1 Introduction

In automated information systems, digital signatures (DSs) to electronic documents are usually computed using public-key DS protocols (Menezes et al. 1996). The security of DS protocols is based on the following two facts: (1) the best known algorithms for forging a signature are computationally infeasible, and (2) the probability of the appearance of a breakthrough algorithm for solving the computationally difficult problem put in the base of the protocols is negligibly small.

In practice, the well-known DS schemes based on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) (Menezes et al. 1996) have the 4ρ-bit signature size and provide ρ-bit security (i.e. successful forging a signature requires 2ρ exponentiation operations). The DS schemes based on the difficulty of the integer factoring problem (IFP) usually have a much larger signature size (Menezes et al. 1996; Rivest et al. 1978).

An important class of digital signature schemes involved in information technologies relates to the blind digital signature (DS) protocols (Chaum 1982, 1983). The last are used in online voting systems and electronic cash schemes (Chaum et al. 1988, 1989). The basic idea of the blind signature schemes, first introduced by Chaum (1982), is that the person that signs some electronic message M (signer) does not know the content of the message M. The person presenting M for signing is called requester. They are formulated in the following two requirements to the blind DS protocols: (1) the signer cannot get access to the content of the message, while signing M; (2) later after the signature generation the signer cannot link signed message to requester. The last requirement is known as the requirement of anonymity (untraceability). Thus, blind DS protocols are useful for applications in which anonymity is desirable (Abe 2001; Boldyreva 2003; Fischlin and Schroder 2009; Fuchsbauer et al. 2015; Hanzlik and Kluczniak 2016; Moldovyan et al. 2012).

To improve the security of blind DS protocols, the papers (Minh et al. 2012; Tahat et al. 2008, 2009) propose a design for which forging a signature requires simultaneously solving two independent computationally difficult problems: the IFP and the DLP. In these blind DS protocols, the DLP with the prime p having the following structure p = en + 1 is used, where the composite number n is difficult for factoring. Such blind DS protocols are composed so that forging a signature requires both computing the discrete logarithm problem modulo p and factoring n. However, the known design method gives sufficiently low performance, large size of the signature, and it is not evident how to apply it to construct the crypto schemes of other type based on difficulty of simultaneously solving the DLP and IFP.

The present paper introduces a new method to design the blind DS protocols, which requires both the IFP and the DLP to be solved simultaneously. The idea of the proposed method relates to the fact that, excluding the exhaustive search algorithms, finding discrete logarithm modulo a composite number n can be performed by factoring n and finding discrete logarithm modulo for each prime factor (Menezes et al. 1996). Therefore, if the difficulty of factoring n is sufficiently large and approximately equal to the difficulty of finding DL modulo the largest prime factor of n, while using the best algorithms for solving these problems, then breaking some cryptosystem based on difficulty of computing DL modulo n requires solving two different difficult problems simultaneously, the IFP and the DLP. Therefore, the difficulty of breaking a blind DS protocol based on the DL modulo n problem does not change its order in the case when a breakthrough algorithm for solving the IFP or for solving the DLP will be invented.

In this paper, it is shown that using the computational complexity of the DLP modulo a composite number that is difficult for factoring enables one to significantly reduce the signature size and simultaneously increase the performance of the protocol. Besides, using this computationally difficult problem represents an attractive approach for extending the class of cryptographic protocols based on the computational difficulty of simultaneously solving the IFP and DLP modulo a prime number.

We consider the construction of a blind signature protocol with a 3ρ-bit signature size, which provides the ρ-bit security. The proposed protocols are based on the difficulty of the DLP modulo a composite number. These protocols are constructed using finite non-cyclic subgroup G of the multiplicative group \(Z_{n}^{ * } ,\) namely subgroup with two-dimensional cyclicity, i.e. subgroup generated by two generators of the same prime order r, such subgroup contains r2 elements. The paper considers probabilistic and deterministic methods for setting such finite groups.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, two methods are described for setting finite subgroups with two-dimensional cyclicity. In Sect. 3, we construct a new blind DS protocol and a new blind collective digital signature (CDS) protocol based on the difficulty of the DLP modulo a composite number. In Sect. 4, we analyse the output. The last section concludes our research work.

2 Setting Subgroups with Two-Dimensional Cyclicity

2.1 Deterministic Method

In this section, we construct a non-cyclic subgroup G of the multiplicative group \(Z_{n}^{ * }\) of a finite ring \(Z_{n} ,\) where n is a natural number equal to the product of two strong primes q and p (Gordon 1985) having the size |q| ≈ λ bits and |p| ≈ 2λ bits, respectively. The parameter λ is selected depending on the required security level, for example, λ ≈ 512 bits in the case of 80-bit security and λ ≈ 1232 bits in the case of 128-bit security. Numbers q and p are secret and have the following structure: p = Npr + 1 and q = Nqr + 1, where Np and Nq are two large even numbers; r is a ρ-bit prime number (ρ = 80 in the case of a security level equal to 280 exponentiation operations).

