1 Introduction

The problem of rank aggregation is to combine a collection of rankings of a set of items to obtain a consensus ranking. It has many applications including combining rankings of sport teams obtained from various sources (Deng et al. 2014), ranking of webpages using meta-search engines (Aslam and Montague 2001) and gene ranking in bioinformatics (DeConde et al. 2006). One particular aspect of these kinds of data is that the number of items being examined is always fairly large, which makes the problem much harder to be tackled.

A popular approach to rank aggregation is to determine the consensus ranking by minimizing the sum of the distances from all the observed rankings to the consensus ranking. This method is actually equivalent to the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of the consensus ranking under a distance-based model which postulates that the probability of observing a ranking of items decreases exponentially according to its distance to the consensus ranking, or more formally, called the modal ranking. Such estimation is acceptable only if the rankings assigned by the rankers are homogeneous, i.e., their rankings are identically distributed. However, rankers with different backgrounds or cognitive levels of examining the items may generate diverse quality of rankings, and hence, the rankings collected are likely non-identically distributed.

Examples of such heterogeneity of ranking abilities are abound. For instance, in ranking of NBA teams studied by Deng et al. (2014), some rankers are professional sport-ranking websites while some others are avid fans or infrequent watchers. In a meta-search study, Dwork et al. (2001) found that some search engines are more powerful than others, and some low-quality search engines referred as spam may provide a very low-quality ranking of webpages because of “paid placement” and “paid inclusion”. In biological system study, Lin and Ding (2009) suggested that different omic-scale platform ranking data including DNA variations and RAomics have vast difference of information value regarding the interested problem.

So far, two methods have been available in the literature to tackle the heterogeneity problem due to the diverse quality of rankings among the rankers. The first method is to allow different pre-specified weights to different rankers suggested by Aslam and Montague (2001) and Lin and Ding (2009). However, it is unclear how to design a suitable weighting scheme in practice. The second method is to allow different latent-scale parameters in the underlying ranking model, see for example Deng et al. (2014) and Lee et al. (2014) but they are not designed for distance-based ranking models. In this paper, we propose a new model called latent-scale distance-based models to tackle the above problem of quality heterogeneity in ranking.

The article is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the class of distance-based models. In Sect. 3, we propose our latent-scale distance-based models, and adopt an EM algorithm to obtain the ML estimates of the model parameters. Note that when the number of items to be ranked gets large, the determination of the modal ranking and the computation in the E-step may become time consuming. We will devise efficient methods to overcome these problems. Simulation experiments will be conducted in Sect. 3 to demonstrate the performance. Extensions to incomplete rankings and models with multiple modal rankings are discussed in Sect. 4. Several real-world applications are included in Sect. 5. We give some concluding remarks in Sect. 6.

2 Review of distance-based models

In ranking t items, labeled \(1,\ldots ,t\), a ranking \(\pi \) of the t items is a permutation function from \(1,\ldots ,t\) to \(1,\ldots ,t\). For example, \(\pi (2)=3\) means that item 2 ranked third and the inverse \(\pi ^{-1}(2)=1\) means that the item ranked second is item 1. To understand people’s perception and preference on items, various statistical models for ranking data have been developed over the past few decades. Among them, distance-based models have the advantages of being simple and elegant. Distance-based models (Fligner and Verducci 1986) assume that the probability of observing a ranking \(\pi \) drops exponentially according to its distance from an unknown modal ranking \(\pi _{0}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr \left( \pi \mid \lambda ,\pi _{0}\right) =\frac{\exp \left[ -\lambda d(\pi ,\pi _{0})\right] }{C(\lambda )}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\lambda \ge 0\) is the dispersion parameter, \(C(\lambda )\) is the normalizing constant, and \(d(\pi ,\pi _{0})\) is an arbitrary right invariantFootnote 1 distance between \(\pi \) and \(\pi _{0}\). Table 1 lists some popular distance measures between two rankings. Note that the model with \(d=d_{K}\) (Kendall distance) is called Mallows’ \(\phi \)-model (Mallows 1957).

Table 1 Some popular distance measures

Under the model, the ranking probability is the greatest at the modal ranking \(\pi _{0}\) and the probability of a ranking will decay the further it is away from \(\pi _{0}\). The rate of decay is governed by the parameter \(\lambda \). For a large value of \(\lambda \), the distribution of rankings will be more concentrated around \(\pi _{0}\). When \(\lambda \) becomes very small, the distribution of rankings will look more uniform.

It is easy to see that the normalizing constant \(C(\lambda )\) in (1) can be written as \(C(\lambda )=\sum _{\pi \in \mathcal {P}_{t}}\exp \left[ -\lambda d\left( \pi ,e\right) \right] \), where \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\) be the set of all permutations of \(\left\{ 1,\ldots ,t\right\} \) and \(e=(1,2,\ldots ,n)\). The closed form expression of \(C(\lambda )\) only exists for some distances (Fligner and Verducci 1986), for instance,

$$\begin{aligned}&\text{ Kendall } \text{ distance: }~C_{K}(\lambda )=\prod _{i=1}^{t-1}\frac{1-\exp \left[ -\left( t-i+1\right) \lambda \right] }{1-\exp \left( -\lambda \right) },\\&\text{ Cayley } \text{ distance: }~C_{C}(\lambda )=\prod _{i=1}^{t-1}\left[ \left( t-i\right) \exp \left( -\lambda \right) +1\right] . \end{aligned}$$

If \(C(\lambda )\) does not have a closed form, evaluating \(C(\lambda )\) by summing over the t! possible rankings in \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\) becomes very computationally demanding when t becomes very large, say greater than 10. We will address this problem in Sect. 3.2.

Given a ranking data set \(\varPi =\left\{ \pi _{k},k=1,\ldots ,n\right\} \), the log-likelihood function of the distance-based model is:

$$\begin{aligned} \ell (\lambda ,\pi _{0})=-\lambda \sum _{k=1}^{n}d(\pi _{k},\pi _{0})-n\,\ln \left[ C(\lambda )\right] . \end{aligned}$$

The maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of \(\lambda \) can be easily found because \(C(\lambda )\) is deceasing and convex while the MLE \({\hat{\pi }}{}_{0}\) of \(\pi {}_{0}\) is determined by minimizing the sum of distances over \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\):

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{\pi }}{}_{0}=\mathop {{{\mathrm{\arg \!\min }}}}\limits _{\pi _{0}\in {\mathcal {P}}_{t}}\sum _{k=1}^{n}d(\pi ,\pi _{0}). \end{aligned}$$

As mentioned before, this is equivalent to the solution of the classical rank aggregation problem. However, such estimation based on sum of equally weighted (weight=1) distances may not be acceptable if the rankers come from different backgrounds and have different cognitive levels of examining the items. This motivates us to develop a new ranking model in the next section to take the diverse quality of rankers into consideration.

