1 Introduction

Industrial materials, which offer a wide range of qualities to match the varying needs of many industries, are essential elements in modern manufacturing processes. Industrial materials can be divided into several categories depending on their composition and characteristics, as presented in Fig. 1. Due to their remarkable strength-to-weight ratios, metals like steel and aluminium are widely employed and suitable for structural applications [1]. Metals and alloys are widely used in various industries due to their excellent mechanical strength, conductivity, and corrosion resistance [2]. Steel is used exclusively in the construction of skyscrapers and bridges due to its high tensile strength and durability, while Aluminium, with its lightweight nature and excellent corrosion resistance alongside composites which are composed of two or more materials, combine the desirable properties of each component, making them valuable in industries like aerospace, automotive, and sporting goods [3]. Carbon fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRPs), among other composite materials, have become common substitutes for conventional materials. Due to its high strength-to-weight ratio, CFRPs are excellent for applications such as sporting goods and automotive components. CFRPs combine the high strength of carbon fibres with the flexibility of polymers to produce lightweight and durable materials [4]. Polymers and ceramics are also essential components in industrial applications. Ceramics are ideal for use in engine parts, cutting tools, and electrical insulators because of their outstanding resistance to high temperatures, wear, and corrosion [5]; they also find use in the electronics, aerospace, and energy sectors because of their high-temperature stability and electrical insulation [6]. Polymers like plastics and rubber are lightweight and adaptable, making them appropriate for packaging, construction, and automotive industries [7]. Developments in materials science have facilitated the production of specialised materials with distinctive features for particular uses. Aerospace, Defence, and high-temperature applications use high-performance materials such as shape memory alloys, carbon fibre-reinforced composites, and superalloys [8]. Electronics, energy storage, and medicinal fields use nanomaterials, including nanoparticles and nanocomposites, since they possess more excellent qualities [9]. Manufacturers can produce goods with particular qualities suited to their various industries because of the wide variety of industrial materials. These qualities include tribological, corrosion, and mechanical properties.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Various industrial materials

The mechanical properties of industrial materials play a crucial role in determining their behaviour and performance under various loading conditions. A material’s response to mechanical forces is described by various qualities known as mechanical properties. Young’s modulus, often known as the elastic modulus, measures a material’s stiffness and elastic deformability, whereas Toughness measures a material’s ability to absorb energy before fracture [10]. A material’s resistance to deformation and failure is indicated by its strength, which includes tensile, compressive, and shear strength [11]. According to Meyers et al. [12], ductility is the capacity of a material to endure plastic deformation before fracture. According to [13], a material's hardness reflects its resistance to being scratched or indented. Different materials have various mechanical properties as a result of these qualities. The inherent strength and ductility of metals like steel and aluminium make them ideal for structural applications. Although polymers are flexible and lightweight, they typically have lower mechanical strengths than metals. Ceramics are very stiff and rigid but typically fragile [12]. According to the composition and placement of components, composites combine the desirable qualities of many materials to provide a wide range of mechanical characteristics. The different materials’ characteristics shown in Fig. 2a affect the stress–strain, such as ultimate strength and yield and determine the fracture point as debited in Fig. 2b.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Material property chart and b Stress–Strain curve for materials [12]

The corrosion properties of industrial materials refer to their susceptibility to deterioration and degradation when exposed to corrosive environments. Material contact with the environment is a key component of the complicated electrochemical process termed corrosion. Corrosion can happen in various ways, according to Chen and He [14], including uniform corrosion, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. Each mechanism has unique difficulties and calls for specialised corrosion mitigation techniques. A material’s microstructure, surface quality, and composition affect its corrosion resistance. Because alloying elements like chromium and nickel are present and form a passive oxide layer on the surface of stainless steel, they have high corrosion resistance [15]. Similarly, using corrosion-resistant alloys, including nickel-based or titanium alloys, may enhance the resistance to corrosion in particular environments [16]. Tribological properties describe the friction, wear, and lubrication that occur when surfaces move about one another. Understanding the tribological properties of industrial materials is crucial for optimising their performance and ensuring efficient operation. Key tribological characteristics, such as friction and wear resistance, influence the barrier to motion between two surfaces and define a material’s capacity to tolerate surface deterioration and material loss. According to Sahoo and Satapathy [17], the coefficient of friction determines how easy or difficult it is to slide between surfaces. In mechanical systems, high friction can result in energy losses, more wear, and less efficiency. Li et al. [18] pointed out that elements like hardness, surface roughness, and the presence of protective coatings have an impact on wear resistance. Superior wear-resistant materials provide less material loss and longer service life.

