Opinion statement

This review article summarizes the use of machine learning in clinical medicine and evaluates bias in this context. We also discuss existing mechanisms and systems geared towards mitigating bias and propose additional recommendations to ensure responsible model development and deployment.


With technological advancements over the last decade, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are increasingly prevalent in everyday life [1] and will continue to play an important and expanding role in the way we live, work, and play. Advancements in AI technology were facilitated by the availability of large amounts of digital data and contemporary computer chip processors with more efficient computing capabilities [2]. In today’s landscape, advanced AI/ML models can analyze, synthesize, and generate solutions to common problems that exceed human-level performance. The development of ML models in the field of medicine continues to expand, as evidenced by the exponential increase in the number of scientific publications on this topic [3]. Applications include the ability to predict the likelihood of cardiac dysfunction using data from an electrocardiogram [4] to rapid detection of cancer from radiographic images [5].

A key drawback of ML models in medicine for biomedical research and in clinical care algorithms is the potential to introduce biases reflective of data used to train the model in what has been referred to as algorithmic bias [6••]. Algorithmic bias may go unrecognized if inappropriate metrics of success are chosen, such as model validation only in populations similar to the training sample. Another form of bias can occur when ML models are trained to answer the wrong question, where training endpoints do not accurately match the intended prediction or outcome. The reality of the risk associated with biased models has been demonstrated with facial recognition algorithms [7,8,9] performing poorly among dark skinned females and the use of commercially developed and marketed recidivism prediction models by law enforcement agencies which have repeatedly overestimated threats for adults of African descent living in the USA [10, 11]. Algorithmic bias has also been observed with ML models in clinical medicine with poorer performance noted among women and patients from racial and ethnic minority groups [12•, 13•]. In this review article, we provide a brief overview of ML and AI models, review various uses in clinical research and healthcare, discuss algorithmic bias, and offer potential solutions to addressing bias with ML models intended for use in medicine. 

Machine learning in clinical research and medicine

AI is a broad term used to describe the ability of machines or computers to perform functions that typically require human intelligence. AI relies on machine learning to develop generalized algorithms that enable near human, or in some cases super-human, levels of performance on these tasks. Machine learning refers to a class of methods that enable machines to learn generalized, specific, and or complex associations from data. Frequently in medicine, this learning process enables artificial intelligence algorithms that were trained on large datasets to make predictions or classifications through learned patterns or features in data [14]. There are various types of ML which can be coarsely differentiated by how they are trained with respect to information about the “truth” and the complexity of the model architecture used in the algorithm. For the training aspects, approaches are generally defined as either supervised or unsupervised. Supervised learning presents to the algorithm not only the data intended to make the prediction but also information about the true status of the individual case, which is often referred to as the “label.” Unsupervised approaches withhold the label and instead ask the algorithm to identify combinations or profiles of data that are similar within the profile yet distinct across profiles effectively generating empirical labels for the data without human guidance.

In terms of machine learning architectures, ordinary logistic regression is an example of a very simple model architecture whereas a convolutional neural network may have a very complex architecture. With the advent of high-performance computing, utilizing graphical processing units (GPUs), advances in how models are optimized (“trained”) have been accomplished that have facilitated training models with thousands (in some cases hundreds of thousands) of model parameters. In the case of neural networks, as the model architecture grows in complexity and the number of successive layers (chained calculations defined by the network) increases within the model architecture, the modeling framework takes on the name deep learning to try to express the scale of the model’s computational framework [15]. Some examples of these ML types are discussed later in this article.

AI use in medicine is often classified as augmented/assistive intelligence and autonomous intelligence. The former encompasses task-specific and domain-specific AI systems developed to assist clinicians with clinical decisions and patient care whereas the latter refers to an AI system that does not require clinician interpretation to make patient care recommendations [16]. It is believed that fully autonomous algorithms are unlikely to replace health care providers, but rather clinicians will interact with these across a continuum of automation [16, 17]. Generalized autonomous intelligence for broad use in medical settings, with no input from a managing physician in all phases of patient care, currently does not exist.

