1 Universal Cycles for Permutations

A universal cycle for a set \(\mathbf {S}\) is a cyclic sequence of length \(|\mathbf {S}|\) whose substrings of length n encode \(|\mathbf {S}|\) distinct objects in \(\mathbf {S}\). As an example, the cyclic sequence 112132233 is a universal cycle for the set of 3-ary strings of length 2; the 9 unique substrings of length 2 when considered cyclicly are:

$$\begin{aligned} 11, 12, 21, 13, 32, 22, 23, 33, 31. \end{aligned}$$

A permutation of a character set \(\langle n\rangle = \{1, 2, \ldots , n\}\) is an ordered arrangement of n distinct symbols in \(\langle n\rangle \). A universal cycle for permutations of order n is a cyclic sequence of length n! whose substrings encode each of the permutations of \(\langle n\rangle \) exactly once. Universal cycles for permutations do not exist under standard one-line notation when \(n > 2\) [1]. To demonstrate the non-existence result, suppose there exists a universal cycle for permutations in one-line notation, then the universal cycle must contain the substring \(n (n-1) \cdots 1\). The next length n substring of the universal cycle starts with \((n-1) (n-2) \cdots 1\), and must end with the symbol n. By similar reasoning, the next n symbols after \(n (n-1) \cdots 1\) are exactly \(n (n-1) \cdots 1\), a repetition and thus contradicts with the assumption that it is a universal cycle.

Several other notations were introduced to construct universal cycles for permutations. Jackson proved that universal cycles for k-permutations of \(\langle n\rangle \) exist when \(k < n\), where a k-permutation is an ordered arrangement of k distinct symbols in \(\langle n\rangle \) [4]. Knuth extended Jackson’s result by introducing shorthand notation to encode permutations [6]. The shorthand notation of a permutation \(a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n\) is \(a_1 a_2 \cdots a_{n-1}\). A shorthand universal cycle for permutations of order n is a cyclic sequence of length n! that contains each of the unique permutations of \(\langle n\rangle \) in shorthand notation as a substring exactly once. For example, the cyclic sequence

$$\begin{aligned} 123413243214213423143124 \end{aligned}$$

is a shorthand universal cycle for permutations of order 4; the 24 unique permutations when considered cyclicly are:

$$\begin{aligned}&123\underline{4}, 234\underline{1}, 341\underline{2}, 413\underline{2}, 132\underline{4}, 324\underline{1}, 243\underline{1}, 432\underline{1}, \\&321\underline{4}, 214\underline{3}, 142\underline{3}, 421\underline{3}, 213\underline{4}, 134\underline{2}, 342\underline{1}, 423\underline{1}, \\&231\underline{4}, 314\underline{2}, 143\underline{2}, 431\underline{2}, 312\underline{4}, 124\underline{3}, 241\underline{3}, 412\underline{3}. \end{aligned}$$

The last symbol of each permutation in the listing is determined by a length 3 substring of the shorthand universal cycle. Holroyd, Ruskey and Williams provided efficient constructions to generate shorthand universal cycles for permutations in O(1)-amortized time per symbol and O(1)-amortized time per n symbols respectively using O(n) space [2, 3, 7]. Permutations have also been encoded using relative order [1]. For example, 321341 is an order-isomorphic universal cycle for permutations of order 3 since its substrings are order-isomorphic to 321, 213, 123, 231, 312, 132. Johnson verified a conjecture in [1] to show that order-isomorphic universal cycles for permutations exist using only \(n+1\) symbols [5]. However, there is currently no known efficient construction to generate order-isomorphic universal cycles for permutations for all order n.

