1 Introduction

For integers r and s, we denote the set \(\{r, r+1, \dots , s\}\) by [rs] (if \(r>s\), then \([r,s]=\emptyset \)). Let \(\mathbb {N}\) denote the set of nonnegative integers, \(\mathbb {Z}^{+}\) denote the set of positive integers, and \(\mathbb {Z}_n\) denote the group of integers modulo n. Call a graph Gtripartite if the chromatic number of G is at most 3. Thus, bipartite graphs can be considered tripartite.

Let m be a positive integer and let \(V(K_m)=[0, m-1]\). The length of an edge \(\{i,j\}\) in \(K_m\) is \(\min \{|i-j|,m-|i-j|\}\). Note that if m is odd, then \(K_m\) consists of m edges of length i for \(i\in [1,\frac{m-1}{2}]\). However, if m is even, then \(K_m\) consists of m edges of length i for \(i\in [1,\frac{m}{2}-1]\) and of only \(\frac{m}{2}\) edges of length \(\frac{m}{2}\). In this case, the edges of length \(\frac{m}{2}\) form a 1-factor in \(K_m\). Throughout this manuscript, if m is even, we will denote the 1-factor formed by the set of edges of length \(\frac{m}{2}\) in \(K_m\) by I.

Let \(V(K_m)=\mathbb {Z}_m\) and let G be a subgraph of \(K_m\). By clickingG, we mean applying the permutation \(i\mapsto i+1\) to V(G). Note that clicking an edge does not change its length. Let H and G be graphs such that G is a subgraph of H. A G-decomposition of H is a set \(\Delta =\{G_1,G_2,\dots ,G_t\}\) of pairwise edge-disjoint subgraphs of H each of which is isomorphic to G and such that \(E(H)=\bigcup _{i=1}^{t}E(G_i)\). A G-decomposition of \(K_m\) is also known as a \((K_m,G)\)-design. A \((K_m,G)\)-design \(\Delta \) is cyclic if clicking is an automorphism of \(\Delta \). The study of graph decompositions is generally known as the study of graph designs, or G-designs. For surveys on G-designs, see [1] and [2].

Let G be a graph with n edges. A primary question in the study of graph designs is: for what values ofvdoes there exist a\((K_v,G)\)-design? Another question of interest is the existence of \((K_v \pm I,G)\)-designs where v is even. For most studied graphs G, it is often the case that if \(v \equiv 1\pmod {2n}\), then there exists a \((K_v,G)\)-design. Similarly, if \(v \equiv 2 \pmod {2n}\) or \(v \equiv 0 \pmod {2n}\), then there often exists a \((K_v-I,G)\)-design in the former and a \((K_v+I,G)\)-design in the latter. A common approach to finding these designs is through the use of graph labelings.

1.1 Graph Labelings

For a graph G, a one-to-one function \(f:V(G)\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) is called a labeling (or a valuation) of G. In a seminal paper on the topic [11], Rosa introduced a hierarchy of labelings. Let G be a graph with n edges and no isolated vertices and let f be a labeling of G. Let \(f(V(G))=\{f(u): u \in V(G)\}\). Define a function \(\bar{f}:E(G) \rightarrow \mathbb {Z}^+\) by \(\bar{f}(e)=|f(u)-f(v)|\), where \(e=\{u,v\} \in E(G)\). We will refer to \(\bar{f}(e)\) as the label of e. Let \(\bar{f}(E(G))=\{\bar{f}(e): e\in E(G)\}\). Consider the following conditions:

(\(\ell 1\)):

\(f(V(G)) \subseteq [0,2n]\),

(\(\ell 2\)):

\(f(V(G)) \subseteq [0,n]\),

(\(\ell 3\)):

\(\bar{f}(E(G)) = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots , x_n\}\), where for each \(i \in [1,n]\) either \(x_i=i\) or \(x_i=2n+1-i\),

(\(\ell 4\)):

\(\bar{f}(E(G)) = [1,n]\).

If in addition G is bipartite with bipartition \(\{A, B\}\) of V(G) consider also

(\(\ell 5\)):

for each \(\{a,b\} \in E(G)\) with \(a \in A\) and \(b \in B\), we have \(f(a)<f(b)\),

(\(\ell 6\)):

there exists an integer \(\lambda \) such that \(f(a) \le \lambda \) for all \(a \in A\) and \(f(b) > \lambda \) for all \(b \in B\).

Then a labeling satisfying the conditions:

\((\ell 1), (\ell 3)\) :

is called a \(\rho \)-labeling;

\((\ell 1), (\ell 4)\) :

is called a \(\sigma \)-labeling;

\((\ell 2), (\ell 4)\) :

is called a \(\beta \)-labeling.

A \(\beta \)-labeling is necessarily a \(\sigma \)-labeling, which in turn is a \(\rho \)-labeling. Suppose G is bipartite. If a \(\rho \)-, \(\sigma \)-, or \(\beta \)-labeling of G satisfies condition \((\ell 5)\), then the labeling is ordered and is denoted by \(\rho ^+\), \(\sigma ^+\), or \(\beta ^+\), respectively. If in addition \((\ell 6)\) is satisfied, the labeling is uniformly ordered and is denoted by \(\rho ^{++}\), \(\sigma ^{++}\), or \(\beta ^{++}\), respectively.

A \(\beta \)-labeling is better known as a graceful labeling, and a uniformly ordered \(\beta \)-labeling is an \(\alpha \)-labeling as introduced in [11]. Labelings of the types above are called Rosa-type labelings because of Rosa’s original article [11] on the topic. (See [4] for a recent comprehensive survey of Rosa-type labelings.) A dynamic survey on general graph labelings is maintained by Gallian [8].

Labelings are critical to the study of cyclic graph decompositions as seen in the following theorem from [11].

Theorem 1

Let G be a graph with n edges. There exists a cyclic G-decomposition of \(K_{2n+1}\) if and only if G admits a \(\rho \)-labeling.

