
The objects of this study are the (ρl, ρg, τ) data and functions ρl(τ), ρg(τ), fd(τ), fs(τ), etc., which are related to C6F6 and SF6. Here, ρl and ρg are the densities of the liquid and gas phases, fd is the average binodal diameter, fs is the order parameter, τ = (TTc)/Tc is the relative temperature, and Tc is the critical temperature. The (ρl, ρg, τ) data for C6F6 were first measured in [1]. The density behavior along the SF6 binodal was studied in several works [213], including experimental studies [9, 10]. The scaling models proposed in these publications are the functions ρl(τ), ρg(τ), fd(τ), fs(τ), etc., which correspond to the scaling theory (ST) of critical phenomena.

We can divide models ρl(τ) and ρg(τ) into two groups: one group generalizes the results [9], and the other is based on the data in [10]. The equations included in the first group and the same type equations of included in the second group differ; this difference applies to both the structure of the equations and the corresponding calculated data obtained with these functions. For example, in the region of relative temperatures of τ = 2 × 10–4–0.01, we have

• a system of equations [6], which includes fd(τ), fs(τ) and contains linear and singular components; the average diameter fd(τ) = \({{B}_{{{\text{1}} - {\alpha }}}}{{\tau }^{{{\text{1}} - {\alpha }}}}\) + \({{B}_{{{{2\beta }}}}}{{\tau }^{{{{2\beta }}}}} + {{B}_{1}}\tau + ...,\) which is included in this system, was obtained from the data in [10]. Its structure contains five components, including scaling terms (\({{B}_{{{{2\beta }}}}}{{\tau }^{{{{2\beta }}}}},\)B1-α\({{\tau }^{{{\text{1}} - \alpha }}}\)), which reflect the so-called “curvature” of this diameter (Fig. 1a, curve 2); here, B1 α, B, and B1 are coefficients;

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(a) Binodal in the phase plane for SF6: (1) the function Dm = A0 + A1τ; (2) the function Dm constructed with the (ρl, ρg, T) data [10]; (3) isochore ρ = ρcell = ρc; (9) isochore ρ = ρcell > ρc; (10) bimodal; (b, c) cell and meniscus position in experiments II and I, respectively (4) a section of a cell having the shape of a horizontal cylinder; (5) virtual horizontal plane placed along the axis of the cylinder corresponding to the displacement ht0 and height hm0; (6) the meniscus level at ρcell < ρc; (7) direction of gravity in the cell; (c) cell and position of the meniscus in experiment I: (8) the level of the meniscus at ρcell > ρc.

• a system of equations [4] containing only singular components and the diameter  fd, which corresponds to the eqaution fd(τ) = \({{B}_{{{{2\beta }}}}}{{\tau }^{{{{2\beta }}}}},\) obtained from the data in [10];

• diameter fd(τ) = \({{B}_{{{\text{1}} - \alpha }}}{{\tau }^{{{\text{1}} - \alpha }}} + {{B}_{1}}\tau \) [12], which includes two components obtained from the data in [10];

• diameter fd(τ) = \({{B}_{0}} + {{B}_{1}}\tau \) [12] in the form of a rectilinear diameter, which is constructed from the (ρl, ρg, T) data related to the regular temperature range and measured in [10];

• functions corresponding to the linear form fd(τ) = and recommended in [8, 9], the coefficients of which were found from the results of [9].

Concerning the known experimental (ρl, ρg, T) data, we concluded [2, 3] that the data of [9] and [10] noticeably differ. In [9], the (ρl, ρg, T) data were obtained by a direct method, i.e., in a piezometric experiment. At the first stage, the (ρ, P, T) data were measured at the isotherm, where P is the pressure in the piezometer, e.g., in the liquid phase near the saturation curve. At the second stage, the ρl value was found via extrapolation of the (ρ, Р) data to the boiling curve at Р = Рs.

In [10], the (ρl, ρg, T) data were obtained indirectly, while direct measurements in the form of (εl, εg, T) data were used as initial data for the density. Here, εl and εg are dielectric constants measured by two sensors in the liquid and gas phases. The values of εl and εg substantially depend on the heights hl and hg of the dielectric-permittivity sensors in the cell. The vertical distances to the sensors hl and hg are measured from the bottom of the cell (as compared with the height h measured from the lower generatrix of the cylinder and determining the position of the density sensor in experiment II). No information is given in [10] on the values of hl and hg, the heights at which the two sensors recording the (εl, εg, T) data are located.

This inconsistency leads, on the one hand, to the fact that the dimensional mean diameter Dm = (ρl + ρg)/2 = ρc(1 + fd(τ)) (Fig. 1a, curve 2) contains the function fd(τ) = \({{B}_{{{{1}} - {{\alpha }}}}}{{\tau }^{{{{1}} - {{\alpha }}}}} + {{B}_{{{{2\beta }}}}}{{\tau }^{{{{2\beta }}}}}~ + {{B}_{1}}\tau + ...\) [6], which is constructed with the (ρl, ρg, T) data [10]. Weiner first noted the curvature of this diameter in his dissertation in 1974Footnote 1. Curve 2 substantially deviates from curve 1, which represents the diameter Dm = \({{D}_{0}} + {{D}_{1}}\tau \) [12].

