1 Introduction

Throughout the paper, G is always a finite group. Let \(\textrm{Irr}(G)\) be the set of all complex irreducible characters of G. If \(\chi \in \textrm{Irr}(G)\) and \(\chi (1)>1\), then \(\chi \) is called a nonlinear irreducible character of G. The set of nonlinear irreducible characters of G is denoted by \(\textrm{NL}(G)\) in this note. For a character \(\chi \) of G, \(\textrm{ker}(\chi )=\{g\mid \chi (g)=\chi (1), g\in G\}\) is defined as the kernel of \(\chi \). Clearly, \(\chi \) is a nonlinear irreducible character of G iff \(G'\nsubseteq \textrm{ker}(\chi )\). Let \(\textrm{Kern}(G)= \{\textrm{ker}(\chi )\mid \chi \in \textrm{NL}(G)\} \) denote the set of kernels of the nonlinear irreducible characters of G. Since every normal subgroup is the intersection of some irreducible character kernels, \(\textrm{Kern}(G)\) heavily influences the normal structure of G. For example, Qian and Wang in [6] classified the finite p-groups G for which \(\textrm{Kern}(G)\) is a chain with respect to inclusion.

For \(\textrm{Kern}(G)\), a useful fact is that the intersection of the kernels of all nonlinear irreducible characters of G is trivial, i.e., \(\cap _{K\in \textrm{Kern}(G)}K =\{1\}\) (see Theorem 35 of [1, page 94]). With this fact, one can imagine that if a nonabelian group G has few kernels of nonlinear irreducible characters, then G has few normal subgroups not containing \(G'\) and the structure of G should be very limited. Specifically, if \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =1\), then \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{1\}\). This is the situation that all of the nonlinear irreducible characters of G are faithful. Berkovich and Zhmud’ in [2] said that G is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group if \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =1\). And they gave the structures of \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-groups as follows.

Lemma 1

[2, Chapter 29, Lemma 2] Let G be a finite group. Then G is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group iff \(G'\) is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G, and one and only one of the following assertions holds:

  1. (1)

    G is a p-group for some prime p and \(\textrm{Z}(G)\) is cyclic.

  2. (2)

    G is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel \(G'\).

  3. (3)

    G is nonsolvable.

For convenience, we say that G is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-p-group if G is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group and also a p-group in this note. Similarly, a Frobenius \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group means that it is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group and also a Frobenius group.

Note that if a nonabelian group G has a unique nonlinear nonfaithful irreducible character \(\chi \), which implies that \(\textrm{ker}(\chi )\) is the unique nonidentity element of \(\textrm{Kern}(G)\), then by the same reason that \(\cap _{K\in \textrm{Kern}(G)}K =\{1\}\), we know \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{1, \textrm{ker}(\chi )\}\) and so \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\). Iranmanesh and Saeidi in [4] studied this kind of groups and after that A.Saeidi in [7] gave a classification of this kind of solvable groups. Furthermore, Berkovich and Zhmud’ in [2, page 252] posted a question about classifying finite groups G such that \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid \le 3\). For this question, H.Doostie and A.Saeidi in [3] determined finite p-groups G with \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid \le 3\). In this paper, we aim at advancing on the solution of the question, and provide a classification of the groups G satisfying \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\). More precisely, our main results are the following.

Theorem 1

Let G be a finite solvable group. Then G has two kernels of nonlinear irreducible characters if and only if one of the following cases occurs:

  1. (1)

    G is of order \(p^4\) and nilpotency class 3, where p is a prime.

  2. (2)

    G is a 2-group, \(\mid G'\mid =2\) and \(\textrm{Z}(G)\cong C_{2}\times C_{2^{r}}(r\ge 1)\), and \(r>1\) implies that \(G'\subseteq \Phi (\textrm{Z}(G))\).

  3. (3)

    \(G=H\times K\), H is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-p-group and K is a group of order q, where pq are two different primes.