In this paper, a novel notation, the relaxed shorthand notation, is introduced to represent permutations. We then present a shift-based construction for producing a universal cycle for permutations in relaxed shorthand notation. The construction is based on the following function over permutations, where k is the largest possible position such that \(a_k > a_{k+1}\):

$$\begin{aligned}&{f}(a_1a_2\cdots a_n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} a_2 a_1 a_3 a_4 \cdots a_n &{} \quad \text{ if } \; a_2 = 1 \quad \text{ and } \quad a_3 a_4 \cdots a_n \\ &{} \quad \text{ is } \text{ strictly } \text{ increasing; } \\ a_2 a_3 \cdots a_k a_1 a_{k+1} a_{k+2}\cdots a_{n} &{} \quad \text{ if } \; a_2 = 1 \quad \text{ and } \quad a_1 > a_{k+1}; \\ a_2 a_3 \cdots a_{k-1} a_1 a_k a_{k+1} \cdots a_{n} &{} \quad \text{ if } \; a_2 = 1 \quad \text{ and } \quad a_1 < a_{k+1}; \\ a_2 a_3 \cdots a_{n} {a_1} &{} \quad \text{ otherwise, } \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

As an illustration, successive applications of this rule for \(n = 4\) starting with the permutation 1234 produce the following listing:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} 1234, 2341, 3412, 41{2}3, 1423, 4231, 2314, 3142, \\ 1432, 4321, 3214, 21{4}3, 1243, 2431, 4312, 31{2}4, \\ 1324, 3241, 2413, 4132, 1342, 3421, 4213, 21{3}4. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Observe that each permutation of length 4 is visited exactly once and that by applying one more application of the rule, we return to the first string 1234. This property holds in general for all \(n \ge 1\). This leads to the following theorem, where \({\varPi }({n})\) denotes the set of permutations of \(\langle n\rangle \).

Theorem 1

The shift rule f induces a cyclic ordering on \({\varPi }({n})\).

The rest of the paper is outlined as follows. In Sect. 2, we introduce the relaxed shorthand notation. In Sect. 3, we prove Theorem 1, which leads to a universal cycle for permutations in relaxed shorthand notation. Then in Sect. 4, we present an algorithm that generates a universal cycle for permutations in this new notation in O(1)-amortized time per symbol using O(n) space.

2 A Novel Notation to Represent Permutations

This section introduces the relaxed shorthand notation to represent permutations. The relaxed shorthand notation uses a length n string \(\alpha = a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n\) with \(n-1\) or n distinct symbols to represent a permutation of \(\langle n\rangle \). If \(\alpha \) contains n distinct symbols, then it simply represents the permutation \(a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n\). Otherwise if \(\alpha \) contains \(n-1\) distinct symbols, then by pigeonhole principle there is a symbol which appears twice within \(\alpha \). Let \(a_i\) and \(a_j\) be the same symbol within \(\alpha \) such that \(i < j\). We can then obtain a length \(n-1\) string with \(n-1\) distinct symbols \(\beta \) by simply ignoring \(a_j\), and shifting all symbols after \(a_j\) to the left by one position, that is \(\beta = a_1 a_2 \cdots a_{j-1} a_{j+1} \cdots a_n\) when \(j < n\), and \(\beta = a_1 a_2 \cdots a_{n-1}\) if \(j = n\). We then treat \(\beta \) as the shorthand notation of a permutation. Thus, the corresponding permutation can be obtained by appending the missing symbol in \(\langle n\rangle \) to \(\beta \). As an example, the permutation 1234 can be represented by 1123, 1213, 1223, 1231, 1232, 1233 and 1234 in relaxed shorthand notation.

A relaxed shorthand universal cycle for permutations of order n is a cyclic sequence of length n! that contains each of the unique permutations of \(\langle n\rangle \) in relaxed shorthand notation as a substring exactly once. As an example, the cyclic sequence

$$\begin{aligned} 123414231432124313241342 \end{aligned}$$

is a relaxed shorthand universal cycle for permutations of order 4; the 24 unique permutations when considered cyclicly are listed out in (1).

Lemma 1

A shorthand universal cycle for \(\mathbf {S} \in {\varPi }(n)\) is a relaxed shorthand universal cycle for \(\mathbf {S}\).