One can note that the values p and q represent members of the arithmetic progression 1 + ir, where i = 1, 2,…. The Dirichlet’s theorem shows the existence of many infinite prime numbers in arithmetic progressions a + ib with relatively prime values a and b. The progression 1 + ir satisfies the last condition; therefore, the required pair of primes p and q exists. The prime number theorem (PNT) by Gauss describes asymptotic distribution of the prime numbers among the positive integers x as follows: ψ(x) = x(lnx)−1, where ψ(x) is the prime counting function and lnx is the natural logarithm of x. Using the PNT, one can estimate that a uniformly random positive integer p′ < x is prime with probability Pr = x(lnx)−1. For the cases x < 21232 and x < 22464, we have Pr ≈ 0.0012 and Pr ≈ 0.0006, correspondingly. For the cases of the 1232-bit uniformly random x (21231 < x < 21232) and 2464-bit uniformly random x (22463 < x < 22464), we have Pr ≈ 0.0006 and Pr ≈ 0.0003, correspondingly.

The subgroup G has the order r2 and is generated by two integers α and β that generate two different cyclic subgroups of \(Z_{n}^{ * } ,\) which have order equal to the prime r.

We use the following deterministic algorithm to find values α and β that generate a non-cyclic primary subgroup G having order equal to r2.

Algorithm 1:

  1. (1)

    Generate a value γ having order equal to r modulo p.

  2. (2)

    Generate a value δ having order equal to r modulo q.

  3. (3)

    Select at random values 0 < h < r and 0 < k < r, and find the value α that satisfies the following system of congruence:

    $$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\alpha \equiv \gamma^{k} \bmod p} \\ {\alpha \equiv \delta^{h} \bmod q} \\ \end{array} } \right..$$
  4. (4)

    Select at random values 0 < g < r and 0 < m < r satisfying the condition gh ≠ km mod r, and find the solution β of the following system of congruence:

    $$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\beta \equiv \gamma^{g} \bmod p} \\ {\beta \equiv \delta^{m} \bmod q} \\ \end{array} } \right..$$

The output parameters α and β belong to different cyclic subgroups having order r; thus, the products (modulo n) of all possible powers of the values α and β compose a primary subgroup having order r2. The order of each of the numbers α and β is equal to r since the following formulas hold:

$$\left\{ {\left\{ {\alpha^{r} \equiv \gamma^{kr} \equiv 1\bmod p} \right\} \cup \left\{ {\alpha^{r} \equiv \delta^{hr} \equiv 1\bmod q} \right\}} \right\} \Rightarrow \alpha^{r} \equiv 1\bmod n;$$
$$\left\{ {\left\{ {\beta^{r} \equiv \gamma^{gr} \equiv 1\bmod p} \right\} \cup \left\{ {\beta^{r} \equiv \delta^{mr} \equiv 1\bmod q} \right\}} \right\} \Rightarrow \beta^{r} \equiv 1\bmod n.$$

The following statement also holds.

Statement 1

The output of Algorithm 1 is the values α and β such that inequality α ≠ βd mod n holds for all values d ∈ {1, 2, …, r}.

Proof Clearly, the inequality α ≠ βr mod n holds. Suppose that for some value d ∈ {1, 2, …, r}, the equality α = βd mod n holds.

From (1), one can obtain the following:

{βd ≡ γk mod p} ⇒ {β ≡ γk/d mod p}


{βd ≡ δh mod q} ⇒ {β ≡ γh/d mod q}

From (2), one can obtain the following:

{γg ≡ γk/d mod p} ⇒ {g ≡ k/d mod r}


{δm ≡ δh/d mod q} ⇒ {m ≡ h/d mod r}.

Therefore, we have {d ≡ k/g mod r} and {d ≡ h/m mod r}; thus, km ≡ hg mod r. This result contradicts condition gh ≠ km mod r, used in step 4 of the algorithm when choosing g and m. The assertion is thus proven. □

Due to Statement 1, the product (mod n) of all possible powers of the values α and β generates r2 different values of the form \(\alpha^{i} \beta^{j} \bmod n,\) each of which has order equal to r:

$$\left( {\alpha^{i} \beta^{j} } \right)^{r} \equiv \alpha^{ir} \beta^{jr} \equiv 1 \cdot 1 \equiv 1\bmod n.$$

2.2 Probabilistic Method

In this section, we construct a non-cyclic subgroup G of the multiplicative group \(Z_{n}^{ * }\) of a finite ring \(Z_{n} ,\) where n is a natural number equal to the product of two strong primes q and p having the size |q| ≈ |p| ≈ 512 bits. Numbers q and p are secret and have the following structure: p = Npr2 + 1, and q = Nqr2 + 1, where Np and Nq are two large even numbers containing a large prime divisor; r is a ρ-bit prime number (ρ = 80 in the case of a security level equal to 280 exponentiation operations). The multiplicative group \(Z_{n}^{ * }\) of a finite ring \(Z_{n}\) is generated by a basis containing two elements. This result follows from the fact that the value of the generalized Euler function L(n) of the number n is less than the value of the Euler function ϕ(n) of the number n:

$$\phi \left( n \right) \, = \, \left( {q - \, 1} \right)\left( {p - \, 1} \right) \, = \, \gcd \left( {q - \, 1,p - \, 1} \right){\text{lcm}}\left[ {q - \, 1,p - \, 1} \right] \, = \, \gcd \left( {q - \, 1,p - \, 1} \right)L\left( n \right) \, \ge r^{2} L\left( n \right),$$

where gcd is the greatest common divisor and lcm is the least common multiple.

