1 Introduction

Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship (QSAR) is a widely-used, proper and applicable strategy in computer-aided drug design (CADD) areas for extracting information from big datasets [1]. QSAR is an indirect Lig-based approach that models the structure properties of biological activity. QSAR model has been applied to propose new compounds with improved activity and candidate compounds for a special drug goal [2]. The Idea of QSAR is based on mold molecules’ properties such as solving in water, fats, oils and Lipophilicity solvent and balance electronic features and biologic activity of molecules. This relation can be simplified in Eq. (1):

$$ {\text{LogBR}} = {\text{f}}\left( {{\text{r1}},{\text{r2}},{\text{r3}}, \ldots } \right) $$

where BR is a biologic response like IC50, ED50, LD50, and Ki. rn are molecules descriptors, including mathematical molecules features. Main problems with QSAR are when applications relying on biologic activity and the matrix of molecules descriptors are non-linear. Another problem arises when the number of computed variables is larger than the number of compounds in datasets [3]. To deal with the non-linear issue, non-linear modeling framework are used, and the problem of increase in dimension is solved by feature selection, selecting the descriptors with highest effect on activity of a set of compounds. One reason leading failure in QSAR is associated to the nature of SARThe essential assumption of QSAR and methods based on similarity is SAR continuity [4]. Thus that, gradual changes in a structure must bring to gradual changes in activity. However, the systematic and quantitative properties of different compound sets indicate that most SARs are heterogeneous [5] in a way that the plot of their activity has had slight descends and in some points witnesses sharp and low deep cliffs. Activity cliffs or totally property cliff, are pairs of compounds with high similarity in structure and against what expected have large differences in activity value [6]. We consider machine learning to detect compounds with this property. Our method has contributions in two parts: (1) Feature selection with genetic neural network, (2) Applying ensemble learning algorithm.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in Sect. 2 related works are reviewed. In Sect. 3 our method called PCAC is presented, in Sect. 4 experimental settings and empirical results are reported, and we conclude in Sect. 5.

2 Related work

Several studies focused on QSAR applying machine learning [7]. These models include transforming molecular structures to mathematical descriptors, descriptors selection, extracting a function as a relationship between descriptors and biologic characteristics and model validation [8].

2.1 Transforming molecular structures to mathematical descriptors

A molecular descriptor is statistical representations of a molecule [9], which is the result of an algorithm employed to molecular representation or an experimental procedure [10]. These descriptors are always derived from the x, y, z cartesian coordinates of the molecule atoms; thus, they are called 3D-molecular descriptors [11]. Molecular descriptors are divided into two classes: experimental measurements, such as log P, molar refractivity, dipole moment, polarizability, and Physico-chemical properties, and theoretical molecular descriptors, which are derived from a symbolic representation of the molecule and are classified according to the different types of molecular representation. Information on molecular geometry has experienced an explosion as a result of augmentation of topological representation of a molecule. Several geometrical descriptors are extracting from the three dimensional spatial coordinates of a molecule, including shadow indexes, charged partial surface area descriptors, WHIM descriptors, gravitational indexes, EVA descriptors, 3D-MoRSE descriptors, and GETAWAY descriptors [10].

2.2 Descriptors selection

Having a large number of molecules descriptors, the interpretation of the process can face with problems. A model with few numbers of descriptors can lead to a better rather than with a large number of ones. A solution to this issue is feature selection including filter, wrapper and floating approach [12]. Filter methods based on intent properties of data try to find the relationships between features. For each property, a score is computed and features with fewer scores are removed. This model is simple, quick and independent from the classification. In [13] correlation-based method and in [14] information- theory are employed as filter feature selection. Wrapper methods are utilized with mapping algorithms and a subset of features according to the efficiency of machine learning and its error for that subset is selected. Genetic algorithm [15], Particle Swarm Optimization [16] and Simulated annealing [17] are used as wrapper methods. Floating approach has more than one forward and backward in subsets of feature set. A dynamic backward search provides reliable results. In [18] sequential forward floating selection is used as a floating approach.

