
Science is an inherently cumulative process. Just as the current paper cites multilevel mediation work by MacKinnon (2008), he cited earlier mediation work by Baron and Kenny (1986), who cited Campbell and Fiske on construct validity (1959), who cited Thurstone (1931) on reliability and validity of tests. Directly and indirectly, the research in this paper has been informed by years of prior research, going back at least 80 years. In prevention science, social influence school-based drug prevention programs have been improved since they were first introduced in the 1970s (Cuijpers, 2002; McBride, 2003; Tobler, 1997). After a body of research has been produced on a given topic, it is important to summarize the findings from all relevant studies. Furthermore, combining findings from studies is beneficial when the sample sizes are small, and/or the base rate of a behavior being studied is low (Curran & Hussong, 2009). In prevention science, there are many examples of multiple prevention studies of different programs, including school-based health promotion and interventions for children at risk.

This paper provides instruction on performing sequential Bayesian data synthesis (SBDS) for mediation analysis, along with an accompanying SASFootnote 1 macro, for synthesizing data across multiple studies, sites, and/or data collection periods. Using an example data set, we compare the results from SBDS with two other popular methods of data synthesis: regression analysis with pooled data and meta-analysis on raw data (multilevel analysis), which are also available in the macro. The remainder of the introduction will give a theoretical overview of the three methods for data synthesis implemented in the SAS macro. After a theoretical description of the methods, the four example data sets will be described, followed by an application of the SAS macro and a discussion of the results obtained using the three methods. The macro is annotated in a way that allows users to easily modify the macro when synthesizing their data. The paper will conclude with additional options users can implement in the macro, as well as a brief mention of related methods for data synthesis that were not implemented in this paper.


Meta-analysis has been the most common method for summarizing findings from multiple studies in the social sciences and the prevention literature (Hedges & Olkin, 1985). Generally, meta-analysis consists of five stages as summarized in Cook et al. (1992): (1) specification of the research problem, (2) identification of relevant research studies, (3) retrieval of data such as effect sizes from research studies, (4) analysis of data from studies and interpretation of results, and (5) public presentation in a research document. When analyzing the data (stage 4), researchers have the choice between a fixed-effects model that assumes the true effect is the same in all studies, and a random-effects model that assumes the true effect varies between studies being synthesized (Brockwell & Gordon, 2001). The choice between fixed- and random-effects models depends on the type of inference desired. If the researcher is making conditional inferences, i.e., inferences only about the set of observed studies, then a fixed-effect model is appropriate. If the researcher is making unconditional inferences, i.e., using the selected sample of studies to make inferences about the population from which they are drawn, then a random-effects model is appropriate (Cooper et al., 2009).

Meta-analysis can be carried out on summary data from multiple studies as well as individual participant data (IPD). Both types of data are amenable to meta-analysis via multilevel modeling. IPD is often preferable as it contains more information than corresponding summary data (Jones et al., 2009), and meta-analysis can be performed with IPD by estimating a standard multilevel model where individual observations are nested within studies (Hox, 2002). In this paper, we use the term “raw data,” rather than IPD, as data synthesis methods are applicable to other situations where the most granular data may not be individual participants per se.

Meta-analysis is generally performed for one parameter at a time, thus making it more challenging to summarize studies with different covariates, and more cumbersome when summarizing more than one effect from multiple studies, given that the effects must be summarized individually, rather than simultaneously (de Leeuw & Klugkist, 2012). The SAS macro accompanying this paper provides point and interval estimates of the mediated effect computed as the product of the effect of the independent variable on the mediator and the effect of the mediator on the outcome controlling for the effect of the independent variable.

