1 Introduction

Let \(G = (V,E)\) be a graph. By the neighborhood of a vertex v of G, we mean the set \(N_G(v) = \{u \in V(G) :uv \in E(G)\}\). The degree of a vertex v, denoted by \(d_G(v)\), is the cardinality of its neighborhood. Let \(\delta (G)\) mean the minimum degree among all vertices of G. By a leaf we mean a vertex of degree one, while a support vertex is a vertex adjacent to a leaf. We say that a support vertex is strong (weak, respectively) if it is adjacent to at least two leaves (exactly one leaf, respectively). The distance between two vertices of a graph is the number of edges in a shortest path connecting them. The eccentricity of a vertex is the greatest distance between it and any other vertex. The diameter of a graph G, denoted by \({\mathrm{diam}}(G)\), is the maximum eccentricity among all vertices of G. We denote the path (cycle, respectively) on n vertices by \(P_n\) (\(C_n\), respectively). A wheel \(W_n\), where \(n \ge 4\), is a graph with n vertices, formed by connecting a vertex to all vertices of a cycle \(C_{n-1}\). Let T be a tree, and let v be a vertex of T. We say that v is adjacent to a path \(P_n\) if there is a neighbor of v, say x, of degree two such that the tree resulting from T by removing the edge vx, and which contains the vertex x, is a path \(P_n\). Let \(K_{p,q}\) denote a complete bipartite graph the partite sets of which have cardinalities p and q. By a star we mean a connected graph in which exactly one vertex has degree greater than one.

A subset \(D \subseteq V(G)\) is a dominating set, abbreviated DS, of G if every vertex of \(V(G){\setminus }D\) has a neighbor in D. The domination number of a graph G, denoted by \(\gamma (G)\), is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of G. For a comprehensive survey of domination in graphs, see for example [5].

The bondage number b(G) of a graph G is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges \(E' \subseteq E\) such that \(\gamma (G-E') > \gamma (G)\). The concept of bondage in graphs was introduced in [2] and further studied for example in [1, 3, 4, 69].

We define the non-isolating bondage number of a graph G, denoted by \(b'(G)\), to be the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges \(E' \subseteq E\) such that \(\delta (G-E')\) \(\ge 1\) and \(\gamma (G-E') > \gamma (G)\). Thus \(b'(G)\) is the minimum number of edges of G that have to be removed in order to obtain a graph with no isolated vertices, and with the domination number greater than that of G. If for every \(E' \subseteq E\) we have \(\gamma (G-E') = \gamma (G)\) or \(\delta (G-E') = 0\), then we define \(b'(G) = 0\), and we say that G is a \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable graph.

First we discuss various properties of non-isolating bondage in graphs. We find the non-isolating bondage numbers for several classes of graphs. Next we show that for every non-negative integer, there exists a tree having such non-isolating bondage number. Finally, we characterize all \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable trees.

2 Results

We begin with the following well known observations.

For every graph G of diameter at least two there exists a \(\gamma (G)\)-set that contains all support vertices.

If H is a subgraph of G such that \(V(H) = V(G)\), then \(\gamma (H) \ge \gamma (G)\).

If n is a positive integer, then \(\gamma (P_n) = \lfloor (n+2)/3 \rfloor \).

For every integer \(n \ge 3\) we have \(\gamma (C_n) = \lfloor (n+2)/3 \rfloor \).

Observation 1

If n is a positive integer, then \(\gamma (K_n) = 1\).

Observation 2

For every integer \(n \ge 4\) we have \(\gamma (W_n) = 1\).

Observation 3

Let p and q be positive integers such that \(p \le q\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma (K_{p,q}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &{}\quad {\mathrm{if} }\, p = 1; \\ 2 &{}\quad {\mathrm{otherwise}.} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

First we calculate the non-isolating bondage numbers of paths.