We use a primary subgroup G having order r2 of the multiplicative group \(Z_{n}^{ * } ,\) having two-dimensional cyclicity and generated by two elements α and β having prime order r.

All the elements of the subgroup G, except an identity element, have order r. The values of the basic elements α and β are generated by the following probabilistic algorithm:

Algorithm 2:

  1. (1)

    Select a random value b such that 1 < b < n;

  2. (2)

    Compute the values γ = L(n)/r and z = bγ mod n;

  3. (3)

    If z ≠ 1, then the number α (the number β) takes the number z. Otherwise, repeat steps 1–3.

The correctness of the proposed algorithm is easy to prove. Indeed, if z ≠ 1 holds for the generated number z then the equation z = bL(n)/r mod n also holds, and therefore according to the generalized Fermat theorem zr ≡ bL(n) ≡ 1 mod n, i.e. the order of the number z equals r. (It is known that if zr ≡ 1 mod n holds the order of z divides number r. Since the number r is prime divisor of the value L(n), r is the order of some numbers modulo n.) When implementing this procedure twice, the two random numbers of an order r modulo n could be obtained.

The probability that these two numbers belong to the same cyclic subgroup is the ratio of the number of non-identity elements in the cyclic subgroup of prime order r to the number of all elements having order r and contained in \(Z_{n}^{ * } .\) Group \(Z_{n}^{ * }\) contains the primary subgroup of order r2 and is generated by two elements having order r. This primary subgroup contains r2 − 1 elements having order r. Consequently, the previously specified probability is r/(r2 − 1) ≈ 1/r ≈ 2−80. This probability can be ignored, and the time-consuming procedure verifies that the generated numbers α and β that belong to the same cyclic subgroup of order r do not have to be performed.

This probability can be reduced to a value ≈ 2−160 when generating numbers α and β according to the following modified algorithm:

Algorithm 3:

  1. (1)

    Select a random value b such that 1 < b < n;

  2. (2)

    Compute the values γ = L(n)/r2 and z = bγ mod n;

  3. (3)

    If z ≠ 1 and α′(β′) = zr mod n ≠ 1, then the number α′ (the number β′) takes the number αr mod n (the number βr mod n). Otherwise, repeat steps 1–3.

Reducing the probability is achieved because pre-generated numbers have order r2; this number is raised to the r power, and the result is taken as the number α (the number β).

If the number generated by α′ and β′ having order r2 belongs to different cyclic subgroups \(G_{{p^{2} }} ,\), then the numbers α and β will also belong to different cyclic subgroups. The probability \(\Pr (\alpha^{\prime},\beta^{\prime} \in G_{{p^{2} }} )\) that α′ and β′ are in the same cyclic subgroup is the ratio of the number of the elements having order r2 contained in a cyclic subgroup to the number of elements having order r2 contained in \(Z_{n}^{ * } .\). Given the presence of primary subgroups in \(Z_{n}^{ * } ,\) generated by two elements having order r2, expressing the number of elements of primary groups in a given order obtains the following estimated probability:

$$\Pr (\alpha^{\prime},\,\beta^{\prime} \in \,G_{{p^{2} }} ) = \frac{r(r - 1)}{{r^{2} (r^{2} - 1)}} \approx \frac{1}{{r^{2} }} \approx 2^{ - 160.} .$$

Thus, the second algorithm for generating random values of α and β is preferred because it reduces significantly the probability of generating values α and β belonging to the same cyclic subgroup by a factor approximately equal to 280.

To generate a prime p having the form p = Nr + 1 and size ≈ λ, where r is some given ρ-bit prime number, one can use the following algorithm:

Algorithm 4:

  1. (1)

    Generate a random prime π having size λ − ρ and compute the integer p = 2πr + 1.

  2. (2)

    Set counter i = 0.

  3. (3)

    Generate a random integer μ < p.

  4. (4)

    If the following four conditions hold: \(\mu^{2\pi r} = 1\bmod p,\)\(\mu^{\pi r} \ne 1\bmod p,\)\(\mu^{2\pi } \ne 1\bmod p\) and \(\mu^{2r} \ne 1\bmod p,\) then go to step 6, otherwise go to step 5.

  5. (5)

    If i < 20, then go to step 3, otherwise go to step 1.

  6. (6)

    Output the prime number p = 2πr + 1.

