
Iron complex minerals of the sulfosalt type, showing well-individualized single chains of iron atoms in octahedral coordination, have been studied previously for their magnetic properties. Magnetic structures of berthierite (Fe2+Sb2S4) (Winterberger et al. 1990) and jamesonite (Fe2+Pb4Sb6S14) (Léone et al. 2004) have been thus determined. In this paper, we compare these results with the magnetic structures obtained for manganese derivative compounds, monoclinic Mn2+Sb2S4, a dimorph of clerite (orthorhombic, isotypic with berthierite) and benavidesite, Mn2+Pb4Sb6S14 (isotypic with jamesonite).

MnSb2S4 has been synthesized by solid-state reaction of MnS and Sb2S3 following Pfitzner et al. (2000). It crystallizes in the monoclinic symmetry, space group C2/m, with unit cell parameters a = 12.743(3), b = 3.799(1), c = 15.106(3) Å and β = 113.91(3), Z = 4. It is not isotypic with berthierite (FeSb2S4), which crystallizes in the orthorhombic symmetry, space group Pnma, with unit cell parameters a = 11.412(2), b = 3.763(1), c = 14.161(3) Å, Z = 4, but it contains the same type of chains of edge-sharing octahedra [MnS6] parallel to b-axis, 6.65 Å apart (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Crystal structure of monoclinic MnSb2S4 (left), chains of manganese atoms in octahedral coordination (right)

Benavidesite (MnPb4Sb6S14) has been synthesized by solid-state reaction of MnS, PbS and Sb2S3 (Léone et al. 2003). It crystallizes in the monoclinic symmetry, space group P2 1 /c, with unit cell parameters a = 4.0216(8), b = 19.178(4), c = 15.837(3) Å and β = 91.89(3), Z = 2. It is isotopic with jamesonite (FePb4Sb6S14) (Fig. 2). Mn octahedra form single chains parallel to a-axis, 12.4 Å apart.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Crystal structure of jamesonite (benavidesite), Fe(Mn)Pb4Sb6S14 (left); chains of iron (manganese) atoms in octahedral coordination (right)


Magnetic measurements were carried out on a Quantum Design SQUID magnetometer using powder. The data were corrected for the sample holder contribution and the core diamagnetism using the Pascal’s constants.

Calorimetric measurements were performed on a homemade specific heat setup using semi-adiabatic method. Data recorded on sintered pellets were corrected for the sample holder and grease contributions.

The neutron diffraction experiments were performed at the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (CEA-CNRS) in Saclay (France) using the G4.1 diffractometer (λ = 2.4266 Å). Height diagrams were collected in the 2θ range 7–86.9° between 1.5 and 160 K (1.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 160 K) for MnSb2S4; the data were collected during 3 h at 1.5 K and during 1.5 h at the other temperatures. Sixteen diagrams were collected in the 2θ range 7–86.9° between 1.6 and 45 K (1.6, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 34, 45 K) for benavidesite; the data were collected during 5 h at 1.6 K and during 2.5 h at the other temperatures. The samples were set in a cylindrical vanadium can and held in a liquid helium cryostat. Nuclear and magnetic structures were refined using the Rietveld-type (Rietveld 1969) Fullprof (Rodriguez-Carvajal 1990) program. The nuclear scattering lengths and iron magnetic form factor were those included in this program.


Magnetic measurements and specific heat of monoclinic MnSb2S4

Figure 3 shows the thermal variation of both susceptibility and reciprocal susceptibility of powder under a magnetic field of 1 kOe. At high temperature (above 150 K), the reciprocal susceptibility agrees with a Curie–Weiss law. The effective magnetic moment μeff = 5.9(1) μB is close to the expected value for high spin Mn2+ (5.8–6.0) (Carlin 1986). The Curie paramagnetic temperature θ = −63(1) K indicates prevalent antiferromagnetic interactions. The susceptibility curve shows a maximum at 25(1) K, corresponding to an antiferromagnetic transition. These results confirm those of Kurowski (2003) (θ = −66(1)°, T N = 26.5(5) K) except for the effective magnetic moment given by this author, which seems too high (μeff = 6.86(5) μB).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Temperature dependence of the susceptibility of monoclinic MnSb2S4 (H = 1 kOe)

Figure 4 represents the evolution of the susceptibility and of the specific heat versus temperature. The specific heat curve shows a long-range magnetic ordering transition at 23 K corresponding to the antiferromagnetic transition observed on the susceptibility curve, and an additional small peak at 25 K.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Observation of the magnetic transition by susceptibility and specific heat measurements of MnSb2S4

