1 Introduction

Throughout this paper R denotes a commutative ring with identity, Z(R) its set of all zero-divisors, \(Z^*(R)=Z(R){\setminus }\{0\}\) and U(R) its units. Anderson and Livingston [5] introduced the zero-divisor graph of R,  denoted by \(\Gamma (R),\) as the undirected simple graph with vertex set \(Z^*(R)\) and two distinct vertices \(x,y\in Z^*(R)\) are adjacent if and only if \(xy=0.\) Subsequently, Anderson and Badawi [4] introduced the concept of total graph of commutative rings. The total graph\(T_{\Gamma }(R)\) of R is the undirected graph with vertex set R and for distinct elements \(x,y\in R\) are adjacent if and only if \(x + y \in Z(R).\) Tamizh Chelvam and Asir [7, 15,16,17,18] have extensively studied about total graphs of commutative rings.

Recently, Anderson and Badawi [4] introduced the concept of generalized total graph of commutative rings. A nonempty proper subset H of R to be a multiplicative prime subset of R if the following two conditions hold: (1) \(ab \in H \) for every \(a \in H \) and \( b \in R \); (2) if \( ab \in H \) for \( a, b \in R \), then either \( a \in H \) or \( b \in H \). For example, H is a multiplicative prime subset of R if H is a prime ideal of R or H is a union of prime ideals of R or \(H = Z(R),\) or \(H = R{\setminus } U(R).\) For a multiplicative prime subset H of R,  the generalized total graph\(GT_{H}(R)\) of R is the simple undirected graph with vertex set R and two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if \(x + y \in H.\) The unit graphG(R) of R is the simple undirected graph with vertex set R in which two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if \(x + y\in U(R).\) Tamizh Chelvam and Balamurugan [19] studied some graph theoretical properties of the generalized total graph of finite fields and its complement.

Let \(G = (V,E)\) be a graph with vertex set V and edge set E. The complement \(\overline{G}\) of the graph G is the simple graph with vertex set V(G) and two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent in \(\overline{G}\) if and only if they are not adjacent in G. We say that G is connected if there is a path between any two distinct vertices of G. For a vertex \(v\in V(G)\), deg(v) is the degree of v. For any graph G\(\delta (G)\) and \(\Delta (G)\) denote the minimum and maximum degrees of vertices in G respectively. \(K_n\) denotes the complete graph of order n and \(K_{m,n}\) denotes the complete bipartite graph. For basic definitions in graph theory, we refer the reader to [10] and for the terms regarding algebra one can refer [13]. Note that if R is finite, then \(\overline{GT_{Z(R)} (R)}\) is the unit graph [14].

Throughout this paper, we assume that P is a prime ideal of R with \(|P|=\lambda \) and \(|R/P|=\mu .\) In this paper, we study about the complement \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) of the generalized total graph \(GT_P(R).\) In Sect. 2, we study the graph theoretical properties namely girth, clique number, chromatic number and Eulerian of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\). In Sect. 3, we obtain a characterization for \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) to be claw-free or unicylic or pancyclic or planar or outerplanar. In Sect. 4, we study about various domination parameters of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) and further obtain domatic number of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\)

2 Graph theoretical properties of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\)

In this section, we discuss about some graph theoretical properties of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) More specifically, we discuss about girth and Eulerian of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Also, we obtain the independence number, clique number and chromatic number of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) Let us start with some basic properties of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\)

For a prime ideal P of a commutative ring R which is not an integral domain with \(|P|=\lambda \) and \(|R/P|=\mu ,\) we have \(|P|=|a_i+P| \ge 2\) for \(a_i+P \in R/P\) for \(1 \le i \le \mu .\) Since R contains identity 1,  we denote \(1+1\) by 2. First we recall the following structure theorem for \(GT_P(R{\setminus } P).\)

Theorem 1

[4, Theorem 2.2] LetPbe a prime ideal of a commutative ringR, and let\(|P| = \lambda \)and\(|R/P| = \mu \).

  1. (i)

    If\(2 \in P \), then\(GT_P(R{\setminus } P)\)is the union of\( \mu - 1\) disjoint \( K _{\lambda }\)’s;

  2. (ii)

    If\( 2 \notin P,\)then\(GT_P(R{\setminus } P)\)is the union of\(\frac{\mu - 1}{2}\)disjoint\( K_{\lambda ,\lambda }\)’s.

Assume that R is finite and \(2 \in P.\) Since |R| is finite, \(R\cong R_1 \times \cdots \times R_q\) where each \(R_i\) is a local ring. Note that \(P=P_1 \times \cdots \times P_q\) where \(P_i \subseteq R_i\) for \(1 \le i \le q.\) Since P is a prime ideal in \(R,~P_i=Z(R_i)\) for exactly one \(i,~1 \le i \le q\) and \(P_j=R_j\) for \(1 \le j \ne i \le q.\) Since \(2 \in P \subseteq Z(R),~2 \in P_i \subseteq Z(R_i)\) for some \(i,~1 \le i \le q.\) By [14, Corollary 2.3] \(|R_i|=2^{\alpha _i}\) where \(\alpha _i\) is a positive integer. This implies that \(\mu \) is even. Hence we get that \(\mu \) is even if \(2\in P\) and \(\mu \) is odd if \(2\notin P.\) Throughout this paper, we consider the following partition of R into distinct cosets \(a_0+P,a_1+P,\ldots , a_{\mu -1}+P\) of P with \(a_0\in P.\)