Industrial coatings fall into two categories: organic and inorganic. Due to their adaptability, simplicity of application, and attractive finishes, organic coatings, including polymer-based paints and coatings, are frequently employed [19]. These coatings offer improved aesthetics, chemical resistance, UV protection, and corrosion resistance. They are frequently used in consumer products, construction, and the automotive industry. On the other hand, Metallic and ceramic coatings are examples of inorganic coatings. Metallic coatings offer superior corrosion resistance, wear protection, and enhanced surface hardness [20]. Examples of these coatings include electroplating and thermal spray coatings. Applying thick coatings with improved mechanical and corrosion properties is made possible by thermal spraying techniques, such as plasma spraying, high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spraying, and flame spraying [21]. These coatings are widely employed in industries where toughness and resilience over severe conditions are essential [22]. They provide superior wear resistance, muscular bond strength, and improved fatigue life. Ceramic coatings offer some unique qualities of abrasion resistance, thermal barrier capabilities, and high-temperature stability [23]. They have uses in the aerospace, energy, and automotive sectors where resistance to oxidation, wear, and high temperatures is crucial.

Preparing and implementing industrial coatings involve various materials, methods, and techniques. Some standard coating application techniques are spraying, dipping, roller coating, and electrostatic deposition, as debited in Fig. 3a–c. Because of their effectiveness, consistency, and simplicity of usage, spraying techniques, including airless and electrostatic spraying, are often used [24]. Methods like dipping or immersion provide for homogeneous coating application and are suited for objects with complicated shapes. For big, continuous surfaces, roller coating is frequently used. According to Ghasemi et al. [25], the most popular procedure is the dispersion of coating components in an appropriate solvent, followed by application methods including spraying, brushing, or dipping. A common technique for applying metal coatings is electroplating, depositing a metal layer onto a substrate using an electrochemical process [26]. To ensure adequate adherence between the coating and the substrate, surface preparation is a crucial step involving cleaning, surface roughening, and primers or adhesion promoters. The type of coating, desired thickness, and type of substrate all play a role in choosing the best coating technique. The coating thickness is also unnecessary because it influences the coating’s durability and protective qualities [27]. The thickness, content, and structure of coatings can be precisely controlled using cutting-edge processes, including chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and physical vapour deposition (PVD), as shown in Fig. 4. A thin layer is deposited on the substrate surface due to a chemical reaction between gaseous precursors in CVD. Contrarily, PVD entails the evaporation or sputtering of solid coating ingredients afterwards deposited onto the substrate surface. The benefits of thin films are excellent wear resistance, reduced friction, and increased hardness [28]. These nanoscale coatings can be customised through various deposition processes to fit particular needs [29]. However, the application of multiple layers of coatings is know as multi-layer coatings. The majority of multi-layer coatings are just many repetitions of two layers, one tougher and one softer. They could be comprised of two separate ceramic layers or a combination of ceramic and metallic layers. Layer material characteristics affect the characteristics of multi-layer coatings.

Fig. 3
figure 3

a Materials for coatings developmsent and b different method to produce [26]

Fig. 4
figure 4

Coatings techniques for implementation [27]

Specialised coatings have emerged as a result of coating technology. For instance, functional coatings, such as self-cleaning or anti-fouling, have been developed to meet industrial needs [25]. These coatings offer extra features like water and oil repellence or microbial growth resistance, which have uses in various industries like healthcare, electronics, and food processing. The application of coatings successfully depends on considering some variables, such as the application's specific requirements, the surrounding environment, and the intended performance characteristics. Therefore, this study aims to review the literature on the effect of coatings on industrial materials' mechanical, corrosion and tribological properties. Also, the study discusses the significance of coating and its challenges in the manufacturing industry.