To generate a prime p having the form p = Nr2 + 1 and size ≈ λ, where r is some given ρ-bit prime number, one can use the following algorithm:

Algorithm 5:

  1. (1)

    Generate a random prime π having size λ − 2ρ and compute the integer p = 2πr2 + 1.

  2. (2)

    Set counter i = 0.

  3. (3)

    Generate a random integer μ < p.

  4. (4)

    If the following four conditions hold: \(\mu^{{2\pi r^{2} }} = 1\bmod p,\)\(\mu^{{\pi r^{2} }} \ne 1\bmod p,\)\(\mu^{2\pi r} \ne 1\bmod p\) and \(\mu^{{2r^{2} }} \ne 1\bmod p,\) then go to step 6, otherwise go to step 5.

  5. (5)

    If i < 20, then go to step 3, otherwise go to step 1.

  6. (6)

    Output the prime number p = 2πr + 1.

Algorithms 4 and 5 work correctly, since fulfilment of the conditions indicated in step 4 means that the number μ has order ωp = p − 1 modulo p. Indeed, due to Euler theorem for any composite number n there exist no numbers having order n − 1 modulo n.

For the case λ = 2464 and ρ = 128, the simulation of Algorithm 4 as well as the simulation of Algorithm 5 produce the prime p after performing on average about 2000 rounds of the cycle including the passes 2–5 (the number of different checked primes π).

We have composed a computer program implementing algorithm. To generate 2464-bit prime number, the program processed several minutes, while using the computer Core i5 (3.2 GHz, RAM 4 Gbyte).

One can easily modify the described algorithm to reduce significantly the time required for generating primes having large size; however, Algorithm 4 is sufficiently practical, since primes of the form p = 2πr + 1 are to be generated only at the stage of creating private and public keys.

3 New Blind Signature Protocol Based on the DL Problem

3.1 Underlying DS Scheme

  1. (a)

    Key Generation

Initially, a 240-bit signature scheme (the underlying DS scheme) is constructed and used as the base DS algorithm while designing the blind DS protocol.

In the base DS scheme, it is assumed that the parameters n, α, β and r are generated by a trusted party using randomly selected strong primes p and q having the size that provides the required security level. After computing the parameters n, α, β and r, the secret values p and q are destroyed.

The user generates his private key as a pair of random integers x and w (1 < x < r; 1 < w < r) and computes the public key y in accordance with the following formula: \(y = \alpha^{x} \beta^{w} \bmod n.\)

When generating a digital signature, the signer uses only the secret values x and w; thus, to forge the signature of the signer, it is sufficient for a potential attacker to calculate x and w from the known public key y and basic α and β. This problem is known as the DLP on a multi-dimensional basis, in the considered case, on a two-dimensional base. The detailed DLP modulo n is given below, where it is shown that this problem has the same order of complexity as the factoring problem. If there is an effective polynomial algorithm for computing the two-dimensional logarithm, it can be converted into a polynomial algorithm for factoring modulo n. Because the IFP and DLP modulo prime are independent difficult problems, the logarithm modulo prime and factoring modulo composite are significantly different problems.

3.1.1 The Special Case of the Discrete Logarithm Modulo a Composite Number

It is interesting to consider the case of solving the discrete logarithm modulo a composite number with a special structure. Choose the modulus n that is equal to the product of two large prime numbers p and q (i.e. n = pq), such that p − 1 and q − 1 contain the same large prime factor r. In this case, a finite group of all invertible numbers modulo n is generated by a basis containing two elements α and β, the orders of which contain divisor r. Suppose that the value of y contained in this group is given and it is required to compute values x and w such that y = αxβw mod n holds. This problem can be called a two-dimensional DLP or DLP with a two-dimensional base. Let us show that this problem can be reduced to the usual discrete logarithm problem. From the last formula, we can derive the following system of congruencies

$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {y = \alpha^{x} \beta^{w} \equiv g^{c} \bmod p} \\ {y = \alpha^{x} \beta^{w} \equiv g^{{{\prime }c^{\prime}}} \bmod q} \\ \end{array} } \right.,$$

where g and g′ are primitive roots modulo p and q, respectively. Solving the usual discrete logarithm problem several times, we obtain the values c, c′, u, v, u′ and v′, such that

$$a = g^{ u} \bmod p,b = g^{v} \bmod p,$$
$$a = g^{{{\prime }u}} \bmod q,b = g^{{{\prime }v}} \bmod q.$$

Using the computed values c, c′, u, v, u′ and v′, the following system of congruencies can be written:

$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {g^{ux + vw} \equiv g^{c} \bmod p} \\ {g^{{{\prime }u^{\prime}x + v^{\prime}w}} \equiv g^{{{\prime }c^{\prime}}} \bmod q} \\ \end{array} } \right..$$

From the last system, we obtain the following system:

$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {ux + vw \equiv c\,\,\bmod \,\,(p - 1)} \\ {u^{\prime}x + v^{\prime}w \equiv c^{\prime}\,\,\bmod \,\,(q - 1)} \\ \end{array} } \right..$$

From this system of two linear congruencies, we compute the unknowns x and w that determine the “coordinates” of the required two-dimensional discrete logarithm values.