3 Latent-scale distance-based model

Suppose that the ranking data \(\varPi \) consists of rankings \(\left\{ \pi _{k},k=1,\ldots ,n\right\} \) from n rankers. Under the proposed latent-scale distance-based model, we assume that ranker k has his/her own dispersion parameter \(\lambda _{k}\), and conditionally on \(\lambda _{k}\), the probability of observing a ranking \(\pi _{k}\) assigned by ranker k under the new model is given as:

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr \left( \pi _{k}\mid \lambda _{k},\pi _{0}\right) =\frac{\exp \left[ -\lambda _{k}d(\pi _{k},\pi _{0})\right] }{C(\lambda _{k})},\quad k=1,\ldots ,n. \end{aligned}$$

Introducing different \(\lambda _{k}\)’s can allow that the rankers with higher cognitive levels of examining the items can have larger values of \(\lambda _{k}\)’s so that their rankings are more likely to be closer to the modal ranking \(\pi _{0}\) while those rankers with little knowledge about the items can have smaller values of \(\lambda _{k}\)’s and hence their rankings are more likely to be scattered away from \(\pi _{0}\). As the background of the rankers are usually unknown, we assume that under the new model, their dispersion parameters \(\lambda _{k}\)’s are randomly drawn from an exponential distribution with an unknown mean \(\lambda \), denoted by \(Exp(\lambda )\). This setting is inherent in Fligner and Verducci (1990), where it is introduced in a Bayesian context as the conjugate prior for the scale.

Note that \(\lambda \) represents the overall mean level of professionalism of the rankers and \(\pi _{0}\) represents the consensus ranking common to all the rankers. In the next subsection, we will derive an efficient EM-type algorithm to obtain the ML estimates of the model parameters.

3.1 ML estimation of latent-scale distance-based model

In this subsection, we aim at developing a Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm of finding the ML estimates for the latent-scale distance-based model which could work well for any given distance measure and even for a large number (t) of items being ranked, say \(t=100\).

Given the observed data \(\varPi =\left\{ \pi _{k},k=1,\ldots ,n\right\} \), denote \(\varLambda =\left\{ \lambda _{k},k=1,\ldots ,n\right\} \) be the collection of the latent dispersion variables for the n rankers. Let \(\theta =(\lambda ,\pi _{0})\) be the set of parameters of interest. Augmenting \(\varLambda \) into \(\varPi \) to form the complete data, the complete-data log-likelihood function is found to be:

$$\begin{aligned} \ell _{c}(\theta \mid \varPi ,\varLambda ) =&-\sum _{k=1}^{n}\left[ \lambda _{k}d(\pi _{k},\pi _{0})+\ln C(\lambda _{k})\right] \nonumber \\&-n\ln \lambda -\sum _{k=1}^{n}\frac{\lambda _{k}}{\lambda }. \end{aligned}$$

The E-step here only involves computation of the conditional expectation of the \(\lambda _{k}\)’s given \(\varPi \) and \(\theta \). Note that it is not required to compute \(E\left[ \ln [C(\lambda _{k})]\mid \varPi ,\theta \right] \) as it will not be needed in the M-step. So to compute \(E\left[ \lambda _{k}\mid \pi _{k},\theta \right] \) (\(k=1,\ldots ,n\)), we first use the Metropolis–Hastings (MH) algorithm to obtain random draws of \(\lambda _{k}\) from the conditional distribution of \(\lambda _{k}\) given \(\pi _{k}\) and \(\theta \):

$$\begin{aligned} f(\lambda _{k}\mid \pi _{k},\theta )\propto \frac{\exp \left[ -\lambda _{k}\left( \frac{1}{\lambda }+d(\pi _{k},\pi _{0})\right) \right] }{C(\lambda _{k})}. \end{aligned}$$

By implementing the MH algorithm, we choose an independent proposal distribution from \(Exp(\lambda )\) with density g, where \(\lambda \) is obtained from \(\theta \). Given \(\theta \) and an initial value \(\lambda _{k}^{(0)}\) (say, drawn at random from g), the MH algorithm sample \(\lambda _{k}^{(s+1)}\) at the (\(s+1\))th iteration is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda _{k}^{(s+1)}={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \lambda _{k}^{*} &{} \text{ with } \text{ probability } \min \left\{ 1,R(\lambda _{k}^{(s)},\lambda _{k}^{*})\right\} \\ \lambda _{k}^{(s)} &{} \text{ otherwise } \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

where \(R(\lambda _{k}^{(s)},\lambda _{k}^{*})=\frac{f\left( \lambda _{k}^{*}\mid \pi _{k},\theta \right) g\left( \lambda _{i}^{(s)}\right) }{f\left( \lambda _{k}^{(s)}\mid \pi _{k},\theta \right) g\left( \lambda _{i}^{*}\right) }\). After generating S random draws \(\left\{ \lambda _{k}^{(s)},s=1,\ldots ,S\right\} \), \(E\left[ \lambda _{k}\mid \pi _{k},\theta \right] \) can be approximated by taking the average of these random draws, \(\frac{1}{S}\sum _{s=1}^{S}\lambda _{k}^{(s)}\).

The M-step is to update the estimate \({\hat{\theta }}\) by maximizing the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood \(\ell _\mathrm{com}(\theta \mid \varPi ,\varLambda )\) given \(\varPi \) and \({\hat{\theta }}^{(s)}\), the estimate of \(\theta \) obtained at the \((s+1)\)th EM iteration. It can be seen that the new estimate \({\hat{\theta }}^{(s+1)}=({\hat{\lambda }}^{(s+1)},{\hat{\pi }}_{0}^{(s+1)})\) in M-step is given by:

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{\lambda }}^{(s+1)}= & {} \frac{1}{n}\sum _{k=1}^{n}E\left[ \lambda _{k}\mid \pi _{k},{\hat{\theta }}^{(s)}\right] \nonumber \\ {\hat{\pi }}_{0}^{(s+1)}= & {} \mathop {{{\mathrm{\arg \!\min }}}}\limits _{\pi _{0}\in {\mathcal {P}}_{t}}\sum _{k=1}^{n}E\left[ \lambda _{k}\mid \pi _{k},{\hat{\theta }}^{(s)}\right] d(\pi _{k},\pi _{0}). \end{aligned}$$

The new set of \({\hat{\theta }}\) is then used for calculation of the conditional expectation of the \(\lambda _{k}\)’s in the E-step and the algorithm is iterated until convergence is attained. Unlike (3), our estimate of \(\pi _{0}\) minimizes the sum of weighted distances by taking into consideration the individual differences in the conditional expectation of the dispersion parameters \(\lambda _{k}\)’s.