A shorthand universal cycle for \(\mathbf {S}\) has its length equal to \(|\mathbf {S}|\) and contains each of the length \(n-1\) prefixes of permutations in \(\mathbf {S}\) as a substring exactly once. Let \(\alpha = a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n\) be a permutation in \(\mathbf {S}\). Observe that appending any symbol in \(\langle n\rangle \) at the end of the length \(n-1\) prefix of \(\alpha \), that is \(a_1 a_2 \cdots a_{n-1}\), produces a string that corresponds to \(\alpha \) in relaxed shorthand notation. Thus, a shorthand universal cycle for \(\mathbf {S}\) also contains each of the permutations in relaxed shorthand notation as a substring exactly once, and thus is a relaxed shorthand universal cycle for \(\mathbf {S}\). \(\square \)

3 Proof of Theorem 1

In [8], Williams introduced the cool-lex ordering that exhaustively lists out multiset permutations. A multiset is a generalization of set in which elements are allowed to appear more than once. For example, \(\{1, 1, 2, 4\}\) is a multiset in which the element 1 appears twice in the multiset. A permutation of a multiset \(\mathbf {M}\) is an ordered arrangement of the elements in \(\mathbf {M}\). For example, the 12 unique permutations for the multiset \(\{1, 1, 2, 4\}\) are:

$$\begin{aligned} 1124, 1214, 2141, 1241, 2411, 4112, 1142, 1412, 4121, 1421, 4211, 2114. \end{aligned}$$

Williams proved that the following simple shift rule exhaustively lists out each of the permutations in a multiset exactly once:

$$\begin{aligned}&{coo\ell }(a_1a_2\cdots a_n) =\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} a_2 a_3 \cdots a_n a_1 &{} \quad \text{ if } \;a_2 a_3 \cdots a_n \\ &{} \quad \text{ is } \text{ strictly } \text{ decreasing; } \\ a_2 a_3 \cdots a_k a_1 a_{k+1} a_{k+2} \cdots a_{n} &{} \quad \text{ if } \; a_1 > a_{k}; \\ a_2 a_3 \cdots a_k a_{k+1} a_1a_{k+2}a_{k+3} \cdots a_{n} &{} \quad \text{ otherwise, } \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where k is the smallest value such that \(a_k < a_{k+1}\). As an illustration, successive applications of this rule for the multiset \(\{1, 1, 2, 4\}\) starting with 1124 produce the listing shown earlier in this Section.

A necklace is the lexicographically smallest string in an equivalence class of strings under rotation. Let \(f^j(\alpha )\) be the string obtained from j successive applications of the shift rule f starting with \(\alpha \). Also, let \(\overleftarrow{\alpha }\) denotes the reversal of \(\alpha \), that is \(\overleftarrow{a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n} = a_n a_{n-1} \cdots a_1\). We now prove Theorem 1 using the cool-lex result by Williams.

Theorem 1

The shift rule f induces a cyclic ordering on \({\varPi }({n})\).


Let \(\alpha = a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n \in {\varPi }({n})\) be a necklace. Thus \(a_1 = 1\). By the definition of f, the next \(n-1\) strings after \(\alpha \) are all possible rotations of \(\alpha \). Thus it suffices to show that successive applications of f generate each of the necklaces in \({\varPi }({n})\) exactly once in cyclic order.

Since \(a_1 = 1\), \(f^{n-1}(\alpha ) = a_n a_1 a_2 \cdots a_{n-1} = a_n 1 a_2 \cdots a_{n-1}\) by the definition of f. Observe that by one more application of f, we have \(f(f^{n-1}(\alpha )) = f^{n}(\alpha ) = a_1 \overleftarrow{{coo\ell }(\overleftarrow{a_2 a_3 \cdots a_n})} = 1 \overleftarrow{{coo\ell }(\overleftarrow{a_2 a_3 \cdots a_n})}\). Since the shift rule \(coo\ell \) over permutations generates each of the permutations exactly once in cyclic order, successive applications of \(\overleftarrow{{coo\ell }(\overleftarrow{a_2 a_3 \cdots a_n})}\) list out each of the permutations of \(\{a_2, a_3, \ldots , a_n\}\) exactly once in cyclic order. Thus, successive applications of \(f^n\) and \(1\overleftarrow{{coo\ell }(\overleftarrow{a_2 a_3 \cdots a_n})}\) on \(\alpha \) generate each of the permutations in \({\varPi }({n})\) that starts with the symbol 1 exactly once in cyclic order, that is generating each of the necklaces in \({\varPi }({n})\) exactly once in cyclic order. \(\square \)

