1 Introduction

Recently, ride-hailing applications, such as Didi, Uber and UCAR, have experienced a tremendous expansion as it brings great convenience to ride service and improves the efficiency of public transportation. Traffic prediction is one of the most popular research problem of spatio-temporal prediction. Most of existing work only focus on predicting inflow and outflow, which is shown in Fig. 1a, in all regions or some specific locations, while ignoring the influence of Origin-Destination(OD) demands. The illustration of OD demands is shown in Fig. 1b which shows the number of passenger’s travel demands from one geographical region to another in a given time slot. Taking region r1 to r4 as an example, we can see the OD demand from r3 to r1 is 1, and the OD demand from r1 to r4 is 1. In this paper, we investigate the problem of OD prediction with the help of crowd flow data and external information. Estimating OD demands is of great importance to various practical ride-hailing applications, and attracts rising research attention recently. To provide high-quality services and achieve company profits, ride-hailing platforms need to fully understand the passenger travel demands in real time. On one hand, the ride-hailing platforms must pre-assign service vehicle in advance so as to satisfy passenger demands. On the other hand, it is crucial to maximize the profit throughout understanding the underlying travel regularities from historical passenger demands, thus avoiding driving without passengers. In addition, the passenger’s pick-up/drop-off demand is especially helpful for emerging mobility-on-demand(MOD) services in terms of more efficient vehicle distribution.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Illustration of In/Out flow and OD

Due to the importance of this problem, a lot of efforts have been made to addressing it. [16] proposed a Contextualized spatial-temporal network(CSTN) for taxi OD demand prediction which combines CNN and LSTM to model spatio-temporal dependency. Wang et al. [23] proposed deep learning based model named GEML that employs GCN [11] and Peridic-Skip LSTM, to forecast OD demands. To consider the relations between a pair of regions, [31] proposed a multi-task framework MDL to predict node flow and edge flow simultaneously. Although these works try to combine crowd flow prediction and flow OD prediction by considering the high correlation of the two tasks, how crowd flow can be used to facilitate OD prediction is not well studied. Moreover, the complex spatial and temporal correlations are not well captured by existing works, either.

In this paper, we study the novel problem of OD prediction via contextual information fusion. Our insight is that contextual information like inflow/outflow and external features(i.e., weather) are complementary to OD prediction. First, previous works demonstrated that crowd flow is helpful for spatial-temporal prediction [22, 28, 31] including OD prediction. Second, as shown in Fig. 1, the left part shows crowd flows including in- and out- flows reflecting the human mobility dynamics in different areas of a city, while the right part shows where the flows are from indicating the origin-destination of the flows. The inflows of a region can be obtained by merging all the OD flows whose destination is in this region, while the outflows of a region can be obtained by merging all the OD flows whose origin is in this region.It is clear that crowd flows are highly correlated to OD of the flows.

However, this problem is non-trivial to address due to the following challenges. First, it is difficult to mine the correlations between OD demands and contextual information effectively to facilitate OD prediction. Although some multi-task model are proposed [31], how to use contextual information to assist OD prediction is not well studied. Second, the spatial and temporal correlations of the OD demands are complex, and thus cannot be easily captured. Recently, some deep learning based OD prediction models try to employ CNN to capture spatial correlations. However, CNN can only capture geographical similarity, but ignore the influence of semantic correlation [25] that two locations could be spatially distant but are similar in their demand patterns. Although [23] propose GEML to capture semantic correlation by graph convolutional network [11]. It is still a non-trivial to effectively combine the geographical relevance and semantic correlation. As the human mobility changes over time, it is even more difficult to capture the regularity of human mobility patterns. Third, data sparsity issue is common in OD demand data (e.g., ride-hailing records). There might be thousands of demands in the downtown, while very few demands in the suburbs.

