
Dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI (DSC) and Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE) can be useful tools in the diagnosis and follow-up of brain gliomas. Most studies published on this topic used perfusion-derived biomarkers for gliomas grading [15], patients’ outcome prediction [611] and differentiation of tumor recurrence from treatment-related effects like radionecrosis and pseudoprogression [1216].

However, reproducibility is still an open issue for both techniques: no standardized protocol for acquisition and analysis of perfusion techniques is still available and, consequently, different research groups have used different protocols, generating a wide range of results [1722]. Recently some steps towards standardization have been made, with the publication of an evidence- and consensus-based standards document for DCE [23] and a white paper for DSC [24].

One of the potential sources of variability is the software chosen for perfusion map calculation and analysis [2532] since each software implements different analysis tools [i.e. leakage correction for DSC maps or automatic detection of vascular input function (VIF)] and sometimes different algorithms.

The aim of this study was to test the reproducibility of data obtained from studying the same cohort of patient with two commercial software, which were chosen based on the rationale that they could be used independently from the MR machine available for the acquisition, thus reducing data spread and improving standardization of perfusion analysis. We tested both intrasoftware (including the intraobserver and interobservers reproducibility) and intersoftware reproducibility and the impact of different postprocessing choices, such as VIF selection methods and deconvolution algorithms, on the quantification and reproducibility of perfusion biomarkers obtained from DSC and DCE analyses.



DCE and DSC data derived from 20 patients (mean age 51 years; range 16–76 years; 10 M/10 F) with histologically confirmed gliomas (8 WHO II, 4 WHO III and 8 WHO IV) were retrospectively evaluated. This study was approved by the ethical committee of our Institution.

MR imaging

MR imaging was performed on a 3T scanner (Achieva, Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) equipped with 80 mT/m gradients using a phased-array head 8 channel-coil. Online Resource 1 summarizes the imaging parameters of the MRI sequence protocol.

DCE–MRI was performed with a dynamic gradient-echo T1-weighted sequence using the following parameters: TR/TE 3.9/1.8 ms; flip angle 15°; matrix 96 × 84; FOV 230 × 201 mm; section thickness, 2.5 mm; in-plane acquisition voxel size, 2.4 × 2.4 mm. Seventy dynamic scans were performed with a temporal resolution of 5.1 s. The total acquisition time for DCE–MRI was 6 min and 10 s. DCE–MRI was preceded by a variable flip angle (VFA) axial sequence for T1 mapping.

DSC–MRI was performed with an axial gradient-echo T2*-weighted EPI sequence using the following parameters: TR/TE 1500/40 ms; flip angle 75°; matrix 96 × 77 mm; FOV 230 × 230 mm; section thickness, 5 mm; in-plane acquisition voxel size, 2.4 × 2.9. Eighty dynamic scans were performed with a temporal resolution of 1.5 s. The total acquisition time for DSC–MRI was 2 min and 4 s.

A cumulative fixed dose of 10 ml of gadobutrol (Gadovist, 1 mmol/ml; Bayer Schering Pharma, 6 Berlin, Germany) was administered, splitted in two boluses of 5 ml. The first bolus of 5 ml was injected 50 s after the start of the DCE sequence using a power injector (Spectris Solaris MR injector; MedRad, Indianola, Pennsylvania) at a rate of 2 ml/s, immediately followed by a 20 ml continuous saline flush at the same injection rate. The second bolus of 5 ml was injected 16 s after the start of the DSC sequence using the same power injector at a rate of 5 ml/s, followed by a 20 ml saline flush at the same injection rate. Thus, the contrast administration during DCE sequence pre-saturated the tissue for the following DSC–MR imaging.


Perfusion MR analysis was performed using Olea Sphere (v. 2.3, Olea Medical Solutions, La Ciotat, France) and NordicIce (v. 2.3.12, NordicNeuroLab, Bergen, Norway). In both software, preprocessing steps included automatic motion correction by a rigid-body registration, automatic spatial smoothing and background segmentation.

DCE analysis

For DCE analysis, patient-specific baseline T1 maps were derived from VFA axial sequences (see Online Resource 1 for acquisition details).

In both software DCE analysis was based on the extended Tofts model [33]. In NordicIce, a venous VIF was obtained by manually drawing a ROI in the superior sagittal sinus (SSS). In Olea Sphere both a manual venous VIF and an automatic one were obtained; the venous one was obtained from the SSS, while the automatic one was obtained using a tool implemented in the software [34], which selected both arteries and veins as sources of input. Parametric maps of volume transfer constant (K trans) and plasma volume (Vp) were then obtained.

