1 Introduction

A user books air tickets for himself and family members using an online Web portal—front-end to a prototypical online transaction processing (OLTP) database application. He searches several flights, books tickets, and provides frequent flyer numbers of the passengers. The airline reservation system implements this activity using a transaction. A second user performs different flight searches before booking a ticket for herself, but does not provide a frequent flyer number because it is not handy. The second transaction may have fewer INSERT statements because only one person is flying. The two transactions have both similarities and differences, but similarities probably outnumber differences. The self-similarity is due to their accessing the same tables in similar fashions, although the SQL statements generated may not be identical. Taking a step further, there may be a reason to believe that their performances are similar—a hypothesis that can be exploited if found true. In particular, if both of them can be put into the same cluster along with other similar transactions, and cluster performance is monitored as a whole, a simple and practically useful OLTP system abstraction may result.

A study of the various applications provided by the two popular OLTP benchmarking toolkits OLTP-Bench [1] and Sysbench [2] reveals that each application contains SQL transactions that can be neatly divided into a small number of non-overlapping transaction clusters. For example, the SEATS application of OLTP-Bench implements an airline reservation system and contains the following six types of activities from which six clusters may be identified:

  1. 1.

    Find flights ordered by departure time between two cities possibly considering nearby airports.

  2. 2.

    Make a new reservation.

  3. 3.

    Delete a reservation.

  4. 4.

    Find open seats on a flight.

  5. 5.

    Update a reservation by changing a seat.

  6. 6.

    Update such customer information as frequent flyer number.

An actual commercial airline reservation system will have more capabilities resulting in more clusters, but still, cluster count is likely to be small (say less than 25).Footnote 1

Within a cluster, transactions differ in the parameter values of the SQL statements, statement orders, statement counts, statement types, rows read or updated, and so on. Nevertheless, this research shows that each cluster has a characteristic performance profile—termed its signature—at the level of which an OLTP application can be monitored. Cluster-level metrics are simple rolled-up versions of transaction-level metrics: for example, average values of transactions/sec (TPS); number of rows (read, updated, or sent to the client); locking time; and so on. In turn, transaction-level metrics are rolled-up versions of statement-level metrics for the statements within a transaction. In turn, some of the statement-level metrics—for example, rows read/written and estimated execution cost—can be computed from table-level or execution plan operator-level metrics. The existence of such a natural hierarchy may permit problem troubleshooting to proceed from coarser to finer levels.

1.1 Benefits of cluster-level monitoring

Cluster-level monitoring of an OLTP application has three advantages over transaction- or statement-level monitoring. First, rather than monitoring thousands of SQL queries or transactions, it is simpler and likely more effective to observe performances of only six clusters (in the case of SEATS). Second, the cluster count is independent of an OLTP application’s load (which is proportional to the number of active terminals). Third, the benefits of clustering multiply when an OLTP application is deployed in cloud where a few database administrators (DBA) have to monitor performance of multiple applications simultaneously [3]. A cloud DBA does not have the luxury of developing an in-depth understanding of an application and its performance profile, and needs a helping hand.

SQL transaction clustering helps a (cloud) DBA by simplifying troubleshooting of several performance problems: identification of problematic transaction rollbacks; performance bottlenecks; system-wide issues; performance drifts; and so on. The benefits also extend to non-cloud applications, and therefore, this research makes a case for database systems to become knowledge-based by providing transaction cluster-level monitoring in addition to the existing table-, index-, schema-, and user-level monitoring. The new granularity is not meant to replace the existing tools, but nicely complements them: table-level and index-level data will continue to provide the necessary drill-downs, but help in determining where to drill-down should be valuable.

1.2 Novelties and key contributions of this paper

This research reported herein contains three novelties.

  1. 1.

    For SQL transaction clustering, features are extracted server-side by modifying the MySQL code, rather than the existing state-of-the-art that relies on log-mining (which is cumbersome and error-prone).

  2. 2.

    A novel application of SQL transaction clustering is demonstrated: namely, DBMS system monitoring and performance troubleshooting.

  3. 3.

    DBSCAN parameter tuning—a known difficult task [4, 5]—is simplified. In cloud-deployed DBMS applications—increasingly common in the last 5 years—a cloud DBA may not be able to hand-tune DBSCAN parameters of the multiple applications under her supervision.

The following three subsections elaborate.

1.2.1 Server-side transaction feature extraction

SQL transaction are clustered based on inter-transaction distances. Selected attributes from a transaction form its feature vector by a process called feature extraction, and inter-transaction distances are calculated among such feature vectors. Previous research has relied on SQL log-mining for transaction feature extraction, whereas this research proposes to use simple server-side extensions instead.

Server-side extensions offer four benefits over previous methods. First, regular-expression-based SQL log mining is error-prone because identifying SQL constructs requires a parser, in general. Second, commercial database systems do not provide API accesses to their parsers, and parsing code needs to be duplicated. Third, log mining requires identification of transaction boundaries, which may be difficult because transaction statements may be intermingled in the log. (In server-side extensions, the server keeps track of the entire transactions.) Fourth, if logs are mined from such a proxy server as MaxScale [6], ‘autocommit’ must be enabled which essentially breaks a transaction into single-statement pieces.

Server-side feature extraction is implemented by extending the preexisting MySQL server data structures meant for server monitoring. Similar data structures preexist in most modern DBMS engines (Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and so on), and hence the solution suggested herein has wider applicability.

1.2.2 Clustering helps DBMS performance troubleshooting

Modern DBMS systems are some of the most complex software systems built. Monitoring their performance and troubleshooting problems has been difficult, and shows no signs of becoming simpler. The workload transactions in online transaction processing (OLTP) systems can be naturally grouped into non-overlapping clusters, and DBMS performance can be monitored at cluster-level. As this paper demonstrates, by doing that, several real-life performance problems can be troubleshot easily.

The proposed approach goes hand-in-glove with prior work on boosting OLTP system performance that executes a group of similar transactions in lock-steps so that the first transaction instance paves the L1-Instruction cache, and subsequent ones enjoy nearly miss-free executions [7]. The notion of similarity in [7] is statement- and access-path-level (commit, rollback, seek of a particular index, scan of a particular index, and so on), but in principle, can be even more effective at transaction level—for example, TPC-C’s OrderStatus transaction. After all, two OrderStatus instances—especially if they are read-only, as is the case with OrderStatus—are likely to execute nearly identical instructions.

In the last two years, utility of database transactions in debugging has generated renewed interest. The author first noted the usefulness of SQL transaction clusters in performance troubleshooting in [8], but even the transactions by themselves (dropping ‘SQL’ and ‘clustering’ altogether) were found useful in [9] in the following sense. A client-side application can store and access its shared state on the server-side using transactions, thereby minimizing hard-to-debug concurrency bugs in distributed applications. For such bugs that do remain, correlating shared states persisted in database with debug logs using data provenance may help in debugging. The author hopes that SQL transactions continue to elicit such unusual applications.

1.2.3 DBSCAN parameter tuning

The author chose DBSCAN clustering algorithm [10] for three practical reasons. First, DBSCAN is well known in database research, and has even been used to cluster SQL transactions previously [11]. Second, an open-source Python implementation is available [12] that plugs in nicely with the rest of the Python-based transaction clustering system the author has built. Third, DBSCAN’s utility claims have been questioned [4] and refuted by the DBSCAN authors themselves [5]. An independent evaluation (this research) confirms DBSCAN’s suitability for clustering SQL transactions.

