1 Introduction

Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction (Mell and Grance 2011). This is the definition given by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for cloud computing. Cloud computing provides a variety of services; among these, Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) are the common one. All these services are accessed via Internet. The availability of Internet facilities everywhere makes cloud services reachable to everyone. Thus using cloud for scientific applications have also no exception. Automated service provisioning is the major research challenge in cloud computing as pointed out by Zhang et al. (2010). In the survey conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC), security is ranked as the vital challenge attributing to cloud computing. The security concern makes organizations to be hesitant in offloading their business workloads into cloud (Gens 2008). The NIST Cloud Computing Standards Roadmap Working Group has also indicated that security integration of a cloud system into existing enterprise security infrastructure is a must for majority of government systems with moderate and greater impact (Pritzker 2013).

Workflow application is the emerging paradigm for distributed computing infrastructures, which are now being used in areas like astronomy, bioinformatics, material sciences and physics. Workflow has a wide range of applications such as scientific, enterprise applications and real-world problems. Workflow concepts are well suited to fit for scenarios where several distributed entities work collaboratively together to achieve a common goal. Adopting the cloud computing for executing the workflow has many advantages. Firstly, it reduces the burden of the user from having a self-owned infrastructure. Secondly, it is cheap in terms of cost. Thirdly, it provides access anywhere. When adopting cloud computing for executing workflows, one has to focus on objectives such as cost to be paid for using the cloud services (Tan et al. 2014; Wu et al. 2010; Pandey et al. 2010; Xue and Wu 2012), time for completing the workflow (Wang et al. 2012; Bilogrevic et al. 2011; Tan et al. 2014; Zuo et al. 2014; Selvi and Govindarajan 2014; Rodriguez and Buyya 2014; Wu et al. 2010; Xue and Wu 2012), resources allocated for the tasks in the workflow (Selvi and Govindarajan 2014; Rodriguez and Buyya 2014; Pandey et al. 2010) and security demand of the user (Wang et al. 2012; Bilogrevic et al. 2011; Tan et al. 2014; Zeng et al. 2015). Earlier research works on other computing paradigm such as grid computing, high-performance computing, heterogeneous distributed systems and cluster computing also focus on these objectives. The literatures Topcuoglu et al. (2002); Tang et al. (2011); Li et al. (2015) focus on cost minimization, Topcuoglu et al. (2002); Xie and Qin (2006, 2008); Tang et al. (2010, 2011); Song et al. (2006); Liu et al. (2012); Abraham et al. (2006); Li et al. (2015); Sih and Lee (1993) focus on time minimization, Liu et al. (2012); Tang et al. (2010); Li et al. (2015) focus on resource allocation and Xie and Qin (2006, 2008); Tang et al. (2011); Song et al. (2006); Liu et al. (2012) focus on security constraints. The proposed work focuses on all these objectives in order to provide an efficient and unique solution for automated service provisioning in cloud for scientific workflows.

Workflow scheduling (Juve et al. 2013) is of course has to deal with some scheduling heuristics to generate a best schedule for all the tasks in the workflow. The correct execution sequence of workflow activities should be found for scheduling the workflow. A correct execution sequence should follow the constraints of the workflow model that may be of temporal constraints or causality constraints.

The scheduling strategies for workflow graphs are classified into two main categories, namely heuristic approach and metaheuristic approach (Topcuoglu et al. 2002). In the present work, we focus on using a metaheuristic search algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Owing to the significant results of using PSO algorithm for workflow task scheduling in earlier works by Zuo et al. (2014), Rodriguez and Buyya (2014), Liu et al. (2012), Pandey et al. (2010), Xue and Wu (2012), Beegom and Rajasree (2014), we employ PSO in the present work for optimizing the schedule. We do modify the basic PSO algorithm by making a smart initialization of the population in the swarm. First we generate a schedule for the workflow, which has been submitted by the cloud user. We do consider the security requirement of the cloud user. This will help the cloud user to trust the cloud provider and confidently execute his/her workflow tasks in the cloud. The security risk has been mainly caused by the multitenancy nature of the cloud. There is a possibility of vulnerable neighbours or some disturbing (noisy) neighbours occupying the virtual machines in the same zone. They may try to perform some unethical hacking mechanisms or some type of attacks such as snooping, modification and spoofing. Snooping, modification and spoofing can be overcome by adopting security mechanisms such as confidentiality, integrity and authentication. Thus in this paper, we have integrated the security measures for satisfying the user QoS with the scheduling of the workflow applications. When we consider security services, it involves more overhead. This may be a bottleneck for the performance of the application. Normally before getting the IaaS the user will be signing the service-level agreement (SLA) with the cloud provider. Our model gives the user the right to specify their security demand as part of their SLA.

Similarly, the resources at the cloud provider side will be maintained with a security guaranteed level (SGL). Both the security demand as well as the security rank is configured based on the three security factors integrity, confidentiality and authentication. We design our SPSO optimization model by integrating the scheduling constrains and the security constraints. The scheduling constraints include the makespan of the schedule and the cost the user has to pay to the cloud provider. Security constraints consider the security demand of the cloud user. The SPSO model makes the optimistic decision in selecting the best schedule as well as the best virtual machine (VM) for executing the task.

The main contributions of our proposed work are as follows.

  • We design a unique solution for automated IaaS provisioning with minimal decision time in cloud for scientific workflows.

  • We propose Smart Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO) which finds an optimized schedule that trade off between security and minimum makespan and cost for workflow execution in cloud.

  • We consider the dynamic provisioning and heterogeneity of the virtual machine (VM) resource pool at the cloud provider side. The SPSO algorithm is used to solve not only the problem of producing a schedule defining the task to virtual machine mapping but also the number and type of VMs that are to be leased from the cloud provider.

  • Security demand of the user is also merged and modelled into the optimization problem.

  • A coding strategy is designed for encoding the particle to solve the multiobjective problem.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the related work in a nutshell. Section 3 describes the secured schedule architecture. Then the problem outline is briefed in Sect. 4 with the multiobjective focused in this paper. In Sect. 5, we explore the schedule primitives. This is followed by the schedule generation method in Sect. 6. Section 7 deals with the Smart Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO) algorithm and Smart Variable Neighbourhood Particle Swarm Optimization (SVNPSO) algorithm. The experiments and performance analysis are enumerated in Sect. 8. Finally, we conclude this paper in Sect. 9.

2 Related Work

Scheduling precedence-constrained task such as workflows is NP-hard problem and it is studied by many researchers. The taxonomy of the workflow scheduling algorithms is list scheduling heuristics (Topcuoglu et al. 2002; Xie and Qin 2006, 2008; Tang et al. 2011, 2010; Li et al. 2015; Sih and Lee 1993; Canon et al. 2008), clustering heuristics (Topcuoglu et al. 2002), task duplication heuristics (Sujana et al. 2015; Tang et al. 2010) and guided random search such as GA (Song et al. 2006) and PSO (Zuo et al. 2014; Selvi and Govindarajan 2014; Rodriguez and Buyya 2014; Liu et al. 2012; Liu and Abraham 2007; Kalra and Singh 2015).

Sih and Lee (1993) focused on developing dynamic level scheduling. The priorities are changed dynamically to find the task processor pair. It is the first algorithms that computed an estimate of the availability of each computing resource and allowed a task to be scheduled to a processor in use. Topcuoglu et al. (2002) have designed the upward rank and downward rank. This has constituted for the Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time (HEFT) and the Critical Path on a Processor (CPOP) algorithm. The task rank order is calculated using the communication cost in the task graph, i.e. workflow, in the work done by Tang et al. (2010) and they were able to achieve better results. Li et al. (2015) have used stochastic model for finding the task stochastic bottom level, which refers to the priority rank order of the task in the workflow. Canon and his team has compared 20 scheduling heuristics that can be applied to workflows in the form of directed acyclic graph and concluded that on average, for random graphs, HEFT is the best one in terms of robustness and schedule length (Canon et al. 2008). Arabnejad and Barbosa (2014) have proposed Predict Earliest Finish Time (PEFT)-based scheduling for heterogeneous computing systems. In this, they are introducing a look-ahead feature to the earlier HEFT without increasing the time complexity.

