1 Introduction

Suppose that \(\Gamma \) is a finite, simple and undirected graph. We use \(V(\Gamma )\), \(E(\Gamma )\), \(A(\Gamma )\) and \(\mathrm{Aut}(\Gamma )\) for showing the vertex set, edge set, arc set and the automorphism group of \(\Gamma \), respectively. We say that \(\Gamma \) is vertex-transitive, edge-transitive and arc-transitive if \(\mathrm{Aut}(\Gamma )\) acts transitive on \(V(\Gamma )\), \(E(\Gamma )\), \(A(\Gamma )\), respectively.

We remind that hypercube \(Q_n\) is a graph with \(2^n\) vertices, each vertex with a distinct binary string \(x_1x_2\cdots x_n\) on the set \(\{0, 1\}\). Two vertices are linked by an edge if and only if their strings differ in exactly one bit. It is well known that \(Q_n\) is an arc-transitive graph. As a variant of the hypercube, the n-dimensional folded hypercube \(FQ_n\), proposed first by El-Amawy and Latifi [1], is a graph obtained from the hypercube \(Q_n\) by adding an edge, called a complementary edge, between any two vertices \(x = (x_1x_2\cdots x_n)\) and \(\overline{x} = (\overline{x_1}\ \overline{x_2} \cdots \overline{x_n})\), where \(\overline{x_i} = 1 - x_i\). The graphs shown in Figs. 1 and 2 are \(FQ_3\) and \(FQ_4\), respectively. By an easy observation, \(FQ_n\) is an \((n+1)\)-regular and its order is \(2^n\). Like \(Q_n\), \(FQ_n\) is arc-transitive (see [15]). Also by [1], it has diameter of \(\lceil n/2\rceil \) which is smaller than the diameter of \(Q_n\). In the literature, \(FQ_n\) has received considerable attention, and a lot of its properties have been investigated. For example see ([7,8,9, 13, 22, 23, 25, 29, 34]).

Fig. 1
figure 1


Fig. 2
figure 2


Zhou et al. (see [33]) studied some reliability measures such as super-connectivity, cyclically connectivity in the balanced hypercube by using its symmetric properties. In this paper we get the similar results for n-dimensional folded hypercube \(FQ_n\).

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we give some terminology and notation. For notation and terminology not define here we follow [3].

Let n be a positive integer. Denote by \(C_n\) the cyclic graph of order n. For a vertex v in a graph \(\Gamma \), use \(N_\Gamma (v)\) to denote the neighborhood of v, that is, the set of vertices adjacent to v. Also for a positive integer m, \(mK_1\) represents the null graph with m vertices and a graph is trivial if it is a vertex.

The vertex-connectivity of a graph \(\Gamma \) denoted by \(\kappa (\Gamma )\) is the minimum number of vertices whose removal results in a disconnected graph or a trivial graph. Similarly, we can define edge-connectivity of a graph \(\Gamma \) which is denoted by \(\lambda (\Gamma )\). In fact \(\kappa (\Gamma )\) and \(\lambda (\Gamma )\) are two important factors for measuring the reliability of an interconnection network. Also a larger \(\kappa (\Gamma )\) or \(\lambda (\Gamma )\) means that the network \(\Gamma \) is more reliable. It is well known that \(\kappa (\Gamma )\le \lambda (\Gamma )\le \delta (\Gamma )\), where \(\delta (\Gamma )\) is the minimum degree of \(\Gamma \). A graph is said to be super-\(\kappa \)(resp. super-\(\lambda \)), if any minimum vertex-cut (resp. edge-cut) isolates a vertex.