Regression and Mediation Analyses on Pooled Data

Integrative data analysis (IDA) is a framework for analyzing pooled individual participant data from multiple studies (Hussong et al., 2013). IDA has numerous benefits, ranging from increases in power due to larger sample sizes than those of individual studies to increase in sample heterogeneity and frequencies of low base rate behaviors (Curran & Hussong, 2009). In IDA, individual participant data from relevant studies are first pooled, then a commensurate metric across studies is created (unless all studies used the same measurement instruments for the constructs in the model), and finally the statistical model of interest is fit using participant scores on the commensurate measures. In this project, all studies use the same measurement instruments for relevant constructs; therefore, all variables in the model already have common metrics across studies. In pooled data mediation analysis, the first step is pooling all data sets to be synthesized. In the bivariate case, the next step is to fit a regression model on the pooled data set. In the mediation case, the next step is to fit two regression models on the pooled data set: one predicting the mediator from the independent variable and the other to predict the outcome from the independent variable and the mediator. (While the approach generally can accommodate covariates, they are not currently part of the macro.) The four studies used in the empirical example are similar in design, construct measurement, and historical time (all studies were carried out within 8 years). The intraclass correlations (ICC) for M and Y were 0.0005 and 0.007, respectively, indicating that out of the total variation in M, 0.05% was due to between-study variance, and 0.7% of the total variation of Y was due to between-study variance. Although these values may appear small, even ICC estimates of 0.01 may bias estimates if the nested structure is ignored (MacKinnon, 2008; Muthén & Satorra, 1995).

However, we recognize that pooling data without accounting for between-study variation is a common technique, so we demonstrated it here for comparison purposes. In many applications, this method may be inferior to meta-analysis and SBDS because unlike the multilevel model, it does not account for the potential dependence of observations from the same study (or site), and unlike SBDS, it does not allow for examining intermediate findings before all data sets have been synthesized. Researchers are advised to first estimate ICCs for M and Y and consider a multilevel model or SBDS approach if the values are non-trivial.

Sequential Bayesian Data Synthesis

If a researcher wants to combine information across at least two data sets, (e.g., a pilot and a main study, at least two separate studies, or data sets from the same study collected at different sites), an alternative option is sequential Bayesian data synthesis (SBDS). Methods for Bayesian data synthesis, including meta-analysis, have been described (Smith et al., 1995; Hartung et al., 2008), as well as Bayesian methods for updating the evidence for competing hypotheses (Kuiper et al., 2013) and Bayesian methods for updating linear regression findings using published summaries to construct priors (de Leeuw & Klugkist, 2012). SBDS in this context refers to a sequential updating of model parameters in studies j = 1 to J, with J being the number of data sets to be synthesized. SBDS uses raw data and extracts point summaries from the results of the Bayesian analysis of study j to use as prior information for the Bayesian analysis of study j + 1. We next describe the steps to perform SBDS. These steps assume that there are at least two sets of raw data which can be ordered temporally. Secondly, these steps assume that the same model can be fit in all data sets. In the example we present, this assumption is met clearly, because each data set was collected using the same survey instruments and population. However, there may be cases where the variables or methods of data collection vary among the data sets. We will discuss later how to deal with such issues with SBDS.

Sequential Bayesian data synthesis consists of 6 steps.

  1. 1.

    Analyze the first study with an estimation method of choice and record coefficient estimates and corresponding standard errors (or standard deviations of the posterior), sample size, and residual variances. This step could utilize frequentist methods or Bayesian analysis with diffuse or informative prior distributions.

  2. 2.

    Use the results from step 1 as hyperparameters for a Bayesian analysis of study 2.

  3. 3.

    Save posterior summaries (generally, central tendency and variation of the posterior distribution) for use as the hyperparameters for the prior in the analysis of the next study.

  4. 4.

    Repeat Steps 2–3 j times for each of J studies. Continue using the posterior of each study as the prior for the analysis of the subsequent study until all the studies have been analyzed.

  5. 5.

    Summarize the posterior distributions from the final study and draw inferences about the parameters of interest.

  6. 6.

    Return to Step 2 when additional future studies are available (Fig. 1). As more data are collected, the amount of prior information for each analysis increases, and so does the accuracy of the scientific knowledge summarized by the posterior distribution.