On the other hand, metaheuristic algorithms can give better optimized schedules. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a bioinspired algorithm inherited from birds flocking and fish schooling. It is one of the latest optimization algorithms that outperform genetic algorithm with minimal iterations. Zuo et al. (2014) have used PSO for scheduling deadline-constrained tasks in hybrid clouds. They have proposed self-adaptive PSO for effective utilization of inter cloud resources. They have focused on deadline alone with hybrid clouds. Chakraborty and his team (2016) have used PSO along with fuzzy rule constraints to solve multiobjective problem. CLOUDRB proposed by Selvi et al. Selvi and Govindarajan (2014) used PSO for job scheduling and resource allocation for high-performance computing applications. They have focused on scheduling with better resource allocation objective, which will minimize the makespan. Rodriguez and Buyya (2014) have proposed resource provisioning and scheduling strategy for scientific workflows on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds. They present an algorithm based on PSO, which aims to minimize the overall workflow execution cost while meeting deadline constraints. Wu et al. (2010) have devised Revised Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (RDPSO) to schedule applications among cloud services, by considering data transmission cost and computation cost. The RDPSO algorithm gives better performance on makespan and cost optimization compared to the classic PSO algorithm. Pandey et al. (2010) proposed a PSO-based algorithm to minimize the execution cost of a single workflow with load balancing on the available resources. They did not consider security constraints, but their work gave good results in terms of cost saving alone. Xue and Wu (2012) have devised Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (GHPSO) algorithm for scheduling workflows in cloud computing with cost minimization objective. They have embedded the crossover and mutation of genetic algorithm into the PSO, which has increased the time complexity of the algorithm. But we like to focus on time minimization also for quick decision-making. Beegom et al. Beegom and Rajasree (2014) have designed integer PSO, to solve the bi-objective task scheduling problem in cloud. They have considered the Pareto optimization with the user satisfaction in terms of QoS and cloud providers profit. Their work focuses only on independent tasks; hence, it cannot be applied for workflow scheduling. Liu et al. (2015) have also considered Pareto optimization-based multiobjectives, maximizing system reliability and minimizing schedule length in scheduling a distributed computing system. The schedule optimization is based on the Tabu search algorithm, which lacks in global optimum search compared to PSO.

However, many scheduling algorithm ignores security constraints, which is the most vital one in cloud environment. Considering the security-driven scheduling research works, Xie and Qin (2006; 2008) have focused on integrating the security module and the scheduling module. They have proposed security-aware real-time heuristic strategy for clusters, which integrates security requirements into the scheduling of real-time applications in clusters. They tried to prove that the overhead incurred in adding the security model does not result in performance bottleneck. They have also tested the security level provided by various algorithms. They have focused on the security parameters integrity, confidentiality and authentication.

Tang et al. (2011) have designed security-driven scheduling model for heterogeneous distributed systems. Their scheduling algorithm makes use of the Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time (HEFT)-based approach for precedence-constrained tasks. The trust manager computes the security rank and it is used for finding the priority of the tasks in the heuristics. Wang and his team have devised a trust model based on Bayesian method. Then the trust value is integrated with the dynamic level scheduling (Wang et al. 2012). Their algorithm cloud DLS is applied to cloud environment and they were the first to consider security constraints for task scheduling in cloud. But they used only a soft security mechanism, i.e. the trust model. In the work done by Tan et al. (2014), a trust-based workflow scheduling algorithm was proposed. Their trust model mainly uses the fuzzy membership function approach for finding the trusted service. The best trustworthy service will be selected for each task in the workflow. This is applicable only for SaaS or PaaS type of services in cloud.

Bilogrevic et al. have introduced Privacy preserving scheduling for mobile devices using cloud computing (Bilogrevic et al. 2011). Song and his associates (2006) have developed Security-Assured Grid Job Scheduling. Their job scheduling method uses genetic algorithm, which is a metaheuristic search algorithm. The risk factor in terms of security for the jobs is measured. Their work focused on batch scheduling, which deals with independent tasks. Hence, it cannot be applied to workflow scheduling, where precedence constraint tasks exist. Zeng et al. (2015) have devised security-aware and budget-aware (SABA) workflow scheduling strategy in clouds. Their work uses security overhead and monetary cost constraints while minimizing time. The scheduling heuristic is towards the concept of immovable dataset. Our paper is towards optimized scheduling using metaheuristic approach and in workflows data gets transferred from parent task to child task. Liu and his team (2012) have applied the PSO for optimizing the schedule for workflow applications in distributed environment. They have considered minimizing the makespan with security constraints in their scheduling approach. However, the security constrain is considered as a single parameter, which does not take any security mechanism into account.

Pondering on the security objective, security has been incorporated either as trust model (Tang et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2012; Tan et al. 2014) or with security mechanism (Xie and Qin 2006, 2008; Song et al. 2006; Liu et al. 2012; Zeng et al. 2015). Among these, trust-based security mechanism is like soft security model. It cannot provide a more realistic secured environment for cloud. Hence, we choose to use security mechanisms such as integrity, confidentiality and authentication for the virtual machines. Since we propose to develop automated IaaS provisioning with minimal decision time for scientific workflows, we go for merging list scheduling heuristics into PSO algorithm. This has resulted in the Smart Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO) algorithm and Smart Variable Neighbourhood Particle Swarm Optimization (SVNPSO) algorithm. These algorithms aim to reduce the number of iterations of the PSO algorithm considerably, to support quick decision time for automated IaaS for scientific workflows. The proposed SPSO algorithm is smart since it not only reduces the number of iterations, but also considers the dynamic provisioning and heterogeneity of the VM resource pool at the cloud provider side. In addition to that, a particle coding strategy is designed to solve the multiobjective problem.

3 Secured scheduling architecture

Any complex applications with precedence constraint can be modelled as a workflow. Scientific workflows are logically connected dependent tasks. A set of rules defines the linkage between dependent tasks. In such a relationship, dependent (child) task gets executed only after its parent task gets executed. Tasks without a parent are termed as entry tasks and those do not have a child are called as exit tasks. Figure 1 shows a sample workflow with ten different tasks. The entry task is \(\hbox {T}_{1}\) and the exit task is \(\hbox {T}_{10}\). The task \(\hbox {T}_{2}\) and \(\hbox {T}_{3}\) are the child tasks of the parent \(\hbox {T}_{1}\). The child tasks can be executed only after the execution of their parent task. The best optimized task–VM pair (task, VM) is to be found.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Sample workflow graph

Fig. 2
figure 2

System architecture for secured scheduling

The system architecture for secured scheduling is shown in Fig. 2. The cloud consumers who want to use the cloud for executing their workflow applications will submit their request to the cloud provider. Initially before performing the scheduling and resource allocation process, the cloud consumer will negotiate with the provider for the user’s quality of service (QoS) in terms of service-level agreement (SLA). We consider the following parameters in the SLA, namely SGL, performance, availability, robustness, backup and service initialization time. Among them, SGL is the main parameter, which we focus in our work. As a part of the SLA negotiation, the user will provide their Security Demand (SD) to the provider. Similarly, the provider will provide the different SGLs available for different services along with their rates, i.e. the amount the user has to pay for their usage. So in this negotiation the security demand by the customer will be finalized. Now the user will submit their workflow along with the SD signed in the SLA. Now the cloud provider has to find an optimized schedule for the submitted workflow and also the best virtual machine (VM) that will optimize the makespan of the algorithm.