Let U denotes the sequence created by concatenating the first symbol of each permutation in the listing generated by successive applications of f starting with \(12\cdots n\). Clearly \(|U| = |{\varPi }({n})|\). We then define a function g as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} g(a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n) = a_1 \overleftarrow{coo\ell (\overleftarrow{a_2 a_3 \cdots a_n})}. \end{aligned}$$

From the proof of Theorem 1, the sequence U can be summarized by the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned} U = \alpha _1 \cdot \alpha _2 \cdots \alpha _{{(n-1)!}}, \quad \hbox { where } \; \alpha _1 = 12\cdots n \quad \hbox { and } \quad \alpha _{i+1} = g(\alpha _i). \end{aligned}$$

Corollary 1

Each necklace in \({\varPi }({n})\) appears as a length n substring of U.

We now prove that U is a relaxed shorthand universal cycle for permutations.

Theorem 2

U is a relaxed shorthand universal cycle for \({\varPi }({n})\).


Since \(|U| = |{\varPi }(n)|\), it suffices to show that each of the permutations in \({\varPi }({n})\) appears as a length n substring of U in relaxed shorthand notation.

Let \(\beta = b_1 b_2 \cdots b_{n} \in {\varPi }(n)\). If \(\beta \) is a necklace, then \(\beta \) is a length n substring of U by Corollary 1, that is a length n substring of U in relaxed shorthand notation. Otherwise if \(\beta \) is not a necklace, then \(\beta \) is a rotation of some necklace \(\alpha _i = a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n\), that is \(\beta = a_t a_{t+1} \cdots a_n a_1 a_2 \cdots a_{t-1}\) for some \(1 < t \le n\). By the definition of U, the next n symbols in U after \(\alpha _i\) are \(g(\alpha _i ) = \alpha _{i+1} = a_1 a_2 \cdots a_j a_n a_{j+1} \cdots a_{n-1}\) for some \(j < n-1\). If \(t\le j\), then \(\beta \) is a substring of \(\alpha _i \cdot a_1 a_2 \cdots a_j\) and U, which is also a length n substring of U in relaxed shorthand notation. Otherwise if \(t > j\), then \(b_1 b_2 \cdots b_{n-t+j+1} = a_t a_{t+1} \cdots a_n a_1 a_2 \cdots a_j\) and \(b_{n-t+j+2} b_{n-t+j+3} \cdots b_{n-1} = a_{j+1} a_{j+2} \cdots a_{t-2}\). Observe that \(\gamma = a_t a_{t+1} \cdots a_n a_1 a_2 \cdots a_j a_n a_{j+1} a_{j+2} \cdots a_{t-2} = b_1 b_2 \cdots b_{n-t+j+1} a_n b_{n-t+j+2} b_{n-t+j+3} \cdots b_{n-1}\) is a length n substring of \(\alpha _i \alpha _{i+1}\) and U with the symbol \(a_n\) appearing twice. Also, \(\beta \) can be represented by \(\gamma \) in relaxed shorthand notation. Thus, \(\beta \) also appears as a length n substring of U in relaxed shorthand notation. Therefore, U is a relaxed shorthand universal cycle for \(\varPi (n)\). \(\square \)

4 Generating our Universal Cycle Efficiently

By Corollary 1, U can be generated by starting with an arbitrary necklace in \({\varPi }(n)\) and repeatedly applying g until it reaches the starting necklace. The function g can be computed in O(n) time. However, g is called only once for every n symbols generated. This leads to an O(1)-amortized time per symbol algorithm to generate U in Algorithm 1. A complete C implementation of the algorithm is given in the Appendix.

figure a

Theorem 3

The algorithm UcyclePerm generates the relaxed shorthand universal cycle U for permutations in \({\varPi }({n})\) in O(1)-amortized time per symbol using O(n) space.