  1. (i)

    If \(2 \in P,\) then \(R= P\cup (\bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\mu -1}(a_i+P));\)

  2. (ii)

    If \(2 \notin P,\) then \(R=P\cup \bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}(a_i+P) \bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}(-a_i+P).\)

Now, using Theorem 1, we obtain the degrees of vertices in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\)

Lemma 1

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then the following are true in\(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\)

  1. (i)

    If\(2\in P,\)then\(deg(v) = (\mu -1)\lambda \)    for every\(v \in R;\)

  2. (ii)

    If \(2 \notin P,\) then \( deg(v) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}(\mu -1)\lambda &\,\textit{for }\,\textit{v}\in P;\\ (\mu -1)\lambda -1 & \, \textit{for }\,\textit{v} \in R{\setminus } P. \end{array}\right. \)

Now, we observe some of the immediate consequences of Lemma 1.

Lemma 2

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then the following hold:

  1. (i)

    \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\)contains no isolated vertex;

  2. (ii)

    \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) contains no vertex of degree \(|R|-1;\)

  3. (iii)

    \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)is complete\(\mu \)-partite if and only if\(2 \in P;\)

  4. (iv)

    \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)is connected bi-regular if and only if  \(2 \notin P.\)Moreover, \(\Delta (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= \delta (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})+1;\)

  5. (v)

    \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\)is connected.

The following Lemma follows from Theorem 1 and is useful throughout this paper.

Lemma 3

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then the following are true in\(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

  1. (i)

    Let\(2 \in P.\)Two distinct verticesxandyare adjacent in\(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)if and only ifxandyare not in the same coset ofP

  2. (ii)

    Let \(2 \notin P.\) Two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) if and only if \(x\in a_i+P\) and \(y\in R{\setminus } (-a_i+P)\) for some \(i,0 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\)

Now we obtain the girth of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

Lemma 4

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then

$$\begin{aligned} gr(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 4 &{} if \,2\in P\, and\, \mu =2;\\ 3 &{} if\,2\in P\, and\, \mu \ge 3;\\ 3 &{} if \,2\notin P. \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$


Assume that \(2\in P.\) If \(\mu = 2,\) then by Lemma 2(iii), \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}=K_{\frac{|R|}{2},\frac{|R|}{2}}\) and so \(gr(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=4.\)

If \(\mu \ge 3,\) then by Lemma 2(iii), \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}=K_{\underbrace{\lambda ,\lambda ,\ldots ,\lambda }_{\mu ~times}}.\) Since \(\mu \ge 3,\) choose \(x \in P,~ y \in a_1+P,~ z\in a_2+P\) and \(S=\{x,y,z\}.\) Then the subgraph induced by S is \(C_3\) in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and so \(gr(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=3.\)

Assume that \( 2\notin P.\) Note that, for \(1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2},\)\(|P|=|a_i+P| =|-a_i+P|\ge 2.\) Let \(S=\{x,a,b\}\) where \(x\in P\) and \(a,b\in a_i+P\) for some i. Then the subgraph induced by S is \(C_3\) in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and so \(gr(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=3.\)

Note that, a clique in a graph G is a complete subgraph of G. The order of the largest clique in a graph G is its clique number, which is denoted by \(\omega (G).\) Now, we obtain the clique number of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

Lemma 5

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then

$$\begin{aligned} \omega (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mu &{} if\,2\in P;\\ \frac{(\mu -1)}{2}\lambda +1 &{} if\, 2\notin P. \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$


Suppose \(2\in P.\) By Lemma 2(iii), \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) is complete \(\mu \)-partite. Consider the set \(S=\{x_0,x_1,\ldots ,x_{\mu -1}\}\) where \(x_0\in P\) and \(x_i\in a_i+P,\) for \(1\le i \le \mu -1.\) Clearly \(<S>=K_\mu \) is a maximum clique in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and so \(\omega (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\mu .\)

If \(2\notin P,\) then \(R=P \cup (\bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}((a_i+P) \cup (-a_i+P))).\) Let \(S=\{a_0\}\cup \bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}} (a_i+P)\) where \(a_0\in P.\) By Lemma 3(ii), \(<S>\) induces a complete subgraph of order \(\frac{(\mu -1)}{2}\lambda +1\) in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Note that, any two elements in P are non-adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Also, the elements of \(a_i+P\) and \(-a_i+P\) are not adjacent. Thus S is a maximum clique in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and so \(\omega (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\frac{(\mu -1)}{2}\lambda +1.\)

An assignment of colors to the vertices of a graph G so that adjacent vertices are assigned different colors is called a proper coloring of G. The smallest number of colors in any proper coloring of a graph G is called the chromatic number of G and is denoted by \(\chi (G).\) A set of vertices in a graph G is an independent if no two vertices in the set are adjacent. In the following lemma, we obtain the chromatic number of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