On the other hand, the authors revealed additional information on the diameter fd(τ) for SF6. Garrabos et al. [8] carried out a special experiment I, which revealed that the gravitational effect is the cause of the curvature of diameter fd(τ) in [10]. To confirm this conclusion, the cell used in experiment I [8], which has the shape of a horizontal cylinder (Fig. 1b) and contains a two-phase SF6 sample, was placed under conditions (g = 9.8 m/s2) in the space laboratory. Here, the meniscus displacement ht was determined as the distance from the cylinder axis to the level of the meniscus separating the phases (Fig. 1b, line 8). The data on ht, T were measured along several near-critical isotherms. To generalize these data, the equation ht(τ) = A(–B(fd/fs) + С/fs) was proposed in [8]; it includes the functions fd and fs and the constants A, B, and C. The values of A, B, and C were determined from calibration experiments. In [8], several versions of the function ht(τ) were considered, and several conclusions were drawn on the diameter fd(τ):

• the diameter fd significantly affects the function ht(τ) and, therefore, the error contained in the model fd(τ) determines to a large extent the error of ht(τ);

ht(τ) (option A) includes the dependence fd(τ) obtained in [6] based on the (ρl, ρg, T) data [10]. This option deviates significantly from the mentioned experimental (ht, T) data. The measurements [10] and the dependence fd(τ) [6] are associated with the gravitational effect; under microgravity conditions (g = gM), the dependence fd(τ) [6] is the reason that ht(τ) (option A) is not consistent with the experimental (ht, T) data [8];

• the linear dependence fd(τ) = \({{B}_{1}}\tau \) [8], which is based on the (ρl, ρg, T) data [9], is used in ht(τ) (option B). This option decreases the deviation from the experimental (ht, τ) data [8] in comparison with option A. This improvement indirectly indicates that the (ρl, ρg, T) data [10] contain an error that is a source of curvature (Fig. 1a, curve 2) and significantly exceeds the error of the corresponding results [9].

For a detailed study of the role of gravity, the authors used the results of experiment II performed in [1]. In the experiments [1], the authors obtained data on the gravitational effect, which takes place in a two-phase C6F6 sample placed in a cell made in the form of a horizontal cylinder (Fig. 1c). The gravitational effect is a dependence of ρ(h), which includes the density ρ of the substance at fixed heights h counted from the lower generatrix of the cylinder (Fig. 1c, line 11) at temperatures 515.98, 516.28, and 516.57 K (Figs. 2 and 3).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Density distribution ρ(hhm) for C6F6 along the isotherms in the region of high densities (ρ > ρc): (ac) the intersection points of the isotherms ρmid(hhm) with local meniscus levels (the calculated values of ρl(Т) are indicated); (1, 2, 6) values (hhm) corresponding to displacements ht, (3, 4, 5) experimental (ρ, hhm) data, and (7, 8, 9) ρmid l values at the temperatures of (1, 3, 7) 515.98, (2, 4, 8) 516.28, and (6, 5, 9) 516.57 K.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Density distribution ρ(hhm) for C6F6 at 516.28 K: (a, a') the intersection points of the approximating functions with the line h = hm; (1) experimental (ρ, hhm) data for ρ > ρc; (2) experimental (ρ, hhm) data in the range of 2Δh; (3) for ρ < ρc.

Experimental (ρl, ρg, T) data in the temperature range of 298.79–516.57 K and data on the saturation pressure P are also presented in [1]. Experiment II showed that the gravitational component of pressure (Pg ≈ ρgh), which is a component in the measured quantity P, leads to the following conclusion: the obvious distribution of ρ(h), which under microgravity conditions (g = gM) contains sections ρl = const, ρg = const and the jump ρl – ρg in the isotherm, turns into a continuous dependence of ρ(h) (Figs. 2 and 3), while there is virtually no boundary in the sample as a meniscus between the liquid and gas phases located at a height hm. The dependence ρ(h), which refers to T = 516.28 K (Fig. 3), includes an interval 2Δhh ≈ ±2.2 mm) near the axis of the cylinder, where the gravitational effect is significant.

The joint analysis of the results obtained in experiments I and II planned in this study makes it possible to estimate the quantitative effect of the gravitational component of Pg on the (ρl, ρg, T) data for C6F6 and SF6. Experiment II showed that the gravitational effect significantly affects the function ρ(h) as applied to C6F6 at constant external P, T. The deviation of the local density ρ(h) at ρ > ρc can differ from the corresponding density ρl(Т) by ±(2–10)%, depending on the height. These deviations indicate the level of errors that may be present in the (ρl, ρg, T) data [10] for SF6.

