Erratum to: Theor Appl Genet (2012) 124:1215–1228 DOI 10.1007/s00122-011-1781-7

In the original version of the article, the names of the six BnaX.PSY (a-f) genes are incorrectly spelled in Fig. 3. The correct names for these six genes are: BnaC.PSY.a, BnaA.PSY.b, BnaA.PSY.c, BnaA.PSY.d, BnaC.PSY.e and BnaC.PSY.f. Please find the corrected figure here. The same spelling mistake occurs twice in the text when referring to the three Brassica napus homeologous PSY gene pairs. The identity of the homeologous BnaX.PSY gene pairs do not change and should always read: BnaC.PSY.a/BnaA.PSY.b, BnaA.PSY.c/BnaC.PSY.e and BnaA.PSY.d/BnaC.PSY.f.

Fig. 3
figure a

Brassica PSY gene families. a Schematic representation of Arabidopsis PSY gene (AtPSY, At5g17230) and the assembled contigs generated for B. rapa (BraA.PSY.a-c), B. oleracea (BolC.PSY.a-c) and B. napus (BnaX.PSY.a-f). Exons and introns are drawn to scale and represented by boxes (E1E6) and lines, respectively. Gene structures were deduced from FGENESH predictions and alignment analysis. For details, lengths of the exons and introns are shown in Table 1. b Structure of Brassica PSY proteins. Chloroplast transit peptide (TP) and phytoene synthase signatures (PROSITE patterns PS01044 and PS01045) are depicted