If G admits a \(\sigma \)-labeling instead, then cyclic G-decompositions of \(K_{2n+2}-I\) and of \(K_{2n}+I\) can also obtained. Theorem 2 appears as Theorem 3.5 in [4]. We provide a proof of Theorem 3 for the sake of completeness.

Theorem 2

Let G be a graph with n edges. If G admits a \(\sigma \)-labeling, then there also exists a cyclic G-decomposition of \(K_{2n+2}-I\).

Theorem 3

Let G be a graph with n edges. If G admits a \(\sigma \)-labeling, then there exists a cyclic G-decomposition of \(K_{2n}+I\).


Let Gn and I be as in the statement of the theorem. Let \(V(K_{2n})=\mathbb {Z}_{2n}\). Note that \(K_{2n}+I\) is the multigraph obtained form \(K_{2n}\) by making each of the edges of length n have multiplicity 2. Thus, for each \(i \in [1,n]\), the number of edges of length i in \(K_{2n}+I\) is 2n. Let h be a \(\sigma \)-labeling of G. Let \(G_0\) be the subgraph of \(K_{2n}+I\) obtained by identifying vertex \(v \in V(G)\) with \(i \in V(K_{2n})\) if \(h(v)=i\). Thus, \(G_0\) is an embedding of G in \(K_{2n}\) so that there is an edge in \(G_0\) of length i for each \(i\in [1,n]\). For \(t\in [1,2n-1]\), let \(G_t\) be the subgraph of \(K_{2n}+I\) obtained by clicking \(G_0\) a total of t times. Then \(\Delta =\{G_t: t \in \mathbb {Z}_{2n}\}\) is a cyclic G-decomposition of \(K_{2n}+I\). \(\square \)

If G admits an \(\alpha \)-labeling, then we have the following powerful result of Rosa [11].

Theorem 4

Let G be a bipartite graph with n edges. If G admits an \(\alpha \)-labeling, then there exists a cyclic G-decomposition of \(K_{2nt+1}\) for all positive integers t.

We illustrate how Theorem 4 works. Let h be an \(\alpha \)-labeling of a graph G with n edges and bipartition (AB). Let \(A=\{u_1, u_2, \ldots , u_r\}\) and \(B=\{v_1, v_2, \ldots , v_s\}\). Let t be a positive integer. For \(1 \le i \le t\), let \(G_i\) be a copy of G with bipartition \((A,B_i)\) where \(B_i=\{v_{i,1}, v_{i,2}, \ldots , v_{i,s}\}\) and \(v_{i,j}\) corresponds to \(v_j\) in B. Let \(G(t)=G_1 \cup G_2 \cup \ldots \cup G_t\). Thus, G(t) has nt edges and is bipartite with bipartition \((A,B_1 \cup B_2 \cup \ldots \cup B_t)\). Define a labeling \(f'\) of G(t) as follows: \(f'(u_j)=f(u_j)\) for each \(u_j \in A\) and \(f'(v_{i,j})=f(j)+(i-1) n\) for \(1 \le i \le t\) and \(1 \le j \le s\). It is easy to see that \(f'\) is an \(\alpha \)-labeling of G(t), and thus, Theorem 1 applies. Since \(f'\) is necessarily a \(\sigma \)-labeling, Theorems 2 and 3 also apply, and we have the following.

Corollary 5

Let G be a bipartite graph with n edges. If G admits an \(\alpha \)-labeling, then there exist cyclic G-decompositions of \(K_{2nt+2}-I\) and of \(K_{2nt}+I\) for all positive integers t.

From a graph decompositions perspective, Theorem 2 offers a slight advantage over Theorem 1. In the case G is bipartite, Theorem 4 offers a great advantage over the first two. However, there are many classes of bipartite graphs (see [4]) that do not admit \(\alpha \)-labelings. Theorem 4 was extended to cover graphs that admit \(\rho ^+\)-labelings in [5].

Theorem 6

Let G be a bipartite graph with n edges. If G admits a \(\rho ^+\)-labeling, then there exists a cyclic G-decomposition of \(K_{2nt+1}\) for all positive integers t.

Again, since Theorem 6 is \(\rho \)-labeling based, it does not guarantee the existence of decomposition results involving the addition or removal of a 1-factor. Two labelings that lead to results similar to those of Theorems 4 and 6 were recently introduced for tripartite graphs in [3]. One of them is called a \(\rho \)-tripartite labeling and the other a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling. Both lead to cyclic G-decompositions of \(K_{2nt+1}\), but only the \(\sigma \)-labeling-based one leads to results involving the addition or removal of a 1-factor. In this manuscript, we focus on the \(\sigma \)-labeling-based one.

Let G be a tripartite graph with n edges having the vertex tripartition \(\{A, B, C\}\). A \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of G is a one-to-one function \(h:V(G) \rightarrow [0, 2n]\) that satisfies the following conditions:


h is a \(\sigma \)-labeling of G.


If \(\{a,v\} \in E(G)\) with \(a \in A\), then \(h(a)<h(v)\).


If \(e=\{b,c\} \in E(G)\) with \(b \in B\) and \(c \in C\), then there exists an edge \(e' =\{b',c'\} \in E(G)\) with \(b' \in B\) and \(c' \in C\) such that \(|h(c')-h(b')|+|h(c)-h(b)| = n\).


If \(a \in A\) and \(v \in B \cup C\), then \(h(a)-h(v) \ne n\).


If \(b \in B\) and \(c \in C\), then \(|h(b)-h(c)| \not \in \{n, 2n\}\).

Note that e and \(e'\) in (s3) need not to be distinct. Also note that there need not be an edge \(\{a,v\}\) in (s4) nor an edge \(\{b,c\}\) in (s5). The following theorem from [3] shows that a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling yields results similar to those from \(\alpha \)-labelings.

Theorem 7

Let G be a tripartite graph with n edges. If G admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling, then there exists a cyclic G-decomposition of \(K_{2nt+1}\) for all positive integers t.