2.3 Extracting a function as a relationship between descriptors and biologic characteristics

Detecting compounds with activity cliffs leads to designing new compounds. The issue can be interpreted as a classification problem. Support Vector Machine, Gaussian Process, Artificial Neural Network, Naïve Bayesian, Decision Trees and Ensemble learning are applied for activity cliffs detection. SVM algorithms rooted in the concepts of structural risk minimization and statistical learning theory. SVM in QSAR is known as a robust and highly accurate classification technique. In [19], the classification of compounds to cliff and Non-cliff has been down with SVM by defining kernel function considering pairs of compounds instead of individual compounds. GP method for nonlinear regression is proper for a large number of descriptors. GP enjoys sound properties such as selection of the important descriptors, handling overtraining, and estimating likelihood in predictions. Authors in [20] extend the application of GP for classification and to indicate the predictive accuracy of GP compared it with decision trees, random forest, SVM, and probit partial least squares. NN are consisting of several parallels distributed processor units, resemble the brain. NNs, including one input layer, one output layer and one or more hidden layers. Each layer consists of nodes and nodes in each layer are connected to the nodes from their previous and next layer. In [21] the uses of NNs in QSAR models generated from large diverse dataset is elucidated. NB classifier is utilized for learning tasks where each instance x is described by a conjunction of attribute values and where the target function f (x) can take on any value from some finite set. In [22] developed large scale human ligand–protein predictive models based on bioactivity data using NB. In [23] a method employing RF is presented, assumed that compounds with activity cliff properties have a large value of SALI. Therefore, pairs of compounds are detected indirectly via predicting the SALI value.

2.4 Model validation

Validation is the last stage of every learning model including QSAR. In validation, the reliability and validity of a learned model is assessed. Validation methods are categorized to internal and external models [24]. Statistical methodologies applied to ensure that the generated models are sound and unbiased have been introduced as external techniques. The methods of least square fit (R2), cross-validation (Q2), adjusted R2 (R2adj), chi-squared test (χ2), root-mean-squared error (RMSE), bootstrapping and scrambling (Y-randomization) are internal methods. It has been suggested the only way to estimate the true predictive power of a QSAR model is to compare the predicted and observed activities of an (sufficiently large) external test set of compounds that were not used in the model development [25]. Statistical characteristics: correlation coefficient R between the predicted and observed activities; coefficients of determination (R2) (predicted vs. observed activities r02, and observed vs. predicted activities r0′); slopes k and k′ of the regression lines through the origin are external methods [26].

3 Proposed method for predicting compounds with activity cliff property (PCAC)

We proposed a novel method to predict compounds with activity cliff property called PCAC, which is based on the idea of predicting SALI value of components’ pairs. PCAC consists of feature reduction, descriptors calculations, computing SALI value for compounds’ pair feature selection and learning (Fig. 1).

figure 1

Block diagram of PCAC model for predicting compounds with activity cliff in QSAR approach

3.1 Feature reduction

Similar to [23], two simple strategies are applied to reduce the number of features. Features having constant values or near-constant values and features with high correlation according to R2 correlation coefficient are deleted from datasets. R2 is a statistical metric that describes how close the data are and defined as the following in Eq. (2):

$$ {\text{R}}^{2} = [{\text{N}}\Sigma {\text{XY}} - (\Sigma {\text{X}})(\Sigma {\text{Y}}))/\Sigma [{\text{N}}\Sigma {\text{X}}^{2} - (\Sigma {\text{X}})^{2} ][{\text{N}}\Sigma {\text{Y}}^{2} - (\Sigma {\text{Y}})^{2} ] $$

To determine similar features, a cutoff of 0.8 is considered.

3.2 Descriptors calculations

Descriptors can be calculated for pairs of compounds rather than individuals [23]. Since the activity cliff concept and SALI are over the compounds’ pairs, first all compounds’ pairs in datasets are calculated and the new dataset is created. The initial dataset is altered to a pairwise dataset. For an initial dataset whit N number of compounds, the number of compounds’ pairs is N(N − 1)/2. Features for the compounds’ pairs are computed by following Eq. (3).

$$ {\text{f}}3{\text{i}} = \alpha * {\text{f}}1{\text{iOP}}\beta * {\text{f2i}} $$

where f3i is set of i number of new descriptors, f2i and f1i are the descriptors of first and second compounds, OP is the operator, α and β are constants, if α = β = 1, OP is subtraction, if α = β = 1/2, OP is summation [27].

3.3 SALI value computation

For utilizing the compound data towards the machine learning strategies, Each molecule is numerically represented by a molecular fingerprint which is a binary descriptor. The standard approach to quantify similarity for AC assessment is the calculation of the Tanimoto coefficient on fingerprint descriptors [2]. This numerical similarity metric assesses whole-molecule similarity in ‘fingerprint space’ and requires the definition of threshold values. The 1051-bit BCI fingerprints form Digital chemistry or CDK19,20 1024-bit path fingerprint were applied to compute SALI values. Applying a simple index can detect compounds with cliff property. One typically uses either the raw activity value or the log of that value. The former is more appropriate for activity which is represented as percent inhibition; the latter, when the activity is a Ki or IC50.7. SALI index [28] is defined as follows Eq. (4):

$$ {\text{SALIi}}.{\text{j}} = \left| {{\text{Ai}} - {\text{Aj}}} \right|/{1} - {\text{sim}}\left( {{\text{i}},{\text{j}}} \right) $$

where Ai, Aj are the activity values of the ith and jth molecule and sim is the correlation coefficient between these molecules. Compounds with cliff lead to large value of SALI. For two similar compounds, which the value of the correlation coefficient equals to one and the SALI value is infinite; the SALI value is set to the largest value of SALI.