  4. (4)

    \(\textrm{Z}(G)\) and \(G'\) are all the minimal normal subgroups of G and \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) is a Frobenius \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group.

  5. (5)

    The Fitting subgroup \(\textrm{F}(G)\subsetneq G'\) is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G and the complements of \(\textrm{F}(G)\) in G are solvable \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-groups.

  6. (6)

    The Frattini subgroup \(\Phi (G) \subsetneq G'\) is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G and \(G/\Phi (G)\) is a Frobenius \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group.

Theorem 2

Let G be a nonsolvable group with two kernels of nonlinear irreducible characters, then

  1. (1)

    G has faithful nonlinear irreducible characters;

  2. (2)

    G/K is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group, where K is the same kernel of the nonlinear nonfaithful irreducible characters of G; and either K is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G or else \( K=\textrm{Z}(G)\) is of prime order and \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) is a nonsolvable \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we give some results needed for the proofs of our main results. The notations and terminologies are standard and can be found in [1, 5]. In addition, for a group G, we write \(\textrm{Soc}(G)\) and \(\textrm{exp}(G)\) in the following to denote the socle of G and the exponent of G, respectively. \(C_{n}\) means a cyclic group of order n and p is always a prime number.

We begin with a result on \(\textrm{Kern}(G)\), which has been mentioned in the introduction. Since the result will be used repeatedly, we restate it here.

Lemma 2

([1, Chapter 4, Theorem 35]) Let G be a nonabelian group. Then \(\cap _{K\in \textrm{Kern}(G)}K =\{1\}\).

The next result due to H. Doostie and A.Saeidi is a classification of finite p-groups G with \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid \le 3\).

Lemma 3

([3, Theroem 1.1]) Let G be a nonabelian p-group and \(t=\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid \) be the number of nonlinear irreducible character kernels of G. Then,

  1. (1)

    \(t=1\) if and only if \(\mid G'\mid =p\) and \(\textrm{Z}(G)\) is cyclic.

  2. (2)

    \(t=2\) if and only if one of the following cases occurs:

    1. (a)

      G is of order \(p^4\) and nilpotency class 3.

    2. (b)

      \(\mid G'\mid =2\) and \(\textrm{Z}(G)\cong C_{2}\times C_{2^{r}}(r\ge 1)\), and \(r>1\) implies that \(G'\subseteq \Phi (\textrm{Z}(G))\).

  3. (3)

    \(t=3\) if and only if one of the following cases occurs:

    1. (a)

      G is of order \(p^5\) and nilpotency class 4.

    2. (b)

      G is of order 32 and nilpotency class 3 and \(\textrm{Z}(G)\) is cyclic.

    3. (c)

      \(\mid G'\mid =3\), \(\textrm{Z}(G)\cong C_{3}\times C_{3^{r}}(r\ge 1)\) and \(r>1\) implies that \(G'\subseteq \Phi (\textrm{Z}(G))\).

    4. (d)

      \(G'=\textrm{Z}(G)\cong C_{2}\times C_{2}\) and \(N\le \textrm{Z}(G)\), for each \(N\lhd G\) not containing \(G'\).

    5. (e)

      \(\mid G'\mid =2\), \(\textrm{Z}(G)\cong C_{2}\times C_{4}\) and \(G'\ne \Phi (\textrm{Z}(G))\).

    6. (f)

      G is a 2-group of nilpotency class 2, \(\mid G'\mid =4\), \(\textrm{Z}(G)\) is cyclic and \(\mid N\textrm{Z}(G):\textrm{Z}(G)\mid \le 2\), for each \(N\lhd G\) not containing \(G'\).

The following lemma gives a criterion for identifying whether G has faithful irreducible characters by using the structure of \(\textrm{Soc}(G)\).

