1 Introduction

Many very large and complex open sources or software application projects have been proposed [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], but no software is completely safe from defects, also known as “bugs” [5]. In general, the software testing process locates bugs or defects in a program. However, it is impossible to locate all the bugs in a piece of software. End users can be employed as testers to locate and identify bugs in software. Information relating to software problems reported by software testers and end users is termed as a “bug report”. Bug reports contain key information for maintaining and enhancing software efficiency and quality. Thus, it is not wondering if numerous software projects utilizing bug reports as guideline for the maintenance task. Consequently, utilizing bug reports may have helped to reduce maintenance cost. It is well-known that this cost is the highest in software development life cycle [2].

Bug tracking systems (BTS) have been developed as a bug tracking tool that is used for gathering a large number of bug reports, comments, and additional requirements from more users [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Now, many BTSs like Bugzilla, Mantis, Redmine, FogBugz, Airbrake, Backlog, Trac, YouTrack, or Jira are widely used [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. When a new bug report is sent to the bug report repository via the BTS, software experts that are called “bug triager” analyze, classify, and prioritize the report before assigning suitable developers to fix a bug mentioned in the report [2, 3, 5, 7, 8]. Unfortunately, these tasks are time-consuming when manually working [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. This leads the concept to handle this problem with automatic analysis way. As a result, many studies related to bug reports have been proposed. These studies can be classified into three main areas: bug report optimization, bug report triage, and bug fixing [6]. Bug report optimization concentrates to enhance the quality of the report, filtering irrelevant reports, and reduce incorrect information. Bug report triage aims to reduce duplicate bug report, prioritize bug reports, and assign suitable software developer for fixing bugs. At last, bug fixing is related to debug and recover links between the bug reports and corresponding changes.

One of the most common issues addressed by bug report studies is to first identify and then filter non-bug reports from the bug report repository. Bug triggers waste time by having to filter out unrelated reports and identify actual bug reports, and this escalates costs as extra maintenance time and effort in triaging and fixing bugs [10, 12,13,14]. Therefore, this issue has been seriously studied. Also, it is a challenge for this study.

To tackle this problem, this study aims to propose a method of automatically identifying non-bug reports in the bug report repository using classification techniques, where the main mechanism of this classification is one-class support vector machines (OC-SVM). The OC-SVM is applied with several term weighting schemes.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is the literature review, while Sect. 3 describes the datasets used in this study and Sect. 4 presents research methodology. The experimental results are given in Sect. 5. Finally, a conclusion is in Sect. 6.

2 Literature review

Bug reports describe problems, especially in open-source software. Herzig et al. [12] suggested that an issue can be classified as a ‘bug’ or a ‘defect’ if it requires corrective code maintenance. However, some bug reports that are classified as non-bug often mention for perfective and adaptive maintenance, commentating, complaining, refactoring, discussions, and so on. Therefore, quality of bug reports is necessary because the development team used this information from bug reports to find and track the issues in a particular software. Simply speaking, information in ‘actual’ bug reports can determine the software maintenance efficiency and software fixing time reduction. Previous studies reported that researchers spent 90 days manually classifying more than 7,000 bug reports as a time-consuming task [10,11,12]. After manual classification, 39% of the bug reports initially marked as ‘defective’ never had a bug [12]. This issue was termed as a “misclassification” between bug and non-bug reports [10, 12, 13]. Consequently, many bug report studies have proposed the adoption of automated analysis methods.

The first study of automated bug analysis was conducted by Antoniol et al. [10]. They applied machine learning algorithms namely Decision Trees (DT), Logistic Regression (LR), and Naïve Bayes (NB) to develop text classifiers that automatically distinguished bug and non-bug reports. Their results indicated that the accuracy of classifying bug reports from three open sources (i.e. Mozilla, Eclipse, and JBoss) was between 0.77 and 0.82.

In 2013, Herzig et al. [12] manually analyzed more than 7000 bug reports downloaded from Bugzilla and Jira. They found that one-third of the bug reports that were analyzed as actual-bug reports were non-bugs. As a result, they generated a standard dataset, called Herzig’s dataset that has subsequently been used in many studies [12,13,14,15,16].