DBSCAN parameters need to be hand-tuned, and different applications require different values. In a subsequent paper, some of the DBSCAN authors proposed a heuristic—termed SEKX in this paper—for parameter tuning. The current work demonstrates that a heuristic enabled by the angular cosine distance function (ACD) outperforms SEKX by finding more accurate transaction clusters, and simplifying DBSCAN parameter tuning. Last, but not least, extensive SQL transaction clustering experiments—at a scale reported in this paper—have not been performed before although some preliminary attempts were made.

1.3 In the larger context

This research proposes a new granularity of data collection in DBMS systems: transaction-cluster-level. The overall message is that the new level is a natural extension of the existing table-, index-, query-, user-, and schema-level granularities, and can be implemented using straightforward programming extensions to DBMS servers. This work opens up opportunities for new research as explained below. Intentionally, the directions identified are broad-based. Some specific topics are also mentioned when considering the future work in Sect. 8.

First, transaction-cluster-level performance measurement greatly simplifies troubleshooting of certain scenarios. Previous research has used transaction-cluster-level data for performance measurement and resource usage (scalability) predictions. What other uses exist for this new data granularity? Second, should transaction granularity be used more extensively by existing query tuning tools? Third, a recent trend has started to use machine learning in query optimization [13]. Can a transaction-as-a-whole be optimized using machine learning techniques the way it has been exploited to drastically reduce L1 instruction-cache misses [7]? For example, many real-life transactions are predicated based on a small number of parameters. Can deep neural networks be created based on supervised or unsupervised learning of those parameter values? Fourth, can machine learning models be trained using transaction-cluster-level performance signatures so that they can predict deviations from those signatures automatically?

A quote from a recent book on benchmarking cloud-native systems [14, p. 109] is a good way to end this introduction.

[...] databases typically lack in flexibility when it comes to the provided analysis methods. More advanced methods like classification or clustering are not supported by many systems. Especially in exploratory analysis, such methods may be essential [...]

This research takes some preliminary steps in alleviating the situation.

2 Clusters of SQL transactions

To perform transaction-cluster-level data monitoring, SQL transactions need to be segregated into non-overlapping clusters. SQL transactions within a cluster are similar (but not identical), and transactions in different clusters are dissimilar. Cluster determination is a three-step process, and is described in the following three subsections.

  1. 1.

    Certain distinguishing attributes (called features) are extracted from a transaction, and an n-element feature vector (FV) is formed (Sect. 2.1).

  2. 2.

    The distance between two transactions—defined to be the distance between their feature vectors—is computed using a distance function (Sect. 2.2).

  3. 3.

    A clustering algorithm uses the feature vectors and the distance function to determine clusters (Sect. 2.3).

2.1 Feature vector construction

In this research, extracting the following transaction features proved adequate.

  • Statement type: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

  • Table name(s)—possibly none—referenced in the statement in ‘schema.table’ format.

  • Counts associated with table names indicating frequency.

In other applications, different or additional features may need to be extracted, but the overall approach described here remains valid. (Experiments in Sect. 5.8 evaluate whether transaction clustering improves when two dynamic features are added to the mix.)

A transaction X’s feature vector FV(X) is a concatenation of four sub-vectors \(FV_S\), \(FV_I\), \(FV_U\), and \(FV_D\) for the four major SQL statement types SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE respectively. All of the four sub-vectors are computed similarly, and therefore, only the construction of \(FV_S\) is described.

\(FV_S\) is of length n—the total number of tables in the OLTP system’s schema, where each table is schema-qualified, and occupies a specific position in the vector (to enable cross-feature vector comparisons). If a table T is referenced by all of the SELECT statements in a transaction a total of k times (\(k \ge 0\)), then the vector element for T inside \(FV_S\) has value k.

\(FV_I\), \(FV_U\), and \(FV_D\) are computed similarly from all of the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements in a transaction,Footnote 2

To handle ROLLBACK and COMMIT statements, a vector element can be added that is 0 for ROLLBACK and 1 for COMMIT. If more than two such statements need to be handled—for example BEGIN, END, SAVEPOINT, and so on—they should be numbered 1 onward for the reason mentioned in Sect. 8. In this research, however, no such additional statements are handled.

figure b

Consider the transaction \(X_1\)—taken from the SEATS workload of OLTP-Bench [1]—shown in Listing 1. It is the ‘update customer information’ transaction mentioned in Sect. 1, and its feature vector is computed as follows.

  • \(FV_{S}(X_1) = [2, 1, 1, 1]\) because SELECT statements in \(X_1\) refer to Customer table twice, and the other three tables once each.

  • \(FV_{U}(X_1) = [1, 1]\) because UPDATE statements in \(X_1\) refer to two tables once each.

  • \(FV_{I}(X_1) = FV_{D}(X_1) = [\ ]\) because there are no INSERT’s or DELETE’s in \(X_1\).

  • The complete feature vector for \(X_1\) is calculated as follows.

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} FV(X_1)&= FV_{S}(X_1) + FV_{I}(X_1) + FV_{U}(X_1) + FV_{D}(X_1) \\&= [2, 1, 1, 1] + [\ ] + [1, 1] + [\ ] \\&= [2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Consider a second transaction \(X_2\) similar to \(X_1\) that selects from Customer only once. \(FV(X_2)\) will be [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]. For all of the tables other than Customer, Airport, Country, and Frequent_Flyer, the corresponding slots in the two feature vectors are 0’s and are not explicitly shown.

The slot positions in feature vectors matter when comparing two transactions. For example, imagine a third transaction \(X_3\) similar to \(X_1\) that does not update the Customer table, and selects from that table only once. Because ‘update-Customer’ occupies the last slot in the feature vector, \(FV(X_3)\) will be [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0].

2.2 Angular cosine distance

Angular cosine distance, henceforth ACD, measures the distance between two transactions using their feature vectors. For two n-dimensional vectors \(\textbf{A}\) and \(\textbf{B}\), each with indices \(0, 1, \ldots n-1\), and with nonnegative values, ACD is defined as follows [15].

$$\begin{aligned} ACD(\textbf{A}, \textbf{B}) = \frac{2}{\pi }\left( \cos ^{-1}\left( \frac{\sum _{i=0}^{n-1} \textbf{A}_i \textbf{B}_i}{\sqrt{\sum _{i=0}^{n-1} \textbf{A}_{i}^{2}} \sqrt{\sum _{i=0}^{n-1} \textbf{B}_{i}^{2}}}\right) \right) \end{aligned}$$

ACD is a distance measure or metric as shown in [16], and therefore, has the following properties.

  1. 1.

    \(ACD(\textbf{A}, \textbf{B}) \ge 0\)

  2. 2.

    \(ACD(\textbf{A}, \textbf{B}) = ACD(\textbf{B}, \textbf{A})\)

  3. 3.

    \(ACD(\textbf{A}, \textbf{B}) \le ACD(\textbf{A}, \textbf{C}) + ACD(\textbf{C}, \textbf{B})\) (triangle inequality)

Triangle inequality is an important property because it says that the closest distance between two objects is a direct route: a detour through a third object cannot be any closer. For SQL transactions, it means that two transactions that are close to a third transaction are also close to each other. If that statement does not hold, SQL transaction clusters are not meaningful.Footnote 3

ACD also has a fourth property that is particularly useful in SQL transaction clustering: ACD distances are normalized.

  1. 4.

