1 Introduction

Throughout this paper all rings will be associative with identity and modules will be unital modules. For an R-module M we write MR (RM) to indicate that M is a right (left) R-module. By J(M), E(M), Z(M) we denote the Jacobson radical, the injective hull and the singular submodule of M, respectively. We denote the set of primitive idempotents of R by Pi(R). A ring R is said to have enough idempotents if the identity element of R can be written as the sum of a finite number of orthogonal primitive idempotens of R.

Let R be a ring and M a right R-module. NM will mean N is a submodule of M. A submodule N of M is called small in M, denoted by NsmM, whenever for every submodule L of M, N + L = M implies L = M. A non-zero submodule N of M is said to be an essential submodule of M, denoted by NeM, if for every 0≠LM, NL≠ 0. A non-zero module M is called uniform if NeM for every non-zero submodule N of M.

A module M is said to be small if M is small in its injective hull. A (right) R-module M is called non-small if M is not a small submodule in its injective hull, which is equivalent to the fact that M is not a small submodule in any extension module of M (see [11, Proposition 1.1]). Dually, M is called a non-cosmall module, following [19], if M is a homomorphic image of a projective module P whose kernel is not essential in P, which is equivalent to the fact that if M is a homomorphic image of a module N, then the kernel is always not essential in N (see [11, Proposition 3.1]).

A module M is called an extending module (CS module) if every submodule of M is essential in a direct summand of M. A ring R is called right CS if RR is an extending module. A module M is said to be a local module if M has a unique maximal submodule.

A ring R is called right QF-3 if RR has a direct summand eR (e is an idempotent of R) which is a faithful injective right ideal, and it is called right QF-3+ if E(RR) is projective. A ring R is called right QF-2 if it is a direct sum of right uniform ideals (as right R-modules). R is called right (left) nonsingular if the right (left) singular ideal of R is zero.

M is called uniserial if the set of submodules of M is linearly ordered and M is called serial if it is a direct sum of uniserial modules. A ring R is a right (left) serial ring if RR (RR) is a serial module, and R is called a serial ring if R are both right and left serial. A two-sided artinian serial ring is also called a Nakayama ring.

A submodule N of a module M is called a waist in M if either NX or XN is satisfied for any submodule X of M.

Definition 1

A module M is called z-serial if M satisfies three following conditions:

  1. (1)

    M is uniform,

  2. (2)

    Z(M) is a waist in M,

  3. (3)

    M/Z(M) is uniserial.

The following series of results from various sources is presented here in order to make it easier to refer to them later in the paper.

Lemma 1

([7, Lemma 7.1]) Every direct summand of an extending module is an extending module.

Lemma 2

([9, 18.23]) Every local right (left) R-module over semiperfect ring R is isomorphic to a homomorphic image of eR (Re) for some e ∈Pi(R). If R is right (left) QF-2 then every local right (left) R-module is either projective or singular.

In [11] Harara has studied the following conditions:


Every non-small right R-module contains a non-zero injective submodule.

\((*)^{*}_{r}\) :

Every non-cosmall right R-module contains a non-zero projective direct summand.

He also gave a characterization of semiperfect rings with \((*)^{*}_{r}\) as follows:

Theorem 1

([11, Theorem 3.6]) Let R be semiperfect. Then \((*)^{*}_{r}\) holds if and only if there exists a set of primitive idempotents {ei} and of integers {ni} such that:

  1. (1)

    eiR is injective,

  2. (2)

    \(e_{i}J^{t_{i}}\) is projective for tini and \(e_{i}J^{n_{i}+1}\) is singular, and

  3. (3)

    Every indecomposable projective module is isomorphic to some \(e_{i}J^{t_{i}}\).

In this case, every submodule eiB in eiR either is contained in \(e_{i}J^{n_{i}+1}\) or equal to some \(e_{i}J^{t_{i}}\), tini + 1, where J = J(R).

The following classes of rings have been defined by Oshiro [16]: A ring R is called a right Harada ring if it is right artinian and satisfies the condition (∗)r. Dually, a ring R is called a right co-Harada ring if it satisfies the condition \((*)^{*}_{r}\) and the ACC on right annihilators.

Huynh in [13] studied right co-Harada rings under the name right Σ-CS rings. Many results on onesided Harada (or co-Harada) rings are given in [1, 10] and [16].