3.2 Computational problems for large number of items

When the number (t) of items to be ranked becomes large, two computational problems will arise. First of all, in calculating Metropolis–Hastings ratio \(R(\lambda _{k}^{(s)},\lambda _{k}^{*})\) in (5) for large t, it requires evaluating the ratio of two normalizing constants, \(C(\lambda _{k}^{*})\) and \(C(\lambda _{k}^{(s)})\), which is computational demanding except for a few distances only (See Sect. 2). Secondly, the exhaustive search algorithm of \({\hat{\pi }}_{0}^{(s+1)}\) in the M-step (see (6)) for large t is practically infeasible because the number of possible rankings in \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\) is too large. For example, \({\mathcal {P}}_{40}\) contains around \(10^{47}\) rankings and enumerating all possible rankings in \({\mathcal {P}}_{40}\) is certainly unrealistic. Instead of using exhaustive search, Busse et al. (2007) suggested a local neighborhood search algorithm by searching the solution from the permutations within one Cayley distance only. However, our simulation in later section found that this method may cause the \({\hat{\pi }}_{0}^{(s+1)}\) stuck at a local minimum and cannot reach the global minimum.

3.2.1 Estimating the ratio of normalizing constants in the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm

To compute the MH ratio \(R(\lambda _{k}^{(s)},\lambda _{k}^{*})\) in (5), we need to compute the ratio of two normalizing constants evaluated at \(\lambda _{i}^{(s)}\) and \(\lambda _{i}^{*}\):

$$\begin{aligned} R(\lambda _{k}^{(s)},\lambda _{k}^{*})=\frac{C(\lambda _{k}^{(s)})}{C(\lambda _{k}^{*})}=\frac{\sum _{\pi \in {\mathcal {P}}_{t}}\exp \left[ -\lambda _{k}^{(s)}d\left( \pi ,e\right) \right] }{\sum _{\pi \in {\mathcal {P}}_{t}}\exp \left[ -\lambda _{k}^{*}d\left( \pi ,e\right) \right] }. \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(C(\lambda )/t!=\frac{1}{t!}\sum _{\pi \in {\mathcal {P}}_{t}}\exp \left[ -\lambda d\left( \pi ,e\right) \right] \) can be treated as an expectation of \(h_{\lambda }(\pi )=\exp \left( -\lambda d\left( \pi ,e\right) \right) \) over a uniform distribution over \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\). Using the idea of importance sampling, \(R(\lambda _{k}^{(s)},\lambda _{k}^{*})\) is estimated by:

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{R}}(\lambda _{k}^{(s)},\lambda _{k}^{*})=\frac{\sum _{\pi \in {\mathcal {S}}}\exp \left[ -\lambda _{k}^{(s)}d\left( \pi ,e\right) \right] }{\sum _{\pi \in {\mathcal {S}}}\exp \left[ -\lambda _{k}^{*}d\left( \pi ,e\right) \right] }, \end{aligned}$$

where \({\mathcal {S}}\) is a set of rankings drawn uniformly from \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\). In order to efficiently obtain a set of rankings uniformly distributed over the huge space \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\) when t is moderate or large, we adopt the quasi-random number generators with low discrepancy (Niederreiter 2010) to generate \(t\times 1\) vectors of numbers uniformly distributed in the t-dimensional unit-hypercube, and then order the t numbers in each vector to form a ranking.

3.2.2 Searching \({\hat{\pi }}_{0}^{(i+1)}\) over \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\) in the M-step

The minimization problem in (3) and (6) is known to be NP-hard in the literature of combinatorial optimization (see, e.g., Ali and Meilă 2012). To circumvent this difficulty, Aledo et al. (2013) used genetic algorithms (GA) in the case of distance-based model based on Kendall distance and found that GA outperforms existing algorithms such as branch and bound (BB). However, they reported that the CPU time used by GA grows with the increasing of t and is 9.6 higher than that used by the BB algorithm for \(t=50\) and \(\lambda =0.2\). Here, we propose to use a faster algorithm— simulated annealing, to find the global solution of the minimization problem.

Simulated annealing (SA) algorithm proposed by Kirkpatrick et al. (1983) and Černý (1985) is a stochastic search technique. It begins iterating with a high “temperature” so that the algorithm is allowed to explore the solution space so as to move to any candidate position no matter it is better or worse than the current best solution. At the subsequent iterations (i.e., cooling to a lower temperature), the algorithm becomes more restrictive to search and is more likely to accept solutions better than the current best solution. Figure 1 shows our SA algorithm for the minimization problem with objective function shown in (3) or (6).

Fig. 1
figure 1

SA algorithm for (latent-scale) distance-based models with objective function f shown in (3) or (6)

The functions \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) used in the SA algorithm (see Fig. 1) are designed, respectively, to control the speed of temperature cooling and the amount of candidate exploration at each fixed temperature. In this paper, we choose \(\tau _{j}=0.95\tau _{j-1}\), \(m_{j}=m_{j-1}\) with \(\tau _{0}=100\) and \(m_{0}=200\).

As seen from the SA algorithm shown in Fig. 1, a new candidate solution is definitely accepted when it is superior to the current solution and possibly accepted even when it is inferior, particularly in the early iterations. Such stochastic search provides SA an opportunity to escape from local minima so as to reach the global minimum.

To apply the SA algorithm, we need to simulate the new candidate solution \(\pi _{0}^{*}\) based on a proposal density \(g^{[m]}(\cdot \mid \pi _{0}^{[m]})\). To do so, we swap two randomly selected elements in \(\pi _{0}^{[m]}\). To be sure to reach the global minimum, the cooling process governed by the function \(\alpha \) has to be slow. To avoid unnecessary iterations of the SA algorithm, the algorithm ends if \(\pi _{0}^{[m]}\) remains unchanged for five consecutive temperature states. After finishing the SA algorithm, we obtain \({\hat{\pi }}_{0}^{(s+1)}\), the \((s+1)\)th EM iterate of \(\pi _{0}\), and hence the M-step is completed. The EM algorithm continues by iterating the E-step and M-step recursively. It is found that the EM algorithm converges very quickly and it stops in less than 20 iterations in all our simulation experiments and applications.