Lemma 4

For any positive integer n we have

$$\begin{aligned} b'(P_n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 &{} \quad {{\mathrm{if}}}\, n = 1,2,3,4,5,7; \\ 1 &{} \quad {{\mathrm{if}}}\, n \ge 6 \;\,{ {\mathrm{and}} }\;\, n \ne 3k+1; \\ 2 &{} \quad {{\mathrm{if}}}\, n \ge 10\;\, {{\mathrm{and}} }\;\, n = 3k+1. \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$


Let us observe that if a path has at most five or exactly seven vertices, then removing any edges does not increase the domination number, or gives an isolated vertex. Assume that \(n = 6\) or \(n \ge 8\). First assume that \(n = 3k\). We have \(\gamma (P_n) = \lfloor (n+2)/3 \rfloor = \lfloor (3k+2)/3 \rfloor = k\). We also have \(\gamma (P_{n-2})+\gamma (P_2)\) \(= \lfloor n/3 \rfloor +1 = k+1 > \gamma (P_n)\). Thus \(b'(P_n) = 1\) if \(n = 3k\) and \(n \ge 6\). Now assume that \(n = 3k+2\). We have \(\gamma (P_n) = \lfloor (n+2)/3 \rfloor = \lfloor (3k+4)/3 \rfloor = k+1\). We also have \(\gamma (P_{n-4})+\gamma (P_4) = \lfloor n/3 \rfloor +2 = k+2 > \gamma (P_n)\). Thus \(b'(P_n) = 1\) if \(n = 3k+2\) and \(n \ge 8\). Now assume that \(n = 3k+1\). We have \(\gamma (P_n) = \lfloor (n+2)/3 \rfloor \) \(= \lfloor (3k+3)/3 \rfloor = k+1\). Let us observe that removing any edge does not increase the domination number. We have \(\gamma (P_{n-6})+\gamma (P_4)+\gamma (P_2) = \lfloor (n-4)/3 \rfloor +3\) \(= \lfloor (3k-3)/3 \rfloor +3 = k+2 > \gamma (P_n)\). Therefore \(b'(P_n) = 2\) if \(n = 3k+1\) and \(n \ge 10\). \(\square \)

We now investigate the non-isolating bondage in cycles.

Lemma 5

For every integer \(n \ge 3\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} b'(C_n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 &{}\quad {\mathrm{if} }\, b'(P_n) = 0; \\ b'(P_n)+1 &{}\quad {\mathrm{if} }\, b'(P_n) \ne 0. \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$


We have \(\gamma (P_n) = \gamma (C_n)\). Clearly, \(C_n-e = P_n\). This implies that \(b'(C_n) = 0\) if \(b'(P_n) = 0\), while \(b'(C_n) = b'(P_n)+1\) if \(b'(P_n) \ne 0\). \(\square \)

We now find the non-isolating bondage numbers of complete graphs.

Proposition 6

If n is a positive integer, then

$$\begin{aligned} b'(K_n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 &{}\quad {\mathrm{for} }\, n = 1,2,3; \\ \lfloor (n+1)/2 \rfloor &{}\quad {\mathrm{for} }\, n \ge 4. \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$


Obviously, \(b'(K_1) = 0\) and \(b'(K_2) = 0\). We have \(K_3-e = C_3\) and \(b'(C_3) = 0\). This implies that \(b'(K_3) = 0\). Now assume that \(n \ge 4\). By Observation 1 we have \(\gamma (K_n) = 1\). Let us observe that the domination number of a graph equals one if and only if the graph has a universal vertex. Given a complete graph, we increase the domination number if and only if for every vertex we remove at least one incident edge. If n is even, then we remove \(n/2 = \lfloor (n+1)/2 \rfloor \) edges. If n is odd, then we remove \((n-1)/2+1 = (n+1)/2 = \lfloor (n+1)/2 \rfloor \) edges. \(\square \)

We now calculate the non-isolating bondage numbers of wheels.