2 Study of the Impact of the Implementation of Coating on the Mechanical Properties of Industrial Materials

The mechanical qualities of materials, such as hardness and fatigue strength, are greatly enhanced by coatings. According to Zhang et al. [30], coatings can greatly increase the hardness of a material, offering resistance to abrasion and surface damage. They also help to improve a material's wear resistance by reducing friction and the impacts of wear operations. According to Li et al. [31], coating application permits the adjustment of surface roughness and topography, which can affect mechanical properties, including adhesion and friction. Figure 5 shows that the ASP30 and D2 tool steel substrates have higher roughness than H11 steel. After polishing the D2 and ASP30 tool steel substrates, shallow protrusions (about 8 nm in height) appeared at the sites of carbide inclusions, while no such protrusions were observed in the case of H11 tool steel. This suggests that coatings can increase the fatigue strength of industrial materials. Coatings also serve as barrier layers that can prevent crack initiation and growth, extending the material fatigue life [31]. The bonding of coatings to the substrate is a crucial factor that impacts the mechanical properties. It is crucial to adequately prepare the surface and use the appropriate coating materials to obtain good adhesion and prevent delamination or cracking [32]. Physical vapour deposition (PVD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) are two advanced techniques that precisely control coating thickness and characteristics, affecting mechanical properties. Table 1 shows a summary of the effect of coatings on the mechanical properties of some industrial materials. The mechanical properties of industrial materials guide the design and engineering of components to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Jones [33] emphasises the importance of considering the mechanical properties of materials, such as strength, stiffness, and toughness, when designing structures, as it ensures that the materials can withstand the applied loads and forces without failure. The mechanical properties of industrial materials can be modified through various procedures, including alloying, heat treatment, and processing methods. According to Ashby et al. [10], alloying elements can increase strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance. Quenching and tempering are heat treatment techniques that can alter the microstructure and improve mechanical characteristics. The material’s grain structure and mechanical behaviour can be affected by processing techniques such as forging, casting, and extrusion. All these mentioned properties of industrial materials can be modified using industrial coatings.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Atomic Force Microscope images and surface roughness (Sa) of uncoated D2 (a) ASP30 (b) and H11 (c) tool steel substrates after polishing [34]

Table 1 Summary analysis for coating effects on mechanical properties of industrial materials

While coatings offer potential benefits in enhancing the corrosion resistance of industrial materials, it is essential to consider their associated drawbacks. One major disadvantage is the potential reduced material ductility and toughness due to a coating layer [34]. Research studies have indicated that coatings can increase brittleness and decrease crack propagation resistance, compromising the material's mechanical strength and fracture resistance [51]. Another drawback is the possibility of coating delamination or debonding from the substrate. Delamination can occur due to poor adhesion, thermal expansion mismatch, or mechanical stress, significantly weakening the material and reducing its load-bearing capacity [52]. Additionally, applying coatings can introduce residual stresses in the material, which can arise during the coating process and affect its mechanical properties. These stresses can lead to dimensional instability, warping, or microcracking, impairing the material's structural integrity [53]. The thickness and uniformity of the coating layer also play a role in the material's mechanical behaviour. Non-uniform or excessive coating thickness can introduce stress concentrations and uneven load distribution, potentially resulting in premature failure or localised deformation [54].

Moreover, certain coating materials may not be compatible with the operating conditions or environment in which the material is utilised. Exposure to harsh chemicals, high temperatures, or corrosive agents can degrade the coating, compromising its protective function and accelerating material degradation [55]. The cost and complexity associated with applying coatings can be significant. Coating processes often require specialised equipment, skilled labour, and time-consuming procedures, increasing production costs and potentially limiting their feasibility in specific industries or applications [56].

