1 Introduction

Every graph in this paper is finite, simple, and undirected. Embedding a graph G in the plane, we let V(G), E(G),  and F(G) denote the vertex set, edge set, and face set of G. For \(U \subseteq V(G),\) we let G[U] denote the subgraph of G induced by U. For \(X, Y \subseteq V(G)\) where X and Y are disjoint, we let \(E_G(X,Y)\) be the set of all edges in G with one endpoint in X and the other in Y.

The concept of choosability was introduced by Vizing [9] and by Erdős et al. [5], independently. A k-assignmentL of a graph G assigns a list L(v) (a set of colors) with \(|L(v)|= k\) to each vertex v. A graph G is L-colorable if there is a proper coloring f where \(f(v)\in L(v).\) If G is L-colorable for every k-assignment L,  then we say G is k-choosable.

Dvořák and Postle [4] introduced a generalization of list coloring in which they called correspondence coloring. But following Bernshteyn et al. [3], we call it DP-coloring.

Definition 1

Let L be an assignment of a graph G. We call H a cover of G if it satisfies all the followings:

  1. (i)

    The vertex set of H is \(\bigcup _{u \in V(G)}(\{u\}\times L(u)) =\{(u,c): u \in V(G), c \in L(u) \};\)

  2. (ii)

    \(H[u\times L(u)]\) is a complete graph for every \(u \in V(G);\)

  3. (iii)

    For each \(uv \in E(G),\) the set \(E_H(\{u\}\times L(u), \{v\}\times L(v))\) is a matching (may be empty).

  4. (iv)

    If \(uv \notin E(G),\) then no edges of H connect \(\{u\}\times L(u)\) and \(\{v\}\times L(v).\)

Definition 2

An (HL)-coloring of G is an independent set in a cover H of G with size |V(G)|. We say that a graph is DP-k-colorable if G has an (HL)-coloring for every k-assignment L and every cover H of G. The DP-chromatic number of G,  denoted by \(\chi _{DP}(G),\) is the minimum number k such that G is DP-k-colorable.

If we define edges on H to match exactly the same colors in L(u) and L(v) for each \(uv \in E(G),\) then G has an (HL)-coloring if and only if G is L-colorable. Thus DP-coloring is a generalization of list coloring. This also implies that \(\chi _{DP}(G) \ge \chi _l(G).\) In fact, the difference of these two chromatic numbers can be arbitrarily large. For graphs with average degree d,  Bernshteyn [2] showed that \(\chi _{DP}(G) = \Omega (d /\log d),\) while Alon [1] showed that \(\chi _l(G) = \Omega (\log d).\)

Dvořák and Postle [4] showed that \(\chi _{DP}(G) \le 5\) for every planar graph G. This extends a major result on list coloring by Thomassen [8]. On the other hand, Voigt [10] gave an example of a planar graph which is not 4-choosable (thus not DP-4-colorable). It is of interest to obtain sufficient conditions for planar graphs to be DP-4-colorable. Kim and Ozeki [6] showed that every planar graph without k-cycles is DP-4-colorable for each \(k =3,4,5,6.\) Kim and Yu [7] extended the result on 3- and 4-cycles by showing that every planar graph without triangles adjacent to 4-cycles is DP-4-colorable.

Let \({\mathcal {A}}\) denote the family of planar graphs G without pairwise adjacent 3-, 4-, and 5-cycle. In this paper, we extend the results on 3-, 4-, and 5-cycles as follows.

Theorem 1.1

Let \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\) Then each precoloring of a 3-cycle can be extended to a DP-4-coloring of G.

The following corollary is immediate.

Corollary 1.2

Every planar graph without pairwise adjacent 3-, 4-, and 5-cycle is DP-4-colorable.

Corollary 1.2 generalizes the aforementioned result by Kim and Yu [7] and the following result by Xu and Wu [11].

Theorem 1.3

[11] Every planar graph without 5-cycles adjacent simultaneously to 3-cycles and 4-cycles is 4-choosable.

2 Preliminaries

First, we introduce some notations and definitions. A k-vertex (\(k^+\)-vertex, \(k^-\)-vertex, respectively) is a vertex of degree k (at least k,  at most k,  respectively). The same notations are applied to faces.

A \((d_1,d_2,\dots ,d_k)\)-facef is a face of degree k where vertices on f have degree \(d_1,d_2,\dots ,d_k\) in a cyclic order. A \((d_1,d_2,\dots ,d_k)\)-vertexv is a vertex of degree k where faces incident to v have degree \(d_1,d_2,\dots ,d_k\) in a cyclic order. Note that some face may appear more than one time in the order. We say xy is a chord in a cycle C if \(x,y\in V(C)\) but \(xy\in E(G)- E(C).\) An internal chord of C is a chord inside C while external chord of C is a chord outside C

A graph C(mn) is obtained from a cycle \(x_1x_2\ldots x_{m+n-2}\) with an internal chord \(x_1x_m.\) A graph C(lmn) is obtained from a cycle \(x_1x_2\ldots x_{l+m+n-4}\) with internal chords \(x_1x_l\) and \(x_1x_{l+m-2}.\) A graph C(mnpq) can be defined similarly. We use int(C) and ext(C) to denote the sets of vertices inside and outside a cycle C, respectively. The cycle C is a separating cycle if int(C) and ext(C) are not empty. We use B(f) to denote a boundary of a face f. It is straightforward to see that if f is a \(5^-\)-face, then B(f) is a cycle.

3 Structures

Proof of Theorem 1.1

Let G be a minimal counterexample to Theorem 1.1 with |V(G)| minimized and a precolored 3-cycle \(C_0.\)\(\square \)

Lemma 3.1

G has no separating 3-cycles.


Suppose to the contrary that there exists G contains a separating 3-cycle C. Note that C is not necessary \(C_0.\) By symmetry, we assume \(V(C_0) \subseteq V(C) \cup int(C).\) By the minimality of G,  a precoloring of \(C_0\) can be extended to \(V(C) \cup int(C).\) After C is colored, then again the coloring on C can be extended to ext(C). Thus we have a DP-4-coloring of G, a contradiction. \(\square \)

Since \(C_0\) is not a separating 3-cycle by Lemma 3.1, we may assume that \(C_0\) is the boundary of the outer face D of G in the remaining of the paper.

Definition 3

Let H be a cover of G with a list assignment L. Let \(G'= G-F\) where F is an induced subgraph of G. A list assignment \(L'\) is a restriction of L on \(G'\) if \(L'(u) = L(u)\) for each vertex in \(G'.\) A graph \(H'\) is a restriction of H on \(G'\) if \(H'= H[\{\{v\} \times L(v): v \in V(G')\}].\) Assume \(G'\) has an \((H',L')\)-coloring with an independent set \(I'\) in \(H'\) such that \(|I'|= |V(G)|-|V(F)|.\)

A residual list assignment\(L^*\) of F is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} L^*(x)=L(x)-\bigcup _{ux\in E(G)}\{c'\in L(x) : (u,c)(x,c')\in E(H) \text { and }(u,c)\in I'\} \end{aligned}$$

for each \(x \in V(F).\)

A residual cover \(H^*\) is defined by \(H^*=H[\{\{x\} \times L^*(x): x \in V(F)\}].\)

From above definitions, we have the following fact.