Lemma 6

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then

$$\begin{aligned} \chi (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mu &{} if\,2\in P;\\ \left(\frac{\mu -1}{2}\right)\lambda +1 &{} if\,2\notin P. \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$


If \( 2\in P,\) then by Lemma 2(iii), \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) is complete \(\mu \)-partite and so \(\chi (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\mu .\)

If \(2\notin P,\) then \(R = P\cup \bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}(a_i+P) \bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}(-a_i+P).\) Note that , for \(1\le i\le \frac{\mu -1}{2},~\)\(<a_i+P>=<-a_i+P>=K_{\mu }\) in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) By Lemma 3(ii), the elements of \(a_i+P\) and \(-a_i+P\) are not adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Hence one can use \(\lambda \) colours to the elements of \(a_i+P\) and \(-a_i+P.\) Let \(S=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}} a_i+P\) and \(T=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}} (-a_i+P).\) Then \(<S>= <T>=\bigcup \nolimits _{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}K_{\lambda }\) in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Thus we require \(\frac{(\mu -1)}{2}\lambda \) colours for the union \(S \cup T.\) Note that \(<P>\) is an independent set and each element of P is adjacent to every element of \(S \cup T\) in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Assign a different color to all the elements of P. This implies \(\chi (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= (\frac{\mu -1}{2})\lambda +1.\)

Corollary 1

([10]) A nontrivial connected graphGis Eulerian if and only if every vertex ofGhas even degree.

Using Corollary 1, we state below a characterization for \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) to be Eulerian.

Lemma 7

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then the following are true:

  1. (i)

    If\(2 \in P,\)then\(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)is Eulerian if and only if\(\lambda \)is even;

  2. (ii)

    If\(2 \notin P,\)then\(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)is not Eulerian.


Proof of (i) follows from Lemma 2(iii), Lemma 2(v) and Lemma 1(i).

Proof of (ii) follows from Lemma 2(iv).

The vertex independence number (or the independence number) \(\beta (G)\) of a graph G is the maximum cardinality of an independent set of vertices in G. In the following lemma, we obtain the independence number of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

Lemma 8

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then the independence number\(\beta (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= \lambda .\)


Suppose \(2\in P.\) Then by Lemma 2(iii), \(\beta (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\lambda. \)

Suppose \(2\notin P.\) Then P is an independent set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and \(|P|=\lambda \ge 2.\) Assume that \(S\subseteq V(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}) {\setminus } P\) is an independent subset.

Claim : \(|S| \le 2.\)

Suppose \(|S| \ge 3.\) Let xy and z be three distinct vertices in S such that \(x \in a_i+P,\)\(y \in a_j+P\) and \(z \in a_k+P\) for \(1 \le i,j,k \le \mu -1.\)

Assume that any two of ij and k are equal. Without loss of generality, let us take \(i=j.\) Then xy are adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and so S is not an independent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

Assume that ij and k are all distinct. Suppose sum of at least any two of \(a_i,a_j\) and \(a_k\) is 0. Without loss of generality, let us assume that \(a_i+a_j=0.\) Then z is adjacent with both x and y. Hence S is not an independent set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

Suppose sum of any two of \(a_i,a_j\) and \(a_k\) is not equal to 0. Then \(<S>\) contains a \(K_3,\) a contradiction to S is an independent set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Hence \(|S|\le 2.\) Since each element in P is adjacent to every element in \(R {\setminus } P \) in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)},~P\) is a maximal independent set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) having order \(\lambda \ge 2\) and so \(\beta (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= \lambda .\)

The edge independence number\(\beta _1(G)\) of a graph G is the maximum cardinality of an independent set of edges. In the following lemma, we obtain the edge independence number of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

Lemma 9

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then the edge independence number

$$\begin{aligned} \beta _1(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{|R|}{2} &{} ~{if}\, 2\in P;\\ \left(\frac{\mu -1}{2}\right)\lambda +\frac{\left\lfloor \lambda \right\rfloor }{2} &{}~if\, 2\notin P. \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$


Case 1. If \(2\in P,\) then \(\mu \) is even. Consider the partition \(R=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=0}^{\mu -1}(a_i+P)\) where \(P=a_0+P.\) Let \(S=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=0}^{\frac{\mu }{2}-1}(a_i+P)\) and \(T=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=\frac{\mu }{2}}^{\mu -1}(a_i+P).\) Consider \(E=\{\{x_jy_j\}:~x_j \in S\, \,and\, \,y_j \in T \}\) for \(1 \le j \le \frac{|R|}{2}.\) Clearly E is a maximal edge independent set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and hence \(\beta _1(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\frac{|R|}{2}.\)

Case 2. Assume that \(2 \notin P.\) Let \(S_i =(a_i+P) \cup (-a_{i+1}+P)\) for \(i \in \{1,\ldots ,\frac{\mu -3}{2}\}\) and \(S_{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}=P \cup (-a_1+P).\) Then \(K_{\lambda ,\lambda }\subseteq <S_i>\) for each i in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and so \(\beta _1(<S_i>)=\lambda .\) Since \(<a_\frac{\mu -1}{2}+P>=K_{\lambda },\) we have \(\beta _1(<a_\frac{\mu -1}{2}+P>)=\frac{\left\lfloor \lambda \right\rfloor }{2}.\) Thus we have \(\beta _1(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=(\frac{\mu -1}{2})\lambda +\frac{\left\lfloor \lambda \right\rfloor }{2}.\)

3 Some characterizations of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)

In this section, we characterize when \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) to be claw-free or unicylic or pancyclic or perfect. A graph G is said to be unicyclic if G contains exactly one cycle. A graph G is a claw-free if G does not have \(K_{1,3}\)(a claw) as the induced subgraph.