The tasks in the workflow are precedence constrained. Thus the child task in the workflow can be executed only after the execution of its parent. To make all the tasks in the workflow to execute in minimal makespan, we must generate a good schedule. Now, this schedule must incorporate the precedence constraint of the tasks. We consider the execution time and earliest start time to find the schedule order. Now we incorporate the swarm intelligence to find the optimized schedule. The objective function of the swarm optimization is to minimize the makespan and the cost subjected to security demand being satisfied. The overall execution time of the generated schedule gives the makespan. The total execution cost is decided by the required makespan of the workflow. If the makespan is to be reduced, the cost is increased due to the increased high end VM requirements. We consider the solution only when the security demand of the workflow is satisfied. Thus after some minimal number of iterations, the algorithm will find the best optimized schedule. We summarize the various notations used in this paper in Table 1.

Table 1 Definitions of notations

4 Problem formation and outline

The cloud providers offer the IaaS with different types of VMs. Each VM type has the specific VM configuration as given in Table 3. The VMs are grouped into three categories, namely green, yellow and red zones. Each zone is supposed to have their own security levels. The SGL is used to represent the percentage of security that can be provided for the VMs at the cloud provider side. The three types of zones support different range of SGL. We fix the SGL range for the green zone as [0.9,1]. Similarly, the SGL range for the yellow zone is [0.70,0.89] and for the red zone is [0.4,0.69]. The SGL will address the three attributes of security, namely authentication, confidentiality, integrity. Hence, apart from other specification parameters the SGL of a \({\textit{vm}}_j\) is described as given in Eq. (1).

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathrm{SGL}}_{{\mathrm{VM}}_j} ={\mathrm{Avg }} \left\{ {{\mathrm{SGL}}_\mathrm{a} ,{\mathrm{SGL}}_\mathrm{c} ,{\mathrm{SGL}}_\mathrm{i} } \right\} \end{aligned}$$
Table 2 Cryptographic algorithms for confidentiality and its Security Guaranteed Level (SGL) (Xie and Qin 2006)
Fig. 3
figure 3

Schematic representation of workflow processing with security constraints and resource allocation (color figure online)

The values \({\mathrm{SGL}}_\mathrm{a} ,{\mathrm{SGL}}_\mathrm{c} ,{\mathrm{SGL}}_\mathrm{i}\) denote the Security Guaranteed Level values that a particular VM will assure in terms of authentication, confidentiality and integrity. Hence, the SGL can be expressed as a percentage value, which lies in the interval [0–1]. The different security guaranteed level values will be attained by implementing the corresponding algorithms given in Table 2 for confidentiality. Similarly, the type of security mechanism that was provided for each type of security characteristics is evaluated in the work by Xie and Qin (2006; 2008). Table 2 lists the methods that can be adopted to secure the VMs in terms of confidentiality.

Figure 3 represents the flow of the proposed work for processing the given scientific workflow. The workflow parser will parse through the different tasks in the given workflow and initiate the workflow engine. Now an optimized scheduling with suitable virtual machine selection has to be done along with security constrain checking. Thus the heuristic approach first selects the security zone followed by the schedule generation and resource mapping. These activities are done by the first algorithm genSchedule. This generated schedule is then optimized by the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms, namely Smart Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO) and Smart Variable Neighbourhood Particle Swarm Optimization

On the other hand, we use another parameter used from the user perspective, i.e. Security Demand (SD). Similar to the SGL the Security Demand can also be represented as a percentage value normally in the interval [0,1]. The SD is obtained by the provider as part of the SLA that is negotiated between the provider and the user. For a high value of SD such as 95%, requested by the user the provider has to assign a most secured VM and it is to be from the green zone. Since more sophisticated hardware and algorithms has to be used for such request the cost charges for those VMs will be high compared to the VMs procurement from yellow and red zones. The SD is also obtained as a three-valued parameter each representing the weight values for authentication, confidentiality and integrity. The system provides flexibility in specifying the SD by the user. If the user is not bothered about the security with different parameters, then they can specify it as a single-valued one. In that case, the same weight value will be considered for all the three parameters.

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathrm{SD}}_{{{t_{i}}}} ={\mathrm{Avg}}\left\{ {{\mathrm{wt}}_\mathrm{a} ,{\mathrm{wt}}_\mathrm{c} , {\mathrm{wt}}_\mathrm{i} } \right\} \end{aligned}$$

Equation (2) represents the weight of the security demand for each security parameter authentication, confidentiality and integrity as \({\text {wt}}_\mathrm{a} ,{\text {wt}}_\mathrm{c}\hbox { and }{\text {wt}}_\mathrm{i}\), respectively. The security demand for the workflow will be applied to all the tasks in the workflow by default. If the consumer wants different SD for each task, then the consumer can specify as an array list. This choice is provided by means of two modes, namely default mode and selective mode. The consumer is free to choose either the default mode or the selective mode to specify the SD value specification in the SLA. In the default mode, the consumer specifies their security demand as a single value. This value is uniquely applied to all the tasks in the workflow. On the other hand, in the selective mode the consumer will demand for different proportion of security demand for each task in the workflow.

4.1 Problem objective

The proposed work aims at devising a metaheuristic-based scheduling for scientific workflow. A workflow application is modelled as a directed acyclic graph, W = (T,E), as shown in Fig. 1, where T is the set of n tasks and each task \(t_i \in \)T represents an workflow application task. E is the set of communication edges between tasks and each \(\hbox {e}\left( {\hbox {i},\hbox { j}} \right) \,\in \hbox { E }\) represents the task dependence constraint such that task \(T_i\) should finish its execution before task \(T_j\) can be started.

The \({\textit{parent}}(t_i)\) and \({\textit{child}}(t_i)\) denote the set of predecessors and successors of task \(t_i\), respectively. There is an entry task and an exit task in a workflow W. The entry task \(T_{{\text {entry}}}\) is the starting task of the application without any predecessors, while the exit task \(T_{{\text {exit}}}\) is the final task with no successors. In case there is no common entry task, a dummy task will be appended to have a single-entry task. Similarly, if there is no common exit task is available then a dummy task will be appended to have a single-exit task.

The objective of our proposed work is to minimize the overall execution cost (OEC) and overall execution time (OET) such that the security demand of the user is satisfied. The proposed work aims at devising a balanced multiobjective schedule model. It provides a balance between the time and cost by introducing a weight factor \(\omega \). The weight factor would be used to choose the importance between the two factors. If the customer wants to minimize the cost than the time, then they can give more weightage to the weight factor \(\omega \). Similarly if the customer wants to minimize the time taken for execution more by compromising for more payment for the high end VMs, then they can assign lesser weightage value for the weight factor \(\omega \). The objective function is thus defined in Eq. (3). Hence, the fitness of our problem can be defined as

$$\begin{aligned} F= & {} {\text {Min}}\left\{ {\omega *{\text {OEC}} +\left( {1-\omega } \right) *{\text {OET}}} \right\} \nonumber \\&{{Subjected\,to\,SD}}_{{t_{i}}} \le {\text {SGL}}_{{\text {VM}}_j} \end{aligned}$$

where OEC and OET is a set of values associated with the varied virtual machines deployment for the required SD of ith task deployed on the jth VM with the required SGL. While computing the objective function, the computational time associated with the appropriate SGL is considered.