Lemma 3.2

Assume \(I'\) is a \((H',L')\)-coloring of \(G'.\) A residual cover \(H^*\) is a cover of F with an assignment \(L^*. \) Furthermore, if F is \((H^*,L^*)\)-colorable, then G is (HL)-colorable.


One can check from the definitions of a cover and a residual cover that \(H^*\) is a cover of F with an assignment \(L^*.\)

Suppose that F is \((H^*,L^*)\)-colorable. Then \(H^*\) has an independent set \(I^*\) with \(|I^*|= |F|.\) It follows from Definition 3 that no edges connect \(H^*\) and \(I'.\) Additionally, \(I'\) and \(I^*\) are disjoint. Altogether, we have that \(I=I'\cup I^*\) is an independent set in H with \(|I|=(|V(G)|-|V(F)|)+|V(F)|=|V(G)|.\) Thus G is (HL)-colorable. \(\square \)

Lemma 3.3

Every vertex not on \(C_0\) has degree at least 4.


Suppose to the contrary that G has a vertex x not on \(C_0\) with degree at most 3. Let L be a 4-assignment and let H be a cover of G such that G has no (HL)-coloring. By the minimality of G,  the subgraph \(G'=G-x\) an \((H',L')\)-coloring where \(L'\) (and \(H'\)) is a restriction of L (and H, respectively) on \(G'.\) Thus there is an independent set \(I'\) with \(|I'|= |G'|\) in \(H'.\) Consider a residual list assignment \(L^*\) on x. Since \(|L(x)| = 4\) and \(d(x)\le 3\), we obtain \(|L^*(x)|\ge 1.\) Clearly, \(\{(x,c)\}\) where \(c \in L^*(x)\) is an independent set in \(G[\{x\}].\) Thus \(G[\{x\}]\) is \((H^*,L^*)\)-colorable. It follows from Lemma 3.2 that G is (HL)-colorable, a contradiction. \(\square \)

Lemma 3.4

  1. (a)

    A 5-cycle has no chords.

  2. (b)

    A bounded 3-face f is not adjacent to a 4-face g.

  3. (c)

    If bounded 3-faces f and g are adjacent, then \(B(f)\cup B(g) = C(3,3).\)

  4. (d)

    If a bounded 3-face f is adjacent to a 5-face g,  then \(B(f)\cup B(g) = C(3,5).\)

  5. (e)

    If C(3, 5) is obtained from a 6-cycle C with a chord, then C has exactly one chord.

  6. (f)

    If bounded 3-faces f and g are adjacent, then f is not adjacent to a bounded \(5^-\)-face.


  1. (a)

    Let \(C= rstuv\) be a 5-cycle. Suppose that rt is a chord. Then we have three pairwise adjacent cycles rstrtuv,  and rstuv,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\)

  2. (b)

    Let \(B(f)=uvw\) and \(B(g)=vwxy.\) Suppose that \(u = x\) or y. We have that \(d(v) =2\) or \(d(w)=2,\) contrary to Lemma 3.3. Thus \(x\ne u \ne y.\) We obtain a 5-cycle uwxyv with a chord vw,  contrary to (a).

  3. (c)

    Let \(B(f)=uvw\) and \(B(g)=uvx.\) Since both f and g are bounded, we have that \(w \ne x.\) Thus \(B(f)\cup B(g) = C(3,3).\)

  4. (d)

    Let \(B(f)=uvz\) and \(B(g)=uvwxy\). If \(z\ \in \{w,x,y\},\) then a 5-cycle B(g) has a chord, contrary to (a).

  5. (e)

    Let C be a cycle uzvwxy with a chord uv. Suppose to the contrary that C contains another chord st. By (a) and (b), st is not a chord in a 5-cycle uvwxy. By symmetry, we may assume \(s=z\) and \(t=x\) or \(t=y.\) Then we have three pairwise adjacent cycles uvzuvwxy,  and xyuz or uvzy,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\)

  6. (f)

    Let \(B(f)=uvw\) and \(B(g)=vwx\). By (c), \(u \ne x.\) Suppose f is adjacent to a k-face h where \(k\le 5.\) By (b), \(h =3\) or 5.

    • \(B(h)=uvz.\)

      By (c), \(z \ne w.\) Suppose to the contrary that \(z =x.\) Then \(d(v)=3,\) contrary to Lemma 3.3. Thus \(z \ne x.\) Altogether, we have three pairwise adjacent 3-cycles uvwuvxwzuwxv,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\)

    • \(B(h)=rstuv.\)

      By (a), \(w \notin \{r,s,t\}.\) By (e), \(x \notin \{r,s,t\}.\) Altogether, we have three pairwise adjacent cycles uvwuvxw,  and rstuv,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\)

Thus h is not a \(5^-\)-face. \(\square \)

Lemma 3.4 (f) yields this immediate consequence.

Corollary 3.5

For \(k\ge 4,\) a k-vertex v in G is incident to at most \(k-2\) 3-faces.

Lemma 3.6

Let \(C(l_1,\ldots ,l_k)\) be obtained from a cycle \(C=x_1 \ldots x_m\) with k internal chords sharing a common endpoint \(x_1\) such that \(V(C)\cap V(C_0)= \emptyset .\) Suppose \(x_2\) or \(x_m\) is not the endpoint of any chord in C. If \(d(x_1) \le k+2,\) then there exists \(i \in \{2,3,\ldots ,m\}\) such that \(d(x_i) \ge 5.\)


By symmetry, let \(x_m\) be not an endpoint of any chord in C. Suppose to the contrary that \(d(x_i) \le 4\) for each \(i =2,3,\ldots ,m.\) Let L be a 4-assignment and let H be a cover of G such that G has no (HL)-coloring. By the minimality of G,  the subgraph \(G'=G-\{x_1,\ldots , x_m\}\) admits an \((H',L')\)-coloring where \(L'\) (and \(H'\), respectively) is a restriction of L (and H, respectively) in \(G'.\) Thus there is an independent set \(I'\) with \(|I'|= |G'|\) in \(H'.\)

Consider a residual list assignment \(L^*\) on F. Since \(|L(v)|= 4\) for every \(v\in V(G),\) we have \(|L^*(x_1)|\ge 3\) and \(|L^*(v)| \ge 3\) for each \(v\in V(C)\) with an edge \(x_1v\) and \(|L^*(x_i)| \ge 2\) for each of the remaining vertices \(x_i\) in V(C). Let \(H^*\) be an residual cover of F. Since \(x_m\) is not an endpoint of a chord in C,  we can choose a color c from \(L^*(x_1)\) such that \(|L^*(x_{m})-\{c':(x_1,c)(x_{m},c')\in E(H^*)\}|\ge 2.\) By choosing colors of \(x_2\), \(x_3,\dots , x_{m}\) in this order, we obtain an independent set \(I^*\) with \(|I^*|=m=|F|.\) Thus F is \((H^*,L^*)\)-colorable. It follows from Lemma 3.2 that G is (HL)-colorable, a contradiction. \(\square \)

Corollary 3.7

For each C(3, 5) such that \(V(C(3,5))\cap V(C_0)= \emptyset ,\) there exists a vertex with degree at least 5.


