Correction to: Applied Physics A (2024) 130:693

In the affiliation 8 for Ali Doostmohammadi, University name (York University) was missing.

The wrong figure appeared as Fig. 5.; the figure should have appeared as shown below

Fig. 5
figure 5

Electrical equivalent circuits used to fit electrochemical impedance data of (a) the AZ91 alloy substrate, (b) the PEO-coated sample, and (c) the PEO/PDMS-nBG-coated sample

Equation (1) in page 9 is not in its correct form.; the equation should have appeared as shown below.

$${R_P} = \frac{{{\beta _a}{\beta _c}}}{{2.3031{i_{corr}}({\beta _\alpha } + {\beta _c})}}$$

The original article has been corrected.