Pingclasai et al. [13] proposed a method based on topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to find the most efficient models using three open sources as HttpClient, Jackrabbit, and Lucene containing 745, 2402 and 2443 bug reports, respectively (derived from Herzig’s analysis). This study compared three classification algorithms as DT, LR, and NB. Furthermore, Pingclasai et al. also compared the classifying performance between a topic-based model and a word-based model. Results gave F1 scores between 0.65 and 0.82, with NB classifiers determined as the highest performance model.

Limsetho et al. [14] proposed a method to automatically cluster bug reports, and label these clusters based on their textual information without the need for training data. Two unsupervised learning algorithms namely Expectation Maximization (EM) and X-Means were applied. Similar bug reports were grouped and automatically given labels with meaningful and representative names. This study used three bug report datasets namely Lucene, Jackrabbit, and HTTPClient from [12]. Experimental results showed that this framework achieved performance comparable to supervised learning algorithms (i.e. J48 and LR). Limsetho et al. concluded that their framework was suitable for use as an automated categorization system that could be applied without prior knowledge.

In 2017, Terdchanakul et al. [15] proposed a solution for the bug report misclassification problem. They used N-gram IDF as an extension of IDF to manage terms or phrases of different lengths that were used as features of the documents using the data set from [12] and applied LR and Random Forest (RF) algorithms to model the classification. The experiment compared the use of N-gram IDF to topic-based models. Their proposed method returned F1 scores between 0.79 and 0.81, with 10-fold cross validation in LR and RF techniques, respectively. Furthermore, Qin and Sun [16] studied the same problem. They proposed a bug classification method based on a typical recurrent neural network (RNN). They performed the existing topic-based method and N-gram IDF-based method on four datasets, including Herzig’s data set [12]. Results showed F1 score at 0.746 and superior to N-gram values. They suggested that their research might assist developers and researchers to classify bug reports and help to identify misclassified bug reports.

Fig. 1
figure 1

An example of bug report

3 Datasets

This study used two datasets. The first was a standard dataset, called the Herzig’s dataset [12]. We utilized the “bug summary” to analyze and classify bug reports into actual-bug and non-bug classes because this part contained less noise [2, 17, 18]. Therefore, many studies related to bug reports consider only the summary part. Here, this work also uses the summary part. An example of bug reports is presented as Fig. 1.

The other dataset was downloaded from Bugzilla (https://www.bugzilla.mozilla.org/). Bug reports relating to Mozilla Firefox were downloaded on November 1, 2019. This dataset consisted of 10,000 bug reports. Then, 5000 bug reports labeled with “verified” and “closed” were selected because they were already confirmed by a software development team as actual-bug reports, while the other 5000 bug reports were labeled with “invalid” status. Finally, this dataset can be summarized and shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary of the datasets

4 The methodology

The proposed research methodology consists of three main processing steps. They are bug report pre-processing, bug report representation and term weighting and non-bug report identifier modeling. Each step is presented in more detail as follows.

4.1 Bug report pre-processing

First, the training set separates text into words using word delimiters (e.g. white space), and then the stop-words are removed. In this study, the bug report features (or words) used are a combination of unigram and CamelCase. In [10, 19,20,21], they demonstrated that the use of unigram and CamelCase return satisfactory results in the study of bug reports. This is because unigram words can generally be found in any bug report, while the CamelCase words indicate the specificity of the software. Using CamelCase, this is to expand keywords and helps to increase the search efficiency [22].

Later, the process of stop-word removal takes place. After removing the stop-words, punctuation is removed, and some word forms are changed into proper ones as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Examples of word normalization

It is noted that bug report featured are also selected by using information gain (IG) with threshold as 0.2. Simply speaking, if a term weight score is less than 0.2, that term should be ignored. After ranking the IG scores, the keywords in the top 20, 50, 100, and 150 are selected as the bug report features.

4.2 Bug report representation and term weighting

After pre-processing, the bug reports are expressed as a vector representation, called a bag-of-words (BoW). A BoW is used to describe the occurrence of words within a textual document. After transforming the text into a BoW, the next process is to calculate various measures to characterize the text, called term weighting. Here, five term weighting methods are compared to obtain the most suitable.

