1 Introduction

Image matching is a core computer vision task and template matching is an important sub-class of it. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that matches templates under arbitrary 2D affine transformations. The algorithm is fast and is guaranteed to find a solution that is within an additive error of the global optimum. We name this algorithm: Fast-Match.

Template matching algorithms usually consider the set of all possible 2D-translations of a template. They differ in the way they discard irrelevant translations [see Ouyang et al. (2012) for a comprehensive survey of the topic]. Template matching under more general conditions, which include also rotation, scale or 2D affine transformation leads to an explosion in the number of potential transformations that must be evaluated.

Fast-Match deals with this explosion by properly discretizing the space of 2D affine transformations. The key observation is that the number of potential transformations that should be evaluated can be bounded based on how smooth the template is. Small variations in the parameters of the transformation will result in small variations in the location of the mapping, and therefore the smoother the template is, the less the Sum-of-Absolute-Difference (SAD) error can change.

Given a desired accuracy level \(\delta \) we construct a net of transformations such that each transformation (outside the net) has an SAD error which differs by no more than \(\delta \) from that of some transformation in the net. For each transformation in the net we approximate the SAD error using random sampling. When we take a small \(\delta \) the net size becomes large and we therefore apply a branch-and-bound-like approach. We start with a sparse net, discard all transformations in the net whose errors are not within a bound from the best error in the net and then increase the sampling rate around the remaining ones. By choosing which transformations to discard carefully we maintain the bounds on the approximation while typically improving the runtime significantly. An exact branch-and-bound approach could be obtained by analyzing the exact worst-case constants of the presented bounds. However, for better clarity and efficiency we use asymptotical bounds, whose constants we derive empirically, resulting in an algorithm that is not strictly a branch-and-bound scheme.

It is instructive to contrast Fast-Match with classical direct methods, such as Parametric Optical Flow (OF) (Lucas et al. 1981). OF methods improved considerably over the years and are the building blocks of many computer vision applications. However, at their core OF are solving a nonlinear optimization problem and as such they rely on an initial guess and might be trapped in a local minimum. Fast-Match, on the other hand, does not rely on an initial guess and is guaranteed to find an approximation to the global optimum.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Shortcomings of current methods. Left Direct Methods (OF) require (good) initialization. They find the correct template location (green parallelogram) given a close enough initialization (dashed green parallelogram), but might fail (converge to solid red parallelogram) with a less accurate initialization (dashed red parallelogram). Right Indirect Methods (feature based) require (enough) distinct features. They typically will not detect a single matching feature in such an example. Fast-Match solves both these cases (Color figure online)

To overcome the limitations of OF there is a growing focus on feature based methods, such as SIFT (Lowe 2004). Such methods assume that feature points can be reliably detected and matched in both the image and the template so that there are enough potent matches to estimate a global transformation model, perhaps using RANSAC (Fischler and Bolles 1981). Despite the large body of work in this field, the process can fail, especially if there are not enough distinct features in the template or the image. See Fig. 1 for illustrations.

OF is clearly less practical when the size of the template is considerably smaller than the size of the image because it does not have a good initial guess. In such cases we can use feature point matching to seed the initial guess of an OF algorithm. However, it is increasingly difficult to detect distinct feature points as the size of the template decreases. Fast-Match does not suffer from this problem.

Fast-Match has some disadvantages when compared to other techniques. When dealing with images where the important information is sparse, e.g. diagrams and text, Fast-Match treats background pixels as if they are as important as foreground pixels, potentially achieving good SAD error at the expense of good localization, in contrast to feature based techniques. In addition, the smoothness of a template determines the complexity-accuracy tradeoff of Fast-Match, while other methods are generally agnostic to this property of the template. In general, while Fast-Match handles a generalized version of (the standard 2D-translation) template matching, it does not deal with a wider range of problems that are addressed using optic-flow or feature-based techniques.

By design, Fast-Match minimizes the SAD error and our experiments validate this, however we also show that minimizing SAD error serves as a proxy to finding the correct location of the template and we show results to this effect. Often, even when the size of the template is small, Fast-Match can still find the correct match, whereas feature based methods struggle to detect and match feature points between the template and the image.

We present a number of experiments to validate the proposed algorithm. We run it on a large number of images from the Pascal VOC 2010 data-set (Everingham et al. 2010) to evaluate its performance on templates of different sizes, and in the presence of different levels of degradation (JPEG artifacts, blur, and Gaussian noise). We also test Fast-Match on the data sets of Mikolajczyk and Schmid (2005) and Mikolajczyk et al. (2005). Finally, we report results on real-life image pairs from the Zurich Buildings data-set (Shao et al. 2003).

2 Background

Our work grew out of the template matching literature which we review next. Since image-matching techniques can be used for template-matching we also include a short reference to this topic, whose full review is beyond the scope of this paper.

2.1 Template Matching

Evaluating only a subset of the possible transformations was considered in the limited context of Template Matching under 2D translation. Alexe et al. (2011) derive an upper bound on appearance distance, given the spatial overlap of two windows in an image, and use it to bound the distances of many window pairs between two images. Pele and Werman (2007) ask “How much can you slide?” and devise a new rank measure that determines if one can slide the test window by more than one pixel.

Extending Template Matching to work with more general transformations was also considered in the past. Fuh and Maragos (1991) proposed an affine image model for motion estimation, between images which have undergone a mild affine deformation. They exhaustively search a range of the affine space (practically—a very limited one, with only uniform scale). Fredriksson (2001) used string matching techniques to handle also rotation. Kim and De Araújo (2007) proposed a grayscale template matching algorithm that considers also rotation and scale. Yao and Chen (2003) propose a method for the retrieval of color textures, which considers also variations in scale and rotation. Finally, Tsai and Chiang (2002) developed a template matching method that considers also rotation, which is based on wavelet decompositions and ring projections. The latter three methods do not provide guarantees regarding the approximation quality of the matching.

