1 Introduction

Modern radio telescopes, such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), generate data in the order of petabytes in their full scale of operation. Data volumes arise due to the extensive array size (197 antennas in South Africa and 1,31,072 antennas in Western Australia), multiple beams (up to about 1500), broadband digitization (about 800 Msps), and from the demanding science requirements (Dewdney 2016; Labate et al. 2019). Correspondingly, there is a considerable high-speed signal processing: FFT, filtering, cross-correlations, beamforming, etc., employed using dedicated hardware components. Subsequent processing uses a mix of application-specific and non-deterministic algorithms, where statistical and experience-based decision making is indispensable.

Manual or semi-automated approaches will not be feasible when handling such volumes of data. We will have to employ automated and heuristic algorithms that can ease the classification of data, detection of patterns/objects in the data streams in real-time. Machine learning, which is an actively evolving field, brings in a host of valuable practical techniques to efficiently handle the radio-telescope large volume data processing.

This paper investigates the use of a state of the art object detection algorithm called Mask R-CNN to detect accelerated binary pulsar’s signatures in a pulsar search pipeline data stream. In a related work by Lyon et al. (2016), Keith et al. (2010) and Bates et al. (2012), candidate detection was performed on pulsar profiles. We demonstrated a novel approach of detecting candidate signatures in the middle of the processing pipeline. Additionally, our effort for detecting binary pulsar signatures involving machine learning-based approaches is novel. By determining the location and co-ordinates of the candidate, we will be able to extract useful information for the sifting needed to sort the candidates.

This paper is outlined as follows: Section 2 gives a brief background on machine learning. Section 3 introduces the SKA pulsar search pipeline (Levin et al. 2017), the Fourier Domain Acceleration Search (FDAS) (Ransom 2001) and the machine learning pipeline, which were investigated. Section 4 provides a discussion about our main results. Section 5 talks about our future propects and Section 6 concludes the work.

2 Background on machine learning

Machine learning is the study of algorithms, which can improve over time with experience and data. Machine learning is classified into three categories: (1) Supervised Learning, (2) Unsupervised Learning and (3) Reinforcement Learning.

The term supervised learning implies that the data is labeled. An artificial intelligence (AI) model creates a mapping between the features and output and uses this mapping function to predict values for new datasets. Support Vector Machines (Hearst et al. 1998), Decision Trees (Quinlan 1986), K-Nearest Neighbors (Cunningham & Delany 2022) are some of the widely used supervised machine learning algorithms.

Unsupervised machine learning signifies AI models, which create a mapping function by clustering and grouping similar data. K-means clustering (Jain 2008), Expectation Maximization clustering (Moon 1996) and Auto Encoders (Bank et al. 2020) are some of the widely used unsupervised machine learning algorithms.

Reinforcement learning works on the concept of AI agent, which observes its surroundings and performs an action. Based on the action taken, it is either rewarded or penalized (Sutton 2005). Over time, the AI model will aim towards maximizing the reward function.

In most of the above three categories of machine learning, the underlying workhorse is a neural network. A neural network is primarily composed of neurons (Gurney 1997). A neuron takes a sum of weighed inputs along with a bias and subjects this output to an activation function. The activation function determines if a neuron has to switch on or off. Figure 1 shows a general structure of a neuron with two inputs and a bias. Neural network-based approaches in some cases, create the mapping between the input data and its corresponding labels.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Structure of an artificial neuron having two inputs, two weights, a bias and an activation function.

Neural networks can be effectively used for modeling the behavior of a function. But in case of complex functions, more number of neurons in the form of layers will have to be added. A neural network with multiple hidden layers is called a deep neural network. Figure 2 shows an artificial neural network with one hidden layer.

Fig. 2
figure 2

An artificial neural network having multiple neurons, one input layer, one hidden layer and one output. For complex problems, the neural network can have multiple hidden layers. For multi-class classification problems, there are multiple neurons in the output layer.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Main processing in FDAS consists of matched filtering to deconvolve the fundamentals and their harmonics (Thiagaraj et al. 2020)

In case of pulsar searches, we will have to deal with large amounts of image-based data and the processing will have to be done in real time (Lyon et al. 2018). Lyon et al. (2018), in their paper, introduces a real time pulsar candidate detection pipeline.

