1 Introduction

A graph G is an ordered pair (V(G), E(G)) consisting of a set V(G) of vertices and a set E(G), disjoint from V(G), of edges, together with an incidence function \(\psi _G\) that associates with each edge of G an unordered pair of (not necessarily distinct) vertices of G. All graphs considered in this paper are finite, loopless, and without multiple edges, unless otherwise stated. A graph G is planar if it can be drawn on the plane so that its edges meet only at the vertices of the graph. Given a graph G, a list assignment L is a mapping that assigns to each vertex \(v \in V (G)\) a list L(v) of colors. An L-coloring is a vertex coloring \(\pi \) such that \(\pi (v) \in L(v)\) for each vertex v and \(\pi (x) \ne \pi (y)\) for each edge xy. If there is an L-coloring for each list assignment L with \(|L(v)| \ge k\) for each vertex v, then we say G is k-choosable and the minimum such integer k is the list chromatic number of G, denoted by \(\chi _l(G)\).

Motivated by forcing the lists of the adjacent vertices to be somewhat separated, the concept known as choosability with separation was raised. A graph G is said to be (k, d)-choosable if there is an L-coloring for each list assignment L with \(|L(v)| \ge k\) for each vertex v such that \(|L(x) \cap L(y)| \le d\) for each edge xy. Obviously, G is (kk)-choosable if and only if it is k-choosable. Moreover, if G is (kd)-choosable, then it is \((k',d')\)-choosable for all \(k'\ge k\) and \(d'\le d\). This concept was introduced by Kratochvíl, Tuza, and Voigt [4]. They investigated this concept for complete graphs and sparse graphs. Recently, Füredi, Kostochka, and Kumbhat [2, 3] have extended the study of dense graphs to complete bipartite graphs and multipartite graphs.

One significant theorem established in a paper by Thomassen [7] is that every planar graph is 5-choosable. The upper bound 5 is best possible since it cannot be lowered to 4 by an example given in [8]. It follows that every planar graph is (5, d)-choosable for all non-negative integers d and there exists a non-(4, 4)-choosable planar graph. Moreover, there exist non-(4, 3)-choosable planar graphs given by Mirzakhani [5]. On the other hand, Kratochvíl, Tuza, and Voigt [4] positively confirmed the (4, 1)-choosability of planar graphs. The question of whether every planar graph is (4, 2)-choosable seems to be a difficult open problem.

Now we turn our attention to (3, d)-choosability of planar graphs. It is proved in [1] that every triangle-free planar graph is (3, 1)-choosable. This result is sharp since non-(3, d)-choosable triangle-free planar graphs with \(d=2\) and \(d=3\) were constructed by Škrekovski [6] and Voigt [9], respectively. In addition, Choi, Lidický, and Stolee [1] proved that planar graphs without 4-cycles are (3, 1)-choosable and planar graphs without 5- and 6-cycles are (3, 1)-choosable.

In this paper, we aim to study (3, 1)-choosability of planar graphs in which certain 4-cycles can be allowed. More precisely, we will prove the following theorem that is a strengthening of a result in [1].

Theorem 1

Every planar graph without 4-cycles adjacent to \(4^-\)-cycles is (3, 1)-choosable.

Before proving our main result, we need to introduce some notation and terminology. Suppose that G is a planar graph embedded on the plane. We denote its vertex set, edge set, order, and size by V(G), E(G), |G|, and |E|, respectively. Suppose that C is a cycle in G. C is called a \(k^-\)-cycle if the length of C is at most k. A triangle is the same as a 3-cycle. Two cycles are called adjacent if they share at least one edge. A walk of G is a non-empty alternating sequence of vertices and edges denoted by \(W=v_0e_1v_1e_2\ldots e_kv_k\), where \(e_i=v_{i-1}v_i\) for each \(i\in \{1, 2, \ldots , k\}\). If all the vertices of a walk \(v_0e_1v_1e_2\ldots e_kv_k\) are mutually distinct, then we call such a walk a path, simply denoted by \(P=v_0v_1\ldots v_{k-1}v_k\). If \(S\subset V(G)\), then \(G-S\) represents the subgraph obtained from G by deleting the vertices in S and all the edges incident with some vertices in S.

Let \(\mathcal {G}\) denote the class of planar graphs without 4-cycles adjacent to \(4^-\)-cycles. If \(G\in \mathcal {G}\), then the following three configurations will be excluded from G:

  1. (A1)

    two 3-cycles sharing an edge;

  2. (A2)

    two 4-cycles sharing an edge;

  3. (A3)

    a 3-cycle and a 4-cycle sharing an edge.

2 Proof of Theorem 1

In what follows, let L be a list assignment on V(G). A \((*,1)\) -list assignment is a list assignment L such that \(|L(v)|\ge 1\) for each vertex v and \(|L(x)\cap L(y)|\le 1\) for each edge xy. For \(i\in \{1,2,3\}\), a vertex v is called an \(L_i\) -vertex if \(|L(v)|=i\), denoted by \(v\in L_i\).

Instead of showing Theorem 1, we prove Theorem 2 which is a stronger result inspired by the proof with clever ideas in [1]. Since any (3, 1)-list assignment for \(G\in \mathcal {G}\) satisfies all conditions of Theorem 2, we may easily derive Theorem 1 from Theorem 2.

Theorem 2

Let \(G\in \mathcal {G}\) with an outer face F and let P be a subpath of F with order at most 3. If L is a \((*,1)\)-list assignment satisfying the following six conditions, then G is L-colorable.

  1. (C1)

    \(|L(v)|\ge 3\) for \(v\in V(G)\setminus V(F)\);

  2. (C2)

    \(|L(v)|\ge 2\) for \(v\in V(F)\setminus V(P)\);

  3. (C3)

    \(|L(v)|=1\) for \(v\in V(P)\);

  4. (C4)

    the subgraph induced by V(P) in G is L-colorable;

  5. (C5)

    no \(L_2\)-vertices are adjacent in G;

  6. (C6)

    no \(L_2\)-vertex is adjacent to at least two vertices in P.