3.3 Simulation experiments

3.3.1 Simulation study 1: Estimating the ratio of normalizing constants via the importance sampling

In this section, we conduct a simulation study to evaluate the performance of important-sampler estimator (8) for the ratio of normalizing constants in (7). Note that the normalizing constant \(C(\lambda )\) has a closed form for Kendall and Cayley distances. We here consider four distance measures: Spearman, Footrule, Hamming and Ulam distances. Due to different scales for these distances, the distances are normalized to have the same maximum value of t: \(d^{*}\left( \pi ,e\right) =t\,d\left( \pi ,e\right) /\max d\left( \pi ,e\right) \) so that we can consider the same set of the values of \(\lambda \) for different distances in the simulation study. More specifically, we study the performance of the ratio estimator

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{R}}(\lambda _{1},\lambda _{2})=\frac{{\hat{C}}(\lambda _{1})}{{\hat{C}}(\lambda _{2})}=\frac{\sum _{\pi \in {\mathcal {S}}}\exp \left[ -\lambda _{1}d^{*}\left( \pi ,e\right) \right] }{\sum _{\pi \in {\mathcal {S}}}\exp \left[ -\lambda _{2}d^{*}\left( \pi ,e\right) \right] }, \end{aligned}$$

where \({\mathcal {S}}\) is a set of rankings drawn uniformly from \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\) based on a quasi-random (QR) number method mentioned in Sect. 3.2.1.

In this simulation study, we consider a set of different combinations of (\(\lambda _{1},\lambda _{2})\), denoted by \(\varOmega _{f}\), such that \(\lambda _{1}=\lambda _{2}(1-f)\), and \(\lambda _{2}\) is chosen to be one of the 20 equally spaced values from 0.1 to 2. Here, f represents the gap (or percentage difference) between \(\lambda _{1}\) and \(\lambda _{2}\) and three different gaps, \(f=0.1,0.2\) and 0.5, are considered.

Instead of comparing the ratio estimate with its exact value which is computationally expensive to obtain when the number (t) of items becomes large (say \(t>10\)), we study its performance based on the maximum relative change of the log-ratio estimates by increasing the number of QR samples in powers of ten. More specifically, between two consecutive QR sample sizes, say \(old=10^{i-1}\) vs \(new=10^{i}\) , we calculate the maximum relative change as

$$\begin{aligned} \max _{(\lambda _{1},\lambda _{2})\in \varOmega _{f}}\left\{ \frac{\ln {\hat{R}}_\mathrm{new}(\lambda _{1},\lambda _{2})-\ln {\hat{R}}_\mathrm{old}(\lambda _{1},\lambda _{2})}{\ln {\hat{R}}_\mathrm{old}(\lambda _{1},\lambda _{2})}\right\} . \end{aligned}$$
Table 2 Maximum relative change of the log-ratio estimator between two normalizing constants for various distances and gaps

Table 2 shows the maximum relative change of the log-ratio estimates between two normalizing constants for various distances and gaps. It can be seen that our method yields a good estimate of the ratio between two normalizing constants using a number of samples which is much smaller than the number of terms in the exact sum (\(20!\approx 10^{18}\) for \(t=20\) and \(40!\thickapprox 10^{48}\) for \(t=40\)). For the cases of Hamming and Ulam distances, a QR sample size of \(10^{6}\) is enough to get an accurate estimate of the ratio. For the cases of Spearman and Footrule distances, we need a larger sample size, say \(10^{7}\), in order to have a maximum relative change less than 1%. All the computations were performed on a PC, and the time spent to obtain each value of maximum relative change in Table 2 for \(t=40\) took less than three minutes.

3.3.2 Simulation study 2: Searching over \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\) via the SA algorithm

In this section, we conduct a simulation to compare the efficiency of the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm proposed in Sect. 3.2.2 with the local neighborhood search method in determining the MLE of \(\pi _{0}\) in (3).

First of all, ranking data are simulated from a distance-based model with \(\lambda ^{*}=0.3\) and \(\pi _{0}^{*}=e\). Three distance measures are considered and they are Kendall, Spearman and Footrule. See Appendix for the procedure of simulating ranking data from distance-based model. Then we apply both the SA and local neighborhood search (NS) methods to obtain the MLE \({\hat{\pi }}_{0}\) based on the same initial \(\pi _{0}\) estimate generated uniformly at random. For each method, we can compute the average log-likelihood difference, \(ALD=(\ell (\lambda ^{*},{\hat{\pi }}_{0})-\ell (\lambda ^{*},\pi _{0}^{*}))/n\), where \(\ell (\lambda ,\pi _{0})\) is defined in (2), and n is the size of data. The more the value of ALD is closer to zero, the better is the searching method.

Table 3 Results of ALD for the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm and the local neighborhood search (NS) method for various sample sizes n and the number of items t

The simulation is repeated 30 runs and in each run, the MLE estimates of \(\pi _{0}\) obtained by the SA and NS methods are recorded and their ALD results are listed in Table 3. It can be seen that our simulated annealing method always performs better than the local neighborhood search method even when the number of items t becomes large. The local neighborhood search method generally performs satisfactory for small t but its performance deteriorates heavily when t gets large.

Note that the determination of the MLE of \(\pi _{0}\) requires minimizing the sum of distances \(\sum _{k=1}^{n}d(\pi ,\pi _{0})\) over \({\mathcal {P}}_{t}\). Figure 2 shows the iteration details of the minimization of the average Kendall distance \(\frac{1}{n}\sum _{k=1}^{n}d(\pi ,{\hat{\pi }}_{0})\) based on two randomly chosen initial estimates of \(\pi _{0}\), where the data are simulated from the Kendall distance-based model with \(t=20\) or 50, \(n=100\), and \(\pi _{0}^{*}=e\). It can be seen that regardless of the choice of initial estimate of \(\pi _{0}\), simulated annealing algorithm can achieve the global optimal solution (labeled by the green line) but the local neighborhood search method can sometimes converge to a local optimal solution. It is not surprising to see that the average Kendall distance for the simulated annealing may increase slightly during the iteration as the simulated annealing allows to have some probability to adopt some inferior candidates so that it is more likely to reach the global minimum.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The iteration details of the minimization of the average Kendall distance based on two randomly chosen initial estimates of \(\pi _{0}\) (blue and red lines), where the data are simulated from the Kendall distance-based model with \(t=20\), 50, \(n=100\), and \(\pi _{0}^{*}=e\). The minimization is done using the simulated annealing algorithm and the local neighborhood search method. The green line represents the average Kendall distance with \(\pi _{0}=\pi _{0\,true}\). (Color figure online)

4 Model extensions to incomplete rankings and models with multiple modal rankings

4.1 Incomplete rankings

Incomplete (or partial) ranking data are commonly seen particularly when assessing an item takes much effort and time. Instead of ranking all t items, individuals may be asked to rank the top few items only (called top-q rankings) or to rank the items within a subset of the t items only (called subset rankings). Note that discrete choices and paired comparisons are special cases of the incomplete ranking data. Let us first extend the notation for incomplete ranking. For instance \(\pi ^{*}=(3,1,2,3)\) represents a top two ranking with item 2 ranked first and item 3 ranked second, \(\pi ^{*}=(-,1,2,-)\) refers to a subset ranking with item 2 more preferred than item 3 and items 1 and 4 unranked, and \(\pi ^{*}=(1,1,2,-)\) is a combination of these two types.