These term weighting schemes are tf (term frequency), tf-idf (term frequency-inverse document frequency), tf-igm (term frequency-inverse gravity moment), tf-icf (term-frequency inverse class frequency) and modified tf-icf.

4.2.1 Term-frequency (tf)

tf shows how frequently a term-word occurs in a bug report. In general, it is often useful to skew normalization using a logarithmic scale. The formula for tf is represented as:

$$\begin{aligned} tf = log(1+f_{t,d}) \end{aligned}$$

The tf weighting scheme is often used in the context of bug reports because it has been mentioned that it returns satisfactory analysis results [10].

4.2.2 Term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf)

tf-idf consists of local weigh (tf) and global weight (idf) [23]. The formula of tf-idf is represented as:

$$tf{\text{-}}idf = log(1+f_{t,d})\times log\big (1+\frac{N}{df_t}\big )$$

where N is the whole number of bug reports appearing in the dataset and \(df_t\) is the number of bug reports containing term t.

4.2.3 Term frequency- inverse gravity moment (tf-igm)

The third term weighting scheme is tf-igm introduced by Chen et al. [24] as a supervised term weighting scheme. It modifies and improves tf-idf. The tf-igm can calculate the distinguishing class of a term precisely. Its formula is:

$$\begin{aligned} tf{\text{-}}igm_{t,d} = f_{t,d} \times (1+\lambda \times igm(t_k)) \end{aligned}$$

where \(t_{t,d}\) is the frequency of term t occurring in document d, and \(\lambda\) (Lambda) is defined as an adjustable coefficient factor used to achieve relative balance between \(t_{t,d}\) and igm factors in the weight of term t. The default value of \(\lambda\) is 7.0 but it can be set as a value between 5.0 and 9.0 [24]. For igm factor is used to calculate the inter-class distribution concentration of a term. The igm formula is:

$$\begin{aligned} igm(t_k)=\frac{f_{k1}}{\sum ^m_{r=1}f_{kr}\times r} \end{aligned}$$

where \(f_{k1}\) represents the frequency of term \(t_k\) in the class in which it occurs most often, while \(f_{k,r}\) \((r = 1, 2,...,m)\) are the frequencies of \(t_k\) that occur in different classes in descending order, with r defined as the rank. Simply speaking, the frequency \(f_{kr}\) refers to the class-specific document frequency (df). It is the number of documents in the r-th class that contain the term \(t_k\) and it is denoted as \(df_{k,r}\).

4.2.4 Term frequency- inverse class frequency (tf-icf)

tf-icf is a modification of tf-idf proposed by Lertnattee and Leuviphan [25]. They replaced the idf factor by icf, where icf might represent importance of information among classes. The tf-icf can be formulated as:

$$\begin{aligned} tf{- }icf = f_{t,d} \times log_2 \bigg ( \frac{|C|}{cf_t} \bigg ) \end{aligned}$$

where tf is the frequency of term t found in a document d, while |C| is the whole number of classes and \(cf_t\) is the number of classes that include the term t.

4.2.5 Modified tf-icf

A term may occur in many classes, but the importance of that term may be different in each class. Therefore, it was modified here, where the modified tf-icf is able to measure the class distinguishing power of a term. The formula is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} \text{ modified } tf\text{-icf } = f_{t,d} \times log_2 \bigg ( \frac{|N_c|}{df_{t,c}} \bigg ) \end{aligned}$$

where \(N_c\) is the whole number of bug reports in class c, and \(df_{t,c}\) is the number of bug reports in class c containing the term t. This may help to measure the importance of each word in the distinguishing class.