3 The Effects of Coating on the Corrosion Behaviour of Industrial Materials

Coatings and surface treatments play a crucial role in improving the corrosion properties of materials. Protective coatings, such as organic coatings or metallic coatings, create a physical barrier between the material and the corrosive environment [57]. Surface treatments like passivation or anodising can modify surface properties and enhance corrosion resistance. In addition, environmental elements like temperature, humidity, pH, and the presence of corrosive compounds affect how materials behave when they encounter corrosion. For instance, exposure to chloride ions or acidic conditions can accelerate corrosion. To choose materials that can endure corrosive difficulties, it is essential to understand the individual environmental conditions—coatings shield Materials from corrosive conditions, which serve as protective layers. Corrosion resistance is unsatisfactory for several coating materials, including polymers, ceramics, and metallic alloys [58]. Implementing coatings on industrial materials significantly impacts their corrosion properties, providing an effective barrier against corrosive environments and enhancing their durability. Coatings serve as protective layers that can considerably increase the ability of a material to resist corrosion, prevent direct contact, slow down corrosion and give good finishing. Figure 6 shows the primary layers of coating material and their functions. Kim et al. [59] claim that coatings build a physical barrier between the material and the corrosive environment. For example, ceramic coatings, such as oxide or nitride, provide good corrosion protection due to their excellent chemical stability and inertness. These coatings produce a shielding oxide layer that prevents corrosive species from penetrating and offers long-term corrosion protection. Additionally, coatings can alter the electrochemical characteristics of a material, improving corrosion resistance. Li et al. [60] state that coatings can change a material’s corrosion potential and current density, preventing corrosion reactions. As seen in Fig. 7, an additional layer of defence against corrosion is offered by coatings such as organic coatings and inorganic films.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Idealized scheme of a coating system for barrier protection of AA2024 [59]

Fig. 7
figure 7

Effect of the corrosion potential in the topcoat and bond coat layers [60]

A significant factor affecting the corrosion characteristics is the adherence of the coating to the substrate. Proper surface preparation and coating application processes are crucial to maintaining strong adhesion, reducing the chance of coating delamination and preventing the substrate from corrosion [61]. To achieve long-term corrosion protection, choose suitable coating materials and application methods [62]. For example, Zhang et al. [63] emphasised using corrosion-resistant coatings, such as zinc-based or aluminium-based, to provide long-term protection against corrosion. The combination of suitable coating materials and practical application techniques ensures enhanced corrosion resistance and extends the service life of industrial materials. Table 2 illustrates a summary of the effect of coatings on the corrosion properties of some industrial materials.

Table 2 Summary analysis for coating effects on corrosion behaviour of industrial materials

The thickness and uniformity of coatings play a significant role in determining the corrosion properties of materials. The choice of deposition method can influence these factors. Research has indicated that deposition techniques such as electroplating and electrochemical deposition offer the advantage of producing precise and controlled thickness coatings, leading to enhanced corrosion resistance [78]. Conversely, spray or dip coating methods may result in uneven coating thickness, potentially undermining the protective barrier against corrosion [79]. The bonding strength between the coating and the substrate is a critical factor that impacts corrosion performance. Specific deposition techniques like physical vapour deposition (PVD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) facilitate interfacial solid bonding, thereby contributing to improved corrosion resistance [80, 81]. In contrast, improper adhesion caused by inadequate deposition methods can result in coating delamination and accelerated corrosion [82]. Additionally, the microstructure and porosity of coatings play a crucial role in determining their corrosion properties. Techniques such as sol–gel processing or electrodeposition can produce coatings with a dense and compact structure, thereby minimising the penetration of corrosive species [83, 84]. Conversely, thermal spraying can introduce porosity, allowing corrosive agents to reach the substrate. The chemical composition and phase of the coating can also be influenced by the deposition method, thereby affecting its corrosion behaviour. Specific deposition techniques enable the formation of protective oxide layers on the coating surface, contributing to enhanced corrosion resistance [85, 86].

Furthermore, the deposition atmosphere and conditions impact the corrosion properties of the coatings. Vacuum-based methods such as PVD provide a controlled environment, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring improved corrosion resistance [87]. Conversely, atmospheric deposition methods may introduce impurities or moisture, which can affect the performance of the coating.

4 The Effects of Coating on the Tribological Properties of Industrial Materials

The tribological properties of industrial materials are significantly impacted by the application of coatings, influencing friction, wear, and lubrication. Enhancing the tribological performance of materials is greatly helped by coatings. Coatings significantly influence the tribological behaviour of materials by reducing friction and wear. They act as protective barriers, minimising direct contact between mating surfaces [88]. Balint et al. [89] assert that coatings with low friction coefficients can greatly minimise energy losses and increase the effectiveness of mechanical systems. As shown in Fig. 8, where a polymer-based coating is used on metal, coatings can reduce friction and wear by acting as a protective layer between interacting surfaces. Additionally, coatings can make industrial materials more resistant to wear.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Generalised effect of polymer-based coating on the tribological properties of metals [89]