The incomplete rankings can be treated as a missing data problem, which can be solved by augmenting the missing ranks in Gibbs sampling in the Monte Carlo E-step. Let \(\left\{ \pi _{1}^{*},\ldots ,\pi _{n}^{*}\right\} \) be the observed data of n incomplete rankings, and let \(\left\{ \pi _{1},\ldots ,\pi _{n}\right\} \) be their corresponding complete rankings. What we need to do is to include one more step in the Gibbs sampling by sampling \(\pi _{k}\) from its full-conditional distribution \(f(\pi _{k}|\pi _{k}^{*},\lambda _{k},\pi _{0})\) and all the other steps will be unchanged as if the complete rankings are observed. To sample from \(f(\pi _{k}|\pi _{k}^{*},\lambda _{k},\pi _{0})\), we have to introduce the concept of compatibility for an incomplete ranking. Let \(S(\pi _{k}^{*})\) be the set of complete rankings compatible with \(\pi _{k}^{*}\) so that the rank orders are preserved. For example for \(\pi ^{*}=(2,-,3,4,1)\), \(S(\pi ^{*})=\)\(\{ \left( 2,5,3,4,1\right) ,\left( 2,4,3,5,1\right) , \left( 2,3,4,5,1\right) ,\left( 3,2,4,5,1\right) , \left( 3,1,4,5,2\right) \}\). Notice that

$$\begin{aligned} f(\pi _{k}|\pi _{k}^{*},\lambda _{k},\pi _{0}))\propto f(\pi _{k}|\lambda _{k},\pi _{0}),\,\pi _{k}\in S(\pi ^{*}). \end{aligned}$$

Obviously, direct sampling from this distribution will be tedious when the size of the compatible set \(S(\pi ^{*})\) becomes large. Instead, we can use the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to draw samples from this distribution with the proposed candidates generated uniformly from \(S(\pi ^{*})\). The idea of introducing compatible rankings allows us to treat different kinds of incomplete rankings easily. It is easy to sample uniformly from the compatible rankings since we just need to sample the missing ranks under different situations without listing our all members in \(S(\pi ^{*})\). For instance, sampling a complete ranking based on an observed subset ranking of q items can be done by drawing \((t-q)\) integers at random from \(\{1,2,\ldots ,t\}\) for the missing ranks and then placing the observed subset ranking back to the complete ranking with the order preserved.

When the distance is chosen to be Kendall distance and the data is top-q rankings, Fligner and Verducci (1986) suggests that the Kendall distance can be extended as \(d(\pi ,\pi _{0})=\sum _{i=1}^{t-1}V_{i}(\pi \circ \pi _{0}^{-1})\), where \(V_{i}(\pi )=\sum _{j>i}I\{\pi ^{-1}(i)-\pi ^{-1}(j)>0\}\) and \(\pi \circ \pi _{0}^{-1}=\pi (\pi _{0}^{-1})\). For top-q rankings, \(V_{1},V_{2},\ldots ,V_{q}\) only depend on \(\pi ^{*}\). So the probability of observing \(\pi ^{*}\) can be written as

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr (\pi _{k}^{*})&=\exp \left[ -\lambda _{k}\sum _{i=1}^{q}V_{i}(\pi \circ \pi _{0}^{-1})\right] \\&\quad \times \sum _{\pi \in S(\pi _{k}^{*})}\frac{\exp [-\lambda _{k}\sum _{i>q}V_{i}(\pi \circ \pi _{0}^{-1})]}{C(\lambda _{k})}\\&=\frac{\exp [-\lambda _{k}\sum _{i=1}^{q}V_{i}(\pi \circ \pi _{0}^{-1})]}{C_\mathrm{new}(\lambda _{k},q)} \end{aligned}$$

where \(C_\mathrm{new}(\lambda _{k},q)=\prod _{i=1}^{q}[1-\exp \{-(q-i+1)\lambda _{k}\}]/[1-\exp (-\lambda _{k})]\). For Cayley distance, this rearrangement also exists and similar methods can be applied to the partially ranked data. The EM algorithm of this induced model can be easily derived. Note that the EM algorithm in this special case is much faster, since we don’t need to sampling complete rankings in the \(S(\pi _{k}^{*})\).

4.2 Models with multiple modal rankings

So far, we assume that there is a single modal ranking \(\pi _{0}\). However, it is natural to have different views for different groups of rankers and hence, we need to adopt a mixture modeling framework to allow clusters with distinct modal rankings. Inspired by Murphy and Martin (2003) who extended the use of mixture models to simple distance-based models, we extend our latent-scale models to mixture of latent-scale distance-based models for ranking data.

Given a ranking data set \(\varPi =\{\pi _{k},k=1,\ldots ,n\}\), denote \(\varLambda =\{\lambda _{kg},k=1,\ldots ,n,g=1,\ldots ,G\}\) be the collection of all latent dispersion variables. The probability of observing ranking data \(\pi _{k}\) under a mixture of latent-scale distance-based models with G clusters is:

$$\begin{aligned} P(\pi _{k}|\varLambda )=\sum _{g=1}^{G}p_{g}\frac{\exp [-\lambda _{kg}d(\pi _{k},\pi _{0g})]}{C(\lambda _{kg})}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(p_{g}\) is the proportion of cluster g, and the rankings in cluster g follows a latent-scale distance-based model with modal ranking \(\pi _{0g}\) and latent-scale parameters \(\lambda _{kg}\)’s generated independently from \(\hbox {Exp}(\lambda _{g})\).

Let \(\theta =\{\lambda _{g},\pi _{0g},p_{g},g=1,\ldots ,G\}\) be the set of parameters of interest of this mixture model. To obtain the MLE of \(\theta \) using the EM algorithm, we need to augment into the complete data stated in Sect. 3.1 an additional latent variable \(z_{k}=(z_{k1},\ldots ,z_{kG})\), the membership variable for ranker i which is defined as: \(z_{kg}=1\) if ranker i belongs to cluster g, otherwise \(z_{kg}=0\).