    \(0.0 \le ACD(\textbf{A}, \textbf{B}) \le 1.0\)

Because ACD distances are unitary, a closeness threshold \(\textit{Eps} \in [0.0, 1.0]\) (for example, 0.2) can be defined so that two transactions at most Eps apart are considered ‘close’; otherwise, they are declared ‘far.’Footnote 4ACD—and normalized distance functions in general—also enable an easy similarity definition: \(similarity = 1.0 - distance\)

Thus ‘close’ transactions with \(Eps = 0.2\) are at least 0.8 (or 80%) similar—something even a non-expert can understand. Similarity connection will play an important role in simplifying DBSCAN parameter tuning.

For the \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) transactions of Sect. 2.1:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} ACD(X_1, X_2)&= ACD([2, 1, 1, 1, 1. 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])\\&= 0.197 \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

\(X_1\) and \(X_2\) are \(1.0 - 0.197 = 0.803\) (80.3%) similar which seems intuitively correct. The transaction \(X_3\) from Sect. 2.1 with \(FV(X_3) = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]\) is somewhat dissimilar to \(X_1\) and \(X_2\), and indeed, \(ACD(X_1, X_3) = 0.295\), or they are only 70.5% similar which again seems intuitive. With the closeness threshold Eps set to 0.2, \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) will be considered close, and may end up in the same cluster, whereas \(X_1\) and \(X_3\) will not belong to the same cluster.

2.3 DBSCAN and its parameter tuning

DBSCAN [10] is a density-based clustering algorithm whose two parameter values Eps and minPts define density, and are illustrated in Fig. 1. If the circle (in general, hyper-sphere) centered at p with radius Eps has at least \(minPts-1\) other points inside it, p belongs to a dense neighborhood, and is considered a core point of a cluster. All of the core points belong to clusters, and if a non-core point has a core point as a neighbor within distance at most Eps, that non-core point also belongs to the core point’s cluster.

Fig. 1
figure 1

DBSCAN parameters Eps and minPts

DBSCAN parameter tuning is difficult [4, 5] for two reasons.

  1. 1.

    Eps values are workload-dependent because distances themselves are. The distance value 20.0 can be ‘close’ for one workload, but ‘very far’ for another.

  2. 2.

    minPts is somewhat workload-independent in that some minimum cluster density may be required no matter what, but minPts too requires tuning in some cases.

Eps normalization using min–max values may help, but those values need to be determined, and determination could be error-prone because of sampling—and in cloud environments, cumbersome. Less obviously, it was found that such unnormalized distance functions as the Euclidean require dissimilar objects (transactions) to be spread apart artificially for correct cluster formations—as done in the DBSeer system [17] and explained in Sect. 5.5. That spread-apart factor is workload dependent, and requires its own tuning.

ACD does not eliminate hand-tuning DBSCAN parameters, but simplifies it by providing twofold help.

  • Eps value has an intuitive meaning. For example, \(\textit{Eps} = 0.2\) means that independent of workload, transactions have to be at least 80% similar before they can belong to the same cluster. With such unnormalized distance functions as Euclidean, Eps values do not have that property. The same can be said for Eps value variations. For example, in the case of ACD, lowering Eps from 0.2 to 0.1 means that transactions now have to be at least 90% similar, but in the case of Euclidean, lowering Eps from 20 to 15 makes cluster membership criterion more demanding than before, but to what degree? That degree is workload-dependent.

  • As demonstrated in Sect. 5.6, for many workloads, ACD-based DBSCAN clustering is not very sensitive to the two parameter values, and a good starting point is (Eps, minPts) = (0.2, 10).

3 MySQL extensions for feature extraction from transactions

Extraction of transaction features such as the ones mentioned in Sect. 2.1 currently uses SQL log mining and takes one of two approaches: logs are obtained from such a proxy server as MaxScale [6] (as done in the DBSeer system [11, 18]), or directly from a DBMS (as done in [19, 20]). This research proposes a third alternative: server-side feature extraction by instrumenting a DBMS.

Server-side feature extraction, as implemented in MySQL, uses data from the three in-memory tables shown in Fig. 2 that contain transaction-level, statement-level, and table-level information. Only the events_statements_tables table is new; the other two preexist. New columns were added to all of the tables, however. The three tables will henceforth be referred to by the acronyms e_t_h, e_s_h, and e_s_t. They belong to a larger class of such tables—in a special schema named ‘performance_schema’—that capture information about running workloads. This real-time performance data capture feature, also called performance schema, is enabled by default in MySQL [21].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Relationships between the three tables

Each completed transaction appears as a row in the e_t_h table whose key is (THREAD_ID, EVENT_ID). One or more statements belonging to a transaction are captured in e_s_h, and accordingly there is a 1:N relationship between the two tables. In Fig. 2, the transaction with EVENT_ID 40 in e_t_h contains four statements appearing as four of the rows in e_s_h using NESTING_EVENT_ID as the linkage column. The newly added e_s_t table contains zero or more rows for each statement present in e_s_h—one for each distinct table reference in that statement. Accordingly, there is a 1:N relationship between the bottom two tables. Such statements as COMMIT and ROLLBACK do not refer to any tables, and therefore, have no presence in e_s_t. For example, the two-way join

$$\begin{aligned} ``{} \texttt {SELECT}.. \texttt {FROM} \text { ORDER}\_\text {LINE}, \text {STOCK } \texttt {WHERE}..'' \end{aligned}$$

of TPC-C appears as two of the rows in e_s_t with EVENT_ID of 29. The columns in Fig. 2 only capture the inter-table relationships. The other columns added to the three tables—not explicitly shown in Fig. 2—capture transaction-, statement-, and table-level statistics.

A statistic’s scope suggests a natural place for its persistence in Fig. 2. Such statement-level statistics as rows sent to client, durations, and lock wait times are best persisted as columns of the “statements” table e_s_h (or its equivalent in other DBMS’s). Such table-level statistics as a table’s frequency in a statement, rows read, and rows updated is best kept in such tables as e_s_t. Whether to keep fine-grained or rolled up data (or both) can be a design decision. If rolled-up data is not kept, SQL’s GROUP BY and other similar clauses can compute various aggregations on the-fly. Keeping only coarse-level data will minimize performance impact.

Using a SELECT query involving multi-way joins among e_t_h, e_s_h, and e_s_t tables, such information as the transaction text; statement type; statement text; statement run-time; transaction run-time; table names appearing in statement and their counts; number of rows examined; locking times; and so on is easily extracted. The query itself can be nontrivial to write, but needs to be written only once. One tricky aspect of such data capture is that the 1:N relationships shown in Fig. 2 are not enforced by MySQL for performance reasons, and therefore, dangling tuples may result. Such tuples should either be identified and filtered out by the query itself (as is done in this research), or should be deleted in a post-processing step.

The statistical data gathered in this research are only for illustration, and depending on need, a variety of other statistics can be extracted: point-selection versus range-selection; determination of ‘SELECT... FOR UPDATE’ (a SQL language feature found in MySQL and Oracle); query complexity based on subquery count or join-width; the number of statements not using a good index; estimated execution costs; estimated row counts; and so on.

Although the server extensions described are MySQL-specific, the idea has wider applicability. Tables similar to those depicted in Fig. 2 preexist (or can be easily created) in other products too: in SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, they are called dynamic management views [22], dynamic performance tables [23], and statistics collectors [24], respectively. Therefore, server instrumentation of the kind described in this section is possible in those products.