Again, we illustrate how Theorem 7 works. Let G have n edges and let h be a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of G with vertex tripartition \(\{A, B, C\}\) as in the above definition. Let \(B_{1}, B_{2}, \ldots , B_{t}\) be t vertex-disjoint copies of B, and let \(C_{1}, C_{2}, \ldots ,C_{t}\) be t vertex-disjoint copies of C. The vertex in \(B_{i}\) corresponding to \(b \in B\) will be called \(b_{i}\). Similarly, the vertex in \(C_{i}\) corresponding to \(c \in C\) will be called \(c_{i}\). Let \(B^{*}=\bigcup _{i=1}^{t}B_{i}\) and \(C^{*}=\bigcup _{i=1}^{t}C_{i}\). We define a new graph \(G^{*}\) with vertex set \(A \bigcup B^{*} \bigcup C^{*}\) and edges \(\{a,v_{i}\}\), \(1 \le i \le t\), whenever \(a\in A\) and \(\{a,v\}\) is an edge of G, and \(\{{b_{i}},c_{i}\}\), \(1 \le i \le t\), whenever \(\{b,c\}\) is an edge of G with \(b \in B\) and \(c\in C\). Clearly \(G^{*}\) has nt edges and G divides \(G^{*}\). Define a labeling \(h^{*}\) on \(G^{*}\) by

$$\begin{aligned} h^{*}(v) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} h(v) &{} v\in A,\\ h(b)+(i-1) n &{} v=b_{i}\in B_{i},\\ h(c)+(t-i) n &{} v=c_{i} \in C_{i}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

The labeling \(h^*\) is a \(\sigma \)-labeling of \(G^*\) and the result follows by Theorem 1. Moreover, we can use Theorems 2 and 3 to obtain cyclic G-decompositions of \(K_{2nt+2}-I\) and of \(K_{2nt}+I\) as well. The \(K_{2nt+2}-I\) result appears as Corollary 5 in [3].

Corollary 8

Let G be a graph with n edges. If G admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling, then there exist cyclic G-decompositions of \(K_{2nt+2}-I\) and of \(K_{2nt}+I\) for every positive integer t.

In Fig. 1, we demonstrate the use of Theorem 7 in the case \(t=3\) by showing a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of the graph G consisting of a triangle with a pendent edge. The labeling of G on the left can be used to yield cyclic G-decompositions of \(K_{9}\), of \(K_{8}+I\), and of \(K_{10}-I\). The labeling of the three copies of G on the right can be used to yield cyclic G-decompositions of \(K_{25}\), of \(K_{24}+I\), and of \(K_{26}-I\).

Fig. 1
figure 1

A \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of a graph G with 4 edges and the 3 copies of G used to yield cyclic G-decompositions of \(K_{25}\), of \(K_{24}+I\), and of \(K_{26}-I\)

Some Rosa-type labelings of various cubic graphs have been investigated. It is known that all bipartite prisms [6, 7] and bipartite Möbius ladders [9] admit \(\alpha \)-labelings. In [17], it is shown that if G is cubic and bipartite and if every component of G is either a prism, a Möbius ladder, or has order at most 14, then G admits an \(\alpha \)-labeling. Hence, if such a bipartite G has n edges, then it cyclically decomposes \(K_{2nt+1}\), \(K_{2nt}+I\), and \(K_{2nt+2}-I\) for every positive integer t. In [16], it is shown that if G is an odd prism, an even Möbius ladder, or a connected cubic tripartite graph of order at most 10, then G admits a \(\rho \)-tripartite labeling. Hence, such a G of size n would cyclically decompose \(K_{2nt+1}\) for every positive integer t. However, no G-decompositions of \(K_{2nt}+I\) or \(K_{2nt+2}-I\) can be obtained from this labeling. In [15], it is shown that every cubic graph of order at most 12, other than \(2K_4\) and \(3K_4\), admits a \(\beta \)-labeling. Vietri [13, 14] has shown that certain classes of generalized Petersen graphs are graceful. It is also known that \(2K_4\) does not admit a \(\rho \)-labeling, but \(3K_4\) does.

In this article, we show that if G is an odd prism on 10 or more vertices or an even Möbius ladder, then G admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling, and hence, such a G of size n would cyclically decompose \(K_{2nt}+I\) and \(K_{2nt+2}-I\), in addition to \(K_{2nt+1}\), for every positive integer t.

1.2 Additional Definitions and Notation

We denote the path with vertices \(x_0, x_1, \ldots , x_k\), where \(x_i\) is adjacent to \(x_{i+1}\), \(0 \le i \le k-1\), by \((x_0, x_1, \ldots , x_k)\). In using this notation, we are thinking of traversing the path from \(x_0\) to \(x_k\) so that \(x_0\) is the first vertex, \(x_1\) is the second vertex, and so on. Let \(G_1 =(x_0, x_1, \ldots , x_j)\) and \(G_2=(y_0, y_1, \ldots , y_k)\). If \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) are vertex-disjoint except for \(x_j=y_0\), then by \(G_1+G_2\) we mean the path \((x_0, x_1, \ldots , x_j, y_1, y_2, \ldots , y_k)\). If the only vertices they have in common are \(x_0=y_k\) and \(x_j=y_0\), then by \(G_1+G_2\) we mean the cycle \((x_0, x_1, \ldots , x_j, y_1, y_2, \ldots , y_{k-1}, x_0)\).

Let P(2k) be the path with 2k edges and \(2k+1\) vertices \(0, 1, \ldots , 2k\) given by \((0, 2k, 1, 2k-1, 2, 2k-2, \ldots , k-1,k+1,k)\). Note that the set of vertices of this graph is \(A\cup B\), where \(A = [0,k ]\), \(B = [k+1,2k]\), and every edge joins a vertex from A to one from B. Furthermore, the set of labels of the edges of P(2k) is [1, 2k].