The steps of implementing the EM algorithm for this mixture model is similar to the EM algorithm used in Sect. 3.1. At the E-step of the \((s+1)\)th EM iteration, we need to evaluate \(E(z_{kg}\mid \pi _{k},\,\theta ^{(s)})\) and \(E(z_{kg}\lambda _{kg}\mid \pi _{k},\,\theta ^{(s)})\) which can be determined similarly using the Gibbs sampling. First we consider sampling from the full-conditional distribution of \(z_{k}=(z_{k1},\ldots ,z_{kG})\), \(k=1,\ldots ,n\):

$$\begin{aligned} P(z_{kg}=1\mid \varLambda ,\,\pi _{k},\,\theta ^{(s)})=\frac{\frac{p_{g}^{(s)}\exp (-\lambda _{kg}d(\pi _{k},\pi _{0g}^{(s)}))}{C(\lambda _{kg})}}{\sum _{g^{'}=1}^{G}\frac{p_{g^{'}}^{(s)}\exp (-\lambda _{kg^{'}}d(\pi _{k},\pi _{0g^{'}}^{(s)}))}{C(\lambda _{kg^{'}})}}. \end{aligned}$$

Then we consider sampling \(\lambda _{kg}\) from its full-conditional distribution. For \(z_{kg}=1\), the full-conditional density of \(\lambda _{kg}\), \(k=1,\ldots ,n,g=1,\ldots ,G\) is

$$\begin{aligned} f(\lambda _{kg}\mid z_{kg}=1,\,\pi _{k})\propto \textstyle {\frac{\exp \left[ -\lambda _{kg}\left( \frac{1}{\lambda _{g}^{(s)}}+d(\pi _{k},\pi _{0g}^{(s)})\right) \right] }{C(\lambda _{kg})} } \end{aligned}$$

and \(\lambda _{kg}\) can be simulated using similar MH algorithm stated in Sect. 3.1 while for \(z_{kg}=0\), it is easy to see that \(\lambda _{kg}\) can be simulated from \(Exp(\lambda _{g})\).

At the M-step of the \((s+1)\)th EM iteration, we can update \(\theta =\{\lambda _{g},\pi _{0g},p_{g},g=1,\ldots ,G\}\) as follows: \({\hat{\lambda }}_{g}^{(s+1)}=\frac{\sum _{i=1}^{n}(\left( \widehat{z\lambda }\right) _{kg}^{(s+1)})}{\sum _{i=1}^{n}{\hat{z}}_{ig}^{(s+1)}}\),

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{\pi }}_{0g}^{(s+1)}=\arg \min \sum _{k=1}^{n}\textstyle {\left( \widehat{z\lambda }\right) _{kg}^{(s+1)}}d(\pi _{i},\pi _{0}), \end{aligned}$$

and \({\hat{p}}_{g}^{(s+1)}=\frac{1}{n}\sum _{k=1}^{n}{\hat{z}}_{kg}^{(s+1)}\), where \({\hat{z}}_{kg}^{(s+1)}=E(z_{kg}\mid \pi _{k},\,\theta ^{(s)})\) and \(\textstyle {\left( \widehat{z\lambda }\right) _{kg}^{(s+1)}}=E(z_{kg}\lambda _{kg}\mid \pi _{k},\,\theta ^{(s)})\) can be computed by the Monte Carlo integration from the above Gibbs sampling. Given the initial parameters for \(\theta ^{(0)}\), we alternatively run the E-Step and M-Step until the estimates converge. It is found that our EM algorithm converges very quickly within 20 iterations in our gene application.

Table 4 Performance comparison in terms of Kendall distance from the true rank

5 Applications

5.1 Aggregating people’s rankings

Consider the data collected in five ranking experiments by Lee et al. (2014) in the University of California Irvine. The participants of these experiments were undergraduates recruited from the human subjects pool of the university. In the experiments, the participants were asked to rank different items according to their knowledge. These items could be US presidents, NFL Superbowl teams, NBA teams, 10 Commandments, etc. The ranking assignments for US Presidents was to put them in chronological order; for NFL Superbowl teams and NBA teams, to put them in the order of their performances of the season; for the Ten Amendments to the Constitution, to put them in the order they appear; and for the Ten Commandments, to put them in the order adhered to by the Jewish and most Protestant religions. Note that for a specific task there are different ranking skills among the rankers in the experiments. All the data are downloaded from http://webfiles.uci.edu/mdlee/LeeSteyversMiller2014Data.zip.

As the ground truth ranking \(\pi _{0}\) is finally available or was knowable to the participants when they are assigned the experiment, we can study the wisdom of the crowd effect, i.e., whether our proposed model is able to obtain an aggregated ranking that is close to the ground truth. In each of these experiments, we compare ten rank aggregation methods: Borda count method, Lee’s method (2014), the MLE \({\hat{\pi }}_{0}\) of simple distance-based models and latent-scale distance-based models based on Kendall, Spearman, Footrule and Ulam distances, estimated using the simulated annealing algorithm in Sect. 3.2.2. Note that the Borda count method (1781) basically computes the average rank of each item assigned by all participants, and the aggregated ranking produced by the Borda count method is then simply generated by ordering the items according to their average ranks. Lee’s method is a Bayesian Thurstonian model and the estimated ranking is obtained by ordering the mean ranks of the 1000 posterior utilities simulated by JAGS sampling.

The estimation procedure based on our Monte Carlo EM method converges very fast even for the case of \(t=44\). Usually it takes 5-7 EM iterations to meet the convergence criteria. Table 4 shows the Kendall distance between the ground truth ranking and the estimated aggregated ranking for each rank aggregation method. Of course, other distance measures can also be used for comparison of the methods. We choose Kendall distance here as it can be viewed as a measure of misclassifying the orders of all pairs of items. It can be seen from Table 4 that the latent-scale distance-based models always perform better than their corresponding simple distance-based models and the Borda count method. Our latent-scale models perform the best in four out of the five experiments. Lee’s method produces similar performance to our LS model with Spearman distance. This may be because the utilities for the items under the Thurstonian model are independent normally distributed and their log-likelihood involves a squared Euclidean distance of the utilities to their means which resembles the Spearman distance used in our latent-scale distance-based model. Among all the distances considered, latent-scale models based on Kendall and Spearman distances generally perform the best or the second best.

To further illustrate the outstanding performance of the latent-scale Kendall distance-based model in these five experiments, Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the Kendall distances between people’s rankings (blue histogram) and the true ranking (green circle). Note that the red circle represents the worst-possible ranking having the largest Kendall distance, and the dotted line shows the distribution of Kendall distance for a ranking generated at random. The aggregated rankings inferred by the latent-scale Kendall distance-based model, the Mallows model (i.e., the standard Kendall distance-based model) and the Borda count method are shown by a black circle labeled “R”, a yellow circle labeled “M” and a blue circle labeled “B”, respectively.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Each of the above panels corresponds to a different ranking experiment. The distribution of Kendall distances between people’ rankings and the true ranking (green circle) is shown by the blue histogram. Note that the red circle represents the worst-possible ranking having the largest Kendall distance, and the dotted line shows the distribution of Kendall distance for a ranking generated at random. The aggregated rankings inferred by the latent-scale Kendall distance-based model, the Mallows model and the Borda count method are shown by a black circle labeled “R” , a yellow circle labeled “M” and a blue circle labeled “B” , respectively. The inserted scatter plots show the relationship between the conditional mean of \(\lambda _{k}\) for the kth individual and his/her Kendall distance from the true ranking. (Color figure online)

It can be seen from Fig. 3 that people’s rankings indicated by the blue histograms seem not generated at random as the histograms are not close to the distribution for random rankings (dotted line), and there are large individual differences in their rankings. In all these experiments, our latent-scale Kendall distance-based models perform the best as their aggregated rankings are the closest to their ground truths, particularly when people have diverse background on examining the items such as the case of the NBA East 2010 season data. This is because both the Mallows model and Borda count method unrealistically assume the same weights for all rankings.

