
The differential diagnosis between central nervous system (CNS) solitary-enhancing lesions, including high-grade gliomas (HGG) and brain metastasis, is still a challenge in common radiological practice [1]. Since both lesions may show similar morphological features on conventional MRI related to enhancement, necrosis, or vasogenic edema, the differential between HGG and solitary metastasis usually needs advanced MRI approaches [2]. In the last two decades, hundreds of papers have addressed the capability of advanced MRI sequences such as diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI), including dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE), MR spectroscopy, arterial spin labeling (ASL), or amide proton transfer (APT) among others for this task [3,4,5]. These advanced modalities have provided new radiological features, including quantifiable parameters, for improving the differential diagnosis between both lesions. Moreover, in the last decade, artificial intelligence (AI) solutions based on images derived from conventional or advanced MRI sequences are providing new insights and relevant information for increasing the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of MRI in this specific scenario [6,7,8].

At this point, other potential sources of information for feeding AI algorithms are electronic health records (EHR) and, in our case, radiology reports [9]. Radiology reports contain all the information related to the patient’s demographics, clinical history, and, most importantly, the description of radiological findings (including conclusion or report summary), in other words, all the signs and features that radiologists identify during their reporting process [10]. In this scenario, natural language processing (NLP), a division of AI dedicated to giving computers the ability to interpret and understand human language, primarily based on machine learning (ML), has emerged as a promising tool to extract information from radiology reports and establish relationships between them from a general to a word-based level, usually hidden from the human eye [11, 12]. Moreover, NLP tools can manage large datasets in ways humans cannot. In our experience, this scenario is the breeding ground for applying this NLP technology to help radiologists face specific radiological questions[13, 14].

In this paper, we analyzed different NLP-based deep learning systems to distinguish between HGG and metastasis based solely on the information in radiological reports to develop the best automatic decision support system.


Data collection dataset

Ethical approval was waived by our local ethics committee because of the retrospective nature of the study, based on radiology reports, and all the procedures being performed were part of the routine radiology practice. A retrospective review of brain MRI reports performed at two different radiology departments between June 2010 and June 2022 was completed. These reports were exported as anonymized text files from each radiology department’s radiology information system (RIS). Inclusion criteria contained MRI reports with diagnosis of HGG or metastasis (proved after biopsy or surgery). Exclusion criteria comprised MRI reports with formal defects (i.e., absence of clinical information or conclusion section). The dataset was reviewed and annotated by consensus by two radiologists with more than 10 years of experience in a binary way: HGG or metastasis.

The corpus comprised 185 reports (99 from institution A and 86 from institution B), including the findings description and conclusions sections (Fig. 1). A total of 11 annotated reports were excluded due to formal defects. Reports were created in Spanish language; however, for better and potential reproducibility of our NLP algorithm, they were translated into English language and revised by an expert in medical English language for ensuring the accuracy of the translation. Maximum and median report lengths (measured in number of words) were 499 and 252 for institution A, and 416 and 186 for institution B, respectively (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Data distribution over the different categories (HGG (high-grade glioma) and metastasis) by institution

Fig. 2
figure 2

Distribution of report lengths per class. Maximum and median report lengths (measured in number of words) were 499 and 252 for institution A, and 416 and 186 for institution B, respectively

Model training and validation

For training and testing the ML models, 117 reports were used as the training set and 21 reports constituted the validation set, while the rest of the data (47) were considered an independent test dataset.

Reports were pre-processed using tokenization based on whitespace (punctuation and other special characters, such as parentheses, were considered separate tokens that contain helpful semantic content within reports). For this purpose, we use the NLTK library and the Python v3.8 programming language [15]. Moreover, to avoid biases in the algorithm, keywords considered highly representative of both HGG and metastasis were eliminated from the texts (Table 1).

Table 1 Keywords related to the class to be predicted removed from the original text

Deep learning models

Diverse deep learning models were trained and tested to differentiate between HGG and metastasis using the manually annotated radiology reports as the ground truth. Four different deep learning architectures were evaluated: a simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) network, and a hybrid model comprising a bidirectional LSTM followed by a CNN and a fine-tuned pre-trained model of BERT adapted to radiology as a classifier (RadBERT).