Let a and b be nonnegative integers and k, \(d_1\), and \(d_2\) be positive integers such that \(a+kd_1<b\). Let \(\hat{P}(2k, d_1,d_2,a,b)\) be the path with 2k edges and \(2k+1\) vertices given by \((a, b+(k-1)d_2, a+d_1, b+(k-2)d_2, a+2d_1, \ldots , a+(k-1)d_1,b,a+kd_1)\). Note that \(\hat{P}(2k,1,1,0,k+1)\) is the graph P(2k). Note that this graph \(\hat{P}(2k, d_1,d_2,a,b)\) has the following properties:


\(\hat{P}(2k, d_1,d_2,a,b)\) is a path with first vertex a, second vertex \(b+(k-1)d_2\), and last vertex \(a+kd_1\).


Each edge of \(\hat{P}(2k, d_1,d_2,a,b)\) joins a vertex from \(A = \{a+id_1:0 \le i \le k\}\) to a vertex with a larger label from \(B =\{b+id_2: 0 \le i \le k-1\}\).


The set of edge labels of \(\hat{P}(2k, d_1,d_2,a,b)\) is \(\{b-a-kd_1+i(d_1+d_2): 0 \le i \le k-1\} \cup \{b-a-(k-1)d_1+i(d_1+d_2): 0 \le i \le k-1\} \).

The path \(\hat{P}(12,2,4,10,30)\) is shown in Fig. 2 below.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Path \(\hat{P}(12,2,4,10,30)\)

2 \(\sigma \)-Tripartite Labelings of Some Cubic Graphs

We will show that odd prisms and even Möbius ladders admit \(\sigma \)-tripartite labelings.

2.1 \(\sigma \)-Tripartite Labelings of Odd Prisms

By the prism\(D_{n}\ (n\ge 3)\) we mean the Cartesian product of a cycle with n vertices and a path with 2 vertices: \(C_{n}\times P_{2}\). For convenience, we let \(D_n=C_n \cup C'_n \cup F\), where \(C_n=(v_{1},v_{2},\ldots ,v_{n},v_1)\), \(C'_n=(v'_{1},v'_{2},\ldots ,v'_{n},v'_1)\), and \(F=\{\{v_i,v'_i\}: 1 \le i\le n\}\). We shall refer to \(C_n\) as the outer cycle, to \(C'_n\) as the inner cycle, and to F as the spokes. We note that \(D_{2n+1}\) (for \(n > 1\)) is necessarily tripartite with tripartition \(\{A, B, C\}\) where \(A= \{v'_1\} \cup \{v_{2i+1}: 2\le i \le n\} \cup \{v'_{2i}: 2\le i \le n\}\), \(B= \{v_{2i}: 1 \le i \le n\} \cup \{ v'_{2i+1}: 1\le i \le n\}\), and \(C= \{v_1, v_3, v'_2\}\). Figure 3 shows the prism \(D_7\). In this figure, the vertices in A are shown with white circles while the vertices in B are shown with black circles and the vertices of C are shown with white squares. The edges between sets B and C are shown in thick lines. We will adopt this convention in all our figures. It is easy to see that \(D_3\) cannot admit a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling. We will show that \(D_{n}\) admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling for all odd integers \(n \ge 5\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Prism \(D_7\)

Lemma 9

The prism \(D_3\) does not admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling.


If \(\{A,B,C\}\) is a vertex tripartition of \(D_3\), then the number of edges between B and C is necessarily 3. Since the number of edges of \(D_3\) is odd, it is impossible for \(D_3\) to admit a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling.

Lemma 10

The prism \(D_n\) admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling for all \(n \in \{5, 7, 9\}\).


We give \(\sigma \)-tripartite labelings of \(D_5\), \(D_7\), and \(D_9\) in Fig. 4. \(\square \)

Fig. 4
figure 4

A \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{5}, D_7\) and \(D_9\)

Theorem 11

The prism \(D_n\) admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling for all odd \(n\ge 5\).


The cases with \(n\le 9\) are covered in Lemma 10. We separate the rest of the proof into 3 cases.

Case 1\(n \equiv 1 \pmod {6}\).

Let \(n=6t+1\) where \(t\ge 2\). Thus, \(|V(D_{n})|=12t+2\) and \(|E(D_{n})|=18t+3\). Define a one-to-one function \(f:V(D_{6t+1}) \rightarrow [0,36t+6]\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} f(v_{1})&= 18t-1,&\\ f(v_{2})&= 18t,&\\ f(v_{3})&= 36t+2,&\\ f(v_{4})&= 18t+2,&\\ f(v_{i})&= i+2,&v_i \in A_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 6t-1\}, \\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i+10,&v_i \in B_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 6 \le i \le 2t+4\},\\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i+4,&v_i \in B_2=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 2t+4< i \le 6t-2\},\\ f(v_{6t})&= 18t-5,&\\ f(v_{6t+1})&= 1,&\\ f(v'_{1})&= 0,&\\ f(v'_{2})&= 18t+3,&\\ f(v'_{3})&= 18t+1,&\\ f(v'_{4})&= 5,&\\ f(v'_{5})&= 12t-3,&\\ f(v'_{i})&= i+2,&v'_i \in A'_1=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 6 \le i \le 6t\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i+10,&v'_i \in B'_1=\{v'_i: i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 7 \le i \le 2t+3\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i+4,&v'_i \in B'_2=\{v'_i: i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 2t+3 < i \le 6t-1\},\\ f(v'_{6t+1})&= 18t-7.&\end{aligned}$$

Note that \(A=\{v_{6t+1}, v'_1, v'_4\}\cup A_1\cup A'_1\), \(B=\{v_2, v_4, v_{6t}, v'_3, v'_5, v'_{6t+1} \} \cup B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B'_1 \cup B'_2\) and \(C=\{v_1, v_3, v'_2\}\). Thus, the domain of f is indeed \(V(D_{6t+1})\). Next, we confirm that f is one-to-one. We compute

$$\begin{aligned}&f(A_1) = \{7, 9, \ldots , 6t+1\},\\&f(A'_1) = \{8, 10, \ldots , 6t+2\},\\&f(B_1) = \{18t-2, 18t-6, \ldots , 14t+2\},\\&f(B_2) = \{14t-8, 14t-12, \ldots , 6t+8\},\\&f(B'_1) = \{18t-4, 18t-8, \ldots , 14t+4\},\\&f(B'_2) = \{14t-6, 14t-10, \ldots , 6t+6\}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that f is piecewise strictly increasing by 2 or strictly decreasing by 4 and that all labels are distinct. Thus, f is one-to-one. Moreover, \(f(A)\subseteq [0,6t+2]\) and \(f(B \cup C) \subseteq [6t+6, 36t+2]\).

