1 Introduction

Let G be a simple graph with vertex set \(V=V(G)\) and edge set \(E=E(G)\). For every vertex \(v\in V\), the open neighborhood N(v) is the set \(\{u\in V\mid uv\in E\}\) and the closed neighborhood of v is the set \(N[v] = N(v) \cup \{v\}\). The degree of a vertex \(v\in V\) is \(\deg _G(v)=\deg (v)=|N(v)|\). If \(A\subseteq V(G)\), then G[A] is the subgraph induced by A. A vertex of degree one is called a leaf, and its neighbor is called a support vertex. If v is a support vertex, then \(L_v\) will denote the set of all leaves adjacent to v. A support vertex v is called strong support vertex if \(|L_v|>1\). For \(r,s\ge 1\), a double star S(rs) is a tree with exactly two vertices that are not leaves, with one adjacent to r leaves and the other to s leaves. For a vertex v in a rooted tree T, let C(v) denote the set of children of v, D(v) denote the set of descendants of v and \(D[v]=D(v)\cup \{v\}\), and the depth of v, \(\mathrm{depth}(v)\), is the largest distance from v to a vertex in D(v). The maximal subtree at v is the subtree of T induced by \(D(v) \cup \{v\}\) and is denoted by \(T_v\). For terminology and notation on graph theory not given here, the reader is referred to [11, 13].

For a positive integer k, a k-rainbow dominating function (kRDF) of a graph G is a function f from the vertex set V(G) to the set of all subsets of the set \(\{1,2,\ldots ,k\}\) such that for any vertex \(v\in V(G)\) with \(f(v)=\emptyset \) the condition \(\bigcup _{u\in N(v)}f(u)=\{1,2,\ldots ,k\}\) is fulfilled. The weight of a kRDF f is the value \(\omega (f)=\sum _{v\in V}|f (v)|\). The k-rainbow domination number of a graph G, denoted by \(\gamma _{rk}(G)\), is the minimum weight of a kRDF of G. A \(\gamma _{rk}(G)\)-function is a k-rainbow dominating function of G with weight \(\gamma _{rk}(G)\). Note that \(\gamma _{r1}(G)\) is the classical domination number \(\gamma (G)\). The k-rainbow domination number was introduced by Bre\(\check{\mathrm{s}}\)ar, Henning and Rall [3] and has been studied by several authors (see, e.g., [47, 12]). To study other domination parameters, we refer the readers to [1, 2, 14, 15].

A k-rainbow dominating function f is called an independent k-rainbow dominating function (abbreviated IkRDF) on G if the set \(V(G)-\{v\in V\mid f(v)=\emptyset \}\) is independent. The independent k-rainbow domination number, denoted by \(i_{rk}(G)\), is the minimum weight of an IkRDF on G. An independent k-rainbow dominating function f is called an \(i_{rk}(G)\)-function if \(\omega (f)=i_{rk}(G)\). Since each independent k-rainbow dominating function is a k-rainbow dominating function, we have \(\gamma _{rk}(G)\le i_{rk}(G)\).

Clearly if \(\gamma _{rk}(G)= i_{rk}(G)\), then every \(i_{rk}(G)\)-function is also a \(\gamma _{rk}(G)\)-function. However, not every \(\gamma _{rk}(G)\)-function is an \(i_{rk}(G)\)-function, even when \(\gamma _{rk}(G)= i_{rk}(G)\). For example, the double star \(S(k,k+1)\) has two \(\gamma _{rk}(S(k,k+1))\)-function, but only one of them is an \(i_{rk}(S(k,k+1))\)-function. We say that \(\gamma _{rk}(G)\) and \(i_{rk}(G)\) are strongly equal and denote by \(\gamma _{rk}(G)\equiv i_{rk}(G)\), if every \(\gamma _{rk}(G)\)-function is an \(i_{rk}(G)\)- function.

Haynes and Slater in [10] were the first to introduce strong equality between two parameters. Also in [8, 9], Haynes, Henning and Slater gave constructive characterizations of trees with strong equality between some domination parameters.

Our purpose in this paper is to present a constructive characterizations of trees T with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\).

We make use of the following result in this paper.

Proposition A

[5] Let G be a connected graph. If there is a path \(v_3v_2v_1\) in G with \(\deg (v_2)=2\) and \(\deg (v_1)=1\), then G has a \(\gamma _{r2}(G)\)-function f such that \(f(v_1)=\{1\}\) and \(2\in f(v_3)\).

Corollary 1

Let T be a tree with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). If there is a path \(v_3v_2v_1\) in T with \(\deg (v_2)=2\) and \(\deg (v_1)=1\) such that \(v_3\) is a support vertex, then T has a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function f such that \(f(v_3)=\{1,2\}\), \(|f(v_1)|=1\) and \(|f(x)|=0\) for every \(x\in L_{v_3}\cup \{v_2\}\).

Observation 2

Let T be a tree and let z be a strong support vertex of T. Then

  1. (a)

    T has a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function such that \(f(z)=\{1,2\}\).

  2. (b)

    \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\not \equiv i_{r2}(T)\) if and only if T has a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent and \(f(z)=\{1,2\}\).


(a) The proof is immediate.