DSC analysis

In both software, DSC analysis was performed using the singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm for deconvolution [35]. However, while Olea Sphere offers different methods for SVD, and both the standard truncated SVD (sSVD) and oscillation-index cSVD (oSVD) were used for analysis, in NordicIce only sSVD was available. An arterial VIF was obtained in Olea Sphere using an automatic method [34] while in NordicIce it was obtained semi-automatically: the observer selected the axial slice of interest and then the software searched for a valid vascular signal. Leakage correction was not applied during the postprocessing since it was already obtained with the contrast administration during the DCE acquisition, which served as a pre-bolus. Parametric maps of cerebral blood volume (CBV) were then obtained.

A fixed hematocrit value of 0.45 was set in both software.

Image analysis

All the parametric maps were independently analyzed by two observers (GMC, with 3 years experience in perfusion analysis, NA with 7 years experience in perfusion analysis).

In both software, perfusion maps were automatically co-registrated with FLAIR and/or post-contrast T1 images by performing a rigid transformation of the datasets.

For each parametric map, multiple circular ROIs, 25–30 mm2 in area, were drawn in the tumor area that showed the highest value of perfusion biomarkers, then the one showing the highest mean value for each perfusion biomarker was selected. To normalize CBV values, a single elliptic ROI, 250–300 mm2 in area, was drawn in the contralateral normal appearing white matter (NAWM) in the centrum semiovale (nCBV). The ratio (rCBV) between the tumor-CBV and nCBV was then considered. The analysis was repeated after one month to assess intraobserver reproducibility.

From DCE analysis, for each parametric map and each observer three datasets were obtained: one with the automatic VIF selection (Olea automatic) and two with the manual VIF selection (Olea Manual and NordicIce); from DSC two datasets (Olea automatic and NordicIce) were obtained.

Moreover, to avoid any possible variability due to different ROIs positioning between observers, intersoftware reproducibility was re-tested drawing the ROIs in the same tumor area in the two software. To do so, co-registered anatomical series were used as reference to guarantee the same ROIs positioning in the two software. Mean value of selected ROIs was then used for the comparison.

To test the impact of different postprocessing options on the quantitative data, additional analyses were performed using Olea Sphere: for DCE, the reproducibility of data obtained using the automatic and the manual VIF selection and for DSC the data obtained using the sSVD and oSVD methods. For all these analyses, the ROIs positions were kept constant.

Statistical analysis

Intraclass Correlation Coefficient analysis (ICC) selecting a two-way random effect model was performed to assess intra- and intersoftware reproducibility using SPSS (SPSS 20.0 for MacOSX, IBM, Chicago, IL, USA) and interpreted as follows: 0–0.2 indicates poor agreement, 0.3–0.4 indicates fair agreement, 0.5–0.6 indicates moderate agreement, 0.7–0.8 indicates strong agreement and >0.8 indicates almost perfect agreement.

Additionally, to compare data obtained with the two software and with the different postprocessing options, Bland–Altman analysis was performed using Graph Pad Prism 6 (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, California, USA,


Intrasoftware reproducibility

Intraobserver reproducibility resulted in an ICC always superior than 0.8 except for two comparisons (Table 1). Similar results were obtained for interobservers agreement (Table 1).

Table 1 ICC values for intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility

Intersoftware reproducibility

Intersoftware reproducibility resulted fair to moderate for all perfusion biomarkers (Table 2): ICC ranged from 0.354 to 0.577; similar result was found drawing the ROIs in the same tumor area in the two software (Table 3). Selecting the same SVD algorithm in the two software only slightly improved reproducibility of rCBV (Table 3).

Table 2 ICC values for intersoftware reproducibility
Table 3 ICC values for intersoftware reproducibility evaluated with fixed ROI

Graphs derived from Bland–Altman analysis are summarized in Fig. 1; when comparing Olea Automatic and NordicIce, bias for K trans, Vp and rCBV were 0.0035, −0.8030 and −4.604 while 95% limits of agreement range were (−0.16, 0.17), (−8.6, 6.99), (−17.29, 8.07), respectively; comparing Olea Manual and NordicIce, bias for K trans and Vp were 0.0210 and −0.4285 while 95% limits of agreement range were (−0.09, 0.13) and (−6.62, 5.76), respectively.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Summary of Bland–Altman analysis for K trans, Vp and rCBV. For each horizontal bar the central line corresponds to bias, while the left and right ends represent the limits of agreement. The bar length is proportional to the dispersion of data. OA Olea automatic, OM Olea manual, N NordicIce

Impact of postprocessing options on reproducibility

Reproducibility of different VIF selection methods for DCE-derived biomarkers resulted in an ICC of 0.636 for K trans and 0.662 for Vp (Table 4). Regarding Bland–Altman analysis (Fig. 1), bias for K trans and Vp were −0.0175 and −0.3745 while 95% limits of agreement range were (−0.16, 0.12) and (−6.50, 5.75), respectively.