In 1993, Vanaja ([21]) has generalized \((*)^{*}_{r}\) by considering the following condition

\((*)^{*}_{1,r}\) :

Every finitely generated non-cosmall right R-module contains a non-zero projective direct summand.

It is known ([21, Theorem 1.10]) that the following are equivalent for a semiperfect ring R: (1) R satisfies \((*)^{*}_{1,r}\); (2) \(R_{R}^{(n)}\) is an extending module; and (3) Direct sum of any two indecomposable projective right R-modules is extending.

Lemma 3

([9, Theorem 20.15]) Every indecomposable injective and projective right R-module M is isomorphic to a summand of R, that is, there exists an idempotent eR such that MeR.

Lemma 4

([11, 19]) The following statements holds for non-cosmall modules:

  1. (1)

    An R-module M is non-cosmall if and only if MZ(M);

  2. (2)

    If an R-module M contains a non-zero projective submodule, then it is non-cosmall.

From the definition of non-cosmall modules and Lemma 3 we have

Lemma 5

The following statements are equivalent for a ring R and a cardinal α:

  1. (1)

    \(R_{R}^{(\alpha )} = {\oplus }_{I}R_{R}\) is an extending module, where card(I) = α.

  2. (2)

    Every α-generated right R-module M is a direct sum of a projective module and a singular module.

The proof of the following lemma is straightforward and will be omitted.

Lemma 6

([11]) Let R be a ring.

  1. (1)

    If \(\{X_{i}\}^{n}_{i=1}\) is a set of small submodules of a right R-module X, then \({\sum }_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}\) is a small module,

  2. (2)

    If R is right perfect, then a right R-module M is nonsmall if and only if there exists an element mM such that module cyclic mR is nonsmall.

Lemma 7

([17]) A ring R is a right (resp. left) Harada ring if and only if R is left (resp. right) co-Hadada.

The following lemma is a special case of [2, Lemma 11].

Lemma 8

Let U be a uniform module, and suppose that U is not isomorphic to any of its proper submodules. Then End(U) is a local ring.


Let α ∈End(U). Then Ker(α) ∩Ker(1 − α) = 0 in U. Since U is uniform, it follows that either Ker(α) = 0 or Ker(1 − α) = 0, respectively either α or (1 − α) is monomorphic. Since U is not isomorphic to any of its proper submodules, one of two homomorphisms is isomorphic, as required. □

2 Co-Harada Rings

We start the section with a lemma which will be useful in the sequel.

Lemma 9

Let M be a uniform cyclic module such that E(M)/M has ACC on cyclic submodules. Then M is not isomorphic to any of its proper submodules, and hence End(M) is a local ring.


Let E = E(M) and suppose that there is a proper submodule U of M and an isomorphism \(\varphi : U \rightarrow M\). Consider the commutative diagram

figure a

where \(\bar {\varphi }\) is an extension of φ. Let \(\bar {\varphi }(eR)\) = U1 and \(\bar {\varphi }(U_{1})\) = U2, and \(\bar {\varphi }(U_{n})\) = Un+ 1 for any integer number n. Since E is uniform and φ is an isomorphism, it follows that \(\bar {\varphi }\) is a monomorphism. So that, we get an infinite strictly ascending chain of cyclic modules MU1U2 ≤⋯ ≤ Un ≤⋯ in E, which is a contradiction, since E/M has ACC for cyclic submodules. Hence, M is not isomorphic to any of its proper submodules. Moreover, by Lemma 8, End(M) is local. □

The following theorem provides characterizations of semiperfect rings with \((*)^{*}_{r}\). This generalizes [15, Theorem 2.3] and [20, Theorem 3.8] (without assuming E(eR) is a z-serial module for every e ∈Pi(R)).

Theorem 2

Let R be a ring. The following statements are equivalent:

  1. (1)

    R is a semiperfect ring with \((*)^{*}_{r}\).

  2. (2)

    R is a ring with enough idempotents, eR is a waist in E(eR) and E(eR)/eR has ACC on cyclic submodules for every e ∈Pi(R).

  3. (3)

    R is a ring with enough idempotents, eR is a waist in E(eR) and eR/Z(eR) has finite length for any e ∈Pi(R).