To help compute the edge labels, we will describe \(f(V(D_{6t+1}))\) in terms of the \(\hat{P}(2k,d_1,d_2,a,b)\) path notation. For convenience, we will identify the vertices of \(C_{6t+1}\) and \(C'_{6t+1}\) with their labels. We have \(f(C_{6t+1})=G_1+G_2+(6t+1, 18t-5, 1, 18t-1, 18t, 36t+2, 18t+2, 7)\), where

$$\begin{aligned}&G_1=\hat{P}(2(t),2,4,7,14t+2),\\&G_2=\hat{P}(2(2t-3),2,4,2t+7,6t+8). \end{aligned}$$

By P3, the resulting edge label sets are:

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{f}(E(G_1))&= \{12t-5+6i: 0 \le i \le t-1\} \cup \{12t-3+6i: 0 \le i \le t-1\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {1}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 12t-5 \le \ell \le 18t-11\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {3}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 12t-3 \le \ell \le 18t-9\},\\ \bar{f}(E(G_2))&= \{7+6i: 0 \le i \le 2t-4\} \cup \{9+6i: 0 \le i \le 2t-4\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {1}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 7 \le \ell \le 12t-17\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {3}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 9 \le \ell \le 12t-15\}. \end{aligned}$$

Moreover, edge labels \(12t-6, 18t-6, 18t-2, 1, 18t+2, 18t,\) and \(18t-5\) occur on the path \((6t+1, 18t-5, 1, 18t-1, 18t, 36t+2, 18t+2, 7)\).

Similarly, we have \(f(C'_{6t+1})=G'_1+G'_2+(6t+2, 18t-7, 0, 18t+3, 18t+1, 5,12t-3,8)\), where

$$\begin{aligned}&G'_1=\hat{P}(2(t-1),2,4,8,14t+4),\\&G'_2=\hat{P}(2(2t-2),2,4,2t+6,6t+6). \end{aligned}$$

By P3, the resulting edge label sets are:

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{f}(E(G'_1))&= \{12t-2+6i: 0 \le i \le t-2\} \cup \{12t+6i: 0 \le i \le t-2\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {4}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 12t-2 \le \ell \le 18t-14\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {0}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 12t \le \ell \le 18t-12\},\\ \bar{f}(E(G'_2))&= \{4+6i: 0 \le i \le 2t-3\} \cup \{6+6i: 0 \le i \le 2t-3\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {4}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 4 \le \ell \le 12t-14\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {0}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 6 \le \ell \le 12t-12\}. \end{aligned}$$

Moreover, edge labels \(12t-9\), \(18t-7\), \(18t+3\), 2, \(18t-4\), \(12t-8\), and \(12t-11\) occur on the path \((6t+2, 18t-7, 0, 18t+3, 18t+1, 5, 12t-3, 8)\).

For each spoke \(\{v_i,v'_i\}\), the labels on the spokes are given by

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{f}(\{v_i,v'_i\})={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 18t-1 &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=1,\\ 3 &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=2,\\ 18t+1 &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=3,\\ 18t-3 &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=4,\\ 12t-10 &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=5,\\ 18t-3i+8 &{} \mathrm{for}\ 6 \le i \le 2t+4,\\ 18t-3i+2 &{} \mathrm{for}\ 2t+5 \le i \le 6t-1,\\ 12t-7 &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=6t,\\ 18t-8 &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=6t+1. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Thus, the set of edge labels on the spokes is

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{f}(E(F))&= \{\ell \equiv {2}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 3)}: 12t-4 \le \ell \le 18t-10\} \\&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {2}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 3)}: 5 \le \ell \le 12t-13\}\\&\qquad \cup \{ 18t-1, 3, 18t+1, 18t-3, 12t-10,12t-7,18t-8\}. \end{aligned}$$

It is easy to verify now that each \(\ell \in [1,18t+3]\) occurs on exactly one edge in \(D_{6t+1}\). Hence, the defined labeling is a \(\sigma \)-labeling, and condition (s1) for a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling is satisfied. Condition (s2) also holds since \(f(A) \subseteq [0, 6t+2]\) and \(f(B \cup C) \subseteq [6t+6, 36t+2]\). Condition (s3) holds since \(|f(v_1)-f(v_2)| + |f(v_2)-f(v_3)|=18t+3\), \(|f(v_3)-f(v_4)|+|f(v_2)-f(v'_2)|=18t+3\), and \(|f(v_3)-f(v'_3)| + |f(v'_2)-f(v'_3)|=18t+3\), number of edges of \(D_{6t+1}\). Condition (s4) clearly holds. Also \(|f(b)-f(c)| \in \{18t+3, 36t+6\}\), where \(b \in B\) and \(c \in C\), is impossible since \(|f(b)-f(c)| \in \{1, 2, 3, 18t, 18t+1, 18t+2\}\). Thus, condition (s5) holds, and we have a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{6t+1}\). Figure 5 shows a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{13}\).

Fig. 5
figure 5

A \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{13}\)

Case 2\(n \equiv 3 \pmod {6}\).