In order to estimate more precisely the reliability, Esfahanian and Hakimi introduce such a kind of edge cut in  [6] that separates a connected graph into a disconnected one without isolated vertices. With the properties of restricted edge connectivity, Li analyzed the reliability of circulant graphs in  [11] and improved Bauer’s result. For more accurate results, Ou et al. introduce the concepts of m-restricted edge cut and m-restricted edge connectivity in  [6, 16, 17, 27]. An edge set F is an m-restricted edge cut of a connected graph G if \(G-F\) is disconnected and each component of \(G-F\) contains at least m vertices (see [6]). Let \(\lambda ^{(m)}(G)\) be the minimum size of all m-restricted edge cuts and \(\xi _m(G)=\mathrm{min}\{|\omega (U)|: |U|=m \ \mathrm{and} G[U] \mathrm{is}\ \mathrm{connected}\}\) where \(\omega (U)\) is the set of edges with exactly one end vertex in U and G[U] is the subgraph of G induced by U. A graph G is \(\lambda ^{(m)}\)-graph if \(\lambda ^{(m)}(G)=\xi _m(G)\). Also \(\lambda ^{(m)}(G)\) is called m-restricted edge connectivity of graph G. Moreover, a graph is called super-m-restrict edge connected, in short, super-\(\lambda ^{(m)}\) if every minimum edge cut isolates one component G[U] with \(|U|=m\). In the special case, a set F of edges of a connected graph G is said to be a restricted edge-cut, if its removal disconnects G, and \(G-F\) contains no isolated vertices. If G has at least one restricted edge-cut, the restricted edge-connectivity of G, denoted by \(\lambda ^{'}(G)\), is then defined to be the minimum cardinality over all restricted edge-cuts of G. Moreover, a graph \(\Gamma \) is called super-restricted edge-connected, in short, super-\(\lambda ^{'}\) if every minimum restricted edge cut isolates one component of size 2 . The super-restricted edge-connectivity of many interconnection networks has been studied (see [5, 11, 12, 19, 24, 33]).

Similarly, if V is a vertex set then m-restricted cut, m-restricted connectivity and super-m-restricted connectivity ( in the special case super-\(\kappa ^{'}\)) are defined analogously.

For a graph \(\Gamma \), an edge set F is a cyclic edge-cut if \(\Gamma -F\) is disconnected and at least two of its components contain cycles. Clearly, a graph has a cyclic edge-cut if and only if it has two vertex-disjoint cycles. For a cyclically separable graph G, the cyclic edge-connectivity of \(\Gamma \), denoted by \(\lambda _c(\Gamma )\), is defined as the cardinality of a minimum cyclic edge-cut of \(\Gamma \). Cyclic edge-connectivity plays an important role in many classic fields of graph theory such as measure of network reliability. A graph \(\Gamma \) is said to be super-\(\lambda _c\), if the removal of any minimum cyclic edge-cut of \(\Gamma \) results in a component which is a shortest cycle of \(\Gamma \). The cyclic edge-connectivity of many interconnection networks has been studied (see [18, 21, 28, 30,31,32]).

Suppose that \(\Gamma \) and \(\Delta \) are two graphs. The lexicographic product of \(\Gamma \) and \(\Delta \) which is denoted by \(\Gamma [\Delta ]\) is a graph with vertex set \(V(\Gamma )\times V(\Delta )\) and two vertices \((u_1, v_1)\), \((u_2, v_2) \in V(\Gamma )\times V(\Delta )\) are adjacent in \(\Gamma [\Delta ]\) whenever either \(u_1\) is adjacent to \(u_2\) in \(\Gamma \), or \(u_1=u_2\) and \(v_1\) is adjacent to \(v_2\) in \(\Delta \).

Let \(\Gamma \) and H be two graphs. The lexicographic product \(\Gamma [H]\) is defined as the graph with vertex set \(V(\Gamma )\times V(H)\), and for any two vertices \((u_1, v_1)\), \((u_2, v_2) \in V(\Gamma )\times V(H)\), they are adjacent in \(\Gamma [H]\) if and only if either \(u_1\) is adjacent to \(u_2\) in \(\Gamma \), or \(u_1=u_2\) and \(v_1\) is adjacent to \(v_2\) in H.

Proposition 2.1

([14, 20]) Let \(\Gamma \) be a connected graph which is both vertex-transitive and edge-transitive. Then \(\kappa (\Gamma )=\delta (\Gamma )\), and moreover, \(\Gamma \) is not super-\(\kappa \) if and only if \(\Gamma \cong C_n[mK_1]\) \((n\ge 6)\) or \(L(Q_3)[mK_1]\), where \(L(Q_3)\) is the line graph of three-dimensional hypercube \(Q_3\).

The following results are about the connectivity of edge-transitive graphs.

Proposition 2.2

([2, 11, 19, 30, 31]) Let \(\Gamma \) be a k(\(k\ge 3\))-regular edge-transitive graph. Then

  1. (1)

    \(\Gamma \) is super-\(\lambda \).

  2. (2)

    \(\lambda ^{'}(\Gamma )=2k-2\).