(b) Let \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\not \equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Then T has a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent. If \(f(z)=\{1,2\}\), then we are done. If \(|f(z)|=1\), then \(|f(x)|=1\) for each \(x\in L_z\) and the function \(g:V(G)\rightarrow {\mathcal {P}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(g(z)=\{1,2\}, g(x)=\emptyset \) for \(x\in L_z\) and \(g(u)=f(u)\) otherwise, is a 2RDF of T of weight less than \(\omega (f)\) which is a contradiction. Let \(f(z)=\emptyset \). Then clearly the function \(g:V(G)\rightarrow {\mathcal {P}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(g(z)=\{1,2\}, g(x)=\emptyset \) for \(x\in L_z\) and \(g(u)=f(u)\) otherwise, is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function with the desired property. \(\square \)

2 Characterizations of Trees with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\)

Let \({\mathcal {F}}_1\) be the family of trees that can be obtained from \(k\ge 1\) disjoint stars \(K_{1,2}\) by adding either a new vertex v or a path uv and joining the centers of stars to v. Also let \({\mathcal {F}}_2\) be the family including \(P_5\) and all trees obtained from \(k\ge 2\) disjoint \(P_3\) by adding either a new vertex v or a path uv and joining v to a leaf of each \(P_3\). If T belongs to \({\mathcal {F}}_1 \cup {\mathcal {F}}_2-\{P_5\}\), then we call the vertex v, the special vertex of T and if \(T=P_5\), then its support vertices are special vertices of T. Note that if \(T\in {\mathcal {F}}_1 \cup {\mathcal {F}}_2\), then \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\).

Now we provide a constructive characterization of trees T with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). For this purpose, we define a family of trees as follows: Let \({\mathcal {F}}\) be the family of trees such that: \({\mathcal {F}}\) contains star \(K_{1,2}\) and if T is a tree in \({\mathcal {F}}\), then the tree \(T'\) obtained from T by the following seven operations which extend the tree T by attaching a tree to a vertex \(y\in V (T)\), called an attacher, is also a tree in \({\mathcal {F}}\).

  • Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_1\): If z is a strong support vertex of \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\), then \(\mathcal {O}_1\) adds a new vertex x and an edge xz.

  • Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_2\): If z is a vertex of \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\), then \({\mathcal {O}}_2\) adds a new tree \(T_1\in {\mathcal {F}}_1\) with special vertex x and an edge xz provided that if x is a support vertex, then \(\gamma _{r2}(T-z)\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)\).

  • Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_3\): If z is a strong support vertex of \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\), then \({\mathcal {O}}_3\) adds a path zxy.

  • Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_4\): If z is a vertex of \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\) which is adjacent to a support vertex of degree 2, then \({\mathcal {O}}_4\) adds a path zxy.

  • Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_5\): If z is a vertex of \(T\in {\mathcal {F}}\) which is adjacent to a strong support vertex, then \({\mathcal {O}}_5\) adds a path zxyw.

  • Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_6\): If z is a vertex of \(T\in {\mathcal {F}}\), then \({\mathcal {O}}_6\) adds a new tree \(T_2\in {\mathcal {F}}_2\) with special vertex x and an edge xz provided that if x is a support vertex, then \(\gamma _{r2}(T-z)\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)\).

  • Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_7\): If z is a vertex of \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\) such that every \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function assigns \(\emptyset \) to z, then \({\mathcal {O}}_7\) adds the double star S(1, 2) and an edge zx where x is a leaf of S(1, 2) whose support vertex has degree 3.

Observation 3

The family \({{\mathcal {F}}}\) contains all graphs in \(\{K_{1,t}\mid t\ge 2\}\cup {{\mathcal {F}}}_1\cup {{\mathcal {F}}}_2\).


Starting from \(K_{1,2}\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\) and by applying \(t-2\) times Operation \({{\mathcal {O}}}_1\), we obtain the star \(K_{1,t}\) and hence \({{\mathcal {F}}}\) contains all stars. Furthermore, starting from \(K_{1,2}\) and by applying Operation \({{\mathcal {O}}}_4\), we obtain that \({{\mathcal {F}}}\) contains \(P_5\).

Now let \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}_1\). If \(|V(T)|=4\), then \(T=K_{1,3}\) and immediately \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\). If \(|V(T)|=5\), then T can be obtained from \(K_{1,2}\) by applying Operation \({{\mathcal {O}}}_3\). If \(|V(T)|\ge 6\), then T can be obtained from \(K_{1,2}\) by applying Operation \({{\mathcal {O}}}_2\). Thus \({{\mathcal {F}}}\) contains all graphs in \({{\mathcal {F}}}_1\).

Finally, let \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}_2-\{P_5\}\). If \(|V(T)|=7\), then \(T=P_7\) and T can be obtained from \(P_5\) by applying Operation \(\mathcal O_4\) twice and so \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\). If \(|V(T)|\ge 9\), then T can be obtained from \(K_{1,2}\) by applying Operation \({{\mathcal {O}}}_6\). Thus \({{\mathcal {F}}}\) contains all graphs in \({{\mathcal {F}}}_2\). \(\square \)

Lemma 4

Let T be a tree with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\) and let \(T'\) be the tree obtained from T by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_1\). Then \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\).


Assume z is a strong support vertex of T and let x be a new vertex that is attached to z by applying Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_1\). By Observation 2(a), T has a \(\gamma _{r2}\)-function f that assigns \(\{1,2\}\) to z. Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is an I2RDF of T. Now we can extend f to an I2RDF of \(T'\) by assigning \(\emptyset \) to x, implying that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T)\). On the other hand, by Observation 2(a), there is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function g which assigns \(\{1,2\}\) to z, and clearly the function g, restricted to T, is a 2RDF of T of weight \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\), implying that \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')\). Hence \(\gamma _{r2}(T')=i_{r2}(T')\).

It will now be shown that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Suppose h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that is not independent. Since \(|L_{z}|\ge 3\), we must have \(f(z)=\{1,2\}\). Then the function h, restricted to T, is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent which leads to a contradiction. Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). \(\square \)

Lemma 5

Let T be a tree with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\) and let \(T'\) be a tree obtained from T by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_2\). Then \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\).