Suppose the theorem is not true. Among counterexamples with minimum \(|G|+|E|\), we choose G to possess the smallest \(\sum _{v\in V(G)} |L(v)|\), that is, the sum of list sizes is the smallest. Note that G is connected.

In the following, for \(v\in V(G)\), we use \(N_G(v)\) to denote the neighborhood of v in G. For simplicity, we use N(v) instead of \(N_G(v)\) when G is clear. If \(v\in V(P)\), then v is called a P-vertex. A middle P-vertex is a P-vertex which has exactly two neighbors in P. The following claim will be used often. \(\square \)

Claim 1

For each edge \(xy\in E(G)\setminus E(P)\), \(|L(x)\cap L(y)|=1\).


By definition, \(|L(x)\cap L(y)|\le 1\). If \(|L(x)\cap L(y)|=0\), then it suffices to L-color \(G-xy\) and extend this coloring to G , which is a contradiction. \(\square \)

For our convenience, in what follows, we will use the notation (GPL) to denote by a graph G with respect to the path P under the list assignment L.

Claim 2

G is 2-connected. In particular, F is a cycle.


Suppose to the contrary that there exists a cut vertex \(v\in V(G)\), and let \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) be two connected subgraphs such that \(V(G_1)\cap V(G_2)=\{v\}\) and \(G_1\cup G_2=G\). Clearly, both \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) have at least two vertices. If P is fully contained in some \(G_i\), say \(G_1\), then \(G_1\) admits an L-coloring \(\pi _1\) by the minimality of G. Let \(L'\) be a list assignment on \(V(G_2)\) such that \(L'(u)=\{\pi _1(u)\}\) if \(u=v\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) otherwise. Consider \(P'=v\) as a subpath of the outer face of \(G_2\). Since \((G_2; P',L')\) satisfies all conditions (C1)-(C6) of Theorem 2, there is an \(L'\)-coloring \(\pi _2\) of \(G_2\). Combining \(\pi _1\) and \(\pi _2\), we get an L-coloring of G, a contradiction. Now suppose that \(P=xvy\) with \(xv\in E(G_1)\) and \(vy\in E(G_2)\). Let \(P_1=xv\) and \(P_2=yv\). Let \(L^{i*}\) be the list assignment L restricted to \(G_i\). Then \((G_i;P_i,L^{i*})\) satisfies (C1)-(C6). By the minimality of G, there exists an \(L^{i*}\)-coloring \(\pi _i\) of \(G_i\) for each \(i\in \{1,2\}\). Taking \(\pi _1(v)=\pi _2(v)\), we get an L-coloring \(\pi _1\cup \pi _2\) of G, a contradiction. \(\square \)

An edge \(v_0v_1\) is called a chord of C if \(v_0, v_1\in V(C)\) but \(v_0v_1\notin E(C)\). A 2-chord of C is defined to be a path \(Q=v_0v_1v_2\) such that \(v_0, v_2\in V(C)\) and \(v_1\notin V(C)\). Further, if \(v_0v_2\notin E(C)\), then we call Q a nice 2-chord. Let \(V_\mathrm{int}(C)\) and \(V_\mathrm{ext}(C)\) denote the sets of vertices located inside and outside C, respectively.

Claim 3

G contains no triangle T with \(V_\mathrm{int}(T)\ne \emptyset \).


Assume to the contrary that G contains a triangle \(T=xyzx\) such that int\((T)\ne \emptyset .\) Let \(G_1=G[V_\mathrm{ext}(T)\cup T]\) and \(G_2=G[V_\mathrm{int}(T)\cup T]\). Clearly, \(P\subseteq G_1\). Since \(|G_1|<|G|\), \(G_1\) has an L-coloring \(\pi \). So xyz are colored. Let \(G'=G_2-xy\), and \(P'=xzy\). Let \(L'\) be a list assignment on \(V(G')\) such that \(L'(u)=\{\pi (u)\}\) if \(u\in \{x,y,z\}\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) otherwise. It is easy to check that (C1)-(C6) hold for \((G';P',L')\). Thus, by the minimality of G, \(G'\) has an \(L'\)-coloring \(\pi '\). Consequently, the coloring \(\pi \cup \pi '\) is an L-coloring of G, a contradiction. \(\square \)

Claim 4

\(|F|\ne 3\).


Suppose to the contrary that \(|F|=3\). Then \(V_\mathrm{int}(F)=\emptyset \) by Claim 3, and thus \(G=F\). Let \(F=v_1v_2v_3v_1\). If \(|P|=3\), then G is L-colorable by (C4). If \(|P|=2\), say \(P=v_1v_2\), then \(v_3\in L_{3}\) by (C6). It suffices to color \(v_3\) with a color in \(L(v_3)\setminus (L(v_1)\cup L(v_2))\) after \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) have been colored. If \(|P|=1\), say \(P=v_1\), then by (C5), we may assume that \(v_2\in L_{2}\cup L_{3}\) and \(v_3\in L_{3}\). We color \(v_1\) with \(a\in L(v_1)\), \(v_2\) with \(b\in L(v_2)\setminus \{a\}\), and \(v_3\) with \(c\in L(v_3)\setminus \{a,b\}\). In all cases, we reach a contradiction. \(\square \)

A chord xy is called bad if there exists an \(L_2\)-vertex \(z\in V(F)\) such that \(zx,zy\in E(F)\). Note that xyzx is a 3-cycle. Otherwise, xy is called good.

For our convenience, in the proofs of Claims 5 and  6, we always use \(F_1\) and \(F_2\) to denote the two cycles in \(F\cup \{xy\}\) that contain the chord xy. Let \(G_i=G[ V_\mathrm{int}(F_i)\cup V(F_i) ]\) for \(i\in \{1,2\}\). For two vertices \(u,v\in V(F_i)\), let \(F_i(u,v)\) denote the path in \(F_i\) from u to v along the boundary of F (except u and v).

Claim 5

If xy is a good chord of F, then either x or y is a middle P-vertex.