Lemma 4

([1, Chapter 9, Corollary 6]) A group G possesses a faithful irreducible character if and only if \(\textrm{Soc}(G)\) is generated by a G-class. In particular, a nonabelian group G possesses a faithful nonlinear irreducible character if and only if \(\textrm{Soc}(G)\) is generated by a G-class.

Two subgroups FH of a group G are said to be nonincident if \(F\ne F\cap H \ne H\). In the chapter 29 of [2], a nonabelian group G is said to be a \(\textrm{J}\)-group if any two different elements of \(\textrm{Kern}(G)\) are nonincident. The following result is a classification of the nilpotent \(\textrm{J}\)-groups.

Lemma 5

([2, Chapter 29, Lemma 5]) If G is a nilpotent \(\textrm{J}\)-group, then it is a p-group. A p-group is a \(\textrm{J}\)-group if and only if \(G'\le \textrm{Z}(G)\) and \(\textrm{exp}(G') =p\).

Assume that G is a finite group with \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{K_{1},K_{2}\}\). Clearly, there are two cases for \(\textrm{Kern}(G)\): \(1\notin \textrm{Kern}(G)\) and \(1 \in \textrm{Kern}(G)\). For the first case, using Lemma 4 and Lemma 5 we can determine the structure of G as the following Theorem 3 shows. We note that our Theorem 3 generalizes the conclusion of Lemma 3.1 in [3]. And for the second case, we also have a result (see Theorem 4) which will be used repeatedly in the proofs of our main Theorems 5 and 6.

Theorem 3

Let G be a finite group. Then \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{K_{1},K_{2}\}\) and \(K_i\ne 1\) for \(i=1,2\) if and only if G is a 2-group, \(\mid G'\mid =2\) and \(\textrm{Z}(G)\cong C_{2}\times C_{2^{r}}(r\ge 1)\), and \(r>1\) implies that \(G'\subseteq \Phi (\textrm{Z}(G))\).


If \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{ K_1, K_2 \}\) and \(1 \ne K_i\), for \( i=1,2\), then by Lemma 2 we know \(K_1\cap K_2=1\). Particularly, \(K_1, K_2\) are nonincident and so G is a \(\textrm{J}\)-group. Next, we claim that G is nilpotent.

Let \(N \le K_1\) be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Clearly, \( K_2 \cap N = 1\) since \(K_1\cap K_2=1\). Observe that \(\textrm{NL}(G/N)=\{\chi \mid \chi \in \textrm{NL}(G), \textrm{ker}(\chi ) = K_1\}\). Using Lemma 2 for G/N, we can get that \( K_1=N \), which is minimal normal in G. Similarly, \(K_2\) is minimal normal too.

Suppose \(G'\) is not minimal normal in G, take \(N \unlhd G\) be a minimal normal subgroup of G, then \(G' \nleq N \) and G/N is nonabelian. Consider \(\textrm{NL}(G/N)\) as above, we can get either \( N = K_1\) or \(N = K_2\). Thus, \(K_1, K_2\) are all the minimal normal subgroups of G and so \( K_1 \times K_2\) is the socle of G. Take \(1\ne x \in K_1, 1\ne y \in K_2\), then \(xy \in K_1K_2\). Let \(\langle xy\rangle ^{G}=\langle (xy)^{g}\mid g\in G\rangle \) be the subgroup generated by the G-class of xy. Clearly, \(\langle xy\rangle ^{G} \unlhd G\) and \(K_i\ne \langle xy\rangle ^{G}\leqslant K_1K_2\) for \( i=1,2\). Recall that \(K_1, K_2\) are all the minimal normal subgroups, then there exists \(K_i\) such that \(K_i \lneqq \langle xy\rangle ^{G} \). Without loss of generality, let \(K_1 \lneqq \langle xy\rangle ^{G} \), then

$$\begin{aligned} \langle xy\rangle ^{G}=\langle xy\rangle ^{G}\cap K_1K_2=K_1(\langle xy\rangle ^{G}\cap K_2) =K_1K_2= \textrm{Soc}(G). \end{aligned}$$

Using Lemma 4, we know that G has a faithful nonlinear irreducible character. This contradicts \(K_i\ne 1\) for \(i=1,2\). Hence, \(G'\) is minimal normal in G too.