The information presented for SF6 (the variety of models, discrepancies in the experimental data on density, etc.) does not allow the user to give preference to the results of [9] over the results of [10] or to distinguish the equations included in the first group as more accurate in comparison with similar functions included in the second group. The construction of adequate models that describe a bimodal, diameter fd(τ) and other functions for SF6 in a critical region is an urgent problem.

In this work, we simultaneously assess the results obtained in experiments I and II, which are associated with the quantitative effect of the gravitational component of Pg on the (ρl, ρg, T) data for C6F6 and SF6. The meniscus position is studied and, accordingly, the (ρl, ρg, T) data for C6F6 are corrected under the condition of a reduced gravitational effect in the cell [1]. The (ρl, ρg, T) data for SF6 are calculated near Tc, which is not covered by the experiment, based on the experimental values of (ht, Т) [8].

We also found new expressions for the functions ρl(τ), ρg(τ), fd(τ), etc. for C6F6 and SF6 with a significant refinement of previously known results in the near-critical region.


In experiment II, the meniscus position in the cell is not estimated, but a method is proposed in which a virtual plane Sv is selected having height hm (Fig. 3, line 4). This height is hm = 19.1 mm and is located in the vicinity of Δh near the cell axis (Figs. 2 and 3). The cell has a length of L = 140.0 mm and a diameter of d = 40.0 mm. In this method, experimental (ρ, h) the selected data were related, for example, to the isotherm T = 516.28 K (Fig. 3, curve 1) at high densities (ρ > ρc), and were located outside Δh. Then, the (ρ, h) data were extrapolated to point a at the intersection with line 4 (Fig. 3). At this point, ρl = 644.8 kg/m3 (Table 1). Similarly, we selected the experimental data (ρ, h) (Fig. 3, curve 3) with low densities (ρ < ρc) that are located outside Δh. These (ρ, h) data were extrapolated to the point of intersection a' with line 4 (Fig. 3) to calculate the value of ρg = 455.8 kg/m3 (Table 1).

Table 1.   Some results of the second stage of calculations for C6F6

It is of interest to determine the level hmT at which the meniscus is placed in the cell (Fig. 1c). We selected the following boundary conditions:

• the average density of the sample ρcell = M/V is determined by the equation ρcell = ρc; i.e., line 3 (Fig. 1a) is a critical isochore, and temperature T satisfies the inequality of T < Tc (for example, T = 516.28 K);

• the gravitational effect is significantly decreased; the equilibrium density is ρg(Т) in the upper part of the cylinder and ρl(Т) is in the lower part; a meniscus forms in the cell due to the finite difference in densities (ρl – ρg).

The microgravity condition (g = gM) can be created, for example, by mixing the substance in the upper part to a state that corresponds to the equilibrium value of ρg(Т) and the same mixing of the substance in the lower part until the density ρl(Т) is reached.

To determine the meniscus level, we consider an isochoric process in a cell with a volume V (Fig. 1c). Let the substance in the initial state have parameters ρ = ρc, Т1 = Тc. We place the virtual horizontal plane Sv (Fig. 1c, line 5) along the axis of the cylinder. This position is taken as the reference point ht0 (Fig. 2) for the displacement ht (Fig. 1c, line 12) of the meniscus that separates the two phases when the cell temperature decreases or rises. Let us select the upper and lower parts of the cell (Vg, Vl), which have a volume of V/2 (Fig. 1c).

We transfer the substance to state II. In this process, the following conditions are satisfied: ρcell = ρc = const, TII = Tc + ΔT. Here, ρcell is the average density of the substance in the cell, and ∆T > 0. The substance becomes overheated in the cell with respect to the critical temperature, and the meniscus does not occur.

Next, we transfer the substance to state I. In this process, the following conditions are fulfilled: microgravity is reached (g = gM), ρcell = ρc = const, T2 = ∆T, and ∆T > 0. This results in

• condensation in the cell, which causes a decrease in the mass of the substance in the upper part (∆M > 0),

• a difference in the density of the gas phase ρg and the density of the liquid phase ρl; a meniscus forms due to microgravity and the finite difference (ρl – ρg), located below the cell axis and separating the two phases;

• a shift of the Sv plane down to the meniscus (Fig. 1c, line 6); this displacement ht is marked by line 12 (Fig. 1c).