Assume that neither x nor y is a middle P-vertex. Without loss of generality, assume that P is fully contained in \(F_1-xy\). Moreover, xy is chosen as a good chord such that \(|V(G_2)|\) is as small as possible. It means that xy is the unique good chord located in \(G_2\).

Clearly, \(G_1\) admits an L-coloring \(\pi \) by the minimality of G. Let \(P'=xy\). Let \(L'\) be a list assignment on \(V(G_2)\) such that \(L'(u)=\{\pi (u)\}\) if \(u\in \{x,y\}\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) otherwise. One may inspect that (C1)-(C4) are valid for \((G_2;P',L')\). Since every \(L_2'\)-vertex in \(G_2\) is just an \(L_2\)-vertex in G, (C5) holds for \((G_2;P',L')\). If (C6) is also true, then \(G_2\) has an \(L'\)-coloring \(\pi '\), and therefore \(\pi \cup \pi '\) is an L-coloring of G, a contradiction. Otherwise, suppose that there exists an \(L_2'\)-vertex \(z\in F_2(x,y)\) such that \(zx, zy\in E(G_2)\). Note that \(z\in L_2\) and xyzx is a triangle. Since xy is good, we see that at least one of xz and yz is a chord, say zx. Then \(|F_2(x,z)|\ge 3\) due to \(G\in \mathcal {G}\), implying that zx is a good chord of \(F_2\) (also a good chord of F), contradicting the choice of xy. \(\square \)

Claim 6

Each chord of F is bad.


Suppose to the contrary that F has a good chord xy. By Claim 5, we may assume that \(P=wxv\) such that \(w\in V(F_1)\) and \(v\in V(F_2)\). Without loss of generality, assume that \(|F_1(w,y)|\le |F_2(v, y)|\). Let \(P_1=wx\). By the minimality of G, \(G_1\) admits an L-coloring \(\pi \) with respect to \(P_1\). Let \(L'\) be a list assignment on \(V(G_2)\) such that \(L'(u)=\{\pi (u)\}\) if \(u\in \{x,y\}\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) otherwise. Let \(P_2=vxy\). One may easily check that (C1), (C2), (C3), and (C5) are valid for \((G_2; P_2,L')\) since \(L_2\)-vertices remain \(L_2'\)-vertices. Next, we will show that (C4) and (C6) are also satisfied for \((G_2; P_2,L')\), implying that \(G_2\) has an \(L'\)-coloring \(\pi '\) and therefore \(\pi \cup \pi '\) is an L-coloring of G, a contradiction.

The proof splits into the following two cases.

Case 1. \(0\le |F_1(w,y)|\le 1\).

Note that \(F_1\) is a 3-cycle or a 4-cycle. Since \(G\in \mathcal {G}\), we derive that \(vy\notin E(G)\) and therefore \(|F_2(v, y)|\ge 2\). This implies immediately that (C4) holds for \((G_2; P_2, L')\). If (C6) is not true for \((G_2; P_2,L')\), then there exists an \(L_2'\)-vertex \(z\in F_2(v,y)\) adjacent to at least two vertices of \(P_2\). Since \(z\in L_2\), \(x, v\in V(P)\), and (GPL) satisfies (C6), we see that \(zy\in E(G)\) and exactly one of x and v is adjacent to z. If \(zx\in E(G)\), then xyzx is a 3-cycle. If \(zv\in E(G)\), then xyzvx is a 4-cycle. Both cases contradict the assumption that \(G\in \mathcal {G}\).

Case 2. \(|F_1(w,y)|\ge 2\).

Then \(|F_2(v,y)|\ge 2\). Moreover, xy is chose as a chord that minimizes \(|V(G_2)|\) under the assumption \(|F_2(v,y)|\ge 2\). It means that if there is \(t\in F_2(v,y)\) such that xt is a chord of F and \(|F_2(v,t)|\ge 2\), then we select xt instead of xy.

If \(yv\in E(G)\), then \(yv\notin E(F_2)\) and thus yv is a chord of \(F_2\) (also a good chord of F). Further, yv is a good chord of F since \(G\in \mathcal {G}\). However, neither v nor y is a middle P-vertex, which contradicts Claim 5. Thus, \(yv\notin E(G)\), implying that (C4) holds for \((G_2; P_2, L')\). Also if (C6) is false for \((G_2; P_2, L')\), then there exists an \(L_2'\)-vertex \(z\in F_2(v,y)\) such that \(zy\in E(G)\) and exactly one of x and v is adjacent to z. If \(zx\in E(G)\), then \(|F_2(v,z)|\ge 2\), hence zx is a good chord of \(F_2\) as \(G\in \mathcal {G}\). This contradicts the choice of xy. So \(zv\in E(G)\), and this implies that xyzvx is a 4-cycle. Since \(|F_2(v,y)|\ge 2\), at least one of zv and zy is a chord of \(F_2\). If zy is a chord of \(F_2\), then \(|F_2(y,z)|\ge 3\). Thus, either zv or zy is a good chord of F since no \(L_2\)-vertex can be adjacent to both endpoints. However, none of vy, and z is a middle P-vertex, contradicting Claim 5. \(\square \)

Claim 7

If xy is a chord of F, then x and y are either \(L_{2}\)-vertices or \(L_3\)-vertices.