    Fig. 1
    figure 1

    Steps in a sequential Bayesian analysis

Advantages of Sequential Bayesian Data Synthesis

The SBDS approach has some unique utilities compared to other methods for data synthesis, many of which are incorporated into the %SBDS macro. SBDS accounts for temporal ordering in the accumulation of knowledge, which allows the researcher to detect after how many studies an effect becomes significantFootnote 2 and whether it remains significant after additional studies have been synthesized. This method of cumulative analysis might be useful in contexts where an effect could change over time (such as school-based drug prevention programs) and the researcher is interested in observing this change as well as finding the most up-to-date effect. Although Lau et al. (1992) described a similar method of (frequentist) cumulative meta-analysis which pools the accumulated data at each step, the SBDS method more explicitly models the accumulation of knowledge via priors for each study separately. While the final step in cumulative meta-analysis reflects the pooling of all available data, the final step in SBDS estimates the effect in the final study, given prior information from all previous studies.

SBDS can also incorporate information from pilot studies and other previous studies. Whereas pilot studies are primarily used to assess the feasibility of the main study and suggest changes to the methodology prior to collecting data from the focal sample, they can also be used as relevant pieces of prior information in a statistical analysis. In the case where there is only one pilot or previous study and only one main study, multilevel methods cannot be used to combine the data, as there are only two data points used to fit the random (or fixed) effects model. Even in the case of 3, 4, or 5 studies, a multilevel model may be difficult to estimate, depending on the study size. SBDS can still be used in these cases. Doing the analysis on pooled data would be another plausible option if the raw data are available, as the feasibility of this method does not depend on how many studies are being combined.

However, as discussed previously, even small amounts of between-study variance can affect the results of a pooled data analysis. Additionally, when using data from different studies and/or sites, researchers must choose whether to consider the data collection sites and participants from different locations exchangeable, or whether their model ought to reflect these differences (e.g., in study design or population from which the sample was drawn). If some of the studies being synthesized did not sample from the population of interest for the research question, and/or used experimental manipulations that are not identical to the experimental manipulation for which researchers want to make inferences, then it may be appropriate to give such data sets less weight in the data synthesis. Downweighing the results from such non-exchangeable studies can be accomplished in the %SBDS macro either by (1) multiplying the posterior standard deviation estimate for study j by a weight, which correspondingly decreases the influence of studies 1 through j on study j + 1, or (2) specifying a power prior distribution for study j + 1 based on the informativeness of pooling studies 1 through j (Ibrahim & Chen, 2000).

Power prior distributions are a class of informative prior distributions based on the likelihood of a historical data set raised to the power a0 (Ibrahim & Chen, 2000). The power parameter is generally chosen so 0 ≤ a0 ≤ 1. If the likelihood function of studies 1… j is raised to the power a0 = 0, then the power prior distribution for study j + 1 is not influenced by previous studies. On the other hand, if a0 = 1, then the power prior based on studies 1… j is equivalent to using results from all observations in studies 1… j to construct an informative prior distribution for study j + 1. Both options will necessarily reduce the influence of studies 1 through j on study j + 1. The first option, however, is most useful if researchers are interested in interpreting the results at each step as weights can be specified for every additional study added to the synthesis.

Although not currently available as a pre-programmed option in the %SBDS macro, the SBDS method can also combine raw and summary data together. First, existing prior information would be summarized via a Bayesian or frequentist meta-analysis, and the results from this analysis could be used as prior information for subsequent Bayesian analyses of raw data sets.

More generally, Bayesian analysis allows for probabilistic interpretation of effects and for computing the probability of the null hypothesis (Kruschke, 2011). In the %SBDS macro, one can compute the probability that the mediated effect is equal to any given constant, including zero; this can be done by computing the percentage of posterior draws from the posterior distribution of the last step of SBDS that lie in an interval around zero. The boundaries of the interval should be chosen such that the effect is close enough to zero so as to be non-existent, e.g., between − 0.01 and 0.01, although the range of what counts as non-existent will vary between fields and depending on the research question.