4.3 Non-bug report identifiers modeling

To model a non-bug report identifier, we applied the support vector machines (SVM) family. This is because SVM works relatively well and uses memory efficiently. This algorithm maximizes the margin of the decision boundary using quadratic optimization techniques to find the optimal hyperplane. This algorithm is more effective in high-dimensional feature spaces [26]. However, The SVM algorithm is not suitable for large datasets and does not work well if the dataset has excessive noise. SVM algorithm was chosen because its limitations are relevant to the characteristics of our datasets used in this study. These bug report datasets are quite small, and each bug report contains less text because only the ‘summary part’ of the bug report was used. Although this part contains less text, it has been confirmed by many previous studies that it may contain less noise [2, 17, 18]. Therefore, we expected the SVM family to work well in this study.

4.3.1 Traditional binary-class SVM

The fundamental of SVM is to create a function that takes the value +1 in a “relevant” region capturing most of the data points (called support vectors) that are closer to the hyperplane, and -1 elsewhere [26]. Learning can be regarded as finding the maximum margin separating the hyperplane between two classes of points. Suppose that a pair (wb) defines a hyperplane which has the following formula [26].

$$\begin{aligned} f(x) = wx + b \end{aligned}$$

Then, a normalization is chosen such that \(w > x^+ + b = +1\) and \(w > x^- + b = -1\) for the positive and negative support vectors, respectively. The margin can be given by:

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{w}{\Vert w\Vert }(x^+ - x^-) = \frac{w^T(x^+ - x^-)}{\Vert w\Vert } = \frac{2}{\Vert w\Vert } \end{aligned}$$

Learning the SVM can be defined as a following optimization:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathop {\mathrm {max}}\limits _w \frac{2}{\Vert w\Vert } \end{aligned}$$

Subject to:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} w^Tx_i+b \ge +1 \text{ if } y_i=+1 \text{ for } i=1,2,...,N \\ w^Tx_i+b \le +1 \text{ if } y_i=-1 \text{ for } i=1,2,...,N \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

Many datasets cannot be separated linearly. Hence, there is no way to satisfy all the constraints in Eq. 10. Therefore, slack variables \((\xi _i)\) are introduced to loosen some constraints in such datasets and still construct useful classifiers. In general, these variables are used for the optimization problem in two ways. First, they help to handle the degree to which the constraint on the i-th datapoint can be violated. Second, by adding the slack variable to the energy function, it aims to simultaneously minimize the use of the slack variables. The mathematical optimization problem formula can be modified as:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathop {\mathrm {min}}\limits _{w,b,\xi _{i:N}} \sum _i \xi _i + \lambda \frac{1}{2}\Vert w\Vert ^2 \end{aligned}$$

such that, for all i,

$$\begin{aligned} y_i(w^T\phi (x_i)+b) \ge 1 - \xi _i \text{ and } \xi _i \ge 0 \end{aligned}$$

The slack variables are denoted as \(\xi\), with \(\xi _i > 1\) for misclassified points and \(0 < \xi _i \le 1\) for points close to the decision boundary, which is a margin violation.

In addition, the Lagrangian (L) is also used for transforming the SVM problem in a manner that is conducive to powerful generalization. In this case, it assumes that the dataset is linearly separable, and so the slack variables are dropped. The Langrangian enables us to re-express the constrained optimization problem (shown as Eq. 10) as an unconstrained problem. Finally, when the Lagrangian is introduced, the SVM objective function shown as Eq. 10 with Lagrange multipliers \(\alpha _i > 0\), then becomes:

$$\begin{aligned} L(w,b,\alpha _{i:N})=\frac{1}{2}\Vert w\Vert ^2 - \sum _i\alpha _i(y_i(w^T\phi (x_i)+b)-1) \end{aligned}$$

Consider Eq. 13. The minus sign is used for the second term because this must be minimized with respect to the first term but maximize with respect to the second. Using these constraints on the solution, w becomes:

$$\begin{aligned} w = \sum _i \alpha _i y_i \phi (x_i), \text{ where } \sum _i y_i \alpha _i = 0 \end{aligned}$$

Afterwards, we can replace w (shown as Eq. 14) in Eq. 13. Then, the next constraint, called dual Lagrangian, is applied. The following modified formula is shown as Eq. 15.