The phase densities can be written as (ρg, ρl) = (ρc + ∆ρgρc, ρc + ∆ρlρc), where ∆ρl = (ρl – ρc)/ρc, ∆ρg = (ρg – ρc)/ρc. We write the volume V of the sample as a function of a number of arguments, including (∆M, ∆ρg, ∆ρl), as

$$\begin{gathered} V = \left( {\frac{M}{2} - \Delta M} \right)\frac{1}{{{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}} + \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}}}} \\ + \,\,\left( {\frac{M}{2} + \Delta M} \right)\frac{1}{{{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}} + \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}}{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}}}}. \\ \end{gathered} $$

The function ΔM/M is expressed from Eq. (1) as

$$\frac{{\Delta M}}{M} = \left( {\frac{{\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} + \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}}}{2} + \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}}\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}} \right)\frac{1}{{\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}} - \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}}}}.$$

The functions fd and fs are introduced as

$${{f}_{d}} = ({{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} + {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}){{(2{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}})}^{{-1}}}-1{\text{ }} = {{(\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} + \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}})} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{(\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} + \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}})} 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2},$$
$${{f}_{s}} = ({{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} - {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}){{(2{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}})}^{{ - 1}}} = {{(\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} - \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}})} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{(\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} - \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}})} 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2}.$$

After some transformations, substituting Eqs. (3) and (4) into Eq. (2) with allowance for the equations ∆ρg – ∆ρl = –2fs and ∆ρg∆ρl = \(f_{d}^{2} - f_{s}^{2}\), gives

$$\frac{{\Delta M}}{M} = \frac{{{{f}_{s}}}}{2} - \frac{{{{f}_{d}}}}{{2{{f}_{s}}}} - \frac{{f_{d}^{2}}}{{2{{f}_{s}}}}.$$

The change in the volume of the upper part is represented as

$$\Delta {{V}_{{\text{g}}}} = \left( {\frac{M}{2} - \Delta M} \right)\frac{1}{{{{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}}} - \frac{V}{2}.$$

With Eqs. (5) and (6), the relative change in volume ΔVg/V after transformations is written as

$$\begin{gathered} \frac{{\Delta {{V}_{{\text{g}}}}}}{V} = \left( {\frac{{{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}}}}{2} - \frac{{\Delta M}}{M}{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}}} \right)\frac{1}{{{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}}(1 + \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}})}} - \frac{1}{2} \\ \simeq \left( {\frac{1}{2} - \frac{{\Delta M}}{M}} \right)(1 - \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}) - \frac{1}{2}. \\ \end{gathered} $$

With the equation Δρg = fdfs and Eqs. (5) and (7), the function \(\frac{{\Delta {{V}_{{\text{g}}}}}}{V}\) can be written as follows:

$$\begin{gathered} \frac{{\Delta {{V}_{{\text{g}}}}}}{V} = \frac{{({{f}_{d}} + f_{d}^{2} - f_{s}^{2})(1 + {{f}_{s}} + {{f}_{d}})}}{{2{{f}_{s}}}} - \frac{{{{f}_{d}} - {{f}_{s}}}}{2} \\ = \frac{{{{f}_{d}}}}{{{{f}_{s}}}}\left( {\frac{1}{2} + \frac{{{{f}_{d}}{{f}_{s}}}}{2} + \frac{{{{f}_{d}}f_{s}^{2}}}{2} + ...} \right). \\ \end{gathered} $$

Let us consider the following conditions: fs > 0 [7] and ΔVg/V > 0; i.e., the relative volume of the upper part increases in the isochoric process. Then, we can obtain the following inequality in the asymptotic temperature region (∆T > 0 is small) from Eq. (8):

$${{f}_{d}}_{~} \approx \frac{{2\Delta {{V}_{{\text{g}}}}}}{V}{{f}_{s}} > 0.$$

Equation (9) is derived for the first time and is valid for any form of the functions fd(τ), fs(τ) under the specified conditions. We represent ΔVg as an elementary sample volume and write the ratio ΔVg/V as an approximate function with argument ht, i.e.,

$$\frac{{\Delta {{V}_{{\text{g}}}}}}{V}{\text{ }} = \frac{{{{h}_{t}}Ld}}{{L\frac{{\pi {{d}^{2}}}}{4}}}.$$

The displacement ht can be represented with Eqs. (8) and (10) in the form

$${{h}_{t}} = \frac{{\pi d}}{8}ur,$$

where ur = fd/fs is a temperature-dependent complex.

Equation (11) yields that the displacement ht is not the only value that would correspond to the height (hm = 19.1 mm) proposed in [1].


We propose the following approach to construct the function ht(T) as applied to the temperature conditions implemented in experiment II [1]. First, the combined models fs(C, D, τ), fd (C, D, τ) are selected to represent fs, fd in the form [2, 3, 13]

$${{f}_{s}} = {{B}_{{s0}}}{{\tau }^{\beta }} + {{B}_{{s1}}}{{\tau }^{{\beta + \Delta }}} + {{B}_{{s2}}}{{\tau }^{{\beta + 2\Delta }}} + {{B}_{{s3}}}{{\tau }^{2}} + {{B}_{{s4}}}{{\tau }^{3}},$$
$$\begin{gathered} {{f}_{d}} = {{B}_{{d0}}}{{\tau }^{{1 - \alpha }}} + {{B}_{{d\,\exp }}}{{\tau }^{{2\beta }}} \\ + \,{{B}_{{d1}}}{{\tau }^{{1 - \alpha + \Delta }}} + {{B}_{{d3}}}{{\tau }^{2}} + {{B}_{{d4}}}{{\tau }^{3}}, \\ \end{gathered} $$

where D = (Tc, ρс, α, β, …) are the critical characteristics of the model, and C = (Bsi, Bdi) are coefficients.