By Claim 6, xy is bad, so there is an \(L_2\)-vertex \(z\in V(F)\) such that \(zx,zy\in E(F)\) and xyzx forms a 3-cycle. By Claim 3, \(V_\mathrm{int}(xyzx)=\emptyset \). By symmetry, it suffices to show that \(x\in L_{3}\). By (C5), \(x\notin L_2\). Let \(x\in L_1\), that is, \(x\in V(P)\). Since \(|P|\le 3\) and there are no adjacent triangles in G, we deduce that \(y\notin L_1\), and thus \(y\in L_{3}\) by (C5). Without loss of generality, assume that \(L(x)=\{a\}\), \(L(z)=\{a, b\}\), and \(L(y)=\{a, c, d\}\) such that \(b\notin \{c,d\}\) by Claim 1. By the minimality of G, \(G-yz\) admits an L-coloring \(\pi \). In fact, \(\pi \) is also an L-coloring of G since no conflict is caused by adding the edge yz back to \(G-yz\), a contradiction. \(\square \)

Recall that a nice 2-chord of a cycle C is a path \(Q=v_0v_1v_2\) such that \(v_0, v_2\in V(C)\), \(v_1\notin V(C)\), and \(v_0v_2\notin E(C)\). In the proofs of Claims 810, we shall define \(F_1\) and \(F_2\) to be the two cycles in \(F\cup Q\) that contain Q. For \(i\in \{1,2\}\), let \(G_i=G[ V_\mathrm{int}(F_i)\cup V(F_i) ]\), and for \(u, v\in V(F_i)\), let \(F_i(u,v)\) denote the path in \(F_i\) from u to v along the boundary of F (except u and v). A nice 2-chord \(Q=v_0v_1v_2\) of F is called worse if \(v_0\in V(P)\), \(v_2\in L_{3}\) and there is an \(L_2\)-vertex \(v^*\in V(F)\) such that \(v^*v_0,v^*v_2\in E(F)\). Note that \(v^*v_0v_1v_2v^*\) is a 4-cycle.

Claim 8

Let \(Q=v_0v_1v_2\) be a nice 2-chord of F. If \(v_2\in L_2\), then \(v_0\) is a middle P-vertex.


Suppose to the contrary that \(v_0\) is not a middle P-vertex. Without loss of generality, assume that \(P\subseteq F_1\cap F\). Furthermore, choose Q so that \(|V(G_2)|\) is as small as possible. By the minimality of G, \(G_1\) has an L-coloring \(\pi \). Let \(L'\) be a list assignment on \(V(G_2)\) such that \(L'(u)=\{\pi (u)\}\) if \(u\in \{v_0, v_1, v_2\}\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) otherwise. Let \(P'=v_0v_1v_2\). It is not difficult to see that (C1)–(C3) and (C5) hold for \((G_2;P',L')\). If (C4) fails, implying \(v_0v_2\in E(G_2)\), then the definition of a nice 2-chord asserts that \(|F_2(v_0, v_2)|\ge 1\) and hence \(v_0v_2\) is a chord of F. By Claim 6, \(v_0v_2\) is bad. However, \(v_2\) is an \(L_2\)-vertex, which contradicts Claim 7.

If (C6) is true, then an \(L'\)-coloring \(\pi '\) of \(G_2\) can be established. Consequently, combining \(\pi \) and \(\pi '\) constructs an L-coloring of G, a contradiction. Now assume that (C6) is not true for \((G_2;P',L')\). Then there exists an \(L_2'\)-vertex \(z\in F_2(v_0, v_2)\) adjacent to at least two of \(v_0, v_1, v_2\). Note that \(z\in L_2\) and \(v_2\in L_2\). Since (C5) holds for (GPL), we know that \(zv_2\notin E(G)\) and thus \(|F_2(z, v_2)|\ge 1\). So \(zv_0,zv_1\in E(G)\). It follows that \(zv_1v_2\) is a nice 2-chord where \(|V(G_2)|\) is smaller, which contradicts the choice of \(v_0v_1v_2\). \(\square \)

Claim 9

Let \(Q=v_0v_1v_2\) be a nice 2-chord of F. If \(v_2\in L_{3}\) and \(v_0\) is a non-middle P-vertex, then Q is worse.


First we note that \(|F_i(v_0, v_2)|\ge 1\) for \(i\in \{1, 2\}\). Since \(v_0\) is not a middle vertex, without loss of generality, we may assume that \(P\subseteq F_1\cap F\). Then \(G_1\) has an L-coloring \(\pi \) by the minimality of G. Let \(L'\) be a list assignment on \(V(G_2)\) such that \(L'(u)=\{\pi (u)\}\) if \(u\in \{v_0, v_1, v_2\}\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) otherwise. Let \(P'=v_0v_1v_2\).

Using an argument similar to Claim 8, we can show that all conditions (C1)–(C5) are satisfied for \((G_2;P',L')\). Thus, it remains to check that (C6) holds for \((G_2;P',L')\). Let \(z\in F_2(v_0, v_2)\) be an \(L_2'\)-vertex adjacent to at least two of \(v_0, v_1, v_2\). If \(v_1z\notin E(G_2)\), then z is adjacent to both \(v_0\) and \(v_2\). Moreover, by Claim 7, we see that \(zv_0\) and \(zv_2\) are both edges of \(F_2\), and thus Q is worse. So now assume that \(v_1z\in E(G_2)\). That is, \(v_0v_1z\) is a 2-chord. If \(|F_2(z, v_0)|\ge 1\), then \(v_0\) is a middle P-vertex by Claim  8, a contradiction. So \(|F_2(z, v_0)|=0\). Similarly, \(|F_2(z, v_2)|=0\) since \(v_2\) cannot be a middle P-vertex due to \(v_2\in L_{3+}\). So \(v_0z\in E(F_2)\) and \(v_2z\in E(F_2)\). However, adjacent triangles \(zv_0v_1z\) and \(zv_1v_2z\) are established, which is a contradiction to the assumption that \(G\in \mathcal {G}\). \(\square \)

Claim 10

Let \(Q=v_0v_1v_2\) be a nice 2-chord of F with \(v_0\in V(P)\) and \(v_2\in L_{2}\cup L_{3}\). Then \(v_1\) is not adjacent to any vertex in \(V(P)\setminus \{v_0\}\).


Assume to the contrary that there is \(u\in V(P)\setminus \{v_0\}\) such that \(v_1u\in E(G)\). Without loss of generality, assume that \(u\in V(F_1\cap F)\). Then \(v_0v_1u\ldots v_0\) is a \(4^-\)-cycle since \(|P|\le 3\). Since \(G\in \mathcal {G}\), we have that \(|F_1(u, v_2)|\ge 2\) and \(|F_2(v_0, v_2)|\ge 2\). This implies that \(uv_1v_2\) and \(v_0v_1v_2\) are both nice 2-chords that are not worse. If \(v_2\in L_2\), then both \(v_0\) and u are middle P-vertices by Claim 8, which is impossible since there is at most one middle P-vertex. So assume that \(v_2\in L_{3}\). Then at least one of \(v_0\) and u, say u, is not a middle P-vertex. By Claim 9, \(uv_1v_2\) is worse, a contradiction. \(\square \)

In the rest of the paper, we let \(N^*(v)=N(v)\cap V_\mathrm{int}(F)\) for any \(v\in V(F)\).

