch für die Pflege zu Hause
  68. Rumänisch-Deutsch für die Pflege zu Hause
  69. Rumänisch-Deutsch für die Pflege zu Hause
  70. Run IT
  71. Run for Elected Office—and Win
  72. Run-time Adaptation for Reconfigurable Embedded Processors
  73. Run-time Models for Self-managing Systems and Applications
  74. Runaway and Homeless Youth
  75. Runaway-Ströme hoher Intensität in einer toroidalen Entladung
  76. Rund um das Wasser — ein physikalischer Streifzug
  77. Rund um den Baselstab
  78. Rund ums Café Spitz
  79. Rund ums Essen
  80. Runder Tisch Medizintechnik
  81. Runder Tisch und direkte Demokratie
  82. Rundfunk als Rechtsbegriff
  83. Rundfunk und Kulturpolitik
  84. Rundfunk-PR im Kontext
  85. Rundfunkpolitik in der Bundesrepublik
  86. Rundfunkpolitik zwischen Sollen, Wollen und Können
  87. Rundfunkökonomie
  88. Rundungsfehler
  89. Runenkunde
  90. Runenkunde
  91. Runenkunde
  92. Runenkunde
  93. Running ESXi on a Raspberry Pi
  94. Running Group Visits in Your Practice
  95. Running IPv6
  96. Running Mainframe z on Distributed Platforms
  97. Running Microsoft Workloads on AWS
  98. Running across Europe
  99. Runoff, Infiltration and Subsurface Flow of Water in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
  100. Runtime Reconfiguration in Networked Embedded Systems
  101. Runtime Verification
  102. Runtime Verification
  103. Runtime Verification
  104. Runtime Verification
  105. Runtime Verification
  106. Runtime Verification
  107. Runtime Verification
  108. Runtime Verification
  109. Runtime Verification
  110. Runtime Verification
  111. Runtime Verification
  112. Runtime Verification
  113. Runtime Verification
  114. Runtime Verification
  115. Runtime Verification
  116. Runtime Verification
  117. Runtime Verification
  118. Runtime Verification
  119. Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
  120. Ruptured Landscapes
  121. Ruptured Uterus
  122. Rupturen in Kreide und Karbon am Südrand des Kreidebeckens von Münster
  123. Ruptures
  124. Ruptures in the Afterlife of the Apartheid City
  125. Rupturing African Philosophy on Teaching and Learning
  126. Rural Aging in 21st Century America
  127. Rural Analysis and Management
  128. Rural Areas Between Regional Needs and Global Challenges
  129. Rural Built Environment of Sichuan Province, China
  130. Rural Caregiving in the United States
  131. Rural Cinema Exhibition and Audiences in a Global Context
  132. Rural Cooperation in Europe
  133. Rural Democracy in China
  134. Rural Development
  135. Rural Development Planning in Africa
  136. Rural Development for Sustainable Social-ecological Systems
  137. Rural Development in China from the Perspective of Relative Poverty
  138. Rural Development in Tropical Africa
  139. Rural Economic Developments and Social Movements
  140. Rural Education Across the World
  141. Rural Education Reform in China
  142. Rural Education Research in the United States
  143. Rural Electrification
  144. Rural Electrification Through Decentralised Off-grid Systems in Developing Countries
  145. Rural Enterprises in China
  146. Rural Ethnic Minority Youth and Families in the United States
  147. Rural Families and Communities in the United States
  148. Rural Families and Work
  149. Rural Health Care Delivery
  150. Rural Health Disparities
  151. Rural Isolation and Dual Cultural Existence
  152. Rural Labor Migration, Discrimination, and the New Dual Labor Market in China
  153. Rural Labour Mobility in Times of Structural Transformation
  154. Rural Landscapes and Agricultural Policies in Europe
  155. Rural Landscapes of Community Health
  156. Rural Latin America in Transition
  157. Rural Livelihood and Environmental Sustainability in China
  158. Rural Long Tail Public Service and the Correction Mechanism
  159. Rural Migrants in Urban Setting
  160. Rural Planning from an Environmental Systems Perspective
  161. Rural Poverty in Latin America
  162. Rural Poverty, Growth, and Inequality in China
  163. Rural Protest in the Weimar Republic
  164. Rural Protest: Peasant Movements and Social Change
  165. Rural Psychology
  166. Rural Reform and Peasant Income in China
  167. Rural Resources & Local Livelihoods in Africa
  168. Rural Retirement Migration
  169. Rural Revitalization Through State-led Programs
  170. Rural Revitalization in China
  171. Rural School Improvement in Developing Countries
  172. Rural Social Work in the UK
  173. Rural Societies
  174. Rural Society in the Age of Reason
  175. Rural Surgery
  176. Rural Sustainability
  177. Rural Teacher Education
  178. Rural Technology Development and Delivery
  179. Rural Technology Development and Delivery
  180. Rural Transformation and Newfoundland and Labrador Diaspora
  181. Rural Transformation in the Post Liberalization Period in Gujarat
  182. Rural Transformation through Servitization
  183. Rural Transition and Transport in China
  184. Rural Urban Migration and Policy Intervention in China
  185. Rural Welfare in China
  186. Rural Women and Triple Exploitation in Korean Development
  187. Rural Women’s Power in South Asia
  188. Rural Workers, Sindicatos and Collective Bargaining in Rio Grande do Sul
  189. Rural-Urban Migration in Vietnam
  190. Ruraling Education Research
  191. Rurality, Social Justice and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa Volume I
  192. Rurality, Social Justice and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa Volume II
  193. Rural–Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia
  194. Ruskin and Gender
  195. Ruskin and Modernism
  196. Ruskin, the Theatre and Victorian Visual Culture
  197. Russell Brand: Comedy, Celebrity, Politics
  198. Russell’s Philosophy of Logical Analysis: 1897–1905
  199. Russell’s Unknown Logicism
  200. Russia