When dealing with image data, we use a special case of an Artificial Neural Network called the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) (Krizhevsky et al. 2012). The feature extraction in a CNN happens with a repeated set of convolutions and pooling. Convolutions are performed via filters to produce feature-maps. The pooling layer is responsible for reducing the spatial size of the feature maps. The feature map, additionally helps in reducing subsequent computation required.

3 SKA pulsar search pipeline

One of the complex tasks of the SKA pulsar engine, shown in Figure 4, is to search for pulsars in binary systems, where the apparent frequency of the pulsar is changed significantly during the observation.

A FDAS algorithm (Ransom et al. 2002) is being tested for the SKA application. The frequency changes manifest in the Fourier space as sinc functions convolved with an FIR response. To deconvolve these signals, a set of optimized matched filters are constructed and used in the FDAS module (Figures 3 and 4) (Thiagaraj et al. 2020).

The FDAS module receives the RFI-mitigated complex spectra, generated from the dedispersed time series. Each spectrum is passed through a set of 85 matched filters, each analysing a unique acceleration-period range in the search. Outputs from the filters are detected to obtain the power series and saved in a 2-dimensional data array known as a filter-output-plane (FOP) (Figure 5).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Schematic of the pulsar search processing work flow in SKA. FPGA-based acceleration architecture investigated for (1) RFI mitigation, (2) dedispersion, (3) FFT, (4) acceleration search and (5) candidate folding optimization modules.

For SNR optimization across the search parameter space, 84 filters are required to search across pulsar periods up to 500 Hz with \(+/-\)350 \(\hbox {ms}^{-2}\) acceleration range. A typical data size of 4 M samples, which correspond to an observation time of about 10 min (Thiagaraj et al. 2020).

In this work, our focus is on the FDAS module. We have investigated the use of Mask R-CNN to detect candidates of accelerated binary pulsar signatures.

Fig. 5
figure 5

(A) An intensity image of the filter output plane around one of the harmonic positions. (B) Signal’s harmonic positions and a few spurious detections. (C) Spectrum after the matched filtering. (D) Input spectrum. In this illustration, we have used the double pulsar test vector (Thiagaraj et al. 2020).

3.1 Fourier domain acceleration search

The intermediate output product of the FDAS processing when viewed as a particular image intensity mode, a distinct shape (hourglass, butterfly) is observed. These butterfly shapes come from the particular arrangement of the filters, and when an accelerated binary pulsar fundamental or harmonics signals gets deconvolved through them. The intensity, location and inclination of these shape/patterns give us information about these candidates.

Conventional processing in this stage, involves sifting through the filter output plane (FOP) array and performing a harmonic summing and thresholding. Additionally, basic CNNs perform classification, but we investigate an improved version of CNN, known as the Mask-RCNN that can identify the patterns and provide a mark in the regions (bounding box), where pattern features are identified. Typically, the CNN is computationally expensive to implement. In our case, due to the use of accelerators, additional computation steps for implementing convolutions is less significant.

The R-CNN and Fast R-CNN algorithm (Girshick 2015), which use a selective search algorithm could not be used for real life deployments as there was a performance bottleneck. The Faster R-CNN algorithm (Ren et al. 2015) could not be used as we needed a mask to be drawn for every detected object. Due to these reasons, we chose Mask R-CNN to perform candidate signature detection. Our investigation is to see if the Mask R-CNN suite can be used to train and recognize these image patterns. We have identified the public domain availability of Mask R-CNN from matterport github repository.Footnote 1

3.2 Mask R-CNN

Mask R-CNN (He et al. 2017) is a small, flexible generic object sample segmentation framework. It not only detects targets in the image, but also gives a high-quality segmentation result for each target. It is extended on the basis of Faster R-CNN, and adds a new branch to predict an object mask, which is parallel with bounding box recognition branch. For object classification, we have used the default ResNet101 (He et al. 2015) as our classfication network. For the detection network, we have used a region proposal network, which was proposed with the Faster R-CNN algorithm. Feature extraction in the Mask R-CNN happens via the Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) algorithm. The FPN algorithm was designed to handle images of various sizes and shapes by keeping speed, memory and accuracy in mind. The algorithm consists of both a top down and bottom up approaches to produce feature maps. The bottom up network features a regular convolutional neural network for extracting features from images. Every layer in the bottom up pyramid reduces spatially, allowing for high level structures to be determined, thereby increasing the semantic value. The top down network provides a pathway to construct high resolution layers from the semantic rich layer. Additionally, there are lateral connections provided to help the detector to better detect the object locations. This algorithm has shown significant improvements over the other state-of-the-art approaches (Lin et al. 2016). Mask R-CNN defines the loss functionFootnote 2 as follows:

Fig. 6
figure 6

As a basic step, we took the default MS-COCO weights along with Mask R-CNN. MS-COCO weights are provided along with the Mask R-CNN repository. A city image was taken and subjected to this algorithm. We observed that up to one extent of the resolution of the image, it could detect objects, draw bounding boxes on each of the detected along with a confidence score and additionally draw a mask for each of the detected objects.

$$\begin{aligned} L = L_\textrm{cls} + L_\textrm{box} + L_\textrm{mask}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(L_\textrm{cls}\) denotes the classification loss, \(L_\textrm{box}\) denotes the bounding box loss and \(L_\textrm{mask}\) is the average binary cross entropy loss, only including k-th mask if the region is associated with the ground truth class k.

3.3 Basic tests with Mask R-CNN

Mask R-CNN is available as a github repository from matterport. The github repository is cloned onto our local system, following the setup procedure given in the github repository.

At the time of this work, the default Mask R-CNN available from the repository has been trained on 80 different objects from the MS COCO (Lin et al. 2014) dataset. Figure 6 is an example illustration to show the default detection capability of Mask R-CNN. Image shown is a city street and the detections are highlighted with bounding boxes.

In addition, to understand the training procedure of Mask R-CNN, we have experimented it to detect damages in a set of car images. For this purpose, we collected sample images from an external github repository.Footnote 3 It was necessary to annotate the images using Visual Geometry Group (VGG) annotator. We then trained the Mask R-CNN suite using the standard procedures described in github. The loss function for this experiment remains the same as the standard loss function described in Section 3.2. For this experiment, we have not performed any predictive success analysis.Footnote 4 Figure 7 shows the result from training the Mask R-CNN on the car damage dataset.

The training of the neural network is an important task and this procedure is described in the next section.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Before getting into candidate detection, we trained Mask R-CNN on a custom car damage dataset. Input images along with their respective masks were taken as input to the model. The custom weights were extracted and were tested on test images. This figure shows the result for one of the test images taken.

Fig. 8
figure 8

A bird’s eye perspective of how Mask R-CNN will work for our task. The figure shows the ideal input and output scenarios for a candidate signature image. The custom dataset will be annotated and then trained on Mask R-CNN to get a custom weights file. This weights file will be used to detect signatures on a new set of test images.

3.4 Training a neural network

Every neural network requires a good dataset (both qualitatively and quantitatively). A dataset is split into three parts i.e., a training set which is used in the neural network, a validation set which is used for preventing overfitting and a testing set to evaluate the performance of a neural network. During the training of the neural network, there is a specific loss function, which is defined. A loss function can either be predetermined or a custom user-defined. The loss function gives us an approximate idea about how well an algorithm, models a given data. A neural network updates its weights with the backpropagation algorithm. A forward pass in a neural network is defined as one run starting from the input layer to the output layer. A combination of one forward propagation and one backward propagation is called an epoch. During the training cycle, the algorithm is subjected to the training data and is validated with the validation dataset. When the validation loss, begins exceeding the training loss we can safely conclude the training process and extract the weights. The weights are a crucial database produced at the end of the training process, which will help in making appropriate connection between the neurons. The weights will be provided to the inferencing logic.

3.5 Adapting Mask R-CNN for candidate detection

As discussed before, The default Mask R-CNN is used to detect generic objects. We will have to train the Mask R-CNN to produce a new set of weights to detect the candidate signatures (hourglass/butterfly patterns). This process involves four steps:

  • Preparing the dataset,

  • Image annotation,

  • Training,

  • Testing.