4.2 Security risk analysis

Since the cloud environment is risk-prone, we do evaluate the security of our proposed system. We define probability of security in scheduling a task \(t_i\) to a VM \({\text {vm}}_j\) as \(P_{{\text {Security}}}\left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j}\right) \). The security of a task execution on a virtual machine increases with the increase in the difference of the security demand of the task and the Security level of the VM. This change follows an exponential distribution. The probability of security is defined by an exponential distribution modelled as a function of the difference between SD and SGL as defined in Eq. (4). The security risk coefficient \(\lambda \) is a fraction number. The negative exponent indicates that the failure rate grows with the difference between \({{SD}}_{t_\mathrm{i}} {\mathrm{and}} \,{\mathrm{SGL}}_{{\text {vm}}_\mathrm{j}}\). The task failure at a site could result from VM hijacking, VM theft, Hyper Jacking, severe network attack or in accessibility from a security imposed barricade.

$$\begin{aligned}&P_{{\text {Security}}} \left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j}\right) \nonumber \\&\quad =\left\{ {{\begin{array}{ll} 0,\quad {\text {SD}}_{t_{i}} \ge {\text {SGL}}_{{\text {vm}}_j} \\ 1-e^{\lambda \left( {{\text {SD}}_{t_{i}}-{\text {SL}}_{{\text {vm}}_j}}\right) },\quad {\text {SD}}_{t_{i}} <\mathrm{SGL}_{\mathrm{vm}_j} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

The probability of security of a task is thus computed using Eq. (5) based on the assignment of the task \(t_i\) to virtual machine \({\text {vm}}_j\). The constant \(\kappa _{{\text {ij}}}\) is assigned 1 if the virtual machine \({\text {vm}}_j\) is assigned to task \(t_i\) else it is assigned 0.

$$\begin{aligned} P_{{\text {security}}} \left( {t_i } \right) =\mathop \sum \limits _{j=1}^m \kappa _{ij} P_{{\text {security}}} \left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j } \right) /m \end{aligned}$$

When considering the entire workflow task set T, the proposed methods’ probability of security is given by \(P_{{\text {security}}} \left( T \right) \) as given in Eq. (6). \(P_{{\text {security}}} \left( T \right) \) specifies the probability of security so that all tasks are free from being attacked during their executions.

$$\begin{aligned} P_{{\text {security}}} \left( T \right) ={\text {Average}}\left( {P_{{\text {security}}} \left( {t_i } \right) } \right) \end{aligned}$$

5 Schedule primitives:

A common representation of a workflow application is the directed acyclic graph (DAG), which includes the characteristics of an application programme such as the execution time of tasks, the data size to communicate between tasks and task dependencies. We model the workflow as a directed acyclic graph, W = (T,E), where T represents the set of tasks \({\textit{T}}=\{{\textit{t}}_{1},{\textit{t}}_{2},...,{\textit{t}}_{{n}}\}\) and each task \(t_i \in T,1\le i\le n\) represents an workflow application task. Similarly E represents the set of communication edges between tasks and each edge e(i,j) \(\in \) E represents that the task \(t_j\) depends on the task \(t_i\), i.e. task \(t_i\) should be executed prior to the execution of the task \(t_j\).

The task which has in degree as 0 is designated as \(\hbox {t}_{\mathrm{entry}}\) entry task and similarly the task without degree as 0 is designated as \(\hbox {t}_{{\text {exit}}}\) exit task. The parent tasks of the task \(\hbox {t}_{\mathrm{i}}\) are denoted \({\text {parent}}(t_{i})\) and the child tasks of a task \(\hbox {t}_{\mathrm{i}}\) are represented by \({\text {child}}(t_{j})\). In cloud environment, the provider has enormous amount of resources. The user has to pay for the resources. Let us consider the consumer has to purchase m number of VMs from the provider. These VMs will be of different instance types. The VMs computation capacity depends on the processor cores and the MIPS of the VM. Thus executing each task on different VMs will depend on the MIPS and the number of cores. We denote the computation capacity of each VM as \(w\left( {{\text {vm}}_j} \right) \). The set of VMs is represented by \(\hbox {VM}=\{\hbox {vm}_{1},\hbox {vm}_{2},...,\hbox {vm}_{{m}}\}\). Similarly each task has its own computation cost and it is designated as \(w({t_i})\) for the task \(\hbox {t}_{\mathrm{i}}\). The execution time of the task \(\hbox {t}_{\mathrm{i}}\) on the \(\hbox {j}{\mathrm{th}}\) VM of \(\hbox {k}{\mathrm{th}}\) type is termed as \({\text {ET}}\left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j}\right) \) and it is defined in equation (7).

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {ET}}\left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j}\right) =\frac{w\left( {t_i } \right) }{w\left( {{\text {vm}}_j } \right) } \end{aligned}$$

The average execution time of the task \(\hbox {t}_{\mathrm{i}}\) is given in Eq. (8).

$$\begin{aligned} \overline{{\text {ET}}\left( {t_\imath } \right) } =\frac{\mathop \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^m {\text {ET}}\left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j } \right) }{m} \end{aligned}$$

The communication cost of an edge e( ij) can be calculated as given in Eq. (9).

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {CC}}\left( {t_i ,t_j } \right)&={\text {late}}\left( {{\text {vm}}_j } \right) \nonumber \\&\quad +\, \frac{w\left( {e\left( {i,j} \right) } \right) }{{\text {bw}}_k }\, \forall \,1\le j\le m,\,1\le i\le n \end{aligned}$$

The average communication cost of an edge \(e\left( {i,j} \right) \) can be calculated as given in Eq. (10).

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{\overline{CC}} \left( {t_i ,t_j } \right) =\frac{\mathop \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^m {\text {late}}\left( {\mathrm{vm}_j } \right) }{m}+\frac{w\left( {e\left( {i,j} \right) } \right) }{{\mathop \sum \nolimits _{k=1}^o \mathrm{bw}_{k_{/k}}}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathrm{late}\left( {\mathrm{vm}_j } \right) \) denotes the latency that a VM will have for executing any job. This will include the boot-up time for any VM to start up and execute the task. If two tasks are assigned within the same VM, then the latency \(late({\mathrm{vm}_j} )\) for those two tasks is assumed to be 0. w( e( ij)) is the amount of data transferred between the two tasks i and j. The bandwidth of the link between the VMs is denoted by \(\mathrm{bw}_k\), where k represents the number of links that exists between the VMs used. It is to be noted that the bandwidth within a data centre is the maximum that can be provided. Hence, it is assumed to be uniform with in a data centre.

Table 3 List of virtual machine types used in experiments

The earliest start time (EST) is the earliest possible start time of a particular task on a VM. This can be computed by Eq. (11)

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {EST}}\left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j }\right)= & {} {\max }\{{\text {ReadyTime}}( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j } ),\nonumber \\&\mathop \mathrm{max}\limits _{t_{m} \in {\text {parent}} \left( {t_i } \right) } \left\{ {{\text {EET}}( {t_m ,{\text {vm}}_j})\!+\!\mathrm{CC}( {t_m ,t_i })} \right\} \nonumber \\&{\text {ReadyTime}}\left( {t_{{\text {entry}}} ,vm_j } \right) =0 \end{aligned}$$

The EST is defined by the considering the maximum of the ready time of \({\text {vm}}_j\) and the earliest end time of its parent task on that VM. The \({\text {ReadyTime}}\left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j}\right) \) denotes the time in which the \(\hbox {j}{\mathrm{th}}\) VM is ready for executing the task \(\hbox {t}_{\mathrm{i}}\). The same VM can be used to execute a task, provided it has completed its earlier task and ready for executing the next task. The ready time of the entry task is considered as 0. The earliest end time of a task is evaluated by considering the earliest start time of a task and the execution of the task on a VM. The EST of a task is evaluated by finding the maximum of the ready time of a VM for the task and the earliest end time of the entire ancestral task along with the data transfer time (Communication Cost). We consider initially all the VMs are free and are ready to execute any task for simplicity. If any two tasks are allotted with the same VM, then the communication cost of those two tasks \(\mathrm{CC}\left( {t_m ,t_i } \right) =0.\)

The earliest end time (EET) of a task is the earliest possible completion time of a particular task on a VM. This can be computed by Eq. (12)

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {EET}}\left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j } \right)&={\text {EST}} \left( {t_i ,{\text {vm}}_j} \right) \nonumber \\&\quad +\,\frac{w\left( {t_i } \right) }{w\left( {{\text {vm}}_j } \right) }\,\forall \,1\le i\le n,1\le j\le m \end{aligned}$$

Overall execution time (OET) is the total schedule length can be obtained by considering the EET of exit task and it is defined in Eq. (13). If there is no common exit task, then a dummy exit task will be appended to make a common end point in a workflow.

