Let \(H\) be a real Hilbert space with norm \(\|\cdot\|\) and inner product \(\langle\,\cdot\,{,}\,\cdot\rangle\). The set \(C\) is called a cone in \(H\) if, for any \(v,w \in C\) and \(\lambda_{1, 2} \ge 0\), the inclusion \(\lambda_{1}v+\lambda_{2}w \in C\) is valid.

For any set \(C \subset H\), its polar cone is defined as follows:

$$C^0=\{w \in H : \langle v,w\rangle \le 0 \,\ \forall\,v \in C\}.$$

Let \(\rho(x,A)=\inf\{\|x-v\| : v \in A\}\) be the distance from the point \(x \in H\) to the set \(A\subset H\), and let \(P_{A}x=\{y \in A : \|x-y\|=\rho(x,A)\}\) be the metric projection of a point \(x \in H\) to a set \(A\subset H\).

It is well known that, in a Hilbert space, the metric projection on a closed convex set is a singleton. Metric projections on mutually polar cones are related by the following statement.

FormalPara Theorem A (Moro [1]).

Let \(C\) be a closed convex cone in \(H\) , and let \(C^0\) be its polar cone, \(x,y,z \in H\) . Then the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. 1)

    \(z=x+y\) , \(x \in C\) , \(y \in C^0\) and \(\langle x,y\rangle=0\) ;

  2. 2)

    \(x=P_{C}z\) and \(y=P_{C^0}z\) .

A subset \(D\) of the unit sphere \(S(H)\) is called a dictionary if linear combinations of \(D\) elements are dense in \(H\). If linear combinations of \(D\) elements with nonnegative coefficients are dense in \(H\), then we will call \(D\) a positive complete dictionary.

For each \(x=x_0 \in H\) and dictionary \(D \subset S(H)\), the pure greedy algorithm inductively defines the subsequence

$$x_{n+1}=x_n-\langle x_n,g_{n}\rangle g_{n}, \qquad n=0,1,\dots,$$

where the element \(g_{n} \in D\) is chosen so that

$$ \langle x_n,g_{n}\rangle=\max\{|\langle x_n,g\rangle| : g \in D \}. $$

For each \(x=x_0 \in H\), the orthogonal greedy algorithm with respect to the dictionary \(D\) defines the subsequence

$$x_{n+1}=x-P_{\operatorname{span}\{g_0,\dots,g_{n}\}}x, \qquad n=0,1,\dots,$$

where the element \(g_n \in D\) is also selected from condition (eqstar).

In both algorithms, the maximum attainability condition \(\max\{|\langle x,g\rangle| : g \in D\}\) for each \(x \in H\) is an additional condition imposed on the dictionary.

A greedy algorithm is said to converge if the residuals \(x_n\) converge to 0 in norm as \(n \to \infty\). It is known [2, Chap. 2] that pure greedy and orthogonal greedy algorithms converge for any dictionary that satisfies the existence condition for a maximum and, for any initial element \(x \in H\), estimates of the convergence rate are also known.

The problem of approximating an element of a Hilbert space by linear combinations of elements of a dictionary with nonnegative coefficients was considered by Livshits in [3], [4]. He proposed a special recursive greedy algorithm providing such approximations. A natural generalization of the pure greedy algorithm is a positive greedy algorithm in which the next element \(g_n\) is chosen from the maximization condition for the inner product \(\langle x_n,g\rangle\), not its module, but this algorithm may diverge for a positive complete dictionary [5].

In this paper, we propose a natural modification of the orthogonal greedy algorithm, namely, the conical greedy algorithm approximating an arbitrary element of the space by a linear combination of dictionary elements with nonnegative coefficients. Its convergence was proved for each positive complete dictionary \(D\) and any initial element; also the convergence rate for elements of special form was estimated.