To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a novel Auxiliary-tasks Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Network (AEST). AEST is a Seq2Seq based hierarchical spatio-temporal network which first fuses GCN and CNN to capture spatial dependencies in terms of geographical and semantic correlations, and then input the representations into LSTM to learn temporal representations. In the data preprocessing stage, we convert original trajectories data to image like data(e.g., Crowd flow image and OD image). The data representation of crowd flow image and OD image are not effective to explicitly reflect the semantic spatial correlations, due to the image like data may not follow the spatial smoothness property. To capture the global features, we construct semantic graph. Then, To well model spatial and temporal dependencies, we propose a hierarchical Convolutional LSTM (HC-LSTM) Network to extract the OD representation. In our network, two auxiliary networks are proposed to extract crowd flow and external features separately. Then we fuse the two types of features to get a unified auxiliary-task representation. We incorporate this auxiliary-task representation into seq2seq model which deeply captures the relationships between crowd flow and OD data to assist OD prediction. In this way, the OD data sparsity issue can be alleviated by adding knowledge of crowd flow data and external information. We evaluate the proposed method on large-scale real-world public datasets including taxi data of NewYork city (NYC) and bike-sharing data of NYC. Experiment results show the competitive superiority of the proposed model AEST by comparing with the state-of-the-art methods.

Our major contributions are summarized as follows.

  • We propose a Auxiliary-tasks Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Network (AEST) which can effectively integrate the crowd flow features and external context features to improve OD prediction.

  • We propose a Seq2Seq based hierarchical spatio-temporal network to model the complex spatial similarity and dynamic temporal dependency in a unified way.

  • We conduct experiments on several real world traffic datasets. The results show that our model is consistently better than other state-of-the-art methods.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Related works are reviewed in Section 2. Section 3 outlines the preliminary concepts and formulates the problem. Section 4 details the structure of the proposed model. Section 5 describes the experimental results. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper and discuss the future application.

2 Related work

Traffic prediction

Traffic prediction becomes more and more popular due to the increasingly available urban data (e.g., taxi trajectories) and rich applications (e.g., Uber). Traditionally, statistic-based methods such as ARIMA and SVR, are used as traffic flow prediction model. Cetin and Comert [3] put forward a regression model which included two kinds of traffic incident detection algorithms for traffic flow prediction. ARIMA [13, 24] is used to predict the short-term traffic flow. Some work improve the original ARIMA [4] to study the change rules of the traffic flow, and the tuning proportion matrix is introduced to improve the prediction accuracy of the short-term traffic flows. However, statistic-based model does not have the ability to model the complex spatial and temporal correlations due to their limited learning ability.

Crowd flow prediction

Crowd flow prediction is a typical spatio-temporal data prediction task which focuses on predicting the traffic over cell regions. In recent years, with the advances of deep learning techniques, deep neural network based models [7, 26, 32] are widely used in crowd flow prediction. A common practice in most existing work is treating entire city as images, and dividing the city into small regions which is similar to pixel in image according to latitude and longitude, so that CNN [12] can be applied. In addition, RNN like LSTM [9] is used to capture temporal correlation. Some studies treat the traffic flow data of the entire city as images , and then applied CNN to model the spatial correlations. Zhang et al. [29] proposed a CNN based model STResNet to forecast inflow and outflow in each cell region of a city. Other studies combined CNN and RNN to model spatial and temporal dependency simultaneously. Shi et al. [19] proposed a Convolutional LSTM (ConvLSTM) Network to predict precipitation. Wang et al. [20] proposed a Seq2Seq framework which named SeqST-GAN, which applied GAN and attention mechanism, to predict multi-step crowd flows.

A convolutional neural network (CNN) is able to exploit the shift-invariance, local connectivity, and compositionally of image data. However, traditional deep learning, like CNNs, can just capture hidden state of Euclidean data. In real world, Non-Euclidean are ubiquitous, especially in the form of graphs. So there is an increasing interest in extending deep learning approaches for graph data which is called graph neural networks (GNNs). Li et al. [14] proposed Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (DCRNN) to predict traffic flow in a graph manner. Yu et al. [27] propose a novel deep learning framework, Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks (STGCN), to tackle the time series prediction problem in traffic domain. Diao et al. [6] proposed a dynamic spatio-temporal GCNN for accurate traffic forecasting. In addition, [21] provided a comprehensive survey on deep learning based spatio-temporal data mining methods and applications. Lin et al. [15] proposed a deep learning based convolutional model to predict crowd flows in the metropolis. However, these works only focus on crowd flow prediction, but ignore the Origin-Destination prediction.