Let C(3, 5) be obtained from a 6-cycle \(C= x_1 \ldots x_6\) with a chord \(x_1x_3\) such that \(V(C)\cap V(C_0)= \emptyset .\) By Lemma 3.4 (e), C has no other chords. The proof is complete by Lemma 3.6. \(\square \)

Lemma 3.8

Let \(F=C(3,5,3), C(3,5,5)\) or C(5, 3, 5) be obtained from a cycle \(C=x_1\ldots x_m\) with two internal chords sharing an endpoint \(x_1\) such that \(V(C)\cap V(C_0)= \emptyset .\) If \(d(x_1)=5,\) then there exists \(i\in \{2,\ldots ,m\}\) with \(d(x_i) \ge 5.\)


By Lemma 3.6, it suffices to show that \(x_2\) or \(x_m\) is not an endpoint to a chord in C.

Let \(F = C(3,5,3).\) It follows from Lemma 3.4 (e) that \(x_2\) is not adjacent to \(x_4,x_5,\) or \(x_6.\) If \(x_2\) is adjacent to \(x_7,\) then we have separating 3-cycle \(x_1 x_2 x_7,\) contrary to Lemma 3.1. Thus \(x_2\) is not an endpoint of any chord of C.

Let \(F = C(3,5,5).\) Suppose there exists a chord e of C where \(e=x_2x_i,\) for otherwise we have the desired condition. If \( x_i= x_9,\) then we have separating 3-cycle \(x_1 x_2 x_9,\) contrary to Lemma 3.1. It follows from Lemma 3.4 (e) that \(i \notin \{4,5,6\}.\) Then \(x_i = x_7\) or \(x_8.\) By Lemma 3.4 (a), \(x_9\) is not adjacent to \(x_6\) or \(x_7.\) Thus \(x_9\) is not an endpoint of any chord of C.

Let \(F_1= C(5,3,5).\) Suppose there exists a chord e of C where \(e=x_2x_i,\) for otherwise we have the desired condition. If \( x_i= x_9,\) then we have separating 3-cycle \(x_1 x_2 x_9,\) contrary to Lemma 3.1. It follows from Lemma 3.4 (e) that \(i \notin \{4,5,6\}.\) Then \(x_i= x_7\) or \(x_8.\) By Lemma 3.4 (a), \(x_9\) is not adjacent to \(x_6\) or \(x_7.\) Thus \(x_9\) is not an endpoint of any chord of \(C'.\)\(\square \)

Corollary 3.9

Let v be a 5-vertex with incident bounded faces \(f_1,\ldots ,f_5\) in a cyclic order. Let \(F = B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3\) where \(B_i\) denote \(B(f_i)\) and \(V(F)\cap V(C_0)= \emptyset .\) If \((d(f_1),d(f_2),d(f_3))=(3,5,3)\) or (3, 5, 5),  or \((d(f_1),d(f_2),d(f_3),d(f_4))= (5,3,5,3),\) then there exists \(w \in V(F)\) such that \(d(w) \ge 5\) and \(w \ne v.\)


By Lemma 3.8, it suffices to show that \(F= C(3,5,3),\)C(3, 5, 5),  or C(5, 3, 5).

  • \((d(f_1),d(f_2),d(f_3))=(3,5,3).\)

    Let \(B_1 = rsv,\)\(B_2= vstuw,\) and \(B_3=vwx.\) It follows from Lemma 3.4 (d) that \(V(B_1) \cap V(B_2) = \{s, v\}\) and \(V(B_2) \cap V(B_3) = \{v,w\}.\) If \(r=x,\) then \(d(v)=3,\) contrary to Lemma 3.3. Thus \(V(B_1) \cap V(B_3) =\{v\}.\) Altogether we have \(F=C(3,5,3).\)

  • \((d(f_1),d(f_2),d(f_3))=(3,5,5).\)

    Let \(B_1= rsv,\)\(B_2= vstuw,\) and \(B_3=vwxyz.\) It follows from Lemma 3.4 (d) that \(V(B_1) \cap V(B_2) = \{s,v\}.\) If \(r = z,\) then \(d(v) = 3,\) contrary to \(d(v)=5.\) It follows from Lemma 3.4 (a) that neither r nor s is in \(V(B_3).\) Thus \(V(B_1) \cap V(B_3)= \{v\}.\) Now consider \(V(B_2) \cap V(B_3).\) It follows from Lemma 3.4 (a) that neither s nor u is in \(V(B_3).\) Similarly, neither x nor z is in \(V(B_2).\) Then \(V(B_2) \cap V(B_3) =\{t=y, v,w\}\) or \(\{v,w\}.\) Note that \(r\ne z,\) for otherwise rsv is a separating cycle, contrary to Lemma 3.1. Moreover, \(r \notin \{x,y\},\) otherwise the cycle vwxyz has a chord, contrary to Lemma 3.4 (a). Thus \(V(B_1) \cap V(B_3) = \{v\}.\) If \(V(B_2) \cap V(B_3) =\{t=y, v,w\}\), then we have three adjacent pairwise cycles rsvstzvstuwv,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\) Thus \(V(B_2) \cap V(B_3)= \{v, w\}.\) Altogether we have \(F=C(3,5,5).\)

  • \((d(f_1),d(f_2),d(f_3),d(f_4))= (5,3,5,3).\)

    Let \(B_1= rstuv,\)\(B_2= uvw,\)\(B_3= vwxyz,\) and \(B_4=vpz.\) It follows from Lemma 3.4 (e) that \(V(B_1) \cap V(B_2) = \{u,v\}\) and \(V(B_2) \cap V(B_3) = \{v,w\}.\) Consider \(V(B_1) \cap V(B_3).\) It follows from Lemma 3.4 (a) that neither r nor u is in \(V(B_3).\) Similarly, neither w nor z is in \(V(B_2).\) By Lemma 3.4 (a) that neither r nor u is in \(V(B_3).\)

