1 Introduction

Throughout this paper, R is a commutative ring with non-zero identity and all modules are unitary. Let M be an R-module. A proper submodule P of M is said to be prime if rmP for rR and mM, implies that mP or \(r\in \text {Ann}_{R}(M/P)=\{ r\in R : rM\subseteq P \}\). Let SpecR(M) denote the set of prime submodules of M. For aR we call AnnM(a) = {mM : am = 0} the annihilator submodule of a in M. Let m −AssR(M) = {P ∈SpecR(M) : P = AnnM(a), for some 0≠aR}. The properties of prime submodules and m −AssR(M) are studied in [8, 9] and [4]. By [8, Proposition 3.2], any maximal element of {AnnM(a) : a∉AnnR(M)} is a prime submodule of M. Thus, m −AssR(M) is a non-empty set, when M is a Noetherian R-module. In Section 2, we study some properties of the elements of m −AssR(M). In particular, we show that AnnM(a) = {mM|rm ∈AnnR(aM)M for some r ∉AnnR(aM)} whenever AnnM(a) is a prime submodule of M and ar(AnnR(M)). Also, we compare m −AssR(M) and the set of associated prime ideals of R, AssR(R), and we show that:

$$\mathrm{m}-\text{Ass}_{R}(M)=\left\{ \text{Ann}_{M}(a) | \text{Ann}_{R}(a) \in \text{Ass}_{R}(R) \right\}, $$

where M is either a free or a faithful multiplication R-module.

There are many studies of various graphs associated to rings or modules (see for instance [3, 5, 6, 10]). A submodule N of M is called an essential submodule if it has a non-zero intersection with any other non-zero submodule of M. In the third section, we investigate the property of being essential for an annihilator submodule, AnnM(a), in two cases, ar(AnnR(M)) = {rR : rtM = 0 for some positive integer t} or ar(AnnR(M)). We prove that, if AnnM(a), AnnM(b) ∈m −AssR(M), then AnnM(a) + AnnM(b) is an essential submodule of M. By relying on this fact, we introduce the annihilator essential graph of equivalence classes of zero divisors of M, AER(M), which is constructed from classes of zero divisors, determined by annihilator submodules and distinct vertices [a] and [b] are adjacent whenever AnnM(a) + AnnM(b) is an essential submodule of M. Among other things, we determine when AER(M) is a connected graph, a star graph, or a complete graph. An aspect of AER(M) is the connection to elements of m −AssR(M). We compare the clique number of AER(M) and the cardinal number of m −AssR(M) under the additional assumption r(AnnR(M)) = 0 or r(AnnR(M)) = AnnR(M)≠ 0.

The zero-divisor graph determined by equivalence classes, ΓE(R), was introduced in [10], and further studied in [2, 7, 11]. We shall compare ΓE(R) and AER(R) to determine some properties of the ring R.

Let Γ be a (undirected) graph. We say that Γ is connected if there is a path between any two distinct vertices. For vertices x and y of Γ, we define d(x, y) to be the length of a shortest path between x and y, if there is no path, then \(\mathrm {d}(x,y) = \infty \). The diameter of Γ is

$$\text{diam}({\Gamma}) =\sup\left\{\mathrm{d}(x,y) | x \text{ and } y \text{ are vertices of } {\Gamma}\right\}. $$

The girth of Γ, denoted by gr(Γ), is the length of a shortest cycle in Γ (\(\text {gr}({\Gamma }) = \infty \) if Γ contains no cycle). A graph Γ is complete if any two distinct vertices are adjacent. The complete graph with n vertices is denoted by Kn (we allow n to be an infinite cardinal). The clique number, ω(Γ), is the greatest integer n > 1 such that \(K_{n}\subseteq {\Gamma }\), and \(\omega ({\Gamma })=\infty \) if \(K_{n}\subseteq {\Gamma }\) for all integers n ≥ 1.

2 Annihilators Which Are Prime Submodules

Let R be a commutative ring and M be an R-module. In this section, we investigate the primeness of annihilator submodules of M.

Theorem 1

LetM be a NoetherianR-module withr(AnnR(M))≠AnnR(M).Then, there existsar(AnnR(M)) suchthat AnnM(a) isa prime submodule of M.