OD Prediction

Origin-Destination(OD) prediction which aims to predict the number of passenger demands from one region to another, is beneficial to many real applications such as traffic management and ride-hailing services.Traditional methods [1, 2] mostly used regression based approaches or other statistics-based approaches to predict or estimate the dynamic vehicle OD matrix in a transportation network. Recently, [17] modeled the temporal OD trip matrix as a four-order tensor consisting of four attributes: origin, destination, vehicle type and time, and then proposed to use tensor decomposition technique to forecast future traffic demand. Wang et al. [23] proposed a Grid-Embedding based Multi-task learning(GEML) which applied GCN and LSTM modeling spatio-temporal dependency simultaneously, to predict OD matrix and crowd flow. Liu et al. [16] proposed a Contextualized Spatio-Temporal Network (CSTN) to predict the taxi demand between all region pairs in future time interval. Chu et al. [5] developed a deep learning model called multi-scale convolutional long short-term memory network (Multi-ConvLSTM) to predict the future travel demand and the OD flows. Zhang et al. [31] proposed a multi-task deep learning framework to predict the flow and OD simultaneously throughout a spatio-temporal network MDL. Zhang et al. [30] proposed an indicator called OD attraction degree (ODAD) for OD prediction.

However, most existing works consider OD prediction and crowd flow prediction as two separate tasks while ignoring the high correlations between them. Although [31] proposed a multi-task learning framework MDL to predict flow and OD at the same time. It just simply concatenates the features of crowd flow and OD. How to effectively use the knowledge of flow to assist OD prediction still remains an open problem.

3 Notations and problem definition

In this section, we will first give some notations to help us state the studied problem. Next, a formal problem definition will be given.

Definition 1

Cell Region The city under study is divided into a C = m × n grid map based on the latitude and longitude. Each grid represents an equal-sized cell region. We denote all the cell regions as \(R=\left \{r_{1, 1}, \dots , r_{i, j}, \dots , r_{m, n}\right \}\), where ri,j represents the i-th row and j-th column cell region of the grid map.

Definition 2

Flow Image Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be a collection of crowd flow trajectories. Given a cell region ri,j, the corresponding inflow and outflow of the crowds in time slot t can be defined as

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} x^{t}_{in,i,j}=\sum\limits_{T_{r} \in \mathcal{P}}|\{l>1|g_{l-1}\notin r_{i,j} \land g_{l}\in r_{i,j}\}|\\ x^{t}_{out,i,j}=\sum\limits_{T_{r} \in \mathcal{P}}|\{l>1|g_{l}\in r_{i,j} \land g_{l+1}\notin r_{i,j}\}| \end{array} $$

where \(T_{r}: g_{1} \rightarrow g_{2} \rightarrow ... \rightarrow g_{T_{r}}\) is a trajectory at time slot t in \(\mathcal {P}\), and gl is the geospatial coordinate; glri,j means gl is within region ri,j; |⋅| denotes the cardinality of a set. The illustration of inflow and outflow is shown as Fig. 1[a]. Following [29], we denote the inflow and outflow of all the cell regions in t as a crowd flow tensor \(\mathcal {X}^{t} \in \mathcal {R}^{m \times n \times 2}\), where \(\mathcal {X}^{t}_{i,j,0}=x^{t}_{in,i,j}, \mathcal {X}^{t}_{i,j,1}=x^{t}_{out,i,j}\).

Definition 3

OD Image We define OD demands at time slot t as a matrix DtRN×N, where N = m × n is the number of regions and each elements \(d_{i, j}^{t}\) denotes the sizes of flows starting form i-th cell region and ending at j-th cell region of R as illustrated in the Fig. 1b. Based on the OD matrix Dt, we denote the OD demands of all the cell regions named OD Image in time-slot t as a OD tensor where \({\mathscr{M}}^{t}\in \mathcal {R}^{m\times n \times N}\) with N channels, \({\mathscr{M}}^{t}_{i, j, n}\) denotes the number of OD demands from the n-th region to region ri,j.

Definition 4

Semantic Graph We define the semantic spatial-temporal graph at time slot t as \(\mathcal {G}^{t}=\left \{V, E^{t}\right \}\), whose nodes V are the cell regions. There is an edge \(e_{i, j}^{t}\) if there are flow trajectories whose origin is vi and destination is vj. Note that the weight \(w_{i, j}^{t}\) is set to 1.

Problem 1

Given the OD images \(\left \{{\mathscr{M}}^{t}, \mathcal {G}^{t}|t=1, {\dots } , T\right \}\) in the cell regions R over T time-slots, the flow images \(\left \{\mathcal {X}^{t}|t=1, {\dots } , T\right \}\) and the external information data E (e.g., weather, holiday, etc.), our goal is to predict the OD image \({\mathscr{M}}^{t+1}\) in the future.