Proposition 7

For integers \(n \ge 4\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} b'(W_n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 2 &{} \quad {\mathrm{if} }\, n = 4; \\ 1 &{} \quad {\mathrm{if} }\, n \ge 5. \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$


Since \(W_4 = K_4\), using Proposition 6 we get \(b'(W_4) = b'(K_4) = \lfloor 5/2 \rfloor = 2\). Now assume that \(n \ge 5\). By Observation 2 we have \(\gamma (W_n) = 1\). The domination number of a graph equals one if and only if it has a universal vertex. Removing an edge of \(W_n\) incident to the vertex of maximum degree gives a graph without universal vertices. Therefore \(b'(W_n) = 1\) for \(n \ge 5\). \(\square \)

We now investigate the non-isolating bondage in complete bipartite graphs.

Proposition 8

Let p and q be positive integers such that \(p \le q\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} b'(K_{p,q}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 &{}\quad {\mathrm{if} }\, p = 1,2; \\ 4 &{}\quad {\mathrm{if} }\, p = 3; \\ p &{}\quad {\mathrm{otherwise}.} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$


Let \(E(K_{p,q}) = \{a_ib_j :1 \le i \le p \ {\mathrm{and} } \ 1 \le j \le q\}\). If \(p = 1\), then obviously \(b'(K_{p,q}) = 0\) as removing any edge produces an isolated vertex. Now assume that \(p \ge 2\). By Observation 3 we have \(\gamma (K_{p,q}) = 2\). Let \(E'\) be a subset of the set of edges of \(K_{2,q}\) such that \(\delta (K_{2,q}-E') \ge 1\). Each vertex \(b_i\) is adjacent to \(a_1\) or \(a_2\) in the graph \(K_{2,q}-E'\). Observe that the vertices \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) form a dominating set of \(K_{2,q}-E'\). Therefore \(b'(K_{2,q}) = 0\). Now assume that \(p = 3\). It is not very difficult to verify that removing any three edges does not increase the domination number while not producing an isolated vertex. We have \(\gamma (K_{3,q}-a_1b_2-a_1b_3\) \(-a_2b_1-a_3b_1) = 3 > 2 = \gamma (K_{3,q})\). Therefore \(b'(K_{3,q}) = 4\). Now assume that \(p \ge 4\). If we remove at most \(p-1\) edges, then there are vertices \(a_i\) and \(b_j\) which have degrees q and p, respectively. It is easy to observe that the vertices \(a_i\) and \(b_j\) still form a dominating set. Let us observe that \(\gamma (K_{p,q}-a_1b_1-a_2b_1-a_3b_2\) \(-a_4b_2-a_5b_2-\cdots -a_pb_2) = 3 > 2 = \gamma (K_{p,q})\). Therefore \(b'(K_{p,q}) = p\) if \(p \ge 4\). \(\square \)

The authors of [2] proved that the bondage number of any tree is either one or two.

Theorem 9

([2]) For every tree T we have \(b(T) \in \{1,2\}\).

Let us observe that for every non-negative integer there exists a tree with such non-isolating bondage number. We have \(b'(P_4) = 0\). For positive integers k, consider trees \(T_k\) of the form presented in Fig. 1. It is not difficult to verify that \(b'(T_k) = k\).

Fig. 1
figure 1

A tree \(T_k\) having \(4k+2\) vertices, where both central vertices are of degree \(k+1\)

Hartnell and Rall [3] characterized all trees with bondage number equal to two. We characterize all trees with the non-isolating bondage number equal to zero, that is, all \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable trees.

We now show that joining two \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable trees gives us also a \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable tree.

Lemma 10

Let \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) be vertex-disjoint \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable trees. Let x be a support vertex of \(T_1\) and let y be a leaf of \(T_2\). Let T be a tree obtained by joining the vertices x and y. If \(\gamma (T) = \gamma (T_1)+\gamma (T_2)\), then the tree T is also \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable.