Our proposed CNN used a convolutional layer and a global max-pooling layer to identify the text’s most salient location for each learned feature (Fig. 1 supplementary material). The bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) approach processes the input text storing the semantics in two directions, one for positive time direction and another for negative time direction. This type of recurrent network can capture contextual information and long-term dependencies (Fig. 2 supplementary material). A hybrid of bidirectional LSTM and CNN architecture shown in Fig. 3 of the supplementary material (BiLSTM-CNN) was also used to differentiate between HGG and metastasis. The recurrent BiLSTM layer can serve as a language feature encoder from sequences of semantic word embeddings. Then, the convolution layers can encode the category-related features provided by the BiLSTM, while the latter dense layers tune the model for the classification task. For all of these deep learning models used and described so far (CNN, BiLSTM, and BiLSTM-CNN), the first input layer consists of FastText ( word embeddings with 2-million-word vectors trained with sub-word information in Common Crawl (600B tokens). Because of the number of tokens in these word embeddings, they can accurately represent the textual information of radiological reports. The report tokens were embedded in a vector space using pre-trained FastText.

Finally, we also explore the capability of BERT as a language model to detect the presence of HGG and metastasis. In our case, we fine-tuned the BERT model adapted to radiology named RadBERT (Fig. 4 supplementary material). RadBERT was pre-trained with millions of radiological reports from the US Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare system across the country on various linguistic models [16]. The pre-processed texts belonging to our dataset were tokenized with WordPiece as sub-word tokens and entered into the model.

Different model parameters, including network depth, units per layer, optimizers, or activation functions, were evaluated and compared using a grid search to identify optimal architecture parameters. Table 2 summarizes the hyperparameters selected for each model. Occurrence rates of the most common words for HGG and metastasis categories are shown in Fig. 3. The output of all the deep learning models employed was projected through dense connections to a layer of size 2, one unit for each finding (HGG and metastasis). A SoftMax activation function with the multi-class target was applied to the output.

Table 2 Hyperparameters selected for each model
Fig. 3
figure 3

The 20 most common words in the (a) high-grade glioma (HGG) category and (b) metastasis category including their occurrence rates

For the development of the deep learning methods, the Python v3.8 programming language was used along with packages such as keras, tensorflow, torch, and transformers.

Statistical analysis

The primary evaluation metrics used consisted of standard measures from the NLP community, namely precision, sensitivity, F1 score, and area under the ROC curve (AUC).


Patients’ demographics and dataset features

Patient’s age included in the study ranged between 32 and 86 years old, (mean 62 years old). Regarding sex, 59% of patients are male and 41% female.

Algorithms trained with NLP were used with our test dataset consistent on 47 MRI brain reports. Twenty-five of the 47 reports were classified as HGG, while the rest (22 reports) were annotated as metastasis. In addition, in order to have consistent variability in the test set, this set also contained a diversity of reports from each institution: 27 reports from institution A and 20 reports from institution B.

Performance evaluation

Table 3 shows the models’ relative performance evaluated in the HGG and metastasis classification task on the test set. Regarding the HGG category, we obtained values above 76% in the F1 score. BiLSTM offers the lowest F1 and precision (76.36% and 70%, respectively), and RadBERT provides a sensibility of 76%. The best results for HGG detection, and taking into account the F1 score, were achieved using the CNN, specifically, over 91% precision, 84 sensitivity, and 87.5% F1 score.

Table 3 Relative performance of the final evaluated models on test data

For the detection of metastasis, results similar to the previous ones occur. In this case, the F1 score is in the range of 66% and 87%. The BiLSTM network offers a lower value (66.67% of F1) and a 59.09% sensitivity. In terms of precision, the result obtained by the hybrid BiLSTM-CNN network stands out with a 92.86%. Overall, the CNN network achieved the best results for metastasis classification, with 83.33%, 90.91%, and 86.96% precision, sensitivity, and F1, respectively.