4 System architecture

A prototype SQL transaction clustering system has been implemented as depicted in Fig. 3. The Linux KVM virtual machine represents a hosted environment running a customer application. The Windows 10 machine contains data processing components, including those performing transaction clustering and classification. A high-speed network separates the two machines, and because of that, no data processing overhead is put on the cloud VM. DBMS workload is generated using the OLTP-Bench [1] (or Sysbench [2]) toolkit running locally on the top machine.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Architecture of a transaction clustering system

The top MySQL instance has been instrumented as described in Sect. 3 to enable transaction-level data collection and feature extraction. The bottom data processing node then rolls up such data to derive transaction cluster-level metrics. A SQL query runs on the top MySQL instance every 5 s, and performs data collection. (The interval ensures minimal data collection overhead, but is a system parameter.) From each 5-s chunk, the following feature and non-feature information is extracted: SQL statements; statement types (SELECT, INSERT, COMMIT, and so on); table names; table counts; statement durations; transaction duration; lock times; and rows examined by statements.

Each 5-s chunk contains data about all of the transactions that finished within the last 5 s, and an epoch-style Linux timestamp is associated with that data resulting in a streaming time-series that is shipped to the data processing node where chunk-based iterators process it in pipelined fashion. After each data collection event, the three tables shown in Fig. 2 are truncated to avoid rereading the same data during the next interval.Footnote 5

In the rest of this section, the two data processing components of Fig. 3 are described: transaction clustering and transaction classification.

4.1 Transaction clustering

Chunk processing begins by consuming the first t chunks to perform transaction clustering. During experimentation, the first 30 s worth of transactions (\(t = 6\)) were found adequate to determine transaction clusters, but t is a system parameter. The DBSCAN algorithm [10]—enhanced with the ACD distance function—performs transaction clustering [12].

After the initial t chunks have been used to determine transaction clusters, the subsequent chunks are processed by the ‘Transaction Classification’ module. OLTP workloads do not have ad-hoc queries, and so clusters, once formed, should not change. If that assumption is violated, DBSeer’s online implementation of DBSCAN can be used [17], but we leave that for future work.

4.2 Transaction classification

Transaction classification algorithm needs k cluster cores and exemplars therein to classify a transaction X as follows. Distances from X to all of the exemplars of a cluster are computed using the angular cosine distance function, and averaged. For the k cluster cores, k average distances are computed, and X is assigned to the cluster corresponding to the minimum average distance, as long as that distance is not more than a threshold value (for example, 0.2). If the threshold is exceeded, X is not close enough to any of the clusters and is declared an outlier.

5 SQL transaction clustering experiments

DBMS performance monitoring at transaction-cluster-level is a central theme of this paper, and accurate cluster formations are required. Previous attempts at SQL transaction clustering have been small-scale [11, 18], and cluster quality has not been given much attention. This research attempts to remedy that situation.

The experimentation contained in this section provides the answers to a series of questions.

  1. 1.

    How much overhead does server-side feature extraction add? (Sect. 5.3.)

  2. 2.

    How effective is the ACD-based DBSCAN algorithm in forming accurate transaction clusters? This is answered by comparing ACD with a baseline heuristic suggested by the DBSCAN authors themselves. (Sect. 5.4.)

  3. 3.

    The DBSeer system attempted SQL transaction clustering using a Euclidean-based distance function. Does ACD find better clusters than the Euclidean-based distance function? (Sect. 5.5.)

  4. 4.

    Sensitivity analysis of ACD-based DBSCAN shows that it is not crucial for a DBA to get the values of Eps and minPts just right. A good starting point of (Eps, minPts) = (0.2, 10) forms acceptable clusters for many workloads. (Sect. 5.6.)

  5. 5.

    Why is it necessary to use the angular cosine distance function? What is the drawback of the well-known dot-product-based cosine distance function? (Sect. 5.7.)

  6. 6.

    Do better clusters form when more transaction features are extracted? (Sect. 5.8.)

5.1 Experimental setup

The system depicted in Fig. 3 is used in all of the experiments, but is not optimized for performance because this research’s focus is on performance monitoring, troubleshooting, and debugging. The top Linux machine is a KVM virtual machine with 8 CPU cores (2.5 GHz), and 16 GB memory. The Windows 10 data processing node runs Enterprise Edition of Windows, and contains an i7-8700 3.20 GHz CPU with 16 GB memory. In all of the experiments, both of the machines were lightly loaded.

5.2 Workload

The workload consists of the applications in the OLTP-Bench [1] and Sysbench [2] toolkits. Out of the OLTP-Bench’s 15 workloads, the author was able to run 11.Footnote 6 Two flavors of Sysbench benchmark were run: read-only and read-write, indicated in the results using ‘sysbench_ro’ and ‘sysbench_rw,’ respectively. Thus, all of the experiments ran on 13 workloads.

An open-source DBSCAN implementation from ‘Scikit-learn’ [12] performs transaction clustering. It was instrumented to use ACD and the other distance functions tried. (By default, it uses the Euclidean distance function.) The author did not consider other clustering algorithms because although DBSCAN has been used for transaction clustering previously [11, 18], its suitability has not been established because the previous clustering experiments were small-scale, and did not use a variety of workloads.

5.2.1 Expected cluster counts

Determination of clustering effectiveness requires expected cluster counts to which actual counts can be compared. Expected cluster counts were determined as follows.

  • OLTP-Bench already provides the expected cluster counts for the workloads therein [1].

  • For Sysbench, the counts were determined manually by studying the transactions themselves.

In Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4, expected cluster counts are indicated in brackets after the workload names. For example, 9 clusters are expected for the AuctionMark workload. Actual cluster counts in some of the experiments are not always integral because each value is an average of 5 runs produced using different samples, and DBSCAN sometimes produces slightly different cluster counts for different samples. When evaluating various distance functions, fairness is ensured by reusing the same transaction samples.

5.3 Performance impact of server-side feature extraction

In the first experiment, an attempt is made to measure the performance impact of the instrumentation described in Sect. 3. MySQL’s performance schema is enabled by default and contributes one portion of the overhead. The other portion is due to the server extensions shown in Fig. 2. Ideally, the two overheads would be separately measurable, but the server-extension overhead was so small that we could not measure it. The combined overhead was 3–7% based on the average requests/s values of the TPC-C benchmark queries locally submitted to Huawei MySQL using OLTP-Bench, and thus transaction clustering can be an ‘always-on’ feature in many situations. Overhead can be reduced further by modifying MySQL code so that only selected portions of ‘performance schema’ are enabled, but we leave that for future work.

5.4 Clustering effectiveness of the ACD-based DBSCAN

ACD-based DBSCAN with (Eps, minPts) = (0.2, 10)—henceforth, abbreviated to \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\)—is an excellent starting point for clustering database transactions as the experiment in this section demonstrates.

Table 1 captures \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\)’s performance against a baseline provided by the well-known Euclidean distance function. In the Euclidean baseline, Eps and minPts values are set using a heuristic provided by the DBSCAN authors in a subsequent paper [26]. We will term the resulting baseline SEKX after the author names.

5.4.1 The SEKX heuristic

The SEKX heuristic works as follows. Let the dimensionality of a workload—defined to be the maximum feature vector length—be DIM. Then:

  • Heuristic value of \(\textit{Eps} = (2 * DIM) - 1\)

  • Heuristic value of \(\textit{minPts} = (2 * DIM)\)

The DIM column of Table 1 captures a workload’s dimensionality, defined as above. Accordingly, for example, when AuctionMark is clustered using SEKX-based DBSCAN, the parameter settings are: \(\textit{Eps} = 17\) and \(\textit{minPts} = 18\).