4 Methodology

4.1 Model framework

The overall architecture of our model AEST is illustrated in Fig. 2. The model input consists of two parts, the OD image \({\mathscr{M}}\) and semantic graph \(\mathcal {G}\). OD Encoder first extracts the spatio-temporal features of OD data using HC-LSTM. The residual connection [8] is used in OD Encoder to avoid overfitting. Then crowd flow images and external features are fed into Contextual Network to learn the latent features respectively. Next, the crowd flow features and external features are fused with a concatenation operation, which can be represented as contextual features. Finally, we combine OD features and contextual features, and feed it into OD Decoder to predict future OD demands.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The framework of our model

4.2 Data preprocessing

Based on Definition 2-4, given the crowd flow trajectories \(\mathcal {P}\), we first need to convert them to three types of data forms, flow images, OD images, and Semantic graphs. Following the previous work [29], we first model the crowd flow images with the size of m × n × 2 as time-varying spatial maps which can be represented as time-ordered sequence of tensors, so that convolution operation can be applied for feature learning. similarly, we construct OD image based on origin and destination of the raw trajectories with the size of m × n × C, where C = m × n. The illustration of semantic graph construction is shown in Fig. 3. To capture the global features, we construct Semantic Graph \(\mathcal {G} = \left \{V, A\right \}\) based on the Definition 4, where the node V of \(\mathcal {G}\) are the cell regions, and A is the adjacent matrix of \(\mathcal {G}\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Illustration of graph construction

4.3 Contextual network

As mentioned above, the OD matrix is very sparse as many entries are zeros. To overcome the problem of data sparsity, we propose a contextual network to effectively leverage the crowd flow features and external features which are proven to be helpful to OD prediction [23]. In the phase of flow feature extraction, we stack ConvLSTM layers to encode the spatio-temporal dependencies with the help of batch normalization [10] and Relu. Meanwhile, in the phase of external feature extraction, first we transform each external attribute into a low-dimensional vector by feeding them into different embedding layers, and then Stacked Fully Connected(FC) layers are used to model external feature. Finally, the crowd flow features and external features are integrated and form the contextual features.


ConvLSTM combines CNN and LSTM, and is widely used in various spatio-temporal prediction tasks, such as traffic accident prediction, crowd flow prediction, and precipitation prediction. The input and hidden state of ConvLSTM in a time-stamp are all 3D tensors, and the convolution operation is conducted for both input-to-state and state-to-state connection. More specifically, ConvLSTM does the convolution operation on the data in each time-stamp(i.e., \(\mathcal {X}^{t}\)) first, and then passes them along the time span \([t-k+1, \dots , t]\) through LSTM module, which can be formulated as:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} i_{t}&=&\sigma\left( W_{\mathcal{X} i}*\mathcal{X}^{t}+W_{h i}*H_{t-1}+W_{c i} \circ C_{t-1}+b_{i}\right),\\ f_{t}&=&\sigma\left( W_{\mathcal{X} f}*\mathcal{X}^{t}+W_{h f}*H_{t-1}+W_{c f} \circ C_{t-1}+b_{f}\right),\\ C_{t} &=& f_{t} \circ C_{t-1} + i_{t} \circ tanh\left( W_{\mathcal{X} c}*\mathcal{X}^{t}+W_{h c}*H_{t-1}+b_{c}\right),\\ o_{t} &=& \sigma\left( W_{\mathcal{X} o}*\mathcal{X}^{t}+W_{ho}*H_{t-1}+W_{c o} \circ C_{t} + b_{o}\right),\\ H_{t} &=& o_{t} \circ tanh\left( C_{t}\right), \end{array} $$

where ‘∗’ denotes the convolution operator , ‘∘’ denotes the Hadamard product, σ is the logistic sigmoid function, it, ft, Ct ot, and Ht are input gate, forget gate, memory cell, output gate and hidden state, and \(W_{\alpha \beta } (\alpha \in \left \{\mathcal {X}, h, c\right \},\) \(\beta \in \left \{i, f, o, c\right \})\) are the parameters of convolutional layers in ConvLSTM.

Fully Connected Layer

Fully Connected (FC) Layer is adopted to encode external information (e.g., Weather, Holiday and etc.) representation. The formula of FC can be represented as:

$$ e_{t} = FC(E_{t}) = W_{e_{t}}\times E_{t} + b_{E_{t}} $$

where \(W_{e_{t}}, b_{e_{t}}\) are parameter of FC layer and bias separately. Finally, the concatenation of Ht and et gives the final embedding for auxiliary tasks, i.e., Hcon = [Ht,et]. We denote the Contextual Network as ContextNet(⋅).