The diverse background of people is also evidenced by the inserted scatter plots which show the relationship between the conditional mean of \(\lambda _{k}\) for the kth individual in the final E-step and his/her Kendall distance from the true ranking. Recall that \(\lambda _{k}\) can be treated as a measure of cognitive level of examining the items inferred by the latent-scale distance-based model. It is found that \(\lambda _{k}\) is negatively related to the Kendall distance measure, indicating that people having a large value of \(\lambda _{k}\) are more knowledgeable about the items as they tend to provide better ranking with smaller Kendall distance from the ground truth.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Two-dimensional multidimensional scaling solution for the ranking data on ten commandments. The aggregated rankings inferred by the latent-scale Kendall distance-based model, the Mallows model, the Borda count method and the Lee’s Thurstonian model are shown by a black circle labeled “R” , a yellow circle labeled “M” , a blue circle labeled “B” and a red circle labeled “T” respectively. (Color figure online)

To further explain why our proposed latent-scale Kendall distance-based model could outperform the Borda method and the aggregation based on Mallows model, we apply the multidimensional scaling (MDS) method (see Borg and Groenen 2005) to the Kendall distance matrix obtained from the ranking data on ten commandments. Figure 4 shows the two-dimensional MDS solution. The small blue dots represent the positions of rankings given by 78 rankers. The green circle labeled “True” is the true ranking. The rank aggregation results by our latent-scale model, Borda method, the Mallows model and Lee’s Thurstonian Method are denoted by black circle labeled “R”, blue circle labeled “B”, yellow circle labeled “M” and red circle labeled “T” respectively. Among these methods, the aggregated ranking based on the estimated modal ranking from our latent-scale model is the closest to the true ranking. The aggregated rankings based on Mallows and Borda methods are farther way from the true ranking since they treat the rankings equally so that theiraggregated results are affected by the rankings (blue dots) at the right hand side of the graph.

Table 5 Performance comparison in terms of Kendall distance from the true rank. LS-Kendall is the result of latent-scale Kendall distance-based model

5.2 Aggregating incomplete ranking data of NBA teams

In this application, we consider the NBA power ranking data studied by Deng et al. (2014) in which 34 judges ranked 30 NBA teams according to the results of 2011–2012 season. Six of them, (P1,..., P6), are complete rankings obtained from professional sports websites, and the other 28 rankings, (S1,...,S28), are collected from a sample of 28 Harvard students in a university survey, in which each student was asked to rank the best 8 NBA teams (top-8 rankings) in the 2011–2012 season based on his/her own knowledge. Each student has classified himself into one of the following four groups in the survey: (1) “Avid fans” who never missed NBA games, (2) “Fans” who watched NBA games frequently, (3) “Infrequent watchers” who watched NBA games occasionally, and (4) the “Not interested” who never watched NBA games in the past season. The true ranking of this task is arranged based on their performance of the full season: the top 16 teams reached the playoffs, the top eight survived the first round of the playoffs and so on. The bottom 14 teams and the tied teams in the playoffs are ranked by their winning percentages in the regular season games in 2011–2012.

In this rank aggregation experiment, we consider five rank aggregation methods: traditional Borda count aggregation, Lee’s method (2014), Deng’s method (2014), Mallows model (distance-based model with Kendall distance) and our latent-scale Kendall distance-based model. After the 2011–2012 NBA season, we can obtain the true ranking of 30 teams (Deng et al. 2014). Table 5 shows the Kendall distance between the ground truth ranking and the estimated aggregated ranking for each rank aggregation method. Among these methods, our latent-scale model with Kendall distance performs the best. Deng’s method performs even worse than Borda count because there are many ties in Deng’s estimated ranking, whereas Lee’s method performs better than Borda count but poorer than our latent-scale model.

Figure 5 shows the distribution of Kendall distances between participants’ rankings and the true ranking, together with the aggregated rankings based on the Borda count method, Mallows model and LS Kendall model. The Kendall distance here is defined as the average Kendall distance of the rankings in the compatible set from the true ranking. It is clearly seen from Fig. 5 that the observed rankings are not generated at random as the Kendall distribution of the observed rankings (blue histogram) is far away from the Kendall distribution of a random ranking (dotted line). Among the three methods, our latent-scale model (labeled by R) performs the best as it is the closest to the true ranking labeled by a green circle. The inserted scatter plot of Fig. 5 shows the plot of the conditional mean of \(\lambda _{k}\) for the kth individual against its Kendall distance to the true ranking. Note that the points are colored according to the professionalism of the five groups of judges in the order: Professional websites (darkest), Avid fans, Fans, Infrequent watchers and Not interested (brightest). It can be seen that an individual with a larger conditional mean of \(\lambda _{k}\) tends to have a darker point and a shorter Kendall distance to the true ranking, indicating that this individual tends to be more professional and understand better the true ranking.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Distribution of Kendall distances between participants’ rankings and the true ranking for the power rankings of 30 NBA teams for 2011–2012 season. In the inserted scatter plot, the darkest points are data from the “professional websites” group and the brightest points are data from “not-interested” group. The darker the point’s color is the more professional the group is. (Color figure online)

Fig. 6
figure 6

Estimates of \(\lambda _{k}\) for five groups of rankers from the power rankings task of 30 NBA teams for 2011–2012 season

Table 6 Numbers of mistakes made in picking up 8 teams survived in the first round of playoffs in NBA data and \({\hat{\lambda }}_{k}\) for different groups of rankers

Figure 6 and Table 6 show the conditional mean of \(\lambda _{k}\) for the five groups of judges. It is reasonable to see that the conditional means of \(\lambda _{k}\) for “Professional websites” group tend to the highest while those for “Not interested” group tend to be the smallest. In other words, this conditional mean of \(\lambda _{k}\) for the kth individual can be viewed as his/her professional level. We also observe some interesting phenomenons in Fig. 6. The professional level of avid fans S4 and S6 are even higher than some professional websites. Based on their observed rankings, these two students almost successfully picked up all the top-8 teams in the playoffs (top 16). The professional level of avid fan S5 is much lower than the other students in the same group. This precisely reflects the fact that S5 gave high ranks to the two NBA teams, Warriors and Wizards, but these two teams failed to enter the playoffs.