$$\begin{aligned} L(\alpha _{i:N}) = \sum \alpha _i - \frac{1}{2}\sum _i\sum _j \alpha _i\alpha _jy_iy_jk(x_i,x_j) \end{aligned}$$

where \(k(x_i,x_j)\) is a kernel function that is used to perform non-linear mapping of feature space in which the training set will be classified. Selection of a suitable kernel function is very important for SVM classification performance. Therefore, different SVM algorithms may require diverse types of kernel functions (Figs. 2, 3, 4).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overview of traditional binary-class SVM

However, the number of examples in each class can be different. Some classes can be sampled very sparsely or even be totally absent. A different number of examples in each class makes it very difficult to use the existing samples to create a model of binary classes prediction. Consequently, one-class SVM (OC-SVM) algorithms were proposed. A classifier model based on OC-SVM is trained on data that has only one class, called the target class, while the other class that may be very sparsely sampled or even entirely absent is called the outlier class. The characteristic of OC-SVM can be useful for anomaly detection since the insufficiency of training examples may characterize these anomalies.

Two well-known OC-SVM algorithms are Schölkopf methodology [27] and support vector data description (SVDD) [28]. The Schölkopf methodology separates all the data points from the origin (in feature space) and maximizes the distance from the origin to the hyperplane, while SVDD assumes a spherical boundary in feature space around the data and reduce the effect of incorporating outliers in the solution by minimizing the volume of the hypersphere.

4.3.2 Schölkopf methodology

The Schölkopf methodology is used to adapt the original SVM to a one-class classification problem [27]. Essentially, after transforming the feature using a kernel, the origin is treated as the only member of the second class. Then, data of the one class are separated from the origin using “relaxation parameters”.

Let \(x_1,x_2,,x_l\) be bug reports used as a training set belonging to one class X, where X is a compact subset of \(\mathfrak {R}^N, \text{ while } \phi : \textit{X} \rightarrow \textit{H}\) is a kernel map used to transform the training set to another space. Then, the following quadratic programming problem is solved to separate the data set from the origin.

$$\begin{aligned} \text{ min }\frac{1}{2}\Vert w\Vert ^2+\frac{1}{vl}\sum ^l_{i=1}\xi _i-\rho \end{aligned}$$

Subject to:

$$\begin{aligned} \small (w\times \phi (x_i))\ge \rho -\xi _i, \text{ where } i=1,2,...N \text{ and } \xi _i \ge 0 \end{aligned}$$

When w and \(\rho\) are used to solve this problem, the decision function will be positive for most examples of \(x_i\) found in the training set of bug reports.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Overview of Schölkopf methodology

4.3.3 Support vector data description (SVDD)

SVDD relies on the identification of the smallest hypersphere consisting of all data points, with r and c denoted as radius and center, respectively [28]. Mathematically, the problem can be expressed by following constrained optimization form.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathop {\mathrm {min}}\limits _{r,c} r^2 \end{aligned}$$

Subject to:

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert \phi (x_i)-c\Vert ^2 \le r^2 + \xi _i, \text{ for } \text{ all } i=1,2,...,l \end{aligned}$$

Consider above formulation. It is highly restrictive and sensitive to the presence of outliers. Therefore, a flexible formulation that allows for the presence of outliers is formulated as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathop {\mathrm {min}}\limits _{r,c}r^2+\frac{1}{vl}\sum ^l_{i=1}\xi _i \end{aligned}$$

Subject to:

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert \phi (x_i)-c\Vert ^2 \le r^2 + \xi _i, \text{ for } \text{ all } i=1,2,...,l \end{aligned}$$

Later, by using the optimality conditions of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT), this can be defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} c=\sum ^l_{i=1}\alpha _i\phi (x_i) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\alpha _i\) is the solution to the following optimization problem:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathop {\mathrm {max}}\limits _\alpha \sum ^l_{i=1}\alpha _ik(x_i,x_j)-\sum ^l_{i,j}\alpha _i\alpha _jk(x_i,x_j) \end{aligned}$$

Subject to:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum ^l_{i=1}\alpha _i=1 \text{ and } 0 \le \alpha _i \le \frac{1}{vl} \text{ for } \text{ all } i=1,2,...,l \end{aligned}$$

Then, the kernel function provides additional flexibility to the OC-SVM algorithm. Then, this work applies.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Overview of SVDD

This work applies the linear kernel function, where it works well with linearly separable data and most of the text classification problems are linearly separable. This kernel function is faster. In addition, it may be good when there is a lot of features. Definitely, text may have a lot of features.