4.4 OD inference network

It is non-trivial to model spatial and temporal dependencies of OD data because of their variability. We propose a Seq2Seq based OD Inference Network(ODIN) is shown at the bottom of Fig. 2. First, we feed OD Image \({\mathscr{M}}\) and Semantic Graph \(\mathcal {G}\) into OD Encoder to get high-dimensional OD representation HOD. Second, HOD and Hcon are connected in an effective way which is denoted by Hall in order to tackle the problem of data sparsity. Finally, Hall is input into OD Decoder to predict next time-slot OD demands. In addition, the novel Hierachical Convolutional Long and Short Term Memory(HC-LSTM) network is proposed to encode spatio-temporal embedding effectively.

4.4.1 OD encoder

The OD images, and semantic graphs are input into the OD Encoder for OD feature learning. As the structures of images and graphs are totally different, they are not able to be processed by a unified neural network structure. We propose a hierarchical convolutional LSTM(HC-LSTM) network to address this problem. HC-LSTM first learns the data representations of images and graphs separately, and then fuses them together.


As illustrated in the upper right of Fig. 2, HC-LSTM adopts stacked CNN layers and stacked GCN layers combined with LSTM model to learn the latent representations of OD images and Semantic graph. Here we use 2-dimensional convolutions on the tensors of OD images to capture the geographical spatial correlations. To more broadly capture the spatial correlations(i.e., Semantic spatial correlations), we construct semantic graph based on the OD demands among the regions, and perform graph convolutional operation. Then, the two types of data representations are integrated which is input into a LSTM layer to learn temporal dependency. The formula of i-th HC-LSTM is shown as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} && H_{conv}^{i} = \textit{CNN}_{i}(\mathcal{M}^{t}, W_{\mathcal{M}}),\\ && H_{gcn}^{i} = \textit{GCN}_{i}(\mathcal{G}^{t}, W_{\mathcal{G}}),\\ && H_{ST}^{i} = \textit{LSTM}_{i}(H_{conv}^{i} \oplus H_{gcn}^{i}) \end{array} $$

where \(H_{conv}^{i}\) and \(H_{gcn}^{i}\) are data representations of OD image and semantic graph respectively learned by i-th layer CNNi and GCNi. The GCNi operator is as follows:

$$ \textit{GCN}_{i}(\mathcal{G}^{t}, W_{\mathcal{G}}) = E^{t} X_{\mathcal{G}}^{t} W_{\mathcal{G}} $$

where Et is the adjacency matrix of graph \(\mathcal {G}^{t}\), \(X_{\mathcal {G}}^{t}\) is the graph feature. ⊕ denotes the concatenation operation over \(H_{conv}^{i}\) and \(H_{gcn}^{i}\). We create the inverse operation of the node creation over \(H_{gcn}^{i}\), so that it can be concatenated with \(H_{conv}^{i}\). After concatenating two types of data representations, the final representations learned through LSTM are denote as \(H_{ST}^{i}\). The OD Encoder is denoted as ODEncoder(⋅).

4.4.2 OD decoder

The learned contextual features and OD features are then input into OD Decoder to decode the data representation for prediction. As shown in the bottom right of the Fig. 2, the OD Decoder first integrates the OD features and contextual features, and then inputs the features into stacked HC-LSTM module, followed by Batch-normalization(BN) layer and Relu. First, we integrate the OD features and contextual features as follows:

$$ H_{dec} = (Tanh(H_{con}))^{T} \times (\mathcal{M}^{t} + H_{ST}) $$

where ‘+’ represents sum operation across channels which is also named residual operation, HST is OD feature and Hcon is contextual feature. Then the feature Hdec is input into stacked HC-LSTM layer coupled with BN and Relu to learn high-dimensional representations for prediction. We denote the OD Decoder as ODDecoder(⋅).