(1) ⇒ (2). It is obvious, see Theorem 1.

(2) ⇒ (1). Assume (2). Then RR = e1Re2R ⊕⋯ ⊕ enR, where ei ∈Pi(R) and eiR is indecomposable. Let e = ei. Since eR is a waist in E(eR), it follows that eR is uniform, so that End(eR) is local by Lemma 9. Hence R is a semiperfect ring. By [20, Theorem 2.4], R satisfies condition \((*)^{*}_{1,r}\). Moreover, every eR is not isomorphic to any of its proper submodules, by Lemma 9. So that R satisfies \((*)^{*}_{r}\), by [20, Lemma 3.1].

(3) ⇒ (1) Assume (3). Then RR = e1Re2R ⊕⋯ ⊕ enR, where ei ∈Pi(R) and eiR is indecomposable. Let e = ei. It follows that eR is uniform, since eR is a waist in E(eR). If Z(eR) = 0 then End(eR) is local, since eR has finite length. If eR is injective then End(eR) is local, since eR is uniform. We consider the case W = Z(eR)≠ 0 and E = E(eR)≠eR. By (3), length(eR/W) = n > 0. Using the same argument as in the proof of Lemma 9, we get an infinite strictly ascending chain of cyclic modules eRU1U2 ≤⋯ ≤ Un ≤⋯ in E, where eRUi for \(i = 1,2,\dots \). Since Z(E)≠E and eR is a waist in E, Z(Ui)≠eR, so that Z(Ui) = Z(eR) = W. Then eR/W is not a module with finite length, a contradiction. It follows that eR is not isomorphic to any of its proper submodules. Hence End(eR) is local, by Lemma 8. Therefore R is a semiperfect ring. Since eR is a waist in E(eR) for every e ∈Pi(R), R satisfies \((*)^{*}_{1,r}\), by [20, Theorem 2.4]. Since every eR is not isomorphic to any of its proper submodules, it follows R satisfies \((*)^{*}_{r}\), by [20, Lemma 3.1]. □

A well-known result of C. Faith [8] asserts that a right self-injective ring is QF if and only if R has ACC (or DCC) on right annihilators. Next we provide some similar characterizations of right co-Harada rings.

Theorem 3

Let R be a ring satisfying the ACC (or DCC) on right annihilators. Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (1)

    R is a right co-Harada ring;

  2. (2)

    \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) is an extending module and E(RR)/R has ACC on cyclic submodules.

  3. (3)

    For every e ∈Pi(R), eR is a waist in E(eR) and E(eR)/eR has ACC on cyclic submodules.

  4. (4)

    For every e ∈Pi(R), eR is a waist in E(eR), E(eR) is a projective module and eR/Z(eR) has ACC on cyclic submodules.


(1) ⇒ (2). It is obvious.

(2) ⇒ (3). Assume (2). It is easy to see that R is a direct sum of indecomposable right ideals if R satisfies the ACC (or DCC) on right annihilators. Since \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) is extending, so is RR. Hence R is a direct sum of uniform right ideals. Let RR = e1Re2R ⊕⋯ ⊕ enR, where \(\{e_{i}\}_{i=1}^{n}\) is a set of primitive idempotents of R and each eiR is uniform. Let e = ei and E = E(eiR). It is easy to see that E/eR has ACC for cyclic submodules, since it is isomorphic to a direct summand of E(RR)/R. If eR is injective then End(eR) is local since eR is uniform. Assume eR is not injective. It follows from Lemma 9 that End(eR) is local. So that R is semiperfect. Since \({R_{R}^{2}}\) is extending, it follows from [20, Lemma 12.8] that eR is a waist in E(eR). Therefore (3) holds.

(3) ⇒ (1). Assume (3). If R has the ACC (or DCC) on right annihilators then R is a ring with enough idempotents. It follows from (3) and Theorem 2 that R is a semiperfect ring with \((*)^{*}_{r}\). Hence R is a right co-Harada ring, by [6, Corollary 3.8].

(1) ⇒ (4). It is clear, since R is an artinian ring, and R satisfies \((*)^{*}_{r}\).