Note that we are not introducing SBDS as a superior method to multilevel meta-analysis. The two methods differ in their goals and interpretation. Whereas multilevel analysis allows estimation of an average treatment effect and the heterogeneity of that effect across studies, SBDS can increase the precision of an estimated treatment effect for a given study by considering information from other studies. In an ideal world, a researcher would have access to raw data from all relevant studies, and the properties of the data would not preclude the researcher from choosing the analysis method that is best suited to the research question. However, we recognize that is not always the case in practice. The number of studies with available raw data may be too small to perform multilevel analysis. Or, as we have found in our own research, attempting to account for the multilevel structure of a data set while also estimating a complex model with many parameters (such as a growth mixture model) may result in non-convergence, out-of-bounds estimates, and other errors. The SBDS method described here may be a feasible alternative to other data synthesis methods, especially for models that are more complex than OLS regression. Concepts in Bayesian statistics needed by the reader to understand the logic behind SBDS are described in Online Resource 1. This paper will proceed by describing four studies of college students’ alcohol use. We use these data to demonstrate how SBDS can combine information across multiple studies and compare SBDS with raw data meta-analysis and pooled data analysis. The paper will conclude with a discussion on the usefulness and applicability of SBDS in social sciences.

Data Example

We demonstrate how to conduct SBDS with data from four rounds of the Harvard Public Health Alcohol Study (Wechsler, 1993, 1997, 1999, 2001). The study included students’ self-reported use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs, as well as information related to their studies (e.g., GPA). We use these data for illustrating data synthesis methods and do not intend to draw scientific conclusions about alcohol use and GPA. The independent variable in our mediation model represents students’ answers to the question “Is there a member of the faculty or administration with whom you could discuss a problem?” (response options 1 = “Yes” and 0 = “No”). The mediator was the students’ response to the question “In the past 30 days on those occasions when you drank alcohol, how many drinks did you usually have?” (response options 1–9). The outcome is student-reported GPA on a scale from 1 (“D”) to 9 (“A”). Following listwise deletion for simplicity of demonstration,Footnote 3 the 1993 data set had 10,528 observations, the 1997 data had 9153 observations, the 1999 data had 8887 observations, and the 2001 data set had 7118 observations. Data coding details are available in Online Resource 2, and the derived data set we used is available at

Fig. 2
figure 2

Bivariate model (model 1) and single mediator model (model 2)

When analyzing only one data set, model 1 (Fig.2) can be described using Eq. (1):


where i1 is the intercept, c is the regression coefficient for predicting Y from X, and e1 is the residual. Model 2 is described using Eqs. (2) and (3):


where i2 and i3 are the intercepts in the equations predicting M and Y (respectively), a is the effect of X on M, b and c’ are the conditional effects of M and X on Y (respectively), and e2 and e3 are the residuals from the equations predicting M and Y (respectively). The mediated effect is computed as either the product of coefficients ab or the difference of coefficients c – c’, and these are equivalent for the analyses conducted in this article (MacKinnon et al., 1995). This paper will use ab as a measure of the mediated effect (MacKinnon, 2008).

Three different data synthesis methods were used for both models: a SBDS of all four data sets in the order they were collected, multilevel model with a random intercept (thus, assuming a fixed slope parameterFootnote 4 but different intercepts in the four studies) and the study number as the clustering variable, and OLS regression analysis on the pooled data from all four studies. All three data synthesis methods were computed using SAS University Edition Windows, and the %SBDS macro for performing these analyses is available in Online Resource 3. Subsequent sections will outline the procedures and results by data synthesis method.