Theorem 2

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inRwith\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then the following hold:

  1. (i)

    \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is claw-free if and only if \(|P|=2;\)

  2. (ii)

    \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is unicyclic if and only if R is isomorphic to either of the rings \(\mathbb {Z}_2 \times \mathbb {Z}_2,~\mathbb {Z}_4,\) \(\frac{\mathbb {Z}_2[x]}{<x^2>}.\)


  1. (i)

    Assume that \(|P| =2\) and \(S \subseteq V(\overline{GT_P(R)})\) with \(|S|=4.\) Then \(<S>\) contains a \(C_4\) as a subgraph and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is claw-free. Conversely, assume that \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is claw-free. Suppose \(|P| \ge 3.\) If \(2\in P,\) then by Lemma 2(iii), \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is \(K_{\underbrace{\lambda ,\lambda ,\cdots ,\lambda }_{\mu times}}\) where \(\mu \ge 2\) and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) contains a \(K_{1,3}\) as an induced subgraph, a contradiction. Suppose \( 2\notin P.\) Let \(S=\{u,v,w,x\}\) where \(u,v,w\in P,\)\(x\in a_i+P\) for some \(i,~1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\) Then \(<S>=K_{1,3}\) in \(\overline{GT_P(R)},\) a contradiction.

  2. (ii)

    Assume that R is isomorphic to any one of \(\mathbb {Z}_2 \times \mathbb {Z}_2\) or \(\mathbb {Z}_4\) or \(\frac{\mathbb {Z}_2[x]}{<x^2>}.\) Then \(\overline{GT_P(R)}=C_4\) and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is unicyclic. Conversely, assume that \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is unicyclic. Since R is not an integral domain, |R| is not a prime number. Then \(|R| \ge 4.\) Suppose \(|R|\ge 6.\)

Case 1. Let \(2 \in P.\) Then R satisfies any one of the following:

(a) \(\lambda =2\) and \(\mu \ge 4;\) (b) \(\lambda \ge 3\) and \(\mu \ge 2.\)

In both the situations, \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) contains \(K_{3,3}\) as a subgraph, a contradiction. Hence \(|R|=4\) and so R is isomorphic to either \(\mathbb {Z}_2 \times \mathbb {Z}_2\) or \(\mathbb {Z}_4\) or \(\frac{\mathbb {Z}_2[x]}{<x^2>}.\)

Case 2. Let \(2 \notin P.\) Since R is not an integral domain, \(|P|=|a_i+P|=\lambda \ge 2,\) for all \(i,~1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\) Let \(x_1,x_2 \in P\) and \(y_1,y_2 \in a_i+P\) for some i. Let \(S_1=\{x_1,y_1,y_2\}\) and \(S_2=\{x_2,y_1,y_2\}.\) Then \(<S_1>=<S_2>\) are two different cycles in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is not unicylic and hence no other R exists.

Note that a graph G is perfect if and only if both G and \(\overline{G}\) have no induced subgraph that is an odd cycle of length at least 5 [20, 8.1.2]. Using this, now we prove that \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is perfect.

Theorem 3

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inRwith\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then\(\overline{GT_P(R)}\)is a perfect graph.


By Theorem 1, \(GT_P(R)\) does not contain an odd cycle of length \(\ge 5\) as an induced subgraph. It remains to prove that \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) does not contain an odd cycle of length \(\ge 5\) as an induced subgraph.

Case 1. Assume that \(2\in P.\) By Lemma 2(iii), \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is complete \(\mu \)-partite. If \(\mu =2,\) then \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is complete bipartite and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) does not contain any odd cycle.

Assume that \(\mu \ge 3\) and \(S \subseteq V(\overline{GT_P(R)})\) with \(|S|\ge 5.\) Consider the partition of \(R=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=0}^{\mu -1} (a_i+P)\) with \(a_0\in P.\) If \(S \subseteq a_i+P\) for some i,  then \(<S>\) is totally disconnected in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) If S is not contained in \((a_i+P)\) for some i,  let \(n=\max \{|S \cap (a_i+P)|\}\) for all i. Then \(n \ge 1\) and \(K_{n,|S|-n}\subseteq <S>\subseteq \overline{GT_P(R)}.\) Hence \(<S>\) contains a vertex of degree at least 3. From this, any cycle of length at least 5 cannot be an induced subgraph of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\)

Case 2. Assume that \(2 \notin P.\) Consider \(R=P\cup \bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}(a_i+P \cup -a_i+P).\) Suppose \(S \subseteq V(\overline{GT_P(R)})\) with \(|S|\ge 5.\)