(4) ⇒ (3). Let f ∈Pi(R) be any element. Using the argument as above, it follows that every E(fR) is uniform and projective. So that E(fR) ≅ eR for some e ∈Pi(R), by Lemma 3. Since fR is a waist in eR, then Z(eR) ≤ fR. It implies that Z(eR) = Z(fR). So that eR/Z(fR) has ACC on cyclic submodules, by (4). It follows that E(fR)/fR has ACC on cyclic submodules.

The proof of the theorem is complete. □

The main result in [5] is a special case of the following result.

Proposition 1

Let R be a ring satisfying the ACC (or DCC) on right annihilators. Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (1)

    R is a right co-Harada ring.

  2. (2)

    R is a right perfect ring and \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) is an extending module.

  3. (3)

    R is a left perfect ring and \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) is an extending module.


(1) ⇒ (2), (1) ⇒ (3) are obvious.

(2) ⇒ (1). Assume R is a right perfect ring. By [14], every right R-module has ACC on cyclic modules. By (2) ⇒ (1) in Theorem 3, it follows (1).

(3) ⇒ (1). Assume R is a left perfect ring. Let e ∈Pi(R). It easy to see that eR is a waist in E(eR) and eR/Z(eR) has finite length. It follows that R satisfies \((*)^{*}_{r}\), by (3) ⇒ (1) in Theorem 3, it follows (1). □

Corollary 1

Let R be a right nonsingular ring. Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (1)

    R is a right co-Harada ring.

  2. (2)

    R is a right perfect ring and \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) is an extending module.

  3. (3)

    R is a left perfect ring and \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) is an extending module.

  4. (4)

    R is Morita equivalent to a finite direct sum of upper triangular matrix rings over division rings.


It is shown by [3, Lemma 1.14] that if R is a ring with finite right Goldie then R has ACC and DCC on right annihilators. From Proposition 1 it easy to see the equivalence of (1),(2),(3). It follows from [16] that (1) ⇔ (4). □

It is also shown by Oshiro [16] that a ring R is a left Harada ring if and only if it is a right co-Harada ring, however a right Harada ring need not to be right co-Harada (see also Oshiro [16]).

Example 1

(Oshiro, [16]) There exists a right co-Harada ring which is not a right Harada ring. Consider the local QF ring Q = K[x,y]/(x2,y2), in which K is a field.


$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} J&=&J(Q),\quad S=\text{Soc}(Q_{Q}) \quad (=\text{Soc}(_{Q}Q)),\\ \bar{Q}&=&Q/S = \{\bar{a}~|~\bar{a}=a+S~\forall a \in Q \}. \end{array} $$

Defined V, W by

$$ V= \left[\begin{array}{ll} Q & Q \\ J & Q \end{array} \right],\quad W= \left[\begin{array}{ll} Q & \bar{Q} \\ J & \bar{Q} \end{array} \right]. $$


  1. (a)

    V is a Harada and co-Harada ring (right and left).

  2. (b)

    W is right co-Harada and left Harada. However, W is neither left co-Harada nor right Harada.

Finally we provide some characterizations of Harada rings (co-Harada rings) via perfect rings.

Theorem 4

Let R be a ring. Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (1)

    R is a Harada ring;

  2. (2)

    R is a co-Harada ring;

  3. (3)

    R is a perfect ring and \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) and RR(2) are extending modules;

  4. (4)

    R is a perfect ring and every 2-generated right (or left) module M has a decomposition M = PS1S2, where P is projective, S1 is injective singular, S2 is small singular;

  5. (5)

    R is a perfect ring, eR is a waist in E(eR) and Re is a waist in E(Re), for any e ∈Pi(R);

  6. (6)

    R is a perfect ring and M2(R) is a CS ring.


(1) ⇔ (2). It follows from a result due to Oshiro [17] (see, Lemma 7). We shall prove that (2) ⇔ (4), (2) ⇒ (5) ⇒ (3) ⇒ (2) and (2) ⇔ (6).

(2) ⇒ (4). Assume R is a co-Harada ring. Let M be a 2-generated right R-module. Since R is a right co-Harada ring, M has a decomposition M = PS, where P is projective and S is singular. Since R is a left co-H ring, it follows that R is a right Harada ring, by Lemma 7. Then, S has a decomposition S = S1S2, where S1 is injective and S2 is small. Hence M = PS1S2, where P is projective, S1 is injective and singular and S2 is small and singular.