Rucklidge (1997) proposed a branch-and-bound search for a gray-level pattern under affine transformations. His scheme is based on calculating worst-case ranges of pixel intensities in rectangles of the target image, which are in turn used to impose lower bounds on the improvement of match scores as a result of sub-divisions in transformation space. Another related work is that of Tian and Narasimhan (2012), that estimates non-rigid distortion parameters of an image relative to a template under a wide variety of deformation types. Their method also employs an efficient search in parameter space, providing bounds on the distance of the discovered transformation, in parameter space, from the underlying deformation. Our method, is contrast, seeks a transformation that minimizes the distance in image (appearance) space. This allows us to provide provable guarantees even when the true deformation is not in the transformations space (e.g. in the existence of image noise or other geometric or photometric changes) or when the pattern appears repetitively in the image. We also explicitly show how distances in parameter space and distances in image space are related through the smoothness of the template.

2.2 Image Matching

Image matching algorithms are often divided into direct and feature-based methods.

In direct methods, such as Lucas et al. (1981), a parametric Optic-Flow mapping is sought between two images so as to minimize the Sum-of-Squared-Difference (SSD) between the images. See the excellent review by Baker and Matthews (2004) on optic flow image alignment algorithms. Such iterative methods do not generally guaranty global convergence and may discover local minima, unless provided with good initializations which are not always known in advance. One exception is the ‘Filter-Flow’ work of Seitz and Baker (2009), which gives an algorithm that can find globally optimal solutions for a broad range of transformations. However, it is done by solving a very large linear program, with impracticable runtime and memory requirements, even for the setting of limited scale and motion over low-res images.

Alternatively, one can use feature-based methods such as SIFT (Lowe 2004), or its variant ASIFT (Morel and Yu 2009) which is designed to be fully affine invariant. Similarly, Wang and You (2007) provide a fast image matching method, based on a kernel projection scheme for matching detected interest points between images.

In this scenario, interest points are detected independently in each image and elaborate image descriptors are used to represent each such point. Given enough corresponding feature points it is possible to compute the global affine transformation between the images. This approach relies on the assumption that the same interest points can be detected in each image independently and that the image descriptors are invariant to 2D affine transformations so that they can be matched across the images.

In the feature based approach, it is common to search for a nearest-neighbor of the descriptor vector using a dedicated data-structure (e.g. ANN Arya et al. (1998) or FLANN (Muja and Lowe (2014)) built in a preprocessing stage. Such tree structures allow for an efficient search through descriptor space at test time. In contrast, the proposed approach comes to show that the model space can be sampled efficiently to find the correct transformation. Its branch-and-bound version can be seen as a tree search through transformation space.

2.3 Other Related Work

Our work is also inspired by techniques from the field of sublinear algorithms, which are extremely fast (typically approximation) algorithms. They are generally randomized and access only a subset of their input. The runtime of such algorithms is sublinear in the input size, and generally depends on some given accuracy parameters. The use of sublinear algorithms in the field of computer vision was advocated by Raskhodnikova (2003) and later followed by Kleiner et al. (2011) and Tsur and Ron (2010).

3 The Main Algorithm

3.1 Preliminaries

We are given two grayscale images \(I_1\) and \(I_2\) of dimensions \(n_1\times n_1\) and \(n_2\times n_2\) respectively, with pixel values in the range [0, 1].Footnote 1 We will refer to \(I_1\) as the template and to \(I_2\) as the image. The total variation of an image I, denoted by \({{\mathcal {V}}}(I)\), is the sum over the entire image of the maximal intensity difference between each pixel p and any of its eight neighbors \(q \in N(p)\) (we omit the dependence on I as it is always clear from the context). That is,

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {V}}}=\sum _{p \in I}\underset{q \in N(p)}{{\text {max}}} |I(p)-I(q)| \end{aligned}$$

We generally consider global geometric transformations T that map pixels p in \(I_1\) to pixels in \(I_2\). Specifically, we deal with the set \(\mathcal {A}\) of 2D-affine transformations of the plane that have scaling factors in the range [1 / cc] for a fixed positive constant c. Any transformation \(T\in \mathcal {A}\) can be seen as multiplying the pixel location vector by a \(2\times 2\) non-singular matrix and adding a “translation” vector, finally rounding the resulting numbers. Such a transformation can be parameterized by six degrees of freedom.

For images \(I_1\) and \(I_2\) and transformation T, we define the error \(\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)\) to be the (normalized) SAD between \(I_1\) and \(I_2\) with respect to T. More formally:

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta _T(I_1,I_2) = \frac{1}{n_1{}^2} \sum _{p\in I_1} |I_1(p) - I_2(T(p))| \end{aligned}$$

Note that this error is in the interval [0, 1], as this is the range of pixels intensity values. If a pixel p is mapped out of the area of \(I_2\) then the term \(|I_1(p) - I_2(T(p))|\) is taken to be 1. We wish to find a transformation T that comes close to minimizing \(\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)\). The minimum over all affine transformations T of \(\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)\) is denoted by \(\varDelta (I_1,I_2)\).