First, we emphasize that there are no scaling models in the literature that describe the functions fs, fd, etc. in the critical region for C6F6. The values of C and D for Eqs. (12) and (13) were determined with the nonlinear least-squares method (NRMS) [5, 13] and experimental (ρl, ρg, T) data for C6F6 [1]. Second, the structure of models (12), (13) contains the leading scaling components Bd0τ1–α, Bd0τ, which reflect current trends in the scaling theory [2, 3, 6, 13].

In the NRMS method, the following information is selected at the first stage:

• the initial approximation for D is as follows: Tc = 516.62 K [1], ρс = 550.9 kg/m3 [1], α = 0.11 [7], β = 0.325 [7], Bs0 = 2.0 [7], Bd0 = 0.5 [7], and Bdexp = 0.2;

• the leading component fd (Eq. (13)) corresponds to the inequality Bdexp > 0 (see condition (9)).

At the second stage, the values of C and D are calculated: Tc = 516.65 K, ρc = 550.43 kg/m3, α = 0.131, β = 0.348, Bs0 = 2.145, Bd0 = 0.595, and Bdexp = 0.1005.

The obtained models (12) and (13) served as the basis for the functions ρl(τ, D, C) and ρg(τ, D, C) in the following form:

$${{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} = ({{f}_{d}} + {{f}_{s}} + 1){{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}},\,\,\,\,{{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}} = ({{f}_{d}}-{{f}_{s}} + 1){{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}}.$$

Based on Eqs. (11)(14), we obtained some numerical values. The (ρg, ρl, T) data were calculated along the isotherms [1]. The results are consistent with the (ρl, ρg, Т) data [1] with acceptable accuracy in the range of 2 × 10–4 < τ < 0.2. The root-mean-square (RMS) deviations of Sg, Sl for the (ρl, ρg, T) data [1] for the results of Eqs. (14) were Sg = 0.52% and Sl = 0.12%.

The NRMS approach [5, 13] made it possible to determine the coefficients for the scaling part fs scale = Bs0τβ + Bs1τβ+Δ + Bs2τβ+, fd scale = Bd0τ1–α + Bdexpτ + Bd1τ1–α+Δ, which are included in Eqs. (12) and (13). The corresponding functions ρl(τ, D), ρg(τ, D) give satisfactory agreement with the experiment [1] in the range of 2 × 10–4 < τ < 0.1, while the standard deviations are Sg = 0.31% and Sl = 0.16%.

Table 1 presents some numerical results. The experimental density values and data on urexp, ht exp, and T are also listed there. When calculating the latter, we used the (ρl, ρg, T) data [1], Eq. (11), and the D values determined at the second stage.

The experimental values of ρl and ρg noticeably deviate from the corresponding calculated values (Table 1). The revealed deviations of the experimental values of the densities show that the (urexp, ht exp, T) data are nonmonotonic. The calculated (ht, T) data monotonously decrease with increasing temperature (Table 1). Figure 2 shows qualitatively the lines 1, 2, and 6, which correspond to displacements ht at temperatures 515.98, 516.28, and 516.57 K.

The calculated (ur, ht, T) data substantially depend on the leading components Bs0τβ, Bd0τ in accordance with Eq. (11). When approaching Tc, the values of ur and ht are positive and tend to zero.

The data on ht, T (Table 1) were used to estimate the average integral density ρmid l in volume Vl from the distribution of ρ(hhm) along the isotherms (Fig. 2). For this, it is accepted that the meniscus height hmV = 19.1 mm corresponds to the following boundary conditions:

• the corresponding temperature of the sample is T = 516.57 K (the maximum temperature in the experiment [1]);

• the corresponding displacement of the meniscus is ht1 = 0.083 mm (Table 1); this state corresponds to the argument (hihm = 0, i = 1) and line 6 (Fig. 2).

At the second stage, the distributions ρ(hti) were obtained at temperatures of 515.98, 516.28, and 516.57 K from the distribution of ρ(hihm) (e.g., line 5, T = 516.57 K, Fig. 2).

Hypothesis A, which explains the effect of gravity (g = 9.8 m s–2) on the distribution of ρ(ht) at a given temperature is considered in the third stage. Within the framework of hypothesis A, several conditions are created in the sample: first, the temperature of the sample corresponds to 516.57 K; its density is ρcell ≈ ρc = const; and the meniscus has a shift of ht1 = 0.083 mm, which is implemented above under microgravity conditions (g = gM).