(4) ⇒ (2). Assume (4). Let M be any 2-generated right R-module. Then, M has a decomposition M = PS1S2, where P is projective, S1 is injective and singular and S2 is small and singular. It means that M = P ⊕ (S1S2), where P is projective and S1S2 is singular. This shows that every 2-generated right R-module is a direct sum of a projective module and a singular module. By Lemma 5, it implies that \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) is an extending module. Since R is perfect, it follows from [20, Proposition 3.4] that R satisfies the condition \((*)^{*}_{1,r}\). It is easy to see from Theorem 1 that every indecomposable projective right R-module is either injective or small. Let P = P1P2 ⊕⋯ ⊕ Pk. Let I = {1,2,…,k}. Let I1 = {iI | Pi is injective} and I2 = {jI | Pj is small}. It is easy to see that I = I1I2 and I1I2 = . Whence, we have

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} M = P \oplus (S_{1} \oplus S_{2}) &= & \left( \oplus_{i \in I_{1}}P_{i}\right)\oplus \left( \oplus_{j \in I_{2}}P_{j}\right)\oplus (S_{1}\oplus S_{2}) \\ & = & \left( \left( \oplus_{i \in I_{1}}P_{i}\right) \oplus S_{1}\right) \oplus \left( \left( \oplus_{j \in I_{2}}P_{j}\right) \oplus S_{2}\right), \end{array} $$

where \((\oplus _{i \in I_{1}}P_{i} \oplus S_{1})\) is injective, and \((\oplus _{j \in I_{2}}P_{j} \oplus S_{2})\) is small by Lemma 6. Hence every 2-generated (and hence every cyclic) right R-module is a direct sum of an injective module and a small module. Next, we shall show that R satisfies the condition (∗)r. Let X be a nonsmall right R-module. Since R is perfect, it follows from Lemma 6 that X contains a cyclic nonsmall module N. Then, N = N1 + N2, where N1 is a nonzero injective module and N2 is a small module. So, X contains nonzero injective module N1. Therefore, R satisfies the condition (∗)r. Since R is a perfect ring and R satisfies the condition (∗)r, R is right artinian by [12]. Since R is right artinian and R satisfies the condition (∗)r, R is a right Harada ring and so R is a left co-Harada ring. It remains to show that R is a right co-Harada ring. However this is clear since R is right artinian and R satisfies the condition \((*)^{*}_{1,r}\). Hence R is a co-Harada ring.

(2) ⇒ (5). Suppose that R is a co-Harada ring. Then R is an artinian ring (see [17, 18]). It follows from [20, Theorem 3.11] that eR is a waist in E(eR) and Re is a waist in E(Re).

(5) ⇒ (3). Assume (5). Since R is perfect and eR (resp. Re) is a waist in E(Re) (resp. E(Re)), it follows that \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) (resp. RR(2)) is an extending module, by [20, Theorem 2.4]. We have (3).

(3) ⇒ (2). Assume (3). If R is a left (resp. right) perfect ring and \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) (resp. RR(2)) is an extending module, the condition \((*)^{*}_{r}\) (resp. \((*)^{*}_{l}\)) holds, by [20, Proposition 3.4]. Furthermore, R is a perfect (two-sided) QF-3+ ring, by [5]. Since RR (resp. RR) is isomorphic to a direct sum of modules of the form eiR (resp. Rei), we obtain a faithful injective right (resp. left) ideal by letting eR (resp. Re) be the sum of one of each isomorphism type of these eiR (resp. Rei). It implies that R is a right and left QF-3 ring. So, R is a semiprimary QF-3 ring. Hence R satisfies the ACC on right (and left) annihilators, by [4, Theorem 1.3]. Therefore R is a co-Harada ring.

(2) ⇒ (6). Since R is right and left co-Harada, then R is two-sided artinian and \(R^{(2)}_{R}\), RR(2) are extending modules. By [7, Lemma 12.8], the ring M2(R) is a right and left CS ring.

(6) ⇒ (2). Since M2(R) is a right and left CS ring, then \(R^{(2)}_{R}\) and RR(2) are extending modules, by [7, Lemma 12.8]. Since R is a perfect ring, we have (3); hence (2) holds.

The proof of the theorem is complete. □