Assume that ar(AnnR(M)) ∖AnnR(M). If AnnM(a) is a maximal element of X = {AnnM(b) : b∉AnnR(M)}, then [8, Proposition 3.2] shows that AnnM(a) is a prime submodule of M and we are done. Otherwise, there exists bR such that AnnM(b) is a maximal element of X and \(\text {Ann}_{M}(a)\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(b)\). We show that br(AnnR(M)). By assumption ar(AnnR(M)), so that there is an integer t such that \(0=a^{t}M\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(b)\). Thus, abM = 0, since AnnM(b) is a prime submodule. Hence, \(b\in \text {Ann}_{R}(aM)\subseteq \text {Ann}_{R}(bM)\) and so b2M = 0 which implies that br(AnnR(M)). □

The following example shows that AnnM(a) can be a prime submodule of M but ar(AnnR(M)).

Example 1

Let \(\Bbb Z_{p^{2}q}\) be the ring of integers modulo p2q for some prime integers p, q. Then, \(\text {Ann}_{\Bbb Z}(\Bbb Z_{p^{2}q})=p^{2}q\Bbb Z\), \(r(\text {Ann}_{\Bbb Z}(\Bbb Z_{p^{2}q}))=pq\Bbb Z\) and \(\text {Ann}_{\Bbb Z_{p^{2}q}}(p^{2})=q\Bbb Z_{p^{2}q}\) is a prime submodule of \(\Bbb Z_{p^{2}q}\) while \(\Bbb Zp^{2}\not \in r(\text {Ann}_{\Bbb Z}(\Bbb Z_{p^{2}q}))\).

Lemma 1

IfaR,then\(\text {Ann}_{R}(M/ \text {Ann}_{M}(a)) =\text {Ann}_{R}(aM)\).


If \(a\in \text {Ann}_{R}(M)\), there is nothing to prove. Thus, assume that \(a\not \in \text {Ann}_{R}(M)\) and \(r\in \text {Ann}_{R}(M/ \text {Ann}_{M}(a))\). Then, \(rM\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\) and so arM = 0. Hence, r ∈AnnR(aM). The converse is similar. □

Theorem 2

Let AnnM(a) bea prime submodule ofM andar(AnnR(M)).Then,\(\text {Ann}_{M}(a)\) = {mM : rm ∈AnnR(aM)M for some rR ∖AnnR(aM)} andit is a minimal prime submodule of M.


By assumption and Lemma 1, \(\text {Ann}_{R}(M/ \text {Ann}_{M}(a))=\text {Ann}_{R}(aM)=\frak p\) is a prime ideal of R. Let \(H:=\{m\in M : rm\in {\frak p}M \text {for some } r\not \in {\frak p} \}\) and mH. Then, there exists \(s\in R\setminus {\frak p}\) such that \(sm\in {\frak p}M\). This implies that \(sm={\sum }_{i = 1}^{k}s_{i}m_{i}\), where \(s_{i}\in \frak p\). Thus, \(sam={\sum }_{i = 1}^{k}s_{i}am_{i}= 0\) and so \(sm\in \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\). Hence, by assumption and \(s\notin \frak p\), it follows that m ∈AnnM(a). Therefore, \(H\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\). Let m ∈AnnM(a). Then, \(am= 0\in \frak pM\). If \(a\notin \frak p\), we are done. Otherwise, a2M = 0 and so ar(AnnR(M)), contrary to assumption. Thus, mH.

Assume that P is a prime submodule of M and \( P\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\). Let m ∈AnnM(a). Then, am = 0 ∈ P which implies that a ∈AnnR(M/P) or mP. If \(aM\subseteq P\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\), then a2M = 0 and so ar(AnnR(M)); it is a contradiction. Hence, mP and P = AnnM(a) which implies that AnnM(a) is a minimal prime submodule of M. □

Corollary 1

Let\(\text {Ann}_{R}(M)=\frak p\)bea prime ideal of R and\(a\not \in \frak p\).Then, the following statements are true:

  1. (i)

    AnnR(aM) = AnnR(M).

  2. (ii)

    If AnnM(a) isa prime submodule of M, then AnnM(a) = {mM : rm = 0 for \(\text {some } r\in R\setminus \frak p \}=\cup _{b\not \in \frak p}\text {Ann}_{M}(b)\).

  3. (iii)

    |m −AssR(M)|≤ 1.


(i) It is clear that \( \text {Ann}_{R}(M) \subseteq \text {Ann}_{R}(aM)\). To establish the reverse inclusion, let r ∈AnnR(aM). Then, arM = 0 and so ar ∈AnnR(M). By assumption, AnnR(M) is a prime ideal of R and a∉AnnR(M), thus r ∈AnnR(M). Hence, \(\text {Ann}_{R}(aM) \subseteq \text {Ann}_{R}(M)\).