Claim 11

If xyz is a subpath of F with \(|L(y)|=2\), then \(L(x)\cap L(y)\ne L(y)\cap L(z)\).


Suppose to the contrary that \(L(y)=\{a,b\}\) and \(a\in L(x)\cap L(y)\) and \(a\in L(y)\cap L(z)\). By (C5), \(x, z\in L_1\cup L_{3}\). By Claim 6, there does not exist \(t\in V(F)\setminus \{x,z\}\) adjacent to y. Namely, \(N^*(y)=N(y)\setminus \{x,z\}\).

Let \(L'\) be a list assignment on the vertices of \(G-y\) such that \(L'(u)=L(u)\setminus \{b\}\) for \(u\in N^*(y)\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) otherwise. Let \(G'\) be the graph obtained from \(G-y\) by removing the edges between \(L_2'\)-vertices with disjoint lists. Let \(P'=P\). Now we are going to verify that (C1)–(C6) are all valid for \((G';P',L')\).

Let \(u\in V(G')\). Note that \(|L'(u)|\ge 2\) if \(u\in N^*(y)\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) if \(u\in V(G')\setminus N^*(y)\). So (C1)–(C4) hold automatically for \((G';P',L')\). By the definition of \(G'\), there are no adjacent \(L_2'\)-vertices in \(N^*(y)\). So if (C5) is false for \((G';P',L')\), then the only possibility is that there is an edge \(ty^*\in E(G)\) such that \(y^*\in N^*(y)\), \(t\in L_2\cap (V(F)\setminus \{x, y, z\})\). However, \(yy^*t\) forms a nice 2-chord such that neither of its ends is a middle P-vertex, contradicting Claim 8. Hence (C5) holds for \((G';P',L')\).

If (C6) is false for \((G';P',L')\), then there must exist an \(L'_2\)-vertex \(y^*\in N^*(y)\) adjacent to at least two vertices in \(P'\), say \(w_1\) and \(w_2\). If \(w_i\in V(F)\setminus \{x,y,z\}\) for some \(i\in \{1,2\}\), then \(yy^*w_i\) is a nice 2-chord. By Claim 10, \(y^*\) is not adjacent to any P-vertex except \(w_i\), a contradiction. So assume that \(\{w_1, w_2\}=\{x, z\}\). That is, \(y^*x, y^*z\in E(G)\), so \(xyy^*x\) and \(zyy^*z\) are two adjacent triangles, also a contradiction. Therefore (C6) holds for \((G';P',L')\).

Now, by the minimality of G, \(G'\) admits an \(L'\)-coloring \(\pi \). Extend \(\pi \) to G by coloring y with b to get an L-coloring of G, a contradiction. \(\square \)

Claim 12

If \(F=xyzwx\) is a 4-cycle with \(x\in V(P)\) and \(y, w\in L_1\cup L_2\), then \(z\in L_1\cup L_2\).


Suppose to the contrary that \(z\in L_{3}\). Obviously, there is a color \(c\in L(z)\setminus (L(y)\cup L(w))\). Since \(xz,yw\notin E(G)\) by \(G\in \mathcal{{G}}\), we see that \(N^*(z)=N(z)\setminus \{y,w\}\). Let \(L'\) be a list assignment on \(V(G)\setminus \{z\}\) such that \(L'(u)=L(u)\setminus \{c\}\) for \(u\in N^*(z)\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) otherwise. Let \(G'\) be the graph obtained from \(G-z\) by removing edges between \(L_2'\)-vertices with disjoint lists. Let \(P'=P\). It is easy to check that (C1)–(C4) hold for \((G';P',L')\). By the definition of \(G'\), no two \(L'_2\)-vertices in \(N^*(z)\) are adjacent in \(G'\). Since \(G\in \mathcal {G}\), none of \(z^*\in N^*(z)\) is adjacent to a vertex in \(\{x, y, w\}\). So (C5) and (C6) both hold for \((G';P',L')\). Hence, by the minimality of G, \(G'\) is \(L'\)-colorable and we may easily obtain an L-coloring of G by further coloring z with c, a contradiction. \(\square \)

Claim 13

If \(|F|=4\), then \(|P|\le 2\).


Let \(F=xyzwx\). Suppose to the contrary that \(|P|=3\), say \(P=wxy\). Then \(x, y, w\in L_1\). By (C6), we know that \(z\in L_{3}\), contradicting Claim 12. \(\square \)

Claim 14

If xyz is a subpath of F with \(y\in L_{3}\), then \(x,z\in L_2\).


Assume that the claim is not true. By Claim 4, \(|F|\ge 4\). So the proof can be divided into the following two cases by symmetry.

Case 1. \(x,z\in L_1\cup L_{3}\).

Choose \(a\in L(y)\). Let \(L'\) be the list assignment on V(G) such that \(L'(y)=L(y)\setminus \{a\}\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) for \(u\in V(G)\setminus \{y\}\). This will change y into an \(L_2'\)-vertex, whereas all other vertices keep their color lists unaltered. Then (C1)–(C4) hold obviously for \((G;P,L')\). If there is an \(L_2\)-vertex \(t\in V(F)\setminus \{x,y,z\}\) adjacent to y, that is, ty is a chord, then we see that t should be an \(L_3\)-vertex by Claim 7. This shows that (C5) holds for \((G;P,L')\). Moreover, if (C6) fails for \((G;P,L')\), then x and z are both P-vertices. This leads to \(|F|=4\) and \(|P|=3\), contradicting Claim 13. Thus, (C6) holds for \((G;P,L')\). By the choice of L, G has an \(L'\)-coloring, which is also an L-coloring of G.