Case 2.1. Assume that \(S \cap P \ne \phi .\) If \(S \subseteq P,\) then \(<S>=\overline{K}_{|S|}\) in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) If S is not contained in P,  then the induced subgraph \(<S>\) of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) contains a \(K_{n,|S \setminus P|}\) where \(n=|S\cap P|.\) Hence \(<S>\) contains a vertex of degree at least 3 and so any cycle of length at least 5 cannot be an induced subgraph of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\)

Case 2.2. Assume that \(S \cap P = \phi .\) Then \(S \subseteq \bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}(a_i+P \cup -a_i+P).\) Let \(A_i=(a_i+P) \cup (-a_i+P)\) for all \(i,~1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\) Suppose \(S \subseteq A_i\) for some i. If either \(S \subseteq (a_i+P)\) or \(S\subseteq (-a_i+P),\) then \(<S>=K_{|S|}\) in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) If \(S \cap (a_i+P)\ne \phi \) and \(S \cap (-a_i+P)\ne \phi ,\) then either \(|S \cap (a_i+P)| \ge 3\) or \(|S \cap (-a_i+P)| \ge 3.\) Then \(K_3\) is a subgraph of \(<S>\) and in turn an induced subgraph of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\)

Assume that S is not a subset of \(A_i\) for some i. Then \(S \cap A_i \ne \phi \) and \(S \cap A_j \ne \phi \) for some \(1 \le i \ne j \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\) If \(S\cap A_i \ne \phi \) for \(1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}\) and \(|S \cap A_i|=1,\) then \(<S>\) contains a \(K_5\) as a subgraph in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) Suppose \(|S \cap A_i| \ge 2\) for some i. Let \(A_i=A_1,~|S \cap A_1| \ge 2,~n=|S \cap A_1|\) and \(m=|S \cap \bigcup \nolimits _{i=2}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}} A_i|.\) Since \(|S|\ge 5,\) either \(n \ge 3\) or \(m \ge 3.\) Thus \(K_{n,m}\) is a subgraph of \(<S>.\) Hence, in this case also, \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) has no induced subgraph that is an odd cycle of length at least 5.

A graph G of order \(m \ge 3\) is pancyclic  [8, Definition 6.3.1] if G contains cycles of all lengths from 3 to m.

Theorem 4

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inRwhere\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then\(\overline{GT_P(R)}\)is pancyclic if and only if either\(2 \notin P\)or\(2 \in P\)with\(\mu >2.\)


Assume that \(2 \notin P.\) Consider the partition \(R= P\cup \bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}} (a_i+P \cup -a_i+P).\) Let \(P=\{x_{01},x_{02},\ldots ,x_{0\lambda } \},~a_i+P=\{x_{i1},x_{i2},\ldots ,x_{i\lambda } \}\) and \(-a_i+P=\{y_{i1},y_{i2},\ldots ,y_{i\lambda }\}\) for \(1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\)

Note that \(<P>=\overline{K}_\lambda \) and \(<a_i+P>=<-a_i+P>=K_\lambda \) in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) Let \(P_i\) and \(P_i'\) be spanning paths of length \(\lambda -1\) in \(<a_i+P>\) and \(<-a_i+P>\) respectively for \(i,~1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\)

If \(\mu =3,\) then \(C:x_{01}-x_{11}-x_{02}-x_{12}-x_{03}- \cdots -x_{0(\lambda -1)}-x_{1(\lambda -1)}-x_{1\lambda }-x_{0\lambda }-P_1{'}-x_{01} \) is a spanning cycle of length |R| in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) By removing vertices one by one from \(P_1{'} {\setminus } \{x_{11}\}, P{\setminus }\{x_{01},x_{0\lambda }\},P_1 {\setminus } \{x_{1\lambda }\},\) we get cycles of lengths \(|R|-1,|R|-2,\ldots ,4\) as subgraphs in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) Also \(x_{01}-x_{1 1}-x_{1 \lambda }-x_{01}\) is a 3-cycle in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) From this, we get cycles of length from 3 to |R| as subgraphs in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\)

If \(\mu >3,\) then \(C:x_{01}-x_{1 1}-x_{02}-x_{12}-x_{03}-\cdots -x_{0(\lambda -1)}-x_{1(\lambda -1)}-x_{0\lambda }-x_{1\lambda }-P_2-P_3- \cdots -P_{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}-P_1'-P_2'-\cdots -P_{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}'-x_{01}\) is a spanning cycle of length |R| in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) By removing vertices one by one from the spanning paths \(P_{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}',P_{\frac{\mu -3}{2}}',\ldots ,P_1',P_{\frac{\mu -1}{2}},P_{\frac{\mu -3}{2}},\ldots ,P_2, P{\setminus }\{x_{01}\},P_1{\setminus }\{x_{11},x_{1\lambda }\},\) we get cycles of lengths \(|R|-1,|R|-2,\ldots ,4,3\) as subgraphs in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) From this, we get cycles of length from 3 to |R| as subgraphs in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) Hence \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is pancyclic.