Meta-Analysis Using Raw Data

Meta-analysis is usually performed by using point estimates, such as effect sizes, from each study as raw data are often unavailable. However, when raw data sets are available, they are more advantageous to use than summary statistics (Curran & Hussong, 2009; Jones et al., 2009). Since raw data for all four studies were available for our example, a random-intercept multilevel model was specified in SAS PROC MIXED, using study as the clustering variable. These models had four level 2 units (studies) with varying numbers of level 1 units (participants) ranging from 7118 to 10,528. The equation describing the multilevel model for the bivariate case is:


where i1 is the intercept, c is the regression coefficient assumed to be invariant between the four studies, uj is the difference in the intercept of study j from the mean intercept i1, and e1ij is the residual at the level of the individual. The effect of interest in the bivariate case is c. In the case of the single mediator model with random intercepts, there are two equations used to describe the model (Krull & MacKinnon, 1999; MacKinnon, 2008):


where i2 and i3 are the intercepts in the equations predicting M and Y (respectively), a is the effect of X on M assumed to be invariant between the four studies, b and c’ are the conditional effects of M and X on Y (respectively) assumed to be invariant between the four studies, uMj and uYj are the difference in the intercept of study j from the mean intercepts i2 and i3 (respectively), and e2ij and e3ij are the residuals at the level of the individual.Footnote 5

In the bivariate case (model 1), the inclusion of the term uj in the model indicated that the intercept i1 was allowed to differ among the four studies. The slope c was constrained to be equal between studies, thus assuming a fixed-effects model for the effect of X on Y. Using a multilevel model where individual ratings were nested within studies, the maximum-likelihood estimate of having a trusted adult on GPA (coefficient c from Eq. (4)) was 0.416 with a 95% confidence interval ranging between 0.380 and 0.451.

In the mediation analysis (model 2), two multilevel models were estimated: the first with participants’ self-reported number of drinks consumed in the past 30 days (M) as the outcome predicted by the presence of a trusted faculty member (X) to obtain the a coefficient. The second multilevel model used self-reported GPA (Y) as the outcome predicted from trusted faculty member (X) and participants’ self-reported number of drinks consumed (M) to obtain the b coefficient. The intercepts i2 and i3 were allowed to be different between the four studies; however, the coefficients a, b, and c’ were constrained to be equal between studies, thus assuming a fixed-effects model for the effect of X on M and the effects of X and M on Y. The mediated effect was computed as the product of coefficients ab. Using a multilevel model where individual ratings were nested within studies, the maximum-likelihood estimate of having a trusted faculty member on GPA through drinking behavior (ab) was 0.041 with a 95% confidence interval ranging between 0.034 and 0.047.

Regression Analysis Using Pooled Data

Data synthesis can also be performed by pooling data from multiple studies without accounting for study membership. To illustrate that, we pooled our four studies into one data set of size N = 35,686. Observations from all four studies were weighted equally, as there were no reasons to assume differences between participants in the four studies. We used the pooled data set to estimate both the single-predictor regression model (model 1) and the mediation analysis consisting of two OLS regression coefficients that would yield coefficients a and b for the product ab (model 2). Again, we performed this analysis for illustration and recommend that researchers use caution if ignoring the nested structure of the data. Using the parallel data analysis method with pooled data, the maximum-likelihood estimate of having a trusted faculty member on GPA (c) was 0.41 with a 95% confidence interval ranging between 0.374 and 0.446. The maximum-likelihood estimate of having a trusted faculty member on GPA through drinking behavior (ab) was 0.041 with a 95% confidence interval ranging between 0.034 and 0.047.

Sequential Bayesian Data Synthesis

The SBDS for the four data sets was carried out in the order in which the data were collected. The first data set was analyzed using a diffuse prior, and the resulting parameter estimates from this analysis were used to specify prior distributions for the Bayesian regression analysis of the second data set. Point summaries of regression coefficients (and intercepts) from the posterior distribution of the first Bayesian mediation analysis were used as mean hyperparameters for normal priors for the corresponding regression coefficients (and intercepts) in a Bayesian analysis of the second data set. The posterior standard deviations for regression coefficients (and intercepts) of the first data set were used as standard deviation hyperparametersFootnote 6 of the normal priors for the corresponding regression coefficients (and intercepts) in a Bayesian analysis of the second data set.