5 Results and discussion

5.1 The experimental results

This study conducts experiments using two datasets as Herzig’s dataset and a real-world dataset relating to Firefox. Experimental results are presented as recall (R) [29], precision (P) [29], and F1 [29] values over different datasets with methods based on the SVM algorithm in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3 presents experimental results using Herzig’s dataset. We applied a feature selection algorithm (i.e. information gain) to select subsets of the features (words) with numbers of 25, 50, 75 and 100. Finally, we trained the classification models as non-bug report identifiers with the SVM family (i.e. binary-class SVM, Schölkopf methodology, and SVDD) before evaluating the performance of each model. Table 3 shows performance comparisons among the non-bug report identifiers. The performance of non-bug report identifiers with tf-igm and modified tf-icf weighting schemes for both Schölkopf methodology and SVDD methods slightly outperformed when compared to others, while when using 100 features, the performance of all non-bug report identifiers reduced, and using 75 features gave better results than using 25, 50, and 100 features.

Table 3 Experimental results using Herzig’s dataset
Table 4 Experimental results using Firefox dataset
Table 5 Comparison of the best-proposed model against two baselines

In Table 3, using 75 features for non-bug report identifier modeling based on binary-class SVM improved average scores of F1 compared to 25, 50, and 100 features by 5.29%, while using 75 features for non-bug report identifier modeling based on Schölkopf methodology improved average scores of F1 compared to 25, 50, and 100 features by 4.82%. Finally, using 75 features for non-bug report identifier modeling based on SVDD improved average scores of F1 compared to 25, 50, and 100 features by 4.71%. Thus, using 75 features may be suitable for in this study when working on the Herzig’s dataset.

Consider Table 4. The numbers of features used are 75, 150, and 225, with results similar to those in Table 3. Non-bug report identifiers performance performed with tf-igm and modified tf-icf weighting schemes for both Schölkopf methodology and SVDD yielded higher values when comparing to the others, while using 150 features gave better results than using 75 and 225 features.

In Table 4, using 150 features for non-bug report identifier modeling based on binary-class SVM, improved average scores of F1 compared to 75 and 225 features by 4.25%, while using 75 features for non-bug report identifier modeling based on Schölkopf methodology improved average scores of F1 compared to 75 and 225 features by 3.05%. Finally, using 75 features for non-bug report identifier modeling based on SVDD improved average scores of F1 compared to 75 and 225 features by 4.61%. Thus, using 150 features may be suitable for this study when working on the Firefox dataset.

Results in Tables 3 and 4 show that the first experiments returned the best results using 75 features (Table 3), while the second experiments return the best results using 150 features (Table  4). This occurred because IG was applied to select the most suitable features. Using this technique helps to select a subset of the most relevant features for the bug report dataset. Consequently, fewer features allow machine learning algorithms such as SVM to run more efficiently and more effectively because this algorithm is sensitive to irrelevant input features, resulting in reduced predictive performance.

5.2 Comparison of the best proposed model against two baselines

We compared the best models of non-bug report identifiers based on the proposed method against two baselines proposed by Pingclasai et al. [13] and Terdchanakul et al. [15]. Then, we compared all methods under the same environmental setting. The experimental results are shown in Table 5.

When using Herzig’s dataset, our non-bug report identifier was better than the results from the method proposed by [13] but gave the slightly lower results than the results from the method proposed by [15]. However, surprisingly, when experimenting with a bug report dataset related to Mozilla Firefox, as a real-world dataset, our model based on the proposed method returned better results than the baseline methods with improved scores of F1 at 9.09% for [13] and 6.33% for [15].

5.3 Discussion

Consider the results shown in Tables 3 and 4. All results were satisfactory, although different methods were used. Three main points are discussed as follows.