According to Xia et al. [90], coatings with high hardness and strong adhesion can withstand wear processes such as abrasion, adhesion, and erosion. Coatings also play a role in enhancing the lubricating capabilities of materials. Coatings can be lubricants in sliding contact applications, decreasing wear and friction. They can also integrate solid lubricants or lubricant-infused layers to offer continuous lubrication and lessen the requirement for external lubrication [91]. According to Xie et al. [92], effective coating reduces the direct contact between surfaces by generating a thin film that separates them. Lubrication also plays a key function in lowering friction and wear between contacting surfaces. Additionally, proper lubrication enhances tribological performance by minimising wear and friction. Several lubrication mechanisms, such as boundary, mixed, and hydrodynamic lubrication, may be employed. Industrial materials’ tribological characteristics are also influenced by surface topography. Due to the increased contact area and potential for abrasive interactions, rough surfaces may experience more wear and friction. The surface topography can be optimised to improve tribological performance using surface modification procedures like polishing or coating. Factors such as coefficient of friction, wear resistance, lubrication mechanisms, and surface topography all contribute to the overall tribological performance of industrial materials. The tribological properties of coatings are significantly influenced by their adherence to the substrate. To promote strong adhesion and ensure the longevity and integrity of the coating, it is essential to prepare the surface and choose the suitable coating materials properly. The choice of coating material and deposition technique plays a crucial role in determining the tribological properties of the coated surfaces [93]. Table 3 highlights some coatings, their application methods and their effect on the tribological properties of the substrate.

Table 3 Summary analysis for coating effects on tribological properties of industrial materials

Diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings have emerged as a promising coating option for preserving the tribological properties of industrial materials. DLC coatings exhibit desirable attributes such as exceptional hardness and low friction, rendering them suitable for applications where wear resistance plays a vital role [108]. Research findings have consistently indicated that DLC coatings can effectively sustain low levels of friction and wear, thereby minimising any adverse effects on the tribological properties of the base materials [109]. Certain ceramic coatings have demonstrated limited impact on the tribological properties. Notably, alumina (Al2O3) coatings have exhibited exceptional wear resistance and low friction coefficients, positioning them as viable options for applications where tribological performance is paramount [110]. Likewise, titanium nitride (TiN) coatings have exhibited favourable tribological characteristics by maintaining low levels of friction and wear [111]. Furthermore, certain polymer-based coatings, including polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coatings, have demonstrated negligible influence on tribological properties. PTFE coatings are characterised by their low friction and impressive wear resistance, rendering them well-suited for applications necessitating low friction and lubrication [112]. Moreover, self-lubricating coatings, like molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) coatings, have exhibited encouraging outcomes in preserving the tribological properties of industrial materials. MoS2 coatings possess exceptional lubricating properties and can mitigate friction and wear across various operating conditions [113].

From the various studies, one of the significant coatings employed to reduce friction and wear rate is silicone coating made of resin, additives, solvent, pigment and fillers, as shown in Fig. 9. All these components of the coating agent assist in improving the performance of coatings in engineering applications.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Coating agent and applications [103]

5 Effects of Coating on the Tribo-corrosion Mechanism of Industrial Materials

Tribo-corrosion is the word used to describe the mechanisms of surface deterioration resulting from the interaction of mechanical wear with chemical and electrochemical reactions [114]. Time-dependent and nonlinear mechano-electrochemical interactions occur every day in tribo-corrosion. Research on tribo-corrosion has recently focused on the need to choose or create new surfaces for equipment in the future and how to reduce operating costs and increase the lifespan of machinery and medical equipment already in use [115,116,117,118,119,120]. The research area thus covers the interactions between corrosion and erosion (solids, liquid flow, and droplet impingements or cavitation bubbles) and processes such as abrasion, adhesion, fretting, and fatigue wear. Tribo-corrosion is frequently associated with the interaction of mechanical and environmental forces and the consequent synergy or antagonistic consequences [121]. For instance, chemical influences frequently impact the adhesive dissipation of energy during friction. Panda et al. [122] Studied the tribo-corrosion circumstances of iron boride coatings on carbon steel (CS) made through thermal diffusion, and it was contrasted with that of bare CS and 316L stainless steel. The reciprocating tests used in the tribological trials had a ball-on-flat geometry and were conducted under dry sliding and tribo-corrosion conditions. The coatings showed improved wear resistance because the iron boride protective layer is harder and more chemically inert. Compared to CS, a multi-layered structure of h-BN or other BN-based compounds over boronised steel reduced the potential for crack propagation and helped reduce the friction coefficient (COF) by about 20% to 40%. Evaluation of the worn surfaces’ microstructure and surface morphology helped clarify the tribo-corrosion mechanisms in the studied samples.

