
Currently, CO2 capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies are receiving a great deal of attention in the efforts to combat global warming [1, 2]. The international community has also started to constructively take action in reducing carbon levels and has established a goal of being a net-zero society by 2050 [3, 4]. However, among CCUS, few technologies can satisfy both CO2 reduction and economic incentives. The production of NaHCO3 is a representative CO2 capture and utilization technology which achieves both objectives [2, 5,6,7].

Traditional NaHCO3 production is based on the Solvay process developed in 1861 [8]. The major goal of this process is the production of CaCl2 and Na2CO3 using CaCO3 and NaCl extracted from sea water as raw materials, which produces NaHCO3 as a by-product. Except for NaCl, there are other Na+ sources also able to be used for production of NaHCO3, such as, NaOH, Na2SO4, and Na2CO3 [9,10,11,12,13]. Among them, recently, Na2SO4 has received a great deal of attention due to excess production as by-product from steel industry [14,15,16].

Recent tightening of regulations governing CO2 emissions as well as other environmental issues are at the forefront of the world’s governments’ efforts to rein in runaway global warming and allay the public’s concerns. The regulation of SO2 emissions, which mainly use NaHCO3 as the SO2 adsorbent, is receiving greater attention since it causes respiratory diseases in humans and acid rain [17]. The regulations governing SO2 emissions are mainly applied at steel industry. After SO2 reacts with NaHCO3, it converts to Na2SO4 waste containing impurities (K, Ca, Fe, and Si), and related chemical equations are shown in Eqs. (1)–(2) [18,19,20].

$$ 2NaHCO_{3} \left( s \right) \, + {\text{ heat}} \to Na_{2} CO_{3} \left( s \right) \, + \, CO_{2} \left( g \right) \, + \, H_{2} O \, \left( g \right) $$
$$ Na_{2} CO_{3} \left( s \right) \, + \, 1/2O_{2} \left( g \right) \, + \, SO_{2} \left( g \right) \to Na_{2} SO_{4} \left( s \right) \, + \, H_{2} O \, \left( g \right) \, + \, CO_{2} \left( g \right) $$

Currently, there is no clear solution to treat Na2SO4 waste, thus, the only choice is direct landfill which can cause secondary pollution. In current situation in Republic of Korea, the import cost of NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 are 315 and 345 $/ton, respectively. In the case of desulfurization waste, it is treated as “special waste” and its landfill cost is higher (180 $/ton) than common waste (90 $/ton) due to various heavy metals. Therefore, company have to pay for 495 $/ton-NaHCO3 to removal SO2, which is large burden for steel company [21]. With stricter environment regulation every year, more Na2SO4 waste will be produced. As such, there is an urgent need for its treatment method.

In this paper, we studied NaHCO3 production using Na2SO4 waste and suggested feasible industrial processes. For comparison, pure Na2SO4 was employed. Various factors, such as the effect of H2O:Na2SO4, NH3:Na+, reaction temperature, pressure, and especially Na2SO4:Na2CO3 ratio, were explored to optimize NaHCO3 production. We should note here that one of the reasons for selecting Na2CO3 as the Na+ source is that it can be easily obtained by simple heating of NaHCO3. Reaction rate of different concentration of Na2SO4 and Na2CO3 solution also be explored to compare conversion rate to NaHCO3. Finally, SO2 removal efficiency of regenerated NaHCO3 was estimated and compared with commercial NaHCO3. The MINEQL + software, chemical equilibrium modeling system, was used to clarify the effect of impurities in Na2SO4 waste when produce NaHCO3.

The major regeneration process consisted of five steps: (i) separation of insoluble components from Na2SO4 waste to increase the purity of NaHCO3, (ii) production of a reaction solution with the mixture of Na2SO4, ammonia, and Na2CO3, (iii) carbonation reaction with CO2, (iv) a part of regenerated NaHCO3 is converted to Na2CO3 by heating, and (v) collection of the remaining NaHCO3. The purity of regenerated NaHCO3 was evaluated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The schematic for the suggested regeneration process of NaHCO3 is shown in Fig. 1 and related chemical reactions are shown in Eqs. 35.