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {OET}}={\text {makespan}}={\text {EET}}\left( {t_{{\text {exit}}}, {\text {vm}}_j } \right) \end{aligned}$$

Overall execution cost (OEC) is the total cost incurred in utilizing the cloud resource for executing the workflow. OEC is the amount the user has to pay to the cloud provider. OEC of the workflow is given in Eq. (14).

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{OEC}&=\mathop \sum \limits _{j=1}^m \mathrm{Cost}\left( {\mathrm{vm}_j } \right) \nonumber \\&\quad *\,\frac{\left[ {{\text {ReleaseTime}}\left( {\mathrm{vm}_j } \right) -{\text {ReadyTime}}\left( {\mathrm{vm}_j } \right) } \right] }{\tau } \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathrm{Cost}\left( {\mathrm{vm}_j } \right) \) is the cost fixed by the cloud provider for that VM type for one unit of time. We have used the cost values as per the Amazon AWS EC2 services. The \({\text {ReadyTime}}\left( {\mathrm{vm}_j } \right) \) is the time at which the chosen VM is ready for executing the task in the workflow and the \({\text {ReleaseTime}}\left( {\mathrm{vm}_j } \right) \) is the time at which the VM has finished the execution of the task in the workflow and is ready to shut down. The time unit by which the metering is done is denoted by \(\tau \).

5.1 Priority rank

The tasks in the graph G are first ordered with their priority. In the list scheduling heuristics, the tasks are first prioritized based on the rank of the tasks. Similarly, in our schedule generation we adopt the prioritization phase for ordering the tasks. The priority rank of the tasks is evaluated by Eq. (15). The prioritization is done from the exit task to the parent. The exit task’s priority rank is derived from the average execution time of the exit task in the workflow. Similarly, the priority rank of other parental tasks is calculated by the recursive calculation of priority rank of parent task and communication cost added with the average execution time of the task.

$$\begin{aligned}&{\text {PRank}}\left( {t_i } \right) ={\text {ET}} \left( {t_i } \right) +\mathop {{\text {max}}}\limits _{t_j \in {\text {child}}\left( {t_i } \right) } \left\{ {{\text {PRank}} \left( {t_j } \right) + \mathrm{\overline{CC}} \left( {t_i ,t_j } \right) } \right\} \nonumber \\&{\text {PRank}}\left( {t_{{\text {exit}}} } \right) =ET\left( {t_{{\text {exit}}} } \right) \end{aligned}$$

6 Schedule generation

The VM types that we used for our experiments are listed in Table 3. Besides different types of VMs, the provider maintains the VMs in three different security zones. To select the initial set of resource pool, we need to provide all the heterogeneous types of VM. On the other hand, we have to be more concerned about the initial pool of VMs which is available for the PSO algorithm to search with. In order to make the initial pool of resources optimal, we devise a strategy, such that the search space is not exhaustive as well as it is not minimal. Selection of optimal initial resource pool paves the way for earlier convergence.

Our strategy for devising the initial resource pool is based on the security demand submitted by the customer. Instead of choosing the VMs from all the zones, we incorporate the strategy of selecting the VMs only from the zone in which the security demand value matches with the SGL interval of that zone. Also for allowing different tasks to choose different VMs we consider the tasks in parallel in the workflow. The initial resource pool is selected in such a manner that the total number of available VMs for consideration is equal to the \(|\hbox {VM}_{\mathrm{type}}|\)\(\times \)\(|\hbox {W}_{\mathrm{Level}}|\). Thus the number of VMs selected in the initial resource pool is product of the total number of VM types \(|\hbox {VM}_{\mathrm{type}}|\) and the total number of levels \(|\hbox {W}_{\mathrm{Level}}|\) in the directed acyclic graph G representing the tasks.

figure a

The above schedule generation algorithm works on the basis of list scheduling heuristics. The input \(\mathrm{VM}_j^k\) is initialized from the available list of virtual machines at the data centre based on the total number of VM types and the total number of levels in the directed acyclic graph W representing the workflow tasks. This same VM pool will be used in the subsequent Smart Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO) algorithm. Overall execution time (OET) and overall execution cost (OEC) are initialized to zero. Then the computation of the execution time, communication cost and priority rank is done. The priority rank is calculated from exit task. Thus it represents the bottom level of the task in the workflow DAG. Hence, we sort it by the reverse topological sorting method. The while loop comprising the lines from 7 to 22 creates the schedule and identifies the best VM for the task. The first for loop from line 10 to 18 focuses on the computation of the earliest end time of the tasks on different types of VM instances provided the Security demand of the user is satisfied by the VM. The OET and OEC values are also computed. Minimizing these time and cost values is our main objective. Once the values of OET and OEC are computed, the algorithm checks for the best feasible task–VM pair for a particular task. This is done by the for loop at line 19. Line 20 assigns the best feasible task–VM pair to the schedule for the \(\hbox {i}{\mathrm{th}}\) task. Then it is appended to the final schedule S, at the end of the while loop.

The output generated by this algorithm is converted to the particle’s position in the SPSO algorithm. Now, we have all the information needed to begin decoding the particle’s position and constructing the schedule. The search space available for the particle is the VM set which has the initialized VM pool. The virtual machine assignment made at line 20 gives the resource mapping done for the task \(t_i\). Now, this is to be optimized with the SPSO algorithm for getting the optimized schedule for the given workflow application. The fitness function will use the OEC and OET calculated by this algorithm.

The time complexity of this genSchedule(W, VMs) is \(O(n^{2})\). Here n is the number of tasks in the workflow W. The while loop at line 7 iterates for ‘n’ times considering one task at a time. The first inner for loop at line 10 iterates only for the number of VM instance types, which is always less than the number of tasks. On the other hand, the for loop at line 19 will be executed for another ‘n’ number of times. Thus the overall time complexity of this algorithm is \(O(n^{2})\).

7 PSO-based Optimization

7.1 Smart Particle Swarm Optimization—SPSO algorithm

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a heuristic search method which is inspired by the swarming or collaborative behaviour of biological populations such as flocks of birds, schools of fish and herds of animals. PSO is a population-based search method. The population can be assumed like the set of points, particle or potential solution in the problem of study. In PSO, the population move from a set of points to another set of points, in each iteration with a velocity. The movement of the particle contributes to probable improvement. The velocity function is devised using a combination of deterministic and probabilistic rules.

7.1.1 Particle encoding strategy

In our work, we use the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm by representing the tasks in the workflow as particle. Each particle maintains a position, composed of the candidate solution and its evaluated fitness, and its velocity.

To address the multiobjective problem, we define the encoding strategy for the particle with its dimension. We design our particle to be of four dimension. A particle \(p_i =\left( {t_i ,\mathrm{vm}_j ,\,\mathrm{vm}\,\mathrm{Type},\,\mathrm{SGL}_{\mathrm{vm}_j } } \right) \). The first dimension represents the \(\hbox {i}{\mathrm{th}}\) task in the workflow, i.e. the task for which the particle is designated. The second dimension \(\mathrm{vm}_j\) represents the VM id that was selected in the current iteration for evaluating the fitness based on the previous position and the velocity. The third dimension represents the \(\mathrm{vm\,Type}\) as specified in Table 3. Finally, the fourth dimension represents the SGL of the VM according to Eq. (1). Thus each particle can be viewed as a structure represented in Table 4. The figure shows the particle’s dimension for the sample workflow shown in Fig. 1 as a population. Each task in the workflow have four dimension or can be said as a coordinate associated with it. The dimension represents the position and the velocity at which the task can move in the solution space. Hence, the position of the particle is consolidated by the dimension of the particle.

