Correction to: Environmental Sciences Europe (2023) 35:100

In this article [1], the developer of the initial test design of the long-term approach for the chronic laboratory test with Cloeon dipterum was not mentioned. The test design of the long-term test described in this manuscript was adapted from a study protocol described by gaiac Forschungsinstitut für Ökosystemanalyse und -bewertung e.V. (Aachen, Germany), with adoptions regarding the feeding regime. The initial study protocol is currently under validation in a ring test approach under the lead of gaiac e.V., the Wageningen University & Research, and the Bayer AG.

The adoptions of the study protocol made by IME are as follows:

  • Use of Navicula pelliculosa grown on tiles and carrots as standardized food source

  • Defined test duration of 38 days

  • Measurement and evaluation of the wing size of emerged organisms

  • Frequency of media renewals conducted throughout the test (twice per week)