Let \(T_1\in {\mathcal {F}}_1\) be the tree which is attached by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_2\) to T by the edge xz for obtaining the tree \(T'\), where \(z\in V(T)\) is the attacher vertex, and let \(x_{1}, x_{2},\ldots ,x_{k}\in V(T_1)\) be the strong support vertices of \(T_1\). Assume x is the special vertex of \(T_1\). If x is a support vertex then let y be the leaf that is adjacent to x. Let t be a variant defined by \(t=1\) if x is a support vertex, and \(t=0\) otherwise. Every \(i_{r2}(T)\)-function can be extended to an I2RDF on \(T'\) by assigning \(\{1,2\}\) to \(x_i\), \(i=1,2,\ldots ,k\), \(\emptyset \) to u for \(u\in \cup _{i=1}^kN(x_i)\), and \(\{1\}\) to y if x is a support vertex. This implies that \(i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)+2k+t\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), we deduce that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le \gamma _{r2}(T)+2k+t=i_{r2}(T)+2k+t. \end{aligned}$$

Now we show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= \gamma _{r2}(T)+2k+t\). Let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function. It is easy to see that \(\sum _{u \in N[x_i]-\{x\}}|f(u)|\ge 2\), for \(i=1,2,\ldots ,k\), and \(|f(x)|+|f(y)|\ge 1\), if \(t=1\). Then \(\sum _{u\in V(T_1)}|f(u)|\ge 2k+t\). If \(|f(x)|=0\) then \(f|_{V(T)}\) is a 2RDF on T, and so \(\sum _{u\in V(T)}|f(u)|\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)\). By adding two recent inequalities, we obtain \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= \sum _{u\in V(T')}|f(u)|\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)+2k+t.\) Assume that \(|f(x)|\ge 1\). Clearly if \(t=1\) then \(|f(x)|+|f(y)|\ge 2\). Thus \(\sum _{u\in V(T_1)}|f(u)|\ge 2k+t+1\). If \(|f(z)|\ne 0\) then \(f|_{V(T)}\) is a 2RDF on T, and if \(|f(z)|= 0\) then the function \(f_1\) defined on V(T) by \(f_1(z)=\{1\}\) and \(f_1(u)=f(u)\) if \(u\in V(T)-\{z\}\) is a 2RDF for T. It follows that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)+2k+t.\) Hence, we deduce that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')= \gamma _{r2}(T)+2k+t. \end{aligned}$$

By (1) and (2), we have

$$\begin{aligned} i_{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T)+2k+t=\gamma _{r2}(T)+2k+t=\gamma _{r2}(T'). \end{aligned}$$

It will now be shown that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Assume h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that is not independent. We may assume that h assigns \(\{1,2\}\) to each support vertex adjacent to x. If \(|h(x)|=0\) then clearly \(h|_{V(T)}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction with the assumption \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(|h(x)|\ge 1\). Then \(|h(z)|=0\) and \(\sum _{v\in V(T_1)}|h(v)|\ge 2k+1+t\). If \(|h(x)|=1\), then \(\sum _{w\in N_{T}(z)}|h(w)|\ge 1\) and the function \(g:V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(g(z)=\{1\}\) and \(g(u)=h(u)\) for \(u\in V(T)-\{z\}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, contradicting \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(|h(x)|=2\). Then x is a support vertex. Now

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T-z)\le \sum _{u\in V(T-z)}|h(u)| = \gamma _{r2}(T^{\prime })-2k-1-t< \gamma _{r2}(T). \end{aligned}$$

This is a contradiction with the assumption \(\gamma _{r2}(T-z)\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)\). Therefore, \(\gamma _{r2}(T^{\prime })\equiv i_{r2}(T^{\prime })\) and the proof is complete. \(\square \)

Lemma 6

If T is a tree with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\) and \(T'\) is a tree obtained from T by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_3\), then \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\).


Let \(z\in V(T)\) be a strong support vertex and let zxy be the path added by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_3\) to obtain \(T'\). Let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function such that \(f(z)=\{1,2\}\) [Observation 2(a)]. Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is an I2RDF of T. We can extend f to an I2RDF on \(T'\) by assigning \(\emptyset \) to x and \(\{1\}\) to y, and thus

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)+1= \gamma _{r2}(T)+1. \end{aligned}$$

Let now \(f_1\) be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function. We can assume \(f_1(z)=\{1,2\}\) by Observation 2(a). Since \(f_1\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function, we must have \(|f_1(x)|=0\) and \(|f_1(y)|=1\). Then \(f_1|_{V(T)}\) is a 2RDF on T, and so

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')-1. \end{aligned}$$

It follows from (3) and (4) that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')= \gamma _{r2}(T)+1=i_{r2}(T)+1.\)

Finally, we shall show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Assume h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that it is not independent. First let \(|h(x)|\ge 1\). Then \(|h(x)|+|h(y)|=2\). If \(|h(z)|\ne 0\) then replace h(x) by \(\emptyset \) and h(y) by \(\{1\}\) or \(\{2\}\) to obtain a 2RDF for \(T'\) of weight less than \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\), a contradiction. Thus \(|h(z)|=0\). Then clearly \(|h(u)|=1\) for any leaf u adjacent to z and the function \(h_1:V(T')\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(h_1(y)=\{1\}, h_1(z)=\{1,2\}, h_1(u)=\emptyset \) for \(u\in L_z\cup \{x\}\) and \(h_1(w)=h(w)\) otherwise, is a 2RDF for \(T'\) of weight less than \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\), a contradiction. Now let \(|h(x)|=0\). Then clearly \(|h(y)|=1\) (else we could make a change to be in the previous case \(|h(x)|\ge 1\)), and \(h|_{V(T)}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction. Hence, \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). This completes the proof. \(\square \)

Lemma 7

If T is a tree with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\) and \(T'\) is a tree obtained from T by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_4\), then \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\).


Let \(z\in V(T)\) be a vertex which is adjacent to a support vertex of degree 2 such as w, and let Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_4\) add the path zxy to T.