Let \(n=6t-3\) where \(t\ge 3\). Thus, \(|V(D_{n})|=12t-6\) and \(|E(D_{n})|=18t-9\). Define a one-to-one function \(f:V(D_{6t-3}) \rightarrow [0,36t-18]\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} f(v_{1})&= 18t-9,&\\ f(v_{2})&= 18t-10,&\\ f(v_{3})&= 36t-22,&\\ f(v_{4})&= 18t-12,&\\ f(v_{i})&= i-1,&v_i \in A_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 6t-3\}, \\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i-4,&v_i \in B_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 6 \le i \le 2t\},\\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i-5,&v_i \in B_2=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 2t< i \le 4t-2\},\\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i-6,&v_i \in B_3=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 4t-2< i \le 6t-4\},\\ f(v'_{1})&= 0,&\\ f(v'_{2})&= 18t-13,&\\ f(v'_{3})&= 18t-11,&\\ f(v'_{i})&= i-1,&v'_i \in A'_1=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 4 \le i \le 6t-4\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i-4,&v'_i \in B'_1=\{v'_i: i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 2t-1\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i-5,&v'_i \in B'_2=\{v'_i: i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 2t-1< i \le 4t-3\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i-6,&v'_i \in B'_3=\{v'_i: i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 4t-3 < i \le 6t-3\}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(A=\{v'_1\}\cup A_1\cup A'_1\), \(B=\{v_2, v_4, v'_3 \} \cup B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3 \cup B'_1 \cup B'_2\cup B'_3\) and \(C=\{v_1,v_3, v'_2\}\). If we proceed as in Case 1, it is easy to verify that we have a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{6t-3}\). Figure 6 shows a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{15}\).

Fig. 6
figure 6

A \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{15} \)

Case 3\(n \equiv 5 \pmod {6}\).

Let \(n=6t-1\) where \(t\ge 2\). Thus, \(|V(D_{n})|=12t-2\) and \(|E(D_{n})|=18t-3\). Define a one-to-one function \(f: V(D_{6t-1}) \rightarrow [0,36t-6]\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} f(v_{1})&= 18t-7,&\\ f(v_{2})&= 18t-6,&\\ f(v_{3})&= 36t-10,&\\ f(v_{4})&= 18t-4,&\\ f(v_{i})&= i+2,&v_i \in A_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 6t-3\}, \\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i+1,&v_i \in B_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 6 \le i \le 2t+2\},\\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i-2,&v_i \in B_2=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 2t+2< i \le 6t-4\},\\ f(v_{6t-2})&= 18t-14,&\\ f(v_{6t-1})&= 1,&\\ f(v'_{1})&= 0,&\\ f(v'_{2})&= 18t-3,&\\ f(v'_{3})&= 18t-5,&\\ f(v'_{4})&= 5,&\\ f(v'_{i})&= i+2,&v'_i \in A'_1=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 6 \le i \le 6t-2\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i+1,&v'_i \in B'_1=\{v'_i: i\ \mathrm{odd}, 5 \le i \le 2t+3\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i-2,&v'_i \in B'_2=\{v'_i: i\ \mathrm{even}, 2t+3 < i \le 6t-3\},\\ f(v'_{6t-1})&= 18t-12. \end{aligned}$$

We have that \(A=\{v_{6t-1}, v'_1, v'_4\}\cup A_1\cup A'_1\), \(B=\{v_2, v_4,v_{6t-2}, v'_3,v'_{6t-1}\} \cup B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B'_1 \cup B'_2\) and \(C=\{v_1, v_3, v'_2\}\). If we proceed as in case 1, it is easy to verify that we have a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{6t-1}\). Figure 7 shows a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{11}\). \(\square \)

Fig. 7
figure 7

A \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(D_{11}\)

2.2 \(\sigma \)-Tripartite Labelings of Even Möbius Ladders

For \(n\ge 3\), let \(v_{1},v_{2},\ldots ,v_{n}\) and \(v'_{1},v'_{2},\ldots ,v'_{n}\) denote the consecutive vertices of two disjoint paths with n vertices. The Möbius ladder\(M_n\) is the graph obtained by joining \(v_{i}\) to \(v'_{i}\) for \(i=1,2,\ldots ,n \) and by joining \(v_{1}\) to \(v'_{n}\) and \(v_{n}\) to \(v'_{1}\). For convenience, we let \(M_n=P_n \cup P'_n \cup F \cup H\), where \(P_n=(v_{1},v_{2},\ldots ,v_{n})\), \(P'_n=(v'_{1},v'_{2},\ldots ,v'_{n})\), \(F=\{\{v_i,v'_i\}: 1 \le i\le n\}\) and \(H=\{\{v_1,v'_n \}, \{v_n,v'_1\}\}\). We shall refer to \(P_n\) as the outer path, to \(P'_n\) as the inner path, and to F as the spokes. Figure 8 shows the Möbius ladder \(M_{10}\). We note that \(M_{2n}\) (with \(n \ge 2\)) is necessarily tripartite with tripartition \(\{A, B, C\}\), where \(A =\{v'_1, v'_4\} \cup \{v_{2i-1}, v'_{2i} : 3\le i \le n\}\), \(B = \{v_2\} \cup \{ v'_{2i-1}, v_{2i} : 2 \le i \le n\}\), and \(C = \{ v_1, v_3, v'_2\} \). We will show that \(M_{n}\) admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling for all even integers \(n \ge 4\).

Fig. 8
figure 8

Möbius ladder \(M_{10}\)

Lemma 12

The Möbius ladder \(M_n\) admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling for all \(n \in \{4, 6, 8, 10,12\}\).


We give \(\sigma \)-tripartite labelings of \(M_4\), \(M_6\), \(M_8\), \(M_{10}\), and \(M_{12}\) in Fig. 9. \(\square \)

Fig. 9
figure 9

\(\sigma \)-tripartite labelings of \(M_4\), \(M_6\), \(M_8\), \(M_{10}\), and \(M_{12}\)

Theorem 13

The Möbius ladder \(M_n\) admits a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling for all even \(n \ge 4\).


The cases with \(n \le 12\) are covered in Lemma 12. We separate the rest of the proof into 3 cases.

Case 1\(n \equiv 0 \pmod {6}\).