  1. (b)

    DS Generation

  • Select at random values 1 < k < r and 1 < t < r and calculate \(R = \alpha^{k} \beta^{t} \bmod n.\)

  • Using some specified 2ρ-bit hash function FH(M) [1], calculate the first ρ-bit element E of the signature: E = FH(M, R) mod r.

  • Calculate the second ρ-bit element S of the signature: \(S = (k + xE)\bmod r.\)

  • Calculate the third ρ-bit element U of the signature: \(U = (t + xE)\bmod r.\)

The triplet of numbers (E, S, U) is the signature to the document M. The signature size is fixed and equals 3ρ.

The value ρ should be consistent with the size of the modulus n, and both the value ρ and the value λ are chosen depending on the required security of the protocol. To provide 80-bit (128-bit) security, use the parameters ρ ≥ 80 (ρ ≥ 128) and λ ≥ 512 (λ ≥ 1232).

  1. (c)

    DS Verification

  • Compute \(\tilde{R} = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n\) and \(\tilde{E}\; = \;F_{H} \left( {\left. M \right\|\tilde{R}} \right)\bmod r.\)

  • Compare values \(\tilde{E}\;\,{\text{and}}\,\,E.\) If \(\tilde{E}\; = \,\,E,\) then the signature is valid. Otherwise, the signature is false.

3.2 New Blind DS Protocol

Our blind digital signature protocol consists of three phases and two parties (the user A (requester) and the signer B).

The new blind DS protocol works as follows:

  1. (a)

    Key Generation

The signer B generates his private key as a pair of the random integers x and w (1 < x < r; 1 < w < r) and computes the public key y in accordance with the following formula: \(y = \alpha^{x} \beta^{w} \bmod n.\)

  1. (b)

    Blind DS Generation

There are four rounds in the blind DS protocol. The signer signs an unknown message M blindly as follows.

  • Signer B Round 1: Select at random values 1 < k < r and 1 < t < r, and calculate \(\bar{R} = \alpha^{k} \beta^{t} \bmod n.\) Then, send \(\bar{R}\) to the user A.

  • User A Round 2: Generate three random values ε, μ and τ such that 1 < ε, μ, τ < r, and compute

    $$\begin{aligned} R = \bar{R}^{\varepsilon } y^{\mu } \alpha^{\tau } \bmod n,\,\,E = F_{H} (\left. R \right\|M)\bmod r\,\, \hfill \\ and\,\,\bar{E} = \varepsilon^{ - 1} (E + \mu )\bmod r. \hfill \\ \end{aligned}$$

If \(\bar{E} = 0,\) then repeat step 2 with new random values of blind parameters.

Otherwise, send \(\bar{E}\) to the signer B. (The value E is the first element of the signature to a message M.) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Our blind digital signature protocol

  • Signer B Round 3: Using his individual values t, k and his secret keys x, w, compute \(\bar{S} = (k + x\bar{E})\bmod r\,\,{\text{and}}\,\,\bar{U} = (t + w\bar{E})\bmod r.\)

    Then, send \(\bar{U},\,\,\bar{S}\) to the user A.

  • User A Round 4: Compute the second and third parameters of the blind DS \(S = \varepsilon \bar{S} + \tau \bmod r\,\,and\,\,U = \varepsilon \bar{U}\bmod r.\)

The triplet of numbers (E, S, U) is a blind DS to the message M, and the signature size is \(\left| E \right| + \left| S \right| + \left| U \right| \approx 3\left| r \right| \approx 240\,\,bit.\)

  1. (c)

    Blind DS Verification

  • Step 1 Using the blind DS (E, S, U), compute the following values:

    $$\tilde{R} = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n\,\,and\,\,\tilde{E} = F_{H} (\left. {\tilde{R}} \right\|M)\bmod r\,.$$
  • Step 2 Compare values \(\tilde{E}\) and E. If \(\tilde{E}\,\, = \,\,E\,,\) then the signature is valid. Otherwise, the signature is false.

3.3 New Blind CDS Protocol

The blind DS protocol proposed in Sect. 3.2 can be used to design the blind collective DS (CDS) protocol.

In this section, we propose a blind CDS protocol for a broadcasting structure. The protocol consists of three phases: the key generation phase, the blind CDS generation phase and the blind CDS verification phase.

Suppose that the signing group {B1, B2, …, Bm} wants to generate a blind CDS for a message M proposed for blind signing by a user A.

  1. (a)

    Key Generation

The group signers generate parameters:

  • x1, x2, …, xm and w1, w2, …, wm: group signers’ secret keys such that 1 < xi < p and 1 < wi < p, xi, wi (i = 1, 2,…, m) are selected randomly and known only to the signer Bi.

  • y1, y2, …, ym: group signers’ public keys such that \(y_{i} = \alpha^{{x_{i} }} \beta^{{w_{i} }} \bmod n\) are computed and published by the group signers Bi.