Similar to our latent-scale model, Deng et al. (2014) also defined a kind of \(\gamma _{k}\) as a quality parameter for each ranker in their Bayesian aggregation approach. In their paper, they find that the quality parameter indicates the basket knowledge level of the rankers. However, we find that their estimated qualities for the NBA power ranking data are fairly different from our estimates of the \(\lambda _{k}\)’s. For example, their estimated qualities of the professional group are much greater than those of the avid fans group. Comparing to our results, our estimates \({\hat{\lambda }}_{k}\)’s for the professional group are not greatly larger than those for the avid fans group as evidenced from the raw data. Table 6 shows the number of mistakes made in picking up 8 teams survived in the first round of playoffs in NBA data. We can find that some rankers in the professional group (e.g., P2, P3, P4) even made more mistakes than Avid Fans group (e.g., S1, S2, S4, S6).

Comparing the estimated aggregated ranking of our model with the true ranking, we found that our latent-scale model makes only one mistake to pick up 16 teams survived in the playoffs (Top 16): picking Trail Blazers instead of Jazz into the playoffs. However, five out of the six professional websites made two mistakes. Also, our model successfully picks up the champion and the first runner-up team in the season but only two professional websites and 5 of the 28 students successfully picked up these two teams.

5.3 Aggregating and classification of disease subtypes of breast cancer patients based on their gene expressions

Using rank-based methods to solve gene related problems has seen a growing interest in bioinformatics (Naume et al. 2007). In this section, we illustrate the use of our proposed mixture model to analyze a ranked mRNA expression data set with 96 genes from 121 breast cancer patients who are categorized into two disease subtypes according to their ER/PgR-status: estrogen receptor negative (ER−, 41 patients) or positive (ER+, 80 patients). Our aim is to cluster the breast cancer patients into two groups based on their ranked gene expression data and study the classification performance using their actual disease subtypes. The data for 96 genes selected from the KEGG estrogen signaling pathway (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes: hsa04915) (http://www.genome.jp/kegg/), are obtained from the Stanford Microarray Database (http://genome-www5.stanford.edu/). The ranked normalized log 2 transformed gene expression ratios are retrieved from SMD as our gene ranking data with \(t=96\) and \(N=121\).

Table 7 The ML estimates of the parameters of a mixture of two latent-scale Kendall distance-based models for the gene ranking data
Fig. 7
figure 7

Distribution of Kendall distances between patients’ rankings and a reference ranking (green circle) is shown by the blue histograms. Two reference rankings are randomly picked. The gray dotted line represents the distribution of the Kendall distances implied from the fitted model. The blue circle labeled “Pi0(1)” and the red circle labeled “Pi0(2)” represent the estimated modal rankings \({\hat{\pi }}_{01}\) and \({\hat{\pi }}_{02}\) for groups 1 and 2 under the fitted model. (Color figure online)

We fit a mixture of \(G=2\) latent-scale Kendall distance-based models to the gene ranking data (without using the actual disease subtypes). Table 7 shows the ML estimates of the model parameters. It can be seen that the estimated proportions of two groups (\({\hat{p}}_{1}=0.35\) and \({\hat{p}}_{2}=0.65\)) are close to those of the actual disease subtypes. As there are 96 genes, we do not list out the estimated modal rankings \({\hat{\pi }}{}_{01}\) and \({\hat{\pi }}{}_{02}\) of two groups. Instead, ten patients are randomly selected with their Kendall distances to \({\hat{\pi }}{}_{0g}\), their predictive estimates of the dispersion variable, \({\hat{\lambda }}_{kg}\), and the membership indicator, \({\hat{z}}_{kg}\) (\(g=1,2\)), as shown in Table 7. We also show the predicted group of each selected patient according to the one with higher membership probability. Notice that when the Kendall distance to \({\hat{\pi }}{}_{0g}\) is smaller, the \({\hat{z}}_{kg}\) becomes bigger, meaning that the probability that ranking k belongs to group g is larger. When \({\hat{\lambda }}_{kg}\) is smaller, the distribution is more concentrated at \({\hat{\pi }}{}_{0g}\) and ranking k is more likely to be closer to \({\hat{\pi }}{}_{0g}\). From Table 7, patient BC-M-167 is classified to a wrong group since he has similar distances to \(\pi _{01}\) and \(\pi _{02}\), making him hard to be classified correctly.

To better illustrate our fitting result, Fig. 7 shows the Kendall distribution of the observed ranking data and the fitted model with reference to two randomly selected rankings. From the figure, we can find that the mixture model actually fits the data quite well since the fitted Kendall distribution fairly fits the observed data. To access the performance of our model classification, Fig. 8 shows the ROC curve of the disease subtype classification based on the rule \({\hat{z}}{}_{k1}>c\) for group 1. For \(c=0.5\), our model correctly classifies 85.12% of the patients. Since this is an unsupervised learning, we may think the proposed mixture of latent-scale distance-based models has a relatively powerful classification of disease subtypes for breast cancer patients based on the gene ranking data.

Fig. 8
figure 8

ROC curve of the classification of the disease subtypes for breast cancer patients

6 Concluding remarks

In this paper, we proposed a new class of latent-scale distance-based models which accounts for the heterogeneity in the background or expertise among the rankers. Our simulation experiments demonstrated that our proposed EM algorithm is computational efficient for any distance measure and even for a large number of items. Our real-world applications in Sect. 5 revealed that the proposed latent-scale distance-based model outperforms existing rank aggregation methods including Borda and those based on unweighted distance-based models.

Note that for some existing Bayesian rank aggregation methods such as Lee et al. (2014), the output of the MCMC algorithm is a list of rankings sampled from the posterior distribution. It is still necessary to find a proper rank aggregation method to combine these rankings. In Deng et al. (2014)’s method, its rank aggregation result is highly dependent on the hyper-parameter p, the proportion of relevant entities in the rankings which is often unknown in practice. Different choice of p will then end up with different results of rank aggregation. An improper choice of p might even lead to many ties in the aggregated ranking. Unlike these methods, our proposed latent-scale distance-based models can directly estimate the aggregated ranking while taking into account the diverse quality of rankers.

When applying our rank aggregation method, we need to choose a distance measure for our proposed model. Although there is no universal best rule of choosing a particular distance, we recommend using Kendall distance or Spearman distance as these two distances show consistently good results in our simulation experiments and applications. Hamming and Ulam distances usually perform poorly since they tend to be less sensitive to a small change in the number of items, particularly for large number of items.