Finally, the AUC metric has been reported to evaluate the true and false positive rates. In this scenario, CNN achieves 87.45%, while the BiLSTM network obtains 71.54%.

CNN model results analysis

The CNN neural network provided the best performance, and Table 4 shows the results in detail, including the macro-average and weighted average metrics. Concerning the macro-avg metric, the overall precision achieved by the system is 87.32%, while the sensitivity is 87.45%, and for the F1 metric, it obtains 87.23%. The weighted average also obtained similar results, 87.57%, 87.23%, and 87.25% of precision, sensitivity, and F1, respectively.

Table 4 CNN results obtained for the evaluation of patients with HGG and metastasis

Our CNN model was used to classify all the corpus. Figure 4 shows the matrix confusion analysis with the number of true positives (TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP), and false negatives (FN). Among 47 radiological reports, the CNN network does not classify 12% correctly (6 documents). Instead, the system correctly labels 41 documents. For detecting HGG, CNN correctly predicts 21 cases (TP), obtaining 4 FN, 2 FP, and 20 TN. On the other hand, for the automatic detection of metastasis, CNN offers 20 TP, 2 FN, 4 FP, and 21 TN.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Confusion matrix of the results obtained using a Convolutional Neural Network

Our NLP algorithm detected keywords for positively classifying a radiology report as HGG or metastasis group. Terms such as tumor, temporal, lobe, foci, corpus, callosum, necrotic, or temporal showed the highest positive significance for determining radiology reports as HGG. Terms like CT (computed tomography), DTI (diffusion tensor imaging), or LV (lateral ventricles) showed the highest positive significance value for determining radiology reports as metastasis. In this line, the exact words are negative terms for classifying radiology reports into the opposite group (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Word significance for the detection of HGG (high-grade glioma) and metastases in patients

Explainability CNN model

For a better explanation of why our NLP solution misclassified these six cases, we applied the LIME explainability system [17, 18]. In four of these six cases, the algorithm incorrectly classified as metastases four HGG (in two of these cases, a plausible explicability could be related to “multifocal HGG” described in the report). In the other cases, the system misclassified as HGG two metastases (in one of these cases, probably because of the displacement of “corpus callosum” by the mass effect while in the other case, the use of words like “tumor necrosis” conditioned the misclassification as HGG instead of metastasis) (Fig. 5 supplementary material).


After analyzing different models, our CNN has achieved an AUC of 87.45% based on how HGG and metastasis are described in radiology reports. Models that involve convolution layers such as CNN and BiLSTM-CNN have achieved the best results, probably because the convolutional architecture using the pre-trained word embeddings can represent the corpus more accurately. For example, the word embeddings selected for the evaluated neural networks were trained on 600 billion tokens, while RadBERT was trained on 466 million tokens [19]. Moreover, the CNN operates locally and does not rely on positional encodings as an order signal to the model network identifying the words that are most meaningful to the task by detecting and establishing that words such as “corpus” or “callosum” which are related to HGG since HGG usually involves the corpus callosum [20]. In the same line, terms such as “tumor,” “necrotic,” or “cyst” appear linked to the HGG category, probably since HGG usually show hypoenhancing necrotic and cystic areas on post-contrast sequences and are lesions usually straightly named as tumor rather than unspecific lesions by radiologists in their reports. Terms such as “CT” have been identified by our NLP algorithm to classify a radiology report into the metastasis category since it is not uncommon to recommend by radiologist’s further exams (like whole body CT) to rule out primary malignancies when there is high suspicion of metastatic brain disease. In the same line, the term “DTI” appears frequently linked to the “metastasis” group, probably due to the recommendations made by radiologist regarding the further performance of this advanced MRI sequence to surgical resection of single metastatic lesion planification. Other words such as “edema” or “vasogenic” have more weight linked to metastasis rather than HGG, probably because of a higher vasogenic edema/lesion ratio linked to metastasis compared with HGG, which usually shows non-enhancing infiltrative areas [5, 21].