3.4 Feature selection

A hybrid filter feature selection algorithm consisting of Genetic algorithm (GA) and Neural Network (NN) is applied. GA optimizes the prediction error of model on a set of features [29] to select features. A GA starts with generation population of N chromosomes then fitness function for each chromosome is calculated. Afterwards, new populations are generated by following iterative stages: selection of two parents according to their fitness, transition in order to create a child and mutation which modify a gen value of a chromosome with a probability and add new child to population. New population is applied over previous steps. This procedure is repeated until satisfied a convergence condition. NN [30] are mathematical models which are developed to have functions inspired by simple and idle biological neural. Each layer of NN has several neurons. A neuron receives signals from its input and computes activation level and sends it as output to the next layer. NN employed here to compute GA’s cost function.

3.5 Ensemble learning

Ensemble methods are efficient solutions to improve efficiency of learning models [31], which consist of generating some models and combining the results. First a number of classifiers are utilized sequentially or in parallel. Then results are combined with special methods to enjoy more accurate results. Ensembles can be learnt from different part of dataset, different learning algorithms, or different subset of features. Here, two random forest algorithms [32], which are ensemble models utilizing several random trees as basic learners, as classifier are applied. RF with different feature sets, as a result of its robustness against overfitting to the training data is selected. The reason behind applying two learners is to use the benefit of feature selection while making use of all features’ information simultaneously. The elements in RF are as follows; for kth tree, a random vector of θk, independent from previous random vectors θ1, …, θk − 1 with identical distribution is produced. A tree grows with training data and θk and result in a classifier h(x, θk), where after creating a considerable number of tree votes to find the class. One of RF model works with initial dataset; another is conducted on an altered dataset after feature selection. The results are integrated by mean and absolute different as aggregation operators. The predicted SALI values are used to detect compounds with activity cliff. The compounds’ pair with SALI value higher than a threshold, are assigned as cliff and others as non-cliff.

4 Experiment

4.1 Experimental setting

Herein three datasets including Costanzo, Kalla and Dai dataset similar to [23] are used. The subset of molecules in each assay that had non-censored experimental values are applied. Costanzo contained 60, alpha-Ketoheterocycles as inhibitors of Thrombin. Kalla has 38, 8-(C-4-pyrazolyl) xanthines. Dai has 44, 3-aminoindazole. Table 1 summarized in datasets’ properties. Ndesc indicates the sizes of the descriptor pool after reduction.

Table 1 Datasets and their properties

In running experiments and evaluation tenfold cross-validation is applied. To evaluate methods metrics such as Correlation Coefficient, Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) are used.

Correlation Coefficient shows the amount and condition of linear relationship between two variables and is calculated by following Eq. (5):

$$ \rho {\text{X}},{\text{Y}} = {\text{cov}}\left( {{\text{X}},{\text{Y}}} \right)\sigma {\text{X}} * \sigma {\text{Y}} $$

where Cov (X, Y) is the covariance value of X and Y variables, and σx is the standard variance. The value result is in the range of (− 1, 1) where 1 indicates the direct relationship and − 1 expresses the indirect relationships of two variables. Zero means the lack of relationship between two variables.

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) reports the error of prediction for the proposed method and is defined by Eq. (6):

$$ {\text{MAE}} = {1}/{\text{n }}\Sigma \left| {{\text{fi}} - {\text{yi}}} \right| $$

where fi is the predicted value, and yi is the real value.

Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is a popular metric in investigating the differences in real values and estimated values. This measure is defined as the following Eq. (7):

$$ {\text{RMSE}} = \sqrt {(1/{\text{n}}(\Sigma ({\text{fi}} - {\text{yi}})^{2} )} $$

4.2 Experimental results

We compare PCAC with baselines including: random forest (RF) [23], the result of genetic neural network feature selection on RF (RF with GNN), neural networks (NN), neural network with genetic neural network feature selection (NN with GNN) and ensemble method on NN. The results of classifiers, are combined with the same aggregation operators, namely mean (shown as fmean) and absolute different (demonstrated by fdiff) applied in [30].