Let \(\operatorname{cone}\{g_{0},g_{1},\dots,g_{n}\}\) denote the minimal (with respect to inclusion) cone containing elements \(g_{0},g_{1},\dots,g_{n}\), i.e., the following set

$$\biggl\{x \in H: x=\sum_{k=0}^{n}\lambda_{k}g_{k}, \lambda_{k} \ge 0\biggr\}.$$

For each \(x=x_0 \in H\) and any positive complete dictionary \(D \subset S(H)\), the conical greedy algorithm inductively defines the sequence

$$x_{n+1}=x-P_{\operatorname{cone}\{g_0,\dots,g_{n}\}}x, \qquad n=0,1,\dots,$$

where the element \(g_n \in D\) is chosen so that

$$\langle x_n,g_n\rangle=\max\{\langle x_n,g\rangle: g \in D\}.$$

At the same time, the requirement is also imposed on the dictionary that \(\max\{\langle x,g\rangle: g \in D\}\) exist for all \(x \in H\).

We also define the more general weak conical greedy algorithm. Let us fix the sequence \(\{t_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\), \(0 < t_n \le 1\). For each \(x=x_0\in H\), the weak conical greedy algorithm with weakness parameters \(\{t_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\) inductively defines the sequence

$$x_{n+1}=x-P_{\operatorname{cone}\{g_0,\dots,g_{n}}\}x, \qquad n=0,1,\dots,$$

where the element \(g_n \in D\) is chosen to satisfy the condition

$$\langle x_n,g_n\rangle \ge t_n \sup\{\langle x_n,g\rangle : g \in D\}.$$

For \(t_n<1\), the weak conical greedy algorithm works for any positive complete dictionary.

FormalPara Theorem 1.

Let \(D \subset S(H)\) be a positive complete dictionary in \(H\) . Then the weak conical greedy algorithm with weakness parameters \(\{t_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\) converges for any initial element \(x \in H\) if

$$ \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{t_k^2}=\infty. $$

This theorem is analogous to Theorem 2.1 from [2, Chap. 2] on the convergence of a weak orthogonal greedy algorithm.

FormalPara Proof.

Let \(C_{n}=\operatorname{cone}\{g_{0},\dots,g_{n}\}\). By Theorem A, we have


and \(C_{0}^0 \supset C_{1}^0 \supset C_{2}^0 \supset \cdots\). We will need the following result.

FormalPara Lemma 1.

Let \(K_1 \supset K_2 \supset K_3 \supset \cdots\) be decreasing (with respect to inclusion) closed cones in \(H\) , and let \(x \in H\) . Then the sequence \(\{x_n=P_{K_n}x\}\) is fundamental.

FormalPara Proof.

For an arbitrary \(y \in K_n\), by Theorem A, we have \(\langle x-x_n,y\rangle \le 0\) and \(\langle x-x_{n},x_{n}\rangle=0\). Therefore,

$$\begin{aligned} \, \|x-y\|^2&=\|x-x_n\|^2+\|x_n-y\|^2+2\langle x-x_n,x_n-y\rangle \\& =\|x-x_n\|^2+\|x_n-y\|^2-2\langle x-x_n,y\rangle\ge \|x-x_n\|^2+\|x_n-y\|^2. \end{aligned}$$

Substituting \(y=x_m\), \(m > n\), we obtain

$$\|x_n-x_m\|^2\le \rho(x,K_m)^2-\rho(x,K_n)^2;$$

since the sequence \(\rho(x,K_n)\) is nondecreasing and bounded \((\rho(x,K_{n}) \le \|x\|)\), it follows that \(x_n\) is fundamental. The lemma is proved.

By Lemma 1, we have \(x_n \to z\) for some \(z \in H\).

If \(z=0\), then the theorem is proved.

If \(z \ne 0\), then the positive completeness condition for the dictionary implies that there exists an element \(g\in D\), such that \(\langle z,g\rangle > \delta > 0\). Therefore, there exists an \(m\) such that, for each \(n \ge m\), the inequality \(\langle x_n,g\rangle > \delta\) holds. The further proof requires the following technical lemmas.

FormalPara Lemma 2.

Let \(C \subset H\) be a closed convex cone, and let \(x,y \in H\) . Then

$$\|P_{C}(x+y)\| \le \|P_{C}x\|+\|P_{C}y\|.$$
FormalPara Proof.

By Theorem A, for any \(z \in H\), we have



$$\begin{aligned} \, \|P_{C}(x+y)\|&=\rho(x+y,C^0)=\inf_{w \in C^0}\|x+y-w\|= \inf_{v,u \in C^0}\|x+y-(v+u)\| \\& =\inf_{v,u \in C^0}\|(x-v)+(y-u)\|\le \inf_{v,u \in C^0}(\|x-v\|+\|y-u\|) \\& =\inf_{v \in C^0}\|x-v\|+\inf_{u \in C^0}\|y-u\|= \rho(x,C^0)+\rho(y,C^0) \\& =\|P_{C}(x)\|+\|P_{C}(y)\|. \end{aligned}$$

The lemma is proved.