First let \(\deg _T(z)\ge 2\). Let \(w'\) be the leaf adjacent to w. Assume f is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function such that \(2\in f(z)\) (Proposition A). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is an \(i_{r2}(T)\)-function. Now f can be extended to an I2RDF on \(T'\) by assigning \(\emptyset \) to x and \(\{1\}\) to y. Thus

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)+1=\gamma _{r2}(T)+1. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, if \(f_1\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function, then we may assume that \(2\in f_1(z)\) by Proposition A. Clearly \(|f_1(x)|+|f_1(y)|\ge 1\) and \(f_1|_{V(T)}\) is a 2RDF on T of weight at most \(\gamma _{r2}(T')-1\), implying that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)+1\). It follows from (5) and the recent inequality that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T)+1=\gamma _{r2}(T)+1.\)

It will now be shown that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Suppose h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function which it is not independent. If \(|h(z)|> 0\) then we must have \(|h(x)|=0\) and \(|h(y)|=1\), and so \(h|_{V(T)}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction. Let \(|h(z)|=0\). Then obviously \(|h(x)|+|h(y)|=|h(w)|+|h(w')|=2\). Then the function \(g:V(T')\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(g(x)=g(w)=\emptyset \), \(g(y)=g(w')=\{1\}, g(z)=\{2\}\) and \(g(u)=f(u)\) for \(u\in V(T')-\{x,y,w,w',z\}\), is a 2RDF of \(T'\) of weight less than \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\), a contradiction. Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\).

Now let \(\deg _T(z)=1\), i.e., z is a leaf.

Assume f is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function. By Proposition A, we may assume that \(f(z)=\{1\}\). Note that f is an \(i_{r2}(T)\)-function because \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Then f can be extended to an I2RDF on \(T'\) by assigning \(\emptyset \) to x and \(\{2\}\) to y. This implies that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)+1=\gamma _{r2}(T)+1. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, if \(f_1\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function, then by Proposition A we may assume \(f_1(y)=\{1\}\) and \(2\in f_1(z)\). Then \(f_1|_{V(T)}\) is a 2RDF of T of weight at most \(\gamma _{r2}(T')-1\), implying that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)+1\). It follows from the last inequality and (6) that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')= \gamma _{r2}(T)+1=i_{r2}(T)+1\).

Next we show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Assume h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that it is not independent. If \(|h(z)|> 0\) then we may assume that \(|h(x)|=0\) and \(|h(y)|=1\), and so \(h|_{V(T)}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction. Let \(h(z)=\emptyset \). Then \(|h(x)|+|h(y)|\ge 2\). If \(|h(w)|=0\) then \(|h(x)|=2\) and \(|h(y)|=0\), and the function \(h_1:V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(h_1(z)=\{1\}\) and \(h_1(u)=h(u)\) if \(u\in V(T)-\{z\}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction. If \(|h(w)|\ge 1\) then it follows from \(|h(x)|+|h(y)|\ge 2\) that the function \(h_1:V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined above, is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction. Hence \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). \(\square \)

Lemma 8

If T is a tree with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\) and \(T'\) is a tree obtained from T by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_5\), then \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\).


Let \(z\in V(T)\) be a vertex that has a strong support vertex u in its neighborhood and let Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_5\) add the path zxyw to T for obtaining \(T'\). Any 2RDF of T can be extended to a 2RDF for \(T'\) by assigning \(\{1,2\}\) to y, and \(\emptyset \) to x and w. Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), we deduce that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)+2=\gamma _{r2}(T)+2. \end{aligned}$$

Let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function. We may assume \(f(w)=\{1\}\), \(f(y)=\emptyset \) and \(2\in f(x)\), by Proposition A. Also we may assume that \(|f(u)|=2\), since u is a strong support vertex. Then \(f|_{V(T)}\) is a 2RDF on T of weight at most \(\gamma _{r2}(T')-2\), and so \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')-2.\) It follows from (7) that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T)+2=\gamma _{r2}(T)+2. \end{aligned}$$

To show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\), suppose h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that it is not independent. Since u is a strong support vertex, we may assume \(|h(u)|=2\). Then clearly \(h(z)=\emptyset \) and \(|h(x)|+|h(y)|+|h(w)|=2\), and so \(h|_{V(T)}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction. Hence \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\) and the proof is completed. \(\square \)

The proof of next lemma is similar to the proof of Lemma 5, and therefore omitted.

Lemma 9

If T is a tree with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), and \(T'\) is a tree obtained from T by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_6\), then \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\).

Lemma 10

If T is a tree with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\) and \(T'\) is a tree obtained from T by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_7\), then \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\).


Let z be a vertex of T such that every \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function assign \(\emptyset \) to it, and let x be a leaf of double star S(1, 2) whose support vertex has degree 3. Assume that Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_7\) adds the double star S(1, 2) and the edge xz to obtain \(T'\) from T. Let \(V(S(1, 2))=\{x,v, v_0, u, u_0\}\) where \(N(v)=\{x,u,v_0\}\) and \(u\in N(u_0)\). Any 2RDF of T can be extended to a 2RDF on \(T'\) by assigning \(\emptyset \) to xu and \(v_0\), \(\{1, 2\}\) to v and \(\{1\}\) to \(u_0\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), we deduce that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)+3=\gamma _{r2}(T)+3. \end{aligned}$$

Let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function such that \(f(u_0)=\{1\}\) and \(2\in f(v)\) by Observation A. Clearly \(|f(v)|+|f(u_0)|+|f(u)|+|f(v_0)|\ge 3\). We may assume that \(|f(x)|=0\), otherwise we replace f(x) by \(\emptyset \) and f(z) by \(f(z)\cup f(x)\). Then \(f|_{V(T)}\) is a 2RDF of T, implying that \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')-3.\) By (8), we have \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')= \gamma _{r2}(T)+3= i_{r2}(T)+3\).