Assume that \(2 \in P\) and \(\mu >2.\) Note that \(R= P\cup \bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\mu -1}(a_i+P)\) and \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is complete \(\mu \)-partite graph. Let \(P=P_0=\{x_{01},\ldots ,x_{0\lambda } \}\) and \(a_i+P=\{x_{i1},\ldots ,x_{i\lambda } \}\) for \(1 \le i \le \mu -1.\) Consider \(C=x_{01}-x_{11}\cdots -x_{(\mu -1)1}-x_{02}-x_{12}-\cdots -x_{(\mu -1)2}-\cdots -x_{0\lambda }- \cdots -x_{(\mu -2)\lambda }-x_{(\mu -1)\lambda }-x_{01}\) in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) Clearly C is a spanning cycle of length |R| in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) By removing the vertices one by one from the sets \((a_{\mu -1}+P){\setminus } \{x_{(\mu -1)\lambda }\}, a_{\mu -2}+P,\dots ,a_2+P\) and alternatively removing the vertices one by one from the sets \((a_1+P) {\setminus } \{x_{11}\}\) and \(P {\setminus} \{x_{01}\},\) we get the cycles of lengths \(|R|,|R|-1,\dots ,4,3\) as subgraphs in \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) Thus \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is pancyclic.

Conversely, assume that \(2 \in P.\) If \(\mu =2,\) then \(\overline{GT_P(R)}=K_{\lambda ,\lambda }\) and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) contains no odd cycle, which is a contradiction to our assumption.

Now, we discuss about planarity and outerplanarity of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\) For this purpose, we recall the following results.

Theorem 5

([10, Theorem 9.7]) A graph is planar if and only if it does not contain a subdivision of\(K_5\)or\(K_{3,3}.\)

Theorem 6

([11, Theorem 11.10]) A graphGis outerplanar if and only if it does not contain a subdivision of\(K_4\)or\(K_{2,3}.\)

Using the above theorems, we determine all finite commutative rings R for which \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) to be planar or outerplanar.

Theorem 7

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inRwhere\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then the following hold:

  1. (i)

    If \(2 \in P,\) then \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is planar if and only if R is isomorphic to any one of \(\mathbb {Z}_4,~\mathbb {Z}_2 \times \mathbb {Z}_2,~\frac{\mathbb {Z}_2[x]}{<x^2>};\)

  2. (ii)

    If \(2 \notin P,\) then \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is planar if and only if \(R=\mathbb {Z}_6;\)

  3. (iii)

    \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is outerplanar if and only if R is either \(\mathbb {Z}_4,\mathbb {Z}_2 \times \mathbb {Z}_2 ~\textit{or}~\frac{\mathbb {Z}_2[x]}{<x^2>}.\)


  1. (i)

    Assume that R is isomorphic to either \(\mathbb {Z}_4\) or \(\mathbb {Z}_2 \times \mathbb {Z}_2\) or \(\frac{\mathbb {Z}_2[x]}{<x^2>}.\) Then \(\overline{GT_P(R)}=C_4\) and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is planar. Conversely assume that \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is planar. If \(|R| \ge 8,\) then any one of the following is true: (a) \(|P|=2\) with \(\mu \ge 4;\) (b) \(|P| \ge 3.\)

    1. (a)

      Assume that \(|P|=2\) with \(\mu \ge 4.\) Then \(\overline{GT_P(R)}=K_{2,2,\ldots ,2}\) and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) contains a \(K_{3,3},\) as a subgraph. From this \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is not planar.

    2. (b)

      Assume that \(|P|\ge 3.\) Note that \(\mu \ge 2.\) Then once again \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) contains a \(K_{3,3},\) as a subgraph and hence \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is not planar.

    If \(|R|=6,\) by assumption on R, \(R\cong \mathbb {Z}_6\) and \(P=<2>.\) From this one can see that the graph \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is \(K_{3,3},\) which is not planar. From the above arguments, \(|R|=4\) and so R is isomorphic to either \(\mathbb {Z}_4\) or \(\mathbb {Z}_2 \times \mathbb {Z}_2\) or \(\frac{\mathbb {Z}_2[x]}{<x^2>}.\)

  2. (ii)

    Assume that \(R\cong \mathbb {Z}_6.\) Since \(2 \notin P,~P=<3>.\) The planar embedding of \(\overline{GT_{P}(\mathbb {Z}_6)}\) is given in Fig. 1 and so it is planar.

Fig. 1
figure 1

\(\overline{GT_{\left\langle 3\right\rangle }(\mathbb {Z}_6)}\)

Conversely, assume that \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is planar and \(2 \notin P.\) If \(|R| \ge 9,\) then any one of the following is true:

  1. (a)

    \(|P|=2\) with \(\mu \ge 5;\)

  2. (b)

    \(|P| \ge 3.\)

  1. (a)

    Assume that \(|P|=2\) with \(\mu \ge 5.\) Then \(GT_P(R)=K_2\cup \bigcup \nolimits _{\frac{\mu -1}{2}} K_{2,2}\) and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) contains a \(K_{3,3},\) a contradiction.

  2. (b)

    Proof is trivial.

  1. (iii)

    By above (i) and (ii), it is enough to show that \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is not outerplanar for \(R=\mathbb {Z}_6\) and \(2 \notin P.\) For \(R=\mathbb {Z}_6\) and \(2 \notin P,\) from the Fig. 1, \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) contains a \(K_{2,3}\) and so \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) is not outerplanar.