(ii) It follows by (i) and Theorem 2.

(iii) It follows by (ii).

The following lemma shows that there is a natural injective map from

$$\text{Spec}_{R}(M)\cap \{\text{Ann}_{M}(a) : a\not\in r(\text{Ann}_{R}(M))\} \longrightarrow \text{Spec}(R) \cap \{\text{Ann}_{R}(aM) : a\in R\} $$

given by \(\text {Ann}_{M}(a)\rightarrow \text {Ann}_{R}(aM)\).

Lemma 2

Let AnnM(a) and AnnM(b) beprime submodules ofM anda, br(AnnR(M)).Then, AnnM(a) = AnnM(b) ifand only if AnnR(aM) = AnnR(bM).


In view of Lemma 1, if AnnM(a) = AnnM(b), then AnnR(aM) = AnnR(bM). For the converse, assume that m ∈AnnM(a). Thus, am = 0 and am ∈AnnM(b). If m ∈AnnM(b), we are done. Otherwise, a ∈AnnR(bM) = AnnR(aM) which implies that ar(AnnR(M)) contrary to assumption. Thus, m ∈AnnM(b). □

The following result shows that the above injective map from SpecR(M) ∩{AnnM(a) : ar(AnnR(M))} to Spec(R) ∩{AnnR(aM) : aR}, could be a bijection.

An R-module M is called a multiplication module if for each submodule N of M, N = IM for some ideal I of R. Multiplication module has been studied in [1].

Theorem 3

LetM be either a free or a faithful multiplication module andaR. Then,AnnM(a) isa prime submodule ofM if and only ifAnnR(a) is a prime ideal ofR. Inparticular,

$$\mathrm{m}-\text{Ass}_{R}(M)=\{\text{Ann}_{M}(a) : \text{Ann}_{R}(a) \in \text{Ass}_{R}(R)\}. $$


Assume that M is a free R-module, thus M≅ ⊕iIRi (Ri = R), where I is an index set. Let aR and AnnR(a) be a prime ideal of R. It is easy to see that AnnM(a)≅ ⊕iIAnnR(a). Let rm ∈AnnM(a) and r∉AnnR(aM) = AnnR(a) for some rR, m = (mi)iIM. Thus, rmi ∈AnnR(a) and so mi ∈AnnR(a), for all iI. Hence, m ∈AnnM(a) and AnnM(a) is a prime submodule of M. By the same argument, the converse follows.

By [1, Corollary 2.11], AnnM(a) is a prime submodule of M if and only if AnnR(aM) is prime ideal of R. On the other hand, AnnR(aM) = AnnR(a) since M is faithful. Thus, AnnM(a) is a prime submodule of M if and only if AnnR(a) is a prime ideal of R. □

Theorem 4

LetM be a projective module andaR.If AnnR(a) isa prime ideal ofR, then AnnM(a) isa prime submodule of M. Furthermore, |AssR(R)|≤∣m −AssR(M)∣,wheneverM is a faithful projective module.


By assumption, there exists a free R-module F and an R-module A such that F ≅MA. By assumption and Theorem 3, AnnF(a) is a prime submodule of F. Let xM, rR, and rx ∈AnnM(a). Then, arx = 0 and so ar(x,0) = 0. Thus, r(x,0) ∈AnnF(a). Hence, r ∈AnnR(aF) or (x,0) ∈AnnF(a). Therefore, \(r\in \text {Ann}_{R}(a(M\oplus A))\subseteq \text {Ann}_{R}(aM)\) or x ∈AnnM(a). □

3 The Annihilator Essential Graph of Zero Divisors

Recall that R is a commutative ring and M is an R-module. A submodule N of M is called an essential submodule if it has a non-zero intersection with any other non-zero submodule of M. In this section, we investigate the essentialness of the annihilator submodules of M and we introduce the annihilator essential graph of equivalence classes of zero divisors of M, AER(M), which is constructed from classes of zero divisors, determined by annihilator submodules of M.

Theorem 5

LetM be anR-module. Then, the following statements are true: (i) For allaR,aM + AnnM(a) isan essential submodule of M. (ii) Ifar(AnnR(M)),then AnnM(a) isan essential submodule of M. (iii) Ifar(AnnR(M)) and AnnM(a) isa prime submodule of M, then AnnM(a) isnot an essential submodule of M.