Beliardouh et al. [123] created multilayer thin coatings using reactive radio frequency magnetron sputtering with a thickness of around 3 m on a Ti–6Al–4V substrate for biomaterial applications. Hard zirconium nitride and pure tantalum are combined to create films, which are utilised to control interfacial tension and prevent crack development. A biomimetic design (nacre-inspired materials) alternates hard/ductile material. A ball-on-disk reciprocating tribometer was used for tribo-corrosion testing in Hank's solution at 37 °C and open circuit potential. All the samples had a propensity to have strong corrosion resistance. Coatings with a top ZrN layer 100 nm thick demonstrated more significant noble potential and decreased wear rate and friction coefficient during the sliding phase. The wear process appears to consist of three main steps: (i) Rubbing under applied OCP (and normal load), (ii) causes the coating covered by a tribo-corrosion layer to thin, which causes fractures and rifts, and (iii) causes pieces to develop and separate (coating delamination), which allows the electrolyte to access the substrate as presented in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
figure 10

The illustration of the tribo-corrosion mechanism [116]

6 Interaction Study of Coatings Materials and Industrial Material Surfaces/Substrates and Pretreatment

In general, there are interactions between the coating materials and the substrate of the industrial materials. Different materials behave differently during the deposition of the coatings on the substrate [124]. Regarding mechanical, corrosion and tribological properties, the substrate has to be well-prepared to have a firm grip on the coating materials. Also, the thickness of the coatings plays a vital role in the coated materials having viable properties in terms of adequate hardness, high resistance to wear rate and corrosion properties of the coated substrate [125]. The deposition of the coating assists in improving the surface morphology of the industrial materials either by physical or chemical deposition process. The plasma-sprayed coated of different substrates’ tribological characteristics are discovered to be only somewhat superior in different concentrations on the substrate. This might be because of mechanical stability and strong atomic coherence connection between physical and chemical properties, as reported in books [126,127,128]]. Lowered Atomic coherence corresponds to diminished coating’s chemical connection. The contracting microstructure characteristics include grain size, density, and porosity. Process parameters impact these; for instance, the coatings produced by PVD and thermal spraying processes differ significantly [129].

Every effective pretreatment procedure for coatings application on a substrate starts with a straightforward cleaning step. The stages that should be completed before any other procedures are.

  1. i.

    The cleaner stage

  2. ii.

    The rinse stage

  3. iii.

    The dry-off oven

  4. iv.

    The conditioning stage

  5. v.

    The zinc phosphate stage

  6. vi.

    The sealer stage

  7. vii.

    Shot blasting as pretreatment

  8. viii.

    Shot plus primer

After this general pretreatment stage, other pretreatment and functional agents have also been involved in the coating’s application of industrial materials, as presented in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Different types of pretreatments and functional agents [129]

7 Challenges of the Implementation of Coatings on Industrial Manufacturing Products and the Way Forward

Key issues must be resolved when using industrial coatings on manufactured items for practical application and optimal performance. The compatibility of coatings with the substrate material is one of the primary challenges. Numerous materials, including metals, polymers, and composites, each with unique qualities, are used to create various manufacturing products. Long-term performance depends on adequate adherence and compatibility between the coating and the substrate material [130]. Adhesion and compatibility can be improved using effective surface preparation processes, such as cleaning, roughening, and applying primers or adhesion promoters. The coating resilience and lifespan in challenging operating environments is another issue. Industrial items frequently operate in hostile conditions, including extreme heat, corrosive chemicals, and abrasive wear. In order to remain protective over time, coatings must be resistant to certain elements [131]. Advanced coating technologies, such as multilayered structures or nanocomposite coatings, offer increased performance and endurance in harsh environments.