$$ Na_{2} SO_{4} \left( s \right) \, + \, 2H_{2} O \, \left( l \right) \, + \, 2NH_{3} \left( g \right) \, + \, 2CO_{2} \left( g \right) \to 2NaHCO_{3} \left( s \right) \, + \, \left( {NH_{4} } \right)_{2} SO_{4} \left( {aq} \right) $$
$$ Na_{2} SO_{4} \left( s \right) \, + \, 2H_{2} O \, \left( l \right) \, + \, 2CO_{2} \left( g \right) \to 2NaHCO_{3} \left( s \right) \, + \, H_{2} SO_{4} \left( {aq} \right) $$
$$ 2NaHCO_{3} \left( s \right) \, + {\text{ heat}} \to \, Na_{2} CO_{3} \left( s \right) + \, H_{2} O\left( g \right) + \, CO_{2} \left( g \right) $$
Fig. 1
figure 1

The schematic for the regeneration of NaHCO3 using desulfurization waste with Na2CO3

The desulfurized Na2SO4 waste with Na2CO3 show higher NaHCO3 yield and purity than that of pure Na2SO4 due to its higher starting pH (> 10). When comparing conversion rate to NaHCO3 between Na2SO4 and Na2CO3, the desulfurized form show higher Na2SO4 conversion rate than Na2CO3, indicating that it can replace expensive NH3 sources. Furthermore, regenerated NaHCO3 show higher SO2 removal efficiency than commercial NaHCO3 because of its smaller particle size, i.e., greater surface area. The overall results suggest that the addition of more than 20% of Na2CO3 can significantly enhance the NaHCO3 yield, which minimizes the need for expensive NH3 sources. Typically, steel manufacturing companies struggle to meet carbon emission restrictions. We expect that this eco-friendly zero-waste process from industrial desulfurized Na2SO4 waste will help to meet the 2050 Carbon Neutral Declaration.



Na2SO4 waste was obtained from the steel industry after the deSOx process. Reagents including sodium sulfate (Na2SO4, 99%), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3, 99%), ammonia solution (NH4OH, 25–30%), calcium oxide (CaO, 98%) were purchased from SAMCHUN Chemicals, South Korea. Carbon dioxide (CO2, 99.995%) was purchased from Linde, South Korea.


Power X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were collected on PANalytical X’Pert diffractometer (Cu Ka radiation) with an X’Celerator detector. The purity of NaHCO3 was determined by comparing the area of X-ray peaks around 2θ = 30.3°, 31.5°, and 16.4°, which correspond to the main peak of NaHCO3, Na2SO4, and ammonia salt reflections, respectively. Crystal morphology was determined by a JEOL JSM-6510 scanning electron microscope (SEM). The solid-phase X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy was obtained on RIGAKU ZSX and used in obtaining chemical composition data. The ICS-6000 ion chromatography measurements determined the Na+ and NH4+ ion concentrations in solution. Particle size distribution was determined using a SYMPATEC-001 particle size analyzer. The pH of the sample before and after the reaction was measured using an Orion STAR A211 pH meter.

NaHCO 3 Production

The suggested process of production of NaHCO3 using Na2SO4 waste is shown in Fig. 1. To achieve Na+ solution, Na2SO4 waste was dissolved in purified water with different H2O:Na2SO4 waste ratios from 1.0 to 10 under 300 rpm for 30 min. To separate insoluble solids, filtering was conducted. Next, the Na2SO4 solution and ammonia solution were mixed with different NH3:Na+ ratios from 0.8 to 1.5 together with different amounts of Na2CO3. Here, we have used ammonia solution as ammonia source since a sublimable ammonium carbonate type complex can be produced when use NH3 gas and easy to block the pipeline in the case of batch-type reactor [13]. During these processes, stirring and filtering temperatures were above 40 °C to avoid crystallization. The extracted solution was placed in a high-pressure reactor. CO2 gas was then injected to increase the pressure ranging from 1.0 to 7.0 bar and the temperature varied from 5 to 40 °C for 8 h. The stirring speed was set as 300 rpm. After finishing the carbonation process, the NaHCO3 slurry was filtered. The product was then washed, dried, and crushed. When conducting dry processes, the temperature remained below 50 °C to avoid the formation of Na2CO3. Collected NaHCO3 was re-used for SO2 removal. When necessary, temperatures exceeding 150 °C for 2 h were used to obtain Na2CO3.