A crucial component of our algorithm is the net of transformations. This net is composed of a small set of transformations, such that any affine transformation is “close” to some transformation in the net. To this end we define the \(\ell _\infty \) distance between any two transformations T and \(T'\) that quantifies how far the mapping of any point p in \(I_1\) according to T may be from its mapping by \(T'\). Formally,

$$\begin{aligned} \ell _\infty (T,T')=\underset{p\in {I_1}}{{\text {max}}} \Vert T(p)-T'(p)\Vert _2 \end{aligned}$$

where the \(\Vert \cdot \Vert _2\) is the Euclidean distance in the target image plane. Note that this definition does not depend on the pixel values of the images, but only on the mappings T and \(T'\), and on the dimension \(n_1\) of the source image \(I_1\). The key observation is that we can bound the difference between \(\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)\) and \(\varDelta _{T'}(I_1,I_2)\) in terms of \(\ell _\infty (T,T')\) as well as the total variation \({{\mathcal {V}}}\) of \(I_1\). This will enable us to consider only a limited set of transformations, rather than the complete set of affine transformations.

For a positive \(\alpha \), a net of (affine) transformations \({\mathcal {T}}=\{T_i\}_{i=1}^l\) is an \(\alpha \)-cover of \(\mathcal {A}\) if for every transformation \(T\in \mathcal {A}\), there exists some \(T_j\) in \({\mathcal {T}}\), such that \(\ell _\infty (T, T_j') = O(\alpha )\). In our algorithm, we use a net, which we denote by \(\mathcal {N}_\delta \), with a very particular choice of the density parameter \(\alpha \) of the cover: \(\alpha =\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}}\), where \(\delta \in (0,1]\) is the accuracy parameter of the algorithm and \(n_1\) and \(\mathcal V\) are the dimension and total-variation of the image \(I_1\). Note that number of transformations in the net will grow as a function of both \(1/\delta \) and \(\mathcal V\).

figure a

3.2 Algorithm Details

We describe a fast randomized algorithm that returns, with high probability, a transformation T such that \(\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)\) is close to \(\varDelta (I_1,I_2)\). The algorithm, outlined in Algorithm 1, basically enumerates the transformations in a net \({\mathcal {N}}_{\delta }\) and finds the one with the lowest error. In Step 2 of the algorithm we use a sublinear method for the approximation of \(\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)\) (instead of computing it exactly), which is presented in Sect. 3.4.

The rest of this section is dedicated to establishing guarantees on the algorithm’s quality of approximation. We wish to bound the difference between the quality of the algorithm’s result and that of the optimal transformation (i.e. one which attains the optimal error \(\varDelta (I_1,I_2)\)) in terms of two parameters—the template total variation \({\mathcal {V}}\) and the precision parameter \(\delta \).

The following theorem, which is our main theoretical contribution, formulates a relation which will enable us to bound the degradation in approximation that occurs as a result of sampling the space of transformations rather then enumerating it exhaustively. More specifically, it bounds the difference between \(\varDelta _{T'}(I_1,I_2)\) and \(\varDelta _{T}(I_1,I_2)\) for a general affine transformation \(T'\) and its nearest transformation T on the sampling net.

Theorem 1

Let \(I_1,I_2\) be images with dimensions \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) and let \(\delta \) be a constant in (0, 1]. For a transformation \(T'\), let T be the closest transformation to \(T'\) in the net \({\mathcal {N}}_{\delta }\) (which is a \(\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}}\)-cover). It holds that: \(\;|\varDelta _{T'}(I_1,I_2)-\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)| \le O(\delta )\,\;\).

The full proof of Theorem 1 can be found in the “Appendix” section. To get an intuition of why it holds, consider a degenerate case of horizontal translations, which is illustrated in Fig. 2. Let T be a translation of k pixels and let \(T'\) be a translation of \(k+1\). Now consider the value of \(|\varDelta _{T'}(I_1,I_2) - \varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)|\). Every pixel \(p = (x,y)\) in \(I_1\) is mapped by T to the same location that the pixel \(p' = (x-1, y)\) is mapped to by \(T'\). Thus the difference between \(\varDelta _{T'}(I_1,I_2)\) and \(\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)\) is bounded by the total sum of differences between horizontally neighboring pixels in \(I_1\). The sum of these differences is related linearly to the total variation of \(I_1\). Likewise, in the case that one of the translations is by k pixels and the other is by \(k+ \delta n_1\) pixels—the change in the SAD is bounded by the total variation multiplied by \(\delta n_1\). After normalizing by the size of \(I_1\) we get the bound stated in the theorem.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Intuition for Theorem 1. Transformations that have an \(\ell _\infty \) distance of 1 from each other map neighboring pixels from the template to the same pixel in the image. Thus, the change in error (when changing from one transformation to the other) is bounded by the total variation of the template

In Sect. 3.3 we provide a construction of a net \({\mathcal {N}}_{\delta }\), which is a \(\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}}\)-cover of the space \(\mathcal {A}\) of affine transformations, and whose size is \(\varTheta \big ((\frac{n_2}{n_1})^2(\frac{{\mathcal {V}}}{n_1})^6 \frac{1}{\delta ^6}\big )\). The correctness of Theorem 1, along with the existence of such a net and the fact that each \(\delta \)-approximation of \(\varDelta _T\) (step 2 of Algorithm 1) takes \(\tilde{\varTheta }(1/\delta ^2)\),Footnote 2 lead directly to the following result on the accuracy and complexity of Algorithm 1.

Theorem 2

Algorithm 1 returns a transformation T such that \(|\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2) - \varDelta (I_1,I_2)| \le O(\delta )\) holds with high constant probability. The total runtime (and number of queries) is \(\varTheta \big ((\frac{n_2}{n_1})^2\cdot (\frac{\mathcal {V}}{n_1})^6\cdot \frac{1}{\delta ^8}\big )\;\).