It will now be shown that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Suppose h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function which is not independent. Clearly \(\sum _{y\in V(S(1, 2))}|h(y)|\ge 3\). If \(|h(z)|>0\), then \(h|_{V(T)}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function assigning nonempty set to z which leads to a contradiction. Thus \(|h(z)|=0\). If \(\sum _{y\in V(S(1, 2))}|h(y)|\ge 4\), then we change the values of h on \(V(S(1,2))\cup \{z\}\) to \(h(z)=h(u_0)=\{1\}\), \(h(v)=\{1,2\}\), and \(h(x)=h(u)=h(v_0)=\emptyset \), and then the new function plays the role of h which has been considered earlier. Thus we assume that \(\sum _{y\in V(S(1, 2))}|h(y)|=3\). Then clearly \(|h(x)|=0\), and \(h|_{V(T)}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction. Hence \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). \(\square \)

Theorem 11

Each tree T in family \({\mathcal {F}}\cup \{K_1\}\) satisfies \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\).


If \(T=K_1\), then clearly \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Let \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\). Then T is obtained from a star \(K_{1,2}\) by successive operations \({{{\mathcal {T}}}}^1,\ldots , {{{\mathcal {T}}}}^m\), where \({{{\mathcal {T}}}}^i\in \{{{{\mathcal {O}}}}_1,\ldots , {{{\mathcal {O}}}}_7\}\) if \(m\ge 1\) and \(T=K_{1,2}\) if \(m=0\). The proof is by induction on m. If \(m=0\), then clearly \(\gamma _{r2}(K_{1,2})\equiv i_{r2}(K_{1,2})\). Let \(m\ge 1\) and that the statement holds for all trees which are obtained from \(K_{1,2}\) by applying \(m-1\) operations in \(\{{{{\mathcal {O}}}}_1,\ldots ,{{{\mathcal {O}}}}_7\}\). It follows from Lemmas 4, ..., 10 that \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). \(\square \)

Observation 12

If S(pq) is a double star with \(q\ge p\ge 1\) and \(\gamma _{r2}(S(p,q))\equiv i_{r2}(S(p,q))\), then \(p=1\) and \(q\ge 2\).

Theorem 13

Let T be a tree of order n. If \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), then \(T\in {\mathcal {F}}\cup \{K_1\}\).


The proof is by induction on n. If \(n=1\) then \(T=K_1\). Let the statement holds for all trees of order less than n and let T be a tree of order n with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(P_2)\not \equiv i_{r2}(P_2)\), we may assume that \(n\ge 3\). If \(\mathrm{diam}(T)=2\) then T is a star and by Observation 3, \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\). If \(\mathrm{diam}(T)=3\), then T is a double star S(pq) with \(q\ge p\ge 1\). By Observation 12, we have \(p=1\) and \(q\ge 2\). Then T can be obtained from \(K_{1,q}\) by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_3\) and so \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\). Therefore, we may assume that \(\mathrm{diam}(T)\ge 4\).

Let \(v_1v_2\ldots v_k\;(k\ge 5)\) be a diametral path in T such that \(|L_{v_2}|\) is as large as possible and root T at \(v_k\). Also suppose among paths with this property we choose a path such that \(|L_{v_3}|\) is as large as possible.

Assume first that \(\deg (v_2)\ge 4\). Let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function. Then clearly \(f(v_2)=\{1,2\}\) and so f is a 2RDF of \(T-v_1\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is also an I2RDF of \(T-v_1\), implying that \(\gamma _{r2}(T)=i_{r2}(T)\ge i_{r2}(T-v_1)\ge \gamma _{r2}(T-v_1)\). On the other hand, by Observation 2(a), \(T-v_1\) has a \(\gamma _{r2}\)-function g that assigns \(\{1,2\}\) to \(v_2\). Then g can be extended to a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function by assigning \(\emptyset \) to \(v_1\) that yields \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T-v_1)\). Hence \(\gamma _{r2}(T)=i_{r2}(T)= i_{r2}(T-v_1)=\gamma _{r2}(T-v_1).\)

We show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T-v_1)\equiv i_{r2}(T-v_1)\). Suppose that there is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T-v_1)\)-function g that is not independent. Since g is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T-v_1)\)-function, we must have \(|g(v_2)|+\sum _{u\in L_{v_2}-\{v_1\}}|g(u)|=2\). Now the function \(h:V(T-v_1)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(h(v_2)=\{1,2\}, h(u)=\emptyset \) for \(u\in L_{v_2}-\{v_1\}\) and \(h(x)=g(x)\) otherwise, is a 2RDF of \(T-v_1\) which in not independent. It is clear that h can be extended to a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent by assigning \(\emptyset \) to \(v_1\). This leads to a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T-v_1)\equiv i_{r2}(T-v_1)\). It follows from the inductive hypothesis that \(T-v_1\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\). Now it is clear that T can be obtained from \(T-v_1\in {\mathcal {F}}\) by applying Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_1\).

Assume next that \(\deg (v_2)=3\). Let \(u\in L_{v_2}-\{v_1\}\). We claim that \(v_3\) is not a strong support vertex. Assume to the contrary that \(v_3\) is a strong support vertex. By Observation 2(a), T has a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function f such that \(f(v_3)=\{1,2\}\). Clearly \(|f(v_2)|+|f(v_1)|+|f(u)|= 2\). Now the function \(g:V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(g(v_2)=\{1,2\}, g(v_1)=g(u)=\emptyset \) and \(g(x)=f(x)\) for \(x\in V(T)-\{u,v_1,v_2\}\) is clearly a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(v_3\) is not a strong support vertex. Using Proposition A and an argument similar to that described above, we deduce that \(v_3\) is not adjacent to a support vertex of degree 2. By the choice of the diametral path, we deduce that any child of \(v_3\) is a leaf or a support vertex of degree 3 and at most one of them is leaf. This implies that \(T_{v_3}\in \mathcal {F}_1\). Let \(T'=T-T_{v_3}\).

We claim that if \(v_3\) is a support vertex, then \(\gamma _{r2}(T'-v_4)\ge \gamma _{r2}(T')\). Let \(v_3\) be a support vertex and let to the contrary that \(\gamma _{r2}(T'-v_4)< \gamma _{r2}(T')\). Assume h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T'-v_4)\)-function and define \(g: V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) by \(g(x)=h(x)\) for \(x\in V(T')-\{v_4\}\), \(g(x)=\{1,2\}\) for \(x\in N[v_3]-(L_{v_3}\cup \{v_4\})\) and \(g(x)=\emptyset \) otherwise. Obviously g is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T'-v_4)\ge \gamma _{r2}(T')\) when \(v_3\) is a support vertex.