NaHCO 3 Yield and Purity Calculation

The NaHCO3 yield and purity were calculated by the following equation:

$$ NaHCO_{3} yield\left( \% \right) = \frac{{mol\;of\;Na^{ + } \;in\;final\;product}}{{mol\;of\;Na^{ + } in\;Na_{2} SO_{4} \;waste}} \times 100\% . $$

The molar concentration of Na+ was measured by ion chromatography and/or XRF.

$$ NaHCO_{3} \;purity\left( \% \right) = \frac{{PA(30.3^{o} )}}{{PA\left( {31.5^{o} } \right) + PA(30.3^{o} )}} \times 100\% . $$

PA is the peak area of the XRD pattern. The 2θ values of 31.5 and 30.3 are major peaks of Na2SO4 and NaHCO3, respectively. If there are other major crystalline impurities, corresponding major PA should be added to the denominator in the equation. If there were amorphous phases of impurities in a solid product, NaHCO3 purity will be calculated using a combination of XRD and XRF analyses.

Simulation of Metal Speciation

Solubility domains were calculated using the chemical equilibrium modeling system MINEQL + (version 5.0) [22, 23]. This program can be used to compute equilibrium quantities of aqueous and solid species of each component using the appropriate thermodynamic stability constants. The calculations were performed at a constant temperature of 25 °C and the number of iteration cycles was constrained to 100. Calculations were made for all systems over the pH range from 1 to 20. The detailed simulation conditions of MINEQL + are shown in Table S1 in supporting information.

SO 2 Removal

A schematic of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. S1. The system is composed of a gas control system, gas mixer, solid feeder, heater, filter-bag type reactor, induced draft fan, and gas analysis system. The desired amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2), i.e., 200 ppm, as the inlet gas was prepared by mixing commercially available SO2 with air. The gas flow rates are metered by rotameters and gas flow rate was set as 200 L/min. The gas samples at the reactor’s inlet and outlet were measured using gas analyzer (MRU analyzer VARIOluxx), based on NDIR (nondispersive infrared radiation) method. The reactor consists of a gas pulsing system and five cylindrical filters. The cylindrical filters set up in a bag house along the vertical direction. A needle punched polyester bag filter with a thickness of 2.0 mm was used in our experiment. Clean air was supplied to a bag house at pressure 2 bar to remove accumulated powder on filters. The pulsing interval was set as 1 min. The height of the bag filters were 50 cm. The feeding speed of NaHCO3 varied from 0.5 to 10 g/min and temperature of whole system was set as 160 °C.

Results and Discussion

Figure 2 shows the powder XRD pattern, SEM image, and particle size distribution of Na2SO4 waste, i.e., NaHCO3 after SO2 removal, used as a raw material Na+ source in this study. For comparison, we have added reference XRD data, international centre for diffraction data (ICDD), of Na2SO4 (ICDD 00-037-1465), NaHCO3 (ICDD 00-–015-070), NaCl (ICDD 01-077-2064), respectively. It can be seen in the amorphous phase with particle size approximately ~ 20 um. In its XRD pattern, except for the main peak of Na2SO4 at 31.5°, it also detected unreacted NaHCO3 during SO2 removal process and NaCl peaks at 45.3° and 30.1°, respectively. We have thought that NaCl is originated from HCl component in the flue gas during the desulfurization process. Table 1 shows the chemical composition data of Na2SO4 waste measured using the XRF method. As expected, major components of Na2SO4 waste were Na2O and SO3, which were determined to have 46.9 and 39.3 wt%, respectively. Besides that, Cl (7.15), CaO (2.14), K2O (1.26), and Fe2O3 (1.04 wt%) were observed to be the major impurities. As known, calcium (Ca) and/or iron (Fe) salts are only slightly soluble in water, indicating that the insoluble components were required to be removed to increase purity of NaHCO3.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a XRD pattern of Na2SO4 waste (green) and reference data from international centre for diffraction data (ICDD) of Na2SO4 (blue), NaHCO3 (red), NaCl (black), and SEM image of Na2SO4 waste and (b) particle size distribution of Na2SO4 waste