The differential between HGG and metastasis is a common challenge in radiological practice. Despite several efforts based on conventional and advanced MRI sequences for improving this differential, nowadays, in some cases, there are still doubts about the nature of solitary-enhancing lesions in MRI studies [22, 23]. In this scenario, AI solutions may help radiologists as a clinical support decision tool for this task. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to attempt to address differences between both lesions based on how they are described in radiology reports using NLP.

One of the critical points in the design of the algorithm was to remove all the keywords that may solely identify a lesion as HGG or metastasis to improve our tool’s clinical, radiological, and statistical value. In this manner, we ensured that the system does not get influenced in its final decision by the detection of terms such as “high grade,” “glioblastoma,” or “metastatic,” among others.

Several authors have recently developed NLP-based tools for extracting relevant information from radiology reports [12, 24]. Sensitive information such as unexpected or relevant findings can be extracted automatically from radiology reports to notify in a preferent manner these relevant findings to referring clinicians. López-Úbeda et al explored this topic, obtaining an F1 score for identifying unexpected findings at free-text radiology reports of 90% using CNN [25]. Regarding glioma evaluation, Di Noto et al developed a weakly supervised learning algorithm with automated labels and transfer learning techniques to detect glioma changes related to progression or response [26, 27]. Senders et al evaluated the role of NLP for automated quantification of brain metastasis reported in unstructured radiology reports finding that the bag-or-words approach combined with a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) provided the better overall accuracy with an AUC of 0.92 for binary classification of patients with single or multiple metastases in MRI brain studies [28]. NLP has also been applied in the CNS for other clinical scenarios, such as predicting stroke outcomes based on brain MRI radiology reports performed during admission. Heo et al obtained specific tokens (MCA, “territori,” “complet,” etc.) that could be used as digital markers of a patient’s prognosis in brain MRI reports linked to poor outcomes of patients with acute ischemic stroke using deep learning and CNN [29].

Our NLP tool can compile all the information in the free-text report and offer the radiologist the likelihood of suggesting HGG or metastasis based on the NLP analysis of finding details. We believe this tool has some potential applications in the standard radiological workflow. First, to serve, especially in the case of less experienced radiologists, as a clinical assistant tool before finalizing their reports, this kind of NLP solution may help them reach a correct final diagnosis on the basis of the findings described. In this line, a deep analysis of terms applied by an expert neuroradiologist can be done to use them as an example of how these reports must be performed or, on the opposite side, to detect poor-quality reports with a non-specific description of HGG or metastasis features and encourage and teach these radiologists to use more precise lexicon. Another potential application could be related to extracting information from radiology reports performed outside our radiology department. It is not uncommon to admit patients with MRI studies performed at other institutions, having only access to their radiology reports. In this manner, avoiding duplication of new MRI studies or improving the interpretation of external MRI reports may be achieved using these NLP solutions. Of course, the most logical and practical approach should be to integrate the NLP outcome with features derived from images (regardless of whether conventional, advanced, or based on AI or radiomics) to provide a final diagnosis using an AI multimodal approach that merges information from image and text. Other approaches may include automatic retrospective searching and labeling radiology reports from past years present at any RIS to ensure reporting quality and recruit patients for research and clinical trials [24].

Our study has some limitations. The insufficient number of radiology reports selected for the training and testing of the NLP tools may impact the absolute accuracy of the differential diagnosis between HGG and metastasis. In our opinion, an increase in the number of labeled reports with more cases of HGG and metastasis will undoubtedly improve our NLP tool’s capability for suggesting radiologist HGG or metastasis. Regarding the language used, probably the translation from Spanish to English language of our reports would have some kind of impact on the outcome of our NLP tool as linguistic nuances are probably being missed during the translation process. Regarding the type of CNS lesions included as part of the differential diagnosis, other solitary-enhancing lesions such as primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), brain abscesses, or tuberculomas may be potentially included in further studies to encompass a broader range of differential based on the description of radiological features of these additional lesions on the radiology reports.


Differentiation between HGG and brain metastasis remains nowadays a challenge for radiologists. We developed an NLP-based algorithm to extract information from radiology reports and accurately classify them as HGG or metastasis. This NLP-based algorithm could be used as an assistant tool together with imaging features to help radiologists in this challenging task.