4.2.1 Experiment 1. Correlation coefficient

Table 2 shows the results of Correlation Coefficient over datasets. The highest value in Costanza is gained by PCAC applying diff as aggregation function. The second best correlation obtained by RF. Feature selection did not bring an increase in RF. NN methods led to less value. The feature selection leads to a slight improvement in on NN. Among NN models ensemble has the highest value. Models act differently from the aforementioned results when mean has been applied to integrate the data. In this case RF enjoyed the best value, feature selection cause a reduction. Ensemble witnesses an increase in comparison to RF with GNN. For NN models similar behavior have been observed. In Kalla dataset, all RF models and PCAC showed almost similar behavior with diff aggregation function. RF models obtain more correlation almost twice in comparison to NN methods. In the case of mean function, feature selection decreases model’s correlation and the ensemble model have risen in comparison to the GNN. The results on the Dai dataset show PCAC shows a slight improvement. It is 0.0091 larger than the value of RF when applying diff function and gained the highest rank between all models. For the same aggregation function, PCAC outperforms other methods.

Table 2 Correlation coefficient on three datasets

4.2.2 Experiment 2. Mean average error (MAE)

Table 3 shows the results in terms of MAE for datasets. In Costanza, the least value is performed by PCAC and RF. RF with GNN experienced a growth in comparison to RF while NN with GNN had a reduction in comparison to NN. Ensemble NN proves the lowest error between NN algorithms. For both aggregations, the above results have been noticed, except for NN with GNN, which error did not fall in comparison with NN. When diff is aggregating function, all three RF models perform similarly in Kalla dataset. PCAC witnesses a small growth 0.0427 rather the values of RF, while still performing better in comparison with other models in case of applying mean. NN models act with more error value, but the error has reduced after feature selection and ensemble the results when diff aggregation is applied. The results on Dai dataset indicates PCAC similar to RF has the best results. RF with GNN experienced a growth in comparison to RF. NN after feature selection experience a growth. Finally, ensemble reduces the error over all models.

Table 3 Mean average error on three datasets (MAE)

4.2.3 Experiment 3. Root mean squared error (RMSE)

In Table 4 the results based on RMSE are summarized. PCAC has the least amount of RMSE in case of applying diff function for Costanza dataset. It can be seen by GNN values stayed steady on RF and NN, while the ensemble improves the results. When mean is applied as aggregation function RF with GNN showed considerable growth in comparison to RF. For NN models, similar phenomena are reported. The ensemble reduces the error for both RF and NN. PCAC did well and reduced 0.067 with applying difference function in the Kalla dataset. NN models did not work well on this dataset. Just in case of the ensemble, a few improvements are witnessed. The model for the Kalla dataset shows poor results. This performance can be rooted in the size of dataset which is small. It has been proved that conducting small dataset for learning models always cannot lead to high performance. Turns to the Dia dataset reduction of 0.0661 can be seen in PCAC, which is the lowest error between all models. Applying feature selection on RF deteriorates the performance of RF. Again NN models worked poorly on this dataset. The worst ranks are gained by NN with GNN. The merit behavior of PCAC rooted in the power of RF and aggregation of it with model’s result after feature selection.

Table 4 Root mean squared error (RMSE) on three dataset

In all datasets when applying diff function better results are provided in terms of correlation and RMSE. Just in case of NN the mean function has better performance according to MAE and RMSE. Altogether, our ensemble method applying RF outperforms other models almost in all cases. The results show that RF method outperformed NN. It can be seen that PCAC provided better performance in most cases using ensemble learning than RF with initial features. Using feature selection, it was expected the results indicate improvement, while merely feature selection did not satisfy this expectation. The ensemble model and feature selection leads to improvements both on RF and NN.

5 Conclusion and future works

This study focused on detecting compounds with activity cliff which is an open issue in QSAR approach. By predicting SALI value of pairs of compound the compounds with activity cliff are recognized. In this research Genetic Neural Network is employed in order to select proper descriptors. An ensemble machine learning algorithm is used to predict SALI value. These results are reported about the improvement in error and fair progress of the correlation coefficient in comparison to baselines. Considering the significant role of detecting compounds with activity cliff in order to enjoy more accurate QSAR models, future research will concern about (1) assessment of chemical structure of compounds and finding their shared cliff to apply them in automatic detection of these compounds (2) proposing a method for finding descriptors associated with compound pairs in calculating their SALI (3) extending current study to compound pairs to coordinated activity cliffs (4) considering an upper bound and lower bound of SALI in order to classifying compounds to cliff and non-cliff preciously according to predicted SALI index.