The term high constant probability in this claim refers to the fact that we can amplify the probability of correctness arbitrarily. Assuming the initial run of the algorithm gives the correct result with probability 2 / 3, the algorithm can be run repeatedly, and by taking the median result we could get an arbitrarily low probability of error. Indeed, as explained below, this can be separately done for each part of the algorithm that may make an error, in order to control the overall error using a uniounionn bound.

Interestingly, the fact that Algorithm 1’s complexity depends on the total variation of the template \(I_1\) is not an artifact of the analysis of the algorithm. In a theoretical analysis of the query complexity of such problems (Korman et al. 2011) we prove a lower bound that demonstrates how the number of pixels that need to be examined by any algorithm (and hence its runtime) grows with the total variation of the template.

3.3 Construction of the Net \({\mathcal {N}}_{\delta }\; \left( \mathrm{a}\,\, \frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}}\mathrm{-}\mathrm{Cover}\right) \)

Once the density parameter of the net \(\alpha =\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}}\) has been selected, an appropriate \(\alpha \)-cover of the space of affine transformations can be constructed. As a reminder, we consider the set of affine transformations from an image \(I_1\) of dimension \(n_1 \times n_1\) to an image \(I_2\) of dimension \(n_2 \times n_2\), which we denote by by \(\mathcal {A}\). The cover will be a product of several 1-dimensional grids of transformations, each covering one of the constituting components of a standard decomposition of Affine transformations (Hartley and Zisserman 2003), which is given in the following claim.

Claim 1

Every orientation-preserving affine transformation matrix A can be decomposed into \(A=Tr R_2 S R_1\), where \(Tr, R_i, S\) are translation, rotation and non-uniform scaling matrices.Footnote 3

We now describe a 6-dimensional grid, \({\mathcal {N}}_\delta \), which we will soon prove to be a \(\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}}\)-cover of \(\mathcal {A}\). The basic idea is to discretize the space of Affine transformations, by dividing each of the dimensions into \(\varTheta (\delta )\) equal segments. According to Claim 1, every affine transformation can be composed of a rotation, scale, rotation and translation. These basic transformations have 1, 2, 1 and 2 degrees of freedom, respectively. These are: a rotation angle, x and y scales, another rotation angle and x and y translations.

The idea will be to divide each dimension into steps, such that for any two consecutive transformations T and \(T'\) on any of the dimensions it will hold that:

$$\begin{aligned} \ell _\infty (T,T')<\varTheta \Big (\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}}\Big ) \end{aligned}$$

Starting with translations (x and y), since the template should be placed within the bounds of the image \(I_2\), we consider the range \([-n_2,n_2]\). Taking step sizes of \(\varTheta (\delta n_1^2/{\mathcal {V}})\), guarantees by definition that Eq. (4) holds. Similarly, for rotations we consider the full range of \([0,2\pi ]\), and use steps of size \(\varTheta (\delta n_1/{\mathcal {V}})\). This suffices since rotating the template \(I_1\) by an angle of \(\delta n_1/{\mathcal {V}}\) results in pixel movement which is limited by an arc-length of \(\varTheta (\delta n_1^2/{\mathcal {V}}\)). Finally, since the scales are limited to the interval \([\frac{1}{c},c]\) and since \(I_1\) is of dimension \(n_1\), steps in the scale axes of size \(\varTheta (\delta n_1/{\mathcal {V}})\) will cause a maximal pixel movement of \(\varTheta (\delta n_1^2/{\mathcal {V}})\) pixels.

The final cover \(N_{\delta }\), of size \(\varTheta \big ((\frac{n_2}{n_1})^2\cdot (\frac{\mathcal {V}}{\delta n_1})^6\big )\), is simply a Cartesian product of the 1-dimensional grids whose details are summarized in the following table.


Step size


Num. steps

x translation

\(\varTheta (\delta n_1^2/{\mathcal {V}})\) pixels


\(\varTheta (\frac{n_2}{n_1}\cdot {\mathcal {V}}/\delta n_1)\)

y translation

\(\varTheta (\delta n_1^2/{\mathcal {V}})\) pixels


\(\varTheta (\frac{n_2}{n_1}\cdot {\mathcal {V}}/\delta n_1)\)

1st rotation

\(\varTheta (\delta n_1/{\mathcal {V}})\) radians

\([0,2\pi ]\)

\(\varTheta ({\mathcal {V}}/\delta n_1)\)

2nd rotation

\(\varTheta (\delta n_1/{\mathcal {V}})\) radians

\([0,2\pi ]\)

\(\varTheta ({\mathcal {V}}/\delta n_1)\)

x scale

\(\varTheta (\delta n_1/{\mathcal {V}})\) pixels

[1 / cc]

\(\varTheta ({\mathcal {V}}/\delta n_1)\)

y scale

\(\varTheta (\delta n_1/{\mathcal {V}})\) pixels

[1 / cc]

\(\varTheta ({\mathcal {V}}/\delta n_1)\)

The final result is formulated in the following claim, where the proof follows directly from the above construction: Given the net \({\mathcal {N}}_\delta \) and an arbitrary affine transformation A in \(\mathcal {A}\), there exists a transformation \(A'\) in \({\mathcal {N}}_\delta \), such that A and \(A'\) differ by at most \(\varTheta (\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}})\) (in the sense of the distance \(\ell _\infty \)) in each of the 6 constituting dimensions. Now, taking an arbitrary pixel p in \(I_1\) and applying either A or \(A'\) on it, the results may not differ by more than \(\varTheta (\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}})\) pixels, and this can be shown by a sequential triangle-inequality argument on each dimension.

Claim 2

The net \({\mathcal {N}}_\delta \) is a \(\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}}\)-cover of \(\mathcal {A}\) of size \(\varTheta \big ((\frac{n_2}{n_1})^2\cdot (\frac{\mathcal {V}}{\delta n_1})^6\big )\).