Table 1 Chemical compositions data

The first step of regeneration NaHCO3 is to extract the Na2SO4 solution. As mentioned above, insoluble phase is required to be removed. Here, we also need to point out the unusual solubility curve of Na2SO4, which sharply increased up to 40 °C, and decreased slightly thereafter at higher temperatures (shown in Fig. S2). It indicates that the temperature for dissolving Na2SO4 should be higher than 40 °C to gain the maximum recovery rate of Na+ ions. Figure 3a shows the amount of remaining solids after dissolving Na2SO4 waste at 40 °C with different H2O:Na2SO4 waste ratios. It shows that the amount of insoluble solid significantly increased in H2O:Na2SO4 waste ratios lower than 2.0. When this ratio increased, no significant changes were observed and maintained the value < 5 wt% of initial mass of Na2SO4. The chemical composition data of insoluble Na2SO4 waste (H2O:Na2SO4 waste ratio 2.0) after solid/liquid separation are also shown in Table 1. As expected, the results indicate that its major components are calcium, iron, and sodium salts. Consistently, as shown in Fig. 3b, the Na+ recovery rate also followed the same tendency, i.e., the Na+ recovery rate increased with increasing H2O/Na2SO4 waste ratio (> 90%). Considering only these two factors, higher H2O/Na2SO4 waste ratios are more attractive due to the lower amount of waste and higher Na+ recovery rate.

Fig. 3
figure 3

a Amount of insoluble solid and (b) Na + recovery rate after solid/liquid separation with different H2O:Na2SO4 waste ratios at 40 ℃ and atmospheric pressure

To produce NaHCO3, the Na+ ions in solution need to react with CO2. Most of the HCO3 ions which are part of the negative ions of NaHCO3 salt are formed when the pH ranges from 7 to 9, suggesting that maintaining the pH between 7 and 9 is a key factor to maximize the yield of NaHCO3 (Fig. S3). However, pH will get out of this range and decease below 7 when excess amount of CO2 dissolve in Na2SO4 solution. Therefore, the addition of ammonia solution (NH4OH) is necessary since it can serve as a pH buffer.

To check the effect of the concentration of Na+, we synthesized NaHCO3 using extracted Na+ solutions from different H2O:Na2SO4 waste ratios ranging from 1.0 to 3.5 at 40 °C and atmospheric pressure (Fig. 4a). As shown, NaHCO3 purity had no significant change with different Na+ concentrations. On the other hand, solid yields (> 70%) showed an optimized range from 1.5 to 2.0. Both lower (< 1.5) and higher (> 2.0) range showed poor solid yields (< 40%) which can be attributed to the generation of a large amount of insoluble Na2SO4 waste and low concentration of Na+ solution, respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4

NaHCO3 yield (navy) and purity (green) with different (a) H2O:Na2SO4 waste ratio, (b) NH3:Na + ratio, (c) pressure, and (d) temperature

We also have changed the NH3:Na+ ratio using Na+ solution with an H2O:Na2SO4 ratio of 2.0 at 40 °C and 7 bar to check the effect of NH3 (Fig. 4b). As mentioned, the pH range was maintained between 7 and 9 due to the formation of HCO3 ions. Thus, solid yield increased from 72 to 80% with increasing NH3:Na+ ratios, i.e., increasing the pH and dissolving more CO2 gas to solution. On the other hand, NaHCO3 purity suddenly decreased from 90 to 70% when the NH3:Na+ ratio reached 1.5 due to the formation of ammonia carbonate salt. The corresponding XRD patterns are shown in Fig. S4. If required, the purity of NaHCO3 can be further increased (> 95%) through washing with H2O. However, ~ 15% NaHCO3 will be lost since it will dissolve in water when the (w/w) ratio of H2O:NaHCO3 is 1.0. Figure 4c, d exhibits the effect of pressure and temperature, respectively. In the case of pressure, NaHCO3 yields are increased with increasing pressure since more CO2 gas can be dissolved in solution. The sharp increase can be observed in pressure until 2 bar (at 40 °C) with constant NaHCO3 purity (~ 90%). On the other hand, both yield and purity of NaHCO3 underwent significant changes with increasing temperature (at 7 bar). The NaHCO3 yield decreased while the purity of NaHCO3 increased with increasing temperatures due to the increased solubility of Na2SO4 with higher temperatures.

The Na2CO3 can be easily obtained by simple heating of NaHCO3. Figure 5 shows a series of XRD patterns of NaHCO3 products after drying at different temperatures. We can observe NaHCO3 peaks at 32 ° with a small amount of Na2SO4 peaks when the temperature is lower than 50 °C. On the other hand, major peaks of Na2CO3 gradually increased with increasing temperature to 150 °C, indicating that NaHCO3 was being converted to Na2CO3. The produced Na2CO3 can recycle to carbonation process to production of NaHCO3.