The diffuse priors used for the analysis of the first study (1993) were the normal prior with the mean hyperparameter equal to 0 and the variance hyperparameter equal to 100 times the variance of the outcome variable for regression coefficients. The inverse-gamma priors for residual variances had shape and scale hyperparameters equal to 0.5, thus encoding the assumption that the best guess for the residual variance was 1 and that the prior information about this parameter had the weight of 1 observation (Gelman et al., 2004). The priors for residual variances in the analysis of the second study (1997) were specified as inverse-gamma priors with the shape parameter equal to half of the observed sample size in the 1993 study, and the scale parameter equal to the product of the sample size and the observed residual variance in the 1993 study divided by 2. This choice of hyperparameters ensured that the bulk of the density of the prior was around the observed residual variance in study 1 (Gelman et al., 2004).

Point summaries of central tendency and variability from the posterior distributions of all 1997 study model parameters were then used as hyperparameters for the prior distributions for a Bayesian analysis of the 1999 data. For this example, we used the posterior median of all regression coefficients and intercepts as the mean of the prior distribution for the subsequent study. We performed the same analysis using the posterior mean of the regression coefficients as the mean hyperparameter of normal priors for the next study, and we found that the results did not change appreciably. Likewise, we used the standard deviation of the posterior distribution of the regression coefficients in one study as the standard deviation of the prior distribution for the same regression coefficient in the subsequent study. Priors for the residual variances of each study were specified as inverse-gamma priors with the shape parameter equal to half of the observed sample size in the preceding study, and the scale parameter equal to the product of the sample size of the preceding study, and the posterior median of the corresponding residual variance in the preceding study divided by 2. This process was repeated with the results from 1997 becoming the prior information for the 1999 study, and so on, until the final study (2001) was analyzed. Detailed explanations of the SAS PROC MCMC syntax for this analysis can be found in the supplementary document available at URL.

For the effect of having a trusted faculty member on GPA (c), the posterior median from the initial 1993 data set (N = 10,528) was 0.435, posterior SD = 0.037, so those with a trusted faculty member had an average GPA 0.435 higher (on a 9-point scale) than those who did not have a trusted faculty member. The 95% HPD credibility interval for this effect ranged between 0.365 and 0.494. The posterior median of the intercept, i.e., the predicted GPA for those who did not have a trusted faculty member, was 5.05, posterior SD = 0.273. The posterior median of the residual variance for this model was 3.05.

Next, a Bayesian regression analysis of Y on X for the 1997 data (N = 9153) was performed using PROC MCMC. The c parameter was given a normal prior with mean of 0.435 and standard deviation of 0.037. The intercept was assigned a normal prior with a mean of 5.05 and a standard deviation of 0.027. The variance of the residual for the analysis was given an inverse-gamma prior with a shape of 10,528/2 = 5264 and a scale of (3.05*10,528)/2 = 16,045.9.

This analysis yielded a posterior distribution for c with a median of 0.453, SD = 0.022. The posterior median for the intercept was 5.10 and the posterior SD = 0.015. The posterior distribution for the residual variance had a median of 2.87. These posterior summaries were then used as prior information in a Bayesian regression analysis for the third data set (1999). The c parameter was assigned a normal prior with M = 0.453, SD = 0.021, and the intercept was given a normal prior with M = 5.10, SD = 0.015. The residual variance was given an inverse-gamma prior with a shape hyperparameter of 9153/2 = 4576.5 and a scale hyperparameter of (3.04*9153)/2 = 13,914. This process of using the central tendency and variability of the posterior distributions for each analysis as the hyperparameters of the prior distribution for the next data set was continued until the final data set analyzed.

Using SBDS to combine information across all four studies, the median of the posterior distribution for the c effect in the final data set was 0.518 and the 95% HPD credibility interval ranged between 0.489 and 0.542, meaning there was a 95% probability that having a trusted faculty member increased GPA between 0.489 and 0.542 units (on a 9-point scale). Table 1 includes posterior medians, posterior standard deviations, 95% equal-tail, and highest posterior density (HPD) intervals for the effect of having a trusted faculty member on GPA (c), the intercept (i1), and the residual variance \({\sigma }_{e1}^{2}\) for all data sets.