4 Domination parameters of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)

In this section, we discuss about various domination parameters of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\). More specifically, we discuss about \(\gamma _t,\gamma _c,\gamma _{cl},\gamma _p,\gamma _s,\gamma _w\) and \(\gamma _i\) of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) A nonempty subset S of V is called a dominating set if every vertex in \(V {\setminus} S\) is adjacent to at least one vertex in S. A subset S of V is called a total dominating set if every vertex in V is adjacent to some vertex in S. A dominating set S is called a connected (or clique) dominating set if the subgraph induced by S is connected (or complete). A dominating set S is called an independent dominating set if no two vertices of S are adjacent. A dominating set S is called a perfect dominating set if every vertex in \(V{\setminus }S\) is adjacent to exactly one vertex in S. A dominating set S is called a strong (or weak) dominating set, if for every vertex \(u \in V{\setminus }S \) there is a vertex \(v \in S\) with \(deg(v) \ge deg(u)(or deg(v) \le deg(u))\) and u is adjacent to v. The domination number\(\gamma \) of G is defined to be the minimum cardinality of a dominating set in G and the corresponding dominating set is called as a \(\gamma \)-set of G. Similar definition is applicable for the total domination number\(\gamma _t,\)connected domination number\(\gamma _c\),clique domination number\(\gamma _{cl}\), independent domination number\(\gamma _i,\)perfect domination number\(\gamma _p\), strong domination number\(\gamma _s\)and the weak domination number\(\gamma _w.\) For all these definitions, one can refer Haynes et al. [12]. In the following Lemma, we obtain the domination number of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\).

Lemma 10

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then\(\gamma (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= 2.\)


By Lemma 2(ii), \(\gamma (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})>1.\) Let x and y be two distinct elements in R such that \(x \in P\) and \(y \notin P.\)

If \(2 \in P,\) then by Lemma 3(i), x covers all the elements in \(V(\overline{GT_P(R)}){\setminus }P\) and y covers all the elements in P. Hence \(\gamma (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=2.\)

Assume that \(2 \notin P.\) Let \(z \in V(\overline{GT_P(R)}) {\setminus }\{x,y \}.\) If \(z \in P,\) then by Lemma 3(ii) zy are adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Suppose \(z \notin P.\) Then by Lemma 3(ii) zx are adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Therefore \(\{x,y \}\) is a dominating set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) By Lemma 2(ii), \(\{x,y \}\) is a minimal dominating set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) From this we get that \(\gamma (\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=2.\)

In view of Lemma 10, we have the following characterization of \(\gamma \)-sets in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\).

Lemma 11

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Then\(S=\{x,y \} \subseteq V(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})\)is a\(\gamma \)-set in\(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)if and only ifxyare in two distinct cosets ofPinR.

Corollary 2

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then\(\gamma _t(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\gamma _c(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\gamma _{cl}(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=2.\)


Let \(x \in P\) and \(y \in V(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}) {\setminus }P.\) By Lemma 11, \(S=\{x,y \}\) is a dominating set of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) By Lemma 3, xy are adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Therefore S is a total dominating set of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and so \(\gamma _t(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\gamma _c(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\gamma _{cl}(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=2.\)

A graph G is called excellent if, for every vertex \(v \in V (G),\) there is a \(\gamma \)-set S containing v. Using Lemma 11, we have the following result.

Corollary 3

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then\(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)is excellent.

Lemma 12

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then\(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)has a perfect dominating set if and only if\(2\in P\)and\(\mu =2.\)


Assume that \(2\in P\) and \(\mu =2.\) Then \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) is a complete bi-partite graph. Let \(S =\{x,y\}\) where \(x \in P\) and \(y \in V(\overline{GT_P(R)}){\setminus }P.\) Then \(S=\{x,y \}\) is a perfect dominating set of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}.\)

Conversely, assume that S is a perfect dominating set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

Suppose \(2\notin P.\) Since R is not an integral domain, \(|P|=|a_i+P|=|-a_i+P| \ge 2, 1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\) Let xy be two distinct vertices in \(V(\overline{GT_P(R)}).\) If \(x,y \in P,\) then every \(z \in V(\overline{GT_P(R)}){\setminus }P\) is adjacent to both x and y and hence both x and y cannot be in S.

Suppose \(x \in P\cap S\) and \(y \in P\) with \(y \notin S\). Since P is an independent set, x and y are not adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Since S is dominating set, \(\exists ~z_1 \in S\) such that \(z_1\) and y are adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) By Lemma 3(ii), \(z_1 \in (a_i+P) \cup (-a_i+P)\) for some i where \(1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\) Without loss of generality, assume that \(z_1 \in (a_1+P).\) Since \(|a_1+P| \ge 2,\)\(\exists ~z_2\in a_1+P\) with \(z_2\ne z_1.\) If \(z_2 \in S,\) then, by Lemma 3(ii) and \(2\notin P\), y is adjacent to \(z_1,z_2\) which is a contradiction. Hence \(z_2 \in V(\overline{GT_P(R)}){\setminus }S.\) By Lemma 3(ii), \(x,z_2\) are adjacent and \(z_1,z_2\) are also adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\), which is a contradiction to S is a perfect dominating set.