Recall that \(G', K_1, K_2\) are the minimal normal subgroups of G. So \(G'\cap K_i=1\) and \(K_i \le \textrm{Z}(G)\) ( \( i=1,2\)). Consider the factor group \(G/(K_1K_2)\). Suppose \(G/(K_1K_2)\) has a nonlinear irreducible character \(\chi \), then \(\textrm{ker}(\chi )\in \textrm{Kern}(G)\) and \(K_1K_2\le \textrm{ker}(\chi )\), a contradiction. Thus, \(G/(K_1K_2)\) is abelian and so \(G'\le K_1 \times K_2 \le \textrm{Z}(G)\), which implies that G is nilpotent.

Now we know that G is a nilpotent \(\textrm{J}\)-group. Then using Lemma 5 for G we can get that G is a p-group. Furthermore, since G has no faithful irreducible characters, by item (b) of Theorem 2.32 in [5], we also know that \(\textrm{Z}(G)\) is not cyclic. Finally, by the necessity of item (2) of Lemma 3, we know (b) happens since the center of every p-group of maximal nilpotency class is cyclic. That is: G is a 2-group, \(\mid G'\mid =2\) and \(\textrm{Z}(G)\cong C_{2}\times C_{2^{r}}(r\ge 1)\), and \(r>1\) implies that \(G'\subseteq \Phi (\textrm{Z}(G))\).

For the converse, if G is a 2-group, \(\mid G'\mid =2\) and \(\textrm{Z}(G)\cong C_{2}\times C_{2^{r}}(r\ge 1)\), and \(r>1\) implies that \(G'\subseteq \Phi (\textrm{Z}(G))\), then using the sufficiency of item (2) of Lemma 3, we know \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\). And since \(\textrm{Z}(G)\) is not cyclic, by item (a) of Theorem 2.32 in [5] we also know \(1\notin \textrm{Kern}(G)\). The proof is complete. \(\square \)

By the above theorem, the following corollary is clear.

Corollary 1

Let G be a finite group with \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\). Suppose G is not a 2-group, then \(1\in \textrm{Kern}(G)\).

Theorem 4

Let G be a finite group. Then \(\textrm{Kern}(G)= \{1, K\}\) if and only if G/K is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group and K is the unique nontrivial normal subgroup of G which does not contain \(G'\). In particular, K is minimal normal in G and G has no other minimal normal subgroups except possibly \(G'\).


Suppose \(\textrm{Kern}(G)= \{1, K\}\), then for every nonlinear nonfaithful irreducible character \(\chi \) of G, \(\textrm{ker}(\chi )=K\). In particular, \(\textrm{NL}(G/K)=\{\chi \mid \chi \in \textrm{NL}(G), \textrm{ker}(\chi )=K\}\). Thus, every nonlinear irreducible character of G/K is faithful and so G/K is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group. Let N be any nontrivial normal subgroup of G which does not contain \(G'\), then G/N is nonabelian and so \(N\le K\). Using Lemma 2 for G/N, we can deduce that \(N = K\). Hence, K is the unique nontrivial normal group of G which does not contain \(G'\). In particular, if \( M \ne G'\) is a minimal normal subgroup of G, then \(G'\nleq M\) and so \(M=K\). Therefore, K is minimal normal in G and G has no other minimal subgroups except possibly \(G'\).