Table 1 Posterior distribution summaries for bivariate and mediation models

For the mediated effect of having a trusted faculty member on GPA through alcohol consumption (ab), the posterior distribution median for the initial 1993 data set was 0.055. The 95% HPD credibility interval obtained via the %POSTINT macro (SAS Institute Inc., 2013) ranged from 0.042 to 0.068 for ab in the 1993 data set. Using SBDS with SAS PROC MCMC, the median of the posterior distribution for the mediated effect in the final data set (2001) was 0.035 with a 95% HPD credibility interval between 0.030 and 0.040. This means there was a 95% chance that having a trusted faculty member increased GPA via reduced drinking behavior between 0.03 and 0.04 units (on a 9-point scale). Table 1 includes posterior medians, posterior standard deviations, 95% equal-tail credibility intervals, and 95% highest posterior density intervals for the effect of condition on imagery (a), the effect of imagery on number of words recalled (b), and the mediated effect (ab) for all data sets analyzed using PROC MCMC.

As mentioned earlier, data sets available for synthesis may not always be homogenous in terms of quality or design. SBDS is very adaptable to such problems, as the informativeness or precision of prior information can be altered at each step via specification of a vector of weights for each study, between 0 and 1. Studies with weight = 0 are removed from the analysis. For those with weights > 0, the inverse of each weight is used to multiply the standard deviation of the posterior distributions from that study before those values are used as hyperparameters for the subsequent study. A smaller weight, therefore, reduces the influence that a particular study has on the analysis of the subsequent study. For weights = 1, the standard deviation of the posterior distribution remains unchanged.

For demonstration purposes, if we set the weights for studies 1993 and 1997 to 0.5, the posterior standard deviations for each parameter in the 1993 analysis would be multiplied by 1/0.5 = 2 before being used as prior distributions for the 1997 study. Likewise, the posterior standard deviations would be doubled from 1997 before being used as priors for the 1999 study. In this case, the median of the posterior distribution for the mediated effect in the final data set would be 0.034 with a 95% HPD credibility interval from 0.028 to 0.042.

Sequential Bayesian Data Synthesis with a Power Prior

The code in Online Resource 3 also allows for users to perform a semi-sequential Bayesian data synthesis where the initial study or studies are used to create a power prior for the next study, and then, the sequential Bayesian updating continues from that point. In this case, the initial priors for error terms are inverse-gamma with hyperparameters (0.001, 0.001). For example, we used the 1993–1997 studies combined with a0 = 0.5 to create a power prior for the 1999 study. In this case, the mediated effect for the 1999 study with a power prior was 0.036, with 95% HPD credibility interval between 0.026 and 0.044. The point summaries from this analysis were then used to define the priors for an analysis of the 2001 study, like described in the preceding sequential Bayesian analysis section. Using this method, the mediated effect for the final 2001 study was 0.035 with a 95% HPD credibility interval between 0.029 and 0.042.

The code also allows specification of a threshold for the mediated effect and assessment of the probability that the mediated effect is greater or less than this threshold. In our example, we set the threshold to 0 and tested the hypothesis that ab > 0. For all four studies, we found that 100% of the posterior draws were > 0. If users are interested in where the HPD credibility intervals for ab exclude zero, the output includes a table with this information (all studies in our example had HPD credibility intervals which excluded 0). In addition, users can suppress plots for PROC MCMC and PROC REG, and they can specify the number of burn-in iterations, number of MCMC iterations, thinning parameter, and seed. When using the macro, it is important that the data be sorted by the order in which the user wishes to analyze the data. Across all three methods of data synthesis, final point and interval estimates (i.e., point and interval summaries in the Bayesian framework) are similar, as seen in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Point and interval estimates of the ab effect from all analyses. For frequentist analyses (Pooled Data Analysis and Meta-Analysis), error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. For the remaining analyses, point estimates are taken from the posterior median and error bars represent 95% HPD intervals