3.4 Approximating the Distance \(d_T(I_1,I_2)\)

We now turn to describe a sublinear algorithm which we use in Step 2 of Algorithm 1 to approximate \(\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)\). This dramatically reduces the runtime of Algorithm 1 while having a negligible effect on the accuracy. The idea is to estimate the distance by inspecting only a small fraction of pixels from the images. The number of sampled pixels depends on an accuracy parameter \(\epsilon \) and not on the image sizes. Algorithm 2 summarizes this procedure, whose guarantees are specified in the following claim.

Claim 3

Given images \(I_1\) and \(I_2\) and an affine transformation T, Algorithm 2 returns a value \(d_T\) such that \(|d_T-\varDelta _T(I_1,I_2)| \le \epsilon \) with probability 2 / 3. It performs \(\varTheta (1/\epsilon ^2)\) samples.

The claim holds using an additive Chernoff bound. The success probability of Algorithm 2 can be amplified arbitrarily by repeating it sequentially and taking a median. For example, for a net of \(O(1/\eta )\) transformations, we can perform \(\varTheta (\log (1/\eta )/\epsilon ^2)\) sets of samples (i.e. repetitions of Algorithm 2) for each transformation. Since each has a probability of 2 / 3 of giving a result with the required error, the median of these approximations gives a correct result with probability of error \(\eta \). Using a union bound this should allow us with probability 2 / 3 to approximate the value of all of the \(O(1/\eta )\) transformations correctly.

figure b

3.5 Possible Extensions

In this section we propose two natural extensions of Algorithm 1 which can help increase its robustness to some real-world conditions that occur, for example, due to difference in viewpoint between the images to be matched. Such difficulties are not typically considered in the context of template matching. The first, allows it to deal with a global affine illumination change, while the second, allows it to deal with partial occlusions, which often occur in complex geometric landscapes. Both extensions are evaluated in the last experiment of Sect. 5, using pairs of images with large viewpoint difference.

3.6 Photometric Invariance

An adaptation of Algorithm 2 allows us to deal with affine photometric changes (adjusting brightness and contrast). We calculate the best affine fit between the corresponding samples of pixels, every time we run Single Transformation Evaluation. This is done by normalizing each sample by its mean and standard-deviation. This adjustment allows our method to deal with real life images at a small additional cost in runtime.

3.7 Partial Matching

Another simple adaptation of Algorithm 2 (Single Transformation Evaluation) allows us to deal with cases where only part of the template appears in the image, due to occlusions. For any given percentile p (e.g. 50 %), instead of taking the average of all m matching pixel errors we can use the average of the p lowest percent of errors. Working with such an error is possible, since our asymptotic guarantees can be shown to hold for the average of any fixed percentile of best pixel match errors, not necessarily the 100 %. This variant can not always be used successfully in practice, since it would require the knowledge of the suitable percentile p to work with, which in turn depends on the amount of occlusion which is typically unknown. One solution would be to try it with different values of p for a best result.

figure c

4 The Branch-and-Bound-like Scheme

To achieve an additive approximation of \(O(\delta )\) in Algorithm 1 we must test the complete net of transformations \({\mathcal {N}}_{\delta }\). Achieving a satisfactory error rate would require using a net \({\mathcal {N}}_{\delta }\) where \(\delta \) is small. The rapid growth of the net size with the reduction in the value of \(\delta \) (linear in \(1/\delta ^6\)) renders our algorithm impractical, despite the fact that our testing of each transformation is extremely efficient. Nevertheless, it turns out that it is possible to devise a branch-and-bound-lime scheme, which is very efficient in practice, that applies Algorithm 1 on nets of increasing resolution.

The main advantage of such a scheme, is that the number of transformations we test in order to achieve a certain precision is reduced dramatically, since at each resolution it typically needs to test only a small fraction of the transformations in the rapidly growing net sizes. The correctness of the branch-and-bound-like approach is based on the bound from Theorem 1, regarding the change in error as a result of change in transformation space. Intuitively, all transformations close to a particular high error transformation T will also have fairly high error. Thus, if the difference between the error associated with T and that of the transformation with the lowest error sampled so far exceeds our bound, we can safely discard a certain area around T in the net of transformations. The practical efficiency of the branch-and-bound-like approach is based on a straightforward observation, that for most templates and images, the vast majority of transformations in a sample will give an error that is much higher than that of the best transformation in the sample.

A detailed analysis of the Branch-and-Bound-like scheme is provided below. Note however, that it is not globally optimal in the exact mathematical sense, but rather it has the same properties of Algorithm 1. Namely, its bounds are not absolute but rather asymptotic, for which in practice we fit parameters based on real data (see details below). Also, due to the use of random sampling in Algorithm 1, the result in each round is guaranteed only with provable high probability (based on the Chernoff bound). In the remainder of this section we formalize the correctness of the scheme.