  • The collective public key y is computed as a convolution of the set of individual public keys yi of all signers: \(y = \prod\nolimits_{i = 1}^{m} {y_{i} \bmod n} .\)

  • Blind CDS Generation

There are four rounds in the blind CDS protocol in which each signer signs an unknown message M blindly.

  • Signers Round 1: Each signer generates a random value 1 < ki < r and 1 < ti < r and computes \(r_{i} = \alpha^{{k_{i} }} \beta^{{t_{i} }} \bmod n,\) then sends ri to all signers. The common randomization parameter is computed as the product \(\bar{R} = \prod\nolimits_{i = 1}^{m} {r_{i} } \bmod n,\) and the value \(\bar{R}\) is sent to the user A.

  • User A Round 2: Generates three random values ε, μ and τ such that 1 < ε, μ, τ < r, and computes

    $$\begin{aligned} R = \bar{R}^{\varepsilon } y^{\mu } \alpha^{\tau } \bmod n,\,\,E = F_{H} (\left. R \right\|M)\bmod r\,\, \hfill \\ {\text{and}}\,\,\bar{E} = \varepsilon^{ - 1} (E + \mu )\bmod r. \hfill \\ \end{aligned}$$

If \(\bar{E} = 0,\) then repeat step 2 with new random values of blinding parameters. Otherwise, send \(\bar{E}\) to the signers Bi (the value E is the first element of the signature to a message M).

  • Signers Round 3: Each signer using his individual values ti, ki and his secret keys xi, wi computes \(s_{i} = (k_{i} + x_{i} \bar{E})\bmod r\) and \(u_{i} = (t_{i} + w_{i} \bar{E})\bmod r,\)

then sends si and ui to all signers.

Compute the common parameters

$$\bar{S} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {s_{i} } = (\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {k_{i} } + \bar{E}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {x_{i} } )\bmod r$$

and \(\bar{U} = \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{m} {u_{i} } = (\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{m} {t_{i} } + \bar{E}\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{m} {w_{i} } )\bmod r.\)

Then, send \(\bar{U},\,\,\bar{S}\) to the user A.

  • User A Round 4: Compute the second and third parameters of the blind CDS

$$S = \varepsilon \bar{S} + \tau \bmod r\,\,{\text{and}}\,\,U = \varepsilon \bar{U}\bmod r.$$

The triplet of numbers (E, S, U) is a blind CDS to the message M, and the signature size is \(\left| E \right| + \left| S \right| + \left| U \right| \approx 3\left| r \right| \approx 240\,\,{\text{bit}}.\)

The blind CDS size does not depend on the number of signers and its size is equal to 3ρ.

  1. (b)

    Blind CDS Verification

The blind CDS verification procedure uses the collective public key Y.

  • Step 1 Using the blind CDS (E, S, U), compute the following values:

    $$\tilde{R} = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n\,\,and\,\,\tilde{E} = F_{H} (\left. {\tilde{R}} \right\|M)\bmod r\,.$$
  • Step 2 Compare values \(\tilde{E}\) and E.

    If \(\tilde{E}\,\, = \,\,E\,,\) then the signature is valid. Otherwise, the signature is false.

4 Analysis of Our Protocols

In this section, we analyse the security and efficiency of our proposed blind signature protocols.

4.1 Correctness

Theorem 1

(DS) The triplet of numbers (E, S, U) is a valid DS corresponding to the message M.

Proof Substituting the values y, U and S in the right side of the verification equation \(\tilde{R} = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n,\) we obtain the following:

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{R} & = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n = \left( {\alpha^{x} \beta^{w} } \right)^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n \\ & = \alpha^{ - Ex} \beta^{ - Ew} \alpha^{(k + xE)} \beta^{(t + wE)} \bmod n = \\ & = \alpha^{ - Ex} \beta^{ - Ew} \alpha^{k} \alpha^{xE} \beta^{t} \beta^{wE} \bmod n = \alpha^{k} \beta^{t} \bmod n = R. \\ & \Rightarrow \tilde{E} = F_{H} (\tilde{R}\left\| M \right.) = F_{H} (R\left\| M \right.) = E. \\ \end{aligned}$$

The last equality proves the correctness of the DS scheme (Fig. 2). □

Fig. 2
figure 2

Our blind collective digital signature protocol

Theorem 2

(blind DS) The triplet of numbers (E, S, U) is a valid blind DS corresponding to the message M.