(i) Let aR. We have to show that aM + AnnM(a) is an essential submodule of M. Let N be a submodule of M. Then, \(aN\subseteq aM\cap N\subseteq (aM+ \text {Ann}_{M}(a))\cap N\). If (aM + AnnM(a)) ∩ N = 0, then aN = 0 which implies that \(N\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\). Hence, \(N\subseteq (aM+ \text {Ann}_{M}(a))\cap N\) and so N = 0. Therefore, aM + AnnM(a) is an essential submodule of M.

(ii) By assumption, there exists an integer t, such that atM = 0. Thus, \(aM\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a^{t-1})\) and so \(aM+ \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a^{t-1})\). Hence, AnnM(at− 1) is an essential submodule of M by (i). Suppose that N is a non-zero submodule of M. Then, AnnM(at− 1) ∩ N≠ 0 and so there is 0≠xN such that at− 1x = 0. Thus, \(0\neq a^{i}x\in N \cap \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\), for some i with 0 ≤ it − 2. Hence, AnnM(a) is an essential submodule of M.

(iii) By assumption, ar(AnnR(M)) so aM≠ 0. Let amaM ∩AnnM(a). Then, by hypotheses, m ∈AnnM(a) which shows that am = 0 and so aM ∩AnnM(a) = 0. Thus, AnnM(a) is not an essential submodule of M.

Theorem 6

LetM be anR-module anda, bR.Then, the following statements are true: (i) If eitherabM = 0 orAnnM(a),AnnM(b) areprime submodules of M, then AnnM(a) + AnnM(b) isan essential submodule of M. (ii) If AnnM(a),AnnM(b) areprime submodules ofM anda, br(AnnR(M)),thenabM = 0.


(i) Let a, bR and abM = 0. Then, \(bM\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\) and so \(bM+\text {Ann}_{M}(b)\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\) + AnnM(b). Thus, by using Theorem 5 (i), the assertion follows.

Assume that a, bR and AnnM(a),AnnM(b) are prime submodules of M. If either ar(AnnR(M)) or br(AnnR(M)), then by Theorem 5 (ii), either AnnM(a) or AnnM(b) is an essential submodule of M and the assertion follows. Thus, assume that a, br(AnnR(M)). Without loss of generality, we can assume that \(\text {Ann}_{M}(a)\not \subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(b)\); see Theorem 2. Thus, there is mM such that am = 0 and bm≠ 0. By am ∈AnnM(b), it follows that a ∈AnnR(bM). Hence, abM = 0 and the result follows by previous paragraph.

(ii) We suppose that abM≠ 0 and look for a contradiction. By (i), AnnM(a) + AnnM(b) is an essential submodule of M. Thus, (AnnM(a) + AnnM(b)) ∩ abM≠ 0. Hence, there are mM, \(m^{\prime }\in \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\) and \(m^{\prime \prime }\in \text {Ann}_{M}(b)\) such that abm≠ 0 and \(abm=m^{\prime }+m^{\prime \prime }\). Thus, a2b2m = 0. By assumption, AnnM(a),AnnM(b) are prime submodules of M, thus AnnM(a) = AnnM(a2) and AnnM(b) = AnnM(b2). Therefore, abm = 0 that is a contradiction. □

Corollary 2

Leta, br(AnnR(M)) and AnnM(a) bea prime submodule of M. Then,AnnM(a) + AnnM(b) isan essential submodule ofM if and onlyif\(\text {Ann}_{M}(b) \not \subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\).


If \(\text {Ann}_{M}(b) \not \subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\), then by a similar argument to that of Theorem 6 (ii), one can show that abM = 0 and so AnnM(a) + AnnM(b) is an essential submodule of M. Conversely, assume that \(\text {Ann}_{M}(b) \subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\). Thus, AnnM(a) is an essential submodule of M and so AnnM(a) ∩ aM≠ 0. Now, by a similar argument to that of Theorem 6 (ii), we achieve a contradiction. □

Assume Z(M) denotes the set of zero divisors of M and Z(M) = Z(M) ∖{0}. For a, bR, we say that \(a\sim b\) if and only if AnnM(a) = AnnM(b). As noted in [10], \(\sim \) is an equivalence relation. If [a] denotes the class of a, then [0] = AnnR(M) and [a] = RZ(M) for all aRZ(M); the other equivalence classes form a partition of Z(M).