The pseudo-code for the branch-and-bound-like scheme is given in Algorithm 3 (Fast-Match). In each stage, Algorithm 1 is run on a subset S of the net \({\mathcal {N}}_{\delta }\). Figure 3 gives an illustration of transformations examined by the algorithm and their errors (in particular Opt—the optimal, Best—the best examined, and Closest—the closest on the net to opt). We denote by e(Opt) the error of opt and similarly for best and closest.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Branch-and-Bound Analysis. One stage of the branch-and-bound-like scheme. For simplicity the space of transformations is in 1D (x-axis) against the SAD-error (y-axis). Vertical gray lines are the sampling intervals of the net. Dots are the samples. Horizontal dotted lines are SAD errors of: Black (Optimal transformation, which is generally off the net), Red (best transformation found on the net), Green (closest-to-Optimal transformation on the net) and Blue (threshold). Only areas below the (blue) threshold are considered in the next stage. The choice of the threshold is explained in the text (Color figure online)

We wish to rule out a large portion of the transformation space before proceeding to the next finer resolution net, where the main concern is that the optimal transformation should not be ruled out. Had we known e(Closest), we could have used it as a threshold, ruling out all transformations with error exceeding it. We therefore estimate e(Closest) based on the relations between e(Opt), \(e(\textit{Best})\) and \(e(\textit{Closest})\). On one hand, \(e(\textit{Best})-e(\textit{Opt})=O(\delta )\) (following Theorem 2) and on the other hand, \(e(\textit{Closest})-e(\textit{Opt})=O(\delta )\) (by the construction of the net and following Theorem 1). It follows that \(e(\textit{Closest})-e(\textit{Best})=O(\delta )\) hence \(e(\textit{Closest}) < e(\textit{Best}) + O(\delta )\). If we set the parameters for such an algorithm by computing bounds exactly we could keep the guarantees of the original algorithm. However, for efficiency purposes, we use an empirically set bound that gives good results in practice. Using a large set of data, we estimated constants \(c_1\) and \(c_2\), such that \(e(\textit{Closest}) < e(Best) + c_1\cdot \delta +c_2)\) holds for 97 % of the test samples. This learned function \(L(\delta )=c_1\cdot \delta +c_2\) is used in Step 2c of Algorithm 3, for the choice of the points that are not ruled out, for each net resolution. In specific cases where the template occurs in much of the image (e.g. flat blue sky patch), we limit the size of \(Q_i\) so that the expanded \(S_{i+1}\) will fit into RAM.

5 Experiments

In this section we present three experiments that evaluate the performance of our algorithm under varying conditions and setups, using several data-sets. In the first such experiment (Sect. 5.2) each template is extracted from an image and matched back to it. In the second (Sect. 5.4), the template is extracted from one image and matched to another, that is related to it geometrically by a homography. In the third experiment (Sect. 5.5) the template is taken from one image of a scene and is mapped to an entirely different image of the same scene.Footnote 4

5.1 Implementation Details

Fast-Match, when evaluating a transformation, estimates the SAD error between the template and the image region in the target location. This is consistent with the general approach of template matching schemes, minimizing a photometric measure (e.g. SAD, SSD) between the matching subimages. This approach allows the analysis of approximation quality, however it may not be informative in practice. A location-dependent measure of the correct mapping (which guarantees with respect to it could not be provided, due to ambiguity) is the overlap error, which quantifies the overlap between the ‘correct’ location and mapped location of the template in the image (see for example the green and magenta quadrilaterals in Fig. 4). The overlap error is defined (following, e.g., Mikolajczyk and Schmid (2005); Mikolajczyk et al. (2005)) to be: 1 minus the ratio between the intersection and union areas of the regions. In addition to validating our performance with respect to the SAD error, we use the overlap error to evaluate performance in the first two experiments (where ‘ground truth’ location is available).

Achieving an accuracy of \(O(\delta )\) was based on using a net \({\mathcal {N}}_{\delta }\) which was a \(\frac{\delta \cdot n_1^2}{{\mathcal {V}}}\)-cover of transformation space \(\mathcal {A}\). The size of the required net is template-specific, depending not only on the precision \(\delta \) but also on the template dimension \(n_1\) and its total-variation \(\mathcal V\). Recall that \({\mathcal {V}}\) can, theoretically, take any value in the range \([0,n_1^2]\). Nevertheless, we can take advantage of the fact that natural images are known to be piecewise smooth (see, e.g., van der Schaaf and van Hateren (1996)). In fact, we provide here a simple experiment, using the large collection of natural images of the Pascal VOC 2010 data-set (Everingham et al. 2010), to show that templates typically have low total-variation, according to its definition in the paper.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Example from a Fast-Match Run. Left The template (shown enlarged for clarity), with the 152 pixels that Fast-Match samples. Right Target image, with origin of the template (ground truth location) in green and a candidate area it is mapped to in magenta

We repeatedly extracted ‘random’ templates from these images using the following steps: (i) choose an image, uniformly at random; (ii) pick a random dimension \(n_1\) for a square template to be extracted (between 10 and 90 % of the smaller image dimension) and a random center location; (iii) Measure the total variation \({\mathcal {V}}\) of the extracted template and normalize it by its own dimension \(n_1\). We then organized the 9500 values of \({{\mathcal {V}}}/{n_1}\) in a histogram of 30 bins, as can be seen in Fig. 5. When examining the distribution of the per-template normalized values \({{\mathcal {V}}}/{n_1}\)—the high concentration around very low values (considering the mean \(E[n_1]\approx 200\) and the standard deviation \(\sigma (n_1)\approx 100\) of the dimensions \(n_1\) over the 9500 random templates) suggests that taking \({\mathcal {V}}\) to be a relatively small constant times \(n_1\) will suffice for a vast majority of templates.

This typical behavior allowed us to take an ‘average-case’ approach regarding the total-variation, in which we model it as a linear function of \(n_1\). This This allows the net sizes to depend only on the template dimension dimension \(n_2\) and precision \(\delta \), resulting in more average, predictable, memory and runtime complexity. In our implementation, we set \({{\mathcal {V}}}=n_1\) rather than fit constants to \({{\mathcal {V}}}=O(n_1)\). This works since the constants \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) that are learned to capture the \(O(\delta )\) bound in the Branch-and-Bound-like scheme account for this relation as well.