Table 4 ICC values for impact of postprocessing options on reproducibility. All analyses performed using the same software (Olea Sphere)

Comparison of the two SVD methods for DSC resulted in an ICC of 0.999 for rCBV in the same software (Table 4).


One of the major limitations to the use of PWI in the diagnostic workflow of brain tumors is the lack of standardization of acquisition and analysis protocols [1720]. This leads to highly heterogeneous findings among studies, thus decreasing reproducibility. Some of the known PWI analysis variables are operator-dependent, such as the VIF selection [17, 18, 25, 26, 28] and ROI positioning [20].

Another source of variability is the choice of the PWI analysis software itself [2532]: different FDA and CE-approved software are available, such as the software platforms offered by all the major MR manufacturers, and some commercial software packages for advanced MR imaging analyses. Moreover, especially in neuroimaging, some groups analyze PWI datasets using non CE and FDA approved in-house software.

The issue of the reproducibility of data derived from different software seems to be independent from imaging technique and anatomical district: previous studies focused on data obtained using different software or different versions of the same software in both CT-PWI [27, 29, 30] and MR-PWI [25, 26, 28, 31, 32]. To our best knowledge, this study is the first reporting data on DCE reproducibility in brain imaging.

Intrasoftware reproducibility

Regarding the intrasoftware analysis, we found good reproducibility for all comparisons (Table 1). One of the two software, Olea Sphere, showed narrower and higher range of ICC values (Fig. 2). Better reproducibility was especially observed when the automatic selection of VIF was used, probably because this method avoids one of the possible observer-dependent variables. Nevertheless, our data shows that the manual selection of VIF also ensures a good intrasoftware reproducibility when selected in a fixed position (in our study, the superior sagittal sinus).

Fig. 2
figure 2

ICC values of intrasoftware reproducibility for K trans, Vp and rCBV. Summary of ICC values obtained in all comparisons; upper and lower limits of the box represent the highest and lowest ICC value obtained; the central line represents the mean ICC value obtained

Slight differences were found in DCE and DSC reproducibility: Vp and K trans showed slightly better results compared to rCBV for both intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility (Table 1; Fig. 2); this may be due to the need of drawing two ROIs for rCBV estimation, one in the tumor area, and one in the NAWM, thus adding an additional variable compared to K trans and Vp.

Intersoftware reproducibility

Regarding the intersoftware analysis, the ICC values obtained suggest only fair to moderate reproducibility for both DSC and DCE parameters; moreover, the 95% confidence interval for ICC values showed a wide range of results for all comparisons (Table 2). This ICC value dispersion suggests that even if the two software were used with similar parameters, some differences do exist in how the two software generate the perfusion maps, and are probably due to options inaccessible to the users.

Similar results were also obtained drawing the ROIs in the same tumor area in the two software, with only a slight improvement of ICC values, showing that ROIs positioning might not be a major issue for PWI reproducibility if the analysis is performed by trained readers (Table 3).

The Bland–Altman analysis confirmed this data, since the limits of agreement and the dispersion of data were too wide to define the results reproducible (Fig. 1); the automatic VIF selection seems to slightly underestimate parameters if compared to the manual method; this may be due to the different composition of the input of the automatic method (see Sect. “VIF selection in DCE” paragraph).

Slight differences in DSC and DCE reproducibility were found when different methods of VIF selection were applied in the two software for DCE analysis, obtaining better results for rCBV (Tables 2, 3); these differences disappeared when the manual selection of VIF was applied in both software for DCE analysis (Tables 2, 3), suggesting that is important to use the same VIF selection method when performing perfusion analysis (see Sect. “VIF selection in DCE” paragraph).

To better clarify why these ICC values were obtained in intersoftware comparison, further analysis on the impact of different postprocessing options on data reproducibility were performed considering hypotheses and results of published studies. In particular, the impact of deconvolution algorithms on DSC and VIF selection on DCE data reproducibility were investigated.