FormalPara Lemma 3.

Let \(C_{1},C_{2} \subset H\) be closed convex cones, and let \(C_{1} \subset C_{2}\) . Then

$$\|P_{C_1}(z)\| \le \|P_{C_1}P_{C_2}(z)\|$$

for each \(z \in H\) .

FormalPara Proof.

By Theorem A, we have \(z=P_{C_2}z+P_{C_2^0}z\). Also note that if \(C_{1} \subset C_{2}\), then \(C_{1}^0 \supset C_{2}^0\), which means \(P_{C_1}v=0\) for any \(v\) from \(C_{2}^0\).

Applying Lemma 2, we obtain

$$\|P_{C_1}z\|=\|P_{C_1}(P_{C_2}z+P_{C_2^0}z)\|\le \|P_{C_1}P_{C_2}z\|+\|P_{C_1}P_{C_2^0}z\|=\|P_{C_1}P_{C_2}z\|.$$

The lemma is proved.

Let us return to the proof of the theorem.

Applying Lemma 3 and taking \(n\) large enough, we obtain a contradiction, namely,

$$\begin{aligned} \, 0 &\le \|x_{n+1}\|^2=\|P_{C_{n}^0} x\|^2\le \|P_{C_{n}^0}P_{C_{n-1}^0} x\|^2 \\& =\|P_{C_{n}^0} x_{n}\|^2=\|x_{n}\|^2-\|P_{C_{n}}x_{n}\|^2\le \|x_n\|^2-\langle g_n,x_n\rangle^2 \\& \le \|x_n\|^2-t_{n}^2 \delta^2 \le \cdots\le \|x_m\|^2-\delta^2 \sum_{k=m}^{n} t_k^2 < 0, \end{aligned}$$

because the series \(\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} t_k^2\) diverges. Theorem 1 is proved.

Let us show that equality (1) is also necessary for the convergence of the weak conical greedy algorithm for any positive complete dictionary \(D\).

Consider the space \(\ell_{2}\) with orthonormal basis \(\{e,e_{0},e_{1},\dots\}\). Let

$$\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{t_k^2} < \infty.$$

Consider the weak conical greedy algorithm for the element

$$x_{0}=e+\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} t_k e_{k}$$

with respect to the symmetric positive complete dictionary \(D=\{\pm e,\pm e_{0},\pm e_{1},\dots\}\).

It is easy to prove by induction that, for the next \(g_n\) in the weak conical greedy algorithm, we can take the element \(g_n=e_n\). In this case, the current residual can be expressed as \(x_n=e+\sum_{k=n}^{\infty} t_k e_{k}\), and the algorithm does not converge.

FormalPara Theorem 2.


$$x_0 \in A_{1}^{+}(M,D)=\overline{\biggl\{\,\sum_{k=0}^{N} \lambda_k g_k: g_k \in D,\,N \in \mathbb{N},\,\lambda_k \ge 0, \,\sum_{k=0}^{N} \lambda_k \le M\biggr\}}.$$

Then, for the sequence \(\{x_{n}\}\) of residuals of the weak conical greedy algorithm with weakness parameters \(\{t_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\) , the following inequalities hold:

$$ \|x_n\|\le\frac{M}{\sqrt{1+\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}t_{k}^2}}\,,\qquad n=1, 2,\dots\,. $$

This assertion is an analogue of Theorem 2.20 from [2, Chap. 2] on the convergence rate of a weak orthogonal greedy algorithm for elements of the convex hull of a symmetric dictionary.

FormalPara Proof.