Definition 1

The annihilator essential graph of equivalence classes of zero divisors of M, denoted AER(M), is a graph associated to M whose vertices are the classes of elements of Z(M), and each pair of distinct classes [a] and [b] are adjacent if and only if AnnM(a) + AnnM(b) is an essential submodule of M.

The following remark which we include for the reader’s convenience is based on the Theorems 5 and 6 and Corollary 2.

Remark 1

Let M be an R-module and let [a],[b] be two distinct vertices of AER(M). Then, the following statements hold: (i) If ar(AnnR(M)), then [a] is a universal vertex of AER(M). (ii) If abM = 0, then [a],[b] are adjacent in AER(M). (iii) If AnnM(a),AnnM(b) are prime submodules of M, then [a],[b] are adjacent in AER(M). (iv) Let a, br(AnnR(M)) and AnnM(a) be a prime submodule of M. Then, [a],[b] are adjacent in AER(M) if and only if \(\text {Ann}_{M}(b) \not \subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\).

The following example shows that AER(M) can be an empty graph.

Example 2

Consider M = × 6 as a -module. Thus, AnnM(2) = 0 × 36, AnnM(3) = 0 × 26 and AnnM(6) = 0 × 6. Hence, AE(M) is an empty graph with vertices [2, 3] and [6].

Theorem 7

LetM be a NoetherianR-module. Then,AER(M) isnot a connected graph if and only if\(r({\text {Ann}_{R}(M)})= 0\)andthere exists an elementaZ(M)suchthat\(\text {Ann}_{M}(a) \subseteq \cap _{P\in \mathrm {m}-\text {Ass}_{R}(M)} P\).


(⇒) Assume that AER(M) is not connected. Thus, r(AnnR(M)) = 0, otherwise, by Remark 1 (i), AER(M) has a universal vertex which is a contradiction. Also, Remark 1 (iii) implies that the induced subgraph of elements of m −AssR(M) is complete; hence, by hypothesis, there exists aZ(M) such that AnnM(a) is not prime and [a] is not joint with any element of m −AssR(M). Therefore, \(\text {Ann}_{M}(a) \subseteq \cap _{P\in \mathrm {m}-\text {Ass}_{R}(M)} P\) by Remark 1 (iv).

(⇐) Let r(AnnR(M)) = 0 and let there be an element a in Z(M) such that \(\text {Ann}_{M}(a) \subseteq \cap _{P\in \mathrm {m}-\text {Ass}_{R}(M)} P\). We have to show that [a] is an isolated vertex in AER(M). By hypothesis and Remark 1 (iv), [a] is not adjacent with any element of \(\mathrm {m}-\text {Ass}_{R}(M)\). On the other hand, if \(\text {Ann}_{M}(b)\not \in \mathrm {m}-\text {Ass}_{R}(M)\), then \(\text {Ann}_{M}(b)\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(c)\), for some cR with \(\text {Ann}_{M}(c)\in \mathrm {m}-\text {Ass}_{R}(M)\). Thus, \(\text {Ann}_{M}(a)+ \text {Ann}_{M}(c)\) is not an essential submodule of M. Hence, AnnM(a) + AnnM(b) is not an essential submodule of M, and so [a] and [b] are not adjacent. Therefore, [a] is an isolated vertex and AER(M) is not connected. □

Corollary 3

LetM be a NoetherianR-module. Then,AER(M) isa connected graph if and only if eitherr(AnnR(M))≠ 0 orfor eachaZ(M)thereexistsP ∈m −AssR(M) suchthat\(\text {Ann}_{M}(a) \not \subseteq P\).

Theorem 8

LetM be a NoetherianR-module. IfAER(M) isa connected graph, thendiamAER(M) ≤ 3.


If r(AnnR(M))≠ 0, then AER(M) has a universal vertex and therefore we have diamAER(M) ≤ 2. Now, let r(AnnR(M)) = 0 and [a],[b] are two distinct vertices of AER(M). By assumption, AER(M) is connected, so there exist \(a^{\prime },b^{\prime }\in Z(M)^{*}\) such that \(\text {Ann}_{M}(a^{\prime }),\)\( \text {Ann}_{M}(b^{\prime })\) are prime submodules of M and \(\text {Ann}_{M}(a)\not \subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a^{\prime })\) and \(\text {Ann}_{M}(b)\not \subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(b^{\prime })\). Thus, by Remark 1 (iv), if \([a^{\prime }]=[b^{\prime }]\), then \([a]-[a^{\prime }]-[b]\) is a path, and if \([a^{\prime }]\neq [b^{\prime }]\), then \([a]-[a^{\prime }]-[b^{\prime }]-[b]\) is a path and so diamAER(M) ≤ 3. □

To see that the bound is sharp, notice that equality holds for 30. It is easy to see that \(\mathrm {diam } AE_{\Bbb Z_{30}}(\Bbb Z_{30})= 3\).