  3. (3)

    \(\Gamma \) is not super-\(\lambda ^{'}\) if and only if \(\Gamma \) is isomorphic to the three-dimensional hypercube \(Q_3\) or to a four-valent edge-transitive graph of girth 4.

  4. (4)

    If \(\Gamma \) is not isomorphic to \(K_4\), \(K_5\) or \(K_{3, 3}\) then \(\lambda _c(\Gamma )=g(k-2)\), where g is the girth of \(\Gamma \).

By [32][Theorem 3.4] we have the following result.

Proposition 2.3

Let \(\Gamma \) be a k(\(k\ge 3\))-regular edge-transitive graph of girth g. Suppose that \(\Gamma \) is not isomorphic to \(K_4\), \(K_5\) or \(K_{3, 3}\). If \(\Gamma \) is not super-\(\lambda _c\), then \((g, k)=(6, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6)\) or (3, 6). Furthermore, \(C_n[2K_1]\) \((n\ge 4)\) is non-super-\(\lambda _c\), and if \((g, k)=(4, 6)\) or \((g, k)=(4, 5)\) then \(|\Gamma |=16\) or \(|\Gamma |=12\), respectively.

3 Reliability Evaluation of Folded Hypercube

The reliability of an interconnection network is an important issue for multiprocessor systems. In this section we study some reliability measures, say, super-connectivity, cyclic connectivity, etc., in folded hypercube. For the folded hypercubes, in [1] it was shown that \(\kappa (FQ_n) = n + 1\). However, by [15], we know that \(FQ_n\) is arc-transitive. Thus by Proposition 2.1, \(\kappa (FQ_n)=\delta (FQ_n)=n+1\). In the following we obtain the stronger result which states \(FQ_n\) is super-k for \(n\ge 2\).

Theorem 3.1

\(FQ_n\) is super-k if and only if \(n\ge 2\).


If \(n=2\) then \(FQ_n\) is a complete graph \(K_4\). Clearly, it is super-k. In what follows, assume that \(n\ge 3\). Suppose to contrary that is \(FQ_n\) is not super-k. Since \(FQ_n\) is both vertex-transitive and edge-transitive, from Proposition 2.1 it follows that \(FQ_n\cong C_l[mK_1]\) \((l\ge 6)\) or \(L(Q_3)[mK_1]\). First suppose that \(FQ_n\cong C_l[mK_1]\) \((l\ge 6)\). We know that \(\kappa (FQ_n)=n+1\). Also by [26][Theorems 1], \(\kappa (C_l[mK_1])=2m\) and so \(n+1=2m\). Moreover, since \(|V(C_l[mK_1])|=|V(FQ_n)|\), it follows that \(2^n=ml\). Thus m and l are even. By [1] we know that \(\mathrm{diam}(FQ_n)=\lceil n/2 \rceil \). Also we know that \(\mathrm{diam}(C_l[mK_1])=l/2\) (see [10]). Now \(l/2=\lceil n/2 \rceil \) and so \(\lceil n/2 \rceil =\lceil 2m-1/2 \rceil =m=l/2\). Now \(2^n=2m^2\) and we may suppose that \(m=2^k\) for some \(k\ge 0\). If \(k=1\) then \(m=2\) and \(l=4\), a contradiction. Thus \(k\ge 2\). By \(2^n=2m^2=22^{2k}=2^{2k+1}\) we have \(n=2k+1\). Now by \(n=2m-1\) we have \(2k+1=2^{k+1}-1\). Thus \(2^k=k+1\), a contradiction. Now suppose that \(FQ_n\cong L(Q_3)[mK_1]\). Thus, the number of vertices of these graphs is same and so \(2^n=12m\), a contradiction. \(\square \)

In the following theorem we show that the delation of any minimum edge-cut of \(FQ_n\) isolates a vertex.

Theorem 3.2

\(FQ_n\) is super-\(\lambda \) if and only if \(n\ge 3\).


If \(n=2\) then \(FQ_2\) is a complete graph \(K_4\). Clearly, it is not super-\(\lambda \). Suppose that \(n\ge 3\). Thus the valency of \(FQ_n\) is at least 4. Since \(FQ_n\) is edge-transitive, the theorem follows from Proposition 2.2(1). \(\square \)

From this theorem we immediately have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.3

For \(n\ge 2\), \(\lambda (FQ_n)=n+1\).

