Erratum to: J Gastroenterol (2013) 48:874–883 DOI 10.1007/s00535-012-0685-x

Please note that there are errors in this article:

The first sentence in the legend for Fig. 2 appeared incorrectly. The sentence should read as follows:

Fig. 2 Differences in the electrical flow routes of a the bipolar (CelonPOWER System) and b the monopolar radiofrequency ablation (RFA) systems.

In Fig. 4, in the next-to-last step on the right side of the flowchart, the correct number of weeks in the follow-up period should be 24, not 20. The correct figure should be shown as follows:

figure a

In addition, in the legend for Table 3, the symbol “>” was incorrect; it should have been “≥”. The correct legend should be shown as follows:

Table 3 Frequently observed adverse effects (5 % or more) (adverse reactions at an incidence of ≥5 % in the overall study period).