Let \(n=6t\) where \(t \ge 3\). Thus, \(|V(M_{n})|=12t\) and \(|E(M_{n})|=18t\). Define a one-to-one function \(f :V(M_{6t}) \rightarrow [0,36t]\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} f(v_{1})&= 18t,&\\ f(v_{2})&= 18t-1,&\\ f(v_{3})&= 36t-4,&\\ f(v_{i})&= i-1,&v_i \in A_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 6t-1\}, \\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i+5,&v_i \in B_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 4 \le i \le 2t\},\\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i+4,&v_i \in B_2=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 2t< i \le 4t\},\\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i+3,&v_i \in B_3=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 4t< i \le 6t\},\\ f(v'_{1})&= 0,&\\ f(v'_{2})&= 18t-4,&\\ f(v'_{3})&= 18t-2,&\\ f(v'_{i})&= i-1,&v'_i \in A'_1=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 4 \le i \le 6t\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i+5,&v'_i \in B'_1=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 2t+1\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i+4,&v'_i \in B'_2=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 2t+1< i \le 4t-1\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i+3,&v'_i \in B'_3=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 4t-1 < i \le 6t-1\}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(A = \{v'_1\} \cup A_1 \cup A'_1\), \(B =\{v_2, v'_3 \} \cup B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3 \cup B'_1 \cup B'_2 \cup B'_3\), and \(C = \{v_1, v_3, v'_2\} \). Thus, the domain of f is indeed \(V(M_{6t})\). Next, we confirm that f is one-to-one. We compute

$$\begin{aligned} f(A_1)&= \{4, 6, \ldots , 6t-2\},\\ f(A'_1)&= \{3, 5, \ldots , 6t-1\},\\ f(B_1)&= \{18t-3, 18t-7, \ldots , 14t+5\},\\ f(B_2)&= \{14t, 14t-4, \ldots , 10t+4\},\\ f(B_3)&= \{10t-1, 10t-5, \ldots , 6t+3\},\\ f(B'_1)&= \{18t-5, 18t-9, \ldots , 14t+3\},\\ f(B'_2)&= \{14t-2, 14t-6, \ldots , 10t+6\},\\ f(B'_3)&= \{10t+1, 10t-3, \ldots , 6t+5\}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that f is piecewise strictly increasing by 2 or strictly decreasing by 4 and that all labels are distinct. Thus, f is one-to-one. Moreover, \(f(A)\subseteq [0,6t-1]\) and \(f(B \cup C) \subseteq [6t+3, 36t-4]\).

To help compute the edge labels, we will describe \(f(M_{6t})\) in terms of the \(\hat{P}(2k,d_1,d_2,a,b)\) path notation. For convenience, we will identify the vertices of \(P_{6t}\) and \(P'_{6t}\) with their labels. We have \(f(P_{6t})=(18t, 18t-1, 36t-4, 18t-3, 4)+G_1+G_2+G_3+(6t-2, 6t+3)\), where

$$\begin{aligned}&G_1=\hat{P}(2(t-2),2,4,4,14t+5),\\&G_2=\hat{P}(2(t),2,4,2t,10t+4),\\&G_3=\hat{P}(2(t-1),2,4,4t,6t+7). \end{aligned}$$

By P3, the resulting edge label sets are:

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{f}(E(G_1))&= \{12t+5+6i: 0 \le i \le t-3\} \cup \{12t+7+6i: 0 \le i \le t-3\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {5}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 12t+5 \le \ell \le 18t-13\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {1}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 12t+7 \le \ell \le 18t-11\},\\ \bar{f}(E(G_2))&= \{6t+4+6i: 0 \le i \le t-1\} \cup \{6t+6+6i: 0 \le i \le t-1\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {4}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 6t+4 \le \ell \le 12t-2\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {0}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 6t+6 \le \ell \le 12t\},\\ \bar{f}(E(G_3))&= \{9+6i: 0 \le i \le t-2\} \cup \{11+6i: 0 \le i \le t-2\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {3}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 9 \le \ell \le 6t-3\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {5}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 11 \le \ell \le 6t-1\}. \end{aligned}$$

Moreover, edge labels 1, \(18t-3\), \(18t-1\), and \(18t-7\) occur on the path \((18t, 18-1, 36t-4, 18t-3, 4)\) and the edge label 5 occurs on the edge \(\{6t-2, 6t+3\}\).

Similarly, we have \(f(P'_{6t})=(0, 18t-4, 18t-2, 3)+G'_1+G'_2+ G'_3\), where

$$\begin{aligned}&G'_1=\hat{P}(2(t-1),2,4,3,14t+3),\\&G'_2=\hat{P}(2(t-1),2,4,2t+1,10t+6),\\&G'_3=\hat{P}(2(t),2,4,4t-1,6t+5). \end{aligned}$$

By P3, the resulting edge label sets are:

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{f}(E(G'_1))&= \{12t+2+6i: 0 \le i \le t-2\} \cup \{12t+4+6i: 0 \le i \le t-2\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {2}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 12t+2 \le \ell \le 18t-10\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {4}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 12t+4 \le \ell \le 18t-8\},\\ \bar{f}(E(G'_2))&= \{6t+7+6i: 0 \le i \le t-2\} \cup \{6t+9+6i: 0 \le i \le t-2\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {1}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 6t+7 \le \ell \le 12t-5\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {3}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 6t+9 \le \ell \le 12t-3\},\\ \bar{f}(E(G'_3))&= \{6+6i: 0 \le i \le t-1\} \cup \{8+6i: 0 \le i \le t-1\}\\&= \{\ell \equiv {0}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 6 \le \ell \le 6t\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {2}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 6)}: 8 \le \ell \le 6t+2\}. \end{aligned}$$

Moreover, edge labels \(18t-4\), 2, and \(18t-5\) occur on the path \((0, 18t-4, 18t-2, 3)\).

For each spoke \(\{v_i,v'_i\}\), the labels on the spokes are given by

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{f}(\{v_i,v'_i\})={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 18t &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=1,\\ 3 &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=2,\\ 18t-2 &{} \mathrm{for}\ i=3,\\ 18t-3i+6 &{} \mathrm{for}\ 4 \le i \le 2t+1,\\ 18t-3i+5 &{} \mathrm{for}\ 2t+1< i \le 4t,\\ 18t-3i+4 &{} \mathrm{for}\ 4t < i \le 6t. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Thus, the set of edge labels on the spokes is

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{f}(E(F))&= \{\ell \equiv {0}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 3)}: 12t+3 \le \ell \le 18t-6\} \\ {}&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {2}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 3)}: 6t+5 \le \ell \le 12t-1\} \\&\qquad \cup \{\ell \equiv {1}\ \mathrm{(mod\ 3)}: 4 \le \ell \le 6t+1\} \cup \{18t, 3, 18t-2\}. \end{aligned}$$

Moreover, edge labels \(12t+1\) and \(6t+3\) occur on the edges \(\{v_1, v'_{6t}\}\) and \(\{v'_1, v_{6t}\}\).