Table 4 Particle structure representation for the sample workflow shown in Fig. 1

7.1.2 Basic terms

The PSO algorithm works in such a way that these generated particles swarm as a population such as the swarm of birds searching for the optimal solution. In our proposed work, the particle moves with a velocity searching for the best schedule and the best VM that can be allocated for it, so that it can give best optimized results. PSO algorithm does have two main parameters generally called as Pbest and Gbest. Pbest is the particle’s best position that it maintained during its swarm. Similarly, Gbest is the global best that the population experienced during the swarm. During the execution of the PSO algorithm, the particle’s velocity is stochastically accelerated towards its best position and towards the global best. The particle’s position is represented as \(\vec {p_\imath }\left( t \right) =\left( {p_{i1} \left( t \right) ,p_{i2} \left( t \right) ,\ldots ,p_{in} \left( t \right) } \right) \) at time t and the velocity of the particle is represented as \(\vec {v_\imath }\left( t \right) =\left( {v_{i1} \left( t \right) ,v_{i2} \left( t \right) ,\ldots ,v_{in} \left( t \right) } \right) \). At the next time step \(\left( {t+1} \right) \), the particle moves to a new position and the updated position can be computed using Eq. (17). In the proposed work the task \(t_i\) moves to another virtual machine \(\mathrm{vm}_j\) in search for the best optimal virtual machine. The search for the next virtual machine depends on the velocity of the particle. The speed in which the particle moves is determined by the velocity. The velocity vector is updated using Eq. (16). The particles move with this velocity in search of a new solution with better fitness. The fitness of the particle is evaluated using Eq. (3).

$$\begin{aligned}&\vec {v_\imath }\left( {t+1} \right) =\alpha \,\vec {v_\imath }\left( t \right) +c_1 r_1 \left( {\overrightarrow{p_{{\text {pbest}}} }\left( t \right) -\vec {p_\imath }\left( t \right) } \right) \nonumber \\&\quad +\,c_2 r_2\,\left( {\overrightarrow{p_{{\text {Gbest}}} }\left( t \right) -\vec {p_\imath }\left( t \right) } \right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\vec {p_\imath }\left( {t+1} \right) =\vec {p_\imath }\left( t \right) +\vec {v_\imath }\left( {t+1} \right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\propto \) is the inertia weight. It is used to control the influence of earlier velocity on the new velocity. Larger inertia weight makes an extensive search, whereas smaller inertia weights focus on smaller region. In our work, we have to make the task select a best VM for it so that its makespan and money to be paid to the cloud provider have to be minimized. Hence, we choose smaller value for inertia weight. This helps in fast convergence too. The symbols \(r_1 r_2\) are random numbers which are randomly selected in the interval [0,1]. These random values make the candidate solution distinct. The symbols \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) are called as acceleration constants. Kennedy has studied (Kennedy 1998; Kennedy et al. 2001) the effect of these variables on the particle lights and asserted the favourable condition for the swarm is \(c_1+c_2\le 4\). Otherwise it may explode towards infinity. The second term in Eq. (17) is the cognitive component and the third term is the social component influencing the swarm movement.

A sample value of the particle’s position at an iteration is shown in Table 5. For simplicity, we have shown this with four VMs and ten tasks. The position value computed for each task is given in Table 5. The coordinate values will be rounded off and the resultant value represents the selected VM for each task. Based on this allocation the overall execution ost (OEC) and overall execution time (OET) will be computed. After updating the particle’s position and velocity in the next iteration the fitness of the new solution will be checked. This process will be repeated till convergence in the fitness function.

7.1.3 Smart Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO) algorithm

The proposed Smart Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO) algorithm has a smart initialization procedure. Traditional PSO algorithms used to initialize the particle’s position in a random way. But here we use a schedule generation algorithm ‘genSchedule’, which works out a list-based heuristics for the given workflow. The output of this ‘genSchedule’ algorithm is itself an optimal schedule. But here we want to optimized the generated schedule further by using the metaheuristic approach. The idea of integrating the list-based heuristic with the metaheuristic approach is twofold. First, we will get the best optimized schedule with resource allocation for the given workflow. Second, the number of iterations is reduced to fewer numbers, thus reducing the execution time of the algorithm, which is very critical in cloud environments.

At each iteration, the fitness value will be compared with the Pbest and then with Gbest. If the new values are giving better results, then the new values will be updated in Pbest and Gbest accordingly. The detailed methodology is given in SPSO algorithm given below.

figure b
Table 5 Allocation of VM for different task’s based on its position

The algorithm SPSO(S, |T|) takes the schedule generated by algorithm 1 and the number of tasks as input. The dimension of the population is set to the number of tasks in the workflow *4. The particles are going to represent the tasks in the scientific workflow and the position will represent the virtual machine selected. This is described in Table 3. The for loop from lines 2 to 8 will do the needed initialization. At line 4, the particles position is initialized with the position from the schedule. That is, the particles are initialized with the virtual machine assignment decided from the schedule S. This initialization makes the SPSO algorithm smarter by initializing the particles in the near optimal locations. This will aid in faster convergence of the schedule. The velocity is initialized randomly at line 5. The particle’s Pbest is initialized with the initial particle’s position at line 6. The global best of the population, Gbest is initialized at line 7. The Gbest is initialized in such a way that the best of the entire particle’s position is selected. Lines 9–23 will be executed for each iterations of the swarm search. Line 13 calculates the fitness value for each particle. Then it is compared with the Pbest. If a better result is obtained in the search, then the Pbest is updated. Similarly, lines 17–19 check for the improvement in the Gbest. If any improvement is identified, then the Gbest will be updated with that improvement. In lines 20 and 21, the velocity and the positions are updated, so that the particles move in the right direction by using the knowledge gained in the current iteration. The until loop will be iterated till the objective values of OET and OEC converge. Our SPSO algorithm does converge within 20 iterations on an average.

The time complexity of this SPSO(S, |T|) is \(O({\textit{qn}})\). Here n is the number of tasks in the workflow W. The for loop from line 2 to 8 will be executed for ‘n’ times. Because the particles population dimension is n. The do–until loop starting at line 9 will be executed for ‘q’ times. The q value set in the experiment is 25. On an average case, the results converged within 17 iterations for smaller workflows and around 20 for larger workflows. The for loop starting at line 11 will be iterated for ‘n’ times accounting for the ‘n’ times in the time complexity. Hence, the time complexity of this algorithm is \(O({\textit{qn}})\).

7.2 Smart Variable Neighbourhood Particle Swarm Optimization (SVNPSO) algorithm

The major drawback of PSO algorithm is that at some worst cases it will suffer from local minima problem. In such cases, the results will not converge even with more number of iterations. In order to escape from local minima problem, we have also tried another variant of PSO algorithm called Variable Neighbourhood Particle Swarm Optimization (VNPSO). It is a combination of the Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) (Liu et al. 2012; Abraham et al. 2006). The VNS approach is used for various applications. One among is the usage for scheduling. Marinakis and Marinaki (2013) has used the variable neighbourhood search strategy and a path re-linking strategy for permutation flow shop scheduling. VNPSO algorithm is based on repeated exploration of neighbourhoods in progressively increasing size to identify better local optima using so called shaking strategies. Shaking phase normally generates a new point at random from the \(\hbox {k}{\mathrm{th}}\) neighbourhood of the particle ‘p’. The Variable Neighbourhood Search framework exploits systematically the idea of neighbourhood change, both in the descent to local minima and in the escape from the valleys which contain them (Liu et al. 2012; Hansen et al. 2010; Liu and Abraham 2007). These searches are done in steps and are repeated until a given termination condition is met. Since our algorithm’s fitness function checks for the security demand being satisfied in its constraints, we name our algorithm as Smart Variable Neighbourhood Particle Swarm Optimization (SVNPSO) algorithm.

Like the previous algorithm, here also we have used the smart initialization of the particles in the population. The population size is the number of tasks in the workflow.

