Retraction note to: J Gastroenterol (2016) 51:862–873

The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article [1]. After publication an investigation by the INRAe Research Integrity Board raised concerns about several aspects of the study. Specifically:

  • that Lactobacillus casei BL23 harboring an empty vector was used instead of wild-type BL23 without a plasmid to perform mice experiments analyzed in Figs. 7 and 8

  • that the FACS analysis presented in Fig. 7 was conducted on two cytometers instead of one as described in the methods

  • that the tissue used for RNA extraction and qPCR may have been mislabeled as “colon” instead of “ileum”; these data are presented in Fig. 8

The experiments were repeated under suitable conditions but the authors were unable to reproduce their findings. Consequently, there are doubts as to the validity of the results and conclusions presented in this article.

Luis Bermudez, Marion Lenoir, Naima Cortes-Perez, Daniel Lozano-Ojalvo, Philippe Langella and Florian Chain agree with this retraction. Jean Guy LeBlanc and Alejandra de Moreno de LeBlanc disagree with this retraction. Silvina del Carmen and Diego Munoz-Provencio did not respond to correspondence about this retraction.