Second, the gravity in the cell increases, resulting in a change in the initial distribution ρ(h) that corresponds to microgravity (g = gM) and has a jump of (ρl – ρg). According to hypothesis A, the pressure gradient that arises along the height of the cell upon gravity (g = 9.8 m/s2) causes a process redistributing molecules in the volume Vl. Therefore, the number of molecules in the elementary volume, which is located below, near the plane Sv with an offset of ht1 = 0.083 mm, decreases. The initial density ρl, which corresponds to microgravity (g = gM), decreases to the final value ρ(ht1) (Fig. 2) at g = 9.8 m/s2; i.e., the effect Δρ(T, h) = ρ(ht1) – ρl caused by gravity (g = 9.8 m/s2) is negative.

The redistribution of molecules in the elementary volume, which is located near the lower generatrix of the cylinder, significantly changes the initial density ρl: it increases to the value of ρ(ht) since the effect Δρ(T, h) is positive for hhm = 0.

The initial density profile thus turns into a continuous dependence ρ(h) (Fig. 2, line 5). According to hypothesis A, the average density ρmid l in volume Vl does not change due to the indicated processes, and the condition of ρmid l = ρl is fulfilled.

Based on hypothesis A, we found

(a) the elementary masses Δhti Ls(hti)ρ(hti), i = 1, …, N, where Δhti = (ht(i + 1) – hti) is the height of the elementary volume, s(hti) is the length of the secant, which refers to the cell section and is separated by hti from the axis of the cylinder, and N is the number of sections in the interval from 19.1 mm to ht1; and

(b) the elementary volumes ΔhtiLs(hti), i = 1, …, N in the range from ht1 to htN.

At the fourth stage, we performed a numerical integration of the specified masses and volumes in the interval from ht1 to htN. This treatment resulted in the determination of Mmid l, Vmid l and their ratio, ρmid l = 606.49 kg/m3 (Fig. 2, line 9; Table 2), which represents the density of the sample in volume Vl.

Table 2.   Densities (ρmid l, ρmid g) near the critical C6F6 isotherms

Mmid g, Vmid g, and their ratio, ρmid g = 456.29 kg/m3 (Table 2), which represents the average density of the sample in volume Vg, were calculated similarly.

Figure 3 shows an example of the experimental distribution of ρ(h) (lines 13) from the lower generatrix of the cylinder to the upper one at T = 516.28 K.

At the fifth stage, we determined ρmid l and ρmid g along the isotherms at 515.98 and 516.28 K from the distributions ρ(hhm) obtained in experiment II with the calculation circuit considered above (Table 2).

These results made it possible to form a modified array of (ρl, ρg, T) data, including

• the experimental (ρl, ρg, T) data [1] at temperatures 298.79–516.57 K, from which points related to temperatures of 515.98, 516.28, 516.57 K are excluded;

• the (ρl, ρg, T) data contained in Table 2.

Based on the modified data array and NRMS procedure, we calculated the parameters C and D included in models (12) and (13) (Table 3).

Table 3.   Parameters of models (12), (13) for C6F6

The densities ρi and local deviations δρ = 100 (ρi – ρ(14)ii are calculated, where ρ(14)i is the density value calculated with Eqs. (14) and ρi is the density included in the modified (ρl, ρg, Т) data.

Thus, Eqs. (14) represent the experimental (ρl, ρg, Т) data [1] with acceptable accuracy in the range of 2 × 10–4 < τ < 0.2. The standard deviation for (ρl, ρg, T) data [1] from the values obtained by Eqs. (14) is defined as Sg = 0.48% and Sl = 0.12%.

The location of the meniscus under the boundary conditions of experiment I is of interest, because

• ρcell follows the inequality ρcell > ρc (Fig. 1a, line 3);

• the temperature T corresponds to the inequality T < TCX, where TCX is the temperature that refers to the point c (Fig. 1a) at the saturation curve; the density at point c corresponds to the equality ρl = ρcell;

• the gravitational effect is significantly decreased in the cell, e.g., due to its placement in the space laboratory (microgravity conditions, g = gM).

Let us consider state III for a sample in a cell when its parameters correspond to the equalities T = Tcross, ρ = ρcell (Fig. 1a, point d); the meniscus displacement ht = 0; the upper and lower parts have a volume of V/2.The densities of the substance correspond to the equalities ρg = ρg(Tcross), ρl = ρl(Tcross).

We transfer the sample to state IV. Its parameters are as follows: TCX > T > Tcross, ρ = ρcell (Fig. 1a, point e). In state IV, the meniscus corresponds to line 8 (Fig. 1b). For this state, the mass balance is used, and Vg/V is written as

$${{V}_{{\text{g}}}}{{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}} + (V - {{V}_{{\text{g}}}}){{\rho }_{l}} = V{{\rho }_{{{\text{cell}}}}},\,\,\,\,\frac{{{{V}_{{\text{g}}}}}}{V} = \frac{{{{\rho }_{{{\text{cell}}}}} - {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}}}}{{{{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}} - {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}}}}.$$