Let \(E_1\) be a subset of the set of edges of T such that \(\delta (T-E_1) \ge 1\). If \(xy \in E_1\), then we get \(\gamma (T-E_1) = \gamma (T_1-E_1 \cap E(T_1))+\gamma (T_2-E_1 \cap E(T_2)) = \gamma (T_1)+\gamma (T_2) = \gamma (T)\). Now assume that \(xy \notin E_1\). Let z be the neighbor of y other than x. If \(yz \notin E_1\), then let \(E_2 = E_1 \cup \{xy\}\). Similarly as earlier we get \(\gamma (T-E_2) = \gamma (T)\). We have \(\gamma (T-E_1) \le \gamma (T-E_2)\), and consequently, \(\gamma (T-E_1) = \gamma (T)\). Now assume that \(yz \in E_1\). Let \(E_3 = E_1 \cup \{xy\}{\setminus }\{yz\}\). Similarly as earlier we get \(\gamma (T-E_3) = \gamma (T)\). Let \(D_2\) be a \(\gamma (T-E_3)\)-set that contains the vertices x and z. It is easy to observe that \(D_2\) is also a DS of the graph \(T-E_1\). Therefore \(\gamma (T-E_1) \le \gamma (T-E_3)\). This implies that \(\gamma (T-E_1) = \gamma (T)\). We now conclude that \(b'(T) = 0\). \(\square \)

We next show that a subtree of a \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable tree is also \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable.

Lemma 11

Let T be a \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable tree. Assume that \(T'\) is a subtree of T such that \(T-T'\) has no isolated vertices. Then \(b'(T') = 0\).


If \(T'\) consists of a single vertex, then obviously \(b'(T') = 0\). Thus assume that \(T' \ne K_1\). Let \(E_1\) be the minimum subset of E(T) such that \(T'\) is a component of \(T-E_1\). Now let \(E'\) be a subset of \(E(T')\) such that \(\delta (T'-E') \ge 1\). Notice that \(\delta (T-E_1-E') \ge 1\). The assumption \(b'(T) = 0\) implies that \(\gamma (T-E_1) = \gamma (T)\) and \(\gamma (T-E_1-E') = \gamma (T)\). We have \(T-E_1-E' = T'-E' \cup (T-T')\) and \(T-E_1 = T' \cup (T-T')\). We now get \(\gamma (T'-E') = \gamma (T-E_1-E')-\gamma (T-T')\) \(= \gamma (T)-\gamma (T-E_1)+\gamma (T') = \gamma (T')\). This implies that \(b'(T') = 0\). \(\square \)

For the purpose of characterizing all \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable trees, we introduce a family \(\mathcal {T}\) of trees \(T = T_k\) that can be obtained as follows. Let \(T_1 \in \{P_1,P_2\}\). If k is a positive integer, then \(T_{k+1}\) can be obtained recursively from \(T_k\) by one of the following operations.

  • Operation \(\mathcal {O}_1\): Attach a vertex by joining it to any support vertex of \(T_k\).

  • Operation \(\mathcal {O}_2\): Attach a path \(P_2\) by joining one of its vertices to a vertex of \(T_k\), which is adjacent to a path \(P_1\) or \(P_4\), or is not a leaf and is adjacent to a support vertex.

  • Operation \(\mathcal {O}_3\): Attach a path \(P_3\) by joining one of its leaves to a vertex of \(T_k\) adjacent to a path \(P_1\) or \(P_3\).

  • Operation \(\mathcal {O}_4\): Attach a path \(P_5\) by joining one of its leaves to any support vertex of \(T_k\).

We now prove that every tree of the family \(\mathcal {T}\) is \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable.

Lemma 12

If \(T \in \mathcal {T}\), then \(b'(T) = 0\).


We use induction on the number k of operations performed to construct the tree T. If \(T = P_1\), then obviously \(b'(T) = 0\). If \(T = P_2\), then \(b'(T) = 0\) as removing the edge gives isolated vertices. Let k be a positive integer. Assume that the result is true for every tree \(T' = T_k\) of the family \(\mathcal {T}\) constructed by \(k-1\) operations. Let \(T = T_{k+1}\) be a tree of the family \(\mathcal {T}\) constructed by k operations.