Corollary 4

If R is Noetherian, thenAER(R) isconnected and diamAER(R) ≤ 3.


It is an immediate consequence of Theorems 7 and 8. □

Theorem 9

LetM be a Noetherian module and letAER(M) bea connected graph. IfAER(M) hasa cycle, then gr(AER(M)) ≤ 4.


If r(AnnR(M))≠ 0 or ∣m −AssR(M)∣ ≥ 3, then the result follows by Remark 1 (i) and (iii). Assume that r(AnnR(M)) = 0 and ∣m −AssR(M)∣ ≤ 2. Thus, we have ∣m −AssR(M)∣ = 2 since AER(M) is connected. Suppose that AnnR(a) and AnnR(b) are two prime submodules of M and [c] is an arbitrary vertex of AER(M). Then, [c] is adjacent to [a] or [b], by Corollary 3 and Remark 1 (iv). Thus, we have a cycle of length at most four and therefore gr(AER(M)) ≤ 4. □

Theorem 10

LetM be a NoetherianR-module. Then, the following statements are true: (i) Ifr(AnnR(M)) = 0,thenω(AER(M)) = ∣m −AssR(M)∣. (ii) Ifr(AnnR(M)) = AnnR(M)≠ 0,thenω(AER(M)) = ∣m −AssR(M)∣ + 1.


(i) Let n := ω(AER(M)) and k := ∣m −AssR(M)∣. Then, by Remark 1 (iii), kn. If AnnM(a) is not a prime submodule, then there is an annihilator prime submodule AnnM(b) such that [a] and [b] are not adjacent by Remark 1 (iv), where a, bZ(M). Assume that H is a maximal clique and k < n. So, there is a vertex of m −AssR(M) which is not a vertex of H. Assume that H contains kt vertices of m −AssR(M), where t > 0. Thus, at least t + 1 vertices of H are adjacent to kt vertices of m −AssR(M) and could not be adjacent to all other t vertices of m −AssR(M). Hence, there exist at least two vertices [c],[d] of H that are not adjacent to a vertex [e] of m −AssR(M). Then, \(\text {Ann}_{M}(c)+ \text {Ann}_{M}(d) \subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(e)\) and AnnM(e) is not essential, by Theorem 5 (iii). Thus, [c],[d] are not adjacent and it is a contradiction. Hence, k = n.

(ii) Assume that a ∈AnnR(M). Thus, [a] is a universal vertex of AER(M). Now, by a similar argument to that of (i), the result follows. □

Theorem 11

LetM be a NoetherianR-module andr(AnnR(M)) = 0.Then, the following statements are equivalent: (i) AER(M) isa complete graph; (ii) AnnM(a) isa prime submodule of M, for allaZ(M); (iii) AER(M) = K1orK2.


(i) ⇒ (ii) Assume that aZ(M). If AnnM(a) is a maximal element of X = {AnnM(b) : b∉AnnR(M)}, then it is a prime submodule of M and the result follows. Otherwise, there is bZ(M) such that AnnM(b) is a maximal element of X and \( \text {Ann}_{M}(a) \subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(b)\). Thus, [a] is not adjacent to [b] by Remark 1 (iv) contrary to assumption. Hence, AnnM(a) is a prime submodule of M, for all aZ(M).

(ii) ⇒ (i) It is obvious by Remark 1 (iii).

(i) ⇒ (iii) Assume that a, b, cZ(M) and assume [a],[b],[c] are all distinct vertices of AER(M). Thus, in view of (i) ⇔ (ii) and Theorem 6 (ii), we have ab = ac = bc = 0. Hence, a(b + c) = 0 and so b + cZ(M). Therefore, [b + c] is a vertex of AER(M). If [b + c] and [b] are two distinct vertices of AER(M), then by assumption [b + c] and [b] are adjacent and so as above 0 = b(b + c) = b2 which implies that br(AnnR(M)) = 0; this is a contradiction. Now, assume that [b + c] = [b]. Thus, AnnM(b + c) = AnnM(b). So that, \(cM\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(b)=\text {Ann}_{M}(b+c)\). Thus, (b + c)cM = 0 and so c2 = 0. It leads to a similar contradiction. Hence, AER(M) has at most two vertices.

