Erratum to: Planta (2011) 233:407–421 DOI 10.1007/s00425-010-1304-9

The authors have noted an error in image selection for the introductory figure (Fig. 1). Therefore a new image has been provided below. All information in the existing text of the published article was unchanged. The authors apologize for this error.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The lace plant (Aponogeton madagascariensis). a Window stage lace plant leaf, displaying transparent windows where PCD is occurring. b Perforation expansion lace plant leaf portraying the expansion of the perforated areole. c Mature lace plant leaf showing completed perforations between longitudinal and transverse veins. d Sterile lace plant in magenta box. Scale bars 100 μm (ac), 1 cm (d)