3.6 Dataset preparation

To train the neural network, we have used different sets of binary pulsar signal data. We had a choice of using real observational data from a telescope or using simulated data. A telescope data will have the presence of interfering signals, which is undesirable for initial training of the machine learning suite. To maintain a controlled test/training environment, we have considered to use simulated datasets. Such simulated data are produced using a mock pulsar signal generation tool called SIGPROCFootnote 5 fake utility. Fake is a command line program written to create test data sets containing pulses hidden in Gaussian noise background. Various (38 different) datasets for the training purpose were produced by modifying the -period, -width, -snrpeak, -binary, -bper parameters of the fake utility. We have used data files produced with accelerations (\(+/- \)500 \(\hbox {ms}^{-2}\), \(+/- \)250 \(\hbox {ms}^{-2}\), \(+/- \)25 \(\hbox {ms}^{-2}\) and 0 \(\hbox {ms}^{-2}\) ), periods (2 s, 0.002 s), pulse duty cycle ratios (0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05), a constant SNR value of 80 and dispersion measure of 1.0. The simulated data obtained are in a filterbank format. The sampling period was set to 64 microseconds and the observation period was set to 536 seconds (close to real observation parameters). The data files are first dedispersed and channel collapsed to form a time series of 8 million samples.Footnote 6

Fig. 9
figure 9

Taskflow involved in the image dataset preparation. GNU octave scripts were developed and used for this purpose.

The time series data is subjected to 8 million point fast Fourier transform (real to complex). The resulting 4 million points after the transform are convolved with 85 templates to get a FOP, which is an array of dimension 85 rows by 4 million columns. A schematic of the data preparation flow is shown in Figure 9.

The FOP array is subjected to a sliding window approach to extract images used for training the Mask R-CNN model. The images are of size of 85 rows by 256 columns (similar to an image having \(85\times 256\) pixel size). Since the FOP is a very large array, there are many regions, in the array without any significantly useful data for the training purpose. So we have selected regions where there are more likelihood presence of signals and noise combinations (starting from fundamental frequency locations to their multiple harmonic positions). This sliding window approach helped us to get 886 image segments (\(85\times 256\) arrays) from the original FOP. The number 886 is an arbitrary choice and adequate to select a smaller training dataset. From this dataset, we have picked up 50 good quality images for the training purposes and 34 random set of images for testing. Figure 10 shows the images obtained by processing different datasets that are having varying signal strengths (signal to noise ratio, SNR). After the images are obtained, they are subjected to image boundary annotation, as discussed in the next section.

Fig. 10
figure 10

First image on the top left shows a candidate image with a high intensity. We have taken the size of the image to be \(85 *256\) pixels. The candidate signatures in the shape of a butterfly are obtained after subjecting the candidate array to 85 different acceleration filters. The second image in the top right shows the same candidate, but it is shifted to the corner. The third image in the bottom shows the candidate image dominated with noise.

3.7 Image annotation

The Mask R-CNN model requires annotating the images using an image boundary annotation tool. The developers recommend using a standard VGG annotator. Initially, we have used this standard tool for annotating the images however, we found this tool requires more human involvement to edit the boundaries and appeared cumbersome to annotate large number of images . Hence, we explored developing our own custom annotator tool with features to annotate the images a little faster than the VGG tool. The annotation speed performance was achieved by automatically drawing the six sides (edges) needed for bounding the butterfly image boundaries. As mentioned earlier, for VGG, it was required to draw each of the six sides manually, which was consuming more time. The custom annotator was made use to test short bounding box-based annotations. The working principles of the annotation tools are presented below for a comparison.

VGG annotator developed by the visual geometry groupFootnote 7 is very useful to draw multiple segment annotation boxes, which are required for complex images, such as humans, animals, buildings, cars, etc., (Dutta & Zisserman 2019). After the manual annotation, the co-ordinates of the bounding box are saved in a JSONFootnote 8 file format. We have produced one set of (50 images) training image dataset using the VGG annotator. We annotated our training data set (consisting of 50 images) manually using a six point reference for the mask and saved the co-ordinates in a JSON format (Figure 11a–d).

Fig. 11
figure 11

Example images from the training dataset. Subfigures (a–d) were achieved using the web-based VGG annotator tool. Subfigures (e–h) were made using our custom annotator developed from this work. This effort helped us to analyze the effectiveness of the extent of the annotation. The yellow lines in all the subfigures mark the region of interest.