4.5 Overall objective function

In the final prediction step, the objective function of this task is as follows:

$$ Loss = \frac{1}{\mathcal{N}}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{\mathcal{N}}||\hat{Y}_{i}-Y_{i}||^{2} $$

where \(\mathcal {N}\) is the training sample size, \(\hat {Y}_{i}\) is the prediction and Yi is the ground truth. We aim to minimize this prediction error via back-propagation and gradient descent. The pseudo-code of the algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1.

figure a

5 Experiment

5.1 Dataset and experiment setup

5.1.1 Datasets

We select two large datasets which are widely used in spatio-temporal prediction for evaluation: BikeNYC and TaxiNYC. The details of the two datasets are introduced as follows.

BikeNYC :

This dataset contains more than 9 million bike trips in New York from January 2015 to December 2015. In total, NYCBike has established over 600 bike stations and 10,000 bikes in New York. Each bike trip contains the trip duration, start/end station IDs, start/end timestamps, station Latitude/Longitude and bike ID. For this dataset, we use the first 11 months data for training, and the last month data for testing.

TaxiNYC :

This dataset contains over 160 million taxicab trip records in New York from January 2015 to December 2015. On average, there are about 13 million trip records each month. Each taxi trip record includes fields capturing pick-up and drop-off dates/times, pick-up and drop-off locations, trip distances, and etc. For this dataset, we also use the first 11 months data for training and validating, and the last month data for testing.

We also use some external features including weather conditions, holidays and POI. Precipitation, snow, temperature and etc, are included in weather conditions. Whether the day is weekday, weekend or holiday is also considered as the people mobility patterns on holidays and regular days are quite different. The data description on the two datasets are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Dataset description

5.1.2 Baselines

We compare the proposed AEST with the following 6 baseline methods including ARIMA, ConvLSTM [19], STResNet [29], GCRN [18], GEML [23] and MDL [31].

  • ARIMA Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average(ARIMA) is a classic statistic-based method for time series prediction.

  • ConvLSTM ConvLSTM is a variant of LSTM which contains a convolution operation inside the LSTM cell. ConvLSTM considers both geographical spatial and temporal dependency of spatio-temporal data, and is widely used in many spatio-temporal prediction tasks.

  • STResNet STResNet stacks convolutional layers and residual unites to capture the spatial dependency and short/long-term temporal dependency. External features are also incoporated into STResNet.

  • GEML Grid-Embedding based Multi-Task Learning is a multi-task learning framework that predicts the crowd flow and flow OD simultaneously similar to our work. It uses grid embbeding and multi-task LSTM to capture the spatio-temporal representations.

  • MDL MDL is a recent state-of-the-art multi-task learning framework for predicting both the node flows and edge flows on a spatial-temporal network.

To further evaluate the effectiveness of basic component of our model, we also compare the full version AEST with the following variants:

  • No-ContextNet This model removes the contextual network. By comparing with it, we test whether the proposed ContextNet is useful to solve the problem of data sparsity and improve the prediction performance.

  • No-GCN This model does not consider the features of the semantic graph. Through comparing with this model, we test whether integrating the semantic graph is helpful to capture complex spatial features.

5.1.3 Implement details

We implement our model with Pytorch framework on NVIDIA Tesla M40 GPU. The model parameters are set as follows. The data size of OD images is 5 × 16 × 16 × 256, where 5 is the previous time slot length used for prediction, 16 × 16 is the size of the cell regions, and 256 is the number of channels which represents OD demands between each region pairs.

The input flow data size is 5 × 16 × 16 × 2, where 2 is the numbers of channels that represents inflow and outflow. The learning rate and batch size are set to 0.0001 and 32, respectively. The structure of model output is 1 × 16 × 16 × 256. The baseline methods are implemented based on the original papers or we use the publicly code. Also, the set of parameters are followed by original paper.

5.1.4 Evaluation metrics

Mean Absolute Error(MAE), and Root Mean Square Error(RMSE) are adopted as the evaluation metrics defined as follows:

$$ MAE = \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{t=1}^{n}||\hat{Y}^{t}-Y^{t}||, RMSE = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{t=1}^{n}||\hat{Y}^{t}-Y^{t}||^{2}} $$

where \(\hat {Y}^{t}\) is the prediction, and Yt is the ground truth.