Deconvolution algorithms in DSC

For DSC, one of the proposed factors that may affect reproducibility is the choice of the deconvolution algorithm [27, 30]. In our study DSC analyses were performed applying both different and same deconvolution algorithms in the two software, finding low intersoftware reproducibility, that only slightly increased from an ICC of 0.455–0.582 when selecting the same algorithm (sSVD) (Table 3). It is possible that the choice of a different algorithm per se does not introduce significant variability; this was proved comparing the data obtained using the two different SVD methods in the same software, resulting in an almost perfect agreement with an ICC of 0.999 (Table 4). Bland–Altman analysis confirmed this finding since the dispersion of data is very low (Fig. 1). This could mean that the two software apply the same algorithm in a different way or that the main source of variability may be due to other postprocessing options. Lastly, it must be noticed that we compared rCBV value, while some differences are expected in CBF when comparing oSVD and sSVD [36].

VIF selection in DCE

A possible source of variability for DCE analysis is the definition of VIF, as proposed by Heye [25] and Beuzit [28]. Our data confirms their hypothesis, since different quantitative values and thus different reproducibility of DCE data according to different VIF estimation methods were obtained. In the intersoftware comparison, a better reproducibility was obtained for both K trans and Vp when the VIF was selected manually in both software (Tables 2, 3). These differences may arise due to a different vessel selection in the two methods: the automatic selection of VIF selects both arteries and veins as a source of input, and this may determine a different peak characterization of the VIF curve (Figs. 3, 4); on the other hand, when performing the manual VIF selection, only venous signal is chosen, making the peaks of the curves probably more similar between the two software. Nevertheless, even considering this slight improvement, reproducibility still remains low. To precisely define the impact of different VIF on reproducibility, the two VIF estimation methods were compared in the same software (Figs. 3, 4). Our results show that this single change in postprocessing step has a significant impact on data as only moderate agreement was obtained, even if the ROIs were positioned in the same area and no other differences exist between the datasets compared (Table 4). Probably the VIF selection itself cannot entirely explain the poor reproducibility but it seems to play a major role in it.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Comparison of automatic and manual VIF selection in the same patient; in this case automatic VIF selection on DCE maps shows both arterial (a) and venous (b) input; manual VIF selection on DCE maps consists in venous input only (d); c, e Concentration time curves show different peaks, with the one derived from automatic VIF being lower. The curve derived from the manual VIF is the mean of four different input located around the pixel selected (e)

Fig. 4
figure 4

Comparison of automatic and manual VIF selection in the same patient; in this case automatic VIF selection on DCE maps shows only venous input (a, b); manual VIF selection on DCE maps consists in venous input only (d); c, e Concentration time curves shows similar peaks. The curve derived from the manual VIF is the mean of four different input located around the pixel selected (e)

Our study confirms the recent findings by Orsingher [26], Milchenko [31] and Kelm [32], who also found low intersoftware reproducibility of DSC parameter CBV. Moreover, we confirmed its good interobserver reproducibility found by Kelm [32]. Very similar findings were found for DCE parameters. This has several consequences on the application of perfusion analysis.

The excellent intrasoftware reproducibility suggests that each software can be used in a reliable way even by multiple readers. It must be said, however, that a thorough training is necessary to obtain this result and the acquisition and analysis protocol must be followed very strictly.

The poor intersoftware reproducibility and the impact of postprocessing options on data reproducibility have consequences on the design of follow-up studies, on the application of data published in literature and on the daily clinical routine use of perfusion analysis. Follow-up studies should be designed and performed using the same software and the same postprocessing options (i.e. VIF selection), otherwise it could be difficult to define if any observed variation in pharmacokinetic parameters is a true biological phenomenon or it is simply related to the chosen analysis method. Moreover, it could be risky to apply published findings to other datasets, unless the same software, analysis protocol and acquisition protocol have been used. This is particularly relevant for those studies that define cut-off values for PWI biomarkers (i.e. in tumors grading). It must be said, however, that, as shown in the work by Kelm [32], different diagnostic accuracy is unlikely to be found among different FDA-cleared software.


In conclusion, we found a very good intrasoftware reproducibility and poor intersoftware reproducibility for DCE and DSC analyses, suggesting that while the use of a single software ensures reliable results, caution should be taken when comparing data obtained using different software and different postprocessing options, since the reproducibility in this case is not guaranteed anymore.