The difference between the zero field cooled and the field-cooled data for a field applied of 100 Oe, below 50 K, is illustrated in Fig. 5. The magnetization curves versus applied field recorded at different temperatures are linear above 25 K, showing that the transition temperature has been reached.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Susceptibility of MnSb2S4 (H = 100 Oe): field cooled (FC) and zero field cooled (ZFC) (left), magnetization versus applied magnetic field (right)

Magnetic structure of monoclinic MnSb2S4

Figure 6 shows neutron diffraction patterns collected at 1.5, 25 and 160 K. The neutron diffraction pattern recorded at 160 K is strictly due to the nuclear scattering. The sample contains some Sb2S3 and MnS as main impurities. The pattern recorded at 25 K evidences the (111) magnetic peak of MnS. Additional peaks of magnetic origin appear below 25 K. Magnetic peaks observed at 1.5 K correspond to a 3D long-range magnetic ordering of manganese magnetic moments. They can be indexed from the nuclear cell parameters using an incommensurate 1D propagation wave-vector along b-axis, equal to k = [0, 0.369(1), 0]. Two modulation models were tested, sinusoidal and helicoidal. The best refinement is obtained for the helicoidal model (R mag = 0.093). Figure 7 shows observed, calculated and difference neutron diffraction patterns. Figure 8 represents the magnetic structure at 1.5 K. Manganese magnetic moments are oriented in the (a, c) plane. Along the chains of edge-sharing octahedra [MnS6] (along b-axis), there is an angle of 133° between adjacent magnetic moments; along the a-axis, the angle is 66.85° and it is zero along c-axis. The magnetic moment reaches 4.43(6) μB at 1.5 K. The evolution of the magnetic moment values versus temperature is represented in Fig. 9. It confirms the magnetic transition at 25 K. It is remarkable that the propagation vector is unchanged, to the precision of measurements, from 1.5 to 20 K. In his thesis, Kurowski (2003) chose a sinusoidal model for the magnetic structure of MnSb2S4 (k y = 0.371(1); M = 4.6(1) μB) but later, he and co-authors (Matar et al. 2005; Kurowski et al. unpublished) indicated that the structure is helicoidal, without any detail.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Part of neutron diffraction patterns of monoclinic MnSb2S4 at 1.5, 25 and 160 K; at 1.5 and 25 K, the peak marked with an asterisk is the (111) magnetic peak of MnS

Fig. 7
figure 7

Observed (cross), calculated (solid line) and difference (solid line at the bottom) neutron diffraction patterns at 1.5 K of MnSb2S4. The first series (up) of Bragg reflexion markers corresponds to the nuclear structure, the second series to the magnetic structure, the third series to Sb2S3 and the fourth (down) to MnS

Fig. 8
figure 8

MnSb2S4 magnetic structure: drawing in perspective (left), in projection along the b-axis (right)

Fig. 9
figure 9

Evolution of the magnetic moment versus temperature for monoclinic MnSb2S4

Magnetic measurements and specific heat of benavidesite (MnPb4Sb6S14)

Previously (Léone et al. 2003), we showed that benavidesite (MnPb4Sb6S14) has an effective magnetic moment μeff = 5.7(1) μB and a Curie paramagnetic temperature θ = −40 K, characteristic of high spin Mn2+ with antiferromagnetic interactions (Fig. 10). The evolution of the specific heat versus temperature (Fig. 11) and the zero field cooled (ZFC), field cooled (FC) susceptibility curves for an applied field of 100 Oe (Fig. 12) show a long-range magnetic ordering transition at about 6 K. Between 6 and 45 K, ZFC and FC susceptibility curves do not coincide: this difference may be attributed to 1D magnetic ordering, or to correlations along the manganese octahedra which form single chains in the structure. The magnetization curves versus applied field recorded are linear at 5 K.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Temperature dependence of the susceptibility of benavidesite (MnPb4Sb6S14) (H = 1 kOe)

Fig. 11
figure 11

Observation of the magnetic transition by specific heat measurements of benavidesite

Fig. 12
figure 12

Susceptibility of benavidesite (H = 100 Oe): field cooled (FC) and zero field cooled (ZFC) (left), magnetization versus applied magnetic field (right)

Magnetic structure of benavidesite (MnPb4Sb6S14)