It will now be shown that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). First we show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')\). Since every \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function can be extended to a 2RDF on T by assigning \(\{1, 2\}\) to the strong support vertices in \(N_{T_{v_3}}(v_3)\), \(\{1\}\) to the leaf adjacent to \(v_3\), if any, and \(\emptyset \) to the other vertices in \(T_{v_3}\), we deduce that

$$\begin{aligned} i_{r2}(T)=\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')+2k+t\le i_{r2}(T')+2k+t \end{aligned}$$

where k is the number of strong support vertices adjacent to \(v_3\) in \(T_{v_3}\) and t is the number of leaf adjacent to \(v_3\). On the other hand, let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function. By Observation 2(a), we may assume that f assigns \(\{1, 2\}\) to the strong support vertices in \(T_{v_3}\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is an I2RDF. Then f assigns \(\emptyset \) to \(v_3\) and \(\{1\}\) or \(\{2\}\) to the leaf adjacent to \(v_3\), if any, and \(f|_{V(T')}\) is an I2RDF on \(T'\) with weight \(i_{r2}(T)-2k-t\). Thus \(i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)-2k-t\). It follows from (9) that \(i_{r2}(T)=\gamma _{r2}(T)=\gamma _{r2}(T')+2k+t= i_{r2}(T')+2k+t\) and hence \(\gamma _{r2}(T')=i_{r2}(T')\).

Now we show that this equality is strong. Suppose h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that it is not independent. We can extend h to a 2RDF on T by assigning \(\{1,2\}\) to every strong support vertex of \(T_{v_3}\) and \(\{1\}\) to the leaf adjacent to \(v_3\), if any, and \(\emptyset \) to the other vertices in \(T_{v_3}\), to obtain a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Therefore \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). It follows from the induction hypothesis that \(T'\in {\mathcal {F}}\). Then T can be obtained from \(T'\) by applying Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_2\) and hence \(T\in {\mathcal {F}}\).

We thus assume that \(\deg (v_2)=2\). Furthermore, we may assume that every child of \(v_3\) that is a support vertex has degree two. We now consider the following three cases on \(|L_{v_3}|\).

Case 1 \(|L_{v_3}|\ge 2\).

Let \(T'=T-\{v_1,v_2\}\). We show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Suppose f is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that assigns \(\{1, 2\}\) to \(v_3\) [Observation 2(a)]. Clearly \(|f(v_1)|+|f(v_2)|=1\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is an \(i_{r2}(T)\)-function. Hence \(|f(v_2)|=0\) and \(f|_{V(T')}\) is an I2RDF on \(T'\) implying that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)-1=\gamma _{r2}(T)-1. \end{aligned}$$

Now let g be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that assigns \(\{1,2\}\) to \(v_3\) [Observation 2(a)]. Then g can be extended to a 2RDF on T by assigning \(\emptyset \) to \(v_2\) and \(\{1\}\) to \(v_1\). This yields \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')+1\), By (10), we have \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')\). To show that this equality is strong, assume h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that it is not independent. We may assume \(h(v_3)=\{1,2\}\). Now one can extend h to a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, by assigning \(\emptyset \) to \(v_2\) and \(\{1\}\) to \(v_1\), a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). By induction hypothesis, \(T'\in {\mathcal {F}}\) and so T can be obtain from \(T'\) by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_3\).

Case 2 \(|L_{v_3}|=0\).

Then any child of \(v_3\) is a support vertex of degree 2. We consider two subcases.

Subcase 2.1   \(\deg (v_3)\ge 3\).

Let \(z_2\) be a child of \(v_3\) different from \(v_2\), and let \(z_1\) be the leaf adjacent to \(z_2\). Suppose \(T'=T-\{v_1,v_2\}\). We show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function. We may assume \(2\in f(v_3)\) by Proposition A. Clearly \(|f(v_1)|+|f(v_2)|=1\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is a \(i_{r2}(T)\)-function. Clearly \(f|_{V(T')}\) is an I2RDF on \(T'\), implying that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)-1=\gamma _{r2}(T)-1. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, by Proposition A, \(T'\) has a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function g such that \(2\in g(v_3)\). Then we can extend g on T by assigning \(\emptyset \) to \(v_2\) and \(\{1\}\) to \(v_1\), to obtain a 2RDF of weight \(\gamma _{r2}(T')+1\). Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)-1\). It follows from (11) that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')\).

To show that this equality is strong, assume h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that it is not independent. First let \(|h(v_3)|>0\). Assume without loss of generality that \(2\in h(v_3)\). Then the function \(h':V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(h'(v_1)=\{1\}, h'(v_2)=\emptyset \) and \(h'(x)=h(x)\) for \(x\in V(T)-\{v_1,v_2\}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction. Let now \(|h(v_3)|=0\). Then \(|h(z_2)|+|h(z_1)|=2\). If \(\cup _{x\in N(v_3)-\{z_2\}}h(x)\ne \emptyset \), then we define \(g:V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) by \(g(v_3)=\{1\}, g(z_2)=g(v_2)=\emptyset , g(z_1)=g(v_1)=\{2\}\) and \(g(x)=h(x)\) otherwise, to produce a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction. Let \(\cup _{x\in N(v_3)-\{z_2\}}h(x)=\emptyset \). Then to rainbowly dominate \(v_3\), we must have \(h(z_2)=\{1,2\}\) and \(|h(z_1)|=0\). Then the function \(h_1:V(T')\rightarrow \mathcal {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(h_1(v_3)=\{1\}, h_1(z_2)=\emptyset , h_1(z_1)=\{2\}\), and \(h_1(x)=h(x)\) otherwise, is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that is not independent and \(|h_1(v_3)|>0\). This leads to a contradiction as above. Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\) and by inductive hypothesis we have \(T'\in {\mathcal {F}}\). Now T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_4\).