(iii) ⇒ (i) It is obvious. □

Theorem 12

LetM be anR-module and AnnR(M)≠ 0.Then, the following statements are true: (i) IfAER(M) isa star graph with more than two vertices, thenAnnR(M) isa prime ideal ofR. (ii) IfM is Noetherian and AnnR(M) isa prime ideal ofR, thenAER(M) isa star graph.


(i) Assume that AER(M) is a star graph with center vertex [c], where c ∈AnnR(M). We have to show that AnnR(M) is a prime ideal of R. Assume that a, bR and abM = 0. If either aM = 0 or bM = 0, we are done. Otherwise, with condition AnnM(a)≠AnnM(b), [a] and [b] are adjacent in AER(M), by Remark 1 (ii). So that we can assume that [a] = [c] and then AnnM(a) = AnnM(c) which implies that a ∈AnnR(M), a contradiction. Hence, AnnM(a) = AnnM(b). Thus, a2M = 0 and so ar(AnnR(M)) and [a] is the center vertex of AER(M) by Remark 1 (i) is again a contradiction. Therefore, either aM = 0 or bM = 0 and AnnR(M) is a prime ideal of R.

(ii) In view of Corollary 1, ∣m −AssR(M)∣ = 1. Let AnnM(a) be the unique element of m −AssR(M) and so the unique maximal element of X = {AnnM(b) : b∉AnnR(M)}. Then, AnnM(a) is not an essential submodule of M, by Theorem 5. Assume that b, cZ(M) ∖AnnR(M). Thus, \(\text {Ann}_{M}(b)+\text {Ann}_{M}(c)\subseteq \text {Ann}_{M}(a)\) and so AnnM(b) + AnnM(c) is not essential submodule of M. Hence, [b] and [c] are not adjacent in AER(M). Therefore, all vertices of AER(M) are adjacent to [d] where d ∈AnnR(M) that implies AER(M) is a star graph. □

The annihilator essential graph AER(R) and the graph of equivalence classes of zero divisors ΓE(R) have the same vertex sets (see [10]). Moreover, if [a],[b] are adjacent vertices of ΓE(R), then ab = 0, so by Remark 1 (ii), [a],[b] are adjacent in AER(R). Therefore, ΓE(R) is a subgraph of AER(R). Now, the question arises as when these graphs are the same?

Theorem 13

If R is a reduced ring, thenAER(R) = ΓE(R).


Assume that [a],[b] are adjacent in AER(R). Then, AnnR(a) + AnnR(b) is an essential ideal of R. If ab≠ 0, then (AnnR(a) + AnnR(b)) ∩ abR≠ 0. Thus, there exist rR, s ∈AnnR(a) and t ∈AnnR(b) such that 0≠abr = s + t. Hence, a2b2r = 0, and so abr ∈Nil(R) = 0 is a contradiction. Thus, ab = 0. The converse is true by the previous paragraph. □

Let p be a prime number and \(R= \Bbb Z_{p^{3}}\). Then, \(AE_{R}(R)={\Gamma }_{E}(R)= K_{2}\), but \(\text {Nil}(R)\neq 0\). So that the converse of Theorem 13 is not true necessarily.

Theorem 14

Let R be a Noetherian non-reduced ring andAER(R) = ΓE(R).Then, the following statements are true: (i) Z(R) = AnnR(a),for somea ∈Nil(R). (ii) If AnnR(a) isan essential ideal ofR, thena ∈Nil(R). (iii) Nil(R) = r(AnnR(Z(R))).