Introducing the functions Δρl, Δρg, and Δρсell = \(\frac{{{{\rho }_{{{\text{cell}}}}} - {{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}}}}{{{{\rho }_{{\text{c}}}}}}\) in Eq. (15), we can express Vg/V in the form of

$$\frac{{{{V}_{{\text{g}}}}}}{V} = \frac{{\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}}}}{{\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} - \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}}} - \frac{{\Delta {{\rho }_{{{\text{cell}}}}}}}{{\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}} - \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}}}.$$

We can write the function Δρсell related to state IV as

$$\Delta {{\rho }_{{{\text{cell}}}}} = \frac{1}{2}(\Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{l}}}}({{T}_{{{\text{cross}}}}}) + \Delta {{\rho }_{{\text{g}}}}({{T}_{{{\text{cross}}}}})) = {{f}_{d}}({{T}_{{{\text{cross}}}}}).$$

Introducing the displacement of the meniscus ht into the ratio Vg/V, using Eqs. (10), (16), and (17), we obtain

$$\frac{{\Delta {{V}_{{\text{g}}}}}}{V} = \frac{{4{{h}_{t}}Ld}}{{\pi {{d}^{2}}L}} = \frac{1}{2} - \frac{{{{f}_{s}} + {{f}_{d}}}}{{2{{f}_{s}}}}ur - \frac{{{{f}_{d}}\left( {{{T}_{{{\text{cross}}}}}} \right)}}{{2{{f}_{s}}}}.$$

Using Eq. (18), we write ht(T) as

$${{h}_{t}} = \frac{{{\pi }d}}{8}\left( { - ur + \frac{{{{f}_{d}}\left( {{{T}_{{{\text{cross}}}}}} \right)}}{{{{f}_{s}}}}} \right).$$

Equation (19) shows that the displacement ht substantially depends not only on the ur complex but also on the sample density ρсell.


In experiment I, we used a cylindrical cell with d = (10.606 ± 0.005) mm and an effective volume of V = 221.7 mm3. A series of measurements was carried out in the experiment, including the displacement ht (Fig. 1b, line 13) and the temperature of a two-phase sample in a given interval under the condition of ρcell > ρc. Garrabos et al. [8] presented the results, including

• a graph of the experimental function y = ht/r in the temperature range of 308 K to temperatures very close to Tc, while the minimum deviation from Tc is ~1 mK;

• the analytical form for the function y(τ), namely,

$$y = \frac{{\pi }}{4}\left( { - ur + \frac{{0.002}}{{{{f}_{s}}}}} \right)(1 + x),$$

where 0.002 = Δρсell = \(\frac{{{{{\rho }}_{{{\text{cell}}}}} - {{{\rho }}_{c}}}}{{{{{\rho }}_{c}}}},\)x = 0.06 is the correction term associated with the effective cell volume.

The following values are given in [8]: Tc = 318.707297 K, TCX = 318.707270 K, 317.823 > Tcross > 318.123 K, ρc = (742.0 ± 1.5) kg/m3. The function y(τ) is shown in Fig. 4 at relative temperatures of τ = 10–6–10–2.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Dependences of y(τ): (1) y(τ) (20) and (2) experimental (yexp, τ) data.

An interesting problem is the construction of (ρg, ρl, T) data based on the values of (y, T) [8] at relative temperatures τ = 10–3–10–6. At the first stage of the solution of this problem, combined models (12) and (13) were selected to represent the functions fs, fd with the values of C and D for SF6, reported in [3]. In [3], we used the experimental (ρg, ρl, T) data [9] to calculate the values of C and D at temperatures τ = 2 × 10–4–0.3. For D values, we presented Tc = 318.7095 K, ρc = 741.61 kg/m3, α = 0.1098, β = 0.34745, Bd0 = 0.25491, Bs0 = 1.9569, and Bdexp = 0.08499.

Funke et al. [9] estimated the error δρexp ≤ 0.1% for their (ρg, ρl, T) data and determined such D values as Tc = 318.723 K and ρc = 742.26 kg/m3.

Next, the experimental data yexpi, Ti, (i = 1, …, N) are selected that were reported in [8] at τ = 10–3–10–6 (Fig. 4). Some quantities were calculated based on these values and the function fs (Eq. (12)), the coefficients of which are given in [3]; some of them are shown in Table 4, i.e.,

Table 4.   Some results of the second stage of calculations for SF6

• data on fsi, Ti (i = 1, …, 4);

• values of uri, Ti (i = 1, …, 4) obtained from Eq. (20) and data on yexpi, Ti and fsi, Ti;

• values of fdi, Ti (i = 1, …, 4) obtained from uri, Ti and fsi, Ti;

• ρgi, ρli, Ti (i = 1, …, 4) obtained from Eqs. (14), fdi, Ti; fsi, Ti, and ρc [3].

The combined (ρg, ρl, T) data was generated. This array combined the data from Table 4 and experimental data [9]. The parameters C, D included in models (12), (13) were determined from this array with the NRMS (Table 5).

