Correction to: Child’s Nervous System

The article which was recently published contained error. Figure 1 was incorrectly processed as Fig. 2, resulting to identical figures during the publication the paper. Given in this article are the correct figures.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a, b Axial CT images of the brain demonstrate the presence of abnormal gyral-sulcation pattern in the medial/parasagittal frontoparietal lobes with areas of low densities within the underlying white matter (arrows), as well as parallel appearance of the lateral ventricles and colpocephaly (*), in keeping with complete agenesis of the corpus callosum

Fig. 2
figure 2

a-e: a Axial and b, c coronal T2-weighted images of the brain confirmed the presence of polymicrogyria-pachygyria in the medial/parasagittal frontoparietal lobes, signal abnormalities within the underlying white matter, and complete agenesis of the corpus callosum. In addition, enlarged and tortuous vessels (arrowheads) are seen along the interhemispheric falx, with no appreciable nidus. d Midline sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted image showed enlarged and tortuous vessels along the interhemispheric falx. There is also mild prominence of the anterior superior sagittal sinus (dotted arrow). e Time of flight magnetic resonance angiogram of the circle of Willis revealed enlargement of the bilateral anterior cerebral arteries (solid arrows), supplying the network of abnormal vessels along the falx

The original article has been corrected.