Case 2. \(x\in L_2\) and \(z\in L_1\cup L_{3}\).

In this case, we select \(c\in L(x)\cap L(y)\). Let \(G'=G-xy\). Let \(L'\) be the list assignment on the vertices of \(G'\) such that \(L'(y)=L(y)\setminus \{c\}\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) for \(u\in V(G')\setminus \{y\}\). Let \(P'=P\). Similarly, as only the vertex y has changed its color list, (C1)–(C4) hold for \((G';P',L')\). F has at most one bad chord with one end y, and it must be bad by Claim 6. Let \(yy'\) be the chord, if any, so that \(yy'xy\) forms a 3-cycle. This implies that \(N(y)= N^*(y)\cup \{x, z\}\) or \(N(y)= N^*(y)\cup \{x, z, y'\}\). This fact, together with Claim 7, shows that (C6) holds for \((G';P',L')\). If (C5) fails for \((G';P',L')\), then the only possible case is that \(yy'\in E(G')\) with \(y,y'\in L'_2\). Since \(y'\in L_2\), we get a contradiction to Claim 7. Thus, (C5) holds for \((G';P',L')\). By the minimality of G, \(G'\) is \(L'\)-colorable, and hence G is L-colorable which is also an L-coloring for G, a contradiction. \(\square \)

Claim 15

If \(u\in V(F)\cap L_{3}\), then u is adjacent to exactly two \(L_2\)-vertices in V(F).


We know \(|F|\ge 4\) and let xuy be a subpath of F. By Claim 14, x and y are \(L_2\)-vertices. If \(u'\in V(F)\setminus \{x,u,y\}\), then \(u'\in L_{3}\) by Claim 7. \(\square \)

Claim 16

\(|F|\ge 5\).


Suppose to the contrary that \(|F|\le 4\). By Claim 4, \(|F|=4\), say \(F=xyzwx\). Then \(|P|\le 2\) by Claim 13. If \(|P|=2\), say \(P=xy\), then at least one of z and w, say w, belongs to \(L_{3}\) by (C5). However, this contradicts Claim 14. Now assume \(|P|=1\), say \(P=x\). Again, by Claim 14, we deduce that \(y,w\in L_2\) and thus \(z\in L_{3}\) by (C5). However, this is impossible by Claim 12. \(\square \)

In what follows, we assume that \(F=v_1v_2\ldots v_mv_{m+1}\ldots v_tv_1\) such that \(v_i\in V(F)\setminus V(P)\) for \(i=1,\ldots , m\) and \(v_{j}\in V(P)\) for \(j=m+1, \ldots , t\). By Claim 16, \(t\ge 5\). Since \(|P|\le 3\), we have that \(m\ge 2\) and \(t\le m+3\). Moreover, by Claim 14, \(v_i\in L_2\) for odd i and \(v_j\in L_{3}\) for even j, where \(i, j\in \{1,\ldots , m\}\). It follows from \(v_m\in L_2\) that m is odd and thus at least 3.

The proof of Theorem 2 splits into Cases I and II. In each case, we first pick a special subset X of vertices in G, and then color the vertices in X with distinct colors from their corresponding color lists. Let \(\pi \) denote the L-coloring of X. Second, we define \(L'\) to be a list assignment on the vertices of \(G-X\) such that \(L'(u)=L(u)\setminus \{\pi (x)\mid x\in X\) and \(xu\in E(G)\}\), and \(L'(u)=L(u)\) otherwise. Let \(G'\) be the graph obtained from \(G-X\) by removing all edges among the vertices with disjoint \(L'\)-lists that are not in E(P). Let \(P'=P\). If (C1)–(C6) hold for \((G';P',L')\), then \(G'\) admits an \(L'\)-coloring \(\pi '\). Combining \(\pi \) and \(\pi '\), we get an L-coloring of G, a contradiction.

Since \(v_1,v_3\in L_2\), and \(v_2\in L_{3}\), any chord with \(v_2\) as an end is bad and both ends are \(L_{3}\)-vertices by Claim 6. This consequence gives us the following important observation.

Observation 1

\(N(v_2)=N^*(v_2)\cup \{v_1, v_3\}\) or \(N(v_2)=N^*(v_2)\cup \{v_1, v_3, v_4\}\).

From now on, there are no more claims and the proof of our main theorem is starting.

Case I \(v_2v_4\notin E(G)\).

Then \(N(v_2)=N^*(v_2)\cup \{v_1, v_3\}\) by Observation 1. We select a color \(c\in L(v_2)\setminus (L(v_1)\cup L(v_3))\). Since \(G\in \mathcal{G}\), we know that \(|N^*(v_2)\cap N^*(v_3)|\le 1\). So we have two subcases to consider.

Subcase I \(_1\) There is no vertex \(w\in N^*(v_2)\cap N^*(v_3)\) such that \(c\in L(w)\).

Let \(X=\{v_2\}\). Set \(\pi (v_2)=c\). Observe that only vertices in \(N^*(v_2)\) have changed their color lists to \(L'\) lists, while other vertices in \(V(G')\setminus N^*(v_2)\) have kept their color lists unaltered. Since \(|L'(u)|\ge 2\) for each \(u\in N^*(v_2)\), (C1)–(C4) hold automatically for \((G';P',L')\). If (C6) fails for \((G';P',L')\), then there must exist \(x\in N^*(v_2)\) adjacent to at least two \(P'\)-vertices. This contradicts Claim 10 since \(P'=P\). Now we are going to show that (C5) holds for \((G';P',L')\).