Current applications of machine learning in clinical medicine

Physiologic signals

This involves analyzing biological signals and using these to predict specific outcomes. Examples of these signals include surface electrocardiograms (ECG) and intracardiac electrograms (EGM) which capture cardiac electrical activity from outside and within the heart, respectively, electroencephalograms (electrical activity from the brain) (EEG), electromyogram (muscle electrical activity) (EMG), and actimetry (limb activity/displacement) [18]. Of these, ECGs have been extensively studied. Using deep learning, several studies have demonstrated the ECG’s ability to detect multiple cardiovascular pathologies which supersedes human interpretation of the ECG signals. These include detection of left ventricular dysfunction [4, 19, 20], pregnancy-related cardiomyopathy [21], silent atrial fibrillation [22, 23], hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [24], cardiac amyloidosis [25], valvular heart disease [26, 27], and cardiac allograft rejection [28].

Medical images

Human interpretation of medical images is a deeply embedded practice in multiple medical specialties. The use of AI to aid in the extraction of useful information from medical images for localization, segmentation, registration, classification and prediction purposes, or image refinement to augment clinical interpretation is emerging in importance [29]. Its use cuts across several medical fields and subspecialties. In the field of cardiology, this technique has been demonstrated with AI-generated cardiac ultrasound image annotations for assessment of left ventricular ejection fraction [30, 31].

In the field of diagnostic radiology, ML algorithms, specifically deep learning, have been extensively utilized to help improve diagnostic accuracy and efficiency, with brain, breast, eye, chest, musculoskeletal, and abdominal imaging [29]. For example, during the coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic prior to the development of a rapid reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test, deep learning was used to analyze computed tomography (CT) images of the chest in patients with suspected COVID-19 [17]. This model had an accuracy of 96%, AUC of 0.95, and sensitivity of 89% to accurately differentiate COVID-19 from other pneumonias [17]. A revolutionary utilization of AI has emerged in the field of breast imaging, where computer-aided diagnosis is utilized as standard of care to facilitate improvement of cancer detection rates at earlier stages than previously done [32]. Additional applications include efficient triaging of studies that necessitate prompt evaluation, improvement of image quality which facilitates diagnoses, and potentially enabling a more accurate assessment of disease progression [5, 33].

In the field of dermatology, a specialty that relies heavily on pattern recognition, ML is playing a groundbreaking role in diagnostics and assessments. The large clinical, dermatoscopic, and histopathologic image databases have enabled dermatologic studies focusing on early diagnosis of cutaneous disorders. A landmark study in the use of ML in dermatology demonstrated competence comparable to board-certified dermatologists in identifying most common skin cancers and in identifying the deadliest skin cancer, malignant melanoma [34]. Although there is enormous potential for ML to expand the reach of dermatologic care access, the lack of enough images with diverse skin tones limits the accurate training of algorithms and represents a substantial bias in available datasets. A recent systematic review of publicly available skin cancer image datasets revealed both poor reporting and poor representation of Fitzpatrick skin type. In a review with available skin type information from three datasets with 2436 images, only ten images were Fitzpatrick skin type V and only a single image was from skin type VI [35]. Similarly, in the International Skin Imaging Collaboration: Melanoma Project, which is one of the largest and often-used, open-source, public-access archives of pigmented lesions, the patient data comprise predominantly fair-skinned individuals in the USA, Europe, and Australia [36, 37]. This bias is of significance especially when considering the varied presentation of skin cancer in skin of color populations. For instance, although cutaneous melanoma incidence is highest among non-Hispanic White persons, non-White individuals have been observed to present with later stage melanoma at diagnosis and have lower overall survival outcomes emphasizing the need for early detection through ML in non-White persons [38]. If ML models are inadequately trained on darker skin types, even the most advanced algorithm will likely perform poorly with images in skin of color [39]. Aware of this limitation, there is ongoing intentional effort for image repositories around the world to include photos of darker skin types to ensure algorithms are trained to meet the dermatologic needs of all patients while avoiding the exacerbation of existing disparities in dermatologic care for patients with skin of color.

The potential applications of machine learning in digital pathology (DP) are extensive with research and industry applications already showing promising results in spatial analysis and immuno-oncology [40]. Clinically, there are many opportunities for semi-automated workflows to provide more consistent pathology results; however, DP remains a young field and clinical deployments are currently limited to early adopters [41,42,43]. The global regulatory environment has also played a role in the adoption and penetration of DP with European DP regulatory approvals occurring a few years before the USA [43]. Multiple factors including economic, regulatory, and technical difficulties limit slide scanning and digitization in specialties such as hematology and cytology. Consequently, available digitized slides for ML model development only represent a small fraction of pathology slides worldwide with the potential for bias in the datasets. While this is unintentional, ML algorithms developed with these limited datasets may face challenges with scalability. In addition, algorithms developed from images scanned by one DP vendor may not perform well when presented with images from another DP vendor. Over time, we believe widespread adoption of DP and curation of joint data repositories will enrich DP datasets by increasing absolute numbers available for training, case variety, and diversity to support development of robust ML models.