Fig. 5
figure 5

A series of XRD patterns of NaHCO3 after drying at (a) 35, (b) 50, (c) 75, (d) 100, and (e) 150 °C. The XRD pattern of pure NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 are shown on the bottom lines for comparison

To further increase the yield and purity of NaHCO3, we added different amounts of Na2CO3 source in the Na2SO4 waste solution and maintained the same concentration of Na+ and NH3. Interestingly, solid yield significantly increased from 72 to 90% with an increasing amount of Na2CO3 from 0 to 50 wt%, as shown in Fig. 6a. When the Na2CO3/(Na2CO3 + Na2SO4) ratio was increased to over 20 wt%, the solid yield increased only negligibly, indicating that the optimized point had been reached.

Fig. 6
figure 6

a NaHCO3 yield (navy) and purity (green) with different Na2CO3/(Na2CO3 + Na2SO4) ratio of Na2SO4 waste solution. The pH changes with different amount of NH4OH added for different Na2CO3/(Na2CO3 + Na2SO4) ratio on (b) Na2SO4 waste and (c) pure Na2SO4 solution, and (d) MINEQL simulation of chemical equilibria of various ions in aqueous systems with different pH

To clarify why the addition of a certain amount of Na2CO3 significantly enhanced the yield of NaHCO3, we measured the pH changes with different amounts of NH4OH added (0–30 g/100 g solution) on Na2SO4 waste and pure Na2SO4 solution, as shown in Fig. 6b and c, respectively. The pH of both solutions increased with increased amounts of NH4OH and Na2CO3 due to their basic properties. It can also explain why the addition of Na2CO3 can increase the NaHCO3 yield. The starting pH of Na2SO4 waste solution is higher than that of pure Na2SO4 solution (10 vs 7).

Initially, a rapid increase of pH value on pure Na2SO4 solution can be observed in whole range with the addition of 5% of Na2CO3 (Fig. 6c). And then, pH value is gradually increased with increasing Na2CO3 amount but converges when the Na2CO3 content exceeds 50%, as can be expected from traditional acid–base titration curves. Whereas, the overlapped pH curves during the addition of 10–20 wt% Na2CO3 can be observed on Na2SO4 waste solution, indicating that a buffering effect may occur. To understand this phenomenon, we carried out chemical equilibrium simulation using MINEQL + software based on experimental composition. As shown in Fig. 6d, NaHCO3 occupies the major concentration in the solution when the pH ranges from 5 to 12. It can be attributable to a higher concentration of HCO3 ions in this pH range according to the carbonate system (Fig. S2). Except for that, ~ 10 wt% of CaCO3 and FeCO3 are formed when the pH is higher than 7 due to their strong ionic strength. According to chemical composition data of Na2SO4 waste, Table S2 lists possible OH, CO32−, and SO42− salts which can be precipitated during the reaction. We expect that not only calcium and iron but also other insoluble salts can serve as a pH buffer. To compare with experimental data, we collected precipitated solids before the carbonation reaction. The chemical composition result shows that it is mainly composed of a mixture of calcium and iron salts. Furthermore, the XRD pattern also can be assigned as CaCO3, FeCO3, and MgFeCO3, which can further support our simulation result, as shown in Table S3 and Fig. S5, respectively.

In the practical application, NH3 consumption is critical factor to determine operating cost of production of NaHCO3. To minimize NH3 consumption, we have compared amount of NH3 (NH3:Na2SO4 waste ratio) with different Na2CO3/(Na2CO3 + Na2SO4) ratio under the same NaHCO3 yield, as shown in Fig. 7. In the case of a pure Na2SO4 solution, NH3 consumption is linearly decreased with increasing Na2CO3/(Na2CO3 + Na2SO4) ratios. Whereas, a gentle decreasing curve is observed until a Na2CO3/(Na2CO3 + Na2SO4) ratio of 20 in the case of Na2SO4 waste solution. After that, the NH3:Na+ ratio is suddenly diminished and follows the same tendency with that of pure Na2SO4 solution. This result also can be explained by the pH buffer effect caused by impurities. NH3 consumption can be reduced by more than 50% when Na2CO3/(Na2CO3 + Na2SO4) ratios are higher than 20, and 20% lower NH3 usage can be achieved on Na2SO4 waste solution compared to pure Na2SO4 solution. After production of NaHCO3, in waste water treatment, NH3 recovery process should be included to minimize operating cost and effluent standard since ammonia is the most expensive raw material in this process, i.e., 525 $/ton [21]. The ammonia recovery rate of commercial plant is generally higher than 80%. If applied to our process, it can further decrease operating cost.