7.2.1 Basic terms

In SVNPSO, we use a threshold velocity to identify when to apply the shaking strategy. If the velocity of the particle decreases below the threshold velocity \(v_{{\text {th}}}\), the new updated velocity is computed using Eqs. (18) and (19).

$$\begin{aligned} \vec {v_\imath }\left( {t+1} \right)= & {} \alpha v_{{\text {update}}} +c_1 r_1 \left( \overrightarrow{p_{{\text {pbest}}}}\left( t \right) \right. \nonumber \\&\left. -\vec {p_\imath }\left( t \right) \right) +c_2 r_2 \left( {\overrightarrow{p_{{\text {Gbest}}}} \left( t \right) -\vec {p_\imath }\left( t \right) } \right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} v_{{\text {update}}}= & {} \left\{ {{\begin{array}{ll} \quad {\vec {v_\imath } \quad \mathrm{if}\,\left| {\vec {v_\imath }} \right| \ge v_\mathrm{th}} \\ {xv_{\mathrm{max}_{/\mu }} \quad \mathrm{if}\,\left| {\vec {v_i }} \right| <v_\mathrm{th} } \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

The updated velocity is represented by \(v_{{\text {update}}}\) and it is computed using Eq. (19), where x represents a random numbers generated by uniform distribution in the interval [−1,1]. The efficiency of the algorithm is characterized by two parameters \(v_{{\text {th}}}{\text { and }}{\textit{x}}\). The value of x is responsible for changing the direction of the variable neighbourhood search. The value of \(v_\mathrm{th}\) is responsible for escaping from the local minima. A larger value for \(v_{th}\) makes the particle to be in its flying state, which prevents them from converging to a solution (Liu et al. 2012).

7.2.2 SVNPSO algorithm

figure c

The algorithm SVNPSO(S, |T|) takes the schedule generated by algorithm 1 and the number of tasks as input. The particles usage is the same as in the previous algorithm. The variable l used in line 2 represents the neighbourhood search limit. This will check whether there is any improvement in the search by the swarm particles. When there is no improvement, it is incremented or else it is reinitialized to 0. This helps in making decision whether to apply the shaking strategy or not. We define a limit value for this as 7. That means for 7 consecutive swarm search iterations there is no possibility of improvement. This is checked in line 26. When it is understood that for seven consecutive iterations there is no improvement; then, we update the velocity using \(v_{{\text {update}}}\) which implements the shaking strategy. The for loop from lines 3 to 8 will do the needed initialization. At line 5, the particles’ position is initialized with the position from the schedule. That is, the particles are initialized with the virtual machine assignment decided from the schedule S. This initialization makes the SVNPSO algorithm smarter in such a way the particles are initialized with the near optimal locations. This will aid in faster convergence of the schedule. The velocity is initialized randomly at line 6. The particle’s Pbest is initialized with the initial particle’s position at line 7. The global best of the population, Gbest is initialized at line 14. The Gbest is initialized in such a way that the best of the entire particle’s position is selected. Lines 9–32 will be executed for each iterations of the swarm search. Line 13 calculates the fitness value for each particle by considering the OET and OEC values subjected to satisfying the security constraints. The particles’ fitness value is compared with the Pbest. If a better result is obtained in the search, then the Pbest is updated from lines 20–22. Similarly, lines 23–25 check for the improvement in the Gbest. If any improvement is identified, then the Gbest will be updated with that improvement. In lines 26 and 30 the velocity and the positions are updated based on the neighbourhood search limit, so that the particles move in the right direction by using the knowledge gained in the current iteration. The until loop will be iterated till the objective values of OET and OEC converge.

The time complexity of this SVNPSO(S, |T|) is also \(O({\textit{qn}})\). Here n is the number of tasks in the workflow W. The for loop from line 3 to 8 will be executed for ‘n’ times. The particles’ population dimension is n. The do–until loop starting at line 9 will be executed for ‘q’ times. The q value set in the experiment is 30. On an average case, the results converged within 20 iterations for smaller workflows and around 22 for larger workflows. This SVNPSO algorithm will suit for overcoming local minimum. The for loop starting at line 11 will be iterated for ‘n’ times accounting for the ‘n’ times in the time complexity. Hence, the time complexity of this algorithm is \(O({\textit{qn}})\).

8 Experimentation and performance analysis

We implemented the proposed algorithms using WorkflowSim Chen and Deelman (2012) to evaluate their performance. WorkflowSim is the extension of CloudSim Simulator (Calheiros et al. 2011). It is an open-source simulator and it provides a complementary level of managing the workflows. The workflow applications considered to evaluate the proposed system are the real-world scientific workflow applications such as Montage (2015,Berriman et al. 2004), Epigenomics (USC Epigenome Center 2015) and CyberShake (Graves et al. 2010). All these workflows are delivered to the scientific community in a robust and scalable way by the Pegasus Workflow Management System tools (Pegasus Workflow Management System 2015). All the three workflows, namely Montage, Epigenomics and Cybershake, have different structures as given in Figs. 45 and 6 and have different computational and data characteristics. Workflow management system (WfMS) is used to manage scientific workflows. The scientific workflows can be characterized and used for testing the workflow scheduling (Workflow Generator 2015).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Montage workflow structure

Fig. 5
figure 5

Epigenomic workflow structure

Fig. 6
figure 6

Cybershake workflow structure

WorkflowSim consists of a Workflow Mapper to map abstract workflows to concrete workflows depending on their execution sites; a Workflow Engine to handle the data dependencies; and a Workflow Scheduler to match jobs to resources.

The DAX is a description of an abstract workflow in XML format that is used as the primary input in our model. The documentation of the schema and its elements can be found in (Schema of workflow in XML format 2015). The DAX file consists of the following three parts:

  1. 1.

    List of all referenced files (optional).

  2. 2.

    Definition of all jobs (1..*).

  3. 3.

    List of control flow dependencies (optional).

Let the unit of time be represented as \(\tau \). If there is any partial utilization of the leased VM, that can be also be considered as full time utilization. For example, consider that \(\tau =60{\text { min}}\) then, if a VM is used for 61 minutes, then the user will pay for 2 periods of 60 min, that is, 120 min. Also, there is no limitation for the number of VMs to be leased. The different types of VMs and cost per unit time of the VMs used in our experiments are given in Table 3.

8.1 Performance analysis with real workflows based on makespan

Montage is an application for constructing custom astronomical image mosaics of the sky. We considered Montage graphs with 25, 50 and 100 tasks. The Epigenomics workflow is used to map the epigenetic state of human cells on a genome-wide scale. As was the case for the other real application graphs, the structure of this application is known. In our experiment, we used graphs with 24, 46 and 100 tasks. The CyberShake workflow is used to characterize earthquake hazards in a region using the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis technique. The CyberShake workflows with 30, 50 and 100 tasks are used for experimentation. The Montage 25 tasks, Epigenomics 24 tasks and Cybershake 30 tasks workflow are considered as the small group. Similarly Montage 50 tasks, Epigenomics 46 tasks and Cybershake 50 tasks workflow are considered as the medium-sized workflows. Finally Montage 100 tasks, Epigenomics 100 tasks and Cybershake 100 tasks workflow are considered as the large-sized workflows.

To show the efficiency of our proposed SPSO and SVNPSO algorithms, we have considered two algorithms with list heuristic approach, namely HEFT algorithm (Topcuoglu et al. 2002) and PEFT algorithm (Arabnejad and Barbosa 2014). At the same time, we consider two more PSO-based algorithms, namely PSO algorithm (Rodriguez and Buyya 2014), RDPSO algorithm (Wu et al. 2010). These four algorithms are used to compare with our proposed SPSO and SVNPSO algorithms.

The experiments were executed for 50 times and the results were plotted with the average value of those fifty experiments. Thus the makespan plotted in Table 6 is the average makespan of 50 different trials.