Subcase 2.2   \(\deg (v_3)=2\).

First let \(\deg (v_4)=2\). Let \(T'=T-\{v_1,v_2\}\). We show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function such that \(f(v_1)=\{1\}\) and \(2\in f(v_3)\) (Proposition A). This implies that \(|f(v_2)|=0\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is an \(i_{r2}(T)\)-function. Obviously the function f, restricted to \(T'\), is an I2RDF on \(T'\), implying that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)-1=\gamma _{r2}(T)-1. \end{aligned}$$

Now let g be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function such that \(g(v_3)=\{1\}\) by Proposition A. We can extend g to a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function by assigning \(\emptyset \) to \(v_2\) and \(\{2\}\) to \(v_1\). This implies that \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')+1\), and by (12) we obtain \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')\).

Now we show that this equality is strong. Assume h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that is not independent. If \(|h(v_3)|>0\), then we can extend h to a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent by assigning \(\emptyset \) to \(v_2\) and \(\{1\}\) to \(v_1\) if \(2\in h(v_3)\) and \(\{2\}\) to \(v_1\) if \(1\in h(v_3)\), a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Let \(|h(v_3)|=0\). Then to rainbowly dominate \(v_3\), we must have \(h(v_4)=\{1,2\}\). Since h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function and \(\deg (v_4)=2\), we must have \(|h(v_5)|=0\). Then the function \(h_1:V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(h_1(v_5)=h_1(v_1)=\{1\}, h_1(v_3)=\{2\}, h_1(v_2)=h_1(v_4)=\emptyset \) and \(h_1(x)=h(x)\) otherwise, is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Hence \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\) and by inductive hypothesis, \(T'\in {\mathcal {F}}\). Now T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_4\).

Next let \(\deg (v_4)\ge 3\). By Proposition A, T has a \(\gamma _{r2}\)-function f such that \(f(v_1)=\{1\}\), \(|f(v_2)|=0\) and \(2\in f(v_3)\). Also suppose among \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-functions with this property we choose a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function such that \(|f(v_4)|\) is as large as possible. If \(|f(v_3)|=2\), then the function \(g_1:V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(g_1(v_1)=\{1\}, g_1(v_2)=\emptyset , g_1(v_3)=\{2\}, g_1(v_4)=\{1\}\) and \(g_1(x)=f(x)\) for \(x\in V(T)-\{v_1,v_2,v_3,v_4\}\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction. Therefore \(|f(v_3)|=1\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is an I2RDF of T and hence \(f(v_4)=\emptyset \). This implies that neither \(v_4\) is a strong support vertex nor \(v_4\) has a support vertex of degree 2 in its neighborhood. If there is a path \(v_4y_3y_2y_1\) in \(T_4\) where \(y_3\ne v_3\) and \(\deg (y_1)=1\), then by the choice of diametral path \(v_1\ldots v_k\), we have \(|L_{v_2}|\ge |L_{y_2}|\) and \(|L_{v_3}|\ge |L_{y_3}|\) that implies \(\deg (y_2)=2\) and \(|L_{y_3}|=0\). Hence, if there is a leaf at distance three from \(v_4\) in \(T_{v_4}\), then it plays the same role of \(v_1\). Thus we may assume that each component of \(T_{v_4}-v_4\) is isomorphic to \(P_3\), \(K_{1, t}, (t\ge 2)\) or a single vertex, where \(v_4\) is adjacent to a leaf of each \(P_3\), the center of \(K_{1, t}\), or the single vertex, respectively.

Assume first that one of the components of \(T_{v_4}-v_4\) is \(K_{1, t}, (t\ge 2)\). That is, \(v_4\) has a strong support vertex such as z in its neighborhood. Let \(T'=T-\{v_1,v_2,v_3\}\) and let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function. By Observation 2(a), we may assume \(f(z)=\{1,2\}\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is a \(i_{r2}(T)\)-function and hence \(|f(v_4)|=0\). Then clearly \(|f(v_1)|+|f(v_2)|+|f(v_3)|=2\) and \(f|_{V(T')}\) is an I2RDF on \(T'\), implying that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)-2=\gamma _{r2}(T)-2. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, let \(f_1\) be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function such that \(f_1(z)=\{1,2\}\) [Observation 2(a)]. We can extend \(f_1\) to a 2RDF on T with weight \(\gamma _{r2}(T')+2\) by assigning \(\{2\}\), \(\emptyset \) and \(\{1\}\) to \(v_3\), \(v_2\) and \(v_1\), respectively. Hence \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')+2\) and by (13), we have \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')\).

If there exists a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function h that is not independent, then as above we can extend h to a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). It follows from inductive hypothesis that \(T'\in {\mathcal {F}}\) and so T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_5\).

Now suppose that \(v_4\) has no child which is a strong support vertex. We claim that \(|L_{v_4}|\le 1\). Let to the contrary that \(|L_{v_4}|\ge 2\). By Proposition A, T has a \(\gamma _{r2}\)-function f that \(f(v_1)=\{1\}\) and \(2\in f(v_3)\). Since \(|L_{v_4}|\ge 2\), we may assume \(f(v_4)=\{1,2\}\) which contradicts the assumption \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Hence \(|L_{v_4}|\le 1\). Since \(\deg (v_4)\ge 3\), we deduce that \(T_{v_4}\in {{\mathcal {F}}}_2\). Let \(T'=T-T_{v_4}\) and let g be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function with \(g(v_1)=\{1\}\) and \(2\in g(v_3)\). By assumption, g is an I2RDF of T and hence \(g(v_4)=\emptyset \). Then \(g|_{V(T')}\) is an I2RDF of \(T'\), implying that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)-2\deg (v_4)+2-t=\gamma _{r2}(T)-2\deg (v_4)+2-t, \end{aligned}$$

where t is number of leaves adjacent to \(v_4\).