Acoustic signals

This involves the analysis of sounds for diagnostic purposes. Examples in medicine include the use of heart sounds (phonocardiograms), lung sounds, and voice-based sounds. This has been demonstrated with automated detection of valvular heart disease [44, 45], improved classification of lung auscultatory sounds [46], and non-invasive diagnosis of COVID-19 from cough recordings [47].

Text processing

One of the more common examples in clinical and non-clinical environments is text processing, and it refers to the analysis and interpretation of text (numeric and words) and speech with ML where model outputs are either used to augment diagnostic capacity or assist with patient care by answering medical questions. These types of models have demonstrated utility with disease or clinical outcome prediction [48,49,50] and identification of disease phenotypes [51, 52].

More recently, significant advancements have been made with generative AI to produce human-like responses to text or speech-based inputs. Generative AI algorithms have been trained on data that are largely found openly available online. The training of these models extends the concepts of natural language processing to learn not only the basic elements of speech but also the predictable patterns of word usage in the context of how a topic is summarized or reported on. In general, there is a predictable flow for how a recipe is written online or a scientific article is composed. Generative AI learns these structures and can assemble new works based on the underlying probability structure estimated from many examples. ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an example of this, released by OpenAI in November 2022 with a refined version GPT-4 released in March 2023 [53]. In one study, ChatGPT was shown to provide higher quality and more empathetic responses to patient questions when compared to physicians [54]. While impressive, the sources of data used to train the model are not always accurate. The saying “do not believe everything you read online” is taking on new meaning in the era of generative AI. Furthermore, at least in the context of science, there are some notable differences present in text generated by generative AI [55]. Another concern is that the performance of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT seems to decrease or decay with time. It is unclear whether this is due to changes made in the algorithm to speed up convergence since there are a large number of users or whether this is related to the training of the model on progressively less accurate data [56].

Algorithmic bias

A commonly cited limitation with deep learning, is its “black box” nature. The complexity in the model architecture and the long series of internal calculations make it challenging to clearly identify which specific features in an input (image, signal, or dataset) are being used for model prediction. While there are tools such as saliency maps, gradient-weighted class activation maps (Grad-CAMS) [57], and Shapley Additive explanations (SHAP explainers) that help identify components of the input data, these are often approximations of the entire modeling process. Furthermore, the algorithms can only learn from what they are given. As a result, these systems are highly dependent on the training datasets from which it learns to make predictions. ML models may demonstrate bias inherent in the underlying dataset, resulting in predictions that may contribute to healthcare disparities related to race, sex, or socioeconomic status [58]. In a classical statistical context, “extrapolation” of the model beyond the data was a common warning given to all people learning modeling. This same warning applies to ML; however, the concept of extrapolation is far more nuanced given the complexity of the data and the resulting algorithm. Another challenge with newly created ML models using contemporary or retrospective data is that the model is trained to recapitulate the outcomes seen during the time period when the data was obtained. For example, a model trained to predict college acceptance using data from the 1960s would very likely show that male sex is a strong predictor of acceptance. These ML models are therefore at risk of encrusting temporal societal biases in their predictions. Bias can also occur when ML models are trained to answer the wrong question, i.e., predicting a biased proxy variable believed to represent the actual outcome of interest. These types of bias are collectively referred to as algorithmic bias [6••]. Examples of bias inherent in training datasets include specific variables or features that favor a specific racial group based on past discriminatory practices [59] or underrepresentation of certain groups or individuals as demonstrated with commercial facial recognition algorithms, which showed near perfect discrimination among light skinned males but high error rates among dark skinned females [8].

The high cost of algorithmic bias has been demonstrated multiple times in non-healthcare domains which have led to unfair hiring practices [60, 61] and erroneous identification or penalization of individuals by the criminal justice system [10, 11]. Due to the potential for serious adverse health care consequences, it is critical that ML models developed for use in clinical care are thoroughly evaluated for bias and intentional steps taken to mitigate it in a systematic fashion.