Another difficulty is ensuring constant and uniform coating application throughout extensive manufacturing processes. The coating thickness, coverage, and uniformity are essential elements that affect the coated product's general performance and appearance. To obtain consistent and uniform coating, methods like robotic coating application, automated spraying systems, and dip coating can be applied [132]. Coatings can increase production costs overall. As presented in Fig. 12, The market for industrial coatings, which had a value of USD 97.33 billion in 2021, is anticipated to expand at a Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.1% during the next five years. Figure 13 debited the global analysis of coatings and paint. The increased requirement for improved aesthetics combined with rising general industry, automotive, and aerospace demand is anticipated to accelerate the product’s uptake. Due to growing concerns and awareness about environmental and health risks, the demand for ecologically friendly coatings is anticipated to rise throughout the prediction period [133]. Thus, weighing the advantages of better performance against the related costs is crucial. Cost-related issues can be reduced by investigating cost-efficient coating materials, streamlining coating procedures, and considering life cycle cost analyses [134].

Fig. 12
figure 12

U.S industrial coating market from 2018 to 2030in USD billion [132]

Fig. 13
figure 13

The global market for paints and coatings from 2018 to 2028 [133]

Collaboration between researchers, manufacturers, and coating suppliers is essential to address these challenges [135]. The creation of specialised coating solutions that are adapted to particular product needs and manufacturing techniques can be facilitated by close collaboration. Additionally, there are promising possibilities for application in the future owing to continuing research and development in coating technologies, such as sophisticated surface modification methods or self-healing coatings. Future research may also focus on developing novel coating materials, exploring advanced deposition techniques, and evaluating the long-term performance of coatings in diverse industrial applications [136].

8 Conclusion

The important influence of coatings on the mechanical, corrosion, and tribological characteristics of industrial materials has been underlined in this research. In many industrial uses, coatings have demonstrated their effectiveness in improving materials’ performance, toughness, and durability. The study of several research tests has shown that various coating types, such as organic, metallic, and ceramic coatings, each offer special benefits in enhancing particular material attributes. Metallic coatings offer sacrificial protection, ceramic coatings demonstrate great chemical stability, and organic coatings offer a defence barrier against corrosive chemicals. Coating application requires careful consideration of coating choice, surface cleaning, adherence, and thickness. Additionally, it is important to regularly inspect and maintain coated surfaces to detect and resolve any symptoms of wear, corrosion, or damage. Emerging trends in coating technologies, such as Nanocomposite and self-healing coatings, can potentially improve industrial material characteristics and extend their service life. The findings from this study highlight how crucial it is to incorporate coatings in developing and producing industrial materials. Industries can increase the overall performance of their goods, minimise friction and wear, and reduce the harmful effects of corrosion by using the right coatings. Industrial materials’ mechanical, corrosion, tribological and tribo-corrosion properties can be continuously improved and optimised if more studies investigate innovative coating materials, deposition methods, durability assessment methodologies and multilayer coatings methods which consisting of using pure metallic and ceramic layers with different designs thickness, to improve the wear rate and corrosion rate of the industrial materials.

9 Recommendations

Based on extensive research on the effect of coating on the tribological, corrosion, and mechanical properties of industrial materials, it is advised to carefully analyse the use of coatings in various industrial applications. These material qualities have seen considerable advancements thanks to coatings, which have improved performance, dependability, and durability. The following recommendations may be considered further to optimise the properties of industrial materials by coating:

  1. i.

    First, the particular needs of the application and the anticipated operating conditions should be considered while choosing the right coating type and material. Different organic, metallic, and ceramic coatings have unique advantages. Thus, they should be selected as such.

  2. ii.

    Secondly, proper surface preparation and application techniques are essential to guarantee adequate adherence and uniformity of the coating. To achieve the best performance, adherence to industry standards and recommendations for surface cleaning and coating application is strongly advised.

  3. iii.

    Regular inspections should be done to find any indications of wear, corrosion, or damage, and the coated surfaces should undergo routine maintenance and examination. The intended qualities can be maintained, and further deterioration can be avoided by promptly repairing or recoating damaged areas.

  4. iv.

    Following up with the most recent developments in coating technology is also essential. The tribological, corrosion, and mechanical qualities of industrial materials can be further improved by new trends such as nanocomposite coatings, self-healing coatings, and enhanced deposition processes.

  5. v.

    Lastly, cooperation with coating producers, industry professionals, and research organisations can offer helpful insights and direction in choosing, using, and assessing coatings for particular industrial applications.

Following these recommendations can help industries take advantage of the benefits of coating and improve their materials’ tribological, corrosion, and mechanical characteristics, resulting in better performance, a longer service life, and lower maintenance costs.