    • Suppose \(\{s,t\} \subseteq V(B_1) \cap V(B_3).\)

      Then \(\{x,y\} \subseteq V(B_1) \cap V(B_3)\) and \(s=y\) and \(t=x.\) Consequently, we have three adjacent pairwise cycles uvwuvwtrstuv,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\)

    • Suppose \(s \in V(B_1) \cap V(B_3)\) but \(t \notin V(B_1) \cap V(B_3).\)

      Then \(\{v,s\} = V(B_1) \cap V(B_3).\) Consequently \(s=x\) or \(s=y.\) In the former case, we have three adjacent pairwise cycles uvwstuwvwxyz,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\) In the later case, we have three adjacent pairwise cycles pvzsrvzvwxyz,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\)

    • Suppose \(t \in V(B_1) \cap V(B_3)\) but \(s \notin V(B_1) \cap V(B_3).\)

      Then \(\{v,t\} = V(B_1) \cap V(B_3).\) Consequently \(t=x\) or \(t=y.\) In the former case, we have three adjacent pairwise cycles uvwuvwtvwxyz,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\) In the later case, we have three adjacent pairwise cycles uvwuwxyvwxyz,  contrary to \(G \in {\mathcal {A}}.\)

    Thus \(V(B_1) \cap V(B_3) = \{v\}.\) Altogether we have \(B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3 = C(5,3,5).\)

\(\square \)

Corollary 3.10

Let v be a 6-vertex with consecutive incident faces \(f_1,\ldots ,f_6.\) Let \(F = B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3\cup B_4\) where \(B_i\) denote \(B(f_i)\) and \(V(F)\cap V(C_0)= \emptyset .\) If \((d(f_1),d(f_2),d(f_3),d(f_4))= (3,5,3,5),\) then there exists \(w \in V(F)\) such that \(w \ne v\) and \(d(w) \ge 5.\)


By Lemma 3.6, it suffices to show that \(F= C(3,5,3,5).\) Similar to the proof of corollary 3.9, one can show that \(B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3 = C(3,5,3)\) and \(B_2 \cup B_3 \cup B_4 = C(5,3,5).\) Let \(V(B_1) = \{t,u,v\}\) and \(V(B_4) =\{v,w,x,y,z\}\) where \(t\in V(B_2)\) and \(w \in V(B_3).\) It only remains to show that \(u \notin \{x,y,z\}.\) If \(u =x\) or y,  then the cycle vwxyz has a chord vx or vy,  contrary to Lemma 3.4 (a). If \(u=z,\) then vtz is a separating cycle, contrary to Lemma 3.1. Thus \(F= C(3,5,3,5).\)\(\square \)

4 Discharging Process

We are now ready to present a discharging procedure that will complete the proof of Theorem 1.1. Let each vertex \(v\in V(G)\) have an initial charge of \(\mu (v)=2d(v)-6\), each face \(f\ne D\) has an initial charge of \(\mu (f)=d(f)-6\) and \(\mu (D)=d(D)+6=9\). By Euler’s Formula, \(\sum _{x\in V\cup F}\mu (x)=0\). Let \(\mu ^*(x)\) be the charge of \(x\in V\cup F\) after the discharge procedure. We prove that \(\mu ^*(x)\ge 0\) for all \(x\in V\cup F\) and \(\mu ^*(D)>0\) to get a contradiction.

Let \(w(v \rightarrow f)\) be the charge transferred from a vertex v to an incident face f. We say that v is a flaw vertex if v is a \((3,5,3,5^+)\)-vertex. The discharging rules are as follows.

(R1) Let f be a 3-face.

(R1.1) For a 4-vertex v not in \(C_0,\)

$$\begin{aligned} w(v \rightarrow f) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{3}{5}, &{} \text {if } v \text { is flaw and } f \text { is a } (4,5^+,5^+)\text {-face},\\ \frac{4}{5}, &{} \text {if } v \text { is flaw and } f \text { is a } (4,4,5^+)\text {-face},\\ 1, &{} \text {otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

(R1.2) For a \(5^+\)-vertex v not in \(C_0,\)

$$\begin{aligned} w(v \rightarrow f) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{7}{5}, &{} \text {if } f \text { is a } (4,4,5^+)\text {-face with two incident flaw vertices},\\ \frac{6}{5}, &{} \text {if } f \text { is a } (4,4^+,5^+)\text {-face with exactly one flaw vertex},\\ 1, &{} \text {otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

(R2) Let f be a 4-face.

For a \(4^+\)-vertex v not in \(C_0,\)\(w(v \rightarrow f) = \frac{1}{2}\).

(R3) Let f be a 5-face.

(R3.1) For a 4-vertex v not in \(C_0,\)

$$\begin{aligned} w(v \rightarrow f) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0, &{} \text {if } v \text { is a flaw vertex with four } 4\text {-neighbors},\\ \frac{1}{10}, &{} \text {if } v \text { is a flaw vertex with exactly one } 5^+\text {-neighbor},\\ \frac{1}{5}, &{} \text {if } v \text { is a flaw vertex with at least two } 5^+\text {-neighbors},\\ \frac{1}{5}, &{} \text {if } v \text { is a } (3,5,4,5)\text {-vertex},\\ \frac{1}{3}, &{} \text {otherwise}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

(R3.2) For a 5-vertex v not in \(C_0,\)

$$\begin{aligned} w(v \rightarrow f) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{7}{10}, &{} \text {if } f \text { is a } (4,4,4,4,5)\text {-face with five adjacent } 4^-\text {-faces},\\ \frac{3}{5}, &{} \text {if } f \text { is a } (4,4,4,4,5)\text {-face with at least one adjacent } 5^+\text {-face},\\ \frac{2}{5}, &{} \text {if } f \text { is a } (4,4,4,5,5^+)\text {-face}\\ \frac{3}{10}, &{} \text {otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

(R3.3) For a \(6^+\)-vertex v not in \(C_0,\)

$$\begin{aligned} w(v \rightarrow f) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{4}{5}, &{} \text {if } f \text { is a } (4,4,4,4,6^+)\text {-face},\\ \frac{2}{5}, &{}\text {if } f \text { is incident to a } 5^+\text {-vertex other than } v. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

(R4) The outerface D gets \(\mu (v)\) from each incident vertex v and gives 2 to each 4- or 5-face or 3-face sharing exactly one vertex with D, \(\frac{12}{5}\) to each 3-face sharing one edge with D.

It suffices to check that each \(x\in V(G)\cup F(G)\) has nonnegative final charge and D has positive final charge. By (R4), we have \(\mu ^*(v)=0\) for each \(v \in V(C_0).\) Thus we only consider a vertex v not on \(C_0.\)

Let v be a vertex with neighbors \(v_1,v_2,\ldots , v_{d(v)}\) in a cyclic order. Let \(f_1,f_2,\ldots ,f_{d(v)}\) be incident faces of v in a cyclic order with \(v_i\) and \(v_{i+1}\) incident to \(f_i\) where \(i+1\) is taken in modulo d(v). Thus v is a \((d(f_1),d(f_2),\ldots ,d(f_{d(v)})\)-vertex.

