Correction to: Atten Percept Psychophys

During copy-editing, the y-axes of Fig. 2 (top) and Fig. 3 (top) were erroneously labelled mean BCG (d’) in the version of the paper published as Online First. The correct label is meanCE (d’). The correct figures appear below.

Fig. 2
figure 1

Scatterplots show the congruence effect (CE, top) and bimodal compatibility gain (BCG, bottom) as a function of the log-transformed pitch discrimination thresholds (PDT). Pearson correlation analyses showed that BCG and PDT were significantly correlated. Stars = musicians, open circles = nonmusicians, lines are fitted to all data points, ignoring musicianship

Fig. 3
figure 2

Scatterplots show the congruence effect (CE, top) and bimodal compatibility gain (BCG, bottom) as a function of the absolute score (correct responses) on the melodic part of the Musical Ear Test (MET). Pearson correlation analyses showed that BCG and MET were statistically significantly correlated. Stars = musicians, open circles = nonmusicians, lines are fitted to all data points, ignoring musicianship