Table 1 \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\) versus \(\textit{SEKX}(2 * DIM - 1, 2 * DIM)\)

5.4.2 Performance of \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\) versus the SEKX baseline

The ‘Avg. cluster count’ columns of Table 1 compare clustering effectiveness of the ACD versus the SEKX baseline. As mentioned in Sect. 5.2, average cluster counts in this and subsequent tables are averages over 5 runs, each using its own transaction samples, and hence are not always integral. As can be seen, \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\) handily outperforms SEKX in 8 out of 13 workloads and, equally important, is never worse than SEKX in the remaining 5 workloads. For 9 workloads, SEKX puts all of the transactions into single clusters, and hence is ineffective.

The following observations—cross-referenced in the ‘Comments’ column of Table 1—provide the reasons why \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\)’s cluster counts are slightly off in a few cases.

Observation 1.:

Epinions cluster count is off by 1 because a transaction type selects from Review and Trust tables separately, and another type selects from their joined version. Both end up in the same cluster because the feature vector construction in Sect. 2.1 currently does not distinguish them.

Observation 2.:

YCSB cluster count is off by 1 because two of the transaction types have point and range selects, but are otherwise identical, and that difference is currently not captured as a feature.

Observation 3.:

AuctionMark produced the correct cluster count with \(\textit{ACD}(0.15, 10)\).

Observation 4.:

SEATS produced the correct cluster count with \(\textit{ACD}(0.15, 15)\).

Observations 1 and 2 suggest possible features that can be extracted and added to the feature vector.

The author has also compared ACD with baselines provided by other distance functions, including some ACD variations.

  • Jaccard distance by treating a SQL query as a bag of words

  • A combination of Jaccard and Levenshtein distances

  • An ACD variation in which the distance is defined to be: \(\text {avg}(FV_S, FV_I, FV_U, FV_D)\) by taking the average distance of the four sub-vectors \(FV_S\), \(FV_I\), \(FV_U\), and \(FV_D\) mentioned in Sect. 2.1.

  • Another ACD variation in which the distance is defined to be: \(\max (FV_S, FV_I, FV_U, FV_D)\).

ACD outperformed them all.

5.5 ACD-based DBSCAN versus DBSeer-based DBSCAN

The DBSeer system had previously used DBSCAN to cluster database transactions while using an enhanced-Euclidean-based distance function for inter-transaction distances [17]. How that function’s clustering effectiveness compares with ACD’s is investigated in this experiment.

In DBSeer, similar transactions are those that access the same tables in similar fashions. Dissimilar transactions are those in which there is at least one table that one transaction accesses (via SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE), and the other one does not.

  • Similar transactions use the usual Euclidean distance function. For example, for transactions \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) of Sect. 2.1, the Euclidean distance computation yields: \(DBSeer([2, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) = 1.0\).

  • For dissimilar transactions such as \(X_1\) and \(X_3\) of Sect. 2.1, a modified formula is used that multiplies ‘dissimilar’ squares by a spread-apart factor (set to 10000.0)—viz. \(10000 \cdot (1-0)^2\)—and yields:

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} DBSeer(X_1, X_3)&= DBSeer([2, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0])\\&= 100.0 \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

DBSeer’s enhanced-Euclidean distance function requires hand-tuning of DBSCAN parameters, but to enable comparison with ACD, a pair of parameter values that gave an overall decent performance across all of the workloads was determined: (Eps, minPts) = (10, 10). The results are captured in columns 2 and 3 of Table 2. Once again, the abbreviation \(\textit{DBSeer}(10, 10)\) means ‘DBSeer-based DBSCAN algorithm with (Eps, minPts) = (10, 10).’

Ignoring the ‘sysbench_rw’ workload, DBSeer is somewhat worse than ACD, but is decent. DBSeer could not cluster ‘sysbench_rw,’ however, and thus ACD wins the comparison.

‘Sysbench_rw’ is an interesting case. It is hard to cluster not only by DBSeer but also by several other distance functions that the author has tried. The reason has to do with that workload’s highly symmetrical transactions: all of the transactions are roughly equidistant from all of the other transactions. Unsurprisingly, such objects are hard to cluster.

For scientific curiosity, we ran a parameter sweep for DBSeer’s enhanced-Euclidean function so that DBSeer-based DBSCAN could cluster ‘sysbench_rw.’ Eps ranged from 25 to 250 in increments of 25, and minPts varied between 10 and 20. In all, 20 pairs were examined, and out of those, three candidate pairs emerged: (225, 10), (250, 10), and (250, 20) with average cluster counts of 10.8, 10, and 10, respectively, for ‘sysbench_rw.’ The last two pairs were chosen to run the entire suit of benchmarks, and the results appear in columns 4 and 5 of Table 2.

As can be seen, both of those pairs can cluster the two Sysbench workloads well, but cannot cluster most of the other workloads in that all of the transactions are put in single clusters. Tuning the DBSCAN parameters using DBSeer’s enhanced-Euclidean distance function is indeed difficult. Another approach is to try to tune the spread-apart factor (10000.0), but that just trades tuning of one parameter for another.

Table 2 ACD versus DBSeer’s enhanced-Euclidean distance function

5.6 Sensitivity analysis of the ACD-based DBSCAN

This experiment attempts to answer the following question: When using the ACD-based DBSCAN algorithm, how crucial is it for a DBA to get the values of Eps and minPts just right? For example, one DBA might want transactions to be put in the same cluster only if they are at least 90% similar. Another DBA might want denser clusters by requiring that a transaction’s neighborhood contain at least 20 similar transactions. It turns out that the ACD-based DBSCAN is not very sensitive to various the Eps and minPts values for most of the workloads.

Table 3 captures ACD-based DBSCAN’s performance for 6 sets of parameters. Approximately, cluster membership criterion becomes more demanding as one reads across a row, and hence cluster counts can be expected to decrease from left to right. For example, the last column requires two transactions to be at least 95% similar, and their neighborhoods to contain at least 20 similar transactions—extremely challenging conditions. As can be seen, ACD-based DBSCAN is not very sensitive to parameter values for most of the workloads. Even when it is (AuctionMark and sysbench_rw; and to a lesser extent SEATS and TPC-C), graceful degradation is observed. Therefore, it is not crucial for a DBA to get the values of Eps and minPts spot on, and any decent values should perform respectably well. For the tricky ‘sysbench_rw’ workload, two ACD configurations perform well.

The average cluster counts in Table 3 should also be compared with ‘DBSeer’ cluster counts in Table 2 (columns 3, 4, and 5) to conclude that ACD-based DBSCAN is considerably less sensitive to parameter values than DBSeer-based DBSCAN is.

Table 3 Sensitivity analysis of ACD with different Eps and minPts values

5.7 Why not use the dot-product-based cosine distance?

Some readers may wonder why the angular cosine distance function is used, and not its well-known cousin: the cosine distance based on dot product. The experiment in this section provides an answer.