Case 1v is a 4-vertex but v is not a flaw vertex.

It follows from Lemma 3.4 (b) that a 3-face is not adjacent to a 4-face, and from Corollary  3.5 that v has at most two incident 3-faces. Thus it suffices to consider that v is a \((4^+ ,4^+ ,4^+ ,4^+ )\)-, (3, 5, 4, 5)-, \((3,5^+,4,6^+)\)-, \((3,5^+,5^+,5^+)\)-, \((3,3, 5^+,5^+)\)-, or \((3,5^+,3,5^+)\)-vertex.

  • v is \((4^+ ,4^+ ,4^+ ,4^+ )\)-vertex.

    Then v sends charge at most \(\frac{1}{2}\) to each incident face by (R2) and (R3.1). Thus \(\mu ^*(v)\ge \mu (v) - 4\times \frac{1}{2} = 0.\)

  • v is a (3, 5, 4, 5)-vertex.

    Then \(w(v \rightarrow f_1) \le 1\) by (R1.1), \(w(v \rightarrow f_2) = w(v \rightarrow f_4) = \frac{1}{5}\) by (R3.1), and \(w(v \rightarrow f_3) = \frac{1}{2}\) by (R2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v)\ge \mu (v) -2\times \frac{1}{5}- 1 -\frac{1}{2}> 0.\)

  • v is a \((3,5^+,4,6^+)\)-vertex.

    Then \(w(v \rightarrow f_1) \le 1\) by (R1.1), \(w(v \rightarrow f_2) \le \frac{1}{3}\) by (R3.1), and \(w(v \rightarrow f_3) = \frac{1}{2}\) by (R2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v)\ge \mu (v) - 1 -\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{3}> 0.\)

  • v is a \((3,5^+,5^+,5^+)\)-vertex.

    Then \(w(v \rightarrow f_1) \le 1\) by (R1.1) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_i) \le \frac{1}{3}\) for \(2\le i \le 4\) by (R3.1). Thus \(\mu ^*(v)\ge \mu (v) - 1 - 3\times \frac{1}{3} = 0.\)

  • v is a \((3,3,5^+,5^+)\)-vertex.

    It follows from Lemma 3.4 (b) that \(f_3\) and \(f_4\) are \(6^+\)-faces. Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times 1= 0\) by (R1.1).

  • v is a \((3,5^+,3,5^+)\)-vertex.

    Since v is not a flaw vertex, \(f_2\) and \(f_4\) are \(6^+\)-faces. Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times 1= 0\) by (R1.1).

Case 2v is a flaw vertex, that is v is a \((3,5,3,5^+)\)-vertex.

  • Each adjacent vertex of v is a 4-vertex.

    Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1), w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le 1\) by (R1.1) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_2)=w(v \rightarrow f_4)=0\) by (R3.1). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2 \times 1= 0\).

  • v is adjacent to exactly one \(5^+\)-vertex.

    Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1), w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le 1,\)\(\min \{w(v \rightarrow f_1), w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le \frac{4}{5}\) by (R1.1), and \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),w(v \rightarrow f_4)\} = \frac{1}{10}\) by (R3.1). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 1-\frac{4}{5}-2\times \frac{1}{10} = 0\).

  • v is adjacent to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices and incident to a \((4,5^+,5^+)\)-face.

    Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1), w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le 1,\)\(\min \{w(v \rightarrow f_1), w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} = \frac{3}{5}\) by (R1.1), and \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),w(v \rightarrow f_4)\} = \frac{1}{5}\) by (R3.1). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 1-\frac{3}{5}-2\times \frac{1}{5}= 0.\)

  • v is adjacent to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices but neither \(f_1\) nor \(f_3\) is a \((4,5^+,5^+)\)-face.

    Then \(f_1\) and \(f_3\) are \((4,4,5^+)\)-faces. It follows that \(w(v \rightarrow f_1)= w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} = \frac{4}{5}\) by (R1.1) and \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),w(v \rightarrow f_4)\} \le \frac{1}{5}\) by (R3.1). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{4}{5}-2\times \frac{1}{5} = 0.\)

Case 3v is a 5-vertex but is not a (3, 5, 3, 5, 5)-vertex. It follows from Corollary 3.5 that v is incident to at most three 3-faces. Since a 3-face is not adjacent to a 4-face [Lemma 3.4 (b)], we may assume v is a \((3^+,4^+,4^+, 4^+, 4^+)\)-, \((3,3,4^+, 3^+, 4^+)\)-, \((3,6^+,3, 6^+, 5^+)\)-, \((3,5,3, 6^+, 6^+)\)-, \((3,6^+,3, 5, 5)\)-, or \((3,5,3, 5,6^+)\)-vertex.

  • v is a \((3^+,4^+,4^+, 4^+, 4^+)\)-vertex.

    It follows that \(w(v \rightarrow f_1) \le \frac{7}{5}\) by (R1.2), (R2), (R3.2).

    • Suppose v is a \((3^+,5^+,5^+, 5^+, 5^+)\)-vertex.

      Then each incident 5-face is adjacent to a \(5^+\)-face. Consequently, \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),\ldots , w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{3}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - \frac{7}{5}-4\times \frac{3}{5} > 0.\)

    • Suppose there exists \(i \in \{2,\ldots ,5\}\) such that \(d(f_i)=4.\)

      Then \(w(v \rightarrow f_i) \le \frac{1}{2}\) by (R2) and \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),\ldots , w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{7}{10}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - \frac{7}{5}-\frac{1}{2}-3\times \frac{7}{10} = 0.\)

  • v is a \((3,3,4^+, 3^+, 4^+)\)-vertex.

    It follows from Lemma 3.4 (f) that \(f_3\) and \(f_5\) are \(6^+\)-faces. Since both \(f_1\) and \(f_2\) are 3-faces, each of common incident vertices is not a flaw vertex. Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1),w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le \frac{6}{5}\) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_4) \le \frac{7}{5}\) by (R1.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) -2\times \frac{6}{5}- \frac{7}{5} > 0.\)

  • v is a \((3,6^+,3, 6^+, 5^+)\)- or a \((3,5,3, 6^+, 6^+)\)-vertex.

    If v is a \((3,6^+,3, 6^+, 5^+)\)-vertex, then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1),w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le \frac{7}{5}\) by (R1.2) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_5) \le \frac{7}{10}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{7}{5}-\frac{7}{10} > 0.\) The proof is similar for v is a \((3,5,3, 6^+, 6^+)\)-vertex.