Conversely, Assume that G/K is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group and K is the unique nontrivial normal group of G which does not contain \(G'\). Take any \(\chi \in \textrm{NL}(G)\), then \(\textrm{ker}(\chi )\unlhd G\) and \(G'\nsubseteq \textrm{ker}(\chi )\). So, if \(\textrm{ker}(\chi )\ne 1\), then \(\textrm{ker}(\chi )= K\). On the other hand, by Lemma 2 again, we know that G must have faithful nonlinear irreducible characters and it follows that \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{1, K\}\). We are done. \(\square \)

3 Proofs of main results

Let G be a solvable group with \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\), we discuss the structure of G in two situations: the cases when G is nilpotent and not nilpotent. First, we handle the nilpotent case.

Theorem 5

Let G be a finite nilpotent group. Then \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\) if and only if one of the following cases occurs:

  1. (1)

    G is of order \(p^4\) and nilpotency class 3.

  2. (2)

    G is a 2-group, \(\mid G'\mid =2\) and \(\textrm{Z}(G)\cong C_{2}\times C_{2^{r}}(r\ge 1)\), and \(r>1\) implies that \(G'\subseteq \Phi (\textrm{Z}(G))\).

  3. (3)

    \(G=H\times K\), H is a \(\mathrm J_0\)-p-group and K is a group of order q, where pq are two different primes.


Let G be a nilpotent group with \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\). If G is a p-group, then by the necessity of Lemma 3(2), (1) or (2) follows. Otherwise, G is a nilpotent group whose order has at least two different prime divisors. By Corollary 1, it follows that G has faithful nonlinear irreducible characters and then we can assume that \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{1,K\}\). By Theorem 4, we see that G/K is a nilpotent \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group. Furthermore, using Lemma 1, we know that G/K is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-p-group for some prime number p. Note that K is minimal normal in G by Theorem 4 and G is nilpotent, \(K\le \textrm{Z}(G)\) holds. So \(K\cong C_q\) for some prime number q. Recall that \(\mid G\mid \) has at least two different prime divisors. So \(q\ne p\). Now let H be a Sylow p-subgroup of G, then \(H\cong G/K\) is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-p-group and \(G=H\times K\), (3) follows.

Conversely, if (1) or (2) happens, then by the sufficiency of Lemma 3(2), we are done. If (3) happens, then for any \(\chi \in \mathrm{NL(G)}\), there exist \(\varphi \in \mathrm{NL(H)}\) and \(\lambda \in \mathrm{Irr(K)}\) such that \(\chi =\varphi \times \lambda \). If \(\lambda \) is not the principal character \(1_K\) of K, then by Problem 4.3 of [5] we know \(\textrm{ker}(\chi )= 1\); otherwise, if \(\lambda = 1_K\), then \(\textrm{ker}(\chi )= \textrm{ker}(\varphi )\times \textrm{ker}(1_K)=K\). Thus, if (3) happens, then \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{1, K\}\). We complete the proof. \(\square \)

We proceed now toward the nonnilpotent case.

Theorem 6

G is a solvable nonnilpotent group with \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\) if and only if one of the following cases occurs:

  1. (1)

    \(\textrm{Z}(G)\) and \(G'\) are all the minimal normal subgroups of G and \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) is a Frobenius \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group.

  2. (2)

    The Fitting subgroup \(\textrm{F}(G)\subsetneq G'\) is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G and the complements of \(\textrm{F}(G)\) in G are solvable \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-groups.

  3. (3)

    The Frattini subgroup \(\Phi (G) \subsetneq \) \(G^\prime \) is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G and \(G/\Phi (G)\) is a Frobenius \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group.


If (1) happens, then G is solvable but not nilpotent since \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) is a Frobenius \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group. And for any \(\chi \in \mathrm{NL(G)}\), if \(\textrm{ker}(\chi ) \ne 1\), then \(\textrm{Z}(G) \le \textrm{ker}(\chi )\) and \(\chi \in \textrm{NL}(G/\textrm{Z}(G))\). Note that \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) is a Frobenius \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group, so \(\chi \) as the nonlinear irreducible character of \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) is faithful. Thus, for any \(\chi \in \textrm{NL}(G)\), either \(\textrm{ker}(\chi ) = 1\) or \(\textrm{ker}(\chi ) = \textrm{Z}(G)\). So \(\textrm{Kern}(G)= \{1,\textrm{Z}(G)\}\).