Fig. 10
figure 10

A \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(M_{18}\)

It is easy to verify now that each \(\ell \in [1,18t]\) occurs on exactly one edge in \(M_{6t}\). Hence, the defined labeling is a \(\sigma \)-labeling and condition (s1) for a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling is satisfied. Condition (s2) also holds since \(f(A) \subseteq [0, 6t+2]\) and \(f(B \cup C) \subseteq [6t+3, 36t]\). Condition (s3) holds since \(|f(v_1)-f(v_2)| + |f(v_3)-f(v_4)|=18t\), \(|f(v_2)-f(v_3)| + |f(v_2)-f(v'_2)|=18t\), and \(|f(v_2)-f(v'_3)|+|f(v_3)-f(v'_3)|=18t\), the number of edges of \(M_{6t}\). Condition (s4) clearly holds. Also \(|f(b)-f(c)|\in \{18t, 36t\}\), where \(b \in B\) and \(c \in C\), is impossible since \(|f(b)-f(c)| \in \{1, 2, 3, 18t-1, 18t-2, 18t-3\}\). Thus, condition (s5) holds, and we have a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(M_{6t}\). Figure 10 shows a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(M_{18}\).

Case 2\(n \equiv 2 \pmod {6}\).

Let \(n=6t+2\) where \(t \ge 2\). Thus, \(|V(M_{n})|=12t+4\) and \(|E(M_{n})|=18t+6\). Define a one-to-one function \(f :V(M_{6t+2}) \rightarrow [0,36t+12]\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} f(v_{1})&= 18t+2,&\\ f(v_{2})&= 18t+3,&\\ f(v_{3})&= 36t+8,&\\ f(v_{4})&= 18t+5,&\\ f(v_{i})&= i+2,&v_i \in A_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 6t+1\}, \\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i+10,&v_i \in B_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 6 \le i \le 2t+4\},\\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i+7,&v_i \in B_2=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 2t+4< i \le 6t\},\\ f(v_{6t+2})&= 18t-3,&\\ f(v'_{1})&= 0,&\\ f(v'_{2})&= 18t+6,&\\ f(v'_{3})&= 18t+4,&\\ f(v'_{4})&= 5,&\\ f(v'_{i})&= i+2,&v'_i \in A'_1=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 6 \le i \le 6t\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i+10,&v'_i \in B'_1=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 2t+3\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i+7,&v'_i \in B'_2=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 2t+3 < i \le 6t-1\},\\ f(v'_{6t+1})&= 18t-5,\\ f(v'_{6t+2})&= 1. \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(A = \{v'_1, v'_4, v'_{6t+2}\} \cup A_1 \cup A'_1 \), \(B =\{v_2, v_4, v_{6t+2}, v'_3, v'_{6t+1} \} \cup B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B'_1 \cup B'_2 \), and \(C = \{v_1, v_3, v'_2\} \). If we proceed as in Case 1, it is easy to verify that we have a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(M_{6t+2}\). Figure 11 shows a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(M_{14}.\)

Fig. 11
figure 11

A \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(M_{14}\)

Case 3\(n \equiv 4 \pmod {6}\).

Let \(n=6t-2\), where \(t \ge 3\). Thus, \(|V(M_{n})|=12t-4\) and \(|E(M_{n})|=18t-6\). Define a one-to-one function \(f :V(M_{6t-2}) \rightarrow [0,36t-12]\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} f(v_{1})&= 18t-6,&\\ f(v_{2})&= 18t-7,&\\ f(v_{3})&= 36t-16,&\\ f(v_{i})&= i-1,&v_i \in A_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 6t-3\}, \\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i-1,&v_i \in B_1=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 4 \le i \le 2t\},\\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i-3,&v_i \in B_2=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 2t< i \le 4t-2\},\\ f(v_{i})&= 18t-2i-5,&v_i \in B_3=\{v_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 4t-2< i \le 6t-4\},\\ f(v_{6t-2})&= 12t-2,&\\ f(v'_{1})&= 0,&\\ f(v'_{2})&= 18t-10,&\\ f(v'_{3})&= 18t-8,&\\ f(v'_{i})&= i-1,&v'_i \in A'_1=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{even},\ 4 \le i \le 6t-2\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i-1,&v'_i \in B'_1=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 5 \le i \le 2t-1\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i-3,&v'_i \in B'_2=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 2t-1< i \le 4t-3\},\\ f(v'_{i})&= 18t-2i-5,&v'_i \in B'_3=\{v'_i:i\ \mathrm{odd},\ 4t-3 < i \le 6t-3\}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(A = \{v'_1\} \cup A_1 \cup A'_1 \), \(B =\{v_2, v_{6t-2}, v'_3\} \cup B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3 \cup B'_1 \cup B'_2 \cup B'_3\), and \(C = \{v_1, v_3, v'_2\} \). If we proceed as in Case 1, it is easy to verify that we have a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(M_{6t-2}\). Figure 12 shows a \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(M_{16}\). \(\square \)

Fig. 12
figure 12

A \(\sigma \)-tripartite labeling of \(M_{16}\)

Because it is known that bipartite prisms and bipartite Möbius ladders admit \(\alpha \)-labelings and in light of our results here, we have the following.

Corollary 14

If G of size n is a prism (other than \(D_3\)) or a Möbius ladder, then there exists a cyclic G-decomposition of \(K_{2nt+1}\), of \(K_{2nt}+I\), and of \(K_{2nt+2}-I\) for all positive integers t.