Using Bayesian methods to sequentially update findings in data synthesis has been advocated before (de Leeuw & Klugkist, 2012; Kuiper et al., 2013). However, to our knowledge, this is the first study to implement it in a mediation model using raw data and compare the results it produces to those obtained from more commonly used data synthesis methods, i.e., multilevel meta-analysis and OLS regression on pooled data via a SAS macro. We note that the point estimates for c and ab did not differ drastically among the three methods in our example, although the credibility intervals obtained in the SBDS were narrower (and thus more precise) than the confidence intervals from the other methods. This similarity among the different methods is unsurprising given the very large sample sizes and relative homogeneity between each study. With smaller and more heterogeneous studies, the SBDS approach offers more flexibility in terms of weighting the information from each study—in cases where some data sets are less reliable, the variance hyperparameters of the prior distributions can be easily modified via weights to reflect this heterogeneity. Without a priori knowledge of heterogeneity, each study could be analyzed separately to ensure that the specified model is appropriate before combining into a sequential analysis. Future iterations of the %SBDS macro might include an automating of the choice of appropriate prior distributions in cases where normality is not expected.

Also, SBDS allows for the accumulation of scientific knowledge. In our example, we demonstrated how to model the accumulation of knowledge across time for the effect of having a trusted faculty advisor on college students’ GPA. Again, we wish to emphasize here that our empirical example was chosen for the purposes of illustrating the SBDS method, and we assumed a temporal ordering of the three constructs. With observational data such as these, it is also possible that other relations among the data could explain our results, such as if GPA was a moderator rather than mediator, if GPA was a confounder rather than a mediator, or if all three variables measured the same construct. The SBDS method describes could be extended to other more complex mediation models (MacKinnon, 2008). Furthermore, we did not explicitly account for the non-normal distribution of the outcome variable, although mediation models for such zero-inflated distributions have been described elsewhere (O’Rourke & Vasquez, 2019).

Another important distinction between SBDS and the other two methods lies in the interpretation of the findings: while meta-analysis and OLS regression gave one point estimate of the effects of interest and intervals interpreted in terms of confidence (i.e., upon repeated sampling, 95% of the intervals constructed using these two methods will contain the true value of the effect of interest), SBDS gave an entire distribution for the parameter of interest based on which intervals with a probabilistic interpretation were formed. Thus, when using SBDS, one has the advantage of being able to conclude that the true value of c lies between 0.489 and 0.542, and the true value of ab lies between 0.028 and 0.042 with 95% probability.

Replication issues in psychology right now call for a more nuanced understanding of the accumulation of research beyond whether each study independently showed a significant or non-significant effect (Maxwell et al., 2015). Although all four alcohol studies had similarly sized effects for c and ab parameters (likely because of the large sample sizes), it is possible that a subsequent study may find parameters that are larger, smaller, or even in a different direction. Rather than viewing this hypothetical result as contrary to the results from the other data sets, SBDS allows integration of replicated studies to provide a more general understanding of the experimental effect. This facilitates the accumulation of knowledge across multiple studies even when the studies have differing results.

Note that all data synthesis methods may be prone to publication bias when the researcher is required to compile scientific findings without access to non-statistically significant findings. Studies and data sets with small effect sizes and non-significant results are often not published, and then not included in the data synthesis. Thus, studies with significant findings are likely to be overrepresented in meta-analytic literature compared to comparable studies with non-significant findings. Like many others in our field, we support the increased use of publicly available data sets to combat this so-called file drawer problem (Nosek et al., 2012).

When raw data are available, however, SBDS offers an intuitive and easily interpretable method to obtain point and interval summaries of an effect of interest across multiple studies. SBDS could also be expanded to more complicated structural and latent variable models if prior distributions for model parameters can be accurately represented in the Bayesian framework. There has been considerable growth in the amount and quality of data collected in prevention science research since the formation of the field of prevention science. The sequential Bayesian framework provides an organized way to accumulate scientific knowledge in prevention.