The cosine of two nonzero vectors \(\textbf{A}\) and \(\textbf{B}\) can be computed using the dot-product formula [15]:

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{A} \cdot \textbf{B} = \Vert \textbf{A} \Vert \Vert \textbf{B} \Vert \ \cos (\theta ) \end{aligned}$$

The dot-product-based cosine similarity is \(\cos (\theta )\), and the distance is \((1 - \cos (\theta ))\). Therefore, the dot-product-based cosine distance—henceforth DCD—can be calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \textit{DCD}(\textbf{A}, \textbf{B})= & {} 1 - \frac{\textbf{A} \cdot \textbf{B}}{\Vert \textbf{A} \Vert \Vert \textbf{B} \Vert } \nonumber \\= & {} 1 - \left( \frac{\sum _{i=0}^{n-1} \textbf{A}_i \textbf{B}_i}{\sqrt{\sum _{i=0}^{n-1} \textbf{A}_{i}^{2}} \sqrt{\sum _{i=0}^{n-1} \textbf{B}_{i}^{2}}}\right) \end{aligned}$$

Although there are similarities between Eqs. 2 and 1, it is somewhat surprising that unlike the angular cosine distance, DCD is not a metric. In particular, the triangle inequality does not hold for the triplet [1, 0], [0, 1], and [0.7071, 0.7071]:

$$\begin{aligned} \textit{DCD}([1, 0], [0.7071, 0.7071]) + \textit{DCD}([0.7071, 0.7071], [0, 1]) < \textit{DCD}([1, 0], [0, 1]) \end{aligned}$$

In SQL transaction clustering, is it important for a distance function to be a metric? It is, as the experiment in this section demonstrates. When the experiment in Sect. 5.4 is repeated by comparing \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\) and \(\textit{DCD}(0.2, 10)\) distance functions, the data in Table 4 results. To understand \(\textit{DCD}(0.2, 10)\)’s behavior in more detail, two more columns are added that capture the numbers of unclassified transactions after clustering finishes. Once again, because each cell value captures the average of five runs, the numbers of unclassified transactions are not always integral.

Notice that \(\textit{DCD}(0.2, 10)\) is never better than \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\), but is worse for three workloads: AuctionMark, SEATS, and SmallBank. For SEATS, \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\) produces a cluster more than the expected count, whereas \(\textit{DCD}(0.2, 10)\) produces one fewer cluster. We declare \(\textit{DCD}(0.2, 10)\) to be worse because fewer clusters means that two or more of them have been aggregated, and their performances cannot be studied separately, whereas more clusters means that a given transaction type is divided into two or more fine-grained categories.

The last two columns of Table 4 indicate that \(\textit{DCD}\) consistently leaves fewer unclassified transactions. In other words, the problem is not that it cannot classify certain transactions, but that it wrongly classifies them in several cases. SmallBank provides an extreme case: all of the transactions form a single large cluster. (Sect. 6.1 describes the six transaction types in SmallBank.)

Table 4 Angular cosine versus dot-product-based cosine: performance of \(\textit{ACD}(0.2, 10)\) versus \(\textit{DCD}(0.2, 10)\)

In short, metric distance functions should be preferred whenever possible although the problems caused by non-metric distance function may not be apparent for several workloads. Indeed, as noted in Sect. 7.4, researchers have not always been precise or correct in using the distance functions in clustering SQL transactions. Because no previous study has performed a thorough investigation on suitable distance functions for SQL clustering, the relative merits of the various distance functions have not been brought to light—something that the experiments in this research begin to address.Footnote 7

5.8 Extraction of more features

The experiment in Sect. 5.4 suggested that Epinions and YCSB workloads would benefit from two static features (joined versus individual tables and point versus range selects), but for diversity, two dynamic features of transactions are considered: (1) the total number of rows examined by the statements within a transaction; and (2) the average lock time for the statements within a transaction. Accordingly, the feature vector is lengthened by 2. Contrary to expectation, these two dynamic features did not improve clustering performance, and therefore, detailed results are not included. Nevertheless, experimental work advised us to make the following three remarks.

Remark 1

Feature values require normalization. A typical value for average lock time is 0.03 ms; for row count, typical values are 8, 20 and 130. As indicated in Sect. 2.1, existing feature values are small integers, and without normalization, row count dominates other features.

Remark 2

Even after normalization, clustering performance is still slightly worse than the vanilla ACD variation which shows that extracting more features does not necessarily translate to better cluster formations.

Remark 3

When all three combinations of ‘row count’ and ‘average lock time’ are tried as features, no clear winner emerges, indicating that these features should be considered non-primary or non-essential for the 13 workloads.

6 Performance troubleshooting enabled by SQL transaction clustering

The experiments in this section demonstrate how cluster-level performance monitoring simplifies troubleshooting of many real-life problems faced by DBA’s and system administrators. In particular, the experiments help address the following questions, thereby taking some steps in making the database system more intelligent.

  1. 1.

    What can the cluster signatures tell us? (Sect. 6.1.)

  2. 2.

    How do cluster signatures behave under heavy system loads? (Sect. 6.2.)

  3. 3.

    How can we find the performance sweet spot of a DBMS application? (Sect. 6.3.)

  4. 4.

    How can we identify problematic transaction rollbacks? Such rollbacks can negatively impact an application’s performance, and are difficult to troubleshoot using existing techniques. (Sect. 6.4.)

  5. 5.

    How can we identify a performance drift whereby a performance metric departs considerably from its baseline value? (Sect. 6.5.)

  6. 6.

    How can we identify such system-wide performance problems as a failed network card or a failed disk? (Sect. 6.6.)

  7. 7.

    What resource—for example, CPU or memory—is most likely to become a bottleneck in a DBMS application? (Sect. 6.7.)

6.1 Transaction cluster signatures

OLTP-Bench’s SmallBank workload simulates some operations of a bank and is chosen to illustrate the concept of cluster signatures. Intentionally, a relatively unknown workload is chosen—although OLTP-Bench contains the well-known TPC-C benchmark—because a DBA in a cloud environment may not understand a customer application to the same extent that a dedicated DBA in non-cloud environment might. SmallBank contains six transaction types briefly described below.

  1. 1.

    Balance computes the sum of savings and checking balances for a customer, and is the only read-only transaction in SmallBank.

  2. 2.

    DepositChecking increases the checking balance by some amount, and can optionally rollback.

  3. 3.

    TransactSaving makes a deposit or withdrawal on the savings account, and can optionally rollback.

  4. 4.

    Amalgamate moves all of the funds from one customer to another customer’s checking account.

  5. 5.

    WriteCheck represents writing a check against an account. If the account does not have the necessary funds, a penalty of 1 for overdrawing is applied.

  6. 6.

    SendPayment (OLTP-Bench’s addition) sends payment from one checking account to another.

Fig. 4
figure 4

SmallBank’s cluster signatures (10-terminal workload)

The SmallBank cluster signatures with 10-terminal workload at the scale-factor of 1 are shown in Fig. 4. The three sub-plots in Fig. 4 capture the average values of the three transaction-cluster-level metrics: lock time (in ms); number of rows examined; and TPS (transactions/s). Each sub-plot contains six lines—one for each of the transaction clusters identified.Footnote 8 Each plotted point represents many transaction-level values rolled up to a cluster-level value, and conveys summary information from the previous 5 s.

From the SmallBank cluster signatures, a DBA can make several ‘intelligent’ observations.

  • Six clusters mean that there are six types of transactions in SmallBank—as enumerated above.

  • Cluster signatures are discernible, and therefore, transaction-cluster-level data aggregation and analysis seems worthwhile. For the top two sub-plots, the signatures are even non-overlapping. In the third sub-plot, 5 signatures are clustered around 100 TPS, and unsurprisingly, the highest TPS values (cluster 1: 600–700) are for the read-only Balance transaction (and as can be expected, has the second lowest average lock time).

  • Most signatures contain small variations for at least three reasons. First, transactions in a cluster are similar but not identical. Second, transactions execute cooperatively in a multitasking environment, and even two identical transactions do not get the same resources. Third, each data point aggregates 5 s worth of data. Nevertheless, the metrics are stable because the workload and its hosting system are stable. (Some of the future experiments will introduce systematic workload and system variations to recreate some real-life scenarios.)

  • All of the transactions in a given cluster examine the same number of rows—a SmallBank peculiarity.

  • ‘Avg. lock time’ and ‘Avg. rows examined’ graphs are stacked in the same order—understandable because usually, the more rows a transaction examines, the more locking time it needs.

