Fig. 1
figure 1

The \(\pi^{0}\), \(\pi^{\pm}\), \(K^{\pm}\), \(K^{*}\), \(\phi\) and \(p(\bar{p})\) nuclear modification factors in (left) \(p+\textrm{Al}\) and (right) \({}^{3}\textrm{He}+\textrm{Au}\) collisions at \(\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200\) GeV at midrapidity (\(\eta<0.35\)).

The quark-gluon plasma QGP [1] formation in the relativistic heavy ion collisions [2] was supported by observation of various QGP effects such as strangeness and baryon enhancement [1]. However, the influence of cold nuclear mater effects (CNM) on particle production in large collision systems is still under consideration [3]. The study of light hadron production in small collision systems might help to interpret the results obtained in large collision systems and additionally provide a study of the minimal collision system size sufficient for observation of the QGP effects. To study effects affecting the particle production in ultrarelativistic collisions, nuclear modification factors \(R_{AB}\) are used [2]. The \(R_{AB}\) value is defined as a ratio of hadron production in nuclei-nuclei (\(A+B\)) collisions to its production in \(p+p\) collisions, scaled by number of binary collisions. The deviation of \(R_{AB}\) value from unity, might indicate the presence of QGP or CNM effects.


Figure 1 presents various light hadron (\(\pi^{0}\), \(\pi^{\pm}\), \(K^{\pm}\), \(K^{*}\), \(\phi\), and \(p(\bar{p})\)) \(R_{AB}\) measured in the most central \(p+\textrm{Al}\) and \({}^{3}\textrm{He}+\textrm{Au}\) collisions at \(\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200\) GeV. In both collision systems in the whole available \(p_{T}\) range the \(R_{AB}\) values of \(K^{\pm}\), \(K^{*}\), and \(\phi\) mesons, containing (anti)strange quarks, are consistent with \(R_{AB}\) values of \(\pi^{0}\), \(\pi^{\pm}\) mesons, that contain only first-generation quarks. In central \(p+\textrm{Al}\) collisions \(R_{AB}\) values of \(\bar{p}\) show conformity with light meson \(R_{AB}\) values. In \({}^{3}\textrm{He}+\textrm{Au}\) collisions (anti)proton yields are enhanced relatively to the binary scaled yields in \(p+p\) collisions.


Values of \(R_{AB}\) for all light mesons fall in the same curve in both \(p\) +Al and \({}^{3}\textrm{He}+\textrm{Au}\) collisions. This might indicate that CNM effects are not responsible for the differences between light hadron \(R_{AB}\) values seen in heavy ion collisions. Nonetheless, the proton \(R_{AB}\) values are larger then light meson \(R_{AB}\) values in \({}^{3}\textrm{He}+\textrm{Au}\) collisions. This suggests the baryon enhancement might be observed and QGP could be formed in \({}^{3}\textrm{He}+\textrm{Au}\) collisions, while \(p+\textrm{Al}\) system size might be insufficient for observation of this effect.