  • v is a \((3,6^+,3, 5, 5)\)-vertex.

    Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1),w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le \frac{7}{5}\) by (R1.2) and \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_4),w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{3}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{7}{5}-2\times \frac{3}{5} = 0.\)

  • v is a \((3,5,3, 5,6^+)\)-vertex.

    If \(f_3\) is a \((4^+,5,5^+)\)-face, then \(f_2\) or \(f_4\) is incident to at least two \(5^+\)-vertex. If \(f_3\) is a (4, 4, 5)-vertex, then applying Lemma 3.7 to \(f_3\) and \(f_4\) yields that \(f_4\) is incident to at least two \(5^+\)-vertex. Consequently, \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1),w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le \frac{7}{5}\) by (R1.2) and \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),w(v \rightarrow f_4)\} \le \frac{7}{10}\) and \(\min \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),w(v \rightarrow f_4)\} \le \frac{2}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{7}{5}-\frac{7}{10}-\frac{2}{5} > 0.\)

Case 4v is a (3, 5, 3, 5, 5)-vertex.

  • \(f_1\) and \(f_3\) are (4, 4, 5)-faces.

    Applying Corollary 3.9 to \(f_1,f_2,f_3,\) we have that \(f_2\) is incident to at least two non-adjacent \(5^+\)-vertices (including v). Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1),w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le \frac{7}{5}\) by (R1.2) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_2) \le \frac{3}{10}\) by (R3.2).

    • Suppose \(f_4\) is incident to exactly one \(5^+\)-vertex.

      Applying Corollary 3.9 to \(f_3,f_4,f_5,\) we have that \(f_5\) is incident to at least two non-adjacent \(5^+\)-vertices. Then \(w(v \rightarrow f_4) \le \frac{3}{5}\) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_5) \le \frac{3}{10}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{7}{5}-2\times \frac{3}{10}-\frac{3}{5} = 0.\)

    • Suppose \(f_4\) and \(f_5\) are incident to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices. Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_4),w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{2}{5}\) by (R3.2) Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{7}{5}-\frac{3}{10}-2\times \frac{2}{5} > 0.\)

  • \(f_1\) or \(f_3\) is a \((5,5^+,5^+)\)-face.

    By symmetry, we assume \(f_1\) is a \((5,5^+,5^+)\)-face. It follows that \(f_2\) and \(f_5\) are incident to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices. Then \(w(v \rightarrow f_1) \le 1, w(v \rightarrow f_3) \le \frac{7}{5}\) by (R1.2) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_4) \le \frac{3}{5}, \max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{2}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - \frac{7}{5}-1-\frac{3}{5}-2\times \frac{2}{5} > 0.\)

  • \(f_1\) and \(f_3\) are \((4,5,5^+)\)-faces with incident \(5^+\)-vertex x and y,  respectively, where \(x \ne v \ne y.\)

    Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1) , w(v \rightarrow f_3)\} \le \frac{6}{5}\) by (R1.2).

    • Suppose x and y are not incident to \(f_2.\)

      It follows that \(f_4\) and \(f_5\) are incident to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices. Consequently, \(w(v \rightarrow f_2) \le \frac{7}{10}, \max \{w(v \rightarrow f_4),w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{2}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{6}{5}-\frac{7}{10}-2\times \frac{2}{5} > 0.\)

    • Suppose x and y are incident to \(f_2\).

      Then \(w(v \rightarrow f_2) = \frac{3}{10}, \max \{w(v \rightarrow f_4),w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{3}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{6}{5}-\frac{3}{10}-2\times \frac{3}{5} > 0.\)

    • Suppose x is incident to \(f_2\) but y is not.

      Then \(f_4\) is incident to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices. Consequently, \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),w(v \rightarrow f_4)\} \le \frac{2}{5}, w(v \rightarrow f_3) \le \frac{3}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{6}{5}-2\times \frac{2}{5} -\frac{3}{5}> 0.\)

  • \(f_1\) is a (4, 4, 5)-face but \(f_3\) is a \((4,5,5^+)\)-face with its two incident \(5^+\)-vertices are also incident to \(f_2.\)

    It follows that \(w(v \rightarrow f_1) \le \frac{7}{5}, w(v \rightarrow f_3) \le \frac{6}{5}\) by (R1.2) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_2) \le \frac{2}{5}\) by (R1.2). Applying Corollary 3.9 to \(f_1,f_5,f_4,\) we have that \(f_4\) or \(f_5\) is incident to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices.

    • Suppose \(f_4\) is incident to at least two non-adjacent \(5^+\)-vertices.

      Then \(w(v \rightarrow f_4) \le \frac{3}{10}, w(v \rightarrow f_5) \le \frac{3}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - \frac{7}{5}-\frac{6}{5}-\frac{2}{5}-\frac{3}{10}-\frac{3}{5} > 0.\) The proof is similar for \(f_5\) is incident to at least two non-adjacent \(5^+\)-vertices.

    • Suppose a \(5^+\)-vertex u incident to \(f_4\) or \(f_5\) is adjacent to v.

      From assumption on \(f_1\) and \(f_3,\) we have that u is not incident to \(f_1\) and is not incident to \(f_3.\) It follows that u is incident to \(f_4\) and \(f_5.\) Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_4,w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{2}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - \frac{7}{5}-\frac{6}{5}-3\times \frac{2}{5} > 0.\)

  • \(f_1\) is a (4, 4, 5)-face but \(f_3\) is a \((4,5,5^+)\)-face with its two \(5^+\)-vertices are also incident to \(f_4.\)

    It follows that \(w(v \rightarrow f_1) \le \frac{7}{5}, w(v \rightarrow f_3) \le \frac{6}{5}\) by (R1.2). Applying Corollary 3.9 to \(f_5,f_1,f_2,\) we have that \(f_2\) or \(f_5\) is incident to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices.

    • Suppose \(f_2\) is incident to a \(5^+\)-vertex u where \(u \ne v.\)

      We have that u is not incident to \(f_1\) and \(f_3\) by assumption on \(f_1\) and \(f_3.\) This implies u is not adjacent to v. Then \(w(v \rightarrow f_2) \le \frac{3}{10},\)\(w(v \rightarrow f_4) \le \frac{2}{5},\) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_5) \le \frac{3}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - \frac{7}{5}-\frac{6}{5}-\frac{3}{10}-\frac{2}{5}-\frac{3}{5} >0.\)

    • Suppose \(f_5\) is incident to a \(5^+\)-vertex u where \(u \ne v.\)

      If u is not incident to \(f_4,\) then u is not adjacent to v. It follows that \(w(v \rightarrow f_2) \le \frac{7}{10},\)\(w(v \rightarrow f_4) \le \frac{2}{5},\) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_5) \le \frac{3}{10}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - \frac{7}{5}-\frac{6}{5}-\frac{7}{10}-\frac{2}{5}-\frac{3}{10} =0.\)

      If u is also incident to \(f_4,\) then \(f_4\) is a \((4^+,4^+,5,5^+,5^+)\)-vertex. It follows that \(w(v \rightarrow f_2) \le \frac{7}{10},\)\(w(v \rightarrow f_4) \le \frac{3}{10}\) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_5) \le \frac{2}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - \frac{7}{5}-\frac{6}{5}-\frac{7}{10}-\frac{3}{10}-\frac{2}{5} =0.\)

Case 5v is a 6-vertex.