Using similar argument as above, we can deduce that G is solvable nonnilpotent whenever (2) or (3) happens. Moreover, if (2) or (3) happens, then we have \(\textrm{Kern}(G)= \{1,\textrm{F}(G)\}\) and \(\textrm{Kern}(G)= \{1,\Phi (G) \}\), respectively.

Conversely, suppose that G is a solvable nonnilpotent group with \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\), then by Corollary 1 we know \(1\in \textrm{Kern}(G)\) and so we can assume that \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{1, K \}\). By Theorem 4 we know that K is a minimal normal subgroup, so either \(K\cap G'=1\) or \(K<G'\) happens. In the following we consider these two cases.

Case 1. \(K\cap G'=1\)

If \(K\cap G'=1\), then by Theorem 4, K and \(G'\) are all the minimal normal subgroups of G. In particular, since \(K\cap G'=1\), K as a subgroup of \(\textrm{Z}(G)\) is simple. On the other hand, since G is not nilpotent, we have \(G'\nleq \textrm{Z}(G)\). We also from Theorem 4 know that K is the unique nontrivial normal subgroup of G which does not contain \(G'\). Hence \(K=\textrm{Z}(G)\) and \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) is a solvable \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group. Note that \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) can not be a p-group since G is not nilpotent. So from Lemma 1 we know that \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) is a Frobenius \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group and (1) follows.

Case 2. \(K<G'\)

If \(K<G'\), then K is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G by Theorem 4. In the following, we consider two subcases according to whether or not \(G'\) is nilpotent.

If \(G'\) is not nilpotent, then the Fitting subgroup \(\textrm{F}(G)\) of G doesn’t contain \(G'\) and so \(\textrm{F}(G)=K\) is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G. In particular, \(\Phi (G)=1\) and so that \(\textrm{F}(G)\) has complements in G. Furthermore, \(G/\textrm{F}(G)\) is a solvable \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group and (2) follows.

Finally, if \(G'\) is nilpotent, then \(G'\le \textrm{F}(G)\). Suppose \(\Phi (G)=1\), then \(\textrm{F}(G)= K\) since K is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G. And so that \(G' \le K\) happens, contradicting with \(K<G'\). Thus, \(\Phi (G) \ne 1\). Observe that \(G'\nleq \Phi (G)\) since G is not nilpotent. So by the fact that K is the unique nontrivial normal subgroup of G which does not contain \(G'\), we know \(\Phi (G) =K\). And we have that \(G/\Phi (G)\) is a solvable \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group by Theorem 4. Recall that G is not nilpotent, \(G/\Phi (G)\) can not be a p-group. Now using Lemma 1, we know that \(G/\Phi (G)\) is a Frobenius \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group and (3) follows. We are done. \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 1 From Theorems 5, 6 and 1 is immediately available.

Proof of Theorem 2 Let G be a nonsolvable group with \(\mid \textrm{Kern}(G)\mid =2\). (1) follows immediately from Corollary 1. And so we can assume \(\textrm{Kern}(G)=\{1, K\}\). Clearly, K is the same kernel of the nonlinear nonfaithful irreducible characters of G. Using Theorem 4, we have that G/K is a \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group, K is minimal normal in G and G has no other minimal normal subgroups except possibly \(G'\).

Suppose \(G'\) is minimal normal in G too, then \(K\cap G'=1\) and so \(K\le \textrm{Z}(G)\) is of prime order. Note that G is nonsolvable, \(G'\nleq \textrm{Z}(G)\). By Theorem 4 again, it follows that \(K=\textrm{Z}(G)\) and \(G/\textrm{Z}(G)\) is a nonsolvable \(\mathrm{J_0}\)-group. Now (2) holds and we complete the proof.