Let \(C_{n}=\operatorname{cone}\{g_{0},\dots,g_{n}\}\). As already noted, we have \(C_{n-1}^0 \supset C_{n}^0\) for each \(n\ge 1\). Using Lemma 3, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \, \|x_{n+1}\|^2&=\|P_{C_{n}^0} x\|^2\le \|P_{C_{n}^0}P_{C_{n-1}^0}x\|^2=\|P_{C_{n}^0} x_n\|^2= \|x_n\|^2-\|P_{C_n} x_n\|^2 \\& \le \|x_n\|^2-\|\langle g_n,x_n\rangle g_n\|^2= \|x_n\|^2-\langle g_n,x_n\rangle^2\le \|x_n\|^2- t_{n}^2\Bigl(\,\sup_{g \in D}\,\langle g,x_n\rangle\Bigr)^2. \end{aligned}$$
FormalPara Lemma 4.

Let \(D\) be a positive complete dictionary, and let \(x \in A_{1}^{+}(D,M)\) . Then, for each \(z \in H\) such that \(\langle x-z,z\rangle=0\) , the following inequality holds:

$$\sup_{g \in D}\langle z,g\rangle \ge \frac{\|z\|^2}{M}\,.$$
FormalPara Proof.

It suffices to prove the lemma for

$$x=\sum_{k=0}^{N}{\lambda_k g_k},\qquad\text{where}\quad g_0,\dots,g_N \in D,\quad \lambda_k \ge 0, \quad \sum_{k=0}^{N}{\lambda_k} \le M.$$

We have

$$\begin{aligned} \, \|z\|^2&=\langle z,z\rangle=\langle x,z\rangle- \langle x-z,z\rangle=\langle x,z\rangle= \sum_{k=0}^{N}\lambda_k \langle g_k,z\rangle \\& \le \sup_{g \in D}\langle g,z\rangle \sum_{k=0}^{N}\lambda_k \le M \sup_{g \in D} \langle g,z\rangle. \end{aligned}$$

The lemma is proved.

Applying Lemma 4 to \(z=x_n=P_{C_{n-1}^0} x_0\), we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \, \|x_{n+1}\|^2 &\le \|x_n\|^2-t_{n}^2 \biggl(\,\sup_{g \in D}\langle g,x_n\rangle\biggr)^2 \\& \le \|x_n\|^2-t_{n}^2 \frac{\|x_n\|^4}{M^2}= \|x_{n}\|^2\biggl(1-\frac{t_{n}^2\|x_{n}\|^2}{M^2}\biggr). \end{aligned}$$

Now we need the following numerical lemma.

FormalPara Lemma A [6].

Let \(\{c_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\) be a sequence such that

$$c_0 \le A,\qquad c_n \ge 0,\qquad c_{n+1} \le c_{n}\biggl(1-\frac{\alpha_n c_n}{A}\biggr),\quad n=0,1, 2,\dots,$$

for some sequence \(\{\alpha_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}\) of positive numbers and some number \(A > 0\) . Then

$$c_n \le \frac{A}{1+\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}{\alpha_k}}\,, \qquad n=1, 2,\dots\,.$$

Obviously, \(0 \le \|x_n\| \le\|x_0\| \le M\) for each natural \(n\). This allows us to apply Lemma A to the sequences

$$c_n=\|x_n\|^2, \qquad \alpha_n= t_n^2, \qquad A=M^2,$$

so that we obtain

$$\|x_n\|^2 \le \frac{M^2}{1+\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}{t_k^2}}\,,\qquad n=1, 2,\dots\,.$$

Theorem 2 is proved.

For the conical greedy algorithm in Theorem 2, we obtain an estimate for the norm of the residuals \(\|x_{n}\| \le M(n+1)^{-1/2}\) and the exponent \(-1/2\) in this estimate is sharp.

Indeed, taking \(H=\ell_{2}\), \(D=\{\pm e_{0},\pm e_{1},\pm e_{2},\dots\}\) and

$$x_{0}=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(k+1)^{(1+\varepsilon)}} e_{k} \in A_{1}(D,M),$$


$$M=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(k+1)^{(1+\varepsilon)}}$$

for an arbitrary \(\varepsilon > 0\), we obtain

$$\|x_n\|=\sqrt{\sum_{k=n}^{\infty}\frac{1}{(k+1)^{(2+2\varepsilon)}}} \ge\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+2\varepsilon}\,(n+1)^{1/2+\varepsilon}}\,.$$

Note that, for initial elements from \(A_{1}^{+}(1,D)\), there exists a so-called incremental algorithm having convergence rate of the same order [2, Chap. 6, Sec. 6].