Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser der HNO,

versehentlich wurden die Seitenzahlen 645–676 sowohl in der Ausgabe 7 als auch in der Ausgabe 8 von HNO 61 (2013) vergeben. Folgende Beiträge sind betroffen:

Dear Readers of HNO,

Accidentally, the page numbers 654–676 were assigned to issue 7 as well as to issue 8 of HNO 61 (2013). The following articles are affected:

Steffen, R. Linke, B. Wollenberg

Treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis using balloon sinuplasty. A quality of life analysis

F. Bast, S. Weikert, T. Schrom

Significance of the sinus x-ray prior to septoplasty

T.F. Jakob, R. Birkenhäger, G. Kayser, C.C. Boedeker

Synchronous schwannoma of the vagus nerve and the cervical sympathetic chain

H. Kleinhans, K. W. Schmid, T. Verse

Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid gland

J. Winterhoff, S. Köhler, R. Laskawi

Botulinum toxin for the treatment of spastic entropion. Case report

S. Schiel, P. Mayer, M. Ehrenfeld, F.A. Probst

Transoral approach for sublingual-plunging ranula

T. Hansen, A. Bogumil, D. Koutsimpelas

Primary plexiform amelo-blastoma in the sinonasal tract of a 49-year-old female patient. Case report

J.-C. Luers, A.-O. Gostian, K.S. Roth, D. Beutner

Readability of medical texts on websites of German ENT university hospitals

J.M. Hempel, T. Braun, A. Berghaus

Functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of microtia in children and adolescents

J. Kießling, S. Kreikemeier

User benefit of modern hearing aids. A comparative study

B. Bartke, T. Haderlein, M. Döllinger, E. Nöth, S. Graf, U. Eysholdt, A. Ziethe

Perceptual and automatic voice and speech analysis of chronic laryngitis and T1 vocal cord cancer

Wir bitten den Fehler zu entschuldigen und bei Zitierungen weiterhin die vergebenen Seitenzahlen zu verwenden.

Ihre Redaktion

Please accept our sincere apologies for this error. The articles should still be cited with the original printed page numbers.

Your Publishing Editor