Erratum to: Chem Technol Fuels Oils

DOI 10.1007/s10553-014-0515-3

To the article “Multifunctional Properties of Polyglycol in Deepwater Drilling Fluids,” by Xin Zhao, Zhengsong Qiu, Weian Huang, Jiafang Xu, and Jie Sheng, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 233-239, July, 2014

Figure 1 on page 234 should be

Fig. 1
figure 1

Pressure transmission behaviors in the presence of different inhibitors.

The first paragraph on page 235 should be

Pressure transmission test: The primary reason for borehole instability involves transmission of pressure and filtrate from the drilling fluid to the formation. Since polyglycols cannot retard pressure transmission at a temperature below the cloud point, the experiments were conducted at a temperature of 30°C. As we see from Fig. 1, in the presence of KCl or polyamine, the downstream pressure increases up to 1.2 MPa in less than 5 hours, while in the presence of SD- 301 the downstream pressure after 20 hours was only 0.88 MPa, i.e., the polyglycol effectively retards pressure transmission. The mechanism for this phenomenon is determined by the cloud point of the polyglycol, and involves plugging pore throats and microcracks with its particles, which retards pressure and filtrate transmission. In this test, sodium silicate exhibited the best ability to retard pressure transmission; silicates and aluminates have the highest efficiency in water-based drilling fluids [10].