Mitigating bias and responsible artificial intelligence

Ethics in machine learning

Addressing ethical issues surrounding the clinical integration of AI/ML is essential to ensuring that these technologies are translated into broader use in a just manner. Multiple ethical challenges have been identified with the use of AI/ML for health care: algorithmic bias, privacy, cybersecurity, data ownership, accountability, autonomous systems, the digital divide, impact on labor and employment, commercialization, governance, and impact on climate change (Fig. 1). In this article, our discussions will focus on mitigating algorithmic bias.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Ethical challenges in machine learning for clinical research and practice. This figure illustrates four key overarching ethical issues in machine learning—data, socioeconomic, methodology, and environment-related challenges. It also lists examples within each category that machine learning model developers and end-users need to be aware of to adequately evaluate bias and establish steps to mitigate it. Illustration created with Biorender.com.

Efforts directed towards mitigating bias in AI and ML models are often referred to as responsible artificial intelligence. This broadly encompasses the following domains: inclusivity—ensuring women and racial/ethnic minority groups are adequately represented in training datasets; specificity—ensuring that appropriate and specific training targets are selected when developing ML models; transparency—ensuring standard reporting to include information regarding training data, model annotation, and interpretability; and validation—conducting rigorous testing/auditing, validation studies (internal and external), and clinical trials as appropriate prior to deploying ML models for use in clinical care [62, 63] (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Framework for mitigating bias in clinical machine learning models. Illustration created with Biorender.com.

There are a few governing organizations that have provided legal frameworks to regulate ML models and ensure ethical concerns are addressed. The European Union’s AI act aims to stratify AI applications by levels of risk and accordingly, either ban or regulate by conformity assessment [64]. To date, there are proposed bills introduced in the US congress to address the utilization and implementation of AI [65]. While this national legislation is debated and modified, there is a patchwork of state and local legislation addressing this gap. New York City’s Local Law 144 [66] (which requires bias audits of AI-enabled tools used for employment decisions) is an example of this [60, 67]. In addition, the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, a non-binding framework released by the White House in October 2022, details five principles that seek to guide the design and implementation of AI, including (1) safe and effective systems, (2) algorithmic discrimination practices, (3) data privacy, (4) notice and explanation, and (5) human alternatives, consideration, and fallback [60]. Other proposed ethical guardrails include UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and the United States Intelligence Community’s Artificial Intelligence Ethics Framework [68, 69].

Guidelines and recommendations

Guidelines are essential to facilitate equitable development and validation of ML models and inform developers in promoting transparency in the design and reporting of AI algorithms [1,2,3]. As the role of AI/ML in clinical medicine continues to expand, it is critical that human autonomy is preserved and that appropriate guidelines are developed and adopted for responsible utilization of this emerging technology. As of July 2022, 521 AI/ML-enabled devices had received US FDA approval with the majority being in the fields of radiology and cardiology [60, 70, 71]. At this time, many regulatory guidelines remain in development by a number of governmental authorities which aim to critically evaluate applications of AI/ML in medicine and ensure its trustworthiness [60, 66]. One challenge is that the stewards—governmental authorities, and regulatory staff often lack the technical expertise to evaluate these models adequately and appropriately.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is among the first to develop and publish a guidance document and propose a framework for governance of AI/ML for health [72]. It highlights the following 6 ethical principles: (1) protecting autonomy, (2) promoting human well-being, human safety, and the public interest, (3) ensuring transparency, explainability, and intelligibility, (4) fostering responsibility and accountability, (5) ensuring inclusiveness and equity, and (6) promoting artificial intelligence that is responsive and sustainable [72, 73].

Framework for addressing bias and ensuring responsible AI

Researchers and ML model developers

Intentional efforts to ensure responsible AI at the model development phase (inclusivity, specificity, transparency, and validation) often lie with researchers and developers of ML models.

To address inclusivity, a few use cases are described. For example, while AI/ML holds promise in improving healthcare delivery and lowering costs in low-middle income countries (LMIC), one key limitation is the unavailability of high-quality data, from LMIC countries, needed to train AI/ML models in an equitable manner that represents the characteristics and unique aspects of the population [74, 75]. It is important for researchers, AI developers, and local health systems to invest in curating digital training datasets for this purpose, especially if these models are intended for LMIC use. In the USA, these translate to ensuring inclusion of diverse racial backgrounds and in some cases consider oversampling of racial and ethnic minority groups and patient populations for which these models are intended for use [74,75,76]. Questions to consider include the following:

  • Will this study include the appropriate population that would be representative of the target population (i.e., avoid sampling bias)?