The most expensive transaction type—the one with the lowest TPS value—is Cluster 2, representing the Amalgamate transaction, whose sample exemplar is produced in Listing 2. The ability to look at cluster exemplars can be useful already. For example, the Amalgamate transaction looks suspicious: if funds are moved from one customer’s account to another customer’s account, should not the second customer’s account balance increase, and not decrease (unless, of course, if the bank permits negative balances)?

figure c

Cluster signatures can act as baseline performance profiles, and may allow easy detection of any future deviations (possibly even automatically using automatic anomaly detection [29]). The rest of the experiments in this section will introduce systematic variations to either the workload or the hosting system to observe how signatures change. To save space, some graphs will contain fewer than three metrics, and in those cases, the reader can assume that the omitted metric conveys no additional information, or is unaffected by the variation studied.

6.2 Unchanged cluster counts under heavy system load

The system load has a direct impact on a DBMS application’s performance. Many metrics—for example, average response time and throughput—degrade when the system load increases. Performance troubleshooting becomes more difficult as the system load increases because the various system logs grow at faster rates, and data sizes increase. One of the promises of keeping cluster-level metrics is that the cluster count remains unchanged irrespective of the system load.

When SmallBank runs with 100 simultaneous terminals rather than 10 as in Sect. 6.1, the cluster count remains 6. (The graphs are omitted to save space.) A system under heavy load will run into performance bottlenecks more easily than the same system under light load, and cluster-level data capture does not ‘solve’ that problem. Nevertheless, cluster-level data capture can simplify determination of a performance ‘sweet spot’—a load value below which the system is likely to run smoothly—as the next experiment suggests.

6.3 Performance sweet spot

By using a variation of the experiment demonstrated in Sect. 6.2, the sweet spot of a DBMS system performance can be determined. In particular, by systematically increasing an OLTP application’s load (measured using the number of terminals connected to it), an approximate number can be determined beyond which the performance degradation is no longer graceful because at least some of the cluster-level metrics worsen by large amounts. At that point, throttling mechanisms can kick in to ensure that the load does not increase beyond that sweet spot. The details are omitted for brevity.

6.4 Identification of transaction rollbacks

Transaction rollbacks are normal; some are even expected. For example, SmallBank’s DepositChecking and TransactSaving can occasionally rollback by design (Sect. 6.1). Sometimes, however, rollback frequencies become problematically high, and may require remedial actions. If rollbacks are limited to a transaction type, cluster-level monitoring helps because unexpected additional clusters form: those for the rolled-back ‘incomplete’ transactions.

TPC-C contains five transaction types [30], which the system correctly identifies as five clusters. (The graphs are omitted for brevity.) Transaction rollbacks are demonstrated using the Payment transaction by modifying its code such that after submitting 2 out of its 7 statements, it rolls back with 20% probability—simulating a problematic high-frequency rollback. To make example even more realistic, a second rollback—simulating a normal and rare DBMS occurrence—happens after the sixth statement with 0.1% probability (overall probability \(0.8 \times 0.1 = 0.08\%\)). The problematic rollbacks are numerous, and should form their own cluster, whereas the normal ones should not.

The modified Payment transaction’s logic is illustrated in Listing 3.

figure d
Fig. 5
figure 5

When Payment rolls back with 20% probability, an unexpected sixth cluster (Cluster 1) appears

The modified TPC-C benchmark produces the results shown in Fig. 5 in which six clusters form, rather than the expected five. A sample exemplar from Cluster 1 appears in Listing 4, and reveals the ‘incomplete’ Payment transaction with a telltale rollback issued after two statements.

figure e

Because the ‘incomplete’ Payment transaction contains only two statements, its ‘Avg. Lock Time’ is the least among the six in Fig. 5. The normal (rare) DBMS rollbacks (0.08% probability) do not form a cluster because they do not meet DBSCAN’s density requirement mentioned in Sect. 2.3. High-frequency rollbacks are difficult to identify if cluster-level statistics are not kept. Applications often resubmit transactions in case of rollbacks, and users only notice and wonder about degraded performance. An incident report would cause DBA’s or programmers to dig through voluminous logs to even begin suspecting a culprit.

6.5 Performance drift

Performance drift refers to a situation in which one (or just a few) cluster’s performance drifts from its norm. Many situations can cause performance drifts. Here is a typical one: A DBA might forget to reinstate an index that (s)he deliberately dropped during a bulk load operation. (Dropping and recreating indexes on either side speed up a bulk load operation.)

Fig. 6
figure 6

An index made invisible during [615, 685] causes two transactions to access many more rows

To simulate a performance drift, a secondary index on the (C_W_ID, C_D_ID, C_LAST, C_FIRST) columns of TPC-C’s CUSTOMER table is dropped while workload is running. MySQL can make an index invisible, making that access method unavailable to the query optimizer. During this experiment, the secondary index is made invisible for a portion of the run.

Two out of the five TPC-C transactions use that index as an access method to navigate to other tables: the read-only OrderStatus transaction, and the read-write Payment transaction. When the index is made unavailable, the query optimizer has to use table scans instead of index seeks. As can be seen in Fig. 6, average row counts show dramatic increases (drifts) for clusters 0 (OrderStatus) and 2 (Payment) during the interval [615, 685] during which the index was made invisible. Sure enough, as soon the invisible index is reinstated at the timestamp 685, the optimizer begins using it, and the two ‘rows examined’ values return to their baseline values soon afterward.

When the performance of only one cluster drifts, objects related to only that cluster (e.g., tables, indexes, statistics) are good starting points for debugging. Without cluster-level statistics, such a diagnosis may require considerably more work.

6.6 System-wide performance problem

System-wide performance problems are caused by such things as a failed network card, operating system reboot, failed disk, and runaway process hogging CPU’s. If all of the clusters experience simultaneous degraded performances, a system-wide issue may be the cause. One such situation is created using a CPU-hogging program that spawns as many processes as the number of CPU cores on the computer (8), and then making them run infinite ‘while’ loops—thereby creating a CPU bottleneck.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Average durations increase during [300, 375]

In the resulting graphs shown in Fig. 7, ‘Avg. duration’ replaces ‘Avg. TPS’ as a metric. (The two are inversely related.) CPU saturation happens in the interval [300, 375] during which the average durations of all of the clusters show unmistakable jumps. After about 375, when the offending program is killed, all five average durations return to their baseline values. Interestingly, average lock times are largely unaffected, indicating that for the few transactions that did manage to execute during CPU saturation, lock time did not take a hit. Such observations should provide DBA’s a good starting point to formulate a hypothesis before starting a detailed investigation.

6.7 Bottleneck analysis

Cloud applications run on pre-provisioned VM’s such as KVM [31]. Because application behavior is relatively unknown, a bottleneck may develop—in CPU, memory, disk I/O, network I/O, and so on. Furthermore, bottlenecks may vary by transaction types. Non-cloud DBA’s are used to monitoring such operating system-level performance counters as vmstat, iostat, and netstat in Linux for bottleneck identification, but cluster-level statistics offer a complementary method that can provide additional help.

To study whether a VM has sufficient memory, its memory is reduced on the fly from 16 GB to 3 GB while TPC-C workload runs. Such a drastic change in memory allocation is only for demonstration: typical changes should be much smaller.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Memory reduces from 16 to 3 GB at timestamp 120 onward

In the results captured in Fig. 8, memory reduction happens at timestamp 120 onward. The average TPS values before and after that interval show no discernible changes. There is a noticeable drop at 120 as the operating system seems to adjust to the new memory setting, but soon, normal service resumes. The ‘Avg. lock time’ metric is also mostly unaffected except for one cluster, and therefore, one can conclude that this VM is well-provisioned for memory.