Suppose \(x,y \in S{\setminus }P\). Since every element in P is adjacent to both xy again a contradiction. Hence \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) has no perfect dominating set.

The above argument implies that \(2\in P.\)

Suppose \(2 \in P\) and \(\mu \ge 3.\) By Lemma 2(iii), \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) is a complete \(\mu \)-partite graph. Clearly \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) does not contain any perfect dominating set, which is a contradiction to S is a perfect dominating set. Hence \(2\in P\) and \(\mu =2.\)

Lemma 13

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then the following are true:

  1. (i)

    If \(2 \in P,\) then \(\gamma _s(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\gamma _w(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=2;\)

  2. (ii)

    If \(2 \notin P,\) then \(\gamma _s(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\lambda \) and \(\gamma _w(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=2.\)


  1. (i)

    Assume that \(2\in P.\) Then \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) is a complete \(\mu \)-partite graph. Let \(x \in P\) and \(y \in a_i+P\) for some \(i, 1\le i \le \mu -1.\) Then \(S =\{x,y\}\) is a dominating set of \(\overline{GT_P(R)}\) and so by Lemma 1(i), \(deg(v)=(\mu -1)\lambda \,\forall \,v \in \overline{GT_P(R)}.\) Therefore \(\gamma _s(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\gamma _w(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=2.\)

  2. (ii)

    Assume that \(2\notin P.\) By the definition of \(\overline{GT_P(R)},\) each vertex \(x \in P\) is adjacent with each vertex \(y \in V(\overline{GT_P(R)}) {\setminus }P.\) By Lemma 1(ii), we have \(deg~(x)=(\mu -1)\lambda \,\forall \,x \in P\) and \(deg~(y)=(\mu -1)\lambda -1\, \forall \, y \in V(\overline{GT_P(R)}) {\setminus }P.\) Since P dominates \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and \(deg(x)> deg(y),\)P is a strong dominating set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Then \(\gamma _s(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\lambda .\) Let \(x \in a_i+P\) and \(y \in -a_i+P\) where \(1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\) By Lemma 11, the set \(S=\{x,y \}\) is a dominating set of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and by Lemma 1(ii), \(deg(x) = deg(y)=\lambda (\mu -1)=\delta (\overline{GT_{P}(R)}).\) Then \(\{x,y \}\) is a weak dominating set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and so \(\gamma _w(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=2.\)

In following lemma, we obtain the independent domination number of \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\)

Lemma 14

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _i(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \lambda \qquad &{} {if}\, 2\in P;\\ 2~\qquad &{} {if}\, 2\notin P. \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$


If \(2\in P,\) then by Lemma 2(iii), \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) is \(K_{\underbrace{\lambda ,\ldots ,\lambda }_{\mu ~times}}\) and so \(\gamma _i(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\lambda .\)

Suppose \(2\notin P.\) Let \(x \in a_i+P\) and \(y \in -a_i+P\) where \(1 \le i \le \frac{\mu -1}{2}.\) By Lemma 11, \(\{x,y \}\) is a dominating set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) By Lemma 3(ii), xy are not adjacent in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and so \(\gamma _i(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=2.\)

Note that, a graph G is said to be well-covered if \(\beta (G)=\gamma _i(G).\) The following lemma follows from Lemmas 8 and 14.

Lemma 15

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then

  1. (i)

    If\(2\in P\), then\(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\)is well-covered;

  2. (ii)

    If\( 2\notin P\), then\(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) is well-covered if and only if\(|P|=2.\)

A domatic partition of G is a partition of V(G) into dominating sets of G. The maximum number of sets in a domatic partition of G is called the domatic number of G and the same is denoted by d(G).

Lemma 16

LetRbe a finite commutative ring which is not an integral domain andPbe a prime ideal inR. Assume that\(|P|=\lambda \)and\(|R/P|=\mu .\)Then

$$\begin{aligned} d(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{|R|}{2} &{}~if~2\in P;\\ \frac{|R|-\lambda }{2} + 1~&{}~if~2\notin P. \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$


If \(2\in P,\) then \(\mu \) is even. Let \(S=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu }{2}}(a_i+P)\) and \(T=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=\frac{\mu }{2}+1}^{\mu }(a_i+P).\) Let \(X_j=\{\{x_j,y_j\}:~x_j \in S\, and \,y_j \in T \}\) for \(1 \le j \le \frac{|R|}{2}.\) Clearly \(X_j\) is a dominating set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}\) and hence \(d(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\frac{|R|}{2}.\)

Suppose \(2 \notin P.\) Then \(\mu \) is odd and \(\mu \ge 3.\) Let \(S=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}(a_i+P)\) and \(T=\bigcup \nolimits _{i=1}^{\frac{\mu -1}{2}}(-a_i+P)\) where \(a_i + (-a_i)=0.\) Let \(X_j=\{\{x_j,y_j\}:~x_j\in S\, and \,y_j \in T \}\) for \(1 \le j \le \frac{|R|-\lambda }{2}.\) Clearly, each \(X_j\) is a dominating set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Also, P is a dominating set in \(\overline{GT_{P}(R)}.\) Hence \(d(\overline{GT_{P}(R)})=\frac{|R|-\lambda }{2}+ 1.\)