First, using CamelCase together with unigram should improve the search and may help to increase the scores of recall, precision and F1 because CamelCase words indicate the specificity of the software. Using CamelCase along with unigram keywords may help to increase search efficiency [22]. However, some bug reports contain slang as a version of the language that depicts informal conversation or text that has a different meaning. These words can cause problems during the execution of pre-processing steps and affect the accuracy and efficiency of the text analysis domain. It would be better if these words are converted to formal language in the pre-processing stage before the subsequent processing steps. This point may require consideration in future studies.

Second, when considering term-word weighting schemes, tf and tf-idf returned satisfactory results but these were lower when compared with tf-igm, original tf-icf, and modified tf-icf. This occurred because the rareness of a term is not considered for tf, and rare words may not show as important in a specific class for tf-idf. As a result, these rare words may sometimes be overlooked during training and predicting bug reports. By contrast, tf-igm and modified tf-icf returned the most satisfactory results because these schemes measure the class distinguishing power of a term by combining term frequency with igm and icf measures, respectively. These schemes may be able to indicate differences of word scores for words in disparate classes. Therefore, tf-igm and modified tf-icf may return better results than tf and tf-idf. Similarly, tf-icf improves the efficiency of tf-idf by not overlooking rare words in each class because the original tf-icf represents the level of those words, although rare words occur in a few documents. As a result, the results of tf-icf are better than tf and tf-idf.

Third, this study applied the SVM family i.e. binary-class SVM, Schölkopf methodology and SVDD as the main mechanisms for modeling non-bug report identifiers. Results in Tables 3, 4 and 5 show that non-bug report identifiers based on these algorithms are acceptable compared to [13, 15]. However, results of binary-class SVM were lower than Schölkopf methodology and SVDD because of a class imbalance. Although the same number of documents was used in each class, the number of features in each class may not be the same, and this may reduce classification performance.

In addition, when considering the results shown in Table 5, our proposed model returned the slightly better results than the baseline methods if looking at the overall picture. The reasons for this performance are described above.

6 Conclusions

Bug reports offer important information for improving software quality. To facilitate the collection of large bug reports from more users, many bug tracking systems (BTS) have been proposed and developed. These systems allow users around the world to report, describe, track, classify and comment on their bug reports. Unfortunately, non-bug reports can also be submitted. Therefore, a process of filtering non-bug reports is required. In general, this task is performed manually by bug triagers who are software development experts. However, this process is time-consuming and errors in bug report analysis often occur. Thus, the challenge here was to present a method of automatically filtering non-bug reports from the BTS. The outcomes are summarized as follows. Firstly, unigram and CamelCase may be suitable for bug report studies. Unigram words are easy to generate and can be found in any bug report, while CamelCase words indicate the specificity of the software. Secondly, the tf-igm and tf-icf family are supervised weighting schemes that give better results than tf and tf-idf because they indicate different scores for words in different classes. Simply speaking, they can measure the class distinguishing power of a term and this helps to increase the classification performance. Finally, the SVM family works well for this problem. OC-SVM algorithms may be better than binary-class SVM that often face a problem of class imbalance that reduces classification performance. Our results proved acceptable compared with well-known base-line studies. The performance of non-bug report identifiers with tf-igm and modified tf-icf weighting schemes for both Schölkopf methodology and SVDD methods yielded the best values compared to other methods.

Furthermore, we also selected the best models of non-bug report identifiers based on the proposed method and used these models to compare with the two baselines proposed by Pingclasai et al. [13] and Terdchanakul et al. [15].

Results show that our method improved F1 scores over the baseline by 9.09% for [13] and 6.33% for [15] when experimenting on the open-source bug report dataset related to Mozilla Firefox. However, when using Herzig’s dataset, our model performed better than the method proposed by [13] but gave slightly lower results than achieved by [15]. When looking at the overall picture, our proposed model returned slightly better results than the baseline methods for the reasons mentioned earlier. Findings demonstrate that our proposed method may improve the chances of obtaining better performance for non-bug report identification. Therefore, our proposed method is a good option for non-bug report identification.

However, no method can work well with every dataset; therefore, and we cannot guarantee that our proposed method will work well for other datasets.