From Lemma 3.4 (a) that a 3-face is not adjacent to a 4-face, it suffices to consider v is a \((3,3,k_3,k_4,k_5,k_6)\)-, \((3^+,4^+,3^+,4^+,4^+,4^+)\)-, \((3^+,4^+,4^+,3^+,4^+,4^+)\)-, (3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5)-, or a \((3, 5^+,3,5^+,3,6^+)\)-vertex.

  • v is a \((3,3,k_3,k_4,k_5,k_6)\)-vertex.

    It follows from Lemma 3.4 (b) that \(f_3\) and \(f_6\) are \(6^+\)-faces. Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 4\times \frac{7}{5}>0\) by (R1.2), (R2), and (R3.3).

  • v is a \((3^+,4^+,3^+,4^+,4^+,4^+)\)-vertex (or \((3^+,4^+,4^+,3^+,4^+,4^+)\)-vertex, respectively).

    Then v sends charge at most \(\frac{7}{5}\) to \(f_1\) and \(f_3\) (or \(f_4,\) respectively) by (R1.2), (R2), (R3.3), and v sends charge at most \(\frac{4}{5}\) to each of the remaining incident faces by (R2), (R3.3). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{7}{5}-4\times \frac{4}{5}= 0.\)

  • v is a (3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5)-vertex.

    • Suppose at least two incident 5-faces of v,  say \(f_2\) and \(f_4,\) are incident to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices.

      Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1),w(v \rightarrow f_3),w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{7}{5}\) by (R1.2), \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),w(v \rightarrow f_4)\} = \frac{2}{5}\) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_6) \le \frac{4}{5}\) by (R3.3). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 3\times \frac{7}{5}-2\times \frac{2}{5}-\frac{4}{5}>0.\)

    • Suppose two incident 5-faces of v,  say \(f_2\) and \(f_4,\) are incident to exactly one \(5^+\)-vertex.

      Applying Lemma 3.10 to \(f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4,\) we obtain that \(f_1\) is incident to two \(5^+\) vertices, say \(v_1\) and v,  that are also incident to \(f_6.\) Applying Lemma 3.10 to \(f_2, f_3, f_4,f_5,\) we obtain that \(f_5\) is incident to two \(5^+\) vertices, say \(v_5\) and v,  that are also incident to \(f_6.\) Then \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_1),w(v \rightarrow f_5)\} \le \frac{6}{5}\) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_3) \le \frac{7}{5}\) by (R1.2). Moreover, \(\max \{w(v \rightarrow f_2),w(v \rightarrow f_4)\} \le \frac{4}{5}\) and \(w(v \rightarrow f_6) \le \frac{2}{5}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - 2\times \frac{6}{5}-\frac{7}{5}-2\times \frac{4}{5}-\frac{2}{5}>0.\)

Case 6v is a d-vertex with \(d\ge 7.\)

  • v is a \((3,3,k_3,\ldots , k_d)\)-vertex.

    It follows from Lemma 3.4 that \(f_3\) and \(f_d\) are two \(6^+\)-faces. Thus \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v) - (d-2)\times \frac{7}{5}=2d-6- (d-2)\times \frac{7}{5}>0\) by (R1.2), (R2), and (R3.3).

  • v has no adjacent incident 3-faces.

    It follows that v is incident to at most \(\frac{d}{2}\) 3-faces. Since v sends charge at most \(\frac{7}{5}\) to each of its incident 3-faces by (R1.2) and v sends charge at most \(\frac{4}{5}\) to each of the remaining incident faces by (R2) and (R3.3), we have \(\mu ^*(v) \ge \mu (v)-\frac{d}{2}\times \frac{7}{5}-\frac{d}{2}\times \frac{4}{5} =(2d-6)-d\times \frac{11}{10}>0.\)

Let f be a face in G. Let \(V(f)\cap V(D)\ne \emptyset \). If \(d(f)=3\), then f gets \(\frac{12}{5}\) from D when f shares an edge with D, 2 from D when f shares exactly one vertex with D. Note that each vertex of f in \(int(C_0)\) sends at least \(\frac{1}{2}\) to f. It follows that \(\mu ^*(f)\ge -3+\min \{\frac{12}{5}+\frac{1}{2}, 2+\frac{1}{2}\times 2\}=0\). If \(d(f)\in \{4,5\}\), then it gains 2 from D. Thus \(\mu ^*(f)\ge d(f)-6+2\ge 0\). If \(d(f)=6\), then \(\mu ^*(f)=\mu (f)=0\). If \(d(f)\ge 7\), then \(\mu ^*(f)\ge (k-6)-k\times \frac{k-6}{k}=0\). Thus we may assume that \(V(f)\cap V(D)=\emptyset \) for the remaining of the paper. Let f be a \(5^-\)-face with vertices \(v_1,v_2,\ldots , v_{d(v)}\) in a cyclic order.

Case 7f is a 3-face.

  • f is a (4, 4, 4)-face or each vertex of f is not a flaw vertex.

    Then \(\mu ^*(f) = \mu (f) +3\times 1=0\) by (R1.1).

  • f is a \((4,4,5^+)\)-face with exactly one incident flaw vertex, say \(v_1.\)

    Then \(w(v_1 \rightarrow f)=\frac{4}{5},\)\(w(v_2 \rightarrow f)= 1\) by (R1.1) and \(w(v_3 \rightarrow f)= \frac{6}{5}\) (R1.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(f) =\mu (f) +\frac{4}{5}+1+\frac{6}{5}=0.\)

  • f is a \((4,4,5^+)\)-face with \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) are flaw vertices.

    Then \(w(v_1 \rightarrow f)=w(v_2 \rightarrow f)= \frac{4}{5}\) by (R1.1) and \(w(v_3 \rightarrow f)= \frac{7}{5}\) (R1.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(f) = \mu (f) +2\times \frac{4}{5}+\frac{7}{5}=0.\)

  • f is a \((4,5^+,5^+)\)-face and \(v_1\) is a flaw vertex.

    Then \(w(v_1 \rightarrow f)=\frac{3}{5}\) by (R1.1) and \(w(v_2 \rightarrow f)=w(v_3 \rightarrow f)= \frac{6}{5}\) by (R1.2) Thus \(\mu ^*(f) = \mu (f) +\frac{3}{5}+2\times \frac{6}{5}=0\).