5.1.5 Loss curve

Figure 4 shows the training loss curves of the algorithm on the two datasets. one can see that the the AEST converges after about 50 epochs on both datasets which means it converges quickly. The loss curve of NYCTaxi drops smoothly, while the loss curve of NYCBike does not drop smoothly. This is mainly because the bike data is more sparse than taxi data. In the following experiment, we train AEST on both datasets with 50 epochs.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Loss curve of AEST on NYCTaxi and NYCBike

5.2 Comparison with baselines

Table 2 explicitly shows the performance comparison among different baselines on the two datasets. It shows that the proposed AEST achieves the best performance among all the method on both tasks which is highlighted with bold font. It shows that traditional statistics-based method ARIMA achieves the worse performance among all the methods in both cases. It is not surprising because ARIMA only uses the time series data of each region, but ignore the spatial dependency. On NYCBike dataset, compared with the best results achieved by baselines, AEST reduces RMSE of OD prediction from 0.115 (ConvLSTM) to 0.104, and MAE from 0.024(GEML) to 0.021, respectively. On NYCTaxi dataset, AEST improves the RMSE from 0.459 (ConvLSTM) to 0.456, and MAE from 0.132 (ConvLSTM) to 0.126. The RMSE and MAE of NYCBike are much smaller than NYCTaxi, because that the bike trips are much sparser than taxi trips. In addition, the OD of taxi trips can be anywhere in the city, while the OD of bike trips is fixed(e.g., bike stations). The results in Table 2 show that the proposed AEST is superior to existing state-of-the-art spatio-temporal learning approaches.

Table 2 RMSE and MAE comparison among different methods

5.3 Comparison with variation models

To study the effect of different components in AEST on the model performance, we conduct experiments by comparing AEST with its variants No-ContextNet, and No-GCN. The result is shown in Table 3. One can see that the ContextNet and GCN are useful to the model in that losing any one of them will increase the prediction error. On both datasets, ContextNet seem more important which supports our point of view that incorporating flow information will be helpful to solve the problem of data sparsity and improve model performance. In addition, the semantic graph is also useful for both datasets. Combining these components together achieves the lowest RMSE and MAE, demonstrating that all of them are useful to the studied problem.

Table 3 RMSE and MAE comparison with variant methods

5.4 Case study on prediction vs ground truth

To further intuitively illustrate how accurately our model can predict OD demands, we visualize the predicted OD demands and ground truth in two figures as depicted in Figs. 5 and 6. Due to the data sparsity of NYCBike data, we show the case study on NYCTaxi. The Fig. 5 shows the OD demands from r8,14 to r6,12. One can see that the prediction curve can accurately trace the ground truth curve which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed model. The temporal trend of OD demands is also well understood by our model . Our model can perfectly capture the periodicity of the data, which is largely due to the usage of auxiliary tasks. However, it is obvious from the picture 5 that our model is not good at capture the sudden changes of OD demands. To further demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model, we show the case study on OD Matrix prediction vs ground truth at different time-slots on December 30, 2015. The OD matrix with the size C × C (e.g., 256 × 256) is converted by OD image, where C = m × n is the number of all regions. We choose four time-slots which are 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 14:00 pm, and 18:00 pm respectively. From the picture 6, the prediction of OD matrix very matches the ground truth. The results shows the proposed AEST model can effectively predict OD demands across the city.

Fig. 5
figure 5

OD demands prediction vs ground truth: \(r_{8, 14} \rightarrow r_{6, 12}\)

Fig. 6
figure 6

OD Matrix prediction vs ground truth at different time-slots on December 30, 2015(left to right: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 14:00 pm, 18:00 pm)

6 Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we proposed a novel Auxiliary-tasks Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Network(AEST) to predict OD demands via learning crowd flow and external information as auxiliary tasks. The novelty of the model lies in the usage of contextual network to facilitate OD prediction. An end-to-end solution is proposed to effectively learning sufficient auxiliary features for OD prediction to address the data sparsity issue. To effectively capture the complex spatial temporal dependency, a Hierarchical Convolutional LSTM(HC-LSTM) is designed. We evaluate the proposed model on two real large datasets collected from New York. The results demonstrate the superior performance of the model on OD prediction.

In the future, we will explore how to design a more accurate model to capture sudden changes of OD demands. It also would be interesting to further apply the proposed model to more spatio-temporal tasks in different application scenarios such as traffic prediction, crime prediction and traffic accident detection. There are three reasons for the model generalization. First, the two data formats of OD and the other spatial temporal data(e.g., traffic data) are similar. We can convert the OD data into spatial maps or graphs. Second, the contextual information is helpful to spatial temporal prediction, such as traffic prediction, which is demonstrated in previous works [28]. Third, the proposed model containing HC-LSTM and ConvLSTM is general for all spatial-temporal tasks to learn the spatial and temporal representations.