  • Will AI/ML model development utilize techniques and methods to minimize overfitting and other potential programming-related biases?

Fundamentally, researchers must first ask the right question and design a study that is appropriate to answer the question, i.e., specificity. During model development and in the study design phase, the potential for bias must be meticulously considered and pre-emptively addressed. Relevant questions to consider here are as follows:

  • Will the study design be adequate to address the clinical question (e.g., inclusion of the appropriate spectrum of disease severity, i.e., spectrum bias)?

  • Is the model being used and applied in an appropriate population for which it was developed?

  • Will the model be useful in a different setting, e.g., LMICs and poor resource settings with limited access to technology (contextual bias) [77]?

  • Will there be equitable access to the model by all populations?

With regard to transparency, two different guidelines for AI related study protocols and reporting AI clinical trial interventions have been developed. These are based on the 2013 Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT 2013) and the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT 2010) statements. These updated guidelines are referred to as SPIRIT-AI and CONSORT-AI. Additional questions for developers to consider are the following:

  • How will financial incentives influence the implementation of the model?

  • How can we balance financial and clinical considerations when marketing an AI/ML-derived product?

Finally with validation, this must include internal and external validation. External validation should include evaluation in multiple health systems and settings (inpatient vs. outpatient for example), diverse patient populations, retrospective and prospective evaluations. Implementation studies are also crucial in evaluating the feasibility of incorporating ML tools into current clinical practice and lastly clinical trials which allows the objective evaluation of the ML model’s impact on clinical outcomes.

Funding agencies

In September of 2022, the National Institute of Health (NIH) announced it will invest $130 million USD to expand the use of AI/ML in biomedical and behavioral research, the bridge to artificial intelligence (Bridge2AI) program [78]. As part of this effort, the NIH will support ethical data curation and use, build diverse teams/workforce with AI/ML expertise, as well as efforts to reduce bias. It is important to consider the training of individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups to perform AI and ML research. These researchers may be able to detect nuanced biases in the AI/ML models because of cultural differences. This will encourage racial and ethnic minority researchers to contribute to the narrative around the research and how it affects their community.

Additional NIH-related efforts include specific funding opportunities to support the ethical development of AI/ML models in biomedicine [79], the health equity and researcher diversity program (AIM-AHEAD) [80], the Science Collaborative for Health disparities and Artificial intelligence bias Reduction (ScHARe) platform [81], and the launch of a prize competition titled “bias detection tools in health care challenge” which concluded in March 2023 [82]. It is imperative that the NIH and other research funding agencies continue to support these programs, in addition to promoting and funding efforts to evaluate existing models for bias through validation studies, and the development of novel tools to mitigate bias in AI/ML [81, 82].

Government and regulatory organizations

The national artificial intelligence initiative (NAII) [83] established in 2021 has been tasked with the developing guidance for regulating AI. While this and a bill of rights are still in progress, some US agencies have adopted some guidelines and principles for AI/ML use developed by the department of defense and the office of the director of national intelligence in 2020 to promote trustworthy use of AI in the federal government. In April 2023, four government agencies also released a joint statement on guarding against discrimination and bias in AI systems [68] with plans to use existing civil and consumer rights laws to enforce this.

The American College of Cardiology Innovation Council developed the PRIME checklist for AI/ML-derived algorithms [84] in which one critical component is the requirement to report model-related bias. These are part of the efforts seeking to standardize scientific reporting and evaluation of AI/ML algorithms and systematically evaluate bias. In addition to these efforts, government agencies, policymakers, and regulating bodies need to establish clear regulations and guidelines to ensure that consumer protection standards are in place and that bias and conflicts of interest are adequately addressed.


As novel machine learning algorithms are developed and refined, their use will become increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Its role in medicine will continue to expand by facilitating personalized and precision medicine, holding promise for earlier diagnosis, improved treatment of disease, and health promotion [85]. It is imperative that these systems are developed, utilized, and implemented in a manner that ensures everyone will benefit from the use of these technologies for healthcare. The words of Martin Luther King Jr. could not be more relevant at this time: “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and the most inhuman”, as such, it is critical that we are all aware of the significant risk algorithmic bias poses to healthcare and that intentional efforts are put in place to guard against it. Recognizing and addressing bias will not only ensure equitable use of AI/ML models but more importantly facilitate optimal, safe, and efficient health care for all people.