Case 8f is a 4-face.

We obtain \(\mu ^*(f) \ge \mu (f) +4\times \frac{1}{2}= 0\) by (R2).

Case 9f is a 5-face.

  • f is incident to at least three \(5^+\)-vertices.

    It follows that each of its incident 4-vertex is adjacent to at least one \(5^+\)-vertex. Then each of these 4-vertices sends charge at least \(\frac{1}{10}\) to f by (R3.1) and each \(5^+\)-vertex sends charge at least \(\frac{3}{10}\) to f by (R3.2) and (R3.3). Thus \(\mu ^*(f)\ge \mu (f)+2\times \frac{1}{10}+ 3\times \frac{3}{10}> 0.\)

  • f is a \((4,5^+,4,5^+,4)\)-face.

    Since \(v_1\) and \(v_5\) are adjacent to at least one \(5^+\)-vertex and \(v_3\) is adjacent to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices, we have \(\min \{w(v_1 \rightarrow f),w(v_5 \rightarrow f)\} \ge \frac{1}{10}\) and \(w(v_3\rightarrow f)\ge \frac{1}{5}\) by (R3.1). We have \(\min \{w(v_2 \rightarrow f),w(v_4 \rightarrow f)\} \ge \frac{1}{10}\) by (R3.2) and (R3.3). Thus \(\mu ^*(f)\ge \mu (f)+ 2\times \frac{1}{10}+\frac{1}{5}+2\times \frac{3}{10}= 0.\)

  • f is a \((4,4,4,5^+,5^+)\)-face

    Since \(v_1\) and \(v_3\) are adjacent to at least one \(5^+\)-vertex, we have \(\min \{w(v_1 \rightarrow f),w(v_3 \rightarrow f)\} \ge \frac{1}{10}\) by (R3.1). We have \(\min \{w(v_2 \rightarrow f),w(v_4 \rightarrow f)\} \ge \frac{2}{5}\) by (R3.2) and (R3.3). Thus \(\mu ^*(f)\ge \mu (f)+2\times \frac{1}{10}+ 2\times \frac{2}{5}= 0.\)

  • f is a \((4,4,4,4,6^+)\)-face.

    Since \(v_1\) and \(v_4\) are adjacent to at least one \(5^+\)-vertex, we have \(\min \{w(v_1 \rightarrow f),w(v_4 \rightarrow f)\} \ge \frac{1}{10}\) by (R3.1). We have \(w(v_5 \rightarrow f) = \frac{4}{5}\) by (R3.3). Thus \(\mu ^*(f)\ge \mu (f)+2\times \frac{1}{10}+ \frac{4}{5}= 0.\)

  • f is a (4, 4, 4, 4, 5)-face with at least one adjacent \(5^+\)-face \(f_i.\)

    Let a 4-vertex \(v_i\) be in \(f_i.\) It follows that a 4-vertex \(v_i\) is not a flaw vertex. Then \(w(v_i \rightarrow f) = \frac{1}{3}\) by (R3.1), \(\min \{w(v_1 \rightarrow f),w(v_4 \rightarrow f)\} \ge \frac{1}{10}\) by (R3.1), and \(w(v_5\rightarrow f) = \frac{3}{5}\) by (R3.2), Thus \(\mu ^*(f)\ge \mu (f)+\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{10}+ \frac{3}{5}> 0.\)

  • f is a (4, 4, 4, 4, 5)-face with five adjacent \(4^-\)-faces and a 4-vertex \(v_i\) which is not a flaw vertex.

    Then \(w(v_i \rightarrow f) = \frac{1}{3}\) by (R3.1) and \(w(v_5\rightarrow f) = \frac{7}{10}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(f)\ge \mu (f)+ \frac{1}{3}+\frac{7}{10}> 0.\)

  • f is a (4, 4, 4, 4, 5)-face with five adjacent \(4^-\)-faces and four flaw vertices.

    It follows that each adjacent face of f is a 3-face. Let \(f_4\) be a 3-face incident to \(v_4\) and \(v_5\) and let \(f_5\) be a 3-face incident to \(v_1\) and \(v_5.\) Applying Corollary 3.9 to \(f, f_4,\) and \(f_5,\) we have that \(f_4\) or \(f_5\) is a \((4,5,5^+)\)-face. By symmetry, let \(f_5\) be a \((4,5,5^+)\)-face. Consequently, \(v_1\) is adjacent to at least two \(5^+\)-vertices and \(v_4\) is adjacent to at least one \(5^+\)-vertex. It follows that \(w(v_1\rightarrow f) =\frac{1}{5}\) and \(w(v_4\rightarrow f)\ge \frac{1}{10}\) by (R3.1). We have \(w(v_5 \rightarrow f) = \frac{7}{10}\) by (R3.2). Thus \(\mu ^*(f)\ge \mu (f)+ \frac{1}{5}+\frac{1}{10}+\frac{7}{10}= 0.\)

  • f is a (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)-face.

    Applying Corollary 3.7 to f and its adjacent 3-face, we have that each adjacent 3-face of f is a \((4,4,5^+)\)-face. This implies that each incident flaw vertex of f is adjacent to at least two \(5^+\)-vertex. If \(v_i\) is a flaw vertex, then \(w(v_i \rightarrow f) \ge \frac{1}{5},\) otherwise \(w(v_i \rightarrow f) \ge \frac{1}{3}\) by (R3.1). Thus \(\mu ^*(f)\ge \mu (f)+ 5\times \frac{1}{5}= 0.\)

Case 10 Consider the outerface D.

Let \(f_3', f'\) be the number of 3-faces sharing exactly one edge with D, 3-faces sharing exactly one vertex with D or 4-or 5-faces sharing vertices with D, respectively. Let \(E(C_0, V(G)-C_0)\) be the set of edges between \(C_0\) and \(V(G)-C_0\) and let \(e(C_0, V(G)-C_0)\) be its size. Then by (R4),

$$\begin{aligned} \mu ^*(D)&=3+6+\sum _{v\in C_0} (2d(v)-6)-\frac{12}{5}f_3'-2f' \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&=9+2\sum _{v\in C_0} (d(v)-2)-2\times 3-\frac{12}{5}f_3'-2f' \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&=3-\frac{2}{5}f_3'+2(e(C_0,V(G)-C_0)-f_3'-f') \end{aligned}$$

So we may consider that each edge \(e\in E(C_0,V(G)-C_0)\) gives a charge of 2 to D. Since each \(5^-\)-face is a cycle, it contains two edges in \(E(C_0,V(G)-C_0)\). It follows that \(e(C_0,V(G)-C_0)-f_3'-f'\ge 0\). Note that \(f_3'\le 3\). Thus \(\mu ^*(D)>0.\)

This completes the proof.