Fig. 7
figure 7

NaHCO3 yield (navy), purity (green), and NH3:Na + ratio (pink) changes with different Na2CO3 / (Na2CO3 + Na2SO4) ratio on (a) Na2SO4 waste and (b) pure Na2SO4 solution

To compare Na+ conversion rate between Na2SO4 and Na2CO3, we have measured NaHCO3 yield, i.e., Na+ conversion, in different Na+ concentration of Na2SO4 and Na2CO3 solution, respectively. Figure S6 shows both Na+ conversion rate between Na2SO4 and Na2CO3 are increased with increasing their concentration. In the case of their pure form, the Na2CO3 show higher yield (78% vs 60%) and rapid conversion rate (max. slope 7.7 vs 5.2) than that of Na2SO4. Interestingly, significantly enhanced Na+ yield (81% vs 60%) and conversion rate (8.1 vs 5.2) can be observed in the case of Na2SO4 waste when compared to pure Na2SO4. It can be attributed to relative high pH (> 10) of Na2SO4 waste. No significant changes can be observed on Na+ yield (78% vs 77%) and conversion rate (7.8 vs 7.7) in the case of Na2CO3 waste and its pure form. This result shows that Na2SO4 waste exhibit higher Na+ conversion rate of Na2SO4 waste than that of Na2CO3 in the range of Na2CO3/(Na2CO3 + Na2SO4) from 0 to 30%, which can further support our results.

Finally, we measured the SO2 removal efficiency of regenerated NaHCO3 and compared it with commercial NaHCO3 using a simulated gas mixture containing 200 ppm of SO2 gas, as shown in Fig. 8. Interestingly, SO2 removal efficiency of regenerated NaHCO3 is higher than that of commercial NaHCO3 at a feed input speed of 1.0 g/min (54 vs 47%), and regenerated NaHCO3 reached the 95% level of SO2 removal efficiency at 2.0 g/min. To understand why regenerated NaHCO3 had a better performance for SO2 removal, we measured the particle size distribution. Figure 8b indicates that regenerated NaHCO3 has a smaller particle (~ 40 um) size than commercial NaHCO3 (~ 80 μm). This result suggests that physisorption of SO2 plays an important role due to its higher surface area, which can be obtained by using smaller particle sizes. In addition, the lower impurity of regenerated NaHCO3 than commercial NaHCO3 (99% vs. 90%) further supports this claim. Overall results concluded that regenerated NaHCO3 adsorbent was also able to be used for SO2 removal.

Fig. 8
figure 8

a SO2 removal efficiency and (b) particle size distribution of regenerated NaHCO3 (navy) and commercial NaHCO3 (green)


We were able to regenerate NaHCO3 using Na2SO4 waste with Na2CO3 by the suggested NaHCO3 production processes. Interestingly, the yield of NaHCO3 is significantly increased (~ 90%) with the addition of 20 wt% of Na2CO3, and its purity is higher than 95% after washing. To clarify this phenomenon, we also checked pH changes during the production of NaHCO3. Our results clearly show that enhanced NaHCO3 yield by the addition of Na2CO3 is caused by the higher pH of Na2CO3 (11) compared to Na2SO4 waste (9.5) or pure Na2SO4 (7). They also indicate that the addition of Na2CO3 can reduce the consumption of expensive NH3. We have found that addition of 20% of Na2CO3 in Na2SO4 waste solution can save 50% of NH3 consumption. This value is 20% lower than pure Na2SO4 solution. The regenerated NaHCO3 also shows excellent SO2 removal efficiency compared to commercial NaHCO3 due to the smaller particle size distribution. The overall experimental results suggest that the addition of Na2CO3 can further enhance NaHCO3 production efficiency when using Na2SO4 waste as the Na+ source.