On the other hand, each \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function f can be extended to a 2RDF of T by assigning \(\{2\}\) to \(v_3\), \(\{1\}\) to \(v_1\), each vertex of \(N(v_4){\setminus } (L_{v_4}\cup \{v_5,v_3\})\) and the leaf adjacent to \(v_4\), if any, \(\{2\}\) to every vertex in \(T_{v_4}\) at distance 3 from \(v_4\) except \(v_1\), and \(\emptyset \) to the other vertices of \(T_{v_4}\). It follows that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\ge \gamma _{r2}(T)-2\deg (v_4)+2-t\). By (14) we obtain \(\gamma _{r2}(T')=i_{r2}(T')\).

If h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function that is not independent, then we can easily extend h to a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). By inductive hypothesis, we have \(T'\in {\mathcal {F}}\). It can be easily seen that \(\gamma _{r2}(T'-v_5)\ge \gamma _{r2}(T')\) if \(v_4\) is a support vertex. Now T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_6\).

Case 3 \(|L_{v_3}|=1\).

Let w be the leaf adjacent to \(v_3\). We consider the following subcases.

Subcase 3.1   \(\deg (v_3)>3\).

Then \(v_3\) has a child \(z_2\ne v_2\) that is a support vertex of degree 2. Let \(z_1\) be the leaf adjacent to \(z_2\). Set \(T'=T-\{v_1,v_2\}\). We show that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). Assume that f is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function. We may assume that \(f(v_1)=\{1\}\) and \(2\in f(v_3)\) by Proposition A. Clearly \(|f(v_2)|=0\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is an I2RDF of T. Now \(f|_{V(T')}\) is an I2RDF of \(T'\) of weight \(\gamma _{r2}(T)-1\) which implies that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)-1=\gamma _{r2}(T)-1. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, if \(f_1\) is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function, then we may assume that \(2\in f_1(v_3)\) by Proposition A, and so \(f_1\) can be extended to a 2RDF of T of weight \(\gamma _{r2}(T')+1\) by assigning \(\emptyset \) to \(v_2\) and \(\{1\}\) to \(v_1\), implying that \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')+1\). By (15) we obtain \(\gamma _{r2}(T')=i_{r2}(T')\).

To show that this equality is strong, suppose h is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function which is not independent. We may assume \(|h(v_3)|>0\), for otherwise we must have \(|h(w)|=1\) and \(|h(z_2)|+|h(z_1)|=2\) and the function \(g:V(T')\rightarrow \mathcal P(\{1,2\})\) by \(g(v_3)=\{1\}\), \(g(z_2)=\emptyset , g(z_1)=g(w)=\{2\}\) and \(g(x)=h(x)\) otherwise, is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function with the desired property. Then we can easily extend h to a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\) and by inductive hypothesis, \(T'\in {\mathcal {F}}\). Now T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_4\).

Subcase 3.2   \(\deg (v_3)=3\).

First let \(\deg (v_4)\ge 3\). Let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function. By Corollary 1, we may assume \(f(v_3)=\{1, 2\}\). Since \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\), f is an I2RDF of T. Then \(|f(v_4)|=0\) and \(|f(v_1)|=1\). If \(1\in \cup _{x\in N(v_4)-\{v_3\}} f(x)\) (the case \(2\in \cup _{x\in N(v_4)-\{v_3\}} f(x)\) is similar), then the function \(f_1:V(T)\rightarrow {{\mathcal {P}}}(\{1,2\})\) defined by \(f_1(v_1)=f_1(w)=\{1\}, f_1(v_3)=\{2\}, f_1(v_2)=\emptyset \) and \(f_1(x)=f(x)\) otherwise, is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function which is not independent, a contradiction with \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\equiv i_{r2}(T)\). Thus \(|\cup _{x\in N[v_4]-\{v_3\}} f(x)|=0\). This implies that \(v_4\) has no child with depth 0 or 1. Assume that \(v_4\) has a child z with depth 2. Then any leaf of \(T_z\) at distance two from z plays the same role of \(v_1\), and thus by the previous arguments, we may assume that \(T_z\simeq T_{v_3}\) and as above we can define a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function g such that \(g(z)=g(v_3)=\{1,2\}\) which leads to a contradiction. Thus \(\deg (v_4)=2\). Suppose \(T'=T-T_{v_4}\). We show that \(i_{r2}(T')\equiv \gamma _{r2}(T')\). Let f be a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that assigns \(\{1, 2\}\) to \(v_3\) and \(\emptyset \) to \(v_4\), according to Corollary 1. Note that f is also an I2RDF of T because \(i_{r2}(T)\equiv \gamma _{r2}(T)\). Then \(f|_{V(T')}\) is an I2RDF on \(T'\), implying that

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T')\le i_{r2}(T)-3=\gamma _{r2}(T)-3. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, every \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function can be extended to a 2RDF of T by assigning \(\{1\}\) to \(v_1\), \(\emptyset \) to \(v_2,v_4,w\) and \(\{1, 2\}\) to \(v_3\), and thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\le \gamma _{r2}(T')+3\). It follows from (16) that \(\gamma _{r2}(T')= i_{r2}(T')\).

If there is a \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\)-function g that is not independent then as above, we can extend it to a \(\gamma _{r2}(T)\)-function that is not independent, a contradiction. Thus \(\gamma _{r2}(T')\equiv i_{r2}(T')\). By the inductive hypothesis, \(T'\in {\mathcal {F}}\) and T can be obtained from \(T'\) by Operation \({\mathcal {O}}_7\) and the proof is completed. \(\square \)

Now we are ready to state the main theorem of this paper.

Theorem 14

Let T be a tree. Then \(i_{r2}(T)\equiv \gamma _{r2}(T)\) if and only if \(T\in {{\mathcal {F}}}\cup \{K_1\}\).