Proof Substituting the values E, U and S in the right side of the verification equation \(\tilde{R} = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n,\) we obtain the following:

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{R} & = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n = y^{{ - \varepsilon \bar{E} + \mu }} \alpha^{{\varepsilon \bar{S} + \tau }} \beta^{{\varepsilon \bar{U}}} \bmod n \\ & = y^{{ - \varepsilon \bar{E}}} y^{\mu } \alpha^{{\varepsilon \bar{S}}} \alpha^{\tau } \beta^{{\varepsilon \bar{U}}} \bmod n = (y^{{ - \bar{E}}} \alpha^{{\bar{S}}} \beta^{{\bar{U}}} )^{\varepsilon } y^{\mu } \alpha^{\tau } \bmod n \\ & = \bar{R}^{\varepsilon } y^{\mu } \alpha^{\tau } \bmod n = R. \\ & \Rightarrow \tilde{E} = F_{H} (\tilde{R}\left\| M \right.) = F_{H} (R\left\| M \right.) = E. \\ \end{aligned}$$

Thus, the protocol works correctly, and the described procedure results in the DS (E, S, U) that is known to user A and unknown to signer B. □

Theorem 3

(blind CDS) The triplet of numbers (E, S, U) is a valid CDS corresponding to the message M.

Proof We use the collective public key y.

Substituting the values E, U and S in the right side of the verification equation \(\tilde{R} = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n,\) we obtain the following:

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{R} & = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n = y^{{ - \varepsilon \bar{E} + \mu }} \alpha^{{\varepsilon \bar{S} + \tau }} \beta^{{\varepsilon \bar{U}}} \bmod n \\ & = y^{{ - \varepsilon \bar{E}}} y^{\mu } \alpha^{{\varepsilon \bar{S}}} \alpha^{\tau } \beta^{{\varepsilon \bar{U}}} \bmod n = (y^{{ - \bar{E}}} \alpha^{{\bar{S}}} \beta^{{\bar{U}}} )^{\varepsilon } y^{\mu } \alpha^{\tau } \bmod n \\ & = (y^{{ - \bar{E}}} \alpha^{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {s_{i} } }} \beta^{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {u_{i} } }} )^{\varepsilon } y^{\mu } \alpha^{\tau } \bmod n \\ & = \left( {\prod\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {y_{i}^{{ - \bar{E}}} \alpha^{{s_{i} }} \beta^{{u_{i} }} } } \right)^{\varepsilon } y^{\mu } \alpha^{\tau } \bmod n \\ & = \left( {\prod\limits_{i = }^{m} {r_{i} } } \right)^{\varepsilon } y^{\mu } \alpha^{\tau } \bmod n = \bar{R}^{\varepsilon } y^{\mu } \alpha^{\tau } \bmod n = R. \\ & \Rightarrow \tilde{E} = F_{H} (\tilde{R}\left\| M \right.) = F_{H} (R\left\| M \right.) = E. \\ \end{aligned}$$

Thus, the protocol works correctly, and the described procedure results in the CDS (E, S, U) that is known to user A and unknown to each of the signers. □

4.2 Unlinkability

Unlinkability In a blind signature scheme, the unlinkability property makes it impossible for the signer to derive the link between a given signature and the instance of the signing protocol that produces the blinded form of that signature.

Theorem 4

(blind DS) The protocol provides unlinkability in the case in which the message M and signature (E, S, U) will be presented to the signer.

Proof Let \((\bar{E}_{1} ,\bar{S}_{1} ,\bar{U}_{1} )\) and \((\bar{E}_{2} ,\bar{S}_{2} ,\bar{U}_{2} ),\) be two different signatures produced blindly and stored by some signer B.

In accordance with the equation of the signature generation procedure, we obtain the following relations:

$$\begin{aligned} \varepsilon = U/\bar{U}\bmod r;\,\,\tau = S - U\bar{S}/U\bmod r \hfill \\ {\text{and}}\,\,\,U = U\bar{E}/U - E\bmod r. \hfill \\ \end{aligned}$$

These relations show that the signature (E, S, U) could be produced by user A1 from the triplet \((\bar{E}_{1} ,\bar{S}_{1} ,\bar{U}_{1} ).\) (In this case, the supposed user A1 used the values ε1, τ1 and σ1.) The same signature can also be produced by the user A2 with some signer B from the triplet \((\bar{E}_{2} ,\bar{S}_{2} ,\bar{U}_{2} ).\) (In this case, the supposed user A2 had used the values ε2, τ2 and σ2.) Since the values (ε, τ and σ) are selected at random, the signature could be produced from each of two considered triplets as well as from each of the triplets in the database, i.e. the unlinkability property (or blindness property) is provided by the protocol. □

Theorem 5

(blind CDS) The protocol provides the unlinkability property in the case in which the message M and signature (E, S, U) will be presented to all or to one of the signers.

Proof We suppose that many different users present electronic messages to some given set of signers for blind signing. Suppose that the signers have saved all triplets \((\bar{E},\,\,\bar{S},\,\,\bar{U})\) that appeared in the blind CDS procedures.