5.2 Affine Template Matching

In this large scale experiment, we follow the methodology used in the extensive pattern matching performance evaluation of Ouyang et al. (2012). We use images from the Pascal VOC 2010 data-set (Everingham et al. 2010), which has been widely used for the evaluation of a variety of computer vision tasks. Each pattern matching instance involves selecting an image at random from the data-set and selecting a random affine transformation, which maps a square template into the image (the mapped square being a random parallelogram). The parallelogram within the image is then warped (by the inverse affine transformation) in order to create the square template. See Fig. 4 for an example.

We test the method on different template sizes, where the square template dimensions are between 10 and 90 % of the minimum image dimension. For each such size, we create 200 template matching instances, as described above. In the Table 1 we report SAD and overlap errors of Fast-Match for the different template sizes. Fast-Match achieves low SAD errors, which are extremely close to those of the ground-truth mapping. The ground-truth errors are at an average of  4 graylevels (not zero), since interpolation was involved in the creation of the template. As can be seen, Fast-Match does well also in terms of overlap error. In the following experiments, we measure success only in terms of overlap error.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Normalized total variation of 9500 random templates: We measured the total variation \({\mathcal {V}}\) of 9500 random square templates of varying edge dimension \(n_1\). The total-variation values are arranged in a 30-bin histogram after dividing each by the specific template dimension \(n_1\). The fact that natural image templates are typically smooth results in a distribution of values which allows us to empirically upper bound the total-variation \({\mathcal {V}}\) by a small constant times the template dimension \(n_1\). See text for further details

Table 1 Fast-Match evaluation: SAD and overlap errors
Fig. 6
figure 6

Performance under different template sizes and image degradations. Analysis is presented for two different template dimensions: a 50 % and b 20 % of image dimension. In each, the x-axis stands for the increasing levels of image degradation, ranging from 0 (no degradation) to 5 (highest). The y-axis stands for the success rates of Fast-Match and ASIFT. Fast-Match is capable of handling smaller and smaller template sizes, while the feature based method ASIFT, deteriorates significantly as template dimension decreases. Like ASIFT, Fast-Match is fairly robust to the different image degradations and is even more robust to high levels of image blur than ASIFT (\(\sigma =4/7/11\) pixels). See text for details

5.3 Comparison to a Feature Based Approach

After we have evaluated Fast-Match on the Pascal dataset, we now show that its performance is comparable to template matching that can be achieved through a feature based approach. To this end, we compare its performance to that of ASIFT (Morel and Yu 2009)—a state of the art method which is a fully affine invariant extension of SIFT (Lowe 2004), for extracting feature point correspondences between pairs of related images. As a disclaimer, we note that feature-based methods, such as SIFT, were designed (and are used) for handling a wide range of tasks, which our method does not attempt to solve. For example, they can be used for sparsely matching images that undergo more than a single global transformation. Nevertheless, they are most commonly used in practice for finding a global geometric transformation between a pair of images, e.g. in the process of stitching a panorama.

We examine Fast-Match’s performance under 3 types of image degradations: additive white Gaussian noise, image blur and JPEG distortion. We show its performance under varying template sizes at different levels of such degradations. Since ASIFT (without additional post-processing for transformation recovering) and Fast-Match cannot be directly compared due to their different output types,Footnote 5 we define for ASIFT a success criterion which is the minimal requirement for further processing: Namely, it is required to return at least 3 correspondences, which are fairly close to being exact—the distance in the target image between the corresponded point and the true corresponding point must be <20 % of the dimension of the template. The success criterion for Fast-Match is an overlap error of <20 %.Footnote 6 This is an extremely strict criterion, especially for templates mapped to small areas—see a variety of examples, below and above this criterion, in www.eng.tau.ac.il/~simonk/FastMatch. As is claimed in Mikolajczyk et al. (2005), an overlap error of 20 % is very small since regions with up to 50 % overlap error can still be matched successfully using robust descriptors.

We consider 2 different template dimensions which are 50 and 20 % of the minimal dimension of the image. For each such size, we repeat the template matching process described above. We consider 6 degradation levels of each type (applied to the target image), as follows: Image blurring with Gaussian kernels with STD of \(\{\)0,1,2,4,7,11\(\}\) pixels, additive Gaussian noise with STDs of \(\{\)0,5,10,18,28,41\(\}\) grey levels and finally—JPEG compression with quality parameter (in Matlab) set to \(\{\)75,40,20,10,5,2\(\}\).Footnote 7

The comparison of the above success rates of ASIFT and Fast-Match is presented in Fig. 6. This experiment validates our claim that unlike feature-based methods (e.g. ASIFT) our method can handle smaller and smaller templates (10 % in each image dimension—which translate to  30 \(\times \) 30 templates). In addition, Fast-Match is fairly robust with respect to noise and JPEG compression and even more robust to blur in comparison with ASIFT.Footnote 8 The Table 2 shows the algorithm’s average runtimes for several templates sizes, run on a single cpu of an Intel i7 2.7 MHz processor.

Table 2 Runtimes on different template sizes

5.4 Varying Conditions and Scene Types

In the second experiment we examine the performance of Fast-Match under various imaging conditions and on different scene types. We test our algorithm on a dataset by Mikolajczyk and Schmid (2005) and Mikolajczyk et al. (2005), originally used to evaluate the performance of interest-point detectors and descriptors. The data set is composed of 8 sequences of images, 6 images each: Blur (2), a combination of rotation and zooming (2), viewpoint change (2), JPEG compression (1) and light conditions (1). In each sequence the degradation increases, e.g., in a blur sequence, from entirely unblurred extremely blurred. Unlike the first experiment, here the template is taken from one image and searched for in a different one, related by a homography (rather than an affinity), increasing the difficulty of the task.