In the next variation, CPU is constrained. Changing CPU count in KVM requires a machine restart, and therefore, an approach similar to the one in Sect. 6.6 is taken, except that 7 out of the 8 cores are kept busy running infinite ‘while’ loops. The results appear in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

CPU saturation during the interval [3960, 4025]

The CPU bottleneck spans the interval [3960, 4025] during which reduced ‘Avg. TPS’ values are visible. Highest ‘Avg. TPS’ values are for clusters 2 and 4 (read-only transactions StockLevel and OrderStatus, respectively). Outside of the CPU bottleneck, those values are somewhat close, but during the bottleneck, OrderStatus transaction’s performance takes a bigger hit (Y-axis is log-scale) suggesting that OrderStatus is much more sensitive to CPU than StockLevel is in this environment. (The observation is consistent across many runs.) If OrderStatus is deemed important (say because customers check statuses of their orders often), it may make sense to over-provision for CPU rather than for memory if a choice is to be made between the two. The ‘what-if’ analysis of the type enabled by transaction clustering is somewhat reminiscent of such analysis provided by DBMS workload tuning tools.

7 Related work

The research reported in this paper proposes a new granularity for studying a DBMS system’s performance: clusters of similar (but not identical) SQL transactions. Accordingly, such topics as clustering methodologies, distance functions, feature vectors, and so on relevant to this work. For ease of exposition, the related work is divided into many subsections.

7.1 Need for identifying SQL transaction clusters on the server side

Identifying transaction clusters from SQL text arriving at a database server is important for two reasons. First, modern applications deployed in cloud environments are often Web applications [3] in which such frameworks as Ruby-on-Rails [32] and Django [33] use object-relational mappings to submit SQL queries, and do not use stored procedures—which would otherwise form good clusters. Second, as noted by Stonebraker et al. [34], because of SQL’s ‘one language fits all’ approach, transaction code may use a mix of stored procedures; prepared statements; and SQL embeddings in such languages as Java, C++, and C#, necessitating identification of transaction clusters from SQL text arriving at a database server.

7.2 SQL query clustering

Clustering itself is a broad and well-studied topic [35]. Of most relevance to this research are the scenarios when SQL queries are classified or clustered, and in those cases two granularities have been considered: individual query level and transaction level. The former has received a lot more attention than the latter. As noted in [20], SQL query similarity has been the basis for such varied applications as data prefetch in OLAP, SQL-autocomplete, view selection optimization in warehouses, workload analysis, database parameter tuning, and so on. Just as an example, query clusters were found to be a good abstraction when tuning database parameter values using feature vectors conceptually similar to the ones in Sect. 2.1, but including normalized estimated operation costs [36]. Before this research, SQL transaction clusters were considered only once in the context of performance and resource modeling of DBMS applications [18]. Extensive clustering experiments using a variety of OLTP workloads have not been performed previously, although some small-scale attempts were made [11, 18].

7.3 SQL query feature extraction

No matter whether SQL queries or transactions are clustered, SQL query features drive cluster formation. SQL query features previously tried include terms in SELECT, JOIN, FROM, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY clauses; table names; column names; normalized estimated execution costs [19, 36], and features have been converted into vectors, graphs, or sets [20, 36]. A variation in [20] suggests SQL query normalization using well-known rewrite rules before feature extraction. The features considered in this paper can be used for distance (and similarity) calculations between two SQL queries although at that granularity, more features should probably be added to vectors. When attempting more features on OLTP workloads, care should be taken to ensure that cluster count stays within reasonable limits because otherwise, benefits of clustering begin to diminish.

7.4 Distance functions

Distance functions and similarity scores play central roles in clustering because inter-object distances are required. Such distance functions as cosine, Jaccard, and Hamming have been tried to cluster SQL queries [19, 20, 37], although only the Euclidean has been tried at the transaction level before [17]. In [37], cosine distance is used to find similarity between a SQL query and its context. The definition does not use angular cosine distance though, and the dot-product-based definition is not a metric as noted in Sect. 2.2. In [19], cosine distance is used to compute distance between two SQL queries, but the authors did not indicate which flavor of it was used. One takeaway from this paper on that topic is that such normalized distance functions as ACD outperform such unnormalized distance functions as Euclidean for SQL transaction clustering.

7.5 Feature extraction methodologies

Before this research, feature extraction has mined SQL text from DBMS logs [19, 20], or MaxScale proxy server [18]. As mentioned in Sect. 1, mining SQL logs is inexact and error-prone because of the language’s complexity. (Commercial DBMS engines have not provided API access to their parsers.)

For the past 15 years at least, modern DBMS systems have been exposing dynamic data from running servers as sets of relations on which SQL queries can be posed [21,22,23,24]. This approach has proven to be practical for three reasons. First, data of various granularity can be cheaply maintained in server data structures because no transaction semantics need to be enforced. Second, a row-set needs to be materialized from such data structures only on demand when a query arrives. Third, SQL queries on such row-sets enable powerful information extraction. This research has demonstrated that in future, intelligent database systems can provide clustering and classification functionalities using the same or similar data sets.

8 Conclusions and future work

DBMS administration work is getting increasingly complex because of the workload diversity, and DBA’s having to monitor multiple applications in cloud environments. This research lends a helping hand by adding some intelligence to complicated software systems. In particular, by clustering the transactions, a ‘birds-eye’ view of the system is provided that makes performance troubleshooting for such scenarios as unexpected transaction rollbacks, performance drifts, bottleneck identifications, and so on. Others have started to investigate how machine learning can help query optimization [13], and this research is complementary to that thread of work.

Previous research had suggested a possibility that DBSCAN might be a suitable algorithm for SQL transaction clustering, but no substantial evidence for its suitability was gathered. This research demonstrates that angular cosine distance-based DBSCAN is suitable for the clustering task, and is an improvement over the Euclidean-based DBSCAN with either SEKX [26] or DBSeer [17] heuristics: better clusters form, and DBSCAN parameter tuning is simplified. As an added benefit, ACD-based DBSCAN is not very sensitive to the DBSCAN’s parameter values, and therefore, any reasonable values for Eps and minPts will likely form acceptable transaction clusters. Another finding demonstrates that angular cosine distance function finds better clusters than the well-known dot-product-based cosines.

Future work may investigate the following features for transaction clustering: column names to possibly identify index issues; predicate types (point queries vs. range queries) and counts; access paths used; isolation level; number of sorts; join tables; and so on. The server-side framework suggested in this paper allows storage of feature values in table-, statement-, or transaction-level relations as appropriate. Usefulness of cluster-level signatures as established in Sect. 6.1 suggests that some cluster-level signatures—for example lock times and row counts—can also be kept at statement-level. Doing that will enable troubleshooting to drill-down from a transaction to the statements within. Multiple cluster-level signatures may help because an application may have distinct ‘peak’ and ‘off-peak’ behaviors.

Future work can investigate whether ACD is suitable with such clustering algorithms as BIRCH [38], k-means [39] and SOTA [40].

Last, but not least, server-side feature extraction can be attempted in other modern database systems using minor extensions to preexisting scaffoldings, and then transaction-cluster-level data monitoring can be provided out-of-the-box. A possibility also exists to perform clustering on the server side based on regularly and randomly collected transaction samples. The advantage of client-side data processing as advocated in this paper, of course, is that no clustering overhead is put on the DBMS server, but a major redesign on the DBMS server may make server-side clustering possible in future.