Let \((\bar{E}_{1} ,\bar{S}_{1} ,\bar{U}_{1} )\) and \((\bar{E}_{2} ,\bar{S}_{2} ,\bar{U}_{2} ),\) be two triplets. According to the blind CDS protocol construction, the elements of the first triplet satisfy the following expression:

$$\begin{aligned} \varepsilon = U/\bar{U}\bmod r;\,\,\tau = S - U\bar{S}/U\bmod r \hfill \\ {\text{and}}\,\,\,U = U\bar{E}/U - E\bmod r. \hfill \\ \end{aligned}$$

These relations show that the signature (E, S, U) could be produced by user A1 from the triplet \((\bar{E}_{1} ,\bar{S}_{1} ,\bar{U}_{1} ).\) (In this case, the supposed user A1 had used the values ε1, τ1 and σ1.) The same signature can also be produced by the user A2 with the same signers Bi from the triplet \((\bar{E}_{2} ,\bar{S}_{2} ,\bar{U}_{2} ).\) (In this case, the supposed user A2 used the values ε2, τ2 and σ2.) Since the values (ε, τ and σ) are selected at random, the signature could be produced from each of two considered triples as well as from each of the triplets in the database, i.e. the unlinkability property (or blindness property) is provided by the protocol. □

4.3 Unforgeability

Unforgeability implies that only the signer(s) can generate valid signatures.

4.3.1 Attack 1 (Outsider attack)

The attacker tries to derive the signature (E, S, U), where \(R = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n\) and \(E = F_{H} (\left. R \right\|M)\bmod r,\) for a given message M by fixing one of the values R, E, S and U and finding the other ones. For example, the attacker selects R and tries to figure out the values of E, S and U satisfying \(R = y^{ - E} \alpha^{S} \beta^{U} \bmod n\,\) and vice versa. The attacker first chooses at random the value R and then computes the values S and U only if the difficult computational problem of the DLP modulo a composite number is breakable. The attacker first chooses at random value E and then computes R. It is supposed that a secure hash function is used in the protocol; therefore, the attacker is not able to select the value R producing some specially chosen value E. Similar to the case, the attacker first chooses at random the value S (or U) and then computes the values E and U (or S) only if the difficult computational problem of the DLP modulo a composite number is breakable.

4.3.2 Attack 2 (User attack)

The user can know individual signatures, but this does not damage the security of the protocols. If he cannot compute the blind DS (CDS) correctly from the individual signatures, the verification equation of the blind CDS is not satisfied. This type of attack can be detected by the verifier.

4.4 Attack 3 (Signer(s) attack)

Suppose that m − 1 signers that share some collective signature \((\bar{E},\,\,\bar{S},\,\,\bar{U})\) with the m signer are attackers trying to calculate the secret key of the m signer. The attackers know the values (rm, sm, um) generated by the mth signer.

These values satisfy the equation \(r_{m} = y_{m}^{{ - \bar{E}}} \alpha^{{s_{m} }} \beta^{{u_{m} }} \bmod n,\,\) where the value \(\bar{E}\) is out of the attackers’ control. Therefore, computing the secret key of the m signer requires solving the DLP modulo a composite number.

4.5 Performance

Next, we investigate the performance of our protocols using the number of modular multiplications, number of hashing operations, number of random number generations, number of inverse computations and number of modular exponentiations.

Note that the time for computing modular addition and subtraction is ignored since it is much smaller than the time for computing modular exponentiation, modular multiplication and modular inverse.

The comparisons of computational costs performed by the user, signer and verifier between the proposed blind signature protocol and the scheme of (Minh et al. 2012; Tahat et al. 2009) are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 Computational costs of the proposed blind DS protocol and the protocols of (Minh et al. 2012; Tahat et al. 2009)
Table 2 Computational costs of the proposed blind DS protocol and the protocols of (Minh et al. 2012; Tahat et al. 2009)

The comparisons of the numbers of computations performed by a user between the proposed blind CDS protocol and the protocols of (Hieu et al. 2017; Moldovyan and Moldovyan 2011) are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3 Computational costs of the proposed blind CDS protocol and the protocols of (Hieu et al. 2017; Moldovyan and Moldovyan 2011)

The performance of our proposed blind DS (CDS) protocols is almost equivalent to the protocol (Minh et al. 2012; Hieu et al. 2017; Tahat et al. 2009; Moldovyan and Moldovyan 2011). However, the proposed protocols have signature sizes much shorter than the protocols (Minh et al. 2012; Hieu et al. 2017; Tahat et al. 2009; Moldovyan and Moldovyan 2011) and are thus superior in practice (Table 4).

Table 4 Signature size of the proposed protocols and the protocols of (Minh et al. 2012; Hieu et al. 2017; Tahat et al. 2009; Moldovyan and Moldovyan 2011)

In most of the applications based on blind signatures, the signer(s) usually possesses much more computational capability than a user, while the computational capability of the users may be limited in certain situations such as mobile clients. To guarantee the quality of these growing popular communication services based on blind signatures, it is more urgent to reduce the computational load for users than for signer(s).

5 Conclusions

This paper proposed two new blind DS protocols with a 3ρ-bit signature size that provide ρ-bit security. These protocols are the first ones based on the computational difficulty of the DLP modulo a composite number n = pq.

The protocols use finite groups possessing two-dimensional cyclicity. When selecting parameters to provide 80-bit security, the size of the proposed blind DS protocols is 240 bit (and are not dependent on the number of signers).