The custom annotator was developed to speed up the annotation process.Footnote 9 It is based on python and javascript. The code can be executed in a web browser. On loading the image, the user needs to select the mid-point of the butterfly image and the tool will automatically draw the six edges of the bounding boxes. We have pre-estimated and fixed upper limits for the dimension of the bounding box and thereby the code could automatically complete the annotation process. Upon selecting (with a mouse-click) the butterfly image’s center, the annotator calculates the six nodal points of the bounding box with respect to the center point chosen by the user. We have used this tool to create a second set of training dataset, which is essentially the same as the one produced by the VGG annotator, but with shorter wings (Figure 11e,f).

After the annotation was completed, we passed the dataset for training. The training process is explained in the next section.

3.8 Training

The Mask R-CNN suite comes with a toolflow for training. It is a computationally intensive task and we have installed the required programs in the Google ColabFootnote 10 cloud environment with GPU-based acceleration. While performing the training, we have saved the weights-file produced after every epoch. The number of epochs required is not known a priori. So, we have arbitrarily started the training process with the limit set to six epochs. But we found that the training was converging much before the third epoch.

Fig. 12
figure 12

We subjected the Mask R-CNN model to train on 50 high resolution images. The images were annotated with two different extents of annotation. The loss curve obtained for two different kinds of annotation scheme data-sets (VGG and custom) are shown. VGG annotator was used to produce full extent annotations (Figure 11a–d) and the custom annotator was used for producing short annotations (Figure 11e–h). The loss curve flattened after the second epoch on both the cases. Training was terminated after the third epoch. Marginally, lower loss was observed for the full extent training set.

The loss curve is a progress indicator of the training process. Typically, the flattening of the loss curve around lower values indicates that the training is complete and it can be terminated. At each new epoch the same dataset is fed, but in a shuffled order to the network to build an effective mapping function for the weights.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Ensemble of detections corresponding to images with low levels (a, b,\(\ldots \)) of noise to the images with high levels (\(\ldots \), m, n) of noise are shown. The test images had an acceleration value of 500 \(\hbox {ms}^{-2}\), period of 2 s, pulse duty cycle ratios of 0.4, 0.05 and with a constant SNR of 40. At low noise levels, the regions of interest were detected with high accuracy. At high noise levels, there were multiple false detections. Different colored bounding boxes (dashed lines) indicate different instances of the detected regions.

Figure 12 shows the loss curves obtained for the training process. We can observe that after epoch second, the loss curves are flattening. It can also be observed that two of our datasets (full extent annotated by VGG and short extent annotation by custom annotator) have shown similar trends. Since the loss curves started flattening at the second epoch, we terminated our training process at the next (3rd) epoch. We utilized the transfer learningFootnote 11 method to train our Mask R-CNN suite between each of the epochs. The pretrained COCO weights (Lin et al. 2014) were used as the initial base weights file for the training. The model was trained with a learning rate of 0.001 on both datasets. The learning rate is a tuning parameter that determines the step size at each iteration, while moving towards a minimum of a loss function. A larger learning rate signifies a higher chance of convergence at a local minima. A smaller learning rate signifies a higher chance of convergence at a global minima. The local and the global minima are referred to the loss function.

As mentioned before, the training is computationally intensive and we have used Google Colab, which is equipped with a Nvidia T4 GPU. Mask R-CNN has a specific configurable parameter which is known as IMAGES_PER_GPU. We found that by limiting the number of images to be processed by the GPU as two, the computation went faster. Figure 12 shows the model loss curves produced during the training process of the two datasets.

3.9 Results from our experiment

The training process generates the weights file for inferencing. The weight file is collected and passed onto the Mask R-CNN inferencing logic. We have considered 34 images for testing purposes. Out of the 34 images, four images had a high SNR, 13 images had a medium SNR and 17 images had very low SNR. Figure 13 shows a subset of the images passed through the Mask R-CNN inferencing logic. As these were the first experimental results, elaborate statistics were not collected. However, we have the following qualitative analysis:

  • The full length annotation based training was able to identify the regions and mark them with high confidence scores. The masks appeared only for very high SNR cases (Figure 13a, b).

  • When the butterfly pattern is located around the edges of the image, we observed multiple detections having overlapped regions (Figure 13e, g, i).

  • With low SNR cases, false detections appeared at multiple places (Figure 13k, l).

  • Short length annotation-based training resulted in higher false detections in the high SNR cases.

  • The medium SNR images also gave multiple detected objects with overlapped regions (Figure 13h, i, j).