Let \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) denote the set of \(L_2'\)-vertices in \(N^*(v_2)\) and in \(\{v_5, \ldots , v_{m}\}\), respectively. Let \(Y_3=\{v_1, v_3\}\). So \(Y_1\cup Y_2\cup Y_3\) forms the set of \(L'_2\)-vertices in \(V(G')\). The definition of \(G'\) implies that \(E(G'[Y_1])=\emptyset \). Since each vertex in \(Y_2\cup Y_3\) is also an \(L_2\)-vertex in G and (C5) is valid for (GPL), we conclude that \(E(G'[Y_2\cup Y_3])=\emptyset \). So, if (C5) is not true for \((G';P',L')\), then there must exist a vertex \(u\in Y_1\) adjacent to some vertex \(u'\in Y_2\cup Y_3\). By Claim 8, \(u'\notin Y_2\) since \(v_2\) is not the middle P-vertex. Thus, \(u'\in Y_3\), that is, \(u'=v_1\) or \(u'=v_3\). If \(u'=v_3\), then \(u\in N^*(v_2)\cap N^*(v_3)\). This contradicts the assumption on the current subcase.

So now we assume that \(uv_1\in E(G)\), see Fig. 1. Note that \(c\in L(u)\). Without loss of generality, assume that \(L(v_1)=\{a,b\}\), \(L(v_2)=\{c, d_1, d_2\}\), and \(L(u)=\{c, c_1, c_2\}\). By Claim 1, we may assume that \(L(v_t)=\{a\}\). By Claim 11, \(a\notin L(v_2)\), and thus \(b\in L(v_2)\) by Claim 1. Since \(c\notin L(v_1)\), we may assume that \(b=d_1\). Since \(b\ne c\), Claim 1 implies that \(b\notin L(u)\). By the minimality of G, \(G'-uv_1\) admits an L-coloring \(\pi '\) and thus \(G-uv_1\) is L-colorable by combining \(\pi \) and \(\pi '\). Therefore, G is L-colorable after replacing the edge \(uv_1\) back since the color b is not in L(u), a contradiction.

Fig. 1
figure 1

One possible case that \(uv_1\in E(G')\) of Subcase I\(_1\)

Subcase I \(_2\) There exists a vertex \(w\in N^*(v_2)\cap N^*(v_3)\) such that \(c\in L(w)\).

Let \(X=\{v_2, v_3\}\). Set \(\pi (v_2)=c\) and \(\pi (v_3)=d\in L(v_3)\setminus L(v_4)\). Note that \(d\ne c\). Moreover, we claim that \(d\notin L(w)\). Otherwise, we assume that \(L(v_3)=\{d, d_1\}\), \(L(w)=\{c, d, f\}\) and \(L(v_2)=\{c, c_1, c_2\}\). Observe that \(L(v_2)\cap L(w)=\{c\}\) and thus \(d\notin \{c_1, c_2\}\) by Claim 1. It follows that \(d_1\in \{c_1, c_2\}\) by \(c\ne d\). By Claim 11, \(d_1\notin L(v_4)\), hence \(L(v_3)\cap L(v_4)=\emptyset \), contradicting Claim 1.

Since \(v_3\in L_2\), we have \(N(v_3)=N^*(v_3)\cup \{v_2, v_4\}\). Note that only vertices in \(N^*(v_2)\cup N^*(v_3)\) have changed their color lists, whereas other vertices in \(V(G')\setminus (N^*(v_2)\cup N^*(v_3))\) have kept their color lists to \(L'\) lists unchanged. The fact that \(d\notin L(w)\) guarantees that \(|L'(u)|\ge 2\) for each \(u\in N^*(v_2)\cup N^*(v_3)\). So (C1)–(C4) hold for \((G';P',L')\). By Claim 10, it is easy to check that (C6) holds for \((G';P',L')\). Now we are about to verify (C5) for \((G';P',L')\).

Denote by \(Y_1\), \(Y_2\), and \(Y_3\) the sets of \(L_2'\)-vertices in \(N^*(v_2)\), \(N^*(v_3)\), and \(\{v_5, \ldots , v_{m}\}\), respectively. Let \(Y_4=\{v_1\}\). Then \(Y_1\cup Y_2\cup Y_3\cup Y_4\) forms the set of \(L'_2\)-vertices in \(V(G')\). By the definition of \(G'\) and that \(G'\) is in \(\mathcal {G}\), \(E(G'[Y_1\cup Y_2])=\emptyset \). Since each vertex in \(Y_3\cup Y_4\) is also an \(L_2\)-vertex in G and (C5) is true for (GPL), we deduce that \( E(G'[Y_3\cup Y_4])=\emptyset \). Moreover, \(E(G'[Y_2\cup Y_4])=\emptyset \) by the absence of adjacent triangles, and \(E(G'[Y_3\cup Y_i])=\emptyset \) for \(i\in \{1,2\}\) since there does not exist \(u\in Y_3\) adjacent to \(u'\in Y_1\cup Y_2\) by Claim 8. So if (C5) fails for \((G';P',L')\), then \(E(G'[Y_1\cup Y_4])\ne \emptyset \). Similarly, we may let \(L(v_1)=\{a\}\), \(L(v_1)=\{a,b\}\), \(L(v_2)=\{c, d_1, d_2\}\), and \(L(u)=\{c, c_1, c_2\}\). By a similar discussion as the previous Case I\(_1\), we deduce that \(b\notin L(u)\) and thus we may obtain an L-coloring of G after replacing the edge \(uv_1\) back, a contradiction.

Case II \(v_2v_4\in E(G)\).

In this case, \(N(v_2)=N^*(v_2)\cup \{v_1, v_3, v_4\}\). Note that \(v_2v_4\) is a bad chord of F. By Claim 7, \(v_4\in L_{3}\), and hence \(v_5\in L_2\) and \(v_5\ne v_t\). It is easy to see that \(N(v_4)=N^*(v_4)\cup \{v_2, v_3, v_5\}\) or \(N(v_4)=N^*(v_4)\cup \{v_2, v_3, v_5,v_6\}\), as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Two possible cases in Subcase II\(_1\)

Subcase II \(_1\) There is a vertex \(y\in N^*(v_5)\cup \{v_6\}\) such that \(yv_4\in E(G)\).