First assume that T is obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_1\). Let x be the attached vertex, and let y be its neighbor. Let z be a leaf adjacent to y and different from x. Let D be a \(\gamma (T)\)-set that contains all support vertices. The set D is minimal, thus \(x \notin D\). Obviously, D is a DS of the tree \(T'\). Therefore \(\gamma (T')\) \(\le \gamma (T)\). Now let \(E'\) be a subset of the set of edges of T such that \(\delta (T-E') \ge 1\). Since both x and z are leaves of T, we have \(xy \notin E'\) and \(yz \notin E'\). The assumption \(b'(T') = 0\) implies that \(\gamma (T'-E') = \gamma (T')\). Let us observe that there exists a \(\gamma (T'-E')\)-set that contains the vertex y. Let \(D'\) be such a set. It is easy to see that \(D'\) is a DS of the graph \(T-E'\). Thus \(\gamma (T-E') \le \gamma (T'-E')\). We now get \(\gamma (T-E') \le \gamma (T'-E') = \gamma (T') \le \gamma (T)\). On the other hand, we have \(\gamma (T-E') \ge \gamma (T)\). This implies that \(\gamma (T-E') = \gamma (T)\), and consequently, \(b'(T) = 0\).

Now assume that T is obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_2\). The vertex to which is attached \(P_2\) we denote by x. Let \(v_1v_2\) be the attached path. Let \(v_1\) be joined to x. If x is adjacent to a leaf or a support vertex, say a, then let D be a \(\gamma (T)\)-set that contains all support vertices. We have \(v_2 \notin D\) as the set D is minimal. It is easy to observe that \(D{\setminus }\{v_1\}\) is a DS of the tree \(T'\). If x is adjacent to a path \(P_4\), then we denote it by abcd. Let a and x be adjacent. Let us observe that there exists a \(\gamma (T)\)-set that contains the vertices \(v_1\), c, and x. Let D be such a set. It is easy to observe that \(D{\setminus }\{v_1\}\) is a DS of the tree \(T'\). We conclude that \(\gamma (T') \le \gamma (T)-1\). Now let \(E'\) be a subset of the set of edges of T such that \(\delta (T-E') \ge 1\). Since \(v_2\) is a leaf of T, we have \(v_1v_2 \notin E'\). If \(xv_1 \in E'\), then \(\delta (T'-(E' \cap E(T'))) \ge 1\). We get \(\gamma (T-E') = \gamma (P_2 \cup T'-(E'{\setminus }\{xv_1\}))\) \(= \gamma (T'-(E' \cap E(T')))+\gamma (P_2) = \gamma (T')+1 \le \gamma (T)\). Now assume that \(xv_1 \notin E'\). By \(T_x\) (\(T_x'\), respectively), we denote the component of \(T-E'\) (\(T'-E'\), respectively) which contains the vertex x. If \(\delta (T'-(E' \cap E(T'))) \ge 1\), then let \(D_x'\) be any \(\gamma (T_x')\)-set. It is easy to see that \(D_x' \cup \{v_1\}\) is a DS of the tree \(T_x\). Thus \(\gamma (T_x) \le \gamma (T_x')+1\). We now get \(\gamma (T-E') = \gamma (T-E'-T_x)+\gamma (T_x) \le \gamma (T-E'-T_x)+\gamma (T_x')+1\) \(= \gamma (T'-E'-T_x')+\gamma (T_x')+1 = \gamma (T'-E')+1 = \gamma (T')+1 \le \gamma (T)\). Now assume that \(\delta (T'-(E' \cap E(T'))) = 0\). This implies that x is the only isolated vertex of \(T'-(E' \cap E(T'))\), and so x is not adjacent to any leaf in the trees \(T'\) and T. Consequently, \(T_x'\) consists only of the vertex x, and \(T_x\) is a path \(P_3\). Let us observe that \(\delta (T'-(E'{\setminus }\{xa\})) \ge 1\). Let \(T_a'\) be the component of \(T'-E'\), which contains the vertex a. Now let \(T_a''\) be a tree obtained from \(T_a'\) by attaching a vertex to the vertex a. We now get \(\gamma (T-E') = \gamma (T-E'-T_x)+\gamma (P_3) = \gamma (T'-E'-T_x')+1\) \(= \gamma (T'-E'-T_x'-T_a')+\gamma (T_a')+1 \le \gamma (T'-E'-T_x'-T_a')+\gamma (T_a'')+1 = \gamma ((T'-E'\) \(-T_x'-T_a') \cup T_a'')+1 = \gamma (T'-(E'{\setminus }\{xa\}))+1 = \gamma (T'-E')+1 = \gamma (T')+1 \le \gamma (T)\). We conclude that \(\gamma (T-E') = \gamma (T)\), and consequently, \(b'(T) = 0\).