In [23][Theorem 3] Xu et al. proved that the restricted edge-connectivity of \(FQ_n\) is 2n. Here we present a simple proof for this result.

Theorem 3.4

For \(n\ge 2\), \(\lambda ^{'}(FQ_n)=2n\).


If \(n=2\) then \(FQ_2\) is a complete graph \(K_4\). Clearly, \(\lambda ^{'}(FQ_2)=4\). Thus we may suppose that \(n\ge 3\). Therefore \(FQ_n\) has valency \(n+1\ge 4\). Now since \(FQ_n\) is edge-transitive, the theorem follows from Proposition 2.2. \(\square \)

In the following theorem we show that every minimum edge-cut of \(FQ_n\) \((n\ge 3)\) isolates an edge.

Theorem 3.5

\(FQ_n\) is super-\(\lambda ^{'}\) if and only if \(n\ne 3\).


If \(n=2\) then clearly \(FQ_2\) is super-\(\lambda ^{'}\). Also if \(n=3\) then again it is easy to see that \(FQ_3\) is not super-\(\lambda ^{'}\) (see Fig. 1). Thus we may suppose that \(n\ge 4\). Therefore \(FQ_n\) has valency \(n\ge 5\). We know that \(FQ_n\) is edge-transitive. By Proposition 2.2\(FQ_n\) is not super-\(\lambda ^{'}\) if and only if it is isomorphic to the three-dimensional hypercube \(Q_3\) or a four-valent edge-transitive graph of girth 4. Since \(FQ_n\) \((n\ge 4)\) has valency at least 5 it implies that \(FQ_n\cong Q_3\). Also if \(FQ_n\cong Q_3\) then \(n=3\). But we know that \(Q_3\) has valency three, but the valency of \(FQ_3\) is four, a contradiction. Therefore \(FQ_n\) is super-\(\lambda ^{'}\) for \(n\ge 2\). \(\square \)

The following theorem shows that for \(n\ge 3\), every minimum cyclic edge-cut of \(FQ_n\) isolates a shortest cycle.

Theorem 3.6

\(FQ_n\) is super-\(\lambda _c\) if and only if \(n\ne 2\).


If \(n=2\) then clearly \(FQ_2\) is not super-\(\lambda _c\). Also if \(n=3\) or \(n = 4\) then it is easy to see that \(FQ_3\) is super-\(\lambda _c\). Thus we may suppose that \(n\ge 5\). We know that \(FQ_n\) has order \(2^n\) and valency \(n+1\). Thus \(FQ_n\) is not isomorphic to \(K_3\), \(K_4\) or \(K_{3, 3}\). Suppose to contrary that \(FQ_n\) is not super-\(\lambda _c\). By Proposition 2.3, \(n+1 \in \{3, 4, 5, 6 \}\). Suppose that \(n+1=3\) or \(n+1=4\) then \(n=2\) or \(n=3\), a contradiction. If \(n+1=5\) or \(n+1=6\) then \(n=4\) or \(n=5\). Now by Proposition 2.3, \(FQ_4\) or \(FQ_5\) has 12 or 16 vertices, a contradiction.

In the following theorem we show that for \(n\ge 3\), by removing \(4(n-1)\) edges from \(FQ_n\) we obtain a disconnected graph which has at least two components containing cycle. \(\square \)

Theorem 3.7

For \(n\ge 3\), \(\lambda _c(FQ_n)=4(n-1)\).


Since \(FQ_n\) has at least 8 vertices it is not isomorphic to \(K_3\), \(K_4\) and \(K_{3, 3}\). By [22][Theorems 3.3] we know that \(FQ_n\) has girth 4. Now by Proposition 2.2\(\lambda _c(FQ_n)=4(n+1-2)=4(n-1)\). \(\square \)

Theorem 3.8

\(FQ_n\) \((n\ge 8)\) is super-\(\kappa ^{'}\).


By [4, 34], we know that \(\kappa _2 \ge \kappa _1\). Suppose that \(FQ_n\) for \((n\ge 8)\) is not super-\(\kappa ^{'}\). Thus there is a restricted cut S of order \(\kappa _1\), but the cut is not the neighborhood of any edge. That is, S is also a 3-restricted cut. Thus \(|S|\ge \kappa _2\), a contradiction. \(\square \)