Since G contains no adjacent triangles, the existence of y is unique. Let \(X=\{v_2, v_3, v_4\}\). Set \(\pi (v_4)=a\in L(v_4)\setminus (L(y)\cup L(v_5))\) and \(\pi (v_2)=b\in L(v_2)\setminus (L(v_1)\cup \{a\})\). If \(L(v_3)\ne \{a,b\}\), we set \(\pi (v_3)=c\in L(v_3)\setminus \{a,b\}\). Otherwise, \(L(v_3)=\{a,b\}\) and thus \(a\notin L(v_2)\). We color \(v_3\) with b and recolor \(v_2\) with a color \(b'\in L(v_2)\setminus (L(v_1)\cup \{b\})\). Thus, \(v_2,v_3,v_4\) can always be precolored with different colors.

It is easy to see that \(y\in L_{3}\) by Claim 7 and (C1), and \(yv_2,yv_3\notin E(G)\) by \(G\in \mathcal{{G}}\). Further, since \(a\notin L(y)\), we have \(y\in L_{3}'\). Since \(N(v_2)=N^*(v_2)\cup \{v_1, v_3, v_4\}\), there is no other chord starting from \(v_2\) except \(v_2v_4\). Hence, (C1)–(C4) all hold for \((G';P',L')\). By Claim 10, one may easily verify that (C6) is true for \((G';P',L')\). It suffices to check that (C5) holds for \((G';P',L')\).

Let \(Y_1,Y_2,\) and \(Y_3\) denote the set of \(L_2'\)-vertices in \(N^*(v_2)\), \(N^*(v_4)\), and \(\{v_7, \ldots , v_{m}\}\), respectively. Let \(Y_4=\{v_1,v_5\}.\) Similar to the discussion for Subcase I\(_2\), we know that \( E(G'[Y_1\cup Y_2])=\emptyset \) and \( E(G'[Y_3\cup Y_4])=\emptyset \). If \(E(G'[Y_2\cup Y_4])\ne \emptyset \), in other words, there exists \(t\in Y_2\) such that \(tv_1\in E(G)\) or \(tv_5\in E(G)\), then since \(t\ne y\), we can find a 3-cycle adjacent to a 4-cycle, a contradiction. Thus, \(E(G'[Y_2\cup Y_4])=\emptyset \). Moreover, by Claim 8, we confirm that there does not exist a vertex \(u\in Y_3\) adjacent to some vertex \(u'\in Y_1\cup Y_2\), and thus \(E(G'[Y_3\cup Y_i])=\emptyset \) for \(i\in \{1,2\}\). So if (C5) fails for \((G';P',L')\), then \(E(G'[Y_1\cup Y_4])\ne \emptyset \). It implies that there exists \(u\in Y_1\) such that \(uv_1\in E(G)\) or \(uv_5\in E(G)\). Obviously, it must be the case that \(uv_1\in E(G)\) since \(G\in \mathcal {G}\). The following discussion is the same as previous Case I\(_1\).

Subcase II \(_2\) No vertex \(y\in N^*(v_5)\cup \{v_6\}\) is adjacent to \(v_4\).

It follows that \(N(v_4)=N^*(v_4)\cup \{v_2, v_3, v_5\}\). Let \(X=\{v_2, v_3, v_4\}\). Define \(\pi (v_4)=a\in L(v_4)\setminus L(v_5)\), \(\pi (v_2)=b\in L(v_2)\setminus (L(v_1)\cup \{a\})\), and \(\pi (v_3)=c\in L(v_3)\setminus \{b\}\) such that \(c\ne a\). Reasoning as for Subcase II\(_1\), one can verify that abc exist. It remains us to check that all (C1)–(C6) hold for \((G';P',L')\). Though its proof is very similar to that of above Case II\(_1\), we like to write, for completeness, its details.

Clearly, (C1)–(C4) all hold for \((G';P',L')\). Again, by Claim 10, we see that (C6) is valid for \((G';P',L')\). We only need to check that (C5) holds for \((G';P',L')\).

Let \(Y_1, Y_2,\) and \(Y_3\) denote the set of \(L_2'\)-vertices in \(N^*(v_2)\), \(N^*(v_4)\), and \(\{v_7, \ldots , v_{m}\}\), respectively. Let \(Y_4=\{v_1,v_5\}.\) Similarly, we know that \( E(G'[Y_1\cup Y_2])=\emptyset \) and \( E(G'[Y_3\cup Y_4])=\emptyset \). If \(E(G'[Y_2\cup Y_4])\ne \emptyset \), then there exists \(t\in Y_2\) such that \(tv_1\in E(G)\) or \(tv_5\in E(G)\). By the assumption on the current subcase, \(tv_5\notin E(G)\) and so \(tv_1\in E(G)\). However, we can find a 3-cycle \(v_2v_3v_4v_2\) adjacent to a 4-cycle \(v_1v_2v_4tv_1\), a contradiction. Thus, \(E(G'[Y_2\cup Y_4])=\emptyset \). Moreover, by Claim 8, we confirm that there does not exist a vertex \(u\in Y_3\) adjacent to some vertex \(u'\in Y_1\cup Y_2\), and thus \(E(G'[Y_3\cup Y_i])=\emptyset \) for \(i\in \{1,2\}\). So if (C5) fails for \((G';P',L')\), then \(E(G'[Y_1\cup Y_4])\ne \emptyset \). It follows that there is \(u\in Y_1\) such that \(uv_1\in E(G)\) or \(uv_5\in E(G)\). If \(uv_5\in E(G)\), then a 3-cycle \(v_2v_3v_4v_2\) is adjacent to a 4-cycle \(v_2v_4v_5uv_2\), a contradiction. So \(uv_1\in E(G)\). By applying a similar argument as Case I\(_1\), we may obtain an L-coloring of G. \(\square \)

In Fig. 3, let thick edges denote the selected subpath P. Clearly, all conditions (C1)–(C6) are satisfied for each of these three configurations with respect to the given \((*, 1)\)-list assignment L. However, none of them are L-colorable. These examples show that Theorem 2 is best possible in the sense that none of the forbidden configurations (A1), (A2), and (A3), stated in Sect. 2, can be allowed.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Three structures with given \((*,1)\)-list assignment