Figure 13 shows neutron diffraction patterns collected at 1.6, 6 and 45 K. The neutron diffraction pattern recorded at 45 K is strictly due to the nuclear scattering. The sample contains one Mn-free impurity, robinsonite (Pb4Sb6S13). A series of extra peaks is present at 1.6 K corresponding to the three-dimensional long-range magnetic ordering of the manganese magnetic moments. These magnetic peaks can be indexed in doubling the a parameter of the crystal cell. These extra peaks have disappeared at 6 K. Like jamesonite (FePb4Sb6S14) (Léone et al. 2004), at around 2θ = 18°, the background of all neutron diagrams exhibits a step which disappears at around 30 K. In order to determine the magnetic structure, to limit the number of parameters, we used the results of the group theory calculation. Contrary to jamesonite, the best fit (Fig. 14) is obtained for the “Γ 4 ” irreductible representation and not for “Γ 2 ”. Despite the results of the group theory calculation define the moment vector by three parameters, the magnetic moments are strictly oriented along b-axis (Fig. 15) and reach 3.2(1) μB at 1.6 K. The magnetic reliability factor (R mag = 0.159) is a little bit high (R mag = 0.126 for jamesonite): two possible explanations are the weak intensity of the magnetic peaks compared to nuclear one, as well as the small amount of sample.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Part of neutron diffraction patterns of benavidesite (MnPb4Sb6S14) at 1.6, 6 and 45 K. Relatively to the diagram at 45 K, those at 6 and 1.6 K have been shifted up for clarity. For each temperature, a line is drawn to show the evolution of the background

Fig. 14
figure 14

Observed (cross), calculated (solid line) and difference (solid line at the bottom) neutron diffraction patterns at 1.6 K of benavidesite. The first series of Bragg reflexion markers corresponds to the nuclear structure, the second series to the magnetic structure, the third series to robinsonite (Pb4Sb6S13)

Fig. 15
figure 15

Benavidesite (MnPb4Sb6S14) magnetic structure


Comparison between berthierite (FeSb2S4) and monoclinic MnSb2S4

Within single chains of Fe or Mn octahedra, according to Goodenough-Kanamori rules (Goodenough 1963), superexchange interactions at 90° are antiferromagnetic. In berthierite (FeSb2S4) (Winterberger et al. 1990), the distances between neighbouring chains are smaller (6.19 Å) than those in MnSb2S4 (6.65 Å), and the interactions are stronger, leading to a 3D long-range magnetic ordering at higher temperature, 50 K instead of 25 K. Both compounds show spiral magnetic structures with a similar incommensurate 1D propagation vector (k y = 0.394 for FeSb2S4 and 0.369 for MnSb2S4), unchanged with temperature, and no short range magnetic order is detectable on neutron diagrams just above T N. In berthierite, the interactions between identical chains (6.19 Å apart) are antiferromagnetic, whereas in MnSb2S4, interactions between chains along c-axis (Fig.8) (7.55 Å apart) are ferromagnetic. The maximum magnetic moment values, 4.1 μB for iron II and 4.4 μB for manganese II, are close to expected ones, respectively 4 and 5 μB.

Comparison between jamesonite (FePb4Sb6S14) and benavidesite (MnPb4Sb6S14)

The ZFC-FC susceptibility measurements, the evolution of the specific heat and the powder neutron diffraction patterns of benavidesite (MnPb4Sb6S14) show, like for jamesonite (FePb4Sb6S14) (Léone et al. 2004), a 3D long-range magnetic ordering at 6 K. Jamesonite is a canted ferromagnet and iron magnetic moments are mainly oriented along a-axis. On the contrary, no angle of canting is detected for benavidesite, and manganese magnetic moments are oriented along b-axis.

For both compounds, we observed an increase on the background in the neutron diffraction pattern at about 2θ = 17°, below 30 K. This “step” can be most probably attributed to 1D magnetic ordering, or correlations along the iron or manganese octahedra which form single chains in the structure: the distance between iron or manganese atoms along these chains is equal to the a parameter (4.02 Å), so Q = π/a = 0.78 Å−1 and it corresponds to 2θ = 17.5 [=2 arcsin(/4π)]. Below 6 K, a few chains remain uncorrelated giving rise to this 1D magnetic signal. Probably, it explains the smaller maximum magnetic moment value, 3.3 μB for iron II and 3.2 μB for manganese II, than expected, respectively 4 μB and 5 μB. Morimoto et al. (2007), by Mössbauer spectroscopy of a synthetic jamesonite sample, did not detect any development of this short-range magnetic order. They explain the Mössbauer spectra by the development of a spin-glass state and a 3D magnetic order.

Comparison between (berthierite, monoclinic MnSb2S4) and (jamesonite, benavidesite)

All these compounds present crystal structures with 1D organization in which iron or manganese octahedra form single chains. In jamesonite and benavidesite, the distances between neighbouring chains are larger (12.3 Å) than in berthierite and monoclinic MnSb2S4, so the interactions are weaker, leading to a 3D long-range ordering at lower temperature (6 K), a commensurate magnetic structure, and a 1D magnetic correlations below 30 K. For berthierite and MnSb2S4, the interactions between chains lead to a spiral magnetic structure and no short-range order is detectable.