  • The low SNR cases also gave multiple false detections (Figure 13m, n).

  • In each of the above three cases, the mask was not drawn over the detected objects.

  • Image pixel size of the training region seemed to play a major role in the detection and loss function estimation.

4 Discussion

The current design of SKA pulsar search is likely to use machine learning approaches in a variety of places, for example, for RFI detection and pulsar candidate identification (Lyon et al. 2016). We have investigated a machine learning approach for a new application in the search processing (FDAS), where conventional thresholding-based approaches are usually followed. We have trained the network for a single feature detection. Usually, the Mask R-CNN applications detect objects with well-defined boundaries, where the object edges are well-defined (sharp) with regard to the background. In our case, the object has a fuzzy boundary, but with a recognizable butterfly pattern for the human eyes. We have carried out this investigation to detect such fuzzy objects as a research work within the SKA pulsar search activity. Our work demonstrated the ability to train a network to detect such fuzzy objects. It has opened up further possible studies, where we can do more quantitative studies on the algorithm and its computational performance improvements for the pulsar search work in general. In addition, we have also looked at the limitations of the standard annotation tools and also studied the extent of annotation required using a semi-automated custom annotation tool. There is scope for further enhancement of this custom annotation tool. The present training method used a single feature, by including a few extended features to the training (some noise patterns) and code enhancements, we will be able to determine the location, inclination and intensity of the candidates more precisely. Such information will enable simplifying usual complexities associated with subsequent candidate sifting (sorting) and related processing. Thus, our detection pipeline can be further improved to provide higher level of information during the search.

5 Future prospects

The practical implementation of this new scheme and its interfaces with the processing pipeline needs to be further explored. For this purpose, we have investigated the use of FPGA platform and OpenCL languages. We have carried out a study for hardware acceleration of Mask R-CNN for a future implementation. Since the pulsar search pipeline runs on an accelerator, we have studied the possibility of using an FPGA platform. In our early investigation, we found the OpenCL implementation of CNN available for DE-10 Nano FPGA board.Footnote 12 However, more work needs to be done to map the different libraries and enhance it for Mask R-CNN. A proposed implementation of Mask R-CNN on hardware platform is shown in Figure 14. We have also made a docker image of the basic Mask R-CNN software and will be enhancing it to deploy it over kubernetes clusters.

More investigation are to be performed with a larger dataset. In the future study, we will have more quantitative study with multiple classes. We will also be investigating the image pixelization aspects in the future work.

Fig. 14
figure 14

This figure shows how a Mask R-CNN acceleration could be done for an FPGA-based deployment. The Mask R-CNN will get trained on a GPU/CPU-based device and will then be converted into OpenCL equivalent code, which can execute instructions parallely. The host code will handle the basic input and output of an image.

We would like to use real telescope data for our further investigations. In our future work, we will be investigating the masking logic for identifying overlapping instances of butterfly pattern in an RFI background. Modern radio telescope data analysis faces challenges in the form of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). The effect of RFI on our scheme requires future investigation. Normally, RFI can be dealt by capturing data in an RFI free observatory sites, removing the RFI prone datasets or by replacing the RFI affected set by benign random or median values (Buch et al. 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022). We have also proposed in our earlier work (Bhat et al. 2020), a novel method to identify observation slots that are likely to be free from RFI. It proposes a routine analysis of the radio telescope incoming data streams to identify RFI free observation slots using machine learning techniques. The methodology basically makes use of statistical analysis and detecting outliers in the data to build a comprehensive database. This database can be analyzed to view the RFI trends with time. The potential RFI free slots can be predicted using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) techniques (Misra et al. 2007, 2008).

The current work was taken up as a research activity towards identifying new algorithms and techniques for future implementations.

6 Conclusion

This paper showed the potential of a machine learning algorithm Mask R-CNN for detecting candidate images in a pulsar search pipeline. We have tested this concept with a set of simulated data and shown the results here. We have also investigated the aspects of annotation for the training and presented a brief discussion. We have comprehensive inferences from our work. We have presented these details from the perspective of future improvements and hardware implementation. Our training made use of the cloud-based computational infrastructure provided by Google. The entire work details, codes developed, data images used, output products including the neural network weight files are documented and available via github.Footnote 13 We anticipate the future pulsar search and similar candidate detection will benefit from this work.