PSO Parameters: The population size is fixed as the number of tasks in the workflow W. The search space for the particles is the initial virtual machine pool initialized by \(|\hbox {VM}_{\mathrm{type}}|\)\(\times \)\(|\hbox {W}_{\mathrm{Level}}|\). For instance, for the sample workflow given in figure the number of VMs in the initial pool is 25 VMs (5\(\times \)5=25). The number of VM types considered is 5 as per Table 3 and the number of level is 5 as per Fig. 1. In Sect. 5, we have considered that the consumer has to purchase m number of VMs from the provider. This m will be decided by the SPSO algorithm depending on the security guaranteed level being satisfied. In our experiments, the minimum number of VM being allocated for the tasks in the workflow is 3 and the maximum number depends on the dynamic allocation of the algorithm depending on the availability of the VM and the SGL being satisfied.

Table 6 Tabulation of makespan for different sized scientific workflow applications
Table 7 Tabulation of speedup for different sized scientific workflow applications

We have varied the value of \(\propto \), the inertia weight from 0.2 to 0.7. We observed that this inertia weight has a higher impact on the convergence of results. The best results can be had when the inertia is fixed as 0.4–0.6. On an average case, the results converged within 17 iterations for smaller workflows and around 20 for larger workflows for the SPSO algorithm. For the SVNPSO algorithm, the results converged within 20 iterations for smaller workflows and around 22 for larger workflows on an average. The extra iterations needed are due to the search for overcoming the local minima. The values of \(c_1{\text { and }}c_2\) are varied from 1.5 to 2.0 in our experiments. But change in these values does not affect the convergence rate much. On an average, we have preferred 1.9 for both \(c_1{\text { and }}c_2\), so that the sum of \(c_1{\text { and }} c_2\) is within 4.

The makespan of Montage, Cybershake and Epigenomics workflow applications for small, medium and large task groups is tabulated in Table 6. The results show that the proposed SPSO and SVNPSO algorithm gives a better makespan than the existing algorithms such as HEFT, PEFT, RDPSO and PSO algorithms. In this, the RDPSO algorithm doesn’t work good for Cybershake, which is more breadthwise distributed. Also we can infer that SVNPSO algorithm achieves good makespan for random structures such as partial parallel and sequential. But for workflow such as Epigenomics, which has a good parallel structure, it lags a little bit in yielding a good makespan. The structure of Montage and Cybershake gives good random structure. Montage has both depth and breadth in its structure, whereas Cybershake has breadth structure. Epigenomics has good depth structure. Thus we have considered both depth and breadth structure in the workflow for our experiments and our SPSO and SVNPSO is able to achieve good makespan and also able to find the possibly secured VM for the tasks to be allocated.

8.2 Performance analysis of real workflows based on speedup

Speedup The speedup of our algorithm is calculated as the fraction of cumulative computation costs and fitness function computation of the tasks in the workflow with the makespan of the output schedule. It is defined in Eq. (20).

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {speed up}}=\frac{\mathop \sum \nolimits _{t_i \in T} \overline{\mathrm{ET}}\left( {t_i } \right) +{\text {time taken for F}}}{\text {makespan}} \end{aligned}$$

The speedup of Montage, Cybershake and Epigenomics workflow applications for small, medium and large task groups is tabulated in Table 7. The results show that the proposed PSO algorithm gives the best speedup compared to other algorithms. For the Epigenomics workflow, which has a good depth structure the SVNPSO algorithm works better compared to other workflows.

Table 8 Tabulation of makespan for different sized synthetic workflows

The SPSO and SVNPSO algorithms have converged with minimum number of iterations. Our results for overall execution cost and overall execution time has converged within 20 iterations.

8.3 Performance analysis with synthetic workflows

To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, with larger-sized workflows we have used workflow generator. The workflow generator is used to generate synthetic workflows with various structures. The workflow graph generator uses several parameters such as number of tasks as DAG size, number of levels, link density, maximum and minimum expected values of task processing times and inter-task communication times. The task processing time on every VM follows uniform distribution. The communication time on each edge is based on uniform distribution. The communication-to-computation ratio (CCR) encodes the complexity of the computation of a task depending on the number of elements in the workflow application. We have generated workflows of sizes 1000, 2000 and 5000. We have also experimented with different CCR values. The range of values we used in our simulation is 0.1, 0.5, and 1 for CCR. In order to differentiate the virtual machines’ computational capacity, each virtual machine has been created by varying MIPS rate and PesNumber according to Table 3.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison of makespan with different sized workflows

We have generated workflows with 1000, 2000 and 5000 tasks and plotted the makespan in Fig. 7. It can be inferred from the diagram that the proposed SPSO an SVNPSO algorithm gives better results even for larger workflows. On an average, the SPSO algorithm gives 18.7 % improvement with respect to HEFT algorithm, 14.5% improvement with respect to RDPSO algorithm and 11.2% improvement with respect to PSO algorithm. Similarly, the SVNPSO algorithm gives 19.6 % improvement with respect to HEFT algorithm, 15.5% improvement with respect to RDPSO algorithm and 12.3% improvement with respect to PSO algorithm. This proves the efficiency of our proposed SPSO and SVNPSO algorithm.

We have tested the synthetic workflows with different CCR values for workflows. The communication-to-computation ratio (CCR) of a workflow is used to represent graph characteristics, which is either communication-intensive or computation-intensive. For higher value of CCR, the graph is more communication-intensive and if the CCR value is low then graph is computation-intensive. It is calculated by the average communication cost divided by the average computation cost on a target computing system. The range of CCR values that we used in our simulation is 0.1, 0.5 and 1. The comparison of makespan with different CCR values for workflows with 1000 tasks, 2000 tasks and 5000 tasks are shown in Table 8. It can be noted that the proposed SPSO and SVNPSO algorithms give better makespan compared to other algorithms. The RDPSO algorithm which didn’t work well for Cybershake workflow shows the same effect when the CCR values are increased. The SPSO and SVNPSO algorithm is able to give improvements even with higher CCR values, which proves the consistency of our approach.

8.4 Performance analysis on security

Fig. 8
figure 8

Probability of security with different risk coefficient \(\lambda \) for small workflow applications using SPSO algorithm

Fig. 9
figure 9

Probability of security risk with different risk coefficient \(\lambda \) for medium workflow applications using SPSO algorithm

Fig. 10
figure 10

Probability of security with different risk coefficient \(\lambda \) for small workflow applications using SVNPSO algorithm

Fig. 11
figure 11

Probability of security risk with different risk coefficient \(\lambda \) for medium workflow applications using SVNPSO algorithm

Probability of security with different risk coefficient \(\lambda \) for the SPSO algorithm is plotted in Figs. 8 and 9. Similarly, the probability of security with different risk coefficient \(\lambda \) for the SVNPSO algorithm is plotted in Figs. 10 and 11. From the bar chart, we can infer that the probability of security is in the interval [0.1]. The proposed model ensures to increase the security as the risk factor increases. Our method will allocate the VMs, which are having better security Level. This has been proved with the probability of security plotted in Figs. 8910 and 11. Thus the proposed model generates a good secured schedule for the workflow applications in cloud computing.

9 Conclusion

In the present work, we have proposed SPSO and SVNPSO algorithm with secured scheduling approach for scientific workflows in cloud computing. It gives an effective method for the utilization of the resources by proposing to use the metaheuristic optimization for resource allocation and scheduling. The proposed method for scheduling the workflow in the IaaS of cloud uses the naturally driven optimizing algorithm, and PSO provides an automated IaaS provisioning with minimal decision time in cloud for scientific workflows. The proposed algorithm provides a trade-off between security and minimum makespan and cost for workflow execution in cloud. Security constraints are introduced into the optimization model. The proposed algorithms SPSO and SVNPSO uses the coding strategy designed for encoding the particle to solve the multiobjective problem. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm gives comparatively good results than the previous methods with minimum iterations which is well suited for cloud environment.