Table 5.   Parameters of models (12) and (13) for SF6

Let us compare the results based on the functions ρl(τ, D, C), ρg(τ, D, C) containing the parameters D and C (Table 5). First, the local deviations are calculated δρl = 100(ρi – ρl(τ, D, C)/ρl, δρg = 100(ρg – ρg(τ, D, C)/ρg. The combined (ρg, ρl, T) data are used for comparison. The standard deviations of the corresponding functions ρl(τ, D, C), ρg(τ, D, C) are defined as Sg = 0.067% and S = 0.029%. Second, the equations ρl(τ, D, C), ρg(τ, D, C) transmit combined (ρg, ρl, T) data with an acceptable accuracy in the range of 2 × 10–6 < τ < 0.3 (Fig. 5). The (ρg, ρl, T) data [9] have an error estimated by the authors as δρexp ≤ 0.1%.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Comparison of the combined (ρl, ρg, T) data with the functions ρl(τ, D, C) and ρg(τ, D, C): (1) δρg and (2) δρl.

Third, local deviations of δρl and δρg (Fig. 6) were obtained, which relate to the (ρg, ρl, T) array [10]. These experimental results were used in [26, 11, 12] to construct the scaling models fs(τ), fd(τ), Dm(τ), etc. for SF6. We estimated the following values:

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Comparison of the (ρl, ρg, T) data from [10] with the functions ρl(τ, D, C) and ρg(τ, D, C): (1) δρg and (2) δρl.

(a) the arithmetic mean deviation δρlm = (Σδρli)/N2 (i = 1, …, N2, N2 = 33) for the (ρl, T) data [10] as δρlm = –0.95%;

(b) the arithmetic mean deviation δρgm = (Σδρgi)/N2 (i = 1, …, N2) for the (ρg, T) data [10] as δρgm = –1.05%.

Several models are studied in the mentioned works, including

(1) the model of the average relative density along the binonodal fd = (ρl + ρg)(2ρc)–1 in the form of Fd = A0 + A1τ [12], where A0 = 1.0024, A1 – α = 1.018, Tc = 318.707 K, and ρc = 733 kg/m3;

(2) Fd = A0 + A1–ατ1–α [12], where A0 = 1.0012, A1–α = 0.6909, and α = 0.11;

(3) fd = Bτ [4], where 2β = 0.78, Tc = 318.707 K, and ρc = 733 kg/m3;

(4) fd = B1–ατ1–α + Bτ + B1τ +… [6] (the results of this model correspond to line 2, Fig. 1a), where B = 1.0864, B1–α = −7.990, B1 = 9.770, α = 0.11, β = 0.325, Tc = 318.707 K, and ρc = 733 kg/m3.

Models (12)–(14) constructed for SF6 give an independent basis to estimate the error in the models presented in the literature. As a separate problem, one should consider the issue of a method that makes it possible to the decrease systematic errors of (ρg, ρl, T) data [10] discussed above. This issue deserves separate consideration.


We studied the altitude density distribution ρ(h) for a C6F6 sample immersed in a cell [1] under gravity (g = 9.8 m/s2). The equation proposed for ht(T) describes the position of the meniscus in the cell under the boundary conditions ρcell = ρc along the near-critical isotherms under microgravity (g = gM). The resulting equation shows that ht(T) substantially depends on the complex ur and the order parameter fs.

Some numerical data that relate to temperatures from 515.92 to 516.57 K and include (a) displacements ht in the range from 0.208 to 0.079 mm and (b) the (ρl, ρg, Т) data were calculated. Based on the combined array of (ρl, ρg, Т) data, we constructed models (12), (13) that are applicable for C6F6 in the range of 2 × 10–4 < τ < 0.2.

We also proposed an equation for ht(T) that describes the meniscus position in a cell with a two-phase sample of SF6 as applied to experiment I under microgravity (g = gM). The selected experimental data included the values yi = hti/r, Ti (i = 1, …, N) [8] in the temperature range of τ = 10–2–10–6 and the range of ht from –0.101 to 0.159 mm. We developed a method that enables

• the calculation of (ρl, ρg, Т) data from the specified (y, T) values;

• the formation of a combined array of (ρl, ρg, T) data that include new values and points [9] in the range of 2 × 10–6 < τ < 0.3;

• the obtaining of parameters D and C of models (12), (13) for SF6.

The obtained functions ρl(τ, D, C), ρg(τ, D, C) for SF6 and C6F6 satisfactorily describe the corresponding initial (ρl, ρg, Т) data. Thus, the deviation of the combined (ρl, ρg, Т) data, including points [9], is satisfactory (Sg = 0.067%, Sl = 0.029%) in the range of 2 × 10–6 < τ < 0.3. The comparison shows that the (ρl, ρg, T) data [10] contain a systematic deviation of δρm ≈ –1.0% in the range of τ = 2 × 10–4–0.02. The function fd (Eq. (13)) contains a scaling component (Bdexp > 0) and does not include a linear term. These features reflect the current trends in the scaling theory [2, 3, 6, 13].