(i) Assume that 0≠x ∈Nil(R) thus AnnR(x) is an essential ideal of R, see Theorem 5 (ii), and so x is a universal vertex of AER(R). Hence, by assumption, either \(\text {Ann}_{R}(x)=\text {Ann}_{R}(y)\) or xy = 0, for all yZ(R). We first show that Z(R) is an ideal of R. Let a, bZ(R). It is enough to show that a + bZ(R). If \(\text {Ann}_{R}(b)=\text {Ann}_{R}(a)\), then we are done. Thus, assume that \(\text {Ann}_{R}(b)\neq \text {Ann}_{R}(a)\). If \(\text {Ann}_{R}(x)= \text {Ann}_{R}(a)\), then there is an integer n such that \(x^{n}a = 0\) and xn≠ 0. Moreover xb = 0 since \(\text {Ann}_{R}(x)\neq \text {Ann}_{R}(b)\). Hence, xn(a + b) = 0 and so a + bZ(R). If \(\text {Ann}_{R}(x)\neq \text {Ann}_{R}(a)\) and AnnR(x)≠AnnR(b), then xa = xb = 0 which implies that x(a + b) = 0 and a + bZ(R). Thus, Z(R) is an ideal of R. We have \(Z(R)= \cup _{\text {Ann}_{R}(x)\in \text {Ass}_{R}(R)}\text {Ann}_{R}(x)\). Thus, by Prime Avoidance Theorem \(Z(R)=\text {Ann}_{R}(a)\), for some aZ(R). Furthermore, by aZ(R) = AnnR(a), it follows that a2 = 0 and a ∈Nil(R).

(ii) Let aR and assume that AnnR(a) is an essential ideal of R. If AnnR(a) = AnnR(a2), then AnnR(a) ∩ Ra = 0. Thus, by hypotheses Ra = 0 and so a = 0 ∈Nil(R). Now, assume that AnnR(a)≠AnnR(a2). Thus, [a],[a2] are two distinct adjacent vertices of AE(R). Hence, by assumption, a3 = 0 and therefore a ∈Nil(R).

(iii) Let ar(AnnR(Z(R))). Then, anZ(R) = 0, for some integer n, and so an+ 1 = 0 since aZ(R). Hence, a ∈Nil(R) and therefore \(r(\text {Ann}_{R}(Z(R))) \subseteq \text {Nil}(R)\). Assume that Z(R) is generated by \(a_{1}, a_{2}, \dots , a_{n}\) and a ∈Nil(R). Then, by hypotheses and Remark 1 (i), for all \(i = 1,2,\dots , n\), either aai = 0 or AnnR(ai) = AnnR(a). If aai = 0 for all \(i = 1,2,\dots , n\), then a ∈AnnR(Z(R)). Now, assume that there is j with 1 ≤ jn such that AnnR(aj) = AnnR(a). Thus, akaj = 0 for some integer k. Thus, akai = 0, for all \(i = 1,2,\dots , n\) that implies ar(AnnR(Z(R))). So, \(\text {Nil}(R)\subseteq r(\text {Ann}_{R}(Z(R)))\). □

Theorem 15

Let R be a Noetherian ring and letAER(R) bea graph with at least four vertices. Then,AER(R) isnot a cycle graph.


Let AER(R) be a cycle graph with vertices [a1],⋯ ,[an]. Then, [11, Proposition 1.8] implies that AER(R)≠ΓE(R) so we can assume that [a1],[an] are not adjacent in ΓE(R). Thus, in view of [11, Corollary 3.3], it follows that AnnR(a2),AnnR(an− 1) are prime ideal of R. Hence, [a2],[an− 1] are adjacent in AER(R), by Remark 1 (iii). So that n = 4 and moreover ΓE(R) is the path [a1] − [a2] − [a3] − [a4]. Now, a1a4Z(R) and AnnR(a1a4)≠AnnR(ai), for all i with 1 ≤ i ≤ 4 since a1a3≠ 0, a2a4≠ 0 and \({a_{2}^{2}}\neq 0\). Therefore, AER(R) is not a cycle graph. □

Theorem 16

IfM is a faithful multiplicationR-module, thenAER(R) andAER(M) areisomorphic.


Let a, bZ(M); we show that AnnR(a) = AnnR(b) if and only if AnnM(a) = AnnM(b). Let AnnR(a) = AnnR(b). Then, AnnR(aM) = AnnR(bM) since M is faithful. Thus, AnnM(a) = AnnR(aM)M = AnnR(bM)M = AnnM(b) since M is multiplication. Conversely, if AnnM(a) = AnnM(b), then AnnR(aM) = AnnR(bM) by Lemma 1. So that AnnR(a) = AnnR(b). Now, in view of [1, Theorem 2.13], AnnR(a) + AnnR(b) is an essential ideal of R if and only if AnnM(a) + AnnM(b) is an essential submodule of M. Therefore, AER(R) and AER(M) are isomorphic. □