Each experiment is conducted as follows: We first choose a random axis-aligned rectangle in the first image, where the edge sizes are random values between 10 and 50 % of the respective image dimensions. We then use Fast-Match to map this template to each of the other 5 images in the series. We perform 50 such experiments for which the success rates are given in the Table 3. The success criterion is identical to the first experiment (i.e. overlap error <20 %).Footnote 9 The sequences of images (with an example of a single experiment for each) are shown in Fig. 7.

Table 3 Percent of successful matches (overlap error<20 %) per sequence and degradation level

We achieve high success rates across the dataset, with the exception of the higher degradation levels of the ‘Wall’ and ‘Boat’ sequences. Note that, the smaller the template area in the target image, the more demanding the overlap error criterion becomes.Footnote 10 This is relevant especially to the zoom sequences. The ‘Wall’ images are uniform in appearance and this makes it difficult to translate good SAD error to correct localization. The results of Experiment II can not be compared with those of Mikolajczyk and Schmid (2005) as they do not deal directly with template or image matching. In this experiment too, Fast-Match deals well with photometric changes as well as the blur and JPEG artifacts.

Fig. 7
figure 7

A typical experiment for each of the  Mikolajczyk et al. (2005) sequences. In the leftmost image—the area marked in blue is the input given to Fast-Match. In each of the remaining images a blue parallelogram indicates the mapping produced by Fast-Match, while a green quadrilateral marks the ground truth (Color figure online)

5.5 Matching in Real-World Scenes

In the third experiment, we present the algorithm’s performance in matching regions across different view-points of real-world scenes. We use pairs of images from the Zurich buildings dataset (Shao et al. 2003). As done in the second experiment, we choose a random axis-aligned rectangle in the first image, where the edge sizes are random values between 10 and 50 % of the respective image dimensions. This data-set is more challenging for the algorithm, as well as for experimentation itself: The template typically includes several planes (which do not map to the other image under a global transformation), partial occlusions and changes of illumination and of viewpoint.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Zurich Dataset (Shao et al. 2003)—Good Examples: In the blue rectangle on the left of each pair of images is the template presented to Fast-Match. In the blue parallelogram on the right is the region matched by the algorithm. Note that also for some of the non-affine mappings Fast-Match gives a good result (Color figure online)

As there is no global transformation between the images, we evaluated the performance of fast match on 200 images visually. On 129 of these we found that the mapping produced by the algorithm was good, in the sense that it corresponded almost exactly to what we judged as the best mapping. In most of the remaining cases producing a good mapping from the given template was impossible: On 40 of the images, the location corresponding to the template was not present in the other image, or that the template spanned several planes which can not be mapped uniquely. In 12 of the images the location that the template was a photograph of was occluded by some outside element, such as a tree. In only 19 of the images was locating the template possible, and the algorithm failed to do so. Examples of good mappings can be found in Fig. 8. Examples of cases where a good match was not found appear in Fig. 9. The results on the entire dataset appear in www.eng.tau.ac.il/~simonk/FastMatch.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Zurich Dataset (Shao et al. 2003)— the remaining: Failures (row 1), Occlusions (row 2), Template or Target template is out of plane/image (row 3)

5.6 Results on Extensions

In Sect. 3.5, we suggested two possible extensions to Algorithm 1. Their goal was to increase the robustness of our method to deal with real-world conditions, that common (SAD or SSD based) template matchers are not designed to handle.

First, we suggested the photometric invariance extension that allows a global affine illumination change. Due to the fact that the different images of each building were taken from different viewpoints, some at different hours of the day, we used this extension throughout this experiment, in all results that were reported above. By repeating the experiment without the extension, we found that it was quite significant for this data-set, improving the overall success rate by around 10 % (we obtain only 117 ‘good’ cases without it). Figure 10 shows several examples where the method succeeds, only when it uses the photometric invariance extension.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Zurich Dataset (Shao et al. 2003)—‘photometric invariance’ extension. Four cases where the use of the ‘photometric invariance’ extension enabled locating the template correctly. In each triplet, left The source image with the template, middle result without the extension (failure), right result with the extension

Fig. 11
figure 11

Zurich Dataset (Shao et al. 2003)—‘partial occlusion’ extension. Four cases where the use of the ‘partial occlusion’ extension enabled locating the template correctly. In each triplet, left the source image with the template, middle result without the extension (failure), right result with the extension

Second, we suggested the extension for handling partial occlusions. This extension was not used in the experiment, since it requires the knowledge of the suitable percentile p to work with, reflecting the percent of the template that is non-occluded. Naturally, using a percentage that is far from the true non-occlusion rate can give unpredictable results.

In presence of this uncertainty, we chose to run this extension on the data-set with a fixed value of \(p=60\,\%\). As expected, in many cases where significant exclusion was involved, the extension was able to correct the wrong detection that occurred without using it. See Fig. 11 for several such examples. However, this extension did not change the overall success rate significantly (132 instead of 129). This is since it was not suitable in many cases where no occlusion existed, biasing the solution based on only a subset of the template.

6 Conclusions

We presented a new algorithm, Fast-Match, which extends template matching to handle arbitrary 2D affine transformations. It overcomes some of the shortcomings of current, more general, image matching approaches. We give guarantees regarding the SAD error of the match (appearance related) and these are shown to translate to satisfactory overlap errors (location related). The result is an algorithm which can locate sub-images of varying sizes in other images. We tested Fast-Match on several data sets, demonstrating that it performs well, being robust to different real-world conditions. This suggests that our algorithm can be suitable for practical applications. An interesting direction for future research is to apply similar methods to more diverse families of transformations (e.g. homographies) and in other settings, such as matching of 3D shapes.