Now assume that T is obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_3\). The vertex to which is attached \(P_3\) we denote by x. If x is a support vertex, then using Lemma 10, for \(T_1 = T'\) and \(T_2 = P_3\), we get \(b'(T) = 0\). Now assume that x is adjacent to a path \(P_3\), say abc. Let a and x be adjacent. The attached path we denote by \(v_1v_2v_3\). Let \(v_1\) be joined to x. Let us observe that there exists a \(\gamma (T)\)-set that contains all support vertices and does not contain the vertex \(v_1\). Let D be such a set. We have \(v_3 \notin D\) as the set D is minimal. Observe that \(D{\setminus }\{v_2\}\) is a DS of the tree \(T'\). Therefore \(\gamma (T') \le \gamma (T)-1\). Now let \(E'\) be a subset of the set of edges of T such that \(\delta (T-E') \ge 1\). We have \(v_2v_3\) \(\notin E'\) as the vertex \(v_3\) is a leaf. If \(xv_1 \in E'\), then \(v_1v_2 \notin E'\); otherwise we get an isolated vertex. Let us observe that \(\delta (T'-(E' \cap E(T'))) \ge 1\). We get \(\gamma (T-E')\) \(=~\gamma (P_3 \cup T-(E'{\setminus }\{xv_1\})) = \gamma (T'-(E' \cap E(T')))+\gamma (P_3) = \gamma (T')+1 \le \gamma (T)\). Now assume that \(xv_1 \notin E'\). Because of the similarity between the paths abc and \(v_1v_2v_3\) adjacent to the vertex x, it suffices to consider only the possibility when \(xa \notin E'\). Let us observe that \(\delta (T'-(E' \cap E(T'))) \ge 1\). By \(T_x\) (\(T_x'\), respectively), we denote the component of \(T-E'\) (\(T'-(E' \cap E(T'))\), respectively) which contains the vertex x. If \(v_1v_2 \notin E'\), then let \(D_x'\) be any \(\gamma (T_x')\)-set. It is easy to see that \(D_x' \cup \{v_2\}\) is a DS of the tree \(T_x\). Thus \(\gamma (T_x) \le \gamma (T_x')+1\). We now get \(\gamma (T-E') = \gamma (T-E'-T_x)+\gamma (T_x) \le \gamma (T-E'-T_x)+\gamma (T_x')+1\) \(= \gamma (T'-E'-T_x')+\gamma (T_x')+1 = \gamma (T'-E')+1 = \gamma (T')+1 \le \gamma (T)\). Now assume that \(v_1v_2 \in E'\). Because of the similarity between the paths abc and \(v_1v_2v_3\), it suffices to consider only the possibility when \(ab \in E'\). Let \(D_x'\) be a \(\gamma (T_x')\)-set that contains all support vertices (so \(x \in D_x'\)). It is easy to see that \(D_x'\) is a DS of the tree \(T_x\). Thus \(\gamma (T_x) \le \gamma (T_x')\). We get \(\gamma (T-E') = \gamma (T-E'-T_x)+\gamma (T_x)\) \(\le \gamma (T-E'-T_x)+\gamma (T_x') = \gamma (T'-E'-T_x')+\gamma (T_x') = \gamma (T'-E') = \gamma (T') \le \gamma (T)\). We now conclude that \(\gamma (T-E') = \gamma (T)\), and consequently, \(b'(T) = 0\).

Now assume that T is obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_4\). By Lemma 4 we have \(b'(P_5) = 0\). Using Lemma 10, for \(T_1 = T'\) and \(T_2 = P_5\), we get \(b'(T) = 0\). \(\square \)

We now prove that if a tree is \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable, then it belongs to the family \(\mathcal {T}\).

Lemma 13

Let T be a tree. If \(b'(T) = 0\), then \(T \in \mathcal {T}\).


If \({\mathrm{diam}}(T) \in \{0,1\}\), then \(T \in \{P_1,P_2\} \subseteq \mathcal {T}\). If \({\mathrm{diam}}(T) = 2\), then T is a star. The tree T can be obtained from \(P_2\) by an appropriate number of Operations \(\mathcal {O}_1\). Thus \(T \in \mathcal {T}\). Now assume that \({\mathrm{diam}}(T) \ge 3\). Thus the order n of the tree T is at least four. We obtain the result by the induction on the number n. Assume that the lemma is true for every tree \(T'\) of order \(n' < n\).

First assume that some support vertex of T, say x, is strong. Let y be a leaf adjacent to x. Let \(T' = T-y\). Let \(D'\) be a \(\gamma (T')\)-set that contains all support vertices. It is easy to see that \(D'\) is a DS of the tree T. Thus \(\gamma (T) \le \gamma (T')\). Now let \(E'\) be a subset of the set of edges of \(T'\) such that \(\delta (T'-E') \ge 1\). Since \(b'(T) = 0\), we have \(\gamma (T-E') = \gamma (T)\). Let us observe that there exists a \(\gamma (T-E')\)-set that contains the vertex x. Let D be such a set. The set D is minimal, thus \(y \notin D\). Obviously, D is a DS of the graph \(T'-E'\). Therefore \(\gamma (T'-E') \le \gamma (T-E')\). We now get \(\gamma (T'-E') \le \gamma (T-E') = \gamma (T) \le \gamma (T')\). On the other hand, we have \(\gamma (T'-E') \ge \gamma (T')\). This implies that \(\gamma (T'-E') = \gamma (T')\), and consequently, \(b'(T') = 0\). By the inductive hypothesis, we have \(T' \in \mathcal {T}\). The tree T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_1\). Thus \(T \in \mathcal {T}\). Henceforth, we assume that every support vertex of T is weak.

We now root T at a vertex r of maximum eccentricity \({\mathrm{diam}}(T)\). Let t be a leaf at maximum distance from r, v be the parent of t, and u be the parent of v in the rooted tree. If \({\mathrm{diam}}(T) \ge 4\), then let w be the parent of u. If \({\mathrm{diam}}(T) \ge 5\), then let d be the parent of w. If \({\mathrm{diam}}(T) \ge 6\), then let e be the parent of d. By \(T_x\) we denote the subtree induced by a vertex x and its descendants in the rooted tree T.

Assume that \(d_T(u) \ge 3\). Thus some child of u is a leaf or a support vertex other than v. Let \(T' = T-T_v\). By Lemma 11 we have \(b'(T') = 0\). By the inductive hypothesis, we have \(T' \in \mathcal {T}\). The tree T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_2\). Thus \(T \in \mathcal {T}\).

Now assume that \(d_T(u) = 2\). Assume that \(d_T(w) \ge 3\). First assume that there is a child of w other than u, say k, such that the distance of w to the most distant vertex of \(T_k\) is three. It suffices to consider only the possibility when \(T_k\) is a path \(P_3\), say klm. Let \(T' = T-T_u\). By Lemma 11 we have \(b'(T') = 0\). By the inductive hypothesis, we have \(T' \in \mathcal {T}\). The tree T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_3\). Thus \(T \in \mathcal {T}\).

Now assume that some child of w is a leaf. Let \(T' = T-T_u\). By Lemma 11 we have \(b'(T') = 0\). By the inductive hypothesis, we have \(T' \in \mathcal {T}\). The tree T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_3\). Thus \(T \in \mathcal {T}\).

Thus there is a child of w, say k, such that the distance of w to the most distant vertex of \(T_k\) is two. Consequently, k is a support vertex of degree two. Due to the earlier analysis of the children of the vertex u, it suffices to consider only the possibility when \(d_T(w) = 3\). Let \(T' = T-T_w\). It is easy to observe that \(D' \cup \{v,k\}\) is a DS of the tree T. Thus \(\gamma (T) \le \gamma (T')+2\). We have \(\delta (T-dw-uv-wk) \ge 1\). We now get \(\gamma (T-dw-uv-wk) = \gamma (T' \cup P_2 \cup P_2 \cup P_2) = \gamma (T')+3\gamma (P_2)\) \(= \gamma (T')+3 \ge \gamma (T)+1 > \gamma (T)\). This implies that \(b'(T) \ne 0\), a contradiction.

If \(d_T(w) = 1\), then \(T = P_4\). Let \(T' = P_2 \in \mathcal {T}\). The tree T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_2\). Thus \(T \in \mathcal {T}\). Now assume that \(d_T(w) = 2\). First assume that there is a child of d other than w, say k, such that the distance of d to the most distant vertex of \(T_k\) is four or one. It suffices to consider only the possibilities when \(T_k\) is a path \(P_4\), or k is a leaf. Let \(T' = T-T_w\). Let us observe that there exists a \(\gamma (T')\)-set that contains the vertex d. Let \(D'\) be such a set. It is easy to observe that \(D' \cup \{v\}\) is a DS of the tree T. Thus \(\gamma (T) \le \gamma (T')+1\). We have \(\delta (T-dw-uv) \ge 1\). We now get \(\gamma (T-dw-uv) = \gamma (T' \cup P_2 \cup P_2)\) \(= \gamma (T')+2\gamma (P_2) = \gamma (T')+2 \ge \gamma (T)+1 > \gamma (T)\). This implies that \(b'(T) \ne 0\), a contradiction.

Now assume that there is a child of d, say k, such that the distance of d to the most distant vertex of \(T_k\) is three. It suffices to consider only the possibility when \(T_k\) is a path \(P_3\), say klm. Let \(T' = T-T_l\). Due to the similarity of \(T'\) to the tree T from the previous case when d is adjacent to a leaf, we conclude that \(b'(T') \ne 0\). On the other hand, by Lemma 11 we have \(b'(T') = 0\), a contradiction.

Now assume that there is a child of d, say k, such that the distance of d to the most distant vertex of \(T_k\) is two. Thus k is a support vertex of degree two. Let \(T' = T-T_k\). By Lemma 11 we have \(b'(T') = 0\). By the inductive hypothesis, we have \(T' \in \mathcal {T}\). The tree T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_2\). Thus \(T \in \mathcal {T}\).

If \(d_T(d) = 1\), then \(T = P_5\). Let \(T' = P_2 \in \mathcal {T}\). The tree T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_3\). Thus \(T \in \mathcal {T}\).

Now assume that \(d_T(d) = 2\). First assume that e is adjacent to a leaf, say k. Let \(T' = T-T_d\). By Lemma 11 we have \(b'(T') = 0\). By the inductive hypothesis, we have \(T' \in \mathcal {T}\). The tree T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \(\mathcal {O}_4\). Thus \(T \in \mathcal {T}\).

Now assume that e is not adjacent to any leaf. Let \(E'\) be the set of edges incident with e excluding ed. Let \(G' = T-T_d-e\). Let \(D'\) be any \(\gamma (G')\)-set. It is easy to observe that \(D' \cup \{d,v\}\) is a DS of the tree T. Thus \(\gamma (T)\, \le \gamma (G')+2\). We have \(\delta (T-(E' \cup \{dw,uv\})) \ge 1\). We now get \(\gamma (T-(E' \cup \{dw,uv\})) = \gamma (G'\) \(\cup P_2 \cup P_2 \cup P_2) = \gamma (G')+3\gamma (P_2) = \gamma (G')+3 \ge \gamma (T)+1 > \gamma (T)\). This implies that \(b'(T) \ne 0\), a contradiction. \(\square \)

As an immediate consequence of Lemmas 12 and 13, we have the following characterization of all \(\gamma \)-non-isolatingly strongly stable trees.

Theorem 14

Let T